Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
THK HKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DKA'KMHHU J4, IJHA. 13 Hot M.M 411 t oTTAfiE. STORKS AU OrrltKS. 511 South 11th St. Rocco Pros ' Kldg . 2 stories and base ment, brick, 82x4 rorner, nest to mar ket. No better Mention for commlidon house. For terms ree Birkett & Company 421 Be Bldg. Douglas 83. WOPF.RN store low rent, near post office, O. P. Ftcbhln. 110 Chlcsgo pt . AH AI.K. OARAGE. , , . Fireproof garage, centrally located. Miutpped with elevator, stork room, orfioe. steam heat, about 8.0O square feet will be for rent In a few days. Very reason able rent Conrad Young. K- Brandels Theater. Doug. 1671. Gordon Van Co. &n? Tel. D- 8M or Har. 1MT. 19 N. 11th St. M AClCiA RD Van florae: Co : Moving packing, a to re ire mil shipping. D. HAVE vou got the m.ny? If you hsve Investigate this. 3.W wilt buy a bust nesa worth $4,000. If taken before Dec. 10. Addresa P. $39. care Be. REAL ESTATE FA WW t nt H I, A. Mia FOR gAtB KLOKIUA. i . i . i zi. i r a ml uer i i r . i 1 , i.w Pox BO, Arcadia. Kla. ftUURASKA. PTOCKMEM, ATTENTION. The choicest 8.000-acre ranch In Ne braska can be bought at a bargain; welt Improved; alfalfa, hay, good pasture. If you are looking for a ranch thla will auit you. Write C. H. Boehl, 2404 Leav- enworth St.. umana. t'OR SALK or trade, lmpro'ad 40: loins town or Mountain view. mo. wouia take pool hall or restaurant; part cash, part time; easy terma; all clear: price, $4,300. W. A. Kick. Friend. Neb. o PAVE $8,000. We ,ffer our well Improved 200-acre farm near Naper, Neb., for 110.000 If sold quick. John u. American Falls, Idaho. WISCONSIN. t'PPHR WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settler wanted; landa for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raiding. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway, Minneapolis. Minn. MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOTJ A FARM FOR SALE' Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sloua City (Iv) Jour nal, "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Mtdlum." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent days for $2; or 60 woids. $4, or 74 words, te. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; ioO.Oou readers dally in four great HEAL ESTATE LOANS (108 TO 110,000 made promptlj. F. IX Weed. Weed Bid., lath & Farnam St. CITT and farm loans, 8, HA, per cent. J. H. Dumont Co.. 418 State Bank. A "For Sale' ad will turn second-hand furniture into caah. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ruin; Market and Good Caih De mand Receipts in Omaha Very Heavy. WHEAT PRICES UNSETTLED OMAHA. December 22. WIS. Tha receipts of wheat and eorn were very heavy tods v. the rising of the mar ket and a very good cseh demand pulling the grain Into Omaha. The wheat market was rather unsettled, seme of the beet wheat selling a cent hither, while the poorer grades Went at unchanged prices. Corn was a good seller, although the receipts were heavy It sold unchanged to He higher. Oats were also strong, advancing He higher. Clearances of wheat and flour aere equal to 1. 349,000 bushels; corn, t,0K bushels: oats. 148,000 bushels. At Liverpool wheat closed unchanged to le up; corn, lc higher. Primary wheat receipts were IMa.OOO bushels and shipments 828,000 bushels, sgatnst receipts of 1.46R.00n bushels and eh'pmants of N68.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 9i7,(W bush els and shipments of 41,rti0 bushels, aralnst receipts of 1.2o8.000 bushels and shipments of 797,0(10 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 871.0P0 bush els, and shipments 684.000 bushels, s gainst receipts of 743.000 bushels and shipments of 666,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago IM 181 1(17 Minneapolis 771 ... ... Duluth 817 . Omaha U't ' 1S5 36 Kansas City 185 111 3 St. Louis 8't 84 Winnipeg 9S7 34 20 These sales mere reported today: Wheat No. t hard winter: 1 car. $1.18; 1 car (Montans), fl.ln. No. 1 hard win ter 1 - II 11. A ...... CI 111.- in oara 'tl.ll; 2 cars. $1.70; cs'rs. '$10; I csrs. II. (, 4 csrs, $1.08; 1 car, 81.07S; I cars. 1.07V; 1 car, 11.07. No. 4 hard winter; t care. $1.07; 1 car, $1.07: 2 cars. $1.06V; 18 cars, $1.08; 2 cars, l.Vt; cars, 1 (: 8 cars, $1.04; 1 car, $1.0."; 4 csrs. $1.02; 2 cars. $1.01H. No. 4 spring: 1 car, $1.06. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, ll.(tV,. No. 2 durum: 2 cars. $1.11; i cars, $1.10; ) car. $1.00. No. 8 durum: 2 cars, $1.07. Sample: 1 car, $1.00; 1 car, Sc. No. 4 mixed durum: 1 car. 81.05. Corn: No. $ white: 1 car. 65c. No. 4 white: 8 cars, 62c. No. 6 white: 8 care, ftc. No. white: 1 car, 67c. NO. 8 yellow: 1 car, 7c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, "6c. No. S yellow: 2 cars, 62Vc; 1 car, 62c; 1 car, Slo. No. ( yellow: 4 cam, 0c. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, dftc; 2 cars, c. No. 4 mixed: 6 care. aac. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 62c; 2 cars. 61Vc; 2 csrs. 61c; 1 car. SOVfic. No. S mixed: 1 car, 57c; 1 car. WHc; 2 cars, 6ci 1 car, Bac; 12-5 cars, 55c. Sample: 1 car (yellow), 62V-; 1 car, 62c; 2 cars, 54c 1 car, Uc; 4 cars, 53r; 1 car. 51Vsr; S-S car. 61c: I car, 60c. Oats: Standard: 1 car, 41Vfcc. No. 2 white: 2 cars 40V; cars, 40c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 39Sc; 4 cars, 3c. Sample: 1 car, Kr,; 8 cars. 88c; 1 car. 37Vc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 bard. I1.UU1..6; rso. 8 hard, 1 (.l 1 ; No. 4 hard, $1021.07H: No. 2 spring, $1.07411. (W; No. $ spring, $1 080.07; No. 2 durum. $1.08(91.10: No. 2 durum. $1.0$1.07. Corn: No. $ white, 64tfoc: No. 4 white. tW 2Hc; No. 5 white, o9g!c; No. whltu 676S7Hc; No. 8 yellow. RU7c; No. 4 yel low, 6j6Sc: No. 5 yellow. 61 .2e: No. 6 yellow. Wwe; No. 8 mixed. f4?3c:, No. 4 mixed, (.t'j3V; No. 6 mixed. Of-tc : No. 6 mixed, 6Air67c: sample mixed, Wd Kc. Oats: No. 2 white, 4mfM2c; stand ard. 4141Vic: No. 2 white, 4a40V4c; No. 4 white. 343tttAic. Rar'.ey: Malting. Mrt 6!c; No. 1 feed. f!se. Rye: No. 2, 89A4Wc; No. 8, ('WeW.c. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 215 South Sixteenth street: chickens, l.VfiJTc; fuwls, 1341 17V; turkeys, iTfrJSe. Uve. stady; chl.-kens, 14c; fowls. lHf 14Vc; turkeys. 2ti'c. OM AH A CiK.KHAlM ARKKT. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomaa. 228 State Bank Bldg. i TO 6 for loans on best class city" residences In amounts 82,000 up, also (arm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1&S2 Farnam Bt. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KKEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2718. FARM AND CITY LOANS. ODOUGHERTY A HUGHES, 111 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 1011 MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. w. Binder, city isationai tsann oiog. 6 PTTV lllMn a. Partner. X1S- 18 Brandela Theater Bldg. pEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE YOUR CITT PROPERTY YOK FARM LANDS. If you want to go farming on an A-l farm, we have some good land of this kind, where you can go and make good, not only in crop, but In advance on price of land. We will consider your house, or city property as part payment, balance lona; time. See us at once, as we have only a few-farms left on which we can give you this kind of a deal. SCOTT & HILL CO., Ground Floor McCague Bldg. Doug. 1009. LARGE 10-room , atrlctly modern Omaha home. 812.000 equity; wanta to trade for western land or lots; rents for 806, can be paid like rent. O'Kcefe Real Estate Co., 1M8 OmBha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. TWO GOOD LOTS In town of 2,000 popu lation. Dunlap. Ia. $000 cash or trade for Income property. Joe B. Tupper, o(ran, la. FEV EN-PASSENGER auto to exchange for a-room bungalow. Phone Doug. tMi. Artlclel Open. Hlgh-I Low. Close. I Yes y. Wheatl Dec May. July. Corn. Dec. May. July. Oats. Dec.. May. Pork. Jan.. May. Lard. Jan., May. Ribs. Jan., May 1 21141 1 2 1 24 I 1 28 114-1811 1HS I I .UN 42 42SI ,4fiHH!46l&46l 1$ I7HI 18 $7H S 80 826 10 13Hl 10 lVVsl 1 )! 1 24 1 23M.1 USA 1 18SI 1 16 fo r- 72M i :i i :a 1 13S riV,BI 70, 76Bl74I4"i TVkl 75iA74Vi. 42 f 42H 42i, 18 27M 18 85 18 4 I 18 80 18 17-20 18 35 B7H 7 60 86 1 S72wl ' 87H 80 f 80 10 12HI 10 15 9 T7H 10 10 A-Asked. B Bid. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Farnam Street A Growing Street We can offer on this street for a short time 10U feet near list St. for $12,500. 136 feet near this, some Improvements, $25,000. Harrison & Morton S15 Omaha National. Doug. 114. REAL EHTATK WEST SIDE REAL BARGAIN. New 6-room, all modern. 2-story house, in very desirable new addition; oak fin ish first floor, second etory white enamel and birch with oak floors; small cash payment, balance monthly. Call Mr. Bolen, Douglas 2061. Would accept food eoond-hand auto as part payment. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE ALMOST one acre; good house; 28 fruit trtes of all kinds; three chicken houses In yard. Small amount down. Vacant lot or automobile will apply aa first payment, balance as rent 61.1 N. 21st at. Colfax lo62 after 10 a. m. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featarre nf the Tradla aad Closing; Prices oa Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Dec. 23. Increased foreign demand stimulated buying of wheat to day, and the market to the highest price jrei on mo iio crop. ins cicee wan nervous at Wt cents to 8 cents net ad vonce, with December at I1.24H, and May at $1.2Ms. Corn wound up with a gain of A,o to iHc and oats of 4jHc to Sc. In provisions the outcome ranged from Hc decline to a rise of 15iftl7Vtc. Unexpected strength at Liverpool gave the wheat market here an upward swing right at the outset. British cables. In stead of reflecting to any extent the previous day's break on this side of the Atlantic showed a tightening of values, and told of Increasing scarcity and of a prospect that world shipments this week other than from America would be dis appointingly small. Estimates of export business in wheat generally ran above l.OJO.uOO bushels, chiefly hard winter grades to go by way of the null or Mexico. Corn rose with wheat, and touched a new high price record for this season's crop. At first, however, favorable weather put the bulls at a disadvantage notwithstanding: the smallneaa of arrivals and the Increasing reports of car shortage. Oats had some Independent strength on account of a renewal of export demand. Provisions averaged higher as a result of scattered buying from commission houses. Lard was relatively weak. It was said that lard stocks were piling up, end that some hedging as to lard was being done by packera. cmcago casn i-nces: w nest no. 2 red, $l.'i3V?1.24; No. 8 red. 81.05O1.0R; No. 2 hard. $1224m.25; No. 2 hard, .Il.UHQi 1M,. Corn No. I yellow, old. 75c; No. 4 yellow, new, SX4jHc; No. 4 white, new, 67c. Oats No. $ white, 41-tM2'4c; standard. 43 44c. Rye No. 2, Barley Heeds: Timothy. $5.0uti7.75; clover, $10.0Ui lf.OO.most $17.50. Provisions: Pork, $16.06; lard. $1.50; ribs. $9.8710. 25. BUTTER Unchanged ; creamery. 23(9 33HC EGOS unsettled; receipts, I.43S cases; firsts. 2fHWc; ordinary firsts. 26Vtat!7c: at mark cases Included, 2als1c FOTATUt-runner; receipts, 18 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin white. 6ft7ftc: Minnesota and Dakota white, 70i75c; Minnesota and Dakota-Ohios. 664371c, POULTRY Alive lower: fowls. HUc: springs. 124: turkeys, lac. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS BUY A HOME. DON'T RENT. A good 7-rcom house for only $l.v), renting all the time at $16 per month. We can sell you this on a payment of $200 cash, balance $18 tr month. Owner might take a cheap lut aa first payment Pav ing; and all other taxes paid. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY.. 6th Floor Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. o LEGAL NOTICES The Union Land Company. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OK THE UNION LAND COMPANY. The annual meeting of the stockholders of Tha In loo land Company will be held at tha ofllce of the Comuanv In n.w. Neb., on January 10th. wis, at 10 o clock A. M., for the election of five directors, and for the transaction of such bustneaa as may legally come before the roeetm ALEX. MILLAR, Secretary LMOd 2ut. 8X)VLTRT Alive: TurHeys. any sue over 7 lbs , 17c; broilers, 16817c: springs, lie; ducks. 10c: geese, 10c; hens. S-ulU; young Mtunea hens, each, 8tc; roosters. 80. OTSTP 'ber.l liitM rr gallon. $1.40; standards, IV; aelecta, 81 50; northern, standards, $1.60; selects. $1.80: New York counts, $L95. Northern, small cans, :'ijc; inne onus, .(.m..i Cne. neakr. small cans. 20).'k; large tana, 0J FISH-Hallbut ilHc; salmon, fresh pink, e; ftefh ra 11. aii . fcenh. 1; trout, fresh, 18o; white fish, fresh, 20c; led snappei, fresh, U ; iuih.. ,i..n, He; smelts, frosen, 10-lfc. Mixes. $1.25; smoked white fish, 14c: kippered salmon. 17c. FROZF.N riFH Haliw-.t vises to suit '.OHc; catfish, large, for steaks. t.c; sal mon, falla, c; snlmoi. 1' 10c; No. 1 trout, lie; No. 1 wMteflsn. dressed. 10c; No. 1 whlteflsh. lame, 15c; ve 1 white fish, Jumbo, 18e: pickerel, rund W. C., (c: pickerel, headless. 8c,: blsek bnss, erder else, 25c: herring, dressed, pair frosen. 6c; blueflsh. extra fancy, lie; red anapper. heanlejs, dressed ;0p; floun ders, 10c; scallops, per gallon. $8.09. dllOKED F1H -White. 10-lb. baskets, per lb., 14c Klt'PEHKD FISH-Salmon. 10-lb. bas kets, per lb.. 17c. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. 1, lsc; No. t, 16V; No. 8. HHc. Loins: No. t 2014c; No. 2. 18c: No. 8. 14c. Chucks: No. 1, 4jo; No. 1 tVc: No. 8, 8c. Hounds: No. 1, ISc; No. 2, 12c; No. 8. llc. Plates: No. 1, e; No. 2, 9c; No. 2. 8c. CELERY Mammoth, per dos.. 6OTW0 BEEK CUTS Ribs: No. 1. We; No. 8, 1 Vc: No. 8. L!Ho. Loins: No. 1. IlUc: No. 2. 18c; No 4 'C. Chucks: No. t 10c; No. 2, c; No. 8. 9r. Rounds: No. L 14c; No. 2, i:c; No. 3. 12c. Plates: No. L c; No. 2, 8c; No. 8, Sc. I LIVE POULTKi Brortera. IK to 14 ! lbs., in separata comp., 17c; over 1H to i ilbs., 16c; springs, any alse, llc; ducks, I picked, H price, . but not wanted. Uo; liens, over 4 lbs. per lb.. I1Vc; roosters. I Hc. Turkeys, 17c; old Toms, 15c; under 8 lbs., 8c; less than 8 lbs. sack not : wanted. Geese, full feathered and fat. Ike; picked, W price, but not a anted. Guineas, eacli, .'4c: young. 1 to :V4j lbs I1 ceoh. SGc. Homer squats. 14 os and over, 8 os., 81.60; under 8 ox. jOc t'lgeum, any kind, per dos., koc. Star Brand Ben Davis, $T75 per barrel: IS 00; 10 to ut os., $2.uu; No. 1. must welgn I Willow TwIhs, $3.26 per barrei; VYIneaape, ,88.50 per barrei; Jonathana. 88.60 per bar rel. I Shield Brand-Black Twigs. $2 50 per barrel: Black Twigs, commericial brand 83.26 per barrel; Ben Davis. Illinois, $8.71 , per barre'. BUTTER Best creamery, 8?c: seconds. I in cartons or tubs, 2c; good dairy, 2ij . 2c; country, common, lHHc CHEESE lmiioried Swiss, 44c: domestic, 30c; block, 24c; twins, lc; ' daisy, lUVxc; triplets, 19V; younav Ameil ; can, .Oc: biue label brick. l9Hc; Um burger. :20c; New York white, Sue; Imported French Rocquetort. 4Hc. I Kid' ITS Naval oranges; extra fancy, 80s snd IMs, $::.50 box; extra fancy, 126a, UWs and 824s, $2.75 box; extra fancy Cali fornia navels, Mis, lbs, $3.00 box: extra fancy California navels, 150s, $3-25 box; exu it'y (.,.. 1 Iki ma uaveis, Ii6s, Stkja, I 260s. $3.60 box. rUIKlUA OKANGE3 1Z6S, ISOS. liW, :in, 21w. j"n. $2.76 box. GRAPH FRUIT Florida srape fruit: 46s, 64s, 61s, 80s, $3.60 box; Ms. $3 26 box: ls. $2.75 box. Tarpon brand: 86a. $3.7 box; tts. $4 00 box; 64a. $4.25 box; 64s, 80s, $4 60 box. LEMONS Extra fancy California Sunk 1st lemons, 80Os, 3fi0s. $5.00 box; extra fancy California Bunklst lemons, 420s, $4.60 box; extra fancy California Red Ball lemons, $4.50 box; extra fancy Florida limes. l.o(2,00 basket. aUNKlBT Navels: SOs. ia and 100s, $2.76; ls, 2Ms and 3C43. $3.26; Ions, $3.60; lice, 2oos, 2ltis and VH 84.O0. GRAPES Un' la Sam brand, clusters, 84.60 per blil.; Catawbas, 18c basket. CRANBERRIES Jersey Bell, late Howes, $11.60, cranberries, $2.76 box. Pk.AitH-e.xtra fancy Winter Nellies (small sixes), $150 box. CIDER New York Motfs Sweet (very best grade). $3.76 keg; Nebraska Ne hawka. $3.25 keg. SWEET POTATOES Market strong and advancing; extra fancy California Jersey (about 100-lb. crates), $3.00 crate; extra tancy (.amornia jersey, ham per. potatoes Colorado white, 75c biu Red River Ohloa, Sic bu. . . . ....... . . ....... .v , u . , . . lb.; Epanlah (Imported Bermudas), ll.C NUTS-No. 1 walnuts, Wia lb.; blk. walnuts. 3c lb.; hickory, 4a lb; filberts, loo lb: pecans, 120 lb.; Braalls, lac lb; slmonds, ISc lb. M ISCELLA N EOUfV Crackerjack, SS.r4 rase: crsckerlack. one-half case. 81.76: case; ford dates. 12VC lb.; salted peanuts, $1.16 can; popcorn, 40, 1 lb. package, $2.60 case; rornpops, $ .25 case; cornpops, one- half case, case; s. w. aatas. wa box. Honey. $3.75 case. Airline. 2 dos. os., $1.80 case. Cider: Motts, 1276 keg; Motts, one-can dpi., (. ddi.: iNenawka. $3.25 kog. Kansas t Ity Uraln aad Provlalaas KANSAS CITY. Iec. 23. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.121.16; No. 2 red, $l.7j1.30; Mav,'(i i.m"; Juiy, i.wi'!ri (w. CORN No. 2 mixed. 67c: No. 2 white. 60c; May. 67V: July-, 70e. (lATS-ivn. 2 wnite, 4,aV3'e; No. 2 mixed. 3iH-Q40C. BUTTER .'reamery. mc; firsts, 21c; seconds. 20c; packing. 19c. KH Firms, zhc; seconds, zuc. POULTRY liens, lOVtfpllc; turkeys. 15c; springs, 12c ' Minneapolis Cirala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. "23. WHEAT December. $1.2rtV; May. $1.I0; No. 1 hard. J1.2S1; No. 1 northern, $1.19'' 1.21 i; No. 2 northern. 81.UiSil.lN!. V L)l It Unchanged. BARLEY ri4itc. RYE lf!Oc. BRAN-lH.2ufl18.50. CORN No. 3 yellow. 74rg74V. OATH No. 3 white. 40S1N1C. FLAX-$2.02.11. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Trade is Steady to Strong Lambs Fif teen to Quarter Up. HOGS STEADY TO TEN LOWER OMAHA, December .'3, 191V Receipts were: tattle. Official Mnndav 6.:ua Official Tuesday 6.17a Official Wednesdav .... 3 024 j Estimate Thursday. .. 1.60) Kour days this week ir...V$ Same days last tn PHme days t wks. agc).2V47i fame days 8 wks. hko 2.,M Hume days 4 wks. ago. 21. tea Same days last year.. 8.771 The follomlng tabla shows the receipts of cattle, hogs snd sheep at the Omaha live stock nmrket for the year to date as compared with last year: 1S15. V14 Inc. Cattle 1.1M.V7 WV:I 277.1,4 2,F7.3?8 2..100 f,n.t2 Sheep 1232,013 S.)7t;,.'.tl 15i.4a) The fnlloalng table shoas the average prices nf h(is st the Omsha lle stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: iwf. andhutohera. SH lW 4T.; good heavy. $0 46 "ilEKP AND LAMPS-Recelpts, 4 hed; market st(ly; vearllnga $5tx 7M; lambs, $..; sheen and ewes, $S.501,; ,i NEW YORK. GENERAL MARKET STfx'KHOLDER MEETINO. The Annual meeting of the bt ckhoM ers of Hie H AeTI NiW AND NORTH WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, for the election of sewn Directors, and the tranxactlon of such other business ss limy come before the meeting, will be held st the office of A. I Moliler. corner f 1th snd Iodge etreets. Omaha, Ne brssks, on Monday, the 8r4 day of Janu ary A. D. l'-'". st 11 o lock A. M. T. M. ORR. eeeretary. Qaotatloaa of tha. Day aa Varteas f'oaaaaaelltlea. NEW YORK. Deo. FLOUR, firm spring; patents, $6.76S.20; winter Patents. So.). W Ft HA T Spot, strong; No. 1 durum $1.K)4. and f. o. b. New York: No. i Northern Duluth, $1.82, and No. 1 north ern Manitoba, 81.20V c. L f. Buffalo. Fu tures, strong; December, $1J1V. CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 83c prompt. OAT8 Spot, firm; No. S white, rtT48c. HAY-Juiet: No. I, $18001.25; No. 2. $1 07H47116; No. $. 86cOfl.02Vi; shipping, 86 60c. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice, 1916. l&8c; jsu. fcwsc; Pacific coast, Ui lSc; 1D14. HuOc, HIDE8-Julet; Bogota, S0Jle; Central America, 2bc. LEATH ER Firm; hemlock flrsU, 3(9 PROVISIONH-Pork. firm; meas, $117C "!(: lanuiy. w.wa.t); short cjears. 17.0u; family. $U.OOigsO. Lani, barely Sieaay, miuum wesi, TALLOW QuU-t; city, 6c; country, TH te; special, KVc. BUTTER eady: receipts, SIRS tubs: creamery extras. $4V3c; firsts, tV4 33V: seconds. 25Sttr2Sr. tXKW Weak; receipts 8.722 cases; fresh gathered extra fine. Mr34c; extra firsts. ZsuMc; firsts. 21&32C; seconds, iHhiuc. CH EE'E Firm : receipts, 2.174 boxes; stste. whole milk, flaU, held, specials. n'W17V: average fancy, 17c; current make specials, lHi,tfl"c; aversge fsnry, HW,ri lc. POULTRY Dessed. steady; fix;h killed . St. Louis Urala Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Dec. 2S WHEAT No. I red nominal; No. 8 hard nominal; De cember, $1.17; Mav, $1.21 CORN No. 2. 704r7lc: No. I white. 71c; December. 70V; May. i2c OAT8-N0. 2, tialV; No. 2 white nominal. Liverpool (irala Market. LIVERPtXIL. Iec. 23 WHEAT Hpot, No. 1 Manitoba. 18a; No. 3, 12s 7d; No. 2 hard winter, new, 12a Id. CORN Spot American mixed, new, ta 4d. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 23 COFFEE The market for coffee futures was unsettled today by near months' liquidation, which seemed to be promoted by predictions that some low-rade coffees In the local stock would be delivered on contract. The opening was 1 point higher and late months were sustained by the buying nf near months' sellers or scsttered cover ing, with July selling sround 78c and fccptemoer at s.Kfic. December, however, broke to 6.45c and January to . 60c, with the market closing net unchanged to 10 rolnts lower. Including exchange, from lecember to May and from January to July, sales amounted to 13,00 la;a. De cember. 6.44c; January, .4c; February, 6.54c; March, 8.80c; April, 6.63c; May, 6ti7c; June. .71c; July. .75c: August, 7c; Sep tember, 6.fi3c; Oototier, 6.87c; November 6.Wc Spot, quiet: Klo 7s. 7Sc; Santos 4, Sc. Cost and freight offers were steady, with quotations ranging from 8.S0c to 0)c for Santos 4a. English credits. The offi cial cables reported no change In the Bis ill an market. II !K. Mieep, 1 12.177 21.1.2 u.r.i 18.0W 1.200 70.'4 33,82 54,S1 15.172 8.M (3.4.4 81,T iJi.SM 18..W 41. lti.D.13 I I I 7 7 14, A'SiS: L"1- lli14.Hi3.1lH12.'l!'ll. i l'.'10.!lW l'ec. Ul 1 s we, 7 4ah 7 IsT's'W Ti8i ' 6 1 411 B V i !.. 7 8' ?$ 43! I OM 7 61 8 0 421 7 C9 6 OX 7 Ml 8 14 W. 7 01 ' j 7 bOl 8 26 . W 8 31 M 7 571 Morris Co 137 2,14 Swift Co 4i Z.HIO 6Z7 Cudahy Packing Co.... 1 x 3,501 -(2 Armour At Co 4.4I 3,K 8,6 J. W. Mkirphy 673 .... 80. Oma. PacKlng Co.. 4 Armour, from foo City ... S,44 .... Cudahy, from ttool'lty 24) Benton, Vansant L.. 6 F. B. Lewis 32 Huston & Co ! J. B. Root Co 75 J. H. Bulla 27 L. F. Hues '8 Sullivan Bros 2 Rothschild Krebs.... HI Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 8: Christie fc'. MiXKins ti Huffman $ John Harvey II Kline 64 Other buyers 214 Dec. 13.1 22. Dec. 14.1 34' al 8 1 -co. IS I a 3HI 84 Dec. 1. 7 07) t'ec. 17. ) 34T 7 001 l'ec. IS. 1 40 17 IB Dec. 10 1 I 871 I 'ec. 0. 37S Doc. 21 I 34'. 8 K, IVc 22 S 7 fWI 7 00' lc. S. 9 7 02 7 60 7 47! 7 4."i 7 4H; (C, 7 oi. 7 1 7 12 7 1! 5 1 5 ' ti OH 7 4f! $ 3 nv 7 Ml 8 C'I 7 3 8 IKi 6 H7' 7 fl 08 Sundays. Receipts and disposition f live stock t the Union Stock ysrds. Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 8 o clock p. 111., yesterda) ' RECEIPTS CAKS. Cattle. Ili. heeu. 11 r s. u., M. or Bt. p.... 1 S abash 2 Missouri Pacific .... ;i Union 1'actiiC 6 C V N. v ., east.. 23 C. N. W.. west... 7 C, St. P., M. A O.. 6 C, B. a Q , east.... 2 C, H. A Q.. west... 8 C, K. I. P., east.. 6 C, H. 1. P., west. 8 Illinois Cential .... 8 Chi. Great Western. 1 Kansas City Live Slock Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec -CATTLE Re ceipts, 700 head; market stesdv; prime fed etexre. $...7. dressed teef steers, $ Mfa.60; western .-teers, K.0lW 8S; Mockers and feeders 85 KXtr7.75; bulls. $4.7Mi,5 7.i; calves. 6 ori.T.o) 114 MIS-Klfs 7 (kit K 4 ' M.,b.l loer; bulk. W1: hes v." $rt MV M- sckets and bTitcheis, ta4;;4r: light, j.!; pigs, JV(iiAS.V 811 KEP AND LAMHS-IWelnts. 2 010 I head: market hlnher; Isml's. x 3.'ff I n ; yeat lings. $ 7r7.0; wethers. t...75ci(S.. ewes. ACLlMiti-l. Slax tltr lve Miwk Market. Pltl'. CITY, Dee. 13. CATTLE -Re ceipts. IK0 liesd; market strad : ustlve ) steers. s.v inf,is, s; ouirners. n.'f I'); canners, $3.75n4.26: bulls, stags, rlc. (4 21 "f.SO. HO'lS Receipts 10.000 hesd: mnrket ftsd- te lower; heavy. S 14)a.S0: m'xed. f,.0iir,K,.15; llgiit. $.r..lcvtf.i.0t; bulk of ssles. $.Mrii.jB. SHK.KP AND l.AMH'-Rocelots, 300 head: market strsdv; fed muttons, 8b Jj .50; ewes. M.iiOtJuM. ' St. Joseph l.lve Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec il-CATTLK -Receipts. 300 hesd; market strong: steers. $ oO4f 00: cows snd heifers. 1503 60; cslves. $it00tti.OO HOOS Receipts. l!,500 head; market lower; SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts, none; market nominal, lambs. $l.ootr76. Live Stock la ftlfct. I Receipts of live stock st the five prln Iclpsl western markets yeste'dar: j t-aiue. iioks. unerp ; Mouth Omaha l,6on I Chicago S.0OO ; Sioux City 800 St. l.ouls '...1,700 Kansas city too NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Session Develops No New Features of Special Interest. MEXICAN OIL ADVANCES Total receipts.... 87 1 1 a 1 i Ml U 2 34 H 2 t 1 61.000 10.0) ti.!'i 7.00O l.i0 5.i 300 4 2.000 Totals 7.700 102.200 8.S20 NEW YORK. !ec. 2J. Apart from a broader inquiry for leading railway shares, which wss sufficiently Insistent to simgest Investment demarid, today's market developed no new features of es peclsl interest. Metal and oil stocks continued to move forward. Bublect to occasional reversals on realising for prof Its. Mexican Petroleum rose 48 points to the new hlsh price of Wet, and most of the copirr were a point or more over yesterday's final uuotatlnns. War shares and khlnd descriptions. notably Anieiican Can. American and ! H11 Ul win Locomotives, Preeaed Steel Car. J and Kepiibllc iron and Steel realstered I similar advances, while among such Is- fttiA A lit , .... I r I I t , , ' lens" securities and United Slates Indus- GUID1CE GUILTY, IS JURYYERDIGT Second Trial of Council Bluffs Murderer Results Exactly Like First. LIFE TERM 13 RECOMMENDED Metal Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 28. MF.TA L-I.ead offered. 85.40. Spelter not quoted. Copper, llrm: electrolytic, Itl.OOti?! .2. Iron, steady and unchsnged. Tin, quiet: $Txoo bid. At lotidon: Spot copper, ilt 2s d: futures. AIM 6s: electrolytic, a: lot. Spot tin, 1W; futures. 17. Antimony, 125. ljrsd. 20. Speller. 90, DISPOSITION HEAD. gar Karktt, NKW YORK. Dec. S2. SfQA R-Rs w, easy; centrifugal, 4.88c'. molaaasa, 4. He. Keflned, quiet. Futures opened easier, inder scsttered liquidation. At noon prices mere 3 to 6 points lower. P.vaporatrrf Apple aad Dried Pralte NEW YORK. Dec. 2$. EVAPORATED APPLF.S Quiet. DRIfcD FRUITS Prunes and raisins, steady. Apricots snd peaches, quiet. Ms. ... I... ... 11... XI... f'ettoa Market. NKW YORK. Dee. 28. OOTTON Boot quiet; middling uplands, 12.05c No saiea Cotton futures opened barely Bte&riy -December offered, lLSOc; January, 118c: March, 1217c; May. 12.40c; July, 12.50c October, 12.21s. Cotton closed steady today, net un changed to 4 points lower. Cotton futures closed steady; Decem ber, 11 Me; January. 11.86c; Marsh. 12 Uc; Mar. ltc: July, 12.64c: October, 12.25c. LIVERPOOL, Deo. 23.--OTTON-Hpot easier; good middling. 7 90d. middling, 7.63d; low middling, t.lSd. Sales, 8.000 bsles. OI aaa Stasia. SAVANNAH, Oa., Dec. 23. TTOPEN TINE Firm: EUfco; sales. Ml bbla: re eelpts, 2a bbls.; shipments, 98 bbls.i stork. 14JBS bWa ROSIN-Flrm: sales. 1.412 bbls.; re ceipts, 1.872 bbls.; shipments, 878 bbls ; stock. 74.783 bbls. Quote: A. B.C. D K 8fv2: O. H. 86 2fc4rt.SO; , $5 f-fp6 40; K, $5 ho -:..; M, $4.; N. S8.7S; WO, $7.00, WW, $..:'. Tnll I 7 15 7? 1 Ul CAT I LK lleceints were model Hte. but I still there waa a very fair supply con sidering how close it is to the Clirl.nmaa holidays. Receipts for the four days thla week amount to 16,403 head, the smallest for a long time back, -but larger than for the same period a year ago by over 6,000 hend. The few cattle on ssle for the most part changed hands In good season, i'riceft were safely steady to strong on anything that packers could use. The quality of the cattle as a rule was not very good, so that tha sales on paper do not show up any too well. Quotations on Cattle Oood to choice yearlings. $8.253.26; good to choice beeves, $7.60a.2o; farr to good beeves, .76S'7.40: common to fair beeves. $6. .6 06.50; good to vnoice grass neuera, se w e.ev; goon to cnoice grass ion, 26; fair to good cows, $4.60ij4.26: com mon to fair cows, s3.owai.ov; liraa 10 cholcs feders. 86.604T7.16; fair to .good feeders. 8H.ootMi.60; common to fair feed ers. S6.O0oj.G0; good to choice Blockers, $ti.757.26; fair to good stockeM, $.0t( 6.76; common to fair stockers, $6.oo.0i Stock heifers. $6.26$f.00: stock cows, $4,609 5.26; stock cslves, $8.00tf7.26s veal calves, S7.ofoe.60; bulls, stage, etc.. $3.7Kf.25. Representative salea: BEEF 8TEER8. A. rr. Ho. A. rr. Ml ) 6 ei 1IM 4 Sd 17 ISO M Ill TR W Ht 7 00 114 7 i ISM 1 4 1'MI 7 ) STr.KRS AND HEIFERS. 4 1 m 17 M) 6 U... 402 f 44 1 Ill 6 K STOCK EHM AND FEEUEKH. T 7i 4 7 8 ul IM 744 I 71 I W IS IT IW17 10 10 70 8 M t TW IS 1 10) 4 Ml 1 1 H4 M 11 10M 441 II MS 4 45 17 T7 4 71 HOOS There was another heavy run here this morning, arrivals amounting to 240 cars, or about IS.OuO head all told. Of these Armour Co. received forty-five cars direct from JMoux City, so that less thsn 200 cars were actually on sale. This week's receipts amount to 70,P44 head, be ing 18.0U0 larger than last week, 81.000 heavier than two weeks sgo and 2V,0(i0 greater than for the same days last year, while there Is only one market day left thla week, Saturday being Christmas. It seems certain that the five days' total will be larger than for six days last week, which means a new record for a December week. Packer trade got off to a rather slow stsrt and some of the early purchases looked fully 6c lower than the general killer trade yesterday. When the bulk began to move, however, a good many sales were made at ateady prices, while many others looked nearly as good as yesterday. The markets have been so uneven the last three or four days thst It Is very bard to make a general comparison. No. At. eh. rr No. St. Bk. Pr. II 147 ... 4l T7 ne ... tot Kl 1M 40 8 M M .! ! i a m is n ... m 40 M 1 4 U Ill n IN 71 Zll ... IM PIG8. 188 ... IM 124 74) ... 8 60 8HEEP The few bunches of lambs here were badly wanted by packera, and sold In pretty fair season at prices that ,were IMiCor- higher than yesterday. A three-car bunch of Idaho wheat fields, which were of pretty good quality, but not toppera by any means, sold st 88.86, and on this bmtls something ihat had class should have brought $S.OO without any trouble, while a two-car bunch of weighty fed lamt made $k.70. On the basis of the $9.00 quotation for choice lambs best kinds are not far from stesdy with last week's close, although ths plainer grades had broken 2Va0c up to yesterday, and even allowing for today's advance, are at leaat WiGo below the high time a week ago. quotations on sheep snd lambs: Iambs, good to choice, $)t.KiX(JV.U0; lambs, fslr to goodlT 6(Ka.8(i; lambs, cl pptd, $ 2Via tOu; lambs, feeders, $7.00ftl 50; yearlltms, good to choice light, $7. 00(37. 86; yearling, fair to choice heavy. $.6oi7.00; yearlings, feeders $5.75i.; wethers, fair to choice, to.lbyt.U); ewes, good to choice, $5.5fM 76; ewes, fair to good, $4 0t6.60. ewes, feed ers, $4.00(6.26. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK M ARKKT ler bixiila Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. DRY OOODH Cotton goods and yarns were firm tuday. Raw silk easier: dress good in steady demand. Men's wear firm. India Prince Wins Military Cross For His Gallantry (Correspondence of The Associated Press ) IXNTON. Nov. India's youngest war prince has Just won the Military cross for marked gallantry. He Is Hecond Lieutenant Rena Jodha Jang Bahadur of the Thirty-ninth Clarhwal rifles, grand son of the Maharajah of Nepal. The of ficial account of hla bravery says: "During a feint attack north of the I. Rasse canal he commanded a double company with great ability and consplou 014 gallantry In face of a severe fire from rifles, machine (una, hand grenades and bombs. His brsvery waa previously observed on September 25, when he led hla men with marked gallantry right up to the German wire under heavy rifle and machine gun fire. ' Ths prtnes Is now In a London hospital recovering from two wounds received In the La Basse encounter. He Is something less than 26 years old. "I take my men Into action a tried with kukris as well as rifles," ha told in In terviewer at the hospital, "but we don't often get a rhsnce to uss the knives. When we get nesr the enemy they al ways surrender. They have heard of our kukris. "In peace and war we keep up our skill In ths use of tha kukri. At our principal festival every man has to use his knife. Ws hava goats and buffaloes for victims. If a man takes two strokes to dlspstch his animal. Instead of doing It with on clean stroke, he la disgraced." trlsl Alcohol gains rniiKed from 8 to 7 I'liileU States Steel showed marked strength after an estlv period of vacilla tion, making an extreme Rain of 's at 8V Its best price in over n week on extensive trading, whlrh embraced one block of Leon shnres. Hcthlehem Steel waa more lethsrislc thsn usual, falling 6 to l cbeliin a t47J. Most of the automobile Issue ere lnr tleneral Motors mnkliiK an extreme decline of 43. 10 nut reiilevinn pert of this loss. New York tVntrnl ass the Uiosl con spicuous feature of the rallaavs. hesvy (Icallnir advsncinit the slock l to 107V Its record price since 118. Other prom inent shares of the asm class Included the trsnscoiilinenlnls, the latter deriv ing odd It loin I impetus from Hnuthern I'a clftr's record breaking net gain In No vember earnings of $l.CSti.on0. Total snlen of slocks amounted to sfls, 000 shares. AngUv French 6s were more lightly dealt In. Honds in general were Irregular. Total snles, per value, aggre gating $1,810,000. I lilted Mntes bonds were unrhansed on 1 can. Number of antes and lending Quotations on stocks were a lolliwa: SsiM. Hist. Lew. Oim. 4 (" sua 4 i .3'' 1.11 ltl I. Iis 1. KM IJ.'oo French Censor Puts the Ban on All Green Envelopes (Correspondence of ths Associated Press.) LONDON, Nov. SO The heartlesaness of tha red tape system la shown In a let ter written by a mother to one of the London papers, who Instead of a letter from her soldier son, now In the trenches, received ths following typewritten notice from the military censor: "letter do stroyed. This patent tof envelope la ob solet. and IU use Is forbidden." Lately la was decided that the green envelopes served out to the soldiers In Franc should not b used, possibly be cause they hsd fallen Into the hsnds of spies. But th act of the censor fell hard en the mother, who writes: "My son was sent to France In the first week of February, and has had no leave. He came out of hospital on October T, wher be had been a month (during which time not one of his letters waa for warded, each on coming back to us), snd was sent straight up to the front linn again. "We hav heard nothing about him sine October 11, so our anxiety can be understood. A comrade wrote to tell us he was missing and thst th sergeant wss writing details. "Our Indignation may b imagined when we received, not news of our dear lad. but th heartless slip of paper al ready described. He wss Isnce -corporal, and the best of sons.'.' Weak Sheep Cattle lira Haas Stroaa;. CHICAGO. Dec. 3. C ATT LB Receipts. 6.OO0 hesd: msrket firm; native beef steers, $.0(Jlu uO; western steers, $ii..vJ 8 20: cows and helfsrs, $2.S5aS 46; cslves. $8 2f(f3.5. HoUH Receipts. 61,000 head; market , mostly j((no lower; bulk. $s 8-va nut,, . . jr. -mi. 1 . - - . . , 140; hesvy, M.0uft.60: rough. M.0MM.1&: nia $4.'ii 25. fllfKKP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 6 000 head; market strong; wethers, $4 25414 86; ewes, $1.24.26; lambs. $7.OUyS.S0. St. Laals Live Stack Mark!. ST. LOT'IB. Dee. 18. A TTLEe Re ceipts, 1.7O0 head: market higher; native beef steers, $; tJ0pO ; yearling ateers and heifers. $8 61X4TIO.M; cows. 86.60u7.0o; atockera and feedere, $6.004726; south ern steers. S6.2Vptl.60; cows snd heifers. $4 down jo, native calves, $A.orra m. 1 1 Mjt -Receipts. l.2ui hesd: nmrk.t lower; pigs and lights, $).7Su30; iiiixej Men Clerks Go to Front and Women . Take Their Places (Correspondence of th AssoHsted Press.) LONDON, Nov. 20. Women are to tak ths place or 150,000 clerks employed by the government, who will be released for active service. Preference will be given to th wive and sisters of ths recruits In filling th vacancies. There are over 800, 000 government clerks employed In Eng land and Wales alone who are of mill tary ags, but part of them sre physically unfit for th army and others hav a specialised knowledge of their work that makes them Invaluable in their depart, meats. Th women clerks, after a short train ing oourse, will reoslv th wages of th men whoa places they taks. Classes for training la shorthand, typewriting, book keeping and clerical methods Ivav al ready been formed la London. Manches ter and other eltle. Wounded soldiers and sailors dis charged as unfit for further service are also preparing themselves for work as government clerks in Urge numbers. Atsexe Bold Alkm-ithalmeea Amrrlran ll-et Knur Amerind rtfl . Amrlcn lA.mnttvs ... American 8 4 R Am. 8 It !(,! Am. Kusir lUtflnlns .... American Tl. S Tsl Anirlrnn Tobaeen Anaeonds l c.psr Atrninos Pnldwln trfeoiri.ttvs Mnltlmar IHilo Hethlnttwn (Xnsl Hrooklra Rarkl Tr iinlifAmls PMroleum ... Canadian peirio .... . tVntml Leather 4'Jiaaapsats OMa ftilcaao Qraat Was are. rniraso, M. tit. r.... rhleaa H. w ililraao. R. I. r. Rr. Chin OMrner Colored Pual a Ires.. tVuclhl Msl lairr a K. O. aid. P Millar- BerurtttM .,. Krl iKnani Slaclrla (leaat Nsnhars srd Oraat No Or rtfa (itsnalm Biloratls iiiineia ( wniral SCO Intarhorousii On. Coea.. I lnlration iepr IM.Sat ituamaiioiMM Har., N. I. k. c. Houinar lMi Vallar Ixili.lll a NaahTlll Kiaalnaa Ptrol4ini .... Miami Cooper Mo., K. T. s4d Ml.amirt Fawllla Nailoaal Hlaeult Nallowal Iad Nevada ropr N To, a Central..,. N. T.. N. H. H... Norfolk ft Waaiarn North am Parlfle I'arlllo Mal l arlfle Tal. 8b Tl rnnylvanla Pullman Palse ..t l:ar ronsBl. Cceeer.... Iteadlns Republic lean sad Steal,. IM emiinvrn eaoilld ....... rinutharR Rallvar r.rtinreer I Tanneaeee rionpee Teina Ounpany t.'nlon rartrta I nloii rarlfla Md t'nltad mtaa (ai V H. Steal ld I tah Coper W enters t'nlon Weailnaiteuas Rlertrle. . Montana Power Oeneral Meter Wetieeft B bM 14 ( ' Hi' Ta III TOO I1S4 u lint 4 o"S IT Wa l.tfO 1S 14 l IMVk 4.i 4SV rr. 111 MVi 41 4'4 aa "S ss luvi 111 i' 1ISH mi MS 11 in 1 KM I. ton 1.0O4 M( II 4 1 1i 74t 'isi, tl 1741 4,700 41 17 itH 444 111 t 40 l. 11. toe 4.10 a, II v 71 ' i 41 17IV4) 'iiie iei" in S tlS HI II II v. 14 us I4 , IW4 111 11la vav via. H K( US 3 (P IIS 111 US M lS 4S lfc'V lS MS US 74S N 4S4) 1T1S 12 41 1S w US 4S 111 S C.LKNWtKin, la.. tiee. 22 (Special Telegram -The recond trial of Francisco Ctildlre. ;, :s Henry WHey. wss con cluded this evening, with his conviction on a chair.o 0f t.rtt degree murder. He waa C( ued of the murder of Howard Jones, s Chicago Northwestern railroad flrem-.n. hv cutt ng his throat with a rasor. Ms, isa The motive alleged wsa thst Jones lind something t do with "Wiley's Io4s of work. Because of the excitement following the killing, Wiley s brought to Mills county for trial. The tirm irial was In June following the killing. Th trial oerupird one week and the jury after two hours' deliberation brought In a verdict of "guilty," and recommended a life sentence. Upon an appeal made by h's sttorney, J. J. Hess, a retrial was granted, whlrh hss occu p'ed the court's attention s'nee Wednes day of last week. Three of the witnesses against Wiley were not In the country at this trial and none of the I tries for the de fense. The testimony of all ths absent witnesses waa read Into the record by the attornrya. Prosecuting Attorney Fwsnson, closed his argument for ths state and J. J. Hess for the defense, commenced at 8 o'clock this afternoon. At the conclusion of Mr. Hess' plea, Mr. Organ finished for the state at 4 o'clock and the court's Instruction occupied about on hour, the Jury retiring st I o'clock. The Jury deliberated five hours and brought In a verdict of murder la the first degree and fixed the penalty at Ufa Imprisonment at hard labor. isss vias us 100 us e us 4t.4fln o;s l.ios Tis 4.S)1 1US 8 me ins S.40S US 4.8 'i'.iai ts 'tfii 'ms Mu 110(10 VIIS l(V 4.10 81 ft I ll S IM4, ! 1S 4 I. an WIS , t.KH) 1S rxi ms . 81. SMI Ml, lee 111S , It.HM KVS to t: . 6 too 4s 1VJS S IIS J' ms ss US lors 71 S 171 in us 4IS s 1 MS SIS its 1414, ris 17S sn q talt wt 111 mm S US lftS 7S ims IISS 11s ' '". n S I14S MS 7 MS Imernatlonal Marine pM I foO M t.smi S !,(" 71 4(4 sis S II MS 11S J.S Ml SS 7S 411 lis 7IS ToUl sal for in ear. shades. New York Money Market. fAPKnJSZSP'J' -MERCANTILB riif,n"" per cent mCSV ruXC H A N O n-Slsty-dsy bills $4 AhV; demand, $4 T2: cables. $4.71. 41sc VBRBAH' 6401 W"0"" dollar.; HOND8 Oovemment. steady: railroad. TIM Fl LOANfl Week- !. ! .P'. cent; ninety daye. ta per cent; six months. 8,tea per cent cent low M,2NKT-t': t per cent, low. 14. per cent; ru ing rate; I per cent: last lnn L7. " J, van sua. I L-1 A it i.e. ;. . . .."'-.-. ""B ti u . i'"".a ai 1 per cent d S'Mo. Pse. ev. is.... a d eoupnn N. T. 5. deb. S.. .1I1S I. H 1. reg 1ISN. T. C. 4S (lUI loT " ." " IffS'N. T.. N. H. H. do snupoa no . a.. ...u Panama la rmpon. .101 s Nnrthara raelfi 4. Its Am smelters . ll4SNortbera ISrlflo .. miH T "' '--l1lOr. n. I ref. 4a. 2S Arninue r. .Sc. Ms ra.. T. T. nil TfT"'.4 SPens. eoa. 4S lias Bsl. Ohio 4a jv do sen. 4S tonv .n,ra. P,r,te ,... .ain, at" r'SJ S'if'a -,W,1 1 ' !! " r- " 4. H. I. a H. r. 4a do Is 101s n R. o. ref. i M 4 ev 4s uZ BrU sen. 4a 74St7. 8. Rubher 8e..,.joeS "n- f ": ''' is.... . (v ' Z. ,M il '2 w"s let is lots III. 4 sn. ref 4a.... 8.41 w-. uoa 4Ss . M K. 1. M ref Is nmL Km. K.IMS IT i J't", fwAnlo.rr.Bck Is 4t M. K. T. lat ia.. ts MI4. London Stock Market. IONDON. Iec. B.-Americsn securities pn the stock msrket maintained a steady tone, with only moderate salea recorded today. A fair number of American gold bonds changed hsnds HILVER-Dsr. 26 1J-1M per ounce. MONEY 44HS per rent. DISCOUNT RATKS-8hort and thr month bills, S per cent. Raak learlacs." ' OMAHA, Dec. 28. Rank clearings for Omaha today weie $.i.5l0.729. and for Jh corresponding day last year $2 660- Lacal I locks aad BeadU. guetatloos furalabed br Huraa Brlnker a 441 omsha Mallvaal ftaak Iwildlns: Block Bid, Aek4 flr Transfer Cesapaar, fd as CaJter Lak Club " -TT tMee a Om . K4 a,' Bleclrls Bond snd Share Co pa ina retnaest Craaevwr pld lnt jJT Kaoasa OII R. U. pfd M id tMueoln Tel. A Tel., eum p MeanUla Mtaie Tel. and Tel loau ,,7!.. Hew H4ate Talepbon. p(J ,1 Osiaba 4 C. B. Fi ptd X dlr .. !;J Otuaba 4 C. B. Rr. T 0 . pfd aa i, Hleiia Clljr Block Yarda. ptd t7S liu Slovk CUr k Tarda, com M Mlandard Oil of Nabraaks lid 16" ' swin a 00 m Unlee stock Tarda suck ; t'ediba tiraia. eoai , ,, Bosdav- Aoslo-rraaak ia. 1IW tt ecu CUr of Oaakt Hrboola. 4S. 141... lot to 104 Che r a optintf. Nabraaks ia. IM1.. 101,-4. Cbioaso la. l:l 100 ioi2 El faao Hchool la. 1W, op(l"nai 1X. 1(4 i t?. Dvtsdee Heallr da, 1121 II M'w Doualaa sounlir 4a. Itll 7 V. V., D. M. 8. K. R. la. 1UT.... M pi'" later. Rapid Tr. Co la. 1M4 MS WW leara Re Hear Light ia. 1W2 M p. Useela Tel. a Tel. la. ll?l M m Otuaba A C. B. St Kr le. ISM ... K mk Red ritmd. Nab . IS. 4 n retiawsiiaaue rjs , lea I. IM, Is. tod It 101 li Sieui Citr Telephone la, I1M S .... Selft C. I. IP44 Ilk pnu torn Cltr Block Tarda la. IM T joe Wkklts Uaioa stook Tarda te. 114 . Ms Ul OBgrk." An exchange prints the following list of words ending In "ough." and adds ths pronunciation of tha more obaeure worda. so far as ascertainable from th diction aries: Messrs. Oough (gofD. Hough (huff) and Clough tduff), though tough enough, thought through the dav that they would visit Mr, brough brooi, who, having a hiccough (hiccup) and a oough, lived In a clough (cluff or clou), with plenty of dough, and a tarns chough (chum, kept near a plough In a rough trough, hung to a bough ever a lough tlocb). A slough (atuf) of ths bank Into the slough 4100) Injured his thorough bred's hough (hock). No wonder ths foreigner shudders at thoss four terrible letters. Youth's Companion. But One Attempt . To Interfere with Prosecution of War (Correspondence of the Associated Tress.) PARIS, Dec. 10 In th sixteen months slnos Franc went to war It Is declared that there has been only on case of an attempt made by vlolenc to Interfere with the concentration of th army and th prosecution of th war. This fact la being pointed out In Justification of th action which Minister of the Interior Malvy took In resisting suggestions that all revolutionary leaders, anarchists and . persons suspected of disloyalty to the republlo be arrested en th eve of thi Issuing of th general mobilisation order. Th nam of 8,000 of thess suspects were, previous to ths war. Inscribed In what was known aa "Not Book B." It had been the government's plan. In case of mobilisation, to hav all ' these people confined, at leaat while the mobi lisation waa going on. but sWnlster Malvy, on whom th responsibility devolved, found himself between two fires. ' Ths socialist leaders Implored him not to tak action, declaring It would only In flame turbulent element. On the other hand, th pollc and cautious memberi of th cabinet endeavored , to ' Impress upon him th gravity of th responsi bility hs would assum In leaving at liberty persons who hsd boasted that In cass of war they would prevent th mobilisation of th army by violence. Jean Jaureg, leader of th socialist party, who was to fall under an assas sin's hsnd th very night the mobtllxs tioa order wss Issued, and Ousts' Herve, waa had been on of th most violent antl-mllltant leaders, assured M. Malvy that th socialists and th member of tha labor federation would show them selrea as loysl a any other category of French citlsens and that It would be a erlm to Issue order for th arrest of th men whose name were Inscribed In "Not Book B." t'pon their advice Minister Malvy de cided to tak th chances, snd It la now pointed out that th results hav been proof enough that fear ware groundless. In th on ess In which an attempt was mad to Interfere with th concen tration of tha troop, detail of which in lacking, It I pointed out that members of th socialist party themselves detected th attempt and punished It so brutally that It was not repeated. Plan to Establish . Farming Colony ! East of Colon (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) PANAMA. Iec. 10. -A start In th col onisation of th Ban Bias or forbidden ooast of Panama has been mad In con formity with recent agreements mad b twsen th Ran Bias Indians and th gov ernment of th republlo. President Porrss bad (ranted a concession to James M. Hyatt, an American of Colon, to sstab llsh a large farming colony on th shore of Msndlnga bay, about fifty miles cast of Colon. Ths contract grants Mr. Hyatt thirty hectares of land on which the new town Is to be built. Immediately adjacent to the town site there are 8". 000 hectares, or 12.800 acres, of good agricultural land that will b cold to th colonist at vry reasonable rates. This Is to b sold In ten and twenty-hectar tract at prices fixed by the government The town lots are to be sold under the same conditions, Ths Isnd is located on the western edge of the forbidden coast and lies along the shores of Maud in ga bay whsr th San Bias Indians are the most friendly to for eigners. The farm lands sre In th valley of Navandl river and ar ssld te be very rich and fertile. This wtll be the first serious effort to open this coast to settlement by foreign ers. It hss been closed since the early Hpanlsh conquest, th San Bias Indiana having consistently resented the Intrusion of all foreigners. iH Girds H W 1818-18 Seas'. A La i,iwii'iiiljiiiit.';,,,u,,M-,1 . rrrrrs:,m ' i