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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1915)
2 THE- HKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY. DKl KMIiKK .".1. UM.",. CHIEF BXECDTIYE OF MINNESOTA DIES Governor W. S. Hinunand of Horth Star State Expires Suddenly at Clinton, Louisiana. SEVX&A1 TERMS 15 C0X0ILIS3 CLINTON. La., Dec. 10. Oover ror Wlnfleld ficott Hammond of Min nesota died suddenly In a hotel here earl today from a stroke of apoplexy, which physlclani atated apparently had been superinduced by a recent at tack of ptomaine poisoning. He died before physicians could arrive. Oorernor Hammond, accompanied by his private secretary, J. A. Nowell, arrlTed here three daya ago to inspect his extensive land and lumber Inter ests In East Feliciana parish. He bad not been well for several days, but was able to go about the town and pariah, and did not consider his con dition sufficiently serious to consult a physician. DMIt Castes Saddealy. Shortly after freakfaet, about : o'clock this morning. Governor Hammond want Into the with room of his hotel, and a moment later Mr. Nowell and oth ers heard him groaning. Rushing in they found Mr. Hammond on the floor. He was carried to his room end physicians summoned, but he expired within a few minutes. Accompanied by Mr. Nowell and an escort from the Masonle lodge of Clinton, the body will be started northward to St. Paul late today. The Masons will go as far as Vlcksburg, Miss. Governor Hall of Louisiana sent word from Baton Rouge that be and several members of his staff will accompany the body to Vlcksburg. ' Sareeeaor la Bepehllcaa. ST. PAUIa Minn., tJec. . Governor W.-g. Hammond, who died suddenly st Clinton, La, departed from St Paul ttr the south Just a week ago today to In spect soma farm lands which he owns la the vicinity of Clinton. j At his offices at the state house It was said he had been expected to re turn tomorrow and that no Intimation that the governor was III had been re ceived here or at St. James, Mmn.. where Milton Hammond, the governor's brother, resides. Lieutenant Oovernor J. A. A. Burn qulat, who becomes governor, of Minne sota aa a result of the death of Oovernor Hammond, at Clinton, La was In bed with a bad cold today when he received the news of the governor's death. Mr. Burnqulst Is a republican, having been re-elected lieutenant governor after serving In that position during the administration of former Oovernor A. O. Eberhard. ' Several Terns la Ceavgreaa. Wlnfleld Scott Hammond, eighteenth governor of Minnesota, was Inaugurated Just about a year ago, following his election on the demderatto ticket Pre viously, he had served several terms In thai national house of representatives, being seat .to Washington - from the Second Minnesota district' He was un married and was born November 17, 1M3. at Southboro. Worcester county, Mass. He was educated at Dartmouth collage, whore he graduated with the class of 1W4. He came to Minnesota as a young man, was admitted to the bar and began the practice of law at St. James. He served as county attorney of Watonwan county nearly sis years and as a member of the state board of normal school directors, tor eight years. He was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-tint and sixty second congresses and re-elected to the sixty-third congress. , Italian Troops Occupy Durazzo GENEVA, Dec. .-Vle Paris )-It Is reported hers on good authority that Italian troops have occupied the Albanian seaport of Durasso. Thla report apparently Is corroborated by the fact that the Qerman consul at Tmrasao, the members of his staff and fifty other Oermana passed through bel linsona, Swttserland yssterdsy on their way to Berlin. , Durasso and Avlona are In the principal Albanian ports. Avlona was occupied by Uie Italians several months ago, before Italy entered the war. Duratso Is on peninsula In the Adriatic Sua, forty miles south of the Montenegrin border. There have been previous reports of Italian activities there, principally In connection with the landing of supplies for the Berb- laa army. Higher Wages for 300,000 Persons NEW. YORK. Pec M.-Wage of r,flr0 employes In various trades In this city will be Increased beginning January 1, It was estimated today. The Increases are expected to aggregate millions of dollars. Thousands of workers on street subway aad elevated rallroada are Included among those who will profit by the advances. The united hoard ot bus neas agenta for the building trade unions announce that the wagea of mora than 1.100 machin ists, tile layers and lathers already have been Increased by from 30 rents to 11. a day. Increases beginning January 1 are demanded by many other unions and range from zs cents to M rents a day. Increases In pay have been granted to U.OO girls In the millinery trade, t,w waiters and l.0 mechanics (a the New York navy yard. Michigan Blue Sky Act Held Invalid DETROIT. Mich.. Dec. .-The pre llmtnary Injunction granted by Judge Arthur i. Tuttle of the local I'nlted fetatea eoert, restraining the Michigan securities commission from enforcing the provisions of the so-called Mlchlgaa blus ky act of VW was afirmed today In a Joint opinion handed dowa by United fe tales Judges A. C. I unison. C. W. Ses sions and Tuttle. A blue sky act passed previously to the leeUlatlon in Michigan, was held un loueUtutiocal. lirusing tbe lilt act. the Joint op'aon stales: "loiiit luinur deUl.s have been cor rw ut. tut tha new law. like the old. tm-jrt-s tij'vn ini-riate comir.erca a bur teo u. u 1 dim t nsuX hli'u is beyond t I Hs of Kill'.'y powers." , Ready for I I i- i sass GERMANY WON'T . YISEPASSPORTS Americans Detained la Vienna by Refusal of Teuton Consult to Act. PESTIELD MAKES A PROTEST WA8HINQTON. Dec. 80. Ameri cana In Vienna not possessing cer tificates of birth or naturalisation are being detained through the re fusal of German consuls to vise their passports for travel in the German empire. Ambassador Penfleld re ported the situation to the State de partment today by cable. The text of the dispatch, dated Vienna, December IS. and forwarded through Minister Stovall at Berne,- follows wa "Oerman consulate at Vienna- refuses to vise American passports for, travel in Oerman empire unless bearers present certificates of birth or naturalisation. Americans here not possessing these doc uments correctly sre being detained. Asks for Modification. Have presented matter to Oerman embassy with request for modification of present regulation to enable American cltlsens to return' to their homes and have Informed embassy at Berlin re questing their good offices In presenting matter to Uerman authorities. "Above regulations praotlcally exclude from Oermany bona fide born and natu ralised cltlsens. bearers of passports, but not having the required additional docu ments, and Mil tend to work hardship snd delay, making it practically impossi ble for such persons to embark from Hol land." i Disabled Greek Ship is in No Danger NEW YORK, Iec. .-Another radio message was received today from the Oreek steamer Thessetonlkl, which la making for this port with its boiler room partly flooded. "On account of small damage," 'read the mesasge. "wo come with lessened speed. Knglneers saaiire no Cause for alarm. Account of strong winds speed four miles an hour. When weather Im proves speed will be six or seven miles." Officials of the Dreek line said that at the rate of speed it is now making the Theaaalonlkt should reach New York Sat urday morning. Steamship Nyack is Burned at Muskegon . MUSKEGON. rilch., Dee. .-Th ateamer Nyack, owned by the Croahy Tranaportatlon company, and one of tha oldeat veatela In tha passenger business on the great lakes, burned at Us dock here today and sank to the bottom. The Nyack. built in Huffalo In 187S, was valued at and Is ssld to have been fully Insured. The burned vessel was til feet long. 33 feet beam and had a gross tonnsge of 1l tons. Fairbanks Boom is Formally Launched INDIANAPOLIS. InL. Dec. .-'Talr-banks for President" eigne were posted In sll the hotels and throughout the busl nesa district today. It was understood the name of former Vice PreeMcnt Charles W. Fairbanks would be placed formally before the nation aa a candidate for the republican nomination for presi dent at the party 'love feast" here this afternoon. (aaae lleadarke aad Grip. Laxative Brome Quinine remov the cause. Remember to call for full name. Look for signature ot p. W. Grove, Sta. Advertisement. Newly Aalate Feetaaaatero. WASHINOTOV. Dec. .-Rpeclal T.Ie- rram.t i oatniutrre sppolnted: Iowa rtoosway, onj ouniy, lietrua R. Hoaa vu fcioiia, t-tuff.r. realKoed, WaU- if.srora. Mirari cuuiity, l-ioyd K. Crun, vu Juhn O. K, rr.lgn.d, Uorrlaon. irunor wiuuir, ire. irin Book, vice mwj iiiiao. nouin nasoia AlUm, li ri, ii eouniy. jt-u jtuaa. V io alklna, rvsigce- , the Trip OWNERS OF FIRE TRAP AREIHDICTED Proprietor and Tenants of Factory Building in Which Twelve Died Accused of Manslaughter. ALL PLEAD NOT GUILTY NEW YORK, Dee. 30. Edward L. Diamond, his wife, Celia Diamond; Samuel Parkin and Samuel Simon, to day were indicted on charges of first and second degree manslaughter, growing out of the deaths of twelve persona In a fire which destroyed the five-story Diamond Candy factory on November 6. Mrs. Diamond, as owner, and her hus band, aa agent- of the .building, ,. were charged with failure to provide adequate fire protection, They pleaded not guilty and were held In 110,000 ball each. Parkin and Simon, proprietors of the Essex Shirt company, which occupied the third and fourth floors, were charged with having maintained a locked trap door on the stairway, In thla way caus ing majority of the deaths. They also pleaded not guilty and were held in 18,000 ball each. 4 Revolt Pending , in Western China SHANGHAI, China. Deo, 30. A tele- gram from Cneng-TU. eapitai or ins province of Bse-Chuen, says there are In dications that a rising In western China la being planned, secret preparations be ing made for the revolt. The opinion Is j expressed In the dispatch, however, that j the chances for the success of the move ment are small. WOMAN MAKES BEQUESTS TO METHODIST CHURCH FORT DODGE, la., Dec St. (Special.) Mre. Margaret Garmoe. a pioneer settler of this city, left nearly one-half of her estate to three organisations of the Msth- edlst Bplsoopal church. Bequests In the will filed Wednesday for probate total t.-.amn Th. ....I.- rr. the exl.le Is bequeathed to relatives. In addition to bequests In this will Mrs. I Garmoe carried out the request of her husband In donating tto.OuD toward the building of the new Methodist Episcopal church here about two years ago. Mrs. Garmoe was 87 years old when she died Chrlatmae day. No children were living and her helra are brothers and sis ters snd their children. ATLANTIC MILK SUPPLY IS BESTIN THE STATE ATLANTIC, Is.. Dec. . -(Special.) The atate food and dairy commlaaloner has Juat submitted a report on the milk furnished In this city, his report being being based on a test of samples col lected from the various dallies, and It is a matter of gratification to the people here to know that hla lKter In regard to the pivpoMltlon atat that the milk In Atlsntlc tests better thaa any milk In the state which the department has teated. Mr. Barney ssvs In his letter that the milk Is esceptionslly rich and con tains no evidence of bacteria whatsoever. BODY OF EARL BES0RE IS BROUGHT TO IDA GROVE IDA OROVE. la.. Dec. 30. (Special.)- The body of lOarl Be.ore. aged 4S, who died last aeek In California, were brought here for burial yesterday, a large Masonic funeral belnc held. Mr. Besore e wlte is i the daughter of J. C. Forney, one of the 1 county's wealth'.eat anen, and the family ; had lived here for thirty years, removing west two years ago. MANY DIE IN SIBERIAN PRISON CAMPS CF TYPHUS BERLIN, Deo. SO. (By Wireless to 8ay-vUle-r-oor sanitation In Siberian prison oampe has caused numerous deaths. In Novo-Nlkolalev I.OuO prtsnsutrs dying from typhus, according to an Item given out today by tha Overseas News Agency. The agency baaee the Item on the state ment of aa Austrian officer who returned from Russian Imprisonment after being adjudged unfit fur further military service. PAN-AMERICAN IDEA WILL GROW Delegates Discuii Crystalllxation of Sentiment Into Concrete Form of Alliance, CHANGES IN EDUCATION NEEDED WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. Pleas for a great Pan-Americanism were numerous today In the program of the , Pan-American Scientlflo congress In spite of the great volume of papers read on technical subjects. Scores of questions of an International char acter were discussed and members ot the congress informally talked ot the crystallisation of tha Pan-American Idea into a concrete form that might become known as the Pan-American alliance. A Pan-American conference that has for its one object the eo-ordinatton of "a principle of general education for the whole continent, with the fundamental Idea of giving special Importance to the reriproclal knowledge of the American nations," wss suggested by Mrs. Brnes tlna A. Lopes De Nelson of Argentina. Addressing the congress on education she said that more Americanism and less nationalism should be taught the children of both North and South America. "The education now given to the children of America." she declared, "does not pre pare them for the Pan-American feeling of brotherhood which la so desirable, but fills them with false conceptions and pre disposes them to look on the American neighbors with suspicion. Certain pre judices exist between the American na tions which makes them see each other In a false light. One reason la that we always compare our neighbors with the trsditional European models Instead of giving to each nation Its own Individual worth." Knowledge of governmental administra tion Is Important for women, asserted Mrs. Hophonlsba Breokenridge of the University of Chicago, because they must I rely on thla aa a condition for efficient household management. Women and girls have availed themselves of the edu cational opportunities hitherto offered them, she said, adding there was no rea son to believe they would not respond to opportunities more closely related to current demands. Suit is Brought to Foreclose Atlantic Northern Mortgage ATLANTIC, la.. Dec 80. (Special.) I W. Nlles, E. C. Gage and William Over man, trustees of the I1O0.009 Issue of first mortgage bonds against the Atlantic Northern, have brought suit In the dis trict court here against the road asking for the foreclosure of $8.00 worth of bonds held by H. S. Battenborg. on which the Interest, which waa due September 1 last, has not been paid. It Is stated that when the road, as a result ot rais ing tro.OOO recently by voluntary tea, paid the Interest on the first mortgage bonds, which waa partly the occasion for raising tha money, that Mr. Rattenborg's Interest was not paid, so he directed the trustees to bring the foreclosure proceedings. The Atlantic Northern Is that part of the At lantic Northern A Southern which runs from Atlantic to Klmballton and com prises the original seventeen miles of road which was built. When the Atlantic Northern & Southern was sold at re ceiver's sale the north end of the road was sold sepsrately, and haa since been operated as a separate corporation. Ida County Goes Dry Tuesday Night IDA GROVE, la., Dec. SO. Ida county at o'clock Tuesday night became dry three dsys ahead or the rest of the state of Iowa, by reason of the expiration of the consent petition under the mulct law. Just one year ago a petition was circu lated, but the satoonlsts failed to have the necessary U per cen of names when the work of withdrawals was completed, Kach town In Ida county, Ida Grove, Itnlsteln, Oalva, Arthur and Battle Creek. had one saloon and theae were closed without the least disorder, not an arrest being made In the whole county on the final day. Most of the saloon keepers had entirely disposed of their stocks by the time of closing, many residents filling up their cellars with cases and kegs In anticipation of the Iowa drouth. FORT DODGE CITY HALL WILL BE OPENED SATURDAY FORT PODOR. la., Dec . (Bpectal.) The new S100.0M) municipal building re cently occupied by all the city depart ments will be open for general publlo In spection on New Tear'a afternoon. The Commercial club aided by the Woman's club ot the city has arranged an open house. The new building is one of the i best of Its kind In the state and has long been needed. ILLINOIS CENTRAL SUED BY SWITCHMAN rORT DODGE, la.. Dee. SO. (Special.) Alfred K. Johnson, a awltchmaa for the Minneapolis A St. Louis, has brought ault against the Illinois Central for KMtfO. lie claims the Central haa allowed people te rut through the local depot yards for )eara. and that while he ass doing so on December IS be m as hit by an engine. lie suffered Injuries, he says, that resulted In amputation of a leg. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may he in other respects, it must he run frequently and constant ly to be really succccssful. Havo Good Time, but Don't Get Too Gay on Now Year, Says Jim; Hare a good time, but don't get too gay, la the substance of a New Tear's eve order sent by Mayor Dehlman to , Chief of Police Dunn. I Liquors ordered before o'clock may be consumed by revelers after that hour, but no disarrangement of the natural scenery of the city will be permitted. The letter addrsssed by the mayor to the chief reads as follows: Many people will no doubt make sr- i rsngementa with the leading hotels for Jlnncra, wines, etc, for New Tesr's eve. ' f course any liquors ordered before o'clock p. m. on that day the city authorl tlea will have no right to Interfere with on that evening; or any parties ordering : same before thst hour have a right under the law to use same. However, you win notify all of the lead ing hotels that everything must be con ducted ia an orderly and respectable man ner. 1 Any flagrant violation on the part of any of the hotels so notified of this order win run the risk of the forfeiture of their licenses You are Instructed to notify all parties concerned of this order. LINCOLN, Dec. SO. (Special.) Wide open celebrations In certain Omaha hotels New Tear'a eve are likely to get such hotels Into trouble, according to Infor mation coming from the attorney general of the atate. Information Is said to have been re ceived by the governor and attorney general that some of the celebrations last year were hilarious and not at all cred itable. Prohibs Predict Big Gain if Old Parties Pass Up Dry Plank CHICAGO, Dec. . Predictions that If the national democratic and republican platforms In lilt do not contain prohibi tion planks there will be made defections from these parties to the prohibition party, were made today by prohibition leaders gathered here to consider the coming campaign. The conference, called by the execu tive committee of the national committee waa presided over by Virgil Q. Illnshaw, national chairman. Possible prohibition presidential nom inees were discussed informally. There seemed to be a tendency to connect men outside the party with the nomination. Among others mentioned aa candidates were J. Frank Hanly, former governor of Indiana: William Bulser. former gov ernor of New Tork; Richmond P. Hob son, former Alabama congressman; and Eugene Fobs, former governor of Massa chusetts. The question of a merger of the pro hibition party with another party was not discussed. The date of the national convention which last night was tentatively set for July 19 and 20, at the state fair grounds at Minneapolis, may be changed, but leaders said this waa doubtful. Cat Upsets Lamp, Mistress is Dead CLINTON. Ia.. Deo. SO. Mrs. Jane Eb ner, a widow, la dead as the result of In haling smoke during a fire which par tially destroyed her home last night. Coroner Kellogg declared today he be lieved the fire was caused by the over turning of a lamp by Mrs. Ebner'a sole companion, a pet cat. New Member of C'ommlaalon. PIERRE, Sj, D., Dec. 30 (Special Tele gram.) Governor Byrne today appointed A. E. Beaumont ot Madison a member ot the State Live IHock commission to suc ceed Frank R, Cock, resigned. Mr. Beau mont Is appointed as secretary of the commission. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. METAL DELIVERY COSIES Mut.taTartau.lMigth.ta nit any ear. Priei. last and as Mnnd. K-tr to bolt te H'.Wr Saiabwl iamunel btkadra. Itrttig l,rMI KIthae.tMr.jpnM. aleeaUtal Geneve IWJS aeaus. WnutoOKr. columius mrx Tiitx coHPsirr. 1S84 west llth Street. genes City. Ms. OROTTB BUTg, CO. Ceaterat iMatrtbatero Oaaaka, Keb. i' i BaBjBBSasaBaBaMBBeMMaWalMaaBB., flVhy Hot Start the f ancy Fresh Dressed Chickens, pfr lb Fancy Freeh Dreased Ducks, per lb Ektrav Vn-e tTrmmU nsaa.aa U ? por I'O'ns, not frosen. per lb Prime Rib Roat. rolled, no waate. per Porterhouse or Blrloln Steak, per lb Pf rot Roast, per lb Tig Pork Loin., . i rl. ner ih 7 Tig Pork Shoulder Roast, per ib'. .-m cnouiaer Koest, per in , OROCKRY SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY. !Ilr,w,h"' f Granulated Sugar for -lb. sack Siinklat Flour for . ti:k Washburn Crosby Gold Medal Flour for , ?V ,iV f,Jnot, mlxA with' peanut or black nuts) per lb Chocolate Cherries. 1 lb. boxes, worth 0o, on sale. it.,iW.almi',,-"0,t. "he"' lb'iBo I ncy Honey, per comb. ranberrles, per quart To Dried Peachee, per lb ?Ue Good Annies, per pk We Handle a Tnll 1,1 ne of (Trash Vegetables. We TiU Mail Orders at Above Prices. Tel. P. 15,10. iHiiiiiiiiMiwi infiii 11 I Eew Year's Have a bottle of good wine or whlskev In the home for New Year's. By "good" we mean the CaeUey kind Quality always, and moderate in price. You will tlnd your favorite brand here: 21-year-old whlsrfev at S3 per quart, down to our famous (-year-old brands at 8o and a few specials as low aa 7 so per quart 98c Takes home a full quart bottle of any one of these fam ous old whiskies. OT.S OMW OX.D TATXVOm exoam BMOI oaziw mrmm -oucxmrarjEaUe CXOJLK-S BTB mmg Other bottled In Ilia bond whiskies, 79o I jlj Id 1.98 per quart. " ww Bootch and irlah whiskies, gl.00 to Bl.M qt. Our own home-made red or Two quarts bottled Beer, every purchase. CACKLEY m Turkeys for Your New Year's Dinner Fresh Dressed Geese . Ducks, our own dressing Pig Pork Loin, fresh, not frosen, ae Steer Pot Roast .SHo Pig Pork Butts.. MHO Young Veal Roast ...11HO Young Veal Chops f....14Ve iAtnb Legs UH Mutton Chops 14V0 Deliveries to all parts ef the city. Mail orders filled at ones. PUBLIC MARKET 'iSSffigh Turkeys for your New Year's Dinner 17Vz$ Fresh Dressed Geese .16c Ducks, our own dressing 17M:c It IS Forequarter Lamb H Steer Pot Roast Pig Pork Ruttfl la He Voung Veal Koaat 11 Ho Young Veal Cftops .....14Ve Mutton Chops 14 So Salt Pork SJo Deliveries to all parts of tha THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wool worth 5c and 10c Htore. H3 South 16th St. Tel. D. 12307. YOU NEED to aid nature occasionally when your liver is sluggish, your stomach dis ordered or your bowels inactive. Let this safe, mild, dependable remedy regulate these organs and put them in a sound' and healthy condition. BEECHAM'S PILLS tersest Sale el Any Medkbaa la Ike WarM. Said everywhere, te baaee. 10, SBc AMI'DRVIRMTI. TONIGHT, IIW YliS'l ITS AITD 1 (Mat, and Brag Mew Tsar's Ollrsr Morosco Fressats Xls Owa pedal Coast Compaay la witn -scitt t- o'cosfmo as -nty Cat ao to ! I Xvenlaga, SSo te gl.M Bights, Beglanlag Buaday, JAJT. 9d SCatlnee Wedaeeday lWT AID CO., Preseat tai isis x.At7as ttsittai. TWIN BEDS It Baa a Tear la Hew Tork Mat., S8o to gl Wage., 86o Se gl.BO lhoae Soag. 4S4 The Rsst of Vaudeville Dally Matinee. J:lt; Every Night. 1:15 1HK NKW VOUK FASHION SHOW Charles E. I Walter Evans & Co. C. Kelly Other Acts This Week Gsrdlner Trio, ticorge Chlyo, Dorothy Bremer and Eddlo Allen Orpheum Weekly. Prices: Matinee. Oallery. 10c. best Beats iKxrent Haturday and Sunday). 16c Night, 10c. 25c. 60c and 75c. West Week i OIBTSUDI HOmugl, la Xer Latest Ssmsatloa, "SUMURUN" BATS VOW ItlUH. "OXAJKA'S TVTK CBBTBB" Sally Kata IS. S8 SOs Bragre ls-ss-so.TSe A Vm bkow iar Mallear V. Midnight Mai BCaaloal NmtIt ts pMela, tttl.dlof Pwtm Carter n. r iMtm V.ud.vlll. Aeta. UoremMlr GvmS fiMuty Chonia BS Iol SurprlM .t Xtra, SWUM bhew uitu at 11 S) N.w IWi Era. ii ladies' Bime Katlaee Wi Vara. fiu. Mu A Va. : Al buall enow. TONITE 8:20 JXX2a .RUVJ North Dros'. Stock Co. Omaha's Beet Tneetrtoal Bar gala, fcitiorc Acres" 10 Cents mV"x 25c plflM J3MMJ Hew Year Right?) ,'S "He flaasia aa XI Vi rtl ae an riPaA. . . . . . " 7 . . . lb IBs 10e . ivo awn rsv He 1 taUe ..'.'.'..'.'. . BHe ....fl-00 .... il.e ....1.69 ...190 990 ...Vo BSo 2lth and (liming Street. Free Delivery Everywhere. Whiskies and ..Wines.. 50c: Per quart for our famous "Siinklxt" Wines. Port, Madeira, 8herry. Ca tawba, Angelica, Muscatel, full quart 600 Per gallon 1.78 I-atlnia, 10 yrs. old. Port or Bherry, quart ?o Per gallon Remember we are headquar ters for all that in beet In Imported and domestic whis kies, wines, rhampasnes, etc. Special prices on bran dies now for mince pies. white grape wine, per sal. aso. Free china coupons with "THB OLD w.n.IABI.B,'' lath and Capitol. Omaha. Mall orders filled promptly, Write for our beautiful new cata- In.' mflri free. 170 ...lGc 17Vzc Salt Pork e Armour's Star and Supreme ibm, for lS.e Rklnned Hama 14te FmaJl Hams 10e Kxtra I,ean Breakfast Becon. . . 1S0 Sugar Cured Bacon 1S40 Fresh Oysters, no water, qt . . . . , . ,38e Armour's Star and Supreme for Skinned Hams Sugar Cured Hama F.xtra Lean Breakfast Bacon. Sugar Cured Bacon Oysters, no water..'..;...... IT am s, .ieis .1440 .1040 .181.0 .13,0 . ..90 Mty. Mail orders filled at oaoe. AMVSEMENTa. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PRO GRAM TODAY. . Metro Ilcluro Service Ireaenta the World's Youngest Him Star, MARY MILES MIXTER, Hnpportert by the Stage's Old t Htar, MRS. THOMAS WHIFFEX, in "BARBARA FRIKTCHIE" A War Story Without a Single Itauie. ISth Barney 1VB1I 1KB l&TUBDAT Daniel Frohman Preit Denntan Thompson's "THE OLD HOMESTEAD' Wllhotit Exception, th Greatest triumph on tne American Stage. EXTRA SFEC3AL TONIGHT Ist Show starta at 10:4A p. m svnd Mill be over at midnight. Sunday: Clara Kimball Young ia L.tiii,i,rc." aaw ivaa wiuaso, WABJaXBOYOST XsTTASSO la Tho Battlo Cry . of Peace at THE BOYD Bia-nta. SS-SO-T&C: Matlnaaa. a&uuvs DAVIS CASTI.B gj CO. B. J. afoore g) Other Aota "Tke Bdge of T blag a" With dabwiw iiaa aad BDBA StATO A&jnls'a 10 Cents BeaTa treats loo Batra hJss DAN CINQ Chamber's Special Classes Open First Week in Jan. Adult beginners. Mono, and Thura J Adult advance. Weds. High achoul. Hat., even. Children, Tues. and Bats. X.let early. Tel. Bong. 1S7L. WHEN AWAT FROM HOM3I The Bee Is The Paper yea ask feel if rev alaa a e akeaat a fs sags, hare The te yea. TsTTTTffTBri aTSJTSjl STfTWII 1 1 P 1 1 H Si I ISI SIS1BJS1 sin ISg Ml sasgi gesj