Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, December 28, 1915.
EW ORLEANS has eome out openly and announced that It is se
rially and hyflenlcally the winter capital of the United Statea.
New Orleans quotes the New York Herald to back It up la
iho claim. There are many press criterion also quoted, Including
n.,.u.- York Journal of Commerce.
k,w Orleans has the sooial lure. In that It does hold the trump card,
and the beamy of It Is, It has more than one trump, as well as a few cards
ii. :av &nd a mirror on the wa.l opposite
'The Midwinter season In the south has never known the brilliancy
ti.ii has come to It this car." says the Herald of New York; it nas cap
,td .his year the things which are more properly native to It to attract
Ve stranger and bring from afar the men and women who have been for
msr.v winters part of the social life of the old Creole city during the Mardl
Cm days
New Orleans society Is much like a nobleman who has many titles, or
a member of the light-fingered gentry with a string of aliases the city
has sets, many sets, all smart, where one may shine for the occasion and
meet any one profitable to meet.
- . - a 1 1 11 1 x t
The celebrated "spangled set" Is often open to strangers ana urui.-m
enough to suit the most eiactlng, and It can show them the best and ome
of the exclusive personages of the far south.
Orpheum Parties.
The iolk)lim reservations have been
I rnada for Orpheum parties on New Tear's
i jv: Mr. IahiIs lUUcr. ten; Mr. Maurice
Meyer, ten; Dr. B. W, Christie, twentyj
0 Mr. K. R. Hsuhton, elaht; Mr. Nathan
j V.Untrl. trn: Mr, M. Jhfld. lKten;
t, Mia. Clarence Benrmsn, four; Mr. Harry
Byrne, four; Mr. Frank Boyd, ten; Mr.
gj K. ft. Carlysle. ourteen; Mr. I. Ziegler.
four; Mr. J. J. McQuIre, sla; Mr. B. C.
II Goerke, four; Mr. C. l. Bturdevant. ten;
m Mir. i. A. C. Kennedy, four; Mr.' C. K.
1 Hutchlnaon. alx; Mr. II. II, Fish, aeven;
Q Mr. If. Hart, alx; Dr. W. 11. "Walker.
X eisht; Mr. Ueora F. llowoll. four; Mr.
t A. B. Warren, twenty-four; Mr. Robert
0 Trimble, four; Mr. K. F. Thompson, four;
j Mr. II. J. Adams, eighteen; Mr. W. I
Randall, six; Mr. J. B. Kats, four; Mr. IS.
a F. Jackson, three; Mr. E. V. Armstrong,
D alx; Mr. R. E. Harris, six; Mr. T. J.
T Donohue, six: Mr. II. A. Jaoobberser.
eighteen; Mr. A. A. Llddcll, four; Mr. C.
A W. Newport, four; Mr. , W. T. Byrne,
Bl(ht (box); Mir. H. N. Ooodell, elht;
j Mr. W. T. ra, alx; Tom Mc.Vlttle, alx;
a Adolph mora, eight: N. A. Bplesherser,
1 four; C. E. 6pen-e, alx; C. Stoddard, five;
j J. Foster, lt;ht; W. C. Russell, six.
Three of the larsest partlea on that
evenlne; will be the Tuesday Bridge club
( with eighteen. Another large party will
. be a number of the members of the
J Thursday Subscription Dancing club,
reservations having been mads for
J twenty.
I Still another party of twenty-four will
I be composed mostly of members of the
! Saturday Evening Subscription club.
Dance for Millard Boyi.
I The brilliant affair of In week will be
f the dance given this evening at th Hotel
IFontenelle by the Barton Millard la
honor of their brothers, home for the
I holiday vacation, Meaaia. Joseph, Hay
and Wlllaid Millard. The festivities will
f open with a dinner at which the host
and hostess will preside, in the ball room
of the Fonlenelle. One hundred and
thirty guests will dine at small tables
and dance between the courses. The dee
j orations will be In Christmas schema and
. the tables have small candles with red
, shades. Later 100 other guests will ar
, rlv for the dancing. A buffet supper
wilt be served In a private dining room
at 11 for all the guests of the occasion.
Martin la connects with one of the Ot
tumwa newspapers. The young couple
will make their future home In Ottumwa.
Cornwell-Timble Wedding.
The marrlnge of MIta George Trimble,
daughter of Mrs. John Philip Trimble, to
Mr. Charles Oscar Cornwelt of Chicago,
was solemnised Wednesday evening at
fortv-flv minutes after aeven o'clock
In the chapel "f the episcopal reaiilence.
th Right Rev. Arthur U Williams,
bishop of the diocese of Omaha, officia
ting. The bride wa given away by her
brother. Mr. Charlea Trimble., and ah
spprosched the aJtar without attendanta.
Only immediate members of the families
of the bride and bridegroom were present.
The bride wore a tailored suit of tweed,
the fabric sent to her from England.
It waa fashioned In aml-Norfolk mode.
Th corsage bouquet was of violets and
lilies of th vsllsy. ' Th bodlc to th
tweed suit was of gray and whit striped
pussy willow tarreta, maae in lanorea
style, and th hat waa unique with a
purple straw rim and crown of purple
crep da chin and tailored bow of purple
ribbon. Boota of Ivory kid completed the
The bride's only ornament was the gift
of th bridegroom, a necklac with a
crystal center, set In platinum, sur
rounded with diamonds.
Mr. and Mra. Cornwall go to Cuba on
their honeymoon, and will be at home
in Chicago after March 1.
Haston-Aintoa Wedding.
Miss Mary E. Axhton, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Q. W. Copplo. waa married
Monday evening at I o'clock at th horn
of th bridegroom's mother, to Mr.
wl T- lliialan inn. of Mrs May
Sumner. Rev. Charles N. Daweon, pastor
of th Diets Memorial Methodist church,
performed th ceremony.
Past Festivities. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook entertained
at dinner Sunday evening, for Mr. D
Forest Duma of Oklahoma. Th table
waa decorated with polnsettss and red
haded caudles. Th favors were mlmla
tur Christmas trees. Covers were placed
for nln guests. ,
' '''' ' ' ' ' '
7 v
Dec. 29.-Mra.
. Let Hibonx Plans.
. Th ninth annual banquet of Lea
Illboux, a High school boys' social club,
will b held Tuesday evening at th
Ilenshaw, and th annual dancing party
of th club will tak plac Wednesday
-evening at Chambera' dancing academy.
For thee two affaire, alumni of th club
, have returned to Omaha from college
. and from business activities In various
parts of th country. Th club was th
' ftrsT of Its kind organised at Central
High school after th anti-fraternity
il ruling In 1907, and now numbers almost
100 active and alumni members.
$ To Give Kecital Tuesday.
i MIm Katharine Kemp Stllllngs of Cos
ton will arrive Wednesday to be th guest
, of Mies Francea Nash during her stay
!ln Omnha. M l r Nash knew Mum ttlll
lnna in Boston and abroad. Miss Stilt
f Ings was a student of muslo for seven
ears in Fetrograd under the celebrated
I'rof. Auer. One of th features of th
Tuesday Morning Musicals, given at th
Kontenelle, January 4, will b a violin
recital by Miss sailings, accompanied on
the piano by Mra. Ludovlo F. Crofoot.
N. J..
Justus Sheffield, wife of a New York
lawyer. In the course of her suit for di
vorce In the courts her has set forth
ten commandments, each for husbands
and wives. MVa. Sheffield Is suing on
the ground of cruelty and alleges that
her husband Is not the . man of her
dreams. She has written a book, in
which she sets forth her Ideal man and
pictures her hunband aa a rather unde
sirable character. Among th command
ments for wives are the following;
"Thou shalt not bore thy husband.
"Thou shalt obey him sometimes un
certainty hath charms when minds are
"Thou shalt be fresh and aweet and
dainty as a shower bouquet; for lingerie
is more to be desired than rubles and a
good cook above government bonds."
Among th commandments for men ap
pears :
"Remember thy mother-in-law to keep
her guessing for a wise mother-in-law
loveth a cheerful liar, and a good ex
ouae la better . than non.
"Thou shalt not toy with danger,
though, verily, live Impulse has tow vol
tage domesticity beaten to a fraxale.
"Thou shalt be a mnn, dependable as
thy best Investment, thoroughbred aa a
racer, mellow aa old wine, constant as
thy club dues, then of a surety will favor
cling to thee as lichen to an old oak
Miss Connell will return earlv next week
to spend the balance of her vacation h.
for returning east to school. Mrs. R
W. Connell, who expected to accompany
ner aaugnter. Is detained here.'
John Singleton Swltxler. lr.. Is hnm
from Ann Arbor and snendlnr the hnli-
day vacation with his mother at Fort
Bridge Postponed. .
Invitations to the afternoon bridge to
t 1 . I - 1 . . l, t M 11
I lee In honor of Miss Myra Cole of . At
f Ian lie tlty have ben recalled, and th
affair postponed. Mlaa Cole received a
I telegram this morning Informing her of
t the death of a most Ultimate friend. Mrs.
t Arthur Ewen of Atlantic City, and aha
It ft this afternoon to attend th funeral
t Invitations Recalled. .
t Mtsa Elisabeth Davis and Miss Mtllora
t Davis will not entertain at dinner this
evening In honor of Mr. Ostsr Wss'.on
I of East Orange. N. J. The invitations
j are recalled In deference to the memory
I of Mr. Victor Caldwell.
New Year's Plant.
Among those who hav mad reserva
tions for New Year's v parties at the
University club are th following: John
R. McDonald, twenty; B. Knevlld, six;
A. B. Curry, four; D. Rubendahl, six
teen; E. 11. Burkett, two; Harry LawrU,
0a the Calendar.
Th Ian-Hellenlo association of Omaha
will glv their semi-annual luncheon at
th Hotel Fonteaell Wedneaday after
noon. This society la composed of all the
Oreek letter women's associations In the
Miss; Mona Cowell will glv a luncheon
at the Omaha club Thursday afternoon
for Mis Elsie Smith of Wilmington, th
guest of Mr. Walter Griffith. Covers will
be laid for eight
Friday afternoon Mlas Cowell give
a tea for Mrs. Oeorg Aperoon of Minnea
polis. The Omaha Woman's Fress club will
meet at th Hotel Fontenella Thursday
afternoon at 4 o'clock tor tea and annual
meeting and elections of officers.
add on th Calendar
Th members of th Churn Extension
society will hold their next meeting Wed
nesday evening, at th horn of Mrs. Wil
liam McKenna.
For Pr. Leavens.
Dr.i Robert F. Leavens of Mtehburg.
Muss., wi'l arrlv In Omaha Wednesday
morning to b the guest of Mra William
Newton und later of Mra. John McDon-
On Friday evening Mrs. Charlea W.
Kuhm-11 mill entertain at dinner In Dr.
Di averts' honor, but the reception to be
given the sain evening has been Indef-
tnliely postponed.
Per Chicago Cnest.
Mira Elisabeth Barker gave a lunch
em this sfiernoou In honor of Mis Luis
Fort of Chicago, the house guest of Miss
iJorothy belt. Mies Fort arrived la
Omaha this morning.
Dinner Preceding P&nce.
The Walter Faces will glv a small din
ner to twelve guest at th Hotel Fon
tenella this evening- preceding th dance
given by th Barton Mlllarda. Th table
will b decorated in Christina greens
and flowers.
Uartia-Dysert Wediinj.
MUs Helen Dyoart. daushter of Mr.
ar.d Mrs. J. K. Dyaart of Ottumwa. la.,
was inarrled at o'clock Monday after-ri'x-ii
at the I:ets Memorial parsons to
b'r.' 11. Martin, son of Mr.
V-. i!:lam (.'. lilarlln cf Ottumwa, the Rev.
t'urk', N. Dv.;n officiating.
in. I'.i.iu was a teacher and Mr.!
A New
Sinner to Bridal r&rty.
Preceding the wedding of their slater.
Mis Ueorg Trimble, to Mr. Charles
Oecar Cornwell of Chicago this evening,
Mr. and Mra. Robert Trtmbl will en tec
tain at dinner In honor of th brlday party
at their horn. Covers will b laid for
twenty-three guest and th decoration
will be Christmas emblems and flowers.
Dinner for Cowgilli.
Owing to th Illness of a-ra. B. W
Nash, th dinner that waa to hav been
given by her for Mr. and Sara Cowglll
wui u given at th horn of Mra D. P
Crofoot, this evening. Cover will b Uld
Messrs. and Msadame
F. S. Cowgiil. i, jk. Crofoot
A. V. Klnaler,
MIk Frances Nash.
Mr. C. W. Hull
Tuesday Bridge.
ma iuwaii urwge club was enter
tained this afternoon by Mlaa Oertruda
Mots. Mis Eleanor Mackay, Miss Vir
ginia Connell and Mis Helen Eastman
suosuiuiea ror absent members.
Persona Mention.
ur. j. s. Qoets. Mr. Frank Ooets and
their sister. Miss Elsl Qosti. lesve to
nght for New Orleans and from ther
they will sail for Cuba, They expect to
"r anout a month.
Mr. and Mr, w. T. Hayne and their
time uaugnier, Barbara Janet, are spend,
uig the holidays In Omaha with Mrs.
naynes parenu. Mr. and Mrs. Qustav
B. Dake. They er former Omahana and
hav a larg circle of friend her. Their
aom U now at Flats, In McFhersoa
county, this state, wher Mr. Hayne
Da Dunnes ana agricultural Interest.
Social Gossip.
Mis Itegina Connell leaves Wednesdsy
evening u H I uriaesmald at th Trevor
jonnsion wcauaig at Kiverside, New
roar day. Ther will be round of
entertainment preceding th wedding
We have Just receiv
ed a new style high.
boot which we hato
christened The Lexard.
It has a Spanish Louie
heol and flexible weft
sole, 'a black kid. .
The prke la
$4 and $5
We are also show
ing this new, attractive
number In the African
brown shade in soft
kid leather. The price
$5 and $6
Pwl Pott Paid
14 1 9 Far nam St.
Seventy-Five More Couples Ask
Separation and Forty-Four
Lest Are Wedded.
Beventy-four more divorce suits
were filed and forty-four fewer cou
ples were married In Omaha in 1915
than In 1914, according to statistics
compiled by "Cupid" Stubbenlorf,
marriage license clerk, and Fred A.
Gordon, of the office of the clerk of
the district court, the home of the
divorce demon.
Cupid's grief as the result of this
showing Is allayed to a small degree
b one fact, the n jmbe; of divorce
decrees granted having been reduced
by twenty-one in 1915, as compared
with the previous year.
Ther were 2,402 marrlnne licenses
granted In Omaha this year and 70".
divorce aulta were start oil. In 191t there
were 2.444 licenses and S31 divorce decrees.
Th figure for the last few days of the
year are estimated.
Th ratio of marriages to divorce de
creased from IS to 1 In 114 to 2.4 In 1H15.
with th result that there la now practi
cally on divorce to every three mar
riages In Omaha.
The number of divorce suits which were
tried and In which decrees were entered,
however, was reduced to S75 In 1915 ' aa
Compared with 896 In 1B14.
More marriage licenses were Issued dur
ing; th last alx month of 191S than dur
ing th first alx months, the figures be
and 1,39? and 1,105.
Twenty-seven dlvorew suits were dis
missed In 1915. Of these, however, a num
ber were renewed after attempted re
conciliation had failed.
New Pianos, Player Pianos. Good Pianos
Imagine a Dependable, New Piano for Only $163
on 11.50 weitly payments; othor Instruments of high-grade at $195, 1225, $318, $340, $395, and Player-Pianos
that were $150 to S50, now $375 to $300, at sums and terms to suit your circumstances.
Music Stock Cut to Meet
It. O. Bock, formerly traveling pas
senger agent, for the Denver sV Rl"
Grande road, January 1 will become Its
general agent, with office In th Wood
men of th World building. Ha will al
represent th Western Pacific in tht
same capacity.
Art Goods and Brfc-a-Brac
Must Go. Too
Stock, carrying thousands of articles, made In
silver. Gold, Bronxe, Marble, Pottery, Ivory, Natural
Woods, go Into this pre-inventory Price Slashing.
Sale; only 20 days In which to sell the over stock of
$20,000, In art stock goods, which embraces Electric
Lamps In Gold In newest Perujap and Tudor Shaped
Shades, at from $3.75 to $75.00.
Candle Sticks, Night Lamps, In mahogany, white
and oak woods, from $1.00 up.
Sliver Ware in Sheffield silver, from 50c. up.
Brass 8ets, Smoker's Sets, BookRacks, Book
Ends, Umbrella Stands, Cornucopias, Desk Sets and
many art pieces In brass, at a straight discount of
20 per cent off.
Cordova Leather, Ladles' Bags, Pads, Bill Books,
Book Ends, Diaries, Leather Frames, at 20 Per Cent
Flowers, Artificial Roses, full bloom, 25c.
Butter Cups, Daisies, Nasturtiums, Poinsettas,
from 10c up.
Vases in Bronzed Sterling Silver, Vasekraft
t Vases, Holland Vases, Niolak Vases. Every one of
them at 20 Per Cent Off.
Marble Statuary, Composition Statuary, 20 Per
Cent Off.
Mottoes, framed and In sheet, 20 Per Cent Off.
Pohlson Gallery, novelties embracing hundreds
of useful necessaries, cut with the 20 Per Cent Discount.
20 Per Cent Off except en contract gooda.
Complete Violin Outfits $g to $350
Violin Cases, wood and leather $1.25 to $25
Violin Bows, Imported v . .75c to $30
Music Stands, Japanned and nickel 50o to $2
Mandolins, high grade $5 to $50
Mandolin Cases, canvas and leather. . .$1.25 to $8
Guitars, American manufacture $fj to $35
Banjos, standard makes $7 to $25
Drums, orchestra and band '$15 to $35
Cornets, brass and silver $16 to $05 .
Clarinets, Perfect scale $12 to $75
Flutes, Boehm ft Albert $12 to $85
Piccolo, at $4 to $8
Brass Instruments $1Q to $65
Bugles, regulation $4 to $6
Harmonicas, Imported 5c f $2.50
Accordeons, German and Italian $6 to $25
Swiss Music Boxes 35o to $7.50
Music Rolls, real leather .....75c to $10
Music Bags, morocco $2 to $10
Orchestra Bells, Saxophones, Harps, Cellos and
all accessories for musical Instruments.
PirhiTA Prirpc fif 20 Per nt discount a all paintings, water col
. . IILCv ors, pastel pictures, steel engravings, etchings,
facsimile pictures, artotypes, ready-made frames and made-to-order frames.
No charge for fitting.
1513-1515 Douglas
a Street
25c Children's Cashmere Gloves,
on sale at, pair 19o
Children's 25c Wool Gloves. 15o
Women's 85c Leatherette Glove
go at, par pair... 4Qo
Women's Lined Cashmere
Gloves, on sate at 25c
Child's Leather Gauntlets or
Mittens, ssl pries 450
jBaaaaaaaBaasaaBB SaaaasssavMaisBssasB)
$2.00 Silk Scarfs, plain and fan.
ey, on sals at 08 C
$1.25 Flbr Silk Knit 8carfs 59 o
SSe Mercerised Silk 8csrfs.l5o
50c Fascinators and Hoods. 19c
Children's 19o Velvet Bonnets,
sals price, saeh So
I f r-N n t V y i l I
Our Greatest January White Sale
Begins Next Monday, January 3d.
s t
The big features about this sale which we wish to em
phasize the strongest are: Our purchases were made before
cotton prices soared to their present formidable height; this
sale will establish a high record in value, variety of styles,
completeness of sixes and quantities of each.
Wm'f fnr If!
Ul i f m sm j
Want Skates?
Boys' and Men's Cast Steel
Skates, sale price, pair....40c
Boys' and Men's Nickel Plated '
Skates, on sale, pair 65c
Boys' and Men's Tempered
Skates, sals price, pair.. $1.85
Girls' and Women's Skates, per
pair.. 95c. $1.25 and $3.00
8porting Goods Dept.
Boys' Clothing
$7.50 to $10 Boya Suits.. $5.00
$4 to $5 Boys' Overcoats. $2.95
$4 to $5 Boys' Macklnaws $2.95
75c Corduroy Knickers. . -49c
Sweater Coata, $1.50 value.. SI
The Smart Winter Coats We Have Reduced
An Event in the Great Year End Clearing Sale
SO Sport and Ek&ting Coats,
worth to $15, at, clearing sale
26 Pluah Coats, worth $15,
clearance sale price for only
15 Plash Coats with fur
trimmings, worth $22.50. Sale
Ccats , that are now at the zenith of their -fashionable
popularity at the height of their season wanted now as at
no other timet And yet they are reduced.
Coats full of the swing and style that belong to the wide
flare, the ripple, the cadet and redingote and semi-military
Materials are the rich velours and plushes of various
textures, corduroys and fancy coatings. High chin-chin col
lars, cuffs and bands of fur, etc,
Clearance time knows no favorites, and the benefits are
Bargains in Children's Coats
Heavy Wool I Heavy
Coats, worth
to $5.98, at
Children's $19 Coats, clearing-
Wool Heavy Wool Girls' Coats,
Coats, wortn coats, wortn worth to $10,
I fn CTfVI at in 1f) at aula, nrlu
1 .V W f .WW. - I - T -1 - - I - - ...WW I
$HD CA (ro on ro no m nc hrmc T 3 Ok
yiii 1 w 1 sm i 1 i lis
25 Fine White Chinchilla
Coats, worth to $25.00, at sale
65 Fine Coats of different
materials, worth to $50. Sale
W i..t ,liv'2!N,iluJ
:los ancelis
Mill StrMt. Nwr 41k.
Ahaalaulr rirasrMb
uith rn,.i aia.
4Hi4 ts tfas wn lri at tSlnu.
l,a llIF iwualt4. HI,).
srS A mi, Ion. Kur.'Mta mu. 'I&ri(1
lium 1 bJ Tn . uto ms Mt stt
UtlM rll fur tflder.
r Sl. IUMM.1K. lrM U
Hosiery and Underwear
J5o Silk Llsls Hos 19 O
B0e Boot Silk Hosiery.... 200
Misses', Child's 25s Hoss.J2Ho
Men's SXe Rockford Socks.. 5o
Women's 15o Cotton Hoss..l0o
$3 Munslng Union Suits. $1.70
$1.25 Munslng Union Suits. 69c
59c Fleeced Cot. Un. Suits. 39o
60c FUsced Cot. U.t. Suits. 29o
S5c FUecsd Cot. Un. Suits. 25o
25c Cotton Vests and
About 1,500 Crep d Chine,
Solrre Silk, Plaid, Taffeta, Chlf
Ton, Strlpad Silks, Radium Taf
feta Blous, valu QQ
to $8.88, special & aO
Slightly SolUd Llngerl Blous,
worth to $15; sal prlc..fJ9o
Slightly SolUd $3.00 Lingerie
Blous, sals prlc......SJ1.4o
1.000 Crsp d Chin Bloua,
Crp d Chins Bleu, valus
to $3.00; on sals $1.79
Nw Satin, Crp ds Chin and
Lac Blouasa, $5 values. $3.93
$730 Gnuln U. .8. Army Blanket, tan, on sale, per pair, at.. $4.98
$2.50 12-4 Woolnap Cotton Blankets, sale price, per pair, at.... $1.89
$6.00 Fins Alt-Wool Plaid Blankets, per pair, clearanco sal. .. .$4.79
$5.00 Fin All-Wool Blankets, sale price, pr pair, clearance. .$3.93
$3.60 Fin Wool Filled Whit Blankets, on sal at, per IPlr..$4.49
$2.00 12-4 Heavy Twilled Cotton Blankets, on sale, per psir. . . .$1.49
$130 Single Beacon Blankets, on sal, each, clearance aal 89o
85c Double Soft Fleeced Cotton Blanket, aal price, pair r9o
$7.00 and $3 00 Fin All-Wool Blankets, on sale at, pair $4.93
$4.50 Wool Filled 11-4 Double Blanket, aale price, pair $2.08
$3.00 Mixed Feather Filled Bd Pillow, on aal at, pair $1.98
60c All Clean Feather Filled Bed Pillowa, aale price, pair 25o
$4.00 All Goose Feather Bed Pillows, sal prlc, per pair $3.29
$1.00 Comforts, white cotton filled, sale price, per pair 69o
$1.60 Large Site White Cotton Comforts, aale price, pair $1.00
$2.00 Large Size White Cotton Comforts, on aal at. pair 11.4ft
SpQand S2.73 Extra Large Comforts, sals pries, pair.. "
? K fi - V ri O 1
rier Ainas Clearance oaie
Men's Furnishings
60 do. 25c Wool Mufflers 12'aO
75c Negliges Golf 8hirts...49o
Men's 15e Cotton Hoss 9c
15 doz. Men's $1 Un. 8ults.69o
Men's 25e Silk Neckwear. . .1Q0
25c Silk Fiber Hoe, palr..!50
Fin $3.50 Silk Mufflers. $1.49
Men's $1.50 Union Suits.. Q5c
$130 and $1.75 Dress Shirts. l
Men's, Boys''75c Gloves... 3J)0
$1 Dress, Street Gloves... .fl9o
During oar great Christmas book sale many books be
came more or less soiled and damaged by the enormous
crowds that handled and looked at them. All such books
and maoy others that we wish to close oat quick have been
gathered up and marked at reduced prices as above.
a. a. a
Shoes Slippers
Child's Blus Felt Slippers. ,25c
Women's Felt Slippers. . . .25o
Men's 8llppere, smb., palr.390
Woman's Slumber Slippers 25c
Wom.n's Felt 6llppers. . . .980
Man's $1.25 Slippers, palr..980
Worn. $3.50 Dra Shoes. $1.50
Bath Slippers, all kinds... 25o
Women's $5 Shoes, pair. $2.85