THE BEE: OMAHA. DECEMBER 1915. WANT AD RATES WANT APS fir th rentng edition must reach Th Be Offlo bofor U o'clock noon. WANT ACS for th morning nd Sunday edition must n h Be Office beforo T:4i P. ra. WANT At reewlved after the honre will mak their Cnrt appear anco under " Too Lat to Classify. CASH KATES. On time, I cents a word. Tw or more consecutive Time. IV cents , word. each Insertion. Seven consecutive time. 1 cnt word. ch Insertion. CnARCE RATES. On tun. 11 cent linn. Thru conseeiitlv times, 10 ent ft lino. ach Insertion. Seven consecutive time. cnt ltn each Insertion. Thirty consecutive time. 7 cenM line, each Insertion. Count !. averagw word to th lino. .Vo advertisement taken for let than SO. cents. KOTTCE9. Card of Thenks. Death. Funeral and Lodsw Notice. IS cent l" each Insertion. Minimum charg M cant. Parti advertising In the eol Imm and bavins their a"wr address tn ear of The Bea will flea aak for card to enabl hovn to get their lttr. aa nono will be delivered except on pre sentation of card. An advertisement Inserted to nn until discontinued must topped by written order. The Baa will not be reenoneihl for mora than the first Inoorrect Insertion of any advertisement. Tha Bea reserves ths right t reiert or rewrite all gdvertl menta. Tou nn plaoe your want ad In Tn Ilea by telephone. TELEPHONE TTliER 1000. DEATHS AND rVKEKAL NOTICE WORrtRrTf Anna, aarad 7T rrS. W Funeral service, Friday, from realdenea t 1 a. m. Interment Forest Uwo ceme tery. ANNOUNCEMENT. There died today Margery McCord. who M aa years or ag neptemoer '" rmml and Interment private Friday, Leoemher 34. at 3 o'clock. Friends are requested to send no fit war. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our thanks and ap preciation to our many friends tor the kindness and sympathy ahown ua during the Illness and death of our beloved hue band and father; also for the beautiful floral offering. Mrs. ErolU Akeson and iamliy. MARRIAGE MCBNIEI. licenses to wad hav been granted th following couples; Nam and Address. Age. t.nco Pay Huff. California Junction. la. n lols Hmlth. California Junction, la.. l Chsrlsy Alfred Krumllng, Sad City, la. 11 tllen J. Olson, Anthon, la U Olomer O. Wcander, flloux City, I.... II Oilv Varty, fcloux City, la- 1 Charles Bros. Onuht m' 17 Viola Culver, Omaha. U Walter Hagen, Black foot, Idaho. M Charlotte liigen, Norfolk II Charles K. Oudgell. jr., Omaha LydU Nelson, Omaha 19 John C. Casey, Bt. Iuls IT Ltosal Anderaon, Oes Moines 17 Benjamin H. Punnlgan, Oconto......... M JBllsabeth Cortlla Powell, Omaha.. tv Frank P. Barney, South Slda.. U Mamlo Witty, Omaha. w James Allison, penvnr.... Ida Maya, Florenoo nM I Arthur Vesoan, Wakefield M MabUt Hanson. Wakefield a tier-man Fleishman, Kim wood fl Ualoa M. Kimball, Wakefield 13 Will Kruse, Calhoun M M Margaret burerkruble, Irvington. U Theodore Segsrstrom, Omaha 47 Betty Bergstrora, Wahoo 12 Baymond K. Stuart, Dubuque, la M Oiadys M. (J race, tarly. la U Tc foUowlng war reported yratardAyi Dow Bheesley. Teksmah . fl tJtSe Hart. Tekamah to Charts Colbert, Counoll IIHif's....... M NslU Pursell. Council Bluffs.. U Benedict Parka, jr.. Eetherrtlle, la t) Claire Back, Omaha tl John T. Mahoney. Alva, Wyo ! Mary Qertrude Morris, Alva t Fred Wall, Ptagah. la Margaret Perrln. Ptsgah II Harry B. Swan. Plagah. la......-... Franoes Perrln. Pisgah U FJItott A Colony, Salem, Or II Vera Byers, Omaha 2s BIRTHS AX D UEATIll. Births-Byron W. and Hasel Hart. Carter lke club, boy; Oulaaepp and tilovanmina Uutro, 141 H. Fourteenth, boy; Harold, and Hutu Prltchelt, 116 B. Tnlrty-eUhtrf. Ieatha Kmna Winter. M, Twenty-five and Patrtck avenue; Chrla Binder. kXSl H. Twenty-second; Mra. Mary Burger. 41, Forty -fourth and Harrison; John J. 1-arktn. 14. M M. Thlrty-alxth; Mrs. Hanna Meckel. 7?, a IS Mason; tieorge H. Poncll. t.. Poinilptou aveinir: Mrs. Marie 1. Khretipfoi t. H. iSX H. Kleventh: Margaret Van Court. X horpltal; Peter Akeaen. tcs, ZtOS t'nlrauu: Marie t onnot It hoaiital; FrledrUh Keol.l, bo, j& t edar: Henry A. Halo. 77. Tl.lrty-alkth ana rratt. ' Th following wsr reported yesterday Births Frank snd Marie Bohac. Sarpy count . iKiyj t w. ana Anna cneatnul, 2M Kanaas avenue, mrl: li. P. and Iva Jensen. :1I0 tirace bo;-; Paul and Mary Orleb, ionital, girl; Arthur and l'rarl Newman. Wirt, toy; Frank and Kdita rotter, Tweni v-rourtn and hprln. boy Frank and Katberine hrlfert. 30I X boy; I. J. and Klla Ulmpson, 1915 Lke, uty. Deaths Mrs. Mary Burger, 4. Forty roirrn ana itarrimu: lli-r Ak-eon, to, t. Chicago.; Thural Taylor, t. 6li Kouth Fortieth: Arvs F. Holt, II, hospital: Vir gil K. McNlchola. i months, lus North h.lghteenlh; Rsymond tleliiuan, t. tJtl virgin. Bt'lLDIXO PERMIT. B. W. Hutchison 2X! Marcv hma dwelling. I?.ni; K. K. Oilmore, t;n North i weniy-eiuntn avenue, frame dwelling, ti.wv; e-. r.. uuinnri, 0,11 jNortn Twenty v-iBiivil Hiffliui, IIlt uwcinng, si,ouu. Th following were reported yesterday J. re. Oowirb h, I'M South Fiftieth, frame dwelling. Iiu.outi; William Brommer isnt A. flame uweliinu. U: Joliiiaon Ma chine company, t46 to KA south Eight eenth, brick factory, liiuu. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY 4.k LOTHROP.. 14TH AND LOTHROP. WUIiam 9. Hart In Th Bargain J ON ROE, 'The Goddess,' S6i FAKNAM. Chapter A FKlNClsS. 1.I7-1I DOUGLAS. -Th Mystery of Carter Breoa" 4-sct mvetery pty. APOL1X). 2114 LlCAVLNWOHlli "KltM Aram," 4-ree Kdlson. LltA.ND. UTH AND BINNEY. ''Hcaita t Meii." 4-part featur. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM EMPIIESS 15 I'dOUOLAS "The Hand of the JAw." "The Fable of Slstr Maw, who did a well aa could be expected." The Faith of Sunny Jim." Uearst-Sellg. No. lot FRINCES3, 1217-19 DOL'OLAs The Famous Pter. Crane Wilbur, In "The Mystery or carter Hreene," thrilling mystery play In 4 ats. 'When William's whiskers Worked." comedy. "Making w ffimi or .lonnnie, oomeoy. '- North. 16TII AND BINNEY. GRAND. Heart of Men, five-part World Film feature. One selected comedy. COTHKOP, 24TH AND LOTHROP. Paramount presents William 8. Hart in 'I he Hargaln, the greatest western pio ture ever made. sealk. 3824 LEAVENWORTH. APPOLO, Rtigena Aram." 4-ree Edison feature. "Wifle's Ma Comes Bark," I.ubln com. MONROE. 2565 FARNAM Earl Williams snd Anita Stewart. In Chapter Four of "The Onddess." Sheldon Iwia, In "The Rajah's Tunic." oath sMe. BE8SE. 24TH N The Power of Publicity, t-reet Rssanay. A Society Pchemer, Kalem. My Hero, Blograph. Sonny Jim and the Family Party, Vita graph. Okr-HEUM. X4TU AND M. Four reeli of good plctnrei. ANNOUNCEMENTS QUICK DRUVEHT. Bsggag and express. Call Webster 92S Birkett & Company Greet their friends with best wishes for Christmas and the New Year B ROD KOA ABO'S "Lucky Wedding Blnga" st Ifth snd Douglas Sis. FXERCISK AT Y.M.C.A. Btislnes men. .Lease For Sale. on two offices nicety located on second floor of The Bee Building Inquire of th Superintendent. Room 103. CHIROPRACTIC, spinal adjustment. I esn siicceaafullir remove the mum of rbeumallam, liver, stomach, paralysis, nervous and female weakness. Ex amination free. DR. W. IL ICN0LLENBER0, Butt SU Be Bldg. Tyler U34. AUTOMOBrLES TIRKO You can get 2,000 to i.000 miles out of vour worn out tlra mt a int of U to It. Ask us how. p. una. Pupiex Tire Co., If.W hraam Ht. Whenevar vou ere ccmafdarln anllinv ap buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret if you buy or advertise throng th used car column of Th He. Phon Tyler 1000, JOH1 MUUPHY-Auto repairing at Mlddl mats uarage, s-non 't yler vn. h FbRAHK A Uulik Service Station. 1U Kamam St. Phone IHiualaa 7T1. fnduatrlal Oarag Co., 20 A Harney Sta. AUTO, clearing house. Buy, sail and ex. enange u; in care in rnm D Jti AUTO T1RKS RKBTMLT. fiM TO S 00. PUP Tilt HI CO.. 1611 Chicago St. 1100 RK.WARU for any magneto w can repair Colls repd Unyedorf.. 310 N. Uth. LJCAVINO city, six-cylinder roadster. completely eaulpned. Kood order: make offer quick. Fontenelle Oarage, BUSINESS CHANCES If TOUr Business Chinee will stand rigid Investigation and Is Just what It la aaverttsea. or If you are looking to start in business for yourself you will be per teeny aatistiea ir you us ins Uuslnss Chance column of Th Be. When buy. ma or selling atmainess none Tyler luu. 0VF1CE fur real estate or Insurant's; same floor aa Bee c trice: UxB feel; kio. The Bee Uldg., Office Boom lot. TO SELL, or buy a business, call on Busch A Boighoff. Frenser Blk. 1). 33l Office For Real Estate or Insurance Same floor as Bee Office The Bee Building Office Room 103 AttK (or my !tai k.slale Builelln. It includes largest and best list cf bar. fatua In U stales. W. U. Teuipleton. w ie Hide TO UKT in or out oi business call on "wur,m at. n nee Uldg Doug. M. LIST your business with in for quick rssulti, buy. sell and exchanif. KELIAPLK BARGAIN CO Room I lialrd Bldg. TeL DoukIb K3a 17TH AND l'LABBfa iKK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gain tn established shows. D. kg). 1 HKATKRS-Buy, leaae or . II your the ater, niachtii and supplies throutih Tbester Kxch. Co.. I4 Farnam. D. ln7. FOR SALK OR TRADt-Ueiieral stoi and butilK'r shop located at WiimebaKO Netiiaaka: old establUlied buaiueM; larKS sales; good profits. Will sell on eay terms, htock and fixture in first-class condition; Invoiced about ll0i), build ings Sh.OuO. Will sell either business se parately, with or wltiiuut bulldintis, if n'eremeo, wrue or call on krcLl'ltK. ttcond and Pesfi bloux City. la. F. I streets. KDUC-ATIONAL GhiT UOYLKd GREAT OFFER" FOR THK MID-WINTER TERM Just send me you name and 1 II ..i.. you by return mail the gretest. most at. tractive otter ever inaua uy a rvputabla business Irainliig inslltutinii. It's m com- umatiun pieiuiuiii-aiiu-vasu-rebaie offer thai will both make you tuouey and sava uu money. MID-WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. L'AUY ID, IN BOTH DAY AND NlQHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping, Khortland, Stenotypy loucat Type writing, TasegrapAy r i Civil atorvto pr.-ira(loa rtio. tTo- (ilion or call for big 114-pax rata ugu and last lasu of Collegia Journal BOYLK3 COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLK3, PRESIDENT. 18lh and Harney sis.. ij, Oiuaba. Nebraska. EDVCATIONAD FOR sale, the following holarshlps In a first -class Omaha Huslnes Colleg: One unlimited combination business nd shorthand course. unt unlimited stenographic course. One Oirwe-months hualnesa or atenA grsphlo courae. Will be sold at a discount at th offlco t The Omaha Be. TH VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH Y BOOKKEEPING. Pay School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting, lone C Puffy, Owner and Manager. . lth Bt. Omaha. BUSINESS COLI.EQE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sae, wiui good reasons for selling, A variety of courses In a reliable Busi ness School, one of the leading bus.m-M courses of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a courae Inveatlgate this at onoe, since Fall lrm begins soon. Call office. Omaha Boo. VOll HALE FURNITURE. BAROATMS IN FURNlTtmB AMT HARDWARB, N. I4TH WEB. 1W. tort 8AbHi-Here is a classification that is of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this colum offeree some xcp tionsl option unities every dsy and a small want ad well sell your article at Ha full value, l'hone Tyler 10i DC8ks I'ZX'h1 nn "ol- J- O. Beed. i muni rir. ifouaias ia. IIUHSU! AMI VUII1CLK9. FA TIM wagons, $; harness, ; both new. Johtison-Danforth Co., lth and Clark Streets. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. MXr graltvVW lha, 1.7. Wagner, aW N It FOit8ALK Fine csnarlea. singers and females. Krhr.rti- xa a . . u .-,11nH.i Bluffs. TYPEWRITER. RKLIANCJO Ribbon and Carbon Co.. ear P. VUX oon pa fie r ana inkeM ribbons. TVPKWRITKRfl for rent 22 Bee Bldg! TYPHWRITKH. ti WILLIAMS NO. 1 Hav Williams' visible typewriter No. 1 11 InA 1 A t a.t ImnrnwAtnAht. -I . only used about one month; cost fib. Will """nin at s,i. Aqarews H. 67, He. TYPEWITBRH sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exo. 19 Farnam. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BAT.T1 New and eoond-.hanA Mmm and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all emus; easy payments. Th Brunswick. Halke-Collender Co., 7- S. HKh St. basket delivered 1; Illlnola vUal V 1 or lllmP. . w per ton. Doug. 61S1. Ft)R 8AI.1 New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling leys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payment. The Brunswlok- co'l'inaer Uo., 7-409 S. 10th Bt. ALT KINDS of woodworking machinery, Including shafting, belts and pulley. F.verytlilng in the best of condition. Thia Include moulding machines. Jointer, band saw, tilting labia saws, sanding and boring machines, etc. Phon Imnili., x.u or call 1116 Harney St.. Oeorg H. Lea Co. lr Kal? HaraJn In moving picture ma- ...iii.., i.m. mra. pervice, itamg Ultlg, FOR &AT.H CHEAP, Business College Course. FUll and COinoleta arhnlarahln In aha Of the best Omaha linaln.u b.hMi. Oood reason for selling; perfectly reila- "n urn jirice, out will tie gold very reasonably. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins aoon. There are a variety of ooursa for sale. Jor particulars inquire at th offlc of Th Omaha Be. FOHTY Hart. Schaffnar A Marx autt,' I VeVnCII UI1 fA QtDl,; rnjCUlefaT !,.!9,tck!5X?,ro, oppoelt postofflce. DIAMOND LOCKET, men's and ladles1 watches, reasonable Vlodman. ml loug. XT Second-hand motors, dynamos, XlCW 'nagnetos, etc., mechanical st: "rou "10 II ELI WANTED FEMALK FACTORY AND TRADES. APPRENTICB-Oppenhelm, HairdrMs- IIH. DOMESTICS. THE Servant Glri Problem Solved. The nee v. HI run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad Fit 10 E until vou set tlio rt.-lrerf This applies to residents of Omaha, South mna ana council ttlurrs. Hrlnn ad to . ViJljeiepnone Tyler ltmO, OOOD girl for general housework; small ifunuy. tar. itn. Mouth Soth Ave. WANTKD Good girl for housework: jcmtill famllyApply Vtl N.l8thAv. WANTKD Competent wblte girf for gen eral housework: cltv rferna M John McLXnal.l, Sift N. SMh St. Har. ailH LACK curtains and bundles carefully laundered. Webster 4WS. WANTHD Good whit girl or woman for general housework; I In family. Cmll personally or phone Tyler 137, forenoon or after 4:30 p. in. T2X 8. 16th St. WANTKD Middle aged lady, have furnl- iiir ami wuuiu use nouseaeeper for re- uaoie imriy. wood nome and good cook, t all Hsrney Rstin, daytime. Faniily washing dune cheap. Web. 42i. WANTEl A neat foreign girl to assist witn general Housework. Har. 4688. WANTIUD txperlemed girl for general housework. Must be good cook. No launary. mra. arren, ill s. Wth til. larnev a.-v. WANTK1 White girl for general house- work. veo. 4ie.i. N. lth St. UIRL (or general housework; wages. Call Colfax 6bS. good UlKb lor general Housework, expert- enced : no Mm tuutiry work; good wagea. 3315 Burt St. A MIDDLE aged lady wanta housekeeper In a resectable widower' home. A neat good housekeeper. Ad- nress wrs. a. Jrw.n, 4' Court St, WANTED A position as stenographer or bookkeeper by young man of 1 of rteady habits; good references aa to i """ ?"u, "V,'" will gu anywhere. Box , St. Paul, Neb. WAMbli-uuou gir or woman for nuuwur. -' no can go bom nights. References rvqulred. 1317 Poppl. inn - Mwmtmr . MISCELLANEOUS. WOMEN Becom government clerks; 174 month. Write lmme.lli.ieiy. Frankllu Institut. Pep t . K. Koclicster. N. Y. lul!NO women coining lo umaha as strangers ar Invited to visit ths Young Wumuis thrlsllsn Aasjclalion building at St. Mary Ave. and 17lh St.. v. her they will b t.lrscted to suitable boarding e- es or otherwise sjwisted. Look tot ourtravelers' guide at I nion station. Com petknt .caiT07jojrej7m- houaewoik; full charge; wages l, g month. Luudry ppiiunsl. Address A Hi. lie. HELP WANTEDMALES CLERICAL AMI OFFICE. HIGH-GRAPE commertrai positions WEST. REFERENCE at BOND AAidN.. TtJihiNalaiikHldg. AGENTS, SALESMEN, SOLICITORS. WANTED High class delivery aalasmea for fuut trad; salary depends oa tiui of service and trail hbliiiui . run from u to I luu; afternoon and Bui- rUM v, pi. .v v.wv, ihiviuihii day tuonUaul hours short. A la. tary Dairy Co.. setb a4 Lav Uunlto aWa. veoworus. wanusd la ovarv lna. . - a trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Platte. N.b. WANTED Salesman for country; one with auto preferred; only first-class men, capable of making tluu per week or nii. e med apt ly. M at furnUn funt--Uai leferences. Advanced exix'iixes and Com. AVV liowaid bl, Ikluva Lidg. HKI.P WANTED MALE At.KT. AlKyiF-, DUMdlUHI. LIVR WIRP! plumbing salesman rsn obtain exclusive territory for the most efficient gas water healer on the mar ket. The water Insulated jacket puts It In n t-laa by Itself. Hotter watrr with 60 per cent less gas than any other heat er. Bonanza aide line to man with ea tabllahed trade. Write for proposition to Oeyaer Halca Co., Builders' Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. J DIM a. WANTED AT ONCR-Bnr for office work. Prrmanent position open for brlnght, rlran, ambition boy. who la anx loua to Ifarn. Applli-ants who lle at home with parents, will receive preferred consideration. Application for tlile posi tion must be In sppltrant's own hand writing. Address O 3..0. care Bee. o FACTORIES AND THADh.9. Prtig Store Snap, Job. Knelst, Bee Bldg. LEARN Tim BARRRR TTIADE. Trl-Cltr Barber colleEe: low rate tui tion. Including set of tools; wagea paid; electric massage, hydraulic chairs; cata logue free. 1U4 Douglas St., Omaha, Ifl'RRT, Hl'RRY, DON'T I)KIAY. 8EB OUR SPFX'IAL IHL.llAY OFFER. If you cant attend day school you can hold your Job and at th same time get, your sutomobils education If you enroll In th NR1IIT CLASS OF NEBRASKA At'TtKMORTLB SCHOOL, 2V LEAVENWORTH. iusd a no. YOUNa MAN, be barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools fur nished. I give you actual shop work. You have chance to work Saturday and keep half the receipts. My students In big demand. I have colleges In sll prin cipal cities In U. S. and Canada. Call, write or phone A. B. Moler, President MOLEH BARB Kit CPLLBHK Omaha. MACHINISTS Must be strictly flrsf class planer, crew machine, boring mill, milling machine and lathe hands; also tool and die-makers; for out-of-town work; good wsges and bonus; transportation advanced. State three last references. Address R. E. Peabody, 1 Schiller Bldg., Chicago, 111. MISCELLANEOUS. GOOD MEN WANTED at ono to learn auto work to fill position which are open light now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autoa, tractors, electric starting system. Free cat alogue at onoe. AM TOU CAN AUTO OOIJOK, KXa Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. WANTED In the near future a farmer with helt enough In the f&mllv to run a farming and dairy proposition In west ern North Dakots. Ills wife must be a good butter-maker. 1 milk from ten to sixteen cow and deliver the butter In town. No large families wanted. Horses and machinery furnished. References as to qualifications and experience required. Stat salary and all In first letter. Ad- dresa Y. 174. Bee H have here a two-story, friune hotel building, 30x75 feet, that we want moved three blocks, and want to hear from someone In the moving business. Address Bonesteel Stat Bank, Bone steel. S. P. "WANTED Men to try examinations for government Jobs; 170 month. Common education sufficient. Pull unnecessary. A ppty Immediately. Address Y lis,, Bee. 5mAHA railway mail clerk examinations coming, ITS month. Sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 221 K, Rochester, N. Y. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. AGENTS. CALL after T:80 evenings. 400 a 26th Av. Something new, sells quick, every house. W. H. Uugdale. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNO married man with several years' xprino a manager general store; also experienced bookkeeper, would like to got started la a bank. Address X 170, Bee. faXPEIUBNCED salesman, married man, want position; eober, give reterenec or bond. Address liK North 2th St.. or phon Webster 4o4S. SITUATION wanted by first class cook. Hotel. Mr. A. Oeraghty. Central City, Neb. SITUATION wanted. No. 1 cook. Pri- II . e. . v, ,1:1111111 or steady. Good wages. Writ Mis Man- son. itu ioqge at. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Also handv in meat denartment. Can turn. Ish references. Webster 2873. PASTRY CilllCF wanU work In or out of town: thoroughly understands French pastry. Can furnish A-l reference. D. t47. P. KocharU, Apt I. Shelby Court. COLORED woman wishes place as plain cook or chambermaid. Web. f27. COLORED- woman wishes position as oooa in smau Doaraing nouse in or out of city. Mattl Lindsay. 2D1!) Grant. Web. 60. YOUNO man, competent and reliable; wishes hospital or other Janitor or sim ilar work. Call Har. 174, 60 S. 2Slh St LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ada In tmiaha'a I .oat and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article if advertiaed In Th Bee, th Lost and Found paper. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KAU.WAI CUM FAN Y. Persona bavins- lost some article would do well to call up tn office of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they lett It In th street cars. Many articles each day ar turned In and th company Is anlous to restore them to th rightful owner. Call Poug. 4S. LOST Red carnellan cross, gold tip, guld diagonally around cross. C. L. Dundey. Tyler lf)0. LOST Small, black Pocket book contain. lng money and 8 keys. Finder ran keep money If they return keys to Taft Den tal nooms, lij i( uougtaa Bt. MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Pr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and ether rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no injney paid until cured. Writo for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. K. TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. RUPTURE Pu'ewfuHT treated li without a surgical operation. Call or writ Pr. Wray A Matheny, 3U6 Hee Bldg.. Omaha. KHhlL'MATISM treated aucoessfully. re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, .114 Bee Bldg. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS The ladies' Home Journel 11.60 Tli Saturday Evening Post I SO The Country (eenlleman 1 00 0JI. Ml rix HIFTlONS IN PrXhiMDDH practically earns th RtlD for the IN VALIDS PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal means 80c Pleas pnono uougiaa ilui or mail to GORDON, TILE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha, Neb, DKKShMAKNG by th day. Web. YOUR furnace cleaned, fl; work guaran- wra eiurai I in tnop. iHiuKlas 4t,. TilH SaTtallon AruTTudusfriaTlioui o li. lux your old clothing, furniture, ma- ajUnes. e collect. W dlalrlbui. phone tugiag tub aud our wagon will call. Call and ss fot oar aayw bsia. uiu-UU- wi imp ax. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as stranseis ar lnvilea to visit llie Youug Woman's CbriMlan aaaoclailoa building at 1 .tit M. and bt. Mary Ave., where Ihev will be direclvd to suitable boarding yaira or vinvris assisted. lAXik for our trawlers guld a lib Luioa slatiou. tEADY ItKFEREXCR PIRECTOItY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Kerr Till Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract offlc. S. 17th St. Tel. O. 64S7. RKF.D ABSTRACT CD., oldest abstract office in Nebraska. I1 Brandels Thca. A Ct'Ot N T A NTS. I E. A. DWOKAK, C. P. A. 433-4"rT Ramge Bldg. Tel. Poug. 740. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. F. Shafcr Co . l?th-Farnam. T. 7474. V. AHCMITEC1 . Everett S. Podd. 12 l'sxton Blk. P. M. AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Bee Bldg. Dept. P. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, ill Pakton Blk. P. 104. AUCTIONEERS. Pswii Auction Co.. 111S-1C W.O.W. R., AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCB CO., Douglas 9. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 7 Far. P. tool BAKERIES. T. H. REEDER. 1S0 N. ISth. Web. 171. BATHS. BATH-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladies and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage. Iflia Farnam St. Dougtas 3437, BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Psxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Bts. COFFEE BY MAIL. f CC Save money. Use better VOlTt?e coffee. IS lbs. high grade WN- by parcel post, prepaid, 3.M. W. A. Skalfe A Co., Omaha, Neb. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS DR. BURHORV, lth and Farnam. Wead Bldg. P. 6347; Palmer school graduate. Pr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. V. 1461. PR. W. It. KNOLLENBERQ. Suit It,' Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 103. CHIROPODISTS. Carrie J. Buford. 20 Paz. Blk. Bed 46S7. JEANETTE GREY, 210 Bsjrd Bldg. P. 1461 CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS STEVENSON, 823 S. X2d. Douglas 6620. Lessard A Son, llot Capitol Av. T. 131 ' C. W. ITokanson, 2605 Lvnwth. Tyl. 219J-J. DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mlackle'g. Poug. 6440. PE LUXE ACAPP7MT. Ill B. ISth 9t. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kslater" Dressmaking Col. 1CJ3 City Nat. Terry Pressmak g college, mth A Farnam. - DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable price. 1911 Far nam Bt, Phone Douglas 282. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry CTng. CoTl N. 12th. P. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAME8 ALLAN. 112 Neville Block. Evl . dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Pr. Flckles. 724 City Nat. Bank. Taft Pental Room. 1B1T Douglas. P. tlAS. DRUGS. . , PRUOS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Ulna Allender. 24 Be Bldg. Rod 8068. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.,Bee Bid. P.SS79. FURNACES AND TINWORK HABERSTROH. 40M Hamilton. Wal. 2971. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. . , FOR WOMEN. We da hlffh .nil. i. w . American, accordion, knife, aid box pleating, hemstitching, plcot edging W make covered buttong In th now shspes. all sizes. All work guaranteed. ..Jvrba"k Pleating A Button Co. 431-1 Paxton Bldg. Phon Red 4941 ACCORDION. lde, knife, sunburst, box Pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 3U) DougDss Block, Poug. Itt:t6. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St. D. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 114 Douglas. D. 1201 Member Florists Telegraph Pel. Ass'n! HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. PONAGHUE. 1822 Harney, Poug, 1001, FURRIERS. SAM KNEETER, rao Farnam. Red 1834. It. Rothols, 28M Leavenworth. H. 17S3. X. L. KOLOVRALEK. 717 8. 24th St. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costume In tn country. Theo. Lleben A Son. 1514 Howsrd. D.4115 INSTRUCTION. English. French Instruction. Sc Lyric Bid. JEWELRY. O. E. FLAT FN will save you money on Jewelry. Tyler 106. 24th and Farnam. JIST1CES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CI M BORNE, Ml Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 101 srkerBlock, LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO. Fxchsnge Bldg. LIOIITINU FIXTURES DURKIN Thomas. Douglas U. lU"tnl'' -t23 Cuming St. BaOTOHC'l CLES. HARLKY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Harguin In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Men." 2703 I,even worth MOU.Mi PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA F'lm Ex., ltth and Doug Mo tlon picture machine and film bsrgsliia. " OC ULISTST ' byes examined, glasses Tilted, pay as you can. Dr. M arty. 1111 W. O. w. Mid Idg. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. IIS Bee Bldg. PATENTS. P. O, BamelL Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7117. H. H. Sturgo. 3Brandela Th Aer Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO-Vatt resar mad ovorNasi Uk aew. 1W Cuming. P. lesr. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLFP, dyed. P. Elsele, DM City Nat. PIANOS FOR RENT. ( li 50 per juouta. a. tiuap. UJ Doug la. HEADY REFERENCE DIRECTORY PRINTING. WATERS-RARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. K4 P. 13th 6L CENTRAL, Printing Co. POT,'aLA9 1754. POCOLA9 Printing Co. Tel. Poll si as M4. SCALE- REPAIRING. Om. Standard Poale Co.. r.13 . lith. P. SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair, rell needles and tarts or all sewing machines. "MICKELS," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., l".th and'Harney. Pntifiaa t'.2. SHOE REPAIRING. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2nft4 Farn'm. R. S4M . STEEL t FILINGS. CARTF.R Sheet Me al Company, 110 S. 1.1. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTIRE9. IPFPKS, safe, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buv, sell. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 414-m-lS S. 1?th. Doug. 2724. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water (ronls furnac colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove repair Works. 120j- Douglas St. Tyjer ). TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, &)7 S. ltth. P. .TO, THINK AND SUIT CASES. FRELINO A ST BIN I.E. lftsi Fsrnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for In. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1 W Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange. .111! S. t8lh. ot. aii manes ror sale or rent. RENT a ' Remington" not lust a 1ye- wrlter. lyow rent. Call Doiiln 1'JJi4. VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. Tyler 1011. E. B. Williams. 301 S. Uth WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, td fl, Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. ep. WEDDING BTAIluNauMY. Wedding announcements. Pong. Ptg. Co. WEDDING RINGS. BROPEGAARD'S "lucky wedding Hng" at 16th and Douglas Sis. WINES AND LltlUORS. BBaasssBsas ALEX JETES. M1-S 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plat dinner 11 to I, 10c HrTNRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. Uth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein' Liquor house, &22 N. )6th. Douglas 10. SWAPPERS' COLUMN APDING machine; coat 1100 new; excel lent condition; want jewelry: book cases, filing cabinets, automob'le. Good stock or anything of value. Address S. C. 5S. Bee. . Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer hav any t'c for and get something you loally need? Write Room 104. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler llsJO. ALL furniture In 4o-room hotel; reason -able rent on building. South Side; will exchange for real eslato; value 11,8.4). Ad- dreaa B. C. 603. Be. S.OiiO PREMIUM books, 10c each; will swap for real camera, clothing, meal tickets or useful articles. 8. C. 447, Bee. I HAVE 8 34x3 H inner tubes, to trade for Canary birds, cages or pet stock. S. C. 461, Bee. 26 NEW cut-your-own-hair machines; value, i each. Swap for what have you. B. C. 448. Bee. ONE TEAM, harness and wagon. In Kood condition, to swap for late model Ford ear. 8. C. M3. Be. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains so th "Automobll" classifi cation. CHILP'8 electrics train, transfomer, wir ing, extra tracks, complete; coat I1C.C0. Want! child bed. or whut have you? 8. C. 636, Omaha Be. ONE small hunting case watoh, 10-year case; good time keeper; nice Xmas present, want phonograph, typewriter or wnat nave your Address . C. 443, iwe. HIOH-POWER No. 8 M. A M. rifle; rang 7 miles; 6-shot; cost new $112; will trade for anything I can use. Ad dree,, B. C. 44S. Bee. One pair men's skates. Remington ham meriess repeatly .22 rifle; .22 rlngle shot rifle; .12 break open revolver: Sf ft. river aelne, 8 ft. deep, l'i-imh mesh; 6-Inch fish pear; 7x7 new miner's camp tent; want phonograph, typewriter or what have you 7 Address S.. C. 442. Bee. 4&0 ACRES of Tennessee timber and coal . land; 60 acres broken, and house; all clear; I hold It at U an acre. What have you. 8. C. 63S. MANN BONE CUTTER Been used for sample machine: can be used by hand or power. Will trade for shotgun. Rem ington .zs-cailber rifle or chicken to dress at market price. Address H. O. 464, Bee. MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR Automatically regulates warm air, hot water or steam heating plants; maintains an even temperature In the house at all times; saves coal bills; clock attachment automatically raises or lowers the tem perature any desired time. Will trade for anytniug i can use. A octrees a. c 4uz, Hee. MOTORCYCLE 1914 model Excelsior motorcycle, fully equipped, run 4,00) miles and In the best of shspe: will trade for diamonds. Address S. . 460, Hee. FULL dress suit in good condition- cost 160 new; will trade for anything I can use. S. C MS. COLORED gill wishes position as cham bermaid. Red 4.8. MM) EQUITY In 0 player-piano, will trad for vacant lot or used csr of equal value; piano 1 year old. Address S. C. 444, Bee. HAVE twin Indian motorcyle Ml model, clutch machine, and diamond ring to swap for piano. Address S. C. 441, Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-passenger, ltl& model, lust overhauled and fuily equipped. Will awap for th best lini model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but it must be A-l condition. Address 8. C. 725. Hee. MANDOLIN, good as new, to swap for shotgun. 8. C. 44.1. "ARGO" Roadster, 1915 model, completely equipped. Maclrine not run over W mttea since motor completely overhauled. Might swap for high class Vlctrola out fit, player piano or towards a touring car, aa need larger car. Address 8. C Vi Bee. REMINGTON Typewriter, good as new; will swap to the valu of A. 8. C, 446 Bee. A SHOOTING gallery with moving tar gets. A beauty when set up with elec tric motor and three Winchester rifles. complete. Outfit cost 8-1s.uu on year ago. Will trad for team, harness and w agon, or .on good horse and wagon. K. C. fc3. Bee. - FULL SET (24 vols.) Encyclopaedia Brit tanica; worth $l&. and coin collection worih 1-6; trade for what hav youT S. O. 6S4. Bee. WILL trade Wudebaker, 35 horse power, even-passenger car, electric lijjhtet an started. New wheels and tires, run less than 60 miles, for vacant residence prop erty or cash. A good car newly painted and has had but very little us and ex ceilent care. Address S. C. 461, Be. WooD turning laths, motor, counter shafts, belting, shaltlng. emery wheel and atsnd; outfit complete. In running condition, for anything I caa use. Ad dress S. C. 449. Be. WAXTED TO BCT Btrlrtl- hlsh craile minu. Web. S.t. W ANTED To buy on monthly payments, mall sloro room, with living rooms above. In Central school district, phone K-d WA. WANTED No. 4 Pearson Hslners Ma chine. Stat tlm used. Alfred John son, Shelby, la. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. iMi Faxaajo. Doug. lit. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Tn RCMT Small family wants 4. S or roorow'-Y furnished cottage or spartmrnt. Must 'rip f clean and comfortable. Not too far from school. Write, telephone or call on C. 1., 4 Oliver. Omaha Hee. WANTKD Two furnished rooms with bath and bop.rd, in Dundee, for man, wife and child. I. r.JQ. care Bee. WANTKD to rent 4 or D-rnont steam heated apartment with gatnge. Address U 4i, cc. RENTALS APARTMENTS AND FLATS. THE DEWEY Now Completed 3 Iloouis with 5-Koom Accommodations. Located at 3X1 Dewey Ave, strictly tip-to-dste: very ch l--e: has built-in bed, nicely decorated, latest fixtures, every roonj sn outside room, goi.d light, well vent lated. Individual porches; In fact, everything to make it one of Omaha's choicest apartment houses. Good loca tion, H'a mam car line. Janitor will show you throuvh. or call our office for ap pointment. DotiRlas If 6. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. liilt Har. St. o The For Rent advertisement snneari In the For Rent column of The Hee dally cannot be beat for variety that will picas and fill the need of any one desiring to rent- Phono Tyler 1000. 3 ROOMS, 503 S. L'STII. Close In, walklrc dlst.. first floor; snap st J0. summer; 124, winter. 3 ROOMS, 2717 DEWEY. NEW, hns built-in bed. close In. n car fare; 4-4 50, summer; 127.60 winter. 4 ROOMS, 3005 HARNEY. NEW. sub-lease; has sun parlor, bullt outslde rooms; 137.50, summer; In bed. 142.50, winter. 4 ROOMS, 2642 HARNEY. Sub-lease. NEW: has sun parlor. screened porch; very beautiful; $40, sum mer; 46, winter. 4 ROOMS, 313 S. 27TII. Possession Jan. 1: NEW. aun parlor. screened porch; choice; $40, summer; 145. winter. e. We hsve others. Send for oar weekl- printed list. HASTINGS Sl HEYDEN, 1614 Har. St.-o WARM, COZY APARTMENT Fine apartment of four rooms and bath, nicely decorated; oak finish: steam heat; janitor service. Everything first class. See It and you will take It- i SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 1009. ST. OLARE 24th and Harney, 4-room apartment. Call Harney M7. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. STAR HOTEL, 804 South Uth Bt Furn ished flat and room, steam heated; first class. A SNAP 8-room flat, furnished, 115 per month; nice woodwork. 24224 Leavenworth. 1. I. Kemp. Douglas 9H7. BOARD AMD ROOMS. Furnished Room that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of th high, est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of Th Bee. Phon Tyler 1000. FURNISHED HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter; must b first Class. Address O 443 Bee. FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished room, clos In; all modern. IS! S. 'd St. HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLEY. liKh and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. FURNISHED or unfurniHhed with couple. ZoDl Jones, call Tyler m. Large room, newly furnished, prlv. fam good location. Har. 84111. 120 S. 30th St MODERN rooms, furnished or unfurn ished; light housekeeping If desired, 816 N. 41st Ave. Walnut 3331. LARGE furnished front bedroom In moil. home, close In, rent reasonable.. H 4MS UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FIVE good rooms; modern except heat. 162.1 N. 21st St. $15. Web. To78. HOUSES AND C'OTTAUES. NORTH. FOR RENT S-room. new. modern, up-to-date brick flat. 2221 Willi Av. Rant lib. Tel. l. lwu. FIVE-ROOM flat, 3Tul N. 24th. t64; all modern except heat. Webster SOUTH, l-R. HOUSE. 1 sleeping porch. 1 screen porch. 906 8. 35th Av. Harney 38. WEST. FOR RENT. 2632 Harney ft., mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O Brten. Tel. H. luiH ; D. 1216. St ISt ELLA N EOU s. 15-6-r.. partly mod.. 2602 Pierce St. Ijo S-r strictly mod., I N. Mth St. fii-7-r., trlctly mod., 1718 S. 2th St. 7-r., strictly mod., 3M0 Franklin St. $jo 6-r., strictly mod. and garage, 2726 Franklin St. , t $ -r., strictly mod. bungalow, 1113 8. 36th Ave. . . , . $46 7-r.. strictly mod. and sleeping porch, 3015 Paclflo. - SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 101-9. t,20 N. 41s. 6-r.. all mod. house, 8ii.Su. 1121 S. 32d St.. k-r-. mod. house, $iV 21 Spencer Ht.. 6-r., all mod. house, $J2.V. 2tlil Capitol Ave., -r., all mod house, $'6. jd Orace St.. 6-r.. part mod. house, $15. 867 N. ITIth St.. 6-r., part mod. house. $18. FLAT. 1921 Leavenworth. :d floor, B-r., part mod.. I'7 ;0 ALFRED C. KRNNEDY CO., 309 First Nat. Bank Bldg. DougUs 722. n Jn T) K)ip- Coi moving l. IVCCQ Peking A storag LZ L-'17 Farnam. D. CI 44. FIREPROOF WAREHOUStJ " SEPARATE, locked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGE CO.. P So. 16th Pt. Doug. 4161 bKE tne Central b'urultur blore'a FREU RENTAL LloT HoU?pcCreigh Sons 4b Co.. Be Bldg. "uu' tsln ail part, cf th city. Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3 horse van ana 2 men, ii.zs per nr.; siorsg, u pea m. c.ii.f.,nn u , i . Ti Aim X T. m 1 FIDELITY iHik VRi& Phon Pougis 288 for complet list of vacant houses and apartments; also for Storage, moving. 16th and Jackson 8ts. DjUtUtA BL.H house fur colored. D. (ROOM, strictly modem collage, hot f water heat, clos in, rents for US. 4V J Lincoln Blvd. . W. H. Dorranc. Tel. P. 626 or H. 8111. i WALKING distance, 2644 Podge, s-roorn t J modern nouse, I. Key next door. W. I W. Mltcncii. own sr. r-none wen, ma. T e. i Y 1 t