Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 3-S, Image 35

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0CC?? fl A NOTE 5ATIN' ?W?P1, Hi LISTED ON ME. jy-rgo L-LrT HOU5E -g ' YOUR HOUSE WHEN frCTY . H
WHILK the merry magnates are
patting themselves upon the
back, congreatulatlng them
selves that competition ia no
more and barkening In their dreams
to the sweet and musical click of
tha turnstile, Mr. A. Fan, the most
Important figure In baso ball, appears In
the renter of the stage and Indulges In
a little Christmas Joy for himself. For
the fan ran foresee an Improvement In
the brand of baso ball which will be
r-ervod him when balmy and gentle
April cornea around. The entrance of the
1' ederal league players - Into Organized
Base Halt should, and in all probability
will, result In a vast Improvement In the
playing. And that Improvement should
occur all along the line rrom the major
to the class D minor loops. In the first
Pace the major league clubs will be
rengthrned by the addition of the Fed
eral league stars to their ranks. Fol
lowing this those players who last sea
son held down jobs in the majors and
the Fed, but will nov be quite fast
enough to hold their own with the
tmaller number of positions to fill, will
drop to the class AA circuits. In turn
the weaker members of the class AA cir
cuits will be passed along to the class A
loops and so on. Thus all of the circuits
will obtain players of more pronounced
ability than they had last year. In the
second place the brand of ball should im
prove because the players will be called
upon to exert themselves to their utmost
to hold their Jobs. Players who loaf and
plajr horse a practice very prevalent last
year will find themselves parted from
their Jobs because the magnates are now
in a position to discipline sucb pursuits.
All in all, peace bids well to act as a
successful tonic for professional base ball.
Since the advent of the Federal league
sad the subsequent battle of the dollars
between the wsrrlng magnates the heads
of Organized Base Ball were severely
criticised for, permitting financial mat
ters to enter too largely in the business
of base ball. But out of the confusion
of the last week looms a clear testimonial
that sportsmanship and loyalty is a vir
tue possessed by American league club
owners. That Is the decision of the league
to stand by Charley Somers in that mag
nate a time of need. Mr. Somers may
be compelled to give up his ball club
the committee of bankers that has
In Its power Insists, but there Is this
satisfaction that his fellow club owners
will make every effort to put him back
on hla feet as far as his base ball Inter
ests are concerned. Truly, It Is only
right that the American league should
stand by gomers, for it was Somers who.
without the slightest hesitation, spent a'
fortune to assist other club owners and
enabled many a faltering club to weather
tha storm, but It must be admitted there
appears-to bo some regard for faithful
ness and loyalty among the American
leaguers. .
Lincoln tes appear to be filled with a
fei ling of apprehension regarding the
future success of the University of Ne
braska foot ball team because Jumbo
Silt hm Is leaving the Institution. It ap
pears to us the are yelling
wolf" before they are hurt. Without
casting any reflections on the ability of
Mr. Stlehm It would seem a very compe
tent -coach to succeed him could be
fcafily obtained. If Mr. Stlehme succes
sor is as fortunste in getting material
as Stlehm has been during his five
years of service at Nebraska, little fear
need be felt, for even an ord nary coach
could turn out championship elevens
with ineii like Owen and Ernie Frank,
Jerry Warner, Shonka. Vic Hulllgan.
Chamberlain to build an attack around.
When the details of the peace treaty
were published no mention of the sum
Harry Sinclair was to receive waa made
and It looked like the oil magnata was
left ouUlJe the fold. But now It seems
Mr. Sinclair owns all the stars of the
Federal league and will gather in his
bit by placing them on the auction
Mr. Gaffney of Boston says the solu
tion to the umpire question Is to
schedule the umps at the start of the
yar Just as the clubs are scheduled
and then make them at ck to the schedule,
Perhaps, but It would seem a more suc
cessful solution would be to employ some
real umpires.
Jack Holland will not desert th West
em lesgue in Us time of need. The St
Joseph magnate will remain with the
Drummers instead of going to Kansas
City. Tha Western probably would not
exist If Holland should transfer hla af
fection. '
The Browns and Cubs, according to th
peace agreement, can carry as many as
4ittu thlAtee If thev an wish. Th ! rv
i fMtT to be a gross injustice. How caa th
u.r.r.u and Cuba set alona- with only
fifty players?
WlcXta declares It will hava a bet
ter season next year than last. If that
is true Wichita will about lead the league
la attendant next year.
New York Club Will Go to Georgia
Camp Which Has Turned Out
Many Champ Nines.
Unable to secure accommodations In
Florida, the Yanks have decided to train
next spring at Macon, G., whence so
many world's champion teams have
started their conquering careers that a
loser Is not permitted"" to. play a return
Famous ns Training; Center.
It was at Macon that the Athletics pre
pared for two of their most Hiiccpxful
seasons; at Macon that George Stalling
whipped the Braves Into shape for the
1914 campaign; at Macon that Ktalllngs
trained the Tankers of 1M0. the only
Tankee outfit s'nee the 3rlfflth regime,
which had even an oulaide chance to win
an American league pennant.
Stalllngs if passing up Macon next
spring in favor of Miami, but only be
cause the Boston club has been offered
such financial Inducements to train in
Florida. He still considers MiTfon the
most desirable spring rendezvous In tho
country, not only because of the rare a
lubrlousness of Its weather during the
conditioning period, but because of its
splendid strategic position.
A club training at Macon next spring
will be too far removed from the Florida
center of National league training activ
ities to Indulge In any lnterleague sxirles
against the Dodgers, the Cubs, the Phil
lies or the Braves, but In every other re
spect will be far more advantageously
situated than If It wer In almost any
other city In the southeast.
Atlanta, for Instance, with Its Southern
league club, Is ' only two hours away;
Columbus, Ga., and Athens, whero the
University of Ueorgla develops a very-
fair ball team each year, are equally
easy of access. And when It comes time
to break camp there la a choice of two
fin routes back to the north.
Probable Path Outlined.
One would lead through the same terri
tory covered by the Yanka last spring;
the other through Southern league coun
try, which th Yanks have not tapped In
years. Following the laitcr trail, tho
Tanks would play at Atlanta, Birming
ham, Chattanooga and Knoxvllle before
striking over to Richmond and Baltimore,
to say nothing at a number of smallci
towns which see major league clubs so
seldom that they probably would richly
reward any stray visitor. There Is rea
son to believa that this Is the path the
club will take.
Major league manager never have
spoken save in praise of Maccn's weather.
but heretofore the town has not been a
popular one In base ball circles because
of a depressing lack of good hotels. With
in tho last year, however, a modern hos
telry, twelve stories high, with Turkish
baths and steam room and all that ort
of thing, has been erected, and there the
Tanks will be quartered during the month
they probably will spend In Macon.
Moran and Dahlen
and Bransfield to
Be Made Umpires
It has been reported from time to time
by such recognised authorities as John
Ever. If. Zimmerman and J. J. Mo
Graw that the National league umpiring
could be Improved upon. Now comes
news that President John K. Tener of the
National league has taken up the Im
portant task of bolstering up that de
partment of his organization.
Mr. Tener Indicated that it was with
satisfaction that he regarded the applica
tions of Charley Moran, former St, Louis
National league catcher; Kitty Bransfield,
for many years a star first baseman, and
Bill Dahlen, former leader of th Brook
lyn National.
Steve Evans Shows
Skids Under
How Steve Evan squelched a windy
politician at a banquet and mad base
ball the order of the evening la told ia a
story by Ed Konetchy. Evan wa visit
ing Koney the latter horn in Wis
consin along with other ball player and
the diamond athlete were Invited to a
banquet given by some lodge or order.
Though the ball players wer the prin
cipal curiosities,' a state aenalor, who wa
a candidal for governor, waa th prin
cipal speaker. He was wound up and
stayed on his feet so long that every
body almost went to sleep.
When th senator sat down th poli
tical lssua wa canned and th toaaUnas
ter invited Btev to talk baso balL He
began by relating some yarns of the
world tour. Finally ho pulled that one
about Jim Thorp grabbing th Panama
off an Englishman head and running
for a touchdown. Th senator was
peeved because th limelight had been
witched away from hint and at this
point ha Interrupted Btev with a remark
calculated to make th outfielder sit
Copyright, IMS, International
News 8rvloe Registered U.
8. Patent Of no
Charley White Jud&ei Prize Fights
and Then Goes Out to Collect
Old Masters.
All three of them hsd ringside scat
at a recent fight in New York. One, a
born New Yorker, had brought the man
from Herkimer county and the other from
the fashionable section of Fifth avenue
as his guests to a boxing club. Neither of
the visitors had ever witnessed a boxing
When the main bout waa announced the
man from Fifth avenue evinced an un
usal Interest In the re free.
"What Is this to be some sort of a
Joke?" he asked of his host.
"Joke; what do you mean Joke?"
"Why the referee." he said. "That Isn't
a regular referee. He isn't the same man
that was refereelng a while ago. 1 know
that fellow. He' my art commissioner
bought most of my collection for me."
"No," spoke up the man from Herki
mer. "You must be wrong. I know that
man is not a referee, but he Isn't an art
agent, either, lle'a the member of the
democratic state committee who makes a
visit up to our country every summer on
political business. 1'v seen him there
lots of times."
"You fellows must be blinded by the
smoke," laughed the host. "That Char
ley White, the best known boxing referee
in America. He is not an art commis
sioner and he is not the politician that
goes to Herkimer."
"If you don't think he Is," the guests
spoke up In unison, "you can win a little
supper from us."
Who Loses Betr
Through th aid of a newspaper man
the trio met Charley White after the bout
was over and they are still in doubt a
to who shall pay for the meal,
Charley White is not only the best
known referee In this country and the
enly American who ever refereed at the
National Sporting club In London, but he
is also an active worker for the demo
cratic state committee and is one of the
best Judges of picture In New York.
"You didn't think I made my living out
of refereelng?" he asked the man who
had never known him in his other roles.
"There was a time when It might have
been all right, but I would hate to depend
upon the refereelng of boxing matche
nowaday for my livelihood."
At an art exhibition there 1 nothing
suggestive of the prize ring about him
and he discusses the various picture with
all the technical thoroughness of a Eu
ropean critic. Among those who know, It
Is said that Charley White is one of the
best appraisers of paintings, both a to
financial and artistic worth, jn this coun
try. He has acted a the purchasing
agent for the greater part of many of th
best Individual collection In New Tork.
Any time there I a sal of fine painting
you can rest assured that Charley Whit
will be present. If there la a bargain In
sight some big collector will reap th
benefit of hi astuteness. He get a com
mission for making these purchase and
occasionally he steps out and buya an old
master on his own hook for speculative
Puck Herzog eem to have won one
point In his content! ns with tha board of
directors the number of exhibit on games
to be played by th Reds between Alex
sndrla and Cincinnati has been cut down
almost to nothing, so far a wandering
Jumps and performances on horrible
ground are concerned. The club 1 to
play where college team at Lafayette,
La., I place where there Is an excellent
field, sojourn a few days In New Orleans,
and, when stopping off at Memphis for
a cup of coffee take on the Meraphlans.
How to Put
Windy Politicians
Btev never batted an eye. He glanced
at tha senator, took a long drink of water
from tho speaker' table, snvled at th
Interrupter and said:
'This affair reminds me of a story
about Bunny Hearn, on of McOraw'
pitcher on th trip around th world-
Bunny la a left-hander and a deliberate
speaker. From tha day that McOraw
backed him into hi first dress suit ho
waa th aoctal featur of the trip.
"Wa wer In San Francisco and wer
Invited to a banquet tendered by some
Frisco highbrow. I asked Hearn waa he
going, but he waa cagey. W had been
playing a lot of banquets, where w wer
Invited simply to exploit aom local cele
brity. '1 11 go If iff a regular faed," said
Bunny, .'but JU b dinged If TU go to
on of them place where they Invlta youi
to boost their own game, learn yoa to like
olive and eat with yer fork for the
privilege of having 'em talk you to death
for three hour.' "
Then Kvsns winked at the boys and
sat down. The senator 'stayed put' dur
ing the remainder of the evening. i
Cowler Still Pegging
Tow Cowler, the English heavyweight
and protege of Jim Corbett, after a few
disastrous encounters in tho ring. Is still
pegging away and Is matched for sev
eral bout with some of the leading big
Cowler' record so far shows twenty
knockouts in thirty-two fights and of
these nineteen were in succession fol
lowing hi fifteen-round win over Bob
Scanlon In London.
Indian Jim Charges $250 a Game
and Plays Regularly on Satur
days and Sundays.
While a number of major league base
ball players were picking up extra pin
money In barnstorming exhibitions since
the season' close, Jim Thorpe selected
professional foot ball as a means for
the enlarging of his bank-roll. This Isn't
surprising, for in his Cat lisle days, Thorpe
was one of the best gridiron artists In
th game.
HI a Pay for Mrrvtrea,
Two hundred and fifty dollars per game
has been Thorpe'a fixed price, and he
ha been getting It In Saturday and Pun
day game through Ohio and Ind'ana,
which are about the only states In which
professional foot ball proves really profit
able. Herer Beea Hart.
Foot ball generally la counted much
rougher and more dangerous than base
ball, but Thorpe has escaped without
a sprain, much less a fracture, whereas,
Mollwltz, Cincinnati's first baseman, is
suffering from a broken collar bone sus
tained In a barnstorming base ball game
at Versailles, Ky.
The fact that the "set" Jarred loose
while Mbllwlts was on his way home
to Milwaukee, following th accident,
mad the break more serious.
Clark Griffith and Herman Rchaefer.
frlenda of years, have fallen out. (irlff
let Bchaefer go to enlist aa pleased hi
fancy and the Herman Joined the Feds.
That waa all right, so long aa he got
some of Sinclair's easy money, but the
other day Bchaefer told a story about
Alnumtth and Oandll getting th -worst of
it from Griffin and about how they were
going to Jump to th Fwderal league.
It mad Griffith aore and th two are
friend no longer.
Basra I Caadldate.
Henry Busrh. who managed Petersburg
In the Virginia league for a time last sea
son, is a candidate for the Job of man
aging the Terr Haute Central league
wmmmummmm - - v" c umnmmmttmammammmm
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
Away at tho Heavies
Moran and Gunboat Smith both hold
decision over Cowler, who fought in
Australia after leaving England and
finally drifted to Canada and than to
Tacoma, where Jim Corbett took him
under his wing. Ia Australia Cowler so
cured three knockouts ' to hi credit. In
his first fights In New Tork Cowler did
not show to advantage, but he ha been
coming on lately, and If th statement
that he Is but S3 year of ag true
he ha a brilliant futura before him.
Americus Says Few
Words Regarding a
' Certain J. Stecher
Americus of Baltimore. Md., one of th
best heavyweight wrestler In the mat
game, who waa defeated decisively by Jo
Stecher. the rising young star from Ne
braska, think that Ptecher will defeat
Uotch If the champion emerges from re
tirement to meet th Bohemian heavy
weight grappler.
"My advice, to wrestlers when they
expect to go against Stecher." said Amer
leu af'or hla Ill-fated match." is to train
heroically. Even herola training may not
bring them victory, but It will give them
a chance to leave th ring all In one
piece. I have wrestled with Gotch on
numerous occasions, but the former
champion never gave m the rough treat
ment that Stecher did. This young man
carries the most powerful hands of any
athlete In the world, and when he takes
hold If hla opponent I not trained for
the occasion something Is going to break.
I waa soft when I met him, and I will
say rlsht now that If It ia ever my for
tuneor misfortune to meet him again
I will be as hard as nails and well sup
plied with ace1 dent policies."
Hardy Qalta Waco.
A ststement comes from Waco denying
that Kills Hirdy has sl-rnei with Waco
to lead th Texas league champion.
Ministers Reorganize Volley
Ball League Started Last Year
The Ministers' Volley Ball league ha
been reorganised at the Young Men'
Christian association and very Monday
afternoon during the remainder of th
winter will find th "T" volley ball
court occupied by a dosen or two f
Omaha' most prominent mlniatsra
Th league was organised last yaar by
Rev. Titus Low of th First Mathodltt
church and Rsv. Charles Cobbey of th
First Christian church. Tbes minister
Induced about twenty of their colleaauea
to tak up th sport last year and when
spring cam around every man who took
up the gam wa enthualastio about It
Leading Foot Ball Men of the East
Approve of System to Number
One by one the leader In foot ball
throughout the country are reallxlng that
tha numbering of foot ball player la a
perfectly logical result of the develop
ment of the gam. Few of th big col
lege still hold out against the practice,
among them being Yale and Harvard.
Princeton. Pcnn, Cornell and the western
colleges are all using this method of
making the game more attractive to the
spectator. Below will be found the opin
ion of many of the leading former play
er and some coaches, among them a
tar group of Harvard and Tale men.
who heartily favor th numbering. Thla
can b taken a an Indication that these
two college will soon fall Into line:
By Kdrar N. Wrlghtlnaton. Hsrvard
Captain of lHUa "I approve of the system
or numoenng players. it msKea me
game much more Interesting to the spec
tators. If w are going to build big
bowls and stadia and have elaborate
scoreboard Information, all for the bene
fit of the spectator, why not make the
system complete and Identify the players
svcurateiy, so w can s wnat tney are
Hy Daniel J. Hurley, Harvard Captain
of l!VH and 1(W6 "The Innovation of num
ber ng player during the foot ball con
tests will be a great help to the game.
This Innovation mskes errors more obvi
ous and therefore more easily eradicated.
Hy this means the I layer, the play and
the team will be Improved."
Hy Hamilton F;ah. Harvard Captain of
1!X9"I believe It please the pe'tator
and consequently 1 look on it fuvorahiy.
Certainly the numbering of the players
does no harm to tha gam so tar aa I
can sen."
By I'eroy L. Wendell. Harvard Captain
of 1913 "I heartily concur with the theory
that the public is entitled to Identify foot
ball players. The coloeaa! else of modern
arenctd renders the Mayers mere marto
nettes whose Identitv is Indlstlrurulshsble
even to their best friends.'"
By Char es Mr ck ev. Harvard Cantain
of 1914 "Personally I am heartily In fa
vor or ntimoertng players, because mis
feature has proved of vast benefit to
spectator In understanding what la go
ing on and who actually is doing the
work. The notion should be vested In
ach coach and captain aa to their use.'
By Vincent Ktevenson, rormer ureal
Penn Quarterback "I believe that we
owe It to the spectators to provide some
such means of Identifying players on the
frldlron. I know of a dosen good reasons
or numbering and not one real argu
ment agHinei it.
Hy Charles Oould. Tale Captain of Itftl
"As there are no reasons whatever why
flayer should not be numberea, and at
east one good reason why they should be
numbered namely, that of making It pos
sible for spectators to follow not only the
filay, but the Individual I strongly favor
ts adoption.''
By B. F. B. Mora, Tale Captain of 1
"Do not aee any possible objection to
numbering players. Do not feel com
petent to Judge In th matter, aa I have
not seen a foot ball gam for ntn year.
Offhand It would seem to me a con
vener to spectators. Do not understand
how It could affect players In any man
ner." By Fred Daly. Tale Captain of 1910 "I
am In favor of numbering players, since
it affords so much pleasure to spectators.
I have been opposed to It because of
emphasis on Individual Instead of team.
Th rule should read players must be
numbered, Instead of recommending that
players be numbered, a In th present
rnrift nf rules
By Coach Rush of Princeton "Th days
have passed when those wno came to see
tha game could atand along the aid line
and easily distinguish th players. With
the huge stadluma of the present day It
is very desirable to have the men num
bered for the benefit of the p-iblle."
By Ooach Metralf of Columbia 1'nlver
sity "I believe strongly in the number
ing system from the stsndpolnt of Its
value to the spectators."
By Al Joumeav, Captain Penn Team of
1914 "Bv all means number the players.
It is certainly no detriment to th team
and a source of great satisfaction to the
people whose patronage makes th gam
By Ad Kellv. Former Great Princeton
Hark "The principal reason why the
system should be adopted Is because so
many persons attend the game who. do
not know the player and have to have
them pointed out. If the player are
numbered these person ran Identify each
man on the field merely by looking at
inn numbers on their oroarrame."
By Tom Thort-e, Columbia Former
Oreat Tackle "The college should meet
the public demand for th system and
adopt It. I official at many games and
ftnd it easier to settle contested Poln
and to fix In my mind the players eligible
to receive a forward pass when th num
bering svatem is used.
By Cart Flanders. Fornvr Tale Star
"The numbering system sdds to the en-
noyment of the came rrom tne speciatoi
rtandpoint. At first I was opposed to
the system, but I see now that H I
good thing. I look for ths numbers my
self, which I guess Is a pretty good test
of my feeling on the question.
Tlaera at Kay s.
Th Detroit club ha booked exhibition
date for Kansas City on April S, and 10.
Bo last Monday Mr. Low announced
th league would be reorganized an'
pronto the minister dug up their old
gym ulU and started to work. It 1
expected that thirty and perhaps forty
will anter th Monday afternoon ltgu
this year. .
In addition to Mr. Lowe and Mr. Cob
bey, Rev, Oeorg U Poter of the North
Md Christian church. Rev. Hugh B.
Bpaor of th Central United Presbyte
rian church and A- C. Pougla of ih
JTlrat United Preabytartaa church ai
minister who war aa hand for tha f irt
meeting of tha laagua laat yaar and we-
back oa th Job this yaar.
a b
Big Conflict in Europe Draws Many
of World's Leading Figures
of Sport in Net '
Th European war ha cut Iri heavily
on th realm of sport, drawing men prom
inent In athletic, automobtllng. boxing,
wrestling, hockey, tennis, aviation, base
ball and golf from their chosen field to
the trenches or some other field of th
International strife. Score of notable
already have fallen. Hundred remain
with th fighting force.
Among the present and former day
greats of th boxing realm now on duty
with th allies ar Georges Carpentler,
heavyweight champion of Franc; Bom
bardier Well of England, Jack Munroa
of Canada and Jimmy Brltt. former
American lightweight champion. Word
comes from Pari to th effect that Car
pentler, who 1 attached to the French
aviation corp. ha been decorated with
the military cross for daring work In an
Carpeatier la Decorated.
Carpentler Joined th French army at
th outbreak of war and haa lnc oeen
In th thickest of th fighting. At on
Urn h was .n th signal service, and
twlc had his apparatus blown away by
German ahell. Munroa, who sprung a
urprl on Jim Jeffrie in a four-round
combat, lost a hand rcntly la battle.
nrltt, whb filling a vaudvlli engage
ment In Sydney, got th war plrlt. in
listed with an Australian detachment and
last reports had hint in tha field along
the Dardanelles.
Speed king of th automoblla peed
way headed by Beit Thomas, a derby
winner on tha .ndianapolla aval, and Jean
i orporato, who finished among th lead
er in ID ewnui inna i - wu
,ast June, hav returned to th color,
foremost among tha flyr now battling
.'or hi country I Jul Vdrlns, who
haa appeared In aero meets In Chicago.
Th call to arm sounded th ouoana-
inent of th famous Victoria vo, cham
pion of tha Ontario Hockey association.
aptaln Jack Ooocb baa rciva a com
mission as lieutenant In .th lanaaiaa
Held battery and la oa hla way to tha
.ronL Hugh Alrd. th sensational wing,
ua Joined th Koyal naval flying corps
And now la on duty ia Franca.
Hack 1114 Prisoaer.
Th one-Urn monarch of th mat,
Georg Hackenschmldt, according to dis
patches, la a prisoner of war. Billy
U'Uara, one-time outfulder of th BU
Louis Cardinal and Nw Tork Giant,
recently quit th Montreal club and waa
granted a commission In th Royal navy
air servke. H ia now in England un
dergoing a course of training.
An acho of th day of th bara-knuckl
fighting la heard In th announcement tit
ih London (England) Htt Llfs that
rank P. Slavtn la soon to max his ap
pearanoa In London a a o Idler.
blavln haa Joined a rglmnt Jut formed
In Victoria, B. C, and composed princi
pally of nglneer and frontiersmen. Tha
organization 1 known as th Blxty-sv-enth
Western Scot and Blavln hold th
rank of aergeanU Blavln was at th
height of hi ring fam almost a gen
eration ago. and thr 1 no daubt that
a cordial greeting will b extended to hint
in England.
Hla great battle in London with Peter
Jackson twenty-thr years ago la aUIl
ireatt In fUtio memory, and Blavla al
ways hid a warm spot In th heart of
th EnglUh ring anthuiaat.
., t
Box Fighters Use j
Stick-Up Methods
NEW TORK. Dec. IS. Th old Bowery
thug of Tony Pastor" melodrama who
would murder hi grandmother for a
dim didn't hav much on th prize light
era who ar raking In th coin la Nw
York these daya-if you tak th pro
moter' word for it.
Th pluh-vtd gentry who stag th
crap hereabout ar cussing more
heartily every day.
'Littl money doesn't tempt "em a-tall"
aid one of th gentry. "Look at Willie
Rltcht. He champion, all right, and
yunderstand, I'm not comparing him to
a holdup, but e what b want, and
Tblrty-flv hundred dollar for a littl
tea-round mill with Young Brownl He'a
not going to get hurt, and th bout won't
even endanger hi reputation.
"If a gy. gay life. Even th lad
who work in the prelim ar getting hep
to the game. A two-dollar not won't
aatlsfy them any more. They want five,
"It'll be a hard, bard winter."
Aa Idea of what th bout are bringing
to th promoter ia gained from th re
ceipt statement of the Jack Dillon-Jim
Fly no melee lata in November. That wa
an honset -Jo-John scrap, with flock or
action, and th battler wer of sufficient
fam to draw big crowd.
But th gross receipt wer S2.Su.
right far Issdsy Balk
Th fight for Sunday base bait
Massachusetts has not downed and
petition has been filed before the etate
leguiature permuung oae aau
oa Bunday.