Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1915, Page 6, Image 6
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 31, mo. By MELLITICIA. Thursday, December 30, 1915. I CANNOT forbear plying eclssore and paste this morning aa I read the following editorial In the Chicago Tribune. If there la anything about It that aeema too Jarring at certain points, bear It bravely and meet truth In a head-on collision for once: "It it rather strange that being In society, though It Is an occupation bearing all the eartnarka of a profession or an art, does not admit a frank confession of the necessity of publicity; "Politlclana, musicians and actora are frank about It at any rate, roll ticlana prefer to be roasted rather than forgotten. They are willing to ad mit that publicity Is their life. "Society la Just as dependent, but will not admit It. Communities are too large these days to trust to word of mouth. There is no promenade where the person distinguished for wealth or wit may make himself or herself known to the multitude. The king of Spain might walk down Michi gan avenue without evoking a whisper, unless, of course, he was In uniform. The only place left la the newspaper. There they may be marked as the $30,000 heiress, the popular hostess or the fascinating leader of cotillons. "An ad in the social column Is not even satire, though It aets the teeth on edge. It la the truth." The beauty of the whole thing la that the Chicago Tribune la the voice of membera of the smartest set, not in one town alone, but in Washington, New York and Newport as well, and Europe, too. B'nai Ami Club Dance. The B'Nil Ami club entertained at an Informal dancing- party Christmas nlBht, at Miss Cooper's private dancing acad emy. Tha following members and guest were present: Misses Sophia WXnsteln, Kdllh Alperson, lollle Horn, harah Llppman of Bloux City, Nora Trod, Mettle Cohen. Jennie Hlumenthal, rtha W hlte, Florence Htvames. Harah Artier, Anette Tokman of Moult City. Belle Newman, Doretta Adler, Messrs. Maxwell Fromkln of Chicago, Harry Knader, Edward Hnadcir, lJavId Oreenberf, Krneat Meyer, Samuel K Cohn, A I Wuhlner, Ivld Ferer, Nathan Kaduer, Abe I a Kalelnian, Hamuel Cullman, llnrrv Hrhloaa of Klou City, Sam Psllsman of Counrll Bluffs, Immanuel Yousem, Misses Sylvia .Moskovlt. Anna Milder, Kva Alplrn, Minnie Ark In, Mollis Wolf, Slyvla KulRkofsky, Harah Kuben, Sadie Rotholi. loulne ruhiwnberser. Anna kuiiv, MIMan Adler,' (Vila Uiitlman, Sarah I -eon of Des M olnea, Hiith K. Gross, Messrs. Kpliialm Youaem, I. A, htnllmaater, Sam Hlotnlrk of Siou City, Nat Wallerbera;, Osnlua Marcus, I'hll Uoldhlatt Of Hloux Clly, Samuel Colin, Jultua Arkln, Max A. Kullv. J'. D. Chernlss of Kanana City, Mnrria Katelman. Moe A, Vann, Joseph are,nlers:, Merman Uoldsmith, o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. . , Mr. and Mrs. Sunderland left for Chi cago after the ceremony and will be In Omaha Sunday aa guests of Mr. and Mr. K. M. Sunderland. Mrs. Sunderland's family are prominent In Kansas City social life and many af fairs have been planned In honor of the young couple While In Omaha. A lunch eon will be given Monday at the Uni versity club and the K. M. Sunderlands give a dinner at their home Tuesday evening. For Out-of-Town GueiU. Mr. and Mra J. W. Griffith enter tained at dinner Wednesday evening, complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heyward, Jr., of Pittsburgh, and Miss Elisa Smith of Wilmington, who Is the guest of her slater, Mrs. Walter Griffith. Christmas decorations brightened the dinner table, covers at which were placed for: Messrs. and Mesdnmes Thomas Heyward, yj. W. Griffith. found In the Individual mince plea The club will meet hereafter every two weeks fcr a Bible study hour followed by a social time. Those present were: Mlsa Elsla Llnehsrt, I.llllan Ht ser, K.ll Umlmr Anna Campbell, Gertrude Calvert. Glndys Anderson, Me,mes K. Kroyer. Wslter Griffith. Helen Kneneter. Helen Van L'usen. ttlesi s. Al lltiech. I'enn Van Ilusen Misses. Elian Smith. Messrs. Edwin Husch. Ieon Callahan. For Edward Crofoot. Mra. K. W. Nash will give a dluner "nnce this evening for her grandson, Ed waid Crufoot, who Is home on hla holiday vacation. The affair villi be given In Mrs. Nash's home, whleli will be decorated In f'hrixtnvta on 1 emblems. The rtln Ing tnhle will have a centerpiece of poln eettlns, Thoao presort will be: M ish ' Vlr: I'll Profit. r I cl , (. I a .ic:i 1 ri- I cod, Me srs. 1 i w ru i rofooi. 1 homo Kinilr, Wrl!ttl I artrn, harp s I ur . L)o ikl'ia 1 e.trs, i x in. u i K it ni , Mlises VI Hn'a Offutt. hut arine Hsrton, r arrlJt Smith. . lalie Duugherty. Messrs ! iison Neville, Rav Millnrd, 1 ui delta Klrkrndall, 1 ewia burdens, JiiiitM V)iuaii. Charles AIIIhoii. Ldward Daufcherty. Ml. lard Mil ard. For Dr. Leavens. Mr. and Mra. Cliarlea W. Russell will entertain at dinner Friday evening to eighteen guests In honor of Ur. Hobert F. leavens of Fltchuurg. Mane., who la In Omaha In the Interests of the Unitarian society. The reception which was to be held after the Kussvll dinner Friday evening has been postponed until next week at a date to be announced later. ' The reception will be given at the Uni tarian I'atisli house. Dr. Leavens will give a talk at Turpln's hall Sunday afternoon at 130 o'clock. TV, Daniant at Fontenelle. Mrs. Flmer Neville, assisted by Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson, gave a delightful en tertainment this afternoon In honor of Mlsa Florence Neville and Mr. Eugene Neville, now home on their holiday vaca tion. The small ballroom of the Fonte nelle, with the private dining room ad joining, were reserved for the occasion, and a tea dansant was given from 3 to o'clock to sixty-five guests of the younger set. On the Calendar. McKlnley lodge of the B'nal B'rlth slvea a dancing party at Chambers' acad emy New Year'a night. Miss MUry Nygaard will entertain In formally this evening for Miss Anna Helm, who Is home. during the holidays from the Indies' Lutheran seminary. Red Wing. Minn. About fourteen gueats will be present. Tha flve-yrar reunion of the C-Sentala riillathee. class of the First Christian church will be held at the home of Mrs. J. H, Kllsberrr. 8J25 South Ninth street Friday evening. It will be in the form of a waUh party. Mr. Will Parker of Gary. Ind.. will show pictures of hla e.uvmita trip wmcn ne completed re cently. About IU) Invitations has been Issued. Mr. O.arlea Allison will entertain thirty-two guests at a box party at the lirandels theater Friday evening In honor of Mesara. Charles and I ewls Burtess. A supper at the Allison home will follow, after which the party will go to the Hotel FotiWnelie to watch the old year out. Suffrage Luncheon. The bu.ual Franchise society gave a luncheon at, the Commercial club this afternoon In honor of Mra. R. 11. Steveni . of Syracuse, N. T.t formerly Miaa Irene Hamilton of Omaha. Mra Stevens was Introduced ly Mra. C. U. He Men. One hundred and eighteen gueats were prea-1 enL The decorations were pink rosea. At the tpe&kvrs' table were: . Mesdsmes Mesdsmee It. Ji. fcitvrtt. Pbllin HoiKr. lriT Mini,,, Jsiitea lilrhardaon. . l.fcrirs . . ftosscii, .ioeein f Olt ar, F. M. Smith, Mrs. If. A. Qulnn of Council Bluffs. For the opening performance of "Peg O' My Ilenrt" Thursday evening reserva tions have been made by the following: Pr. Jennings of Council Bluffs. J. A. Cavers, Mr. fandham, William H. Clark, Mrs. Pinto. Friday evening's reservations Include tho following: Ben Gallagher, II. O. Si mon, Mra. E. Hart of Council Bluffs, Mr. Hyland, Mr. Carey, J. B. Minor, Mr. Mulr head. Random Notes of Society. Miss Myrtle May returned home Wednesday evening after a two weeks' sojourn In Oklahoma Clly. ites-laterlng at the Hotel McAlpIn In New Tork City during the last week have been: Mr. I,. F. Jacobs, Mr. Abe Hers berg, Jr., and Mr. N. F. Morehouse. Mr. J. It. Berry of Rock Rapids. la., and Mrs. P. If. Dav:a of Norfolk. Neb., arrived Tuesday to be guests at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Thompson until after the Forrey-Thompson wed Clny, which will be celebrated New Tear's day. Mlsa Florence Ixng will leave thU week for Chicago to spend a me time wlt4 her sister, Mrs. J. P. Seymour, who was formerly Mlsa Nilie Long of Omaha. For Southern Gueat. Mlsa Mona Cowell entertained at lunch eon this afternoon at the Omaha club In honor of Mlsa Ellse Smith of Wil mington, N. C, who la the guest of her' sister, Mrs. Walter Griffith. The tahlo had a little Christmas tree in the center surrounded by red candles. Those pres ent were: Misses Misses Ellse Hmlth, Frances Hochstctlcr. Janet Hall. Krna, Reed. Dorothy Hall, Mona Cowell. Anna Clifford, Mra. Walter Griffith. i 1 For Mr. Roberts. In honor f Mr. C. If. Robert of Beau mont, Tex., the guest of Mr. Warren Hamilton, there will be an Orpheum theater party, followed by aupper at the Hotel Fontenelle this evening. The party Includes: Mrs. Ilonrv Covington Butler of Rich mond. Va. School Set at Dinner. One of the many affairs of the day for the school set will be a dinner, given this evening by Mrs. K. G. McGllton. at her home for her daughter. Miss Eleanor McOilton, who attends Smith college. The tnble will be decorated In Christmas scheme with red candles and red shades and tied with tulle. The se present will Le: Mlsses-i Misses FleanorMcGllton. Martha Noble. Harriot Sherman, Wertrurte. Htouu Ml Irene Moiilthrop, i-.rri Kinian. Myrtle Hmlsor. Jess), Bellls. Ruby Pavey, hrina K I' linn, Mesdames J. Calvert Entertaini Girl Friendi. Miss Gladys Shsjnp entertained In formally Wednesday afternoon In honor of some of her girl friends, home for the holidays. The decorations were In red and white. Flowers were given as favors. Those present were: Misses Elisabeth Rlbert. olKa Anderson, (Jllitn Frtrlv I.ucilA Hall. Misses- Ruth Weller, lone Bcott. I tti a Unit Helen Possner. Kugenln hrennan. Luclle Scott. 1 IH an Anderson. Gertrude Klauck. PIONEERS TO WATCH THE OLD YEAR OUT The Douglaa County Association of Ne braska Pioneers will watch the old year out this evening in their room In the court house, and all membera must wear their badges, for none w!l be ad mitted without them, except the Im mediate members of their families. Cold nlasts tana Sciatica. Sloan's Liniment will help your sci atica. Get a 26c bottle now; It penetrates: kills tha pain; stops many aches. All druggists. Advertisement. PHYSICIANS URGE PUBLIC HOSPITAL Endone Suggestion by The Bee that City and County Officials Oet Together at Once. OMAHA BEHIND OTHER CITIES Omaha physicians heartily endorse the position of The Bee in urging that city and county officials get together at an early date for consideration of ,i municipal hospital which will meet the needs of this metropolis. "This Is the only city of Its slxe that t can think of where a city hospital worthy of the name Is not provided," de clared Dr. Newell Jonea. "I can say from observations and experience that Omaha should have a public hospital. with Isolation wards. I had a patient yesterday, a child, whose case seemed to be diphtheria. There was no place where the girl could be taken for proper ob servation. There Is real need for the In stltut on In question and I believe now Is the time to consider the matter seri ously." Dr. Frederick J. Wearne said: "We need a public hospital worth while. We should make It possible to remove all patients having contagious disease and thus af ford others In the same dwelling to have freedom to go and come. That Is only a phase of the situation. Omaha la a large city now and needs a modern and adequate) publlo hospital with Isolation wards." Other Cities Lead Oaaaka. "At the present time we have evidence of the real need of a large hospital, with wards for various classes of patients, ss you will find In nearly every other city of the land," said Dr. M. J. Ford. Othere physicians offered similar ex pressions. Unusual prevalence of scarlet fever at this time, not regarded as a setiowa epedemlc, necessitated the health com missioner to call upon the council for an emergency appropriation of $2,000 for rent and maintenance of a small private hos pital at Twenty-second and Lake streets. The so-called City Emergency hospital at 912 Douglas atreet has a capacity of about sixty patients and has reached Its capacity. The city Is without anything which might be termed a public hospital. Many city cases are even sent to St. JotepH hospital for treatment. GRIFFIN LOOKS FOR BIG vr-sn nil ainDTUlACCT mAST. I Cfvn Ul muniimugi w v. E. C. Griffin, general agent for th Northwestern, with the north Psclfla coast country as his territory and Fort, land. Ore., as his headquarters, has re turned home accompanied by his wlfs and daughters. Mr. Griffin had been spending his holiday vacation with friendel and relatives In Omaha. Mr. Griffin looks for considerable of at boom throughout tbe entire Faclflo coast country next year. He asserts that there) Is evidence of a revival In the lumber to dustry, and that toward the eaat theraj will be a good movement of building ma terial as soon as winter ends. A good many settlers are coming Into the Pa clfic coast country, buying up cheap a& rlcultural lands and developing farms. i Read The Bee Want Ads. It paysl rissaUtaa wsssa a RBI BIG DISCOUNT SALE J0UJ OH Helen Pearce. lxla Robbina. Margaret Loornls, Messrs. Carr Rlngwalt. Grace Slnbaneh Msrimret W'lhelm, Florence Hussell, Messrs Morton Wakeley. Thompson Wakelev.I avld Noble, Kdward Pearley, Maurice Broaan, Arthur Ixtomls, Itollln Sherman, John Brotherton, Maurice Loomls. Dance for School Set. Hadyn Ahmonson entertained Infor mally at a dance at his home Tuesday evening, for membera of tha High School set. Those piesent were: Misses Misses Helen Belsel. Sylvia Hoover. Frances Waterman. Artlce Carter, Koberta Coulter. Eleanor Gallagher. Kd. Howern, Messrs. Harold Ne son. Ferold Iovejoy, Kdward Zlnfel. George Carter, lladyn Ahmonson, Cowgilli Entertained. The Chartea Kountses give a dinner preceding the Subscription dance this evening. In honor of the F. 8. Cowgills, who will soon leave permanently for Chicago. The dinner will be given In the Kountxe home to thirty guests and the decoratlona wilt be pink roses, Keminrton Club Affair. Mrs. John Calvert entertained the Benson Toung Women's Kensington club at a Christmas buffet dinner Tuesday evening. Favors for each guest were V lssca Marjorie Howland, Anne Ulfford, Mesara. ' Newman Benson, Philip Mets. Misses Gertrude Metx, fciiKerla Patterson. Messrs. C. H. Roberts. Warren Hamilton. Clnb Tea. .Mrs. Charles J. Hubbard served 4 o'clock tea to the J. F. W. club this after noon. Twenty guests were present. Weds in Eanias City. The marriage of Mies Muriel Whit ley, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Charles Lincoln Whitley of Kansas City, to Mr. Elmer James Sunderland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester P. Sunderland or Omaha, waa solemnised Tueaday evening at I Hotel Loyal Cafe New Year's Eve Make Reservations Now n ass iiiu uasciuciii Girl's Department Any Cirl'a Coat. ; gee 2 to 6, and 6 ta 14 yaara, former prices 3.5, $4.93 and O Q C $5.95. apecial 4aCe70 Doxana of new, pretty, up-to-date costs, made of chinchilla, fancy rough clothe, mlxturea, plaids and many other fine and desirable materia la. Coata for dreaa as wall as school wear. A great 8peelal Lot of Odda and Enda In Glrle' Coata, agea 2 to' 6, and 6 to 14 yeara, now grouped Into one big lot, $2.50 to 94.00 values, (1 fl C Friday, at OlaUO All good, up-to-date atylsa 'of varloue klnda of desirable ma- V""'a. tc. Our Greatest January White Sale Begins Monday Next and will establish a high record in value, variety of stocks and in the savings our customers may share. .- f .mi iiwmi irn irrni "S j ts. j x Tiannei. saio price, eacrt - " i t- ry x- -- ' . ---! . y x f X V Blankets and Comforts Double Cotton Blanketa for alngle beds or cots. Soft fleece. Gray, white and tan. OQ Worth to 60c, spe., palr.OcC Heavy Full 8lze Brown Mot tled Double Blanketa, for full aize beds. Regular Q Q 1.25 quality, pair Large Size White Cotton Filled Comforta, tied and atltched. Fast colored silkollne covered. Regular 91.25 quality, J 1 apecial, each V X Blanket Remnants, large size and extra heavy cotton blanket remnanta, In gray and tan; au It able for comfort covering and children's beda, etc Equal to 4 or 5 yards of 15c outing 1A fiT 1 as 1 I i r 11 S Ml MtfiVU !IQ DISGOOUT SALE E10U QJ i T - P m a- i .4: -- 72-1?'-' ' ""J Ta wv w a ' M 1 Eyest season In many years -rrA in Washineton. with Conzress in session and the) social life) of the capital at its ,L1I1 "fllli!!,,.. k.Ukt m. I i .i:....Ur i . IllJ 'il'lVl ' 111 re,ai" ira biiui mi iuis w w asnmpOD, 'vsi-m 1J'i- S auiu mo viuy one runnuiK aoiia aui-steei. r" electric-lighted trains without changt Between uucago and waahlnfiton is the f Baltimore & Ohio I. si Irs K. Johannes. it iianiiivii, AlWliisun. f. .'. Hei.t.-iv, Jii)in Halt win, V rtni'is A. lnogsn, Z. T. Uiidwy. li4 Jcantte UcDunald. At tie Erandtit Theater. ra-rtlea at the lirandvls theater to wit ness the opening performance of "flobln Hood" Tueaday eveulug included tha fol- iosrlr.g: A. U. Nelson. K P. Loiing. J. A. f afS. A. M. Borglum. Joe B. Redfleld, Jli-a. 14' He, C. K. brown, Ehlpherd. Wjullam if. Clara, rrk Billings. U. Kay, VtA lircdtKaard, Mr. and Mrs. & T. gTute, A. ii. Warreti, C. K. BwaAaon of uuiv 11 liluffs. J. U. Oan of Bouth I Onutha ir j Ir. V. L. Drldges. V!jiiiiio r:i- Wrdufsday afternoon given ty ilrs. U. H. Wllaon, H. li. 'i ,)c, lr. ll y.os Utilner. It. K. Wikoi, Every modern convenience of travel over the "$100,000,000 A r ' V tltlVCi WW 4 UJ IStVU,VUU,1 Better" route with its new roadbed, its luxurious trains and k" aiiev uuuiik-cv Bcrvjce, uDerai stopover pnvueeea, ; Fotu? sp!enllJ a!Uteei through trains from Chicago daily J f TWe lattats Ssaclal I saves Chicago at 10 . ArrtvM A' i J , f SI cb.rM ta Nsw York, nlUDdad U etsawvar U aaada aa ' '' ' route. Ha asua fare to Waahuctoa. .nii(t, Tk.MVl.llu-Al , . . . J.ftflVUtlli - WualsfiMi 4.41 p.Dk DajrlightrldstiueugbUwaMiuajtalaa. ' w Kpvw MBVM VMCeCO at att a. aa, Arnvae Wastttuatoa .1S a. aa. TV Nw Yirii Eiamt-Umt Chlsage at a a. a. es s v w vt aWUltglWII VdW las) All train Imvs Orand Central ttatlon, Chlec ww VMVVt aneuias, a ITasBMeja) LVM. H C tTKOHM. A.ML 'himi af the tia-u w World building. Wiataba, Mso. "Oaw ETtt1 f mm ( m t- The Year -End Clearing Ends Friday With Many W onderf ul Bargains in Our GREAT ENLARGED BASEMENT Your Choice of"" Any Woman's, Misses' or Junior's SUIT Any Woman's, Misses' or Junior's COAT Any Woman's, Misses' or Junior's DRESS THE GOATS Are all new, up-to-date garments, auch materl ala aa corduroy, fancy plaids, chinchilla, all lined fine allky plush, rough clothe, etc., many are fur trimmed, collara and cuffs, etc. Over 300 coata to aelect from, made to aell at 97.50 to 115.00. Choice Friday, for $4.85. THE SUITS Are all thla aeaaon'a atylee, new wide skirts, varloua length coats; materiala are fine all-wool poplin, eergea, novelty clotha, fancy mlxturea, etc. Over 200 to aeleot from. In black and all desirable colors, In a good range of alzes. Suits made to aell at $10.00 to $15.00, choice for $4.85. THE DRESSES Are all new, up-to-date atylea, allk and cloth, alao a few chiffon party dresses. Dozens of pretty atylea, made of taffeta, poplin, all-wool serges, silk and aerge combinations, etc. Over 200 dresses to select from, made to aell at $8.00 to $10,00, choice Friday, for $4.85. Former Prices $7.50, $10, $12.50, $13.85, $15 Your Choice for One Day Only, Friday, $4.85 DOMESTICS Several Thouaand Yarda of Beautiful Art Drapery Cretonne, Fancy Ticking Curtain Scrim, etc.. In a choice aeeortment of neat printed dealgna. Values to 20c, In two Iota, Frl- Ql day, yard, 5c and... O 2C Thouaanda of Yarda of Ameri can and Slmpaon Prints, mill remnanta and , remnanta from atock accumulated during our buey year-end aalo. All klnda of wash gooda, challie, outinga, allkollnee and comforter cover ing. Sale price, while Ql lot lasts, yard s- 2C Outing Flannel, 27 In. wide. Pure white leopard grade. Good quality, aoft fleecy nap. 7c value, apecial Friday, off tha bolt, yard OC Dreaa Percale, fancy printings, neat dota and figures; mostly dark Indigo dye. Full bolta to aelect from, Friday, f" at, per yard OC Fancy Dresa Zephyrs, neat checks, atrlpea and plalda. In lengtha up to 20 yarda. All our 10c and 12; c qual ities, ape, Friday, yd. 7V2c Clearing Boys' Clothing Boys' $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 Suits, $5.00. Many have two pair of pants. All our "Quality Salts" are In this aale. A very good aelectlon of patterna to be had, all agea, 6 to 1$ yeara. $5.00 Two-Pair-Pant Suits, $3.75. Boys' Overcoats Greatly Reduced $4.00 to $5.00 Chinchilla Coats $2.95 $5.00 to $6.50 Chinchillas and Mixtures $100 $7.50 to $10.00 Chinchillas and Mixtures $6.50 Miscellaneous Bargains. 75c Flannel Blouaea, AC Friday, at tOC $1.25 Lined Corduroy q ff Panta, Friday, at....pleUU 11.00 Flannel Shirts, swm Friday, at OC Two Prices on Big Boys' Overcoats. $7.60 snd CCC AH $8.50 Ooats.. 4OeUU $10.00 and 0 7 $12.50 Ooats. tP.OU Ages 10 to 18 Yeara. ) $1.50 Wool Sweatera, all colors, at $1.00 CLEARING SALE OF" SILK REMNANTS In Lengtha Ranging From 11. to S Yarda. $1.60 40-Inch Crepe de China. $1.50 40-Inch Charmeuae. $1.25 36-Inch Messallne. $1.50 40-Inch Foulard. $1.25 36-Inch Taffeta. $1X5 40-ln. Silk, Wool Poplin. 69c YARD. $1.00 36-Inch Messallne. 75c 27-Inch Messaline. $1.00 39-Inch Foulard. 79c 27-Inch Taffeta. 79e 36-Inch Poplin. 49c YARD. Clearing Hosiery and Underwear" Women'e Fine Cotton, Fleecy Lined Union Suite, worth 60c; clearing aale price, Qfi Friday, at OiJC Women'e Cotton, Fleecy Lined Union Suits, 50c quality, clear ing aale price for v r)Q Friday, at a7C Chlldren'a Vesta and Panta to match, worth ta 25c, apecial, clear. Ing aale Friday, lOl each lzC Wemen'a Fine Cotton Seamleaa Hoalery, 10e quality IVtO Men's Cotton Gray Mlaad Heavy locks, ! ie valuea 5o Men's Cotton Seamleaa Hoalery, black and tan. Regular price 10c, aale price Friday, 7Jc Chlldren'a Cotton Seamlesa Hoalery, 10c quality. Tio Wemen'a Cotton Fleecy Lined Silk and Llale and Cotton Hos fery, black and split aoiea; some full fashioned; all double heela, toea and aoles; 25c quality, ape- Sift 15c Women'e Cotton Seamless, Fleecy Lined Hosiery, some ribbed tops; 15c qual. f ity; pair, Friday, at 1UC Mill Enda of Velveteena and Corduroya, worth 25c, on aale Friday, each remnant 5c Sample Piecee of Satin Foul ard, Crepe de Chine, Taffetaa, Poplins, Messallnes etc., etc., worth to 39c, apecial, each J V So "d 10c Clearing Dress Goods Remnants $1 to $1.25 Values, at 69o Yd. Thouaanda of lengtha of 42 to 64-Inch materiala for dresses, skirts and coata, auch as Broad cloth, Popllna, Diagonals, Sergee, Tweede, Homespuns, Strlpee) Novelties, etc, Cf y'd OiJC 36 to 60-Inch All Wool, Dresa Goods Remnants, from V2 to 5-yard lengths. Plain and fancy weaves, in black and colors. Worth O n Oa7C SHOES AND SLIPPERS to $1, special, yd.. MATCHED PIECE3. Travelera' and Manufacturers' Samplee and Matched Plecea, a good many plecea are alike and of oufficlent quantity to make up dreeaea, aklrta, waists, children's dresses and many other purposes; In a wide range of colore. Special f)j- QC rriaay, each piece atJl AND UUl xx 600 Pair of Wemen'a Felt Shoes and Sllppera, at leaa than half price. Worth ta nr 76c. Special pair afisOC 500 Pair Women'e Fine Dreaa Shoea, patent and dull leather. Worth to $2.50 a CI Cfi L pair, Friday, at OleOU Men's Velvet and Imitation AIIL gator Sllppera, all alaee. O Q Worth to 69c, spe pr....'C Mlaaee and Chlldren'a Shoes, good eervlceable achool ahoea, in all altea. Friday, at, per pair , $1.39 HANDKERCHIEFS Men'a and Wemen'a All-Linen Handkerchiefs, slightly Ol aelled. 12ae qual., ea. Oy2C Wemen'a and Chlldren'a Muaaed Handkerchiefs, many Ol Worth ta 7K,c, at ea... a&V2C Wemen'a and Chlldren'a Hand- kerchiefs, allghtly Imperfect; Friday, clearing aale, each Women'e and Chlldren'a FaecL 12C natora and Auto Hooda, Q worth to 60c, spe, aa..... XC