Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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MRS. JOHN ASTOR, photographed upon her arrival in
New York, aboard the Rotterdam, and her son , Vincent
Astor, who met her at the pier.
By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, December 29, 1915.
THE better half of the nine days' wonder following Christmas is now
past, and everybody knows by ttaia time what every other body
was given. It seems like so much Jewelry, and such pretty, dainty
decorations, the things hlch look so well oo necks and lacee.
Aside from the Jewel giving of this year, another peculiarity of the
elfta aeems the whimsies of many, especially to the little fotk.
We are hearing of "choo-choo" rockers, Peter Rabbit bean baga and
the funny "ricltwicS" chairs In which a little one may ait aa If la the fat
lap of queer old Mr. Tlckwick himself. . .
But the best surprise of these Pickwick chatra waa their pockets Mr.
rickwick wore "really and truly clothes" with pockets galore and some
thing In them, too.
Trobably the proudest gift holders these days are the women who bare
received crystal vases with crystal connecting chains. The vases ate fire In
number, a large one In the center, to which the chains extend, and they
make a fetching table decormtlon.
The marble flower bowls have been among the other unique surprise!
ef the season. Weddinf. i
Mlaa Ruth Fay Evans, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard R. Evans, was married
this afternoon at o'ciwok. at the home
f her parents to Mr. Hugh II. Harper,
on of Mrs. E. K Harper of Carthage.,
111. The- Rev. Pr. Edwin II. Jenka read
tha tnarrlagro aervlce before an Improvised
Altar of flowers and Christmas green
with a twkrround of palms and ferns In
Ilia llv Ins-room. "
The bride and bridegroom were unat
tended. The rtna was carried by little
Evelyn Harper, and the ribbon bearers
iwert little rorls Begur and Mary Alice
i On either aide of the altar stood large
!JYeneh bankets with Mrs. Ward rosea,
'end a slnale Instrument,' the harp, played
throughout tha marriage service.
' The bride wore her golns-away gown,
av bandaome costume of blue chiffon
'velvet trimmed with marten fur. The
hat waa of velvet with geld lace and
JYench flowers.
, 'After the ceremony and greetings to
the bridal pair a wedding supper waa
served In the dining room, where Rich
mond roses carried out the schema of
.decorat' n. Assisting at the supper were
Mrs. Charles E. Burmeater, Jr.; Mrs.
Ralph B. Begur, Mlaa Mario Ilodga, Miss
Mary Ryan and Mlas Emily Wentworth
The out-of-town guesta were Mr. and
'Mrs. Im M. Blair of Aahtand. III., Miss
rear! Harper of Carthage, 111., and Mlas
Anna. Owen of Owen, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harper will be at horn
n their residence. Juat computed, . at
, Kitty-ninth and Harney streets, after
February 1
Holiday Guests. .
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mets are enter
taining two out-of-town gueats for their
daughter, Mlaa Olga Mets Mlas Henrietta
Fort of Chicago, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerrlt Fort, arrived Tuesday morn
ing to visit In Omaha until' January 1.
Tha other houae guest la Mlas Mary
Brldenthal of Wymore. who will be in
lha city for a few days.'
Dinner-Theater Party. .
Mrs. Arthur Crltenden Bmlth gives a
B inner to twi-nty-two piasta this evening
(or her daughter, Mlaa Helen Smith. The
dinner will be followed by a theater
firty to witness ''Robin Hood" at Bran-ilcia.
Nevin-Damon Wedding.
Mlaa Wllma Whiting Damon, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Frank Damon,
was married at 4 eVIocn this afternoon
at the Lowe Avenue I'renbyterlan church,
to Mr. Klrkwood Bcott Kevin of Youngs
town, O.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jairua li
Nevln of Youngatown. The Rev. Dr. F.
A. Krnst offlcUted.
Only membera of the famlllea and a
few Intimate frli-nda were present. The
out-of-town giieata were the parents of
the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea K
Kevin; the slater to the bride, Mrs. J. H.
Allen of Washington, D. C; the bride's
aunt, Mrs. C.' M. Vhureh Tt "West Mentor,
O.j and the brothers of the bridegroom,
Mr.' Robert Nevln and Master James
Kevin of Youngatown.
Mr. and Mra. Nevln will be at home
after March 1, at Youngatown, O., where
they will make their future home.
Dance for Min Olga Met.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mets give a dance
at their tibhie 'this evening - for their
daughter, Mlas Olga Mets. The rooma
will be decorated In Christmas green and
red and emblems of . the holidays with
polnaettlas. The out-of-town guests for
the function will be Mlas Henrietta Fort
of Chicago, gueat of Mlas Olga Mets, and
Mlas Mhry Brldenthal of Wymore. The
affair will be chaperoned by:
Meaara. and Meademee
Fred Mats, I'lerre Morlarty,
Louis Meta, Charlee K. Mets,
A. F. Bmlth. Charles Mets.
Herman Mets,
Sorority Affair.
Mlas Lucy Harte had a buffet luncheon
In honor of Mlas- Margharetta Burke
Tuesday afternoon. Assisting Mlaa Harte
were Meadamea Oeorge Tunlaon, Percy
Stevens and Fred Cox, The out-of-town
guests were Mlaa Verne Stocking of Den
Ison, la.; Mra. Max Beghtol of Lincoln
and Mrs. Walter Hopewell of Tekamah.
Loop-Einard Wedding.
Mlaa Haiet Hlnard of Shenandoah, la.,
and Mr. Roland K. Loop of Chicago were
married at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
at the Diets Memorial parsonage by the
Rev. Charles N. Dawson. They were at-
. V ;i 't. I
Hitchcock Says
This Country is to
Lead Them All
"One of the reaulta of the great war
will be to develop International law and
an Interest In International affairs."
saM Senator O. M. Httrhcock. In ad
dressing the Omah.i Real Ketnte exchange
yesterday. He. declared that at the close
of the war we would stand as the great
est nation In the world, and that we
are tVatlned to become what eome writer
has already railed the nation, "the con
science of the world."
Touching on prosperity and the real
estate business, he declared Omaha has
not yet reached Its full destiny, and rapid
ss the development of Ornaha haa been
In the last two or three years. Its de
tended by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Shaffer
of Bhenandoah.
Mr. and Mra, Ixop will make the r
future home In Chicago.
Inteesting Quest.
Mrs. Oeorge W. Pcpoon of Warren, III.,
arrived In Omalia Tuesday morning to
be the gueat of her nephew and nloce,
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Colo. Mra. Pcpoon
Is the widow of the late Captain Oeorge
W, Pepoon of the famous Illinois Ninety
sixth volunteers and one of the beat
known Masons In the mld-weatern states.
Mrs. Pepoon will be with Mr. and Mrs.
Cole until Saturday, when she will go to
Fremont to vis t her sister, Mrs. Manloy
Rogers, for a few days.
Kensington for Onesti.
Mrs. F. II. Cole gave an Informal kah
alngton tills afternoon in honor of Mrs.
Oeorge W. Pepoon of Warren, III.; Mrs.
Will. Ruff of Chicago, her houae gueats;
Mrs. Piatt, Mra. Edwin Piatt and Mlaa
Francea Piatt of Denver, guests of Miss
Kate McHugh, and Mrs, Thomaa Hey
ward of Pittsburgh, formerly Miss Mar
guerite Busch of Omaha.
Random Notei of Society.
M'se Hasel Haskoll haa gone to Wood
bine, la., where she will be the guest of
pr, and Mrs. Flothow for two weeks.
velopment Is still tieninrt me msnircsi
demands of Its tributary territory. He
-. i -. i .. th. tVur vpsm would
see greater development still In Omaha.
Thomns K. Bark worth, prominent at
torney of Jackson. Mich., and member of
the democratic national committee, pres
ent t the dinner as the guest of Sena
tor Dodfre. praised Omaha and Its great
development and aald he was repeatedly
surprised at the rapid progress the city
la meklns.
Pr. P. I Hall of Lincoln spoke briefly,
saying so great Is Omaha's development
that he looks for the day to come when
Omana will be Introducing a bill to an
nex Lincoln.
Tkree Dma mt Hertarllle, Team.
HARTSVILLE. Tenn.. Dec. Albert
Jared. t and two Bisters. Hlxie, 22, Hnd
Kannle. 17, were drowned near here IabI
nlflht when their bore's backed the bumry
In whlrh thev were riding Into a stream
they had just forded.
For Gof fee, Cereals or Coolting
Many social affairs have been planned
In her honor.
Mr. Harold Van Dusen hns gone ti
Holyoke, Col., to take a position In the
First National bank there.
Mr. Robert Furlong of Springfield, 111.,
la the house guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Gentleman.
Brandeis Matinee Party.- . .
Miss Marion Hamilton entertained at a
matinee party at the Brandela theater
this afternoon at the performance of
Robin Hood. Those present were; .
Mrs. C. William Hamilton.
Misses Misses
Ilelnn Hmlth. Virginia Crofoot,
Harriet Smith, Anne Clifford.
Kleunor Mackay, Krna Reed,
Claire Daunherly, , . Kllxaheth Reed,
Marxaret Baum. Ksther Wllhelm.
Oretchen McConnell, Mona Cowell,
i.ouise wnite, Marion Hamilton.
Ida iiarlow,
Past Festivities,
Mlas Francis Cleland and Mlas Mary
Cleland entertained the Odls club Monday
afternoon at a matinee party at the
Orpheum theater.. Eleven gueats were
present. -
At Omaha Club.
Mm. M. A. Hall entertained at luncheon
thla afternoon at the Omaha club in
honor of Mrs, Horn of New Tork City,
who Is the house truest of Mir. and Mrs.
Waits Squler,
16th and
Farnam Sts.
t6th and
Farnam Sts.
ir f earfii CK'ARANC
IpkitiM Saviiii
Without a doubt this event is the greatest sale of the year in extreme value-giving, wonderful price cuts and large
and varied assortments of strictly high-grade wearing apparel. The patronage the first two days of this sale has
been extremely large. Come tomorrow and see the Goodness and Genuineness of these remarkable bargains:
Clearance of
ailored Suits
$03.00 ninl $59.50 Tai lorcd
Suits, exclusive models. . Year
End Clearance Q0 7C
price VUaWel D
$49.W and $43.00 Tailored
Suits, beautiful fur trimmed
models. Year End ?OQ HE
Clearance Price Va.Jel9
$.'19.30 and $33.00 Tailored
Huits, lata models, can be worn
for early spring as well as now.
Year End Clour- rir
anco Price vi v
$32.30 and $29.50 Tailored
Suits, smart new models, fur
trimmed. Year End HC
Clearance Prices. . . .vltel v
$23.00 and $27.30 Tailored
Suits, btvlish models, mad8 of
beautiful materials. Year End
T.:. ...S1U5
Over 1560 High Class Ex
clusive Coats to Choose From
$80,30 and $75.00 Basaen Seal Coats, fur trimmed
models. January Clearance Mto nr
Price J tU.ld
$09.50 and $05.00 Velour Coats, fur trimmed, exclu
sive models, January Clearance $39 75
$59.50 and $55.00 Ka'ssen SeaV and 'velvet Coats,
beautiful fur trimmed models. CQ, 7C
January (Jlearanco Price vOle I v
$49.50 and $45.00 Coats, Velours, Velvets, Sealettes
and Duvetynes, fur trimmed models. C)A Af
January Clearance Price vuJud
$42.50 and $39.50 Coats, Velvets, Sealettes and
Broadcloths, beautiful fur trimmed Qilyl nr
models. January Clearance Price VTe v
$37.50 and $35.00 Coata, Plushes, Corduroys, Duve
tynes and Broadcloths, very stylish fur trimmed
models. January Clearance MA ir
Price OliUD
$32.50 and $29.50 Coats, Corduroys, Broadcloths,
Wool Velours and Fancy Materials, fur trimmed
models. January Clearance ?
price olu.a
$25.00 and $19.50 Coats, Curduroys, Broadcloths,
Fancy Zibelines, Chinchillas, etc! CI 0 7C
u tmutiry vyitaraiice 1 rice. Ve I
Clearance oi
Fine IFoips
$95.00 Mink Sets, t?CA CA
Clearance Price VJewV
$7500 Mink Sets, GMn ("A
Clearance Price Vlluu
$30.00 Mink Muffs,
Clearance Price. . . .
$37.50 Mink Muffs,
Clearance Price. . . .
$75.00 Lynx Sets,
Clearance Price. . . .
$05.00 Lynx Seta,
Clearance Price
$40.00 Lynx Muffs,
Clearance Price.
$35.00 Fox Sets,
Clearance Price
$25.00 Fox Muffs,
Clearance Price
$19.50 Opossum Sets,
Clearance Price. . . . .
$15.00 Opossum Muffs,
Clearance Price
$12.50 Plush Muffs,
Clearance Price
Our Enllre Sfoclt oi Beaulilul Dresses Olfered at Clearance Sale Prices
I ORKIN BROTHERS 16th and Farnam Streets, U. S. Bank Building
Here Is an eraporatad milk WITHOUT THAT COOKED TASTE
milk that has overcome the last objection to an eraporated milk.
Starflbad , Uasweatmd
can bt ased for every purpose for which fresh tnillc or cream is used
for beTcrages, for cereals, for the baby's milk and for cooking.
And It li always fresh, sweet and pare, No danger of soaring.
It is good and of uniform richness to the last drop.
The Milk Wilhcot the Cooked Taste
$3 SS? 5 a 10 cents ' jfi
Hotel Loyal
' Cafe
New Year's Eve
Gored His RUPTURE 1
I bavllr ruptur4 vhlle lifting a trunk
tra.1 yvoxfl mo. Doctor nrirl my only hap of cur
wta an orrtttlon. Truate rlld m ne food.
Final)? I gnt hold of ftorotthtmc that quickly and
oompltl7 cure-d m. Yra have paaaM and tha
mpturt) h&n never returned, alihouch 1 am doing
hard work aa a carpenter. There wm no opara
tton, no loat time, no trmible. I hsvrw nothing to
Mil, hut will glva full Information about how you
mar find a completa cure without operation, it
yon writ to ma. Euirena M. Pullen, Crpentar,
T1 B Marnellua Arenue. Manamnuan, N. J. Battar
rut out this nutlca and ahow It to anr other who
are ruptured you may aava a Ufa or at leaat atop
tha mlaory of rupture and tha worry and danger
of an operation. -Advertisement,
A ' ' - -. - mm Alt. .1 f A tIl
The girl is that fearless film
star, Helen Holmes.
You've seen her in many
film plays. You see her at
her best in 'The Girl and
The Game."
The game It that Interesting game
of railroads and finance, love and
adventure. "The Inside story" of
Wall Street's financial control of
railroads is revealed. So-called
"high society" Is exposed. It's a
game of thrills, where wits are
See This Great Film Novel TODAY
At Your Favorite Theatre
If you're seeking something new in motion pictures
if you're keen for thrills if you like a story of adventure,
finance and the great out-doors see "The Girl and The Game." See
It todayt The first chapter la now being shown at leading theatrea.
A new chapter will be shown each week for fifteen weeks.
Each chapter will be complete although all will be connected.
-The story, by the noted author, Frank II. Spearman, is ap
pearing In leading newspapers slmultsneously with the appearance
of the films. This gives you an opportunity to ref the atory and
to see the motion pictures. Half a million dollars have been
expended on this film production. You've never seen anything so
colossal so thrilling eo t uU of "big scenes."
See "The Girl aud the Came" at these Theaters:
THE AT ia.
HICHOLAa THVITEK, OouacU Blnffa. Iowa
PavIMCEStl THCms, Omaba, Xabraaaa
WORCtltUID TXATK, Omaha, Kabrmaka
MAOIO TNUTCl, Sout Oma&a, Nebraska
HEW 8TA IBBTl:R, Omaha, Vabraaka.
fnaNXXIBT TKSA.TEK, Ombl, Mabraaka
IAOLB IHUTW Omaha. Mabraaka
mK TV ETF M., 16th and Caaa, Omaha, Vabraaka.
OEM THEiTtH, Omaha, Mabraaka
DIAMOND THItTES, Omaha, Mebrmaka
XLITB MO. S THEITCR. Omaha, Kibruli
COHroar TSBITCS. Omaha. Habraaka
TKIiT, Couacll Stiffs, Iowa rr.daj. rsb. a.h.
Iteal th Story V.very Monday in tli
Motimm .Klanl reW y iKt Sirmml Film CvrawraM mmJ dUtrtbmfJ thrmmalk 98
Moaday, Ja 3d.
.Taeaaar. J". th.
.W4aadayi Ja. 6th.
.Friday. . 31t.
.Koadtr. Jan. 3d.
.Tnaaday, Jan. 4th.
.Wednesday, Jaa. jth.
. rrldy, Jan. 7th.
.Baaday, Jaa. th.
.Tnaaday, Jan. 11th.
.Sunday, Jan. 16th.
Tuaaaay, Jan. 85th.
naa. i ,:jt