Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1915, Page 14, Image 14
TIIE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1013. Store Open Every Evening 'Till Chrlslmasrarsnjsns . i w n s Tie Greatiesf lecemlter Ootiiii Sale Ever Known FRIDAY FRIDAY aar eas 14 n n n 8 s n n n I at ! 8 il l- I sir " Doys'HIackinaw Coals That sold to $7.50 and in all sizes, 6 to 18 years, a splendid assortment of col ors and patterns for selection and in the season 'a most approved styles. Just the thing for skating or school wear, will be dandy for gifts, J ! f TU AYPEN Ml w n i uj .v n r-i n r "j v 8 xm UUU if iMa is V ! K . ..11 8 n 8 1 8 8 8 : j S ' " 8 ; . ' 8 Mr IB . m ' a- j I n - vs. IJ 1 I . . i!6 DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS You Can Now Have Your Choice ol Nearly Two Thousand Men's and Young Men's Guaranteed mm Boys' Corduroy Suits 350 of them that sold rrgularly at $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50. Every suit artistically tailored and in the Reason's best styles, all sizes, C to 15. years, in double breasted or Norfolk styles, many with extra pair of pants, OQ OCT on sale at 0ijmtV mm And Other Hlgli Grade Makes From Our Regular Fall and Winter 1915-16 Slocks Suits and Overcoats Yen! We Have Included Over 250 Suits and Overcoats From Our Regular $30 Linen in This Omaha's Greatest December Re duction Sale of Men and Young Moi'i Guaranteed Clothing. Broad Assortments of "Varsity Fifty Five" Suits and the "Varsity Six Hundred" Over coat Models, in the most wanted weaves and colorings and patterns here for your , selection. Every Garment Guaranteed. Alterations Blade Free. ' j Mk m a rv7 Suits and (Th Suits and I v SO) overcoats Overcoats 11 f k I . V i J Remarkable Bargains MEN'S FURNISHINGS Before Cbxistm&a Clearing Sales That Will Be Biff Saving! to Purchasers Nearly 1,003 Men's Shirts None worth less than $1.00 and many from our regular $2.00 and $2.50 lines, your ehoice of broad assortments of fine white shirts, fancy shirts, pleated shirts, soft military collar shirts, silk shirts, barbers' white shirts, full dress shirts, in fact classy Btyles for any and all oc casions, regular selling f v r- 7 price to $2.50, all in Jix (TZ one lot, ehoice Cix v - Zlaaj other splendid special raluea in Neckwear, Hosiery, Bath Robes, Sweaters, Faj&xaaa and all kinds of desirabl and dependable furnishings. In the Hat Department Thursday Closing Oot M Fnr Caps At a Reduction of Fully 25 $2.00 Fur Caps, at. . $1.50 I $30 Fur Caps, at. . $2.50 $7.00 Fur Caps, at. .$5.00 $10 Fur Cap3, at.. . .$7.50 ALL MOST WANTED STYLES AND FURS ' SKTS: STETSON DAT assortment of new models in Stiff and OO ?A C A AA 8oft Felts, and all beet colors, at..... . . . Oti.DU-O'ieUU A Nice Traveling' Dag an Ideal Gilt An Immense Variety for Selection Her at Prloes, Quality Considered, Are Surprisingly Low. Leather Lined Das. from . . $3.95 to $15.00 Fine Fitted Bags, from .... $12.00 to $24.00 opyrtffht. Hart. Bchaffnar Mara Many Practical GUI Suggestions In the Slfaoe Depa?troent Why Not Give Him a Nice Pair of the Stetson or Crossett Shoes You'll find them in all classiest lasts and most comfortable styles, the best we can buy to sell at the price. We're confi dent you can buy no better. Two Xmas Slipper Specials Men's Slippers in black or chocolate kid, $2.00 Ffk values, at pair OJUoU Men's $1.50 tan or black kid Everett Slippers, all f flf sizes up to 11, at pair f . .O J.UU 3 8 8 S 8 8 8 ?) 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 1 3 3 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 mm 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 A 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 fi 3 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 31 8 8 u mm a ! n I t ; i -