Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, December 23, 1915.
IS3 KATHERINE LEE GRABLE'S dancing classes will be enter
I IT talned at two delightful affair
1 1 1 In the aftern
. party at Turpln
talnad tha vniinrrr nnnn. rtrm anil
Mr. Arthur Crittenden Smith, gave an Interpretive dance "Night" done to
Greek music. They were dressed In costumes of black satin and tarleton,
with wings and skirts studded with silver stars and crescents.
Another dance, "Autumn," was most beautifully carried, done by the
two Smith girls, two Torter sisters. Eleanor Baxter and Eleanor Burkley.
Their costumes were In the autumn shades, In reds, browns and golds, with
green scarfs. A Hungarian dance was also part of the program, and a
Castle polka.
The classes of High school age will be entertained this evening at a
conTentlonal dancing party at Harte hall, Dundee. Thirty-five couples
will attend.
Dinners Preceding the Dance.
Mr. and Mra W. R. McKeen will give
a Urge dinner at the Hotel Funtenelle
this evening, peoedlng the Subscription
club dance at Turpln'a academy. Among
the guests will be:
Meiiar. and Meadamet
Charles T. Kountxe, Joaeph Parker.
A. U Reed. W. A. H-1lrk.
Walter . John A. McBliane.
It, II. Baldrlgft.
Meadamea Meadames
Warren Horera,
Mlaa Katherlne McCormlck.
Messrs Meaara.
Frank Burkley. Prank W. Judaon.
Harry MrCormlck.
Mr. Luther Drake gavs a dinner at the
Omaha club preceding the dance. Covera
will be placed for:
Maaars. and Meadamea
T. C. Btapleton, Frank Hamilton.
C. C. Oeorga U F. Crofoot.
Mrs. Oeorge -Peek of Mollne.
Yuletide Tea Room.
Mrs. Harry Bowen entertained sis
guests at luncheon at the Yuletide tea
room today, and Mrs. J. R. Lrhmer had
an equal number of guests at luncheon.
Tha women of the church, who are
conducting the tea room, were In charge
of the serving today, but for the last
day of the tea room, Friday, when a
larger number than ever la expected,
Mlas Virginia Offutt and Mlas Esther
Wllhelm will be In charge.
Buffet Luncheon for Girls.
This season's debutantea and girls of
the school set. to the number of twenty,
were entertained at a buffet luncheon
today by Mlas Naomi Towle, compli
mentary to Mlaa Oenevleve and Mies
VSvtenne Berkalow, who have recently
come to Omaha from Denver to live.
Mrs. Ward roses and yellow candles
beautified the rooms.
Mlas Towle and Miss Vlvlenne Parka
low were claaamatea one year at Mlaa
Wolcott's school In Denver. Mlas Barka
low now attends Bweathriar college,
Sweetbrlar. Va, while Miss Towle is at
Bradford academy.
Bride-Elect Girei Tea.
Mlas Ooorge Trimble, whose marriage
wilt be celebrated Tuesday of next weak,
entertained Informally at tea thla after
,noon. Chrlatmas delations were used
and the bride-to-be's mother, Mrs. J. P.
Trimble, and her slater, Mrs. Harold
Sobotker, asatsted. Borne fifty or sixty
friends called to pay their respects to
Mlas Trimble, since the wedding !s to
be a very' quiet one, with only members
of the family and a few Intimate frlenda
Home Party at McHngh'a.
Mies Kate A. McHugh will entertain
a house party for the holiday aeaaon.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln Piatt, nee Florence
McHugh; Mr. Platt'a mother and hie la
ter, Mlaa Frances riatt, arrive Friday
morning from Davenport to apend Chrlst
mia with Omaha members of tha family.
Mr. John McHugh la unable to reach
here for Chrlatmas. but will arrive the
day after, ..the' whole party to remain
until after New Tear's.
Holiday TraTelert.
Mlaa loulse Kaplln has gone to Top a a.
Kan., to rpend Chrlatmas with her
mother. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fhlelds have gone
to Bt. Louis to spend Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Bam A. North have gone
to Hpen oar. la., where they will spend
Christmas with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Maloolm have gone
to St. Louis for the holldaya. They w'.tl
apend Chfiatmaa with relatives.
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. I'erclval of Bt.
Paul, Neb., have come to spend the holi
days with their psrente, Mr. and Mrs. W.
If. Perclval.
Mrs. Frank W. Judaon and Mlas Doro
thy Judaon left Friday for Minneapolis
to be the guests of Mrs. Judaon's father
for the holidays. . .
Mr. and Mra. I-oule B. Hughes left
Sunday evening to apend tha holidays
with Mr. Hughes' parents. Mr. and Mra
J. J. Hughes of Chicago.
Miss Margaret McHhane left laat even
ing for Baltimore, to apend Christmas
with her slater. Mrs. Will Colling, snd
Mr. Colling. Mlas McHhane plans to
spend several months In the eaal
Today's Events.
Pajraloo club entertains at a Clirialinaa
dancing party at Metropolitan hall today
The BwaaUka Card club waa enter
tained this afternoon by Mrs. J. E.
On tht Calendar,
Mlas Uertnide Mets entertains fifteen
gueets at luncheon at the Hotel Font-
ceile Friday.
Stork Special
A daughter was born this morning to
Mr. and Mrs. Will Howard. Mra. How
ard was formerly Miss Tina Dorranoe.
Past Festivities.
Mrs. R F. Prohaaka, entertained Thurs
day at her home. Tfaoae present were:
Meadmiica Meadamea.
A i. ton Homy. Otto fs.'MU:K,
ieury Lnriinston, Joaa-ph Harla,
A. J. Proliaaka, Aulon Fuse,
rnk MHrlutl.
liiu Hum fcvaclna.
Sigma Chi Omicron Sorority.
mertlr.g of the Sigma Chi Omicron
Sorority of the Woodmen of the World
waa held at the borne of Mlas Hit a Car
penler Wedneaday afternoon. After
formal Initiating dainty glfte were pre
sented to each member front a Chrlatmas
tree. Members present were:
Mtaaf a
Florence Dow.
!i-leit Juhnelon,
Huth Pa-let a,
uy ba-rryman,
Marlon IVaraail.
luia t'ariiit.r,
Kui.e alanlor.
r ul itrr h niM P,
l-.'na 'u-Imi!1.
ii:,cUa r.uurae.
Ki'a 1 I rfitan.
nuiucnne Jii i.ey.
Home for Cbriitinai,
VI r. C. who la taking his
avuir year !u is.Wii.iua at liie Washing
irnoon geventy of tbe children enjoyed a Christmas I
. . . m .v u .1,1.
l's academy, when several of the older girls enter-.
father Smith. daughters of Mr. and
ton Medical college, St. txuls. Mo., will
return to spend the Chrletmae vacation
with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11.
8a ge.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Akeraon of Mln
neapolla will spend the holldaya here
with their mother, Mrs. Frederick II.
Blake. .
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Oeorge Peek of Mollne arrives
today to be the guest of Mr. snd Mrs.
C. C. Oeorge.
Mr. and Mk-s. William I Keep wl I
apend the Chrlatmas holldaya In KaDaaa
City and St. Joaeph.
Reglaterlng at the Hotel McAlpln. In
New York City, during the laat wtek
have been Measra. II. H. Dahlman, H.
O. Garteon and F. M. Bneaon. and Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Gamble of Omaha.
Mr. snd Mrs. W. (i. McOee left Wednea
day for a few weeks' trip to Florida snd
Omaha Firms Make
Christmas Gifts
to Their Employes
In accordance with the annual custom
of many Omaha bualneas houses, their
employes will be remembered with gifts
before being given a holiday for Christ
mas. All sorts of remembrances will be
given, rsnglng from gold pieces and per
centages of salary to turkey and boxea
of candy.
The Flrat National bank employes will
receive a 10 per cent salary gift, and
thoae of the United States Nsttonal bsnk
will be given 110 gold pieces by the di
rectors. Burgeaa-Naah store employes
will be given money equal to one-half
of 1 per cent of their December sales,
ss well as vacations next year.
Postmaster John C. Wharton has sent
fat turkeys to his department heads from
hit Kans-s farm, and candy to ' the
women employes of the poatoffice.
Turkeys will be given to the seventy-
five employes of the fjur drug stores of
ths Sherman ft McConnell company. Te
Carpenter Paper company will also give
turkeys and gift boxes to Its employes.
The same is done by tha Llnlnger Im
plement company and many other whole
sale and retail eatabllahmenta, while
others give neckties, sox, handkerchiefs
or cigars to their ma'e employes snd
books, csndy, perfumes and other femin
ine requisites to ths woman.
Children of Sunday
School Make Gifts
to Poor and Needy
The blessing of giving, rather than re
ceiving, waa emphasised in the Christmas
exercleee of the North Bide Christian
Sunday achool, held Wedneaday evening
at the church, Twenty-eecond and Loth
rop streets. "White Gifts for the King"
waa the subject of the exercises. A large
White croaa, brilliantly lighted, atood in
one oornei1 of the Sunday school room,
snd the children marched . up snd de
posited girts of . food and clothing for
poor children at the foot of the cross.
' Iluth Peters, daughter of Hav. .Oeorge
U Peters, the paator, had charge of the
affair, with Mrs. B, U Kilgore snd Miss
Pearl Hlgglns ' assisting with ths pro-
ram. J. B. Williams, Miss Kate Davis
and the paator had charge of the aid
Superintendent G. C. Williams of ths
Sunday achool presided at ths exercises,
snd muale waa furnished by the school
orchestra, led by Clyde Fratt. Many lit
tle folks of the school's membership of
f!i took part, snd a beautiful tree and
handsome deooratlona added to the occa
sion. Debating Society
Gives Big Banquet
The Demoathenlan Debating society of
the Central Hlh'h school, the largeat or
sanitation of the kind In the school, gave
its annual banquet at the New Hamilton
afe Wednraday evening. Covers were
placed for thlrty-alx, making It the
argeat banquet In the history of the
F.lnier Bailey presided as toastmaster.
responsta to tcaata Delng mada by the
president. Arlld Olnen; ttol Roeenb'att,
Mae Ohmann and Jewel Jackson. Nathan
Bernstein, formerly of tha high achool
faculty, and Gilbert Eldrldge, an alumni
member, gave brief talk a.
Following ths banquet, the young lads
made the welkin ling with their class
E,E.Crane Hurt When
Auto Hits Lamppost
E. EV Crane, book asant, living at tha
rax ton hotel, auatalned a fractured rib
and probable Internal Injuriea whan a car
hich he was driving; skidded Into a
lamp poet at Forty-eighth and Doog
streets. J. B. Wauh. US North Bliteenth
a treat, a bo is employed by Crane and
who waa riding- with him. auatalned
aevere brulaea and lacerations. Neither
man waa thrown from the machine, al
though the vehicle waa badly damaged.
Thekfront of the car waa smashed.
Fartridse-Thempaoa have been awarded
the sub-contract for excavating the sits
of the Flrat National liana building. Tba
work of clearing up tbe rubbish and
hauling out tbe old floor boards snd
brick haa begun preparatory to starting
tba excavating.
Margery McCord, Debutante and
Popular, Suddenly Called by Death
Miss Margery MrCoH. only daughrr
of Mr. and Mrs. William Hallark McCord.
died yesterday morning at 11 of scarlet
fever. Her death was most unexpected,
lnc the young girl had nvn Indisposed
but a few days and It w.i not until
Wednesday evening that her illnoea waa
fllno"d Mn crlct f"v"r
McCord was ono of tlilt
6ehutllntn. having ma her f
season s
dchut In
society December 1 snd a brilliant affair,
a dancing party lit the Hotel Fontenelle,
was planned for her for Monday night.
The affair had long been anticipated by
the younger set sa the moat brilliant
event of the holiday eraeon 'and waa to
be preceded by a large dinner party
given for Mlaa McCord by tha Arthur
Crittenden Kmlths.
A number of Bt. Joseph relatives and
frlenda. Including Mr. and Mra. flamuel
McCord, Mr. Milton Toole and Mlsa Mar
garet I)olman, who were expected to
come for the dance, will arrive Inatead
for the funeral. i -
All social functions planned by the'
younger set snd debutantes fcave been
called off.
Mlaa McCord was Judged the moat ex
pert horsewoman In the city, Inheriting
her love for horaea and I ha mnrt rrnm ho, V
father, the McCord atahlea being known
all over the country.
Mlaa McCord attended school st
Brownell Hall and Mlaa Kpences school
In New York City. Besides her parents
one brother. Jamas, survive.
The funeral will be held today and
will be atrlctly private beratiae of the
the nature of the dlaeaae which
caused her death. The body will be
Mean Man is Found Who Will Not
Let His Wife Have New Set
of Teeth.
Secretary Doane of the Associated
Charities is closing up her Christmas
work, which has been of considera
ble magnitude. The bulk of the dis
tributions has been disposed of and
many persons have been cheered.
The secretary states that contribu
tions of money, food, clothing, toys
r.nd other articles sent to her depart
ment through The Bee have been
used to best advantage and many
persons are thankful for the remem
brances. The work of Investigation and listen
ing to the pleadings of visitors to the
charities office has revealed all sorts
of psthetlo situations and now and then
a flash of humor breaks the somber
perspective. One of the aaalatants on
Wedncsdsy called on a woman whose
name had been sent In.
"What is your husband doing now?"
aaked the caller.
"I don't know; he'a been dead two
years." aerlouly replied the widow. ,
Woa't Let Wife Hare Teeth.
Probably the meanest man la Omaha
has been brought to the attention of Mrs.
Doane. His wife wanted a set of teeth
for Christmas and when the charities
secretary told the woman of a man who
would furnish the teeth without charge,
the husband of the toothless woman said
he would not allow his wire to accept
ths offer. However, she will be cheered
In aome other way, ktocretary Doane does
not car to say for publication Just what
she thinks of a husband of that stamp.
Several letters have been received, ad
dress to "Mrs. Santa Claua." A girl wrote
in behalf of her U-month-old sAter, "who
has no father."
Additional cash contributions to The
Bee's Christmas fund have been turned
over to the Associated Charities as fol
lows: Lillian Jackson. $1; B. 8. Barker.
SB: J. P. H.. II; . W. 11.. $1; Theodore
Wells. $3. Beveral packagea of toys and
clothing sent to The Bee have been sent
to Mrs. Doane for distribution.
Hoo-Ray! Fifty-Three
Pay Days Next Year
Ntneteen-slxteen will be a prosperous
year. All signs Indicate that prophecy.
Kven the new calendars bear toatlmony.
There will be fifty-three week-end pay
days next year. The year starts off with
a payday. The montha of January, April,
July, September and December will have
five Saturdays each, and ths other
months will contribute four each, which
makes fifty-three.
According to the reports to the rail
roads, In western snd northern Ne
braska, and out toward the mountalna.
the weather la much colder, although
there la no atorm In s ght. Zero was not
reached Wednesday night, but there were
a number of points where as low as IS to
it above were recoided.
Itoa'a BOc, 7 So, 11.00 pair women's TBo, 91.00, ai.SO paU
ail Colors Xeatly Boaaa.
Ser:al Agents in Omaha
ft t aT aT "
511 So. 1
Tae Oaly Btot-e la Omaaa te.wiag Beth Pualap
J. WdL V
r f," I NO
7 ' 1
i . t
J -
' 'I
placed In a receiving vault here and will
later be taken to Bt. Joseph, Mo., for
Interment. Friends sre requested by the
family not to send flowers.
First Omaha Trade
Excursion Was Held
Twenty Years Ago
In ISM the Omaha Jobbers and other
business men made the first trade excur
sion into the South Platte country. That
was so long ago that many of them have
forgotten it; but Mark Perkins, editor of
the Fremont Herald, haa Just dug up an
old pamphlet telling of the excursion.
He dug it up when he was cleaning out
some old filing cases, so he mailed the
booklet to H. V. Parrtah, manager of
Omaha'a publicity bureau.
Twenty-one yeara makes a dlferenoe in
the personnel of the heads of business
firms In a city. This Is shown by the
personnel of the passengers on this ex
cursion and the list of the firms they
represented. Thus, W. A. I Gibbon was
then president of the Commercial club.
W. F. Baxter wss representing Kll-patrlck-Koch
company, W. 8. Wright
wss representing the Rector ft Wllhelmy
company, George W. Kelley was rep
resenting Kelley, SUger ft CO. and A. P.
Tukey was listed sa Just "capitalist."
Mrs. Geo. Eedick to
to Provide for the
Kiddies in Hospital
A Chrlatmas tree celebration will be
held this evening at the City Emer
gency hospital, VIS Douglas street. Mrs.
George Redlck has bought presents for
twenty-four poor children who are at
this Institution, moat of them oon
valacent, but not permitted to leave.
There are forty children and ten adults
at the hospital. Health Commissioner
Connell suggests that persons seeking a
wise uae of their Chrlatmas beneficence
might turn their attention to these little
Preliminary discussion of tentative
plans for a hay market in Omaha were
dlacuaaed by the hay market committee
of the Commercial club at a meeting at
noon, Thla waa the flrat meeting of the
new committee. A chairman has not yet
been selected. The members are Ran
dall K. Brown, Tom Coleman. II. . O.
Kdwards, F. 8. Knapp, C. H. Piokens, H.
A. Tukey snd J. A. Sunderland.
T. J. O'Connor, J. P. Butler, A. O.
Taylor and T. J. Flynn. representing the.
Dahlman club, preaented fifteen needy
families with money for Christmas pro
visions snd toys. This Is an annual cus
tom with this organisation.
1 Ma.kospeco. 5 I
i lBlB-lBJDanaJk B
1 Vs i
frsiurr ; c Ji
- a I
AND iv
6th St. runNMiNo ocow
WtC a aJli
Extra Force. Put On by Postmaster
Wharton Makes the Work
More Smoothly.
When "NUIe" Bowleg arrived to
take charge of his scales In the post
office corridor Thursday morning ha
found a line of package-laden people
extending from the table a distance
of about fifty feet
Tet the day was still very young,
tbe hour being but 7:20 a. m.
The rush Is totally unprecedented.
All merchandise
g Friday evening
it W a m wm
Kicii Blooming rotted rlants to add the hnishing
touch of Cheerfulness to the , Christmas Feast
We are ready, and will be ready up to the very last minute Friday, to provide
Potted Poinset
tias, at, each
The Pompeian
Fine Azalea, at,
Candies Package Goods, Put
Special Christmas Vaekage
2 -lb. box Aasorted Choco
lates, Bon Bons and Califor
nia Fruits, for $1.85
wee 3Cllk ChooolatM
A. B. C. Blocks, t0 pieces.
In box, for le
pedal Family rack age
S-Ib. box Assorted Choco- -lates
and Bon Bona, regular
$1.15 grade, Chrtatmaa spe
cial, at sea
Handsome Baskets and
Hand Painted Satin Boxes,
filled with our choioeat con
fections S3. BO e aia.00
Buy Your "1892"
To the Housewives of Greater Omaha.:
for your "1892" Aluminum
Ware. Assortments are com
plete, with bright, shining, dur
able utensils for every kitchen
need. Our assortments are com
plete for you to choose from.
Oval Roaster, shown here, Is
stamped from heavy Aluminum
sheets. Steam trap regulates
condensing of steam, which,
acts as self baster. Tray on
bottom keeps roast from burn
ing. Polished outside. 8Uo
6 4 inches deep, 16 Inches long.
11 niches wide,
Tha double lipped Sauce
now being advertised In the
by us, each
itf Mr 4 tf 24
Early Street Car Service, Christmas Morning,
December 25, 1915
For the accommodation of persons desiring to attend church services early on Christ
mas morning, earUer-thaii-regular street car service will be furnished on most lines. The
service will be as follows:
Leaving Depot (northbound) ,
Leaving Dundee)
Leavtng; Korly-eUth and Cuming.... 0:45a.m.
Leaving Depots
Leaving Thirty-third and Parker
Leaving Depots
Leavtng Thirty-third and ft pa aiding
Leaving Twenty-fourth and Ames (sooth bound) . . . .
leaving Twenty-fourth and Kansas Arenae.
Leaving Horence
Leaving Thirty-second and Valley
Leaving Twenty-ulnth and Dtipont
Iieaving Twenty-fourth and Ames (east bound)
Leaving Forty-second and Grand
Leaving Forty-third and Q
Iieaving Albright
Leaving lien son
Leaving School for the Deaf
Leaving Klrawood rark
Leaving Twenty-fourth and Lake
H Leaving Forty-fourth and L 0:30 a. m. Regular daily schedule. M
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company 8
Shortly after that early hour the
other three weighers were "on the
Job," aud the rush wss growing.
In spite of this there la no conization
of Chrtatmaa packagea in the Omaha
poatoffice. Bo systematically has every
thing been arranged, both as regards In
coming and outgoing mall, that It Is
moving along perfectly, and Postmaster
Wharton wrote to the poatmaster gen
eral In Washington that there la a record -breaking
bus ness and no congestion of
mall here, a record, which. It Is believed,
won't be equaled elsewhere.
Naturally In the greet crowd the care
less snd the abaent-mlnded are not en
tirely absent. Fourteen packages have
been dropped Into the chutes with abso
lutely no address on them. Borne of
theae are packages which people pre
sented for weighing with only a card
showing the address for which they were
destined. Having affixed the required
stamps they then forgot to transfer the
sddreaa from the card to the packages.
But this Is a mere tiny fraction of the
bought in our stores up to 7 o'clock $
will be delivered the same day
all kinds of flowers and floral decorations.
Friday We Will Feature Especially
A very large assortment of Blooming Plants at
very special prices. Our Cut Flower Department
will deliver all evening as late as practicable Fri
day and then as long as necessary to make all de
liveries Christmas day. We are also la position to
ship to any point you may wish. Everything care
fully packed to insure Its being received on time
and In good order.
Fine California Violets, American Beauties,
Carnations, Roses, Cut Polnsettlas, etc., at Special
Prices for Christmas.
Room Headquarters for Pure
1-lb. boxes Assorted Chocolates. ..... ..Boo
1-lb. boxes Chocolates and Bon Bons...8o
1-lb. boxes Chocolates and Bon Bone...8So
1-lb. boxes Asaorted Chocolates .t9e
1-lb. boxea Van Dam Chocolates asp
1-lb. boxes Superfine Chocolates 5Qo
1-lb. boxea Oold Medal Chocolates SOo
1-lb. boxea Chocolate Dipped Fruits and
Nuta. at $1.00
Csndy Beads for
trimming Chrlatmas
trees, sale plica, 14
feet for Be
Candy Canes, I
So, each. So, 10o,
too, SSo a ad SSe.
Aluminum Utensils
From Us.
Com to this store
Quality First
1892 Ware
Pan, approximate capacity 5 pints,
dally papers, is also offered ofl
4 924 !f4f !&a$.
8:ti-Jt . m.
4:20 a. m.
1:20 a. m.
4:43 a. m.
0:0A a. tn.
0:80 a. m.
0:OS a. m.
0:SO a. m.
0:00 a. m.
0:00 a. m.
, .0:60 a. m
4:43 a, m.
0:20 a. m.
0:87 a. m.
4:06 a. nu
0:00 a. nu
0:32 a. m.
0:40 sw m.
S:1S a. m.
many tons of packasea that are dumrel
Into the poatoffice dally.
The distribution and routing ayatem for
the dosens of tone of Incoming packages
Is working even better than was expevel
snd with the aaslstsnce tf twenty-f re
extra, wagons with fifty drivers and J
helpers, the packages are being del.vered
as rapidly as they come In. This system
wss devlaed snd Installed by Postmaster
Wharton snd his superintendents, snd the
department st Washington Is watching
Its working with Interest. Its complete
success indicates that It will be adopted
In all the other large offices of the coun
try. i
President Mudge, formerly with tha
Rock Island, but now the head of the
Denver ft Rio Grande road, will be in,
Omaha a short time Christmas afternoon,
en route east.
Potted Cyclamen
at, each
Holly Wreaths,
at, each
Up By Us
pedal Christmas Mixtures
American Mixture hard
candles, per lb 10a
Jsp Mixture, hard candies
per lb., at lOe
New Tork Creams, assort
ed cream mixture 15e
Lion Mixture. Jellies,
Chocolates and Bon Bons
speolal, per lb lSe
Delicious Butter Cups, all
nut centers, lb SOe
toeklngs filled with
candy, 3 for ISO, each. Bo
C h r 1 a tmas Decorations
for table use, each. Be, lOe,
SSo aad BOo.
Large assortment of Nov
elty Candy Boxes, each, BOo
Special Sale
Any Roll in Our
Music Library,
Friday, December 24th,
Brandeis Piano Depart
mentThird Floor.
0:uo a. ni.
0:8o a. m.
6:02 a. ni.
Then every 0 minute.
Then every 10 minutes.
Then every 10 minutes.
Then every 10 minutes.
Then every 10 minutes.
Then every 10 minute.
Then every 10 minutes.
0:O5 a. m.
0:80 a. ni.
0:20 tv. m.
0:00 a. m.
Regular Sunday schedule.
Itegular Sunday schedule,.
Regular Sunday schedule.
Regular Sunday schedule.
Regular Sunday schedule.
Regular Sunday schedule.
Regular Sunday schedule.
Regular Sunday schedule.
0:25 a. in.
0:36 a. m.
0:50 a. tn.
Then every 10 minutes.
Then every 10 minute.
Then every 10 minutes.
Then every 10 minute.
Regular daily schedule.