the m:K: omatia. satfhday. dkchmbkr ::, .o.rv 11 JtEXTAI,f4 un.Aii:tT c k n ant? V ' r.r.iol garage, centrslly located, equipped with elevator, stork room. nfrice atei.m heat, about 8.0i4 square (wt-will he for r nt In a few day. Very reason- Mp rent, Cnnra 1 Young, $2J Brandels Thca'er. Pong 1671. Gordon Van Cb.S Si N. llth St. Tel. II. $84 or Har. HAVIi you cot the money? If you have inventlgate this. will buy a bul- tieas worth $4.(W. If token befora Pao. 10. Address p. is. cara Bea. HEAIa ESTATE FARM H4XII l.4M TOW I.R KI.OHIII-. BARGAINS IV FLORIDA HIGH LANDS; KO acre at l per acre. Write Box -30. rcnrlta. Fla. Improved and Stock Ranch 2.000 acres. 17 mile from Atkinson, all Hood noil, well graascd; four-fifths of thl lurid tillable. I.:) arrea In cultivation, f acres In alfalfa, ton acres fine hay. 1.0K0 acres pasture; running water supplied by springs all the year round. One of the finest equipped farms In northwest Ne braska. 8-room bouse, large barn, plenty of out-bulldinga and shea's to house i0 head. 9 miles of hoc tight fence. Ptock yards, dipping tank, S'-ales. etc. Price $70,000, Including all stock, machinery, etc. Mortgage flR.Ono. This Is a rattling good proposition In vestigate. Would consider some of pur chase price in exchange. D. V. Sholes Co. 81S-18 Clly Nat. Bank BMg. Doug. 49. STOCKMEN, ATTENTION. The choicest 2,000-nere ranch In Ne braska ran ha bought at a bargain; well Improved; alfalfa, hay, good pasture. If ou ara looking for a ranch thla will suit you. WrUe C. II. boelil, 2404 Leav- enworth St.. Omaha. Foil SALK or trade. Improved 40; loins town of Mountain View, Mo. Would take pool hall or restaurant; part cash, van time; easy term; all clear; price, ji.m. W. A. Flck, Friend. Neb. o UPPRR WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state in the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raiding. If Interested n fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address I And and Industrial Dept., Soo Una Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. MISCULLAIVLUUS. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City (la.) Jour- al, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad ltdium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening an! Sunday for ona month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent days tor $2; or 60 woids, $4. or 74 word a 44. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 2o0.0u0 readers -ally lb four great ata.Ua. KKAIj ESTATE LOANS Hot TO (UMAX) made promptlj. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. lath at Farnam Eta, CITY and farm loans, 6, per cent. J. H. Dumont Co., 41 Stat Bank. A "For Bala" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H Thomas, 228 gtate Bank Bldg. TO t for loans ou best cutas city residences In amounts 12.000 up, also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam Bt. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFH REAL ESTATE CO.. lmt Omaha National. Phona Douglas 271$. FARM AN U CITY UOASH. O'UOUOHERIt & HUUHE9, Til Keellns Bldg. Phone I). Mil MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. lllnde-r. City National Bank Bldg. 6 cL CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg-. 81$ 12 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOK EXCHANGE EXCHANGE YOUR CITY PROPERTY FOR FARM LANDS If you want to go farming on an A-l farm, we have some good land of this kind, where you can go and make good, not only in crop, but In advance on price of land. We will consider your house, or city property as part payment, balance long time. See us at once, as we have only a few farms left on which we tan give you this kind of a deal. SCOTT & HILL CO., Ground Floor McCigue Bldg. Doug. 1009. LARGE lO-room , strictly modern Omaha home. $12.0uo equity; wants to trade for western land or lota; rents (or t66, can be paid like rent. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., m Omuha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug, rag. TWO GOOD LOTS in town of 5,000 popu lation. Dunlap. Ia, $00 cash or trade for income property Joe B. Tupper, Ijogan. Ia. F EVEN-PASSENGER auto to exchangs for b-roora bungalow. Phona Doug. KM, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Farnam Street A Growing Street We ran offer on this street for a short time 100 feet near 31st St. for $lZ,a00. 1 : feet near this, some Improvements, $2o.(i0. Harrison & Morton 1D Omaha National. Doug. 314. HEAL ESTATE ACREAGE ALMOST one acre; good house; 2 fruit lrcs of all kinds; three chicken houses in yard. Small amount down. .Vacant lot or automobile will apply as first payment, balance as rent. il-Tl N. 21at St. Colfax lva.' after 10 a. m. "RI-lTSTAfEtfrFsinE NH K HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. Don't pay rent when you can buy a ni. e li-rooin all modern home near Hans torn Park and Field club on a payment of l cash and $10 monthly. House has fine oak floors and is beautifully dec orated, also has garage. Ask to see this bargain. We wish you a Merry Christ mas and a Happy New Year. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Doug. 17K1. 6th Floor Omaha Nat. Bank. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders ft THE BEB BUILDING COMl'ANT will be held at tha of. ice of said company In Omaha at 4 o'clock p m. on Tuesday. January 18, 191 ti. for the election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly coma before the meeting- By order of the President D19-JL- Secretary. The I'nion I -and Company TO THE STOCKHOLDERS THE UNION LAND COMPANY, annual meeting (if Ihe Bi..Lk.u of The I nlon land Company will be held at the oftl e of the Company In om.h. Neb., on January 10th. 19lfi. at li ndark . . r nH . 1 A a l . f 1 1 1 n Ar r . snd for the transaction of such business as may ltally me before the meeting. nee 1 in :rtary. nu.A, siuuin, oecrctary o x .t! transaction 01 sum oiner nusiiiesa ss may rc.Pe lfrs the meeting, w 111 k. held st the office of A. L. Mohler. corner of 16th end Dndge Streets. Omaha, Ne braska, on l.'iida. Ihe 3rd day of Janu ary A l. 11 0 ' ,,K k A M ary. T M. ORR. bciretary. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Receipt of Wheat Hundred and Fifty-Three Car and Corn Hun dred and Firty-Fiye. WHEAT SELLS A CENT HIGHER OMAHA. December 24. 115. The receipts of wheat and corn a ere very heavy today The wheat receipts totaled I S3 cars and corn 136 cars. This grain was well taken csre of. as there wss a good cash demand. The cash wheat was strong, selling a cent hig'ier. Corn was also In demand and the bet ter grades sold fullv a cent higher, while the poorer grades sold 2 cents lower. The receipts of oats were light, only thirty-four cars being in. but the mar Kef was steady. This cereal sold un changed to a cent higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to l,08ft.ftwi bushels; corn, l.uOO bush els; oats. t.oro bushels. H.verpool close: Wheat, U higher; Corn.-Jd higher. Primary wheat receipts were 2.322,009 ou. and shipments MS.frW bu.. wgalnst re ceipts of holiday, and shipments of a holiday last year. Primary corn receipts were ! .MM.QnO bu. and shipments 418.000 bu., against re ceipts and shipments of a holiday last year. Primary oats receipts were 49.000 bu. and shipments SfiH.OtiO bu.. agalnat re ceipts and shipments of a holiday last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 229 214 M Minneapolis 28 lhiluth ;k9 Omaha jm im 34 Kansas City ..jew lit) 12.1 St. IajuIs n 42 31 Winnipeg 0ti4 These sales were reported today: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 car. 11. 1; 1 car. II. 131 : I car II 1.1 No 1 bant winter. I 2 cars, 11.124; 4 cars. 11.12; 1 cars, $1,114; 114 cars. $1.11; U cars. $1.10; 7 cars, $l.i; 1 cars, si. ok, ;no. 4 hard winter, 2 cars, $!.: 2 cars, $107; cars, $1.ot; 4 cars, $1.06; 4 cara, $1.04; I car, $1 01. Hample, 1 car. $1.0f: 1 car. 984c: 1 car. B7e: 1 car. i860. No. 4 mixed. $ cars. $1.04. No. 2 durum. cars, 11.124: 1 car. $1.12. No. 2 durum, 1 car, $1.11. No. 4 durum. 1 car, $1.10; 1 car, $1.08; 1 car (light). $1.03. No. 3 mixed durum. 1 car. $1.10. Rye: No. 2. S cars, flc. No. 8. 1 ear, 90c. Sample, 1 car. 88c. Barley; Rejected, 1 car. froc; 2 cars, 63c. Oorn: No. $ white. 1 car told). 704c; $ cars. (Sfic; 3 cars, 8c. No. 4 white, 1 car, S34c; 1 car. 63c; 2 cara. 624c. No. 6 white, 1 car, arte: t cars, R4c; 1 car, 8c; cars. We. No. S yellow, I car, 88c; l car. c; 1 car, ?4c. No. 4 yellow. 1 car. c: 1 car, 85c; 2 cars, 4c. No. $ yellow. 1 car. H14c; 8 cars, ic; 2 cars. W4c. No. yel low, 1 car, 62c; s cars. 61c; 1 car. 60c; 1 car. Sac. No. 2 mixed, 1 cars (old), 70c. No. 2 mixed, 2 cars, 88c; 1 car. 60c. No. 4 mixed, 8 cara. 634c; 1H cara. 63c; 2 cars, 24c. No. mixed. 3 cars, 60c; 11 cara, fiSc; 1 car. S7V; g cars. 57c; S cars, Kc. No. 6 .-nixed, 2 cara, 64c; M cars, Mc; 4 car, 60c. Sample, I car, 634c; 4 cars, 63c: 1 car, 824c; 2 cars, 62c; 1 car. S14c; 1 car, 46c; 2 cara, 37c. Oats: standard. 2 cars. 42c. No. 3 white, 7 cars. 404c. No. 4 white, 7 cars. 40c. Sample. 4 cars. 87c. Omaha Cash Prices: Wheat No. 2 hard. $l.l!fil.l6: No. 3 hard. $1.(W1.1I4: No. 4 hard, $1.03rT1.08: No. 2 spring. $1.09 ffn.12: No. 3 spring. Jl.Omai.lO: No. 2 durum. $1.11441.124: No. $ dunim. $1,104 1.11; sample. 76c3$l.O0. Corn No. 2 white, Mi664c: No. 2 white. 64HfiV!c: No. 4 white, 14"IV: No. R white. 574 Oc: No. 6 white. 664-afiec; No. 2 yellow. 7VrrW4c: No. X yellow, 67a8c: No. 4 yellow. RSB6c: No. 6 yellow, val4c; No. 6 yellow, B64'9rtlc: No. 2 mixed, 66?i S4c: No. 8 mixed, 44flc; No. 4 mixed. 6mS634c: No. 6 mixed, t4i)c; No. mixed, a2y!Ac; sample mixed, 37iSB4c Oats No. 2 white. 42t4fM24r; standard. 414i42c; No. S white. 40"ifi404c; No. 4 white, 44fT40c. Barley Malting. RWi2c; No. t feed. 6266& Rye No. 2, 90lc; No. 3. X9&90C. (Chicago closing pricee, furnished The Bee by Logan tk Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 816 South Sixteenth street: Artlclel Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y" Whaatl T Dec. I XW 1RH 1 54h ttA 1 U May. I Md4a 1 1 H I W4A 1 H July. 117 1 ItS 116illflHB I 16 Corn. Dec..7tTH4 TH 1l 71H . May. 7&WW 7 75'i 7!1,A 76 July. 7&87M 774 76A 77HA 75H Oats. Dee.. 4$ 4S 4$ 434 B 424 May. Ahk 471a 45 Pork. Jan.. IS 50 19 00 IS 80 1 00 IS UK May. 18 7H 1 CO IS 87 It 91 1$ $0 Lard. Jan.. 9 62 TCi 2 72B B7 May. 9 95 10 02-461 95 10 02 9 87-90 Rlba. I Jan.. 9 90 10 10 I 9 90 10 07-10 9 Hi May.10 80-271 10 471 10 20 f 10 48 10 15 A-Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIM AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading and Closing Prices ea Board ef TraUle. CHICAGO, Pec. 24 Strong cables snd fear of green bug damage gave a notable stimulus today to the buying of wheat and continued to carry the market to new prices for the 1916 crop. The close was buoyant at 2tt'2Sc net advance, with December at $1.274 and May at $1.28. Other leading staples scored gains corn, lC3c; oats, lVatT lc, and provisions from 12c to 66c. Buying power In the wheat pit seemed to be virtually without limit. To some ex tent at least the orders to purchase came from foreigners and It was plain that the rest of the demand reflected to a large degree the rialng quotations at Liverpool, where scarcity of supplies appeared to be growing mora pronounced. Nothwlshstanding that tomorrow, being Christmas, a lull might have been looked for in wheat exports, fresh transact lona with Europe took place both here and In the east, and it was said the announce ments of the total business done during the last few days were .decidedly under estimated. Aside from the strength of the export situation, the market was noticeably af fected In a bullish manner by the govern ment weekly report confirming the gossip from other aouces that serious damage from green bugs In the southwest was not unlikely. Corn like wheat felt the bullish In fluence of the needs of Europe. Besides unsettled weather and car scarcity and the meagemeaa of the stock here tended to tighten up values. Oats were helped especially by the re moval of the embargo at Newport News. The net receipts here ware light. Higher prices on hogs snd grain male provisions Join In the upwsrd swing. The fact that aliipmenla of lard and meats wete largelv In excess of last years total aided In preventing sny reaction. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red nominal: No. S red. tl.Wl M; No. 2 hard, tl 2LIA(&I.2. Corn: No. 2 yellow nominal: No. 4 yellow. C94r70e; No. 4 white. 70c. Oats: No. t white, 421IH3c; standard nominal. Rye; No. 2 nominal; No. 4. 90c. Barley: lC70c. Beeds Timothy. $ 0tVS.2f: clover. fl0.00rri 00. Provisions Pork, $18.40; lard. $9.82; ribs. $9 W10 10 BUTTER Unchanged; creamery. t?9 S3UC POTATOES Higher; receipts. 19 ears; REAL E8TATEMI8qXLAXEOt'8 BUY A HOME. DON'T RENT. A good T-room house for only $l.m. renting all the time at $14 per month. We can soil you thla on a payment or IJO) cash, balance $ll yer munth. Owner might take a cheap lot as first payment rav ing and all other tanes paid. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY.. $th Floor Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. - MAKE offer, lot 4. block 4. Syndicate Hill. M. Hall. 10S2 4th St.. San Dkgo, Cal. MARRIAGE LICK1SE. Marriage licenses were issued yester day to the following couples : Name ana nesinence. Age. Charles P. Simpson, Emerson 31 Georgia P. Brown. Emerson 22 Arthur G. Barber, Dea Moines, Ia 33 Nellie Ball. Ottumwa. Ia 32 John H. Rush. Waterloo Gertla E. launders. Valley 24 Edward Thompson. South Side over 21 Grace Ford Northway, South Bids.... 17 Harry U Stone, Red Oak. Ia 24 Tllla Teedwall. Red Oak. (a D Charles W. Wardrip, Stanton, Ia r Viable Johnson. Red Oak, la 2t Morse Olander, Omaha 21 Oddra Hall, Omahs m Hiden Melon, Fremont 21 Gladys Gray, Fremont 1; Michigan and Wisconsin white. CftttKc; Minnesota ami Dakota white, "nTac; Minnesota in I l-ikit-Ohtos ti'.ViTSc. 1X)1 LTRY Alive, lower; fowls, lie; springs. 12c turkeys. 16c. r. YORK C.KK.H4I. MARK F.T Qaatatlaaa of the Day on Tarlaai ('maaaxlltles. ..NEW YORK. Iec. t4.-nXVR- I irmly held. W'HKAT Spot, strong; No. 1 durum. II t. o. b.. New York. No. 1 northern, D'lluth, $1 ,M4. and No. 1 northern. Man itoba, $1.32', c. I. f . Huffnlo. Futures, f nn: IVcejnber. $1 344 I'OUN Spot, strong; No. 2 ellow, $:.Vc. pronipt. OATS Spot, firm; No. 3 white, 474'if 44c. HAT Quiet: No. I. $1 rvftl.2;.; No. 2. 1074&1 li; No. 3. .Vm"1.0.'Vi; shipping, Ko b90c. HOPW-Julet ; state, common to choice, IMS. l!V.r2e; 14. Mt'A-; Pacific coast. 191., ll'fil.V; 1!I4. WiOc. lllDKS Steady; Bogota. 3nfl31c; Central America. 2c. LEATHER - Hrm; hemlock firsts, Sr. t4c: seconds. 3.'fS3c. PROVISIONS - Kirk, firm: mens. $19 00 1?19.60; family. .V.rVBJ2.a0; short clears. $l!.(if&'22 .60. Beef, steady; mess. $l.r-f 17.00: family. $-x.wiS.6fl. Lard, firm; middle west. 19 rr10.0t. TALLOW St Sad y; city, Rc: country. 74 lffc; special, Sc. Bt'TTEK-Barely steady: receipts. 6 616 tubs; creamerv extras. I'44'b:c, firsts. :''i1iS''.'c; seconds. i'Hfl'i'ic. HUGS Steady; receipts, 6.710 cases; fresh gathered extra fine, s.VfiHe: extra firsts. a;jf34c; firsts. 314132c; seconds. CIIKEPK-Flrm; receipts 2,260 hoes; .., 16. 6 jm-Il 7 07 7 4.'i 7 . 6 ftl 7 M 14 strtte. whole milk, tlata. held, specials. 1 1 ie,.. 1; 6 34"i 7 00 7 V! 7 01 I 7 W 17f(17re; state whole milk, average : ,rc ii 4.1 , 7 ,,2) 7 471 njl 6 I 9 31 fancy, 17c: state w hole milk, current t eL-. i 1 6 s;i 7 4:.j 7 6 94 "671 make sieclala. Iifil7c; ciirren makp!iec. 3d : .v.,i 7 4s 7 1 6 0117 4 IM speclsls. average fancy. 1V1c. j tec. ;'1 ! r, 6 ;' 1 ; " r, .V. 7 SSi ?) Ptl'LTRY Dressed firm; fresh killed rec. c 6 ?6,l T W 7 I 6 021 7 63 6 0 chickens. 1Vii27c; fowls, I.W174.-: lurkeys. i),,., 2.1.I fi 9 7 m 7 61 7 6 1.I 7 6. t I'l iW'.; live, firm; chickens. 14c; fowls. ,lc. 24.1 6 6 7 7 i:d I 7 t".; U ia(itvic; turkeys, OM AH A CEMFB tl. M A It KET. POULTRY Alive: Turkeys, any hiss over 7 lbs., 17c; broilers. 16317c; springs. He: ducks. 10c: geese, ioc; hens, 9tfllc; young giunea hens, each, 25c; roosters. So. OYSTC1PS Cheapeak- Mandards. pr gallon. $1.40; standards, $1.26; selects, $1.60; northern, standards, $1.60; selects, $1.80; New York counts, $1.96. Northern, small rana, i'4iiisc; i-iiav cans, :i..;a4... Chesa peake, small cans. 20o?3c; larue cans, JO'J FISH Halibut, llc; salmon, fresh pink, 9c; fresh red. l:ic. i-ali.fth, fresh, l; trout, fresh, 18c; white fish, fresh, 20c; red snappui. fresh, 13' ; cattish, woken, 18c; smelts, frosen, 10-1 b. ooxes, $1.36; smoked white fish, 14c; kippered salmon, 17c. FROZEN FIFTH Hal Unit, alma to suit. !0c; catfish, large, for steaks. 13c; sal mon, falls. 9c; salmon. l'..era 10c: No. t trout. 11c; No. 1 wtoterisn. dressed, itc; No. 1 whlteflsh. large. 16c; "o. 1 white fish. Jumbo, 18c; pickerel, round W. C, (c: pickerel, headless, 8c; black baas, order sua, 25c; herring, dressed, pair frosen. 8c; blueflah. extra fancy. 12c; red snapper, headlesa, dressed Ion; floun ders, 10c; scallops, per gallon. $8.00. SMOKED FISH -Whtt. 10-lb. baskets, per lb., 14c KIPPEKED FISH Salmon. 10-lb. bas kets, per lb., 17c. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. I, lSc: No. I. 16c: No. 8, 12o. Lolna: No. t 20c; No. 2. 18c; No. 3, 14c. Chucks: No. 1, Hc; No. i, 9c; No. t, Fc. Hounds: No. 1, 13c; No. 2, 121c; No. 8. llc. Plates: No. 1, &c; No. 2, 9c; No. 3, 80. CELEB. Y Mammoth, per dnx.. n00c. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1. 19o; Na I. lc; No. t, Uc. Loins: No. 1. 21 Wo; No. 2. lac; No. 4. Chucks: No. t 10o; No. 2, c; No. 8, 9c. Rounds: No. 1. 14c; No. 2, 13c; No. 8, 12o. Plates: No. L 9c; iso. a, c; iNo. a, sc. J.4IVK iiultki-Brorrers, to i lbs., in separate comp., l7o; over 1 to I lbs., 18c; springs, any slse. 12c; ducks, picked, price, but not wauted, lto; hens, over 4 Iba per lb., llc; roosters. c. Turkeys, 17c; old Toms, 16c; under t lbs., 8c; less than 6 lbs. sack. Dot wanted. Geese, full feathered and fat, bo; picked. price, but not wanted. Guineas, each, 26c; young. 1 to 1 Iba each. $6c. Homer squabs. 14 os. and over. 8 os., $1.80: under k os, frto i'lgeons, acy kind, per dos.. koo. u tt. . .1 i-i t-.. ..1 . Mm . v.m.1. tt ou; 10 to 12 os., $2.00; No. 1. must wetgtt vvuiow i wigs. fa.zi per Darret; winesapa, 84.W par barrvi. Jonalhaoa, $3.60 per tax tel. Shield Brand-Black Twigs, tt per barrel; Black Twlga. oommenolal brand, 88.26 par barrel; lien Davis. Illinois. $liS per oarre BUTTER Best creamerv. .TDe: reconda. in csrtons or tubs, 2c; tfood dairy, i.c, country, common. 1!ec. CHEESE ImDortud Swiss, 44c; domestic, 30c; block, !4c; twins, 14c; daisy, 19c; triplets, 19o; youn. Ameri can, iOc: biue label brick. 19o; Hi n burger. 2'ic; New York white, 20u; Imported French Rocquefort. 4c FRUITS Naval oranges; extra fancy, 80s and 96s, $2.50 box; extra fancy, 126s. SWva and 324a. $2.76 box; extra fancy Cali fornia, navels, feis, Lies, $300 box: extra fancy California navels, l&Os, $3 25 box; exit a fancy CaiKoinla navels, 1.6s, 20us, 216s, 2S0s. $3.60 box. FLO Hi DA OkaNGES 126s. 160a, 176a. 20us, 21C. l-m, U 76 box. GRAPE FRUIT Florida grape fruit: 46s, 64a, 44s, MM, $3.60 box; 9Hs, $3 26 box: loom, $2.76 box. Tarpon brand: itia. $3.75 box; 4s. $4.0u bux; 64a. $4.25 box; 4s. 80s, t4.60 lxx. LEMONS Extra fancy California Sunkiat lemons, SOOa, 30s, $0.00 box; extra fancv California Sunkist lemons, 420s, $4.6u box; extra fancy California Red Ball lemons, $4. 60 box; extra fancy Florida limes. tl.6Oftt2.00 basket. SUNKIST-Naveis: m, 9a and 100s, $$.76; 126s, 28XS and $24s, $1.26; Uua, $3.50; 17us, 7)m. 21bs and 2T0s, $4.0i. GRAPES Un la Sam brand, clusters, $4.60 per bbl.; Catawbas, 16c baskat. CRANBERRIES Jersey BalL lata Howes, $1150; cranberries, $276 box. lb.Ajtrt-i.Atiu lancy Winter Kellles (small aixesi, 2."M box. CIDER New York Mott'a Sweet (very beat grade), $3.76 keg; Nebraska Na hawka. t-1.26 keg. SWEET POTATOES Market strong and advancing; extra fancy California Jersey (about 100-lb. crates), $3.00 crate; extra fancy California Jersey, $1.69 ham per. POTATOES Colorado white, 75o buu Red River Ohlos. 860 bu. ONIONS Yellow. 2c lb.: Red Globe, Ic lb.; Spanish (Imported Bermudas), $1.04 crate. NUTS No. 1 walnuts, 16He lb.; blk. walnuts, 3c lb.; hickory, 4o lb ; filberts, lho lb; pecans, 13e lb.; Braalls, lie lb; almonds. 15a lb. MlSCELLANEOUf Crackerjack. $3 SO caae; crackerjack, one-half case, $176; rase; fard dates, 12o lb.; salted peanuts, $1.16 can; popcorn, 40, 1 lb. package, ti 60 caae; cornpops, $'..25 case; cuinpops, one half case, $1.06 case; S. W. dates, $1.25 bog. Honey, $3.7r, case. Airline, don. 4 os, $1.80 case. Cider: Motta. $3.75 keg; MotU, one-halt bbl., $7.26 bbl.; Nehawka, $3.26 keg. 1 Minneapolis Kraia Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Dec. 24. W HEAT December. $122; May. $1.2."tt 1 2?: No hard, $1.2?.H; No 1 northern. 1.21fll.23: No. 2 northern, $1.17'9l.S. FLOUR Unchanged. B 4 r.LKY B0i6C. RYE 92193c. B R A N 1 1U.0I tl $ 1 8 . 50. CORN No. 8 Yellow. 74W5c. OATS No. S white, tttvtc. FLAX-$J.05KSC.11. Liverpool t;rala Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 24 WHEAT Spot No. 1 Manitoba. 12a 3d; No. t not quoted; No. $. 12d 9d, No. 2 hard winter, new, 12a $d. CORN Spot American mixed, new, ts 6d. of fee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 24 The market for coffee futures was very quiet today wltli trading of a pre-holiday character, but price wire steady In sympathy with steadiness In Braxll and mi soma scat tered covering... The opening wss un changed to 4 points higher and the markt closed at a net advance of to points with Msy selling around $V78 snd trtember 687. Hales were t VjO Dec.? 646; Jan.. 649; Feb.'.' '-o; March. tU; April. 6t; May, C9; June. 474; Julv, 479; August. K3, Hept.. 4S7; October, 2; November, CW. Spot coftee quiet: Rio 7s. 7; amnios 4s. 4. Cost and freight offer were un changed. The official cables reported mo change In the Brazilian markets. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 24.-METALS -Iead : Offered at $i..40. Spelter, not quoted. Cop per, strong; electrolytic, K1 Jf.'otti uO. Iron, stead and unchanged. Metal exchange quoies tin firm, tf.uu bid. At Iondon: Spot copper. 84 10c; fu tures. t4 l:' td. eleit rol tic. tr. spot tin. !: futures. tl.. Anliinonv. i.126. ' Iad, (29 St. Speller. 30 OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Trade is Again Active and Stronger Sheep Steady. HOGS STEADY TO TEN CENTS UP OMAHA, Hecelpta were: Official Mon.lav ... Off'clal Tuesday . . Official Wednes.lnv. Official Thursday ' .. Kstlnmte Krldav ' . . . Deccmbet .'4. 1!1J. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . . 6.IOS 12.1.', li.RGl .. 5.17 21. 1.; X 0-4 l,M.i . 17 ?( . 6 6'V l:i.-:. 1 4M I 1.2"0 I VXoDi ! 64.04 1 Five dsvs this wrek..16.K'6 76.rt? Same daa last week . . 27 fcVl ss.iiis Same days 2 w. eks ago 27.077 Same days .1 weeks ago S7.0K Same daya 4 weeks ago l!.:-. Same days InM vear.. S.771 4l.:S.l K.i Ih H.4-7 41.. 1.X1 The foil" lug table shows the receipts of cattle, Iioks and sheep at the Omaha live stock market for the year to data as compared with Hst year: 1915. i14 Inc. attle 1 20 'fsi 4"7 :V1 U7 3v!" Sheep 3.J3.1.474 ;i,i0..Mi I.SJ.22H The following table shows th" average prices of hogs at the Omaha live stock niarket for tho last few days, with com parisons: 'J5lr.- jTTi!i4. jiOTT'Wn "'b' 0 J'ec. 'J 61.6! 7 4. 7 IX' 6 W 7 Mi . I'e-'. 13 I 6 2Ji; I T 56! 7 v: i !, 7 41 1 t 1 I'ec. 14. ) 34a M I 7 II! 6 11 7 S: t '.'I "ee. ir.' I, jji., all 7 4il inn I ti s Sundays. Receipts an.l disposition of lix e st"Ok at the I'nion Htock yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. in., yesterday RECEIPTS CA KS. Cattle. Hog-.. Sheep. H'r'S. v.., m. !St. f . Union 1'aciflc 17 & N. W., east.. C. ar f. V., west., .'., H. J.. eat.. V., B. & ci.. west.. C., U. 1. p.. east llllni. Is Central Chicago Gt. West.. 10 1 Total receipts.. 26 M DISPOSITION H KA D. Catllu. Hogs. Sheep. Morris Co bt bll bwnt and Company .... M Cutlahy Packing Co.... 41 Armour & Co 8 J. w. Murphy Cudahy for S. C 294 h H. Iwls t J. B. Root Co 7 Sullivan Bros 2 ChrlnUe 19 Runner Bros i l.hli) l. l.sui .iU Totals 7.97S ljtl;l CATTLE Receipts were very light, only twenty-five cara being repuilea In. of this nurntier tolve were direct to a packer, so that there were really not enough cattle on sale to make a real teat of the market. For the week re ceipts, though much smaller than for any recent week, are very much larger than usual Just prvcedlng the holidays, the run being over head larger than for the corresponding week last year. The few cara of cattle offered this morning were picked up very readily at prices that were a little higher again than yesterday. Everything In sight was aold early In the morning. wuoiauona on CaiUS Good to cnoioa yearlings, $.2C.Q?.26; good to choice beeves, t7.60n4l.26: fair to good beeves. $.764i'7.40; common to fair beeves, $6.. 8 &e.6u: good to choice grass heifers. 86.ti y 6.0.1; good to choice grass cows, $6.Mil f.25; fair to good cows, tt.MKuo.26; com mon to fair rows, H.5OO4.60; good to choice feeders, tfl.7wft7.86; fair to good feeders, tH.u.tf4.l; common to (air feed ers, tA.O0fe41.CO; good to choice stockers, $8 75&7.26; fair to good stockers, tr0, .76; common to fair stockers, ta.0TMta.0ui stock heifers, t6.8643e.on: stock nows, $4.60(1' 6.28; stock calves, $4.00(7.26; veal calves, $7.00et9.60; bulls, stage, etc.. $3.7(i8.28. Representative sales: BEEF 8TERRS. We. A. Pr. no. At. Ft. 1 ?l S BO 1MB t M 3D IMS 70 HOGS Receipts were of holiday slse 1 for the first time this week, the run of I eigniy-rive cars, or a.mrj neao, neing me I smallest to show up since three weeks ago today. The week'a total is 78,0fe head, being nearly Vfl.oou heavier than a week ago. 12.000 larger than two weeks ago and almost 30.000 larger than for the five market days of Christmas week last year. This week's run la the largest ever received during the month of lecember. Both packers and shippers went out after tha weighty hogs in good style, shippers paying prices that were tyglOc. higher, while packers bought at a full nickel advance and paid 10o higher prices In spots. The top of $8.40 was paid by both shipper and packer buyers. To day's advance puts heavy hogs back to where they were Wednesday before yes terday's break. Light hogs did not have such a hard time finding an outlet as they did yester day, but while the slump on yesterday's extreme close was regained, prices paid for the light and light mixed kinds, as well as some of the light butchers, were no more than steady with yesterday's Representative sales; No. At. 6k. Pr. No. to 174 ... tee t. At. Bh. Pr. ... 40 ....14 ... IS at t in ....144 ... til ... tj 40 4 tt ....tut too I nst ....fcw 4 tt ....11 IM IM ....t4 40 I M .... ... r ...wi ... 4s ....170 IM IM ....til ... 44 t; nt ... o II.. u.. 70.. ...17 ... 4 10 4.1. . 74.. .. tl.'. ...1M IN f li ...til 120 4 M ... IS" 4 ...U0 IW tl ...m ... ...214 11 4 M 1 40 at 41. .... ( 41 61 T7 .III 40 14 .103 M 40 ,un tn n a.i if 4 14 31 ... 4 34 SHEEP The two cars of lambs that made up the day's offerings sold at steady figures. They were weighty, sesl Ing eighty-seven pounds, and brought w. v, 1 ne same price as was paid for yea. terday'a heavy lambs. As was noted ves- terday, boat light and handywelght lamos are nominally quotea to K.wi. and on this basis are not far from steady with last week. Weighty or unfinished kinds are around lotj 16c below a week ago. and as runs were of aeneroua volume the first half of the week, anything except urn iwiv iKmua were aiow sellers. What feeding lambs have been bought have been mostly on the heavy order, no light lambs snowing; up. Top for the week Ir 8M.S5. that price havlna tMwn nald on several da ye. There Is no quotable change In feeder prices. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Iambs good to choice. $.8.V89u0. lambs, fair to' good, $$8608.86; lambs, clipped, $7 2Vr7 8 00; lambs, feeders, $7.uDft.60; yearlings, good to choice light, tT.unjT.u.; yearlings, fslr to choice hesvy, $8.607.00; yearlings, feeders. $5.763X.6; wethers, fslr to choice, $'i: ewes, good to choice. 8K.4UU6.86; ewes, fair to good, $4 ?.. 60; ewes. 7eed rrs. $4 OOftf 26. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 1 M Idaho ewes ji 5 2T 7tW Idaho lamhs 72 8 U Zl Idaho lambs 71 $ ft) '.'1 South Dakota ewe 111 6 86 474 Smith Daki:-i ewe 81 a 70 23 feedeP lamb 88 8 70 lmt feeder lambs I18 8 70 4-6 Wyoming wes 116 $ 75 Kansas l Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 24. -CATTLE Re ceipts, head: niaiket stesdy; prime fed steers, $n.254.7u; dreseed beef steers. $8 4" 844.60; westein steers. $OOfi.26; Blockers and feeders $.5irh'7.75; bulls, $4 754t).7j, calves, $6.0.rti90 HOOH Receipts. 13.WO head: market higher; bulk of sale, tH.lUcpi.U; heavy, $n.3j.60; pm keis and butciiers, , Ml 8 4:.: light, p, pig. $6.s4a o. SHEEP AND U4MBS Itecelras. none; market steady, laiiibs, X)li(ti; yesr IIiiks. $', Tt'uT 60. aethers, $.7Va 54; owes, ti.iu'a. l'. 8 bona tlty l ive Stock Market. BIOUX CITY. Is , Dec. 84. CATTLE Recelpta head; market steadv; native steera tta '. rsnnera. $3.7kiv4.6V. HCK18-Receipts. 5 head; niarket kit 10c higher; heavy. $.2ofJM.; mlsed. $8 li 4i K; lltfht. t6 8t.t l6. bulk of sales, $8 li 4i 36 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 0 head. t. I. ante Live ilook Market. ST. IITIH. Ic 4.-OATTLB Re ceipts, aui bead: market ateadr; native lief aleera. t" h.n 10 4i. yearling ateers and belfera. $a.6utrlu.3; cows, th.kir.liO; stock ers and fedeia. $6 OTVT7. i; aoutl.ern steers, $, tiV.jw.Ao: i o and helfei a. $4 tsiini k. , IHXJsi lUnelpta. $,() bead; market $v; ft'v:: mixed and liuiihers. ta.IVa6.3ii. good heavy nan SIIK.KP AMI I.AMHS Reoeipt head, market stenH ; vearlina. $' J"0 7 70. lambs, $ fiWit a. . sheep and ewes, to 5(ti SO. I lilt At. O l.lK aitMK MARKET Cattle Wteari r- loas Weak heea llrm. CIIICMIO. lec. 24. -I'ATTI.F. receipts) Ifi.ovi; niarket stead. Native beef steers. . our ! m: western steers, P c)M ' 'and helfTr. "kXTZ SIIHEP AND LAMBS rteeipts. .1 firm. Wetlere fi.'-Tlh..); ewes, $1 $j 6.2.'. Iambs. tTA49 0i. IIOj--Herelpls. 2T.fX: wak. at 6 to 10; advance Htilk. $r..!vi;6.0; light. HO nil V; mixed. t6.Wftii..; heavv, t6.'Vd .66; rough, $.00(; pigs. $4 fKt.'..V. tSjiCBBO I. tt atock Slarkfl. i lllOAOO. 111. Dec. TI -CATTLB- Re. celnts. !.(. head, market strong; nallve steady: pig and light beef steers. $i.0MlinflO: western steers, New York Ontrai again led the rnll tl.30i 20; ows and heifers, $2.JC.4; I '. Us advance of a point tn I1W4 calves. $$.;:.:. 1 "arKlng a new high uuotatlun for the 17.O10 head: market C1!r.r,"" ""ovenient. strong. .Wioc higher thsn vesterdaCs! 0," " automobile luea were under aerage; hulk of sales t..S0H40; I lit Vit. fJ r,'",ll,,"i I rout furllr pmfit S 6To..76; mixed $6 ..:; heavy. t 9 ! 'k,n tlurlng the forenoon. War shares S.K: rough. SX.0"i.:.: pigs. t.N.V.30. nd some utilities nmxed wllliln narrow SHKEI' AND LAMBS Itecelots. 4 OX) !"". ." higher. Kxtrsme dull- head: market stron. to Ific higher: strong to 10c higher: wethers, $.mj K; lambs. $T.O0(tf. St. ttaaepti Lira atork Market. .-i . .i rcr.r ii. aio.. iiec, n.-t l l l,f, - Itecelpts. .ton heed maraei steant ; steers, n .Wtrtl.MV eow calves. $0u?rOoo and he.ters. H.7M.7a; i MOUS Receipts. 2,yn hes.l; market cirner: oulK or sales. t . SlfliP:p AND l.AMHS-Recelnts, SOO head; market higher: lambs. 4.6t) $.'. market. NKW YORK, Dec. 24. SUGAR Raw quiet, centrifugal. 4 XTrtH.svc; molassfs, opened easier again today under Itnulda- tlon. At noon prices wera 8 to 1 points "Slower. s .T.ft4 r.'c. Kenned steady. ugar ruiurea liry tfla Market. NEW YORK. IVo. $4 DRY OOOI S Common gooda firm; tended higher. Print cloths, s.-tlve. 'Ihe dyrsitlits tin fit uuy Is becoming very serious. Hatter Mas-Hat. III.. Dec. JlBUTTETV-Fifty at 84c KI.GTN. tubs sold New York Memo? Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 14. MERCANTILE PAPER3i per cent. STERL1NO KXClIANTlB-aO-dsy hills. $4.68; 'emsnd. $4 73; cables. $4.78. SILVBIRr-Bar, 63.). Mexican dollars, 41C. BONDR Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. TIME LOANS Easy; 80 and 80 days. 2 per cent; six months, per cent. CALL MONEY Steady: high. 1 pa' cent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 Cer cent; last loan, I rr cent; closing Id, 144 per cent; offered at 1 per rent. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: I'. 8 ts. res 00 emisAa V. S. I. rsa Ha we rn. et. Is ... 44 r N. Y. CV Ssk. a U imtiN. y. c 4s dm 10 101I4'K. Y. "t. 4SS lim 1WN. T., N. H. K. ill) civ. s 114V mttN. Panlrle 4a M on cmiDsa ...... I'. 8. 4i. rsa do eoupon ranama a eaunoa tm Hmeltara as . H4s e ts. t4 . T. T. ry. iws. ,l.trm a. K rsf. ta.. m trmnur 00. .. BUPt T. T. ts ... Atoblane a. 4s.... rn. tea. 4a l"tt it. I. a Otil. 4 sit4 m. 4Hs ims On. raritle 1st RaUns ra 4a....M4 t he. a onto 4HS. 11 !. I. a H. r. r. ? '. . a Q. I. 4s.... rta. rA. er la....1os 3 It 44 P a 4HS..14W, in raf. 4a... c. ft. I. r r. 4 Bo. Rallwer k C. a P. rf. 44a. .. S8 I nlon Pantna .. T .. H ..1014 ..1IH ..IHVt n. R. O. ret. ta.. t4 in et. 4.... Kris Oea. U 744tl). S. Rubhw Ona. Rlaetria l....lSI' g ts nt. Ne. 1st 4 -.... ItttWabaah 1st I III .Antral ear. aa.. 1'nlna 4 4 K. C. B. rf. 1.... "'W. ntee. ev. M..l"vt L a N. an. 4a 4Staas.rraack I 94 M. K A T. 1st 4s.. 771 Bis. Matement of CleartnaT Hanse Banks. NT.W YORK. Tna. 24. The statement nf tha actual condition of clearing house banks and truat eompanlaa for the wwt Jays) showa that thay hold $146.801,. (five day 440 reserv ments from last week The statement followei Amount. Increase. Loans, eto $3,211,857,000 ta,5T7.0O) Iieaerve In own vaults (b 486,$t.0rj0 17,887,000 Reserve In federal reserve bank 148,808,000 Reserve In othep de- poritaries 68.407 ,400 Net demand deposits I,264,410.0n0 l.t4B.0A0 4.4f4.on 1.877.000 Net time deposits. 149.648,0n0 I.W.d) circulation Excess reserve Aggregate reserve. . 86.176.000 4U.U00 146.8D3.440 12.ft4l!0 $707.44.000 Decrease, (b) Of which $417,070,000 Is specie. Hummary of state bank and trust com panies In Greater New York not Included In clearing house statement : Amount. Increase. Titans, etc $627.0M,on $4,817 600 Ppecle 63.0rA,500 188.500 Legal tenders I0,188.1u0 l'H.700 Total deposits R29.8.T1.100 J.itti,7rt Banks cash reserve In valuta 111,894,100 Truat companlea rash reserve In vaults $1,860,900 Omahs Hay Market. HAT Prairie, ehole upland. $10WV 11.00; No. 1, $10004J.1050; No. 2. $8.509.60; No. 8, MOfrfTA.OO; cholne midland. $10.00; No. 1. tA.00ff tO: No. 8. $7.604fa.60; No. 8. $5.6nfl7flO; choice lowland, t.09.W; No. 1, tt.OOQt) 0; No. 2. $8.0O8.00; No. 8, $5.00 j8 00. STRAW Choice wheat, $R.0OJItl 80; choice oat or rye. $&0r).6O ALFALFA CTnolce, 112.50413 60; No. 1. $11 SOfll2.60; No. t, $.0OjnL00; No. t, $7.0001 8.00. Kansas City Onus and Previsions. KANSAS CTTT, Mo, Pee. at.-WTifBAT ? hard. $1.14ei.ll; No. t red. lilt 1.20; Msy. $1.18"; July, $1,104 corn-No. 1 mind, tic; j?0. a white, 68c; May. 724e: Julv. TTtte. OATS No. $ whlta, 434K.1Hc; mled. gfi40c. No. a BUTTER Crwamery, 33c flrsU, Ho; aeennna. wr pacKina. 9C. EGGS-Flrsta, tic; seoonda 20e. PpULTRY-Ilena.; turkeys, lto; springs, 12c, Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 24,-COTTON- Upof. quiet; middling upland. 17.16c., none. l utures opened steady; Decemhar. 11 80c January. 11.87c; March. 12 i:4r. May. 12 4ic: July. 12.64c; October. 12.2.V. ' ' Cotton futuraa closed firm; Jan.? H.aae; 6ct.? i2.;r - u,r I Cotton closed at a net advance of from d in iv points on tng general list todsy. British Markets flosa. IONDON, Dee, 14 -The Mork ax. rhanga and Liverpool cotton markets are cloaed until Tuesday. Other earhanges will be closed tomorrow and Monday. Evaporated Ann: and Dried Fralte APpV,KHYd' "-APORATET, DRIED FRUIT-Prunea. easy; apricots and peaches, quiet; raisin, stesdy. Ida Rejoices Over Thought of Playing With Her Brothers Little Ida Stroud, aged 8 yesrs. who ass shot by "red Baker, watchman ot the city dump. Wednesday afternoon. Is happy, aa happy can be. with one pros, ent. And that present I a promise. A promise that It won't be long befora ah will be "back playing eddler with my brother." Tha lltU girt a folk ara going to b with har Christmas day at Bt Josapn hospital, and many kind friends ara go. Ing to as that aha baa tha beat Christ mas possible "for a vwry aiok Uttla girt." Although tha ohlld appears slightly bat ter, t la not particularly probaM that h win "play soldier" for a long, long time, mayb never. Bat aha thinks so, and with this thought and tha bra t lit tle spirit that has brought har ao far through the pain of tha wound without a whimper, tt may b so. NEW YORK JTOCK MARKET Lets Than Usual Apathy Marks Holiday Session of Ex change. RAIL SHARES ARE BETTER NKW YORK, lec. 11 -y than the TrVni vii'nii niui an s'rrasje or nianer iri--,. Hallrtiad shares were plainly neljied by the overnight derision of the interstate commerce commission, which granted In creased fivlght rates for many lmorl- ani commodities to carriers In the west ern ami south wiewni territory. I'nlted States Steel, the market leader, rose to only a fraction under Its max'- nnim of the hist five years, and coppers naruened (,n the fixed quotations. 21 tor ' notnestle and '14 for foreign deliver ea I preatiei in the final hour wlih n i.iii iiiv hi inr nop.. amounted to 6M.n'0 shares Total s.tlr.i Among the few noteworthy features of , Anl o-frmrh bonds all inm.inn. he. in iir made between 44'olMS. The bank statement puh .hed today In advance of the holiday disclosed only moderate expansion of loans s smaller Sain In rl.h and m Hecraaae nf 11:1 In reserves. Bonds In general rellecled the Irregulsr trend of the Ansln-French Issue. Total sales par value, aagregaied $i.:-6.."V 1 nlted State bonds were unchanged on -'' . I "'Tr -. Amertrsn ltel Hunt Anieri.aa tit Amuri. in Loromntht. 14.700 4.100 'A ' 114 Hit, 1to ir bt 41 l 111 H 471 I74 I4 l MH "ii" 9.-S III l4 :.4. n 71' MH, I'HNi 111', 111.-. ! I'M i"; 4 4.0 7 . 8t i hl Ml I. 1.11 !' M' I.JV, ' W 4"a 4k An.erlran ti. A H 0V, 11: Am. a a r. pit American aurar Rarinlng l.l'io 114 Amerlcea T. A T. .7rt l?H Amerteaa Tahaon Anaoentla t'onptr atehlana b M w I o Ieomotlra ... Italttmnre A Ohio Itelhlshem glsel Ilronhlra apld Tr ralhornl rlmlium Cansillaa Pultlo (antral laiker Oh. A Ohio (hlnsea, 04. Waatara... Chlnasa, M. 4 At. P... Chlnaao A N. W 4-Mraaa, 1U 1. P. nr. t'hinn rpr t'nlorstla Kul A Iroe... 4.1 tO. SOU M4k I.SC 1TS liS MS 4 VI 'S 1H 1I1 n 'iiii 4 1l 17 17. piO lam I. mi ion "inn 1.WM t.i 4m ll s t.7e ll.40 M 1S (Yuclhl. Steal P. a H. U. M Plitlllen' Sararltl .... r.n. O.nsrsl gflaetrlo tlrsat N art ham sfd Ot. NsrUiara Ore elfa.,,. Uu(tiblm Riploratlna.. Illinois Ontrai lntertnrmih fn. Cer., Inaplratlau Caspar International Har.. N. J. K. r. houth.ra lhlfh Valley IomiIkIII NashTlll.. M.ilrwn Patrolaum Miami Coppar Mo K. A T 94 Mlnwftirt Paelfln IKIonal Plsratl National !4 Nsrarta (Vjitper N.w Tort tn(ral N. V. N. H. A H Norfolk Wastarn Narittarn Paeino Taoinn Mall t'arirte T.I. A Ttl IVtnnsvlvania Pullman 1'alftc Oar Hr ronMl. C4per Iltesdlng Hnnubllr lrna A (Heal.... 4 4lt 4I 41.4 171 4 4 7 wn 4i 'ii" iv. isi KM '4 tn 174 171 s 4k, HI 101 '4 !tt 4V, 11 i4 i t:H l .14 S 14 t IM i .'. 1 inavi IMS U74 lla 4H IkT 1U. 7 t Mi 4t loiS M W7t, "4 ns mti 44 t 4I t.0 7.IW "i!io . ioi N.7M 44 IIH 4H " 104 Id "iea 1.100 tl.rtW l.o I inn 4, on r "til i 1074 44 in 117 114 4t4 14 IWH T14 HI 1174 11 ' IKK 11 ItKI t.4n 4.lno H.(m t.rna 4. ton l. MS M.'4 inj't 14 1H t4 tltH II 144 1U 31 li atZ ttntilhern Parifln Motitltern liailway Htutlhsltr Otmpaitr .... Tannasaea Cnpper ........ Taias OMnfauiy t nloa Parltla Vnloe Partfta pfl 4.n 4. X 111 )M 17 4i sn I'nitaa etataa etaai. 104, me n rt ;4 Bia ataal (.. lit iit ! '' r I.tmo m m liH lX '4 774 7u tu ' ' n 1 natnr ia 4n 4HO Wahaa B pfd la tai fntematlnnal Msrln pr. M.nfin H THj Tsui sales for Ilia dar. MO, ona adaraa ITS 7l Dl5't REVIEW or TRADE Little to Indicate This Is Holiday I Benson, NEW YORK. Dee. 14 Dun'a Review tn. morrow will say : Apart from the rnah In tha .hnnnin. district there has been little In the busi ness worltl to Indicate that this Is the holiday season. Preparations for Inven torying are much leas of a factor than usual and Instead of the slowing down process chara.teriatlc of the period In moat hranchea. commercial activities are exceptionally well sustained. Even aside from tha steel Industry over time continues In force at many manu facturing plants and the general request for early deliveries test if lea to the urgency of current requirements. Evi dences accumulated that supplies are be coming short In some lines and efforts to replenish depleted stocks are hampered by tha railroad congestion, though tha addition of embargoes on export freight wont to trie advantage or nomeeiio con- sumera. A sham rise has occurred in copper In which Is at tha highest level inco l07 but this is due to a resumption of heavy buying rather than to any scarcity of the metal. Production Is at a record rata and tn duatrial operations generally ara un abated, conditions at tha footwear fac tories being without precedent In thla re gard. Manufacturers are taxed to the ut most snd sra booked months ahead, while only the shortage of dyestuffa curtails activities at tha textile m'lls. Weekly bank clearings. $4.04.T71,w. t. I.oala Grata Market. PT. lM'18. Da. 24. WHEAT No. 2 red. $1.2.'nai.28; Ne. t hard, nominal; Dec. $1.1814; May. ai.riH. CORN No. 2. Ttc: No. 1 white, .jc; Dec, 73c ( May, 74c. OAT8-N0. 2. 4t"ca43c; No. 3 whlta. nominal. Mascot at Police Station Will Have a Christmas Tree "Rags," the canine mascot of tha po lice department, who stands on tha run ning board of tha patrol and helps clesr the road with hla penetrating bark, will probably be ona of tha fsw dogs In Omaha who will have a Christmas tree. Harry Buford and his pals at tha police garaga, who ara "Rags particular champions, have prepared tha festive fir with all tha Uttla delicacies that a "big old dog" enjoys. Rare hones, filled with marrow, and covered with cow meat, hot dog biscuit, toothsome csndy. tha kind only a dog's tooth can penetrate, and a large bottle or half and half, half milk and half cream, will form tha decora tion. Baalde, "Rag" 1 to receive a awaater coat, and poaaibly a lafety rator. You aee. be Is an Alrdale. and his whiskers hava grown so long that he looks like a four-footed Santa Claus Instead of Just a plain cltlsen. When asked what h wanted for Christmas "Rags" ssld "Woof" to Buford. who understands tha language, and told Bstnt Nick. Xmas Will Be Light Day at Y. M. C. A, Christmas will be a light day at th Toung Men's Christian association. There will be no special activities, with the ex ception of a Christmas breakfast for th dormlntory man, and aven tha depart ments and eafa will be closed. New Tear's la tha big day at tha asao eUtioa. as that ta tha occasion for th annual recaption to members and friends. The affair will be bigger than aver thia time, and wll be held la tha afternoon aa well aa toa avantng. j stocks were as loll ws: ,, . y. "'"quB ! .... .. '. '"T Ci. ' t Id.nt while eng ;AU.,.e, i;:.. ,;:;tl.e regular duty . PENSION SYSTEM FOR ALL CAR MEN Street Railway Company Inaugu rates Plan foT Caring- for Men in Old Age. TO START WITH NEW YEAR noglnning with the first of the t-ew ypgr tha Omaha &. Council niuffx Street Railway rompany will lnaujriirale a pension ayptfm that will epply to all employes receiving a eire of $125 or les per month, pro T!dlnR Ihpy tan comply with the time of tMnpioyment and sro rondltions. The pension for street railway men ti decided upon by I he board of di rectors of the company anil la In- j fnded to aid employe, who have be I come old In (he nervlce. The entire 1 nn that avatem l'i hnrne bv the enm pany, it taking over the management. I'nder the pension system plan, com- j pulsory retirement la required at the ago ; . - ..-, n..i,. i. nninn.i ' of ' ". Retirement Is optional upon , t,e ,,alt 0f th0 company after twenty ... ... ; yara of contlnuoui service, If per- ,,,., i rti.n.iifted fee rvlrs bv .. gaged In the rilscharga of required or an employs, provided It Is without fault, or negligent o upon his part. Amnant Reeelved. 1 Conductors and motormen ellglMa to pension, upon going onto the pension rolls will receive $1 per Itionn for each year of service, the mlnlmun to be $J1 snd the maximum, $30 per month." All other employes upon being pensioned will receive 1 per cent of their annual sal ary, or wsges, multiplied by tha number of years of continuous service, tha min imum amount to be $.'40 and the max imum, $.V per annum. If an employe desires, ha may retire at, or after the age of 86 years, pro viding his employment has been continu ously with the company for twenty years. First Member of Bachelors' Club Becomes Benedict The spell Is broken. O. Bourlclu broke It Ha smsahed the spell of celibacy asunder whan ha was the first member of tha Omaha Bache lor' club to marry. It is written in tha constitution that a member must be single. Also ha must not marry. When a man wanta to break the law what does be doT Why he aneaka away quietly and break It. Even ao did a. Bourlclu sneak away from his fellow club members and marry pretty Merla JSronson without tha knowl edge or consent ot aven President Hay- ward ot tha club. But now ha la back In Omaha. Ha, ex pect a to live here with hla bride, and ao atlll there la ttma for the club mem. here to get him. Doea ha show up at tha club rooms nowT Nay, varlly, ha doth not. And that Is tha thing that grlavaa tha mem bars at thla time, for thay do need Christ mas cigars so bsdly. 14 I Family Lives in Tent Without Bed or Food or Heat Without a bed to sleep In or a atove to provide warmth, a father, mother and three children were discovered living In a tattered tent In East Omaha by Mrs. O. W. Ahlqulst, 1740 Meredith avenue. Mrs. Ahlqulst promptly provided tha un fortunate family with a atove. bed and cover and a big Christmas dinner and a few luxuii for tho children.. Mrs. Ahlqulst ia caring for many fami lies this Christmaa and report that aha la receiving much help from othar Omahan. Bha report that among others who ara assisting har la C. C. Crowell, who hag paid tha rant, provided coal and rhylcln' aervlcea for many famine In naad. Tonight Mrs. Ahlqulst will provid a Christmas entertainment for tho Inmates of tha county hospital and tomorrow morning ahs will give a program for th county Jail Inmates. Former Hastings Preacher is Dead SALIDA. Colo., Doe. K Dr. , Harry Omar Scott, pastor of tho Presbyterian church her and stated clerk of tha Gun nison synod, died of pneumonia at Hor- ton, Kan., today, according ta a tele gram received hers. Dr. Boott aa born at Denevett, Pa.. August $, 1864, and edu cated at Lafayette college. East on, Pa., and Union seminary, New York. In tlilrty-flve years In the ministry he served churchea at Brownvllla, Neb.; Hiawatha, Kan.; Hastings, Neb.; Carthag, Mo.; Outhrl. Okl.. and Sallda. PIONEER OF RED OAK, IA.. DIES OF HEART FAILURE Mr. P. E. Miller, $817 Hamilton atraat. ha been called to Red Oak, Ia., by tha death of her mother, Mrs. J. T. Austin, who succumbed to heart failure at th age of 78 year. th would hava been 7 yeara old on New Year's day. Mr. Auatln wa a resident of Montgom ery county, Iowa, for forty years. With her husband, who died two years ago, ah celebrsted her golden wedding anniver sary flv years ago. Kuneral aervlcea will be from the Lutheran church la Rl Oak. BIG RECEPTION PLANNED FOR LEAKE ON RETURN Friend of Ralph Iake, assistant phy sical director of the Toung Men s Chris tian association are planning a recsp .tlon when ha returns Tuesday from Keokuk, where ha haa gone to be mar rled. Leake had kept tha matter with aueh secrecy, that none of hla friends waa a war of th fact. Affliricin Telephone & Tehgraph Co. 4 dividend of Two Dollar par a har will be paid on Saturday, January 1. IV 14, to stockholders of record at th close of business oa Friday, Dacambar $1, 111$. O. B. 1CIUTX Trwajtju-ar.