4 4 i T1IK HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JAN UAH Y 1. liHi. 13 1 "Why Not Buy It in Omaha?" i When an Omaha manufacturer makes as good an article as is produced by a foreign 1 1 factory why not buy the Omaha product? By doing so, you help build up Omaha's irf industries, and thereby directly assist in making Omaha a better place in which to If live yourself. And all this costs you nothing extra, for Omaha made goods cost no f I more than the other kind. "IDEAL" SHIRTS are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world. No matter what style you wish, or what price you wish to pay, Omaha's leading stores can supply you with an j "IDEAL" shirt to meet your needs. "MINA TAYLOR" DRESSES are quality garments which women will appreciate. They have many points of superi ority. Particular women will find them a real joy in comfort and durability. You will find them on sale in Omaha's leading stores. Look for the label when buying. M. E. SMITH . CO. Sole Manufacturers, OMAHA ifaliiiiiliiiliituta CO-PA-CO We Extend The Season9 s Greetings and ask you to make this reso lution: Resolved, That I will make my home or business house bright and cheerful in 1916 by a coat of CO-PA-CO Paint THE BEST PAINT MADE. G, R. Cook Paint Go, 1812 Kama m Street OMAHA M ARSHALL I ' PAPER COMPANY WHOLESALE PAPER AND STATIONERY 1916 1916 Greetings for the New Year FROM THE BE A CON PRESS "BETTER PRINTERS" The Leading Printing House of the Middle West Specializing in High Grade Catalogs, Booklets, Steel Die Embossed Stationery, Engraved Wed ding Invitations and Society Announcements The Quality is Always Assured When It Comes From THE BEACON PRESS 1210-1212 Howard Street, Omaha, Nebraska OMAHA COLD STORAGE CO. Manufacturers Creamery Butter Wholesale Buttir, Eggs v and Poultry PUBLIC COLD STORAGE May this convey our sincere appreciation of every opportunity given us to serve you in the past. Our cordial good wishes for the year to come, and that this year may Indeed be one of the greatest happiness for you and yours. Elartman Furniture & Carpet Gompany 2$ BRANCH OP CRANK CO., CHICAGO. FOURBKD BY R. T. CRANK, IMS s 8- s 8 CRANE CO. 323 OO. 10th 8T. OMAHA Established 189t JOSEPH POLACK Wholesale Produce. COMMISSION MERCHANT BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY. 1213 Howard St, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. To oar Friends and Customers we wish a Happy and Prosperous New Year S2525525Z52Si llancock-Epsten Go. Art Lithographer Barnhart Brothers & Spindler TYPE 1114-1116 Howard Street S. J. Potter, Manager W. O. Perry. Ref. Merchant Jfat'l Bank. Wholesale Butterine Jelke'i Good Luck Brand . PERRY (EL COMPANY BUTTER 413 Sooth 11th Street OMAHA Wholesale Dealers and Cash Buyer EGOS POULTRY ETC. The Old Line Bankers Life Insur. ance Company of Lincoln, Ne braska, wishes that you may live forever, but you won't. "Think It Over." Killy-Ellis&Thompson General Agents. Assets over nine million dollars. 913-14 City National Bank Bldf, OMAHA. Tol. Doug. 2819 r Greetings of the Season Eemis Omaha Bag Company Omaha, Nebraska a 3 3 8 8 8 1916 1916