Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tin: m;i;: oaiaha, muda., diaj.mmkk -m, im.v
Mr. Jack--Bug-House Records
Corvrlght. lts. International
Nrwi Service.
Drawn for The Bee by J. Swinnerton
vs. 1 ("ItvN & -Vgj- CASH I 1 historv of tWe: case
I ' A (' Y JAliEVE )7-- KBB1! " rlliQ) )il lYJPyi 86H WAS A HAPPY MAX UHTli- I HE WMOTt HER AND SHE. SENT .
' ateSJ ' pi
k ( A NERVE IN Y eyfe T e- V J AN EYE. DOCTOR ) X L V IT v Y lHMPn -su-rur, innucn lkE
V .r- I W s. X X"- "S v 7-. , f- T 1 fKV y TO ARKANSAS TD'MEKT M13 "inMS tflNNOTtWVfcK;,
President Gilmore Sayi League Ex
, pecti to Hare to Carry Compar
atively Few Contracts.
Base Ball's Only Woman Magnate to Stay
CHICAGO, Dec. 23. There are
eighty-four players under contract
to clubs which were members of the
Federal League and already bids for
forty of them have been made by
American and National league clubs,
ordlng to James A. Gilmore and
haries Weeghman, who returned
today from the peace meeting In Cin
cinnati. The Federal league owners
expect to have to carry a compara
tively few contracts.
Minor league clubs which have claims
On players who left their ranks for the
ft derail will be given opportunity to
buy the men who fa'l to find places In
the majors, according- to Mr. Gilmore.
In a few of these cases It Is possible the
Owners vof the Federal league will have
to supply part of the contract salaries.
Deals for the players will be going on
nil winter, it is expected. So far as is
known none has been arranged yet and
reports that Kauff. KDagee and others al
ready have been awarded ti one team or
another were denied.
Mr. Weeghman Insisted today that he
Would buy -the Cuba despite stories here,
gnd elsewhere that these was a hitch In
the deal. V . .
' City officials today conferred with Mr.
Weeghman, regarding a new cross-town
street car line which will connect the
West Side, where the Cubs always have
played, with the Federal league park on
the North Bide, the new home of the
Mr. Weeghman said the team's nick
name probably would continue to be
Joe Tinker, who will manage the team,
hospital where he Is recovering from
v r en operauon, out was noi avuowrw w
' "UfUM his plans for neat year.
Omaha Squash Team
to Play Big Match
With Denver Squad
Omaha squash players are planning an
Invasion of Denver. A crowd of Omaha
club sharks will attack the Colorado city
January 30 for an Inter-clty tournament
with a bunch of Denver cracks. John
Madden la leading the Omaha team, and
among others who will represent Omaha
are Spike Kennedy, Ward Burgess.
Ralph Peters, Denlse Barkalow, Sam
Hums and Art Scribner. With Spike
Kennedy, who ranks about as good as
they make 'em at the squash game, to
load the attack the locals are expecting
to clean up.
t far - M l W$ 1
f?tfC JiJl I I
'. : : V . ;r .V
They Are Dissatisfied with Terms
of Peace as Applied to
Their Club.
Plans for a consolidation of the Fed
eral league with the existing leagues In
Organised Base Ball will not disturb the
only woman club owner, Mrs. Helen
Brltton, owner of the St. Louis Cardinals.
Mrs. Brltton Is one of the most popular
club owners In any league, and Is a de
cided ornament to the meetings of ttie
magnates, which she attends with her
husband, Schuyler F. Brltton.
Sinclair Says They Are Both for
Sale and the Price is
Not Steep.
Harvard Will Ask
Indiana for Game on
Gridiron Next Year
CAMBIDQK. Mass.. Dec. 2J.-It was
stated here today that Indiana university
will be asked to take one of the two
vacant places on the Harvard football
schedule for 1916. The dates not yet
filled Include October 14 and tl.
President and .
WifePlay Golf
HOT SPRINGS. Va., Dee. S3. -The pres
!d;nt and Mrs. Wilson mtde their first
appearance on the golf links here today.
Others players were on the course, and
with these the president and his wife
rffatted during the round.- Mrs. Wilson
wore a light blue tailored suit with tan
walking shoes and a black toque hat.
Miss Qoerne and Mr. Hays were first
In a mixed doubles contest at Hunting
ton's alleys last night. Miss Ruloer and
Mr. Goff were second and Miss Hughes
snd Mr. Fulton, third. Scores:
Klrst. Pecond. Third.
M'm Evsns 14 m
Mr. Klnnensn 1.17 ISO IV ?T7
Mri. Hufr 1
Mr. Conrad W. ?t
Mliis Bruch ltt
Mr. Jsroxh 21 347
Miss Goodrich
...171 lit
...U4 -Jfi3
.. .1W-3M
..Af N9
17? 240
Mr. Cochran..
Mrs. Murphy...
Mr. HiUvard...
Miss Miller
Mr. Weeks
Miss Oanorn...
Mr. !perrv....
Mrs. Jsmson..
nt 177-
Mr. Johnson I7
(Miss Mf-Greer i3n
Mr. Kehm..-. 296
Mrs Hockett ia
Mr. H intlngtoa. ...19 S21
I.Mios Nfbit 1)
Mr. Jsrosh 1176
MIm Hughes
Mr. Fenton.- 144381
Miu Ruloer 1!4
Mr. G.ff V
kvll (ioerne 144
Mr. Hayes
17 SsS
1h Sol
Crete Wallops Wilber.
CRKTK. Neb., Iec. 3. Special.
Crete defeated Wllber liiKh hooi here
Wednfaduy nWht on tlie ot-ra house
floor by a sfoiu of So to 10 t auinln I-s-tr
Krundell iarrd for il.e locaia, sttais
uckeos sUui eU Xur WUlxf.
8T. LOVIS, Mo., Deo. 23. Harry F.
Sinclair, the Oklahoma oil magnate, owns
I Beiinle Kauff, outfielder, and Lee Magee,
: second baseman, both stars on the Brook-
lyn Federal team last season, ' It was
lea rend hers today. The Information
I came from Mr. Sinclair himself, who now
places the players on the market,
j It had been the understanding that
j Kauff and Magee belonged to the Wards,
I owners of the Brooklyn Federals.
Mr. Sinclair said, however, that be ac
quired the two players this winter.
I hsve them for sale," he said. "They
can be had by the St. Louis Americans if
Phil Ball wants to pay the price. It
Isn't steep, considering the -class of play
ers Involved."
Conferring here today with Phil Ball
and Otto Stlfel, the new owners of the
I Browns, declared there would be no such
thing as a player limit in big league base
ball next year.
"The Chicago Nationals are privileged
to carry fifty players snd the same will
be true of the St. Louis Americans."
Mr. Sinclair said he had no Intention of
acquiring any connection with the St
Louis Americans.
Phil Ball today telegraphed Fielder
Jones to come to St. J-ouls at once to
take up the task of reorganising the Bt
Louis Americans.
Mr. Ball said Jones would have abso
lute charge of the task. It was stated
by Ball, Stlfel and Sinclair that there is
no agreement among National league
owners to bar players who Jumped to the
Federals from the National league; that
Kauff and Lee Magee will be sold by the
Wards to ths highest bidder; that the
Newark Federal park has been leased by
Sinclair to a holding company oompoaed
of National and American league direc
tors, and that Ed Owlnner, owner of the
Pittsburgh Federals is still negotiating
for the Cleveland Americans.
Mr. Sinclair today characterlaed as
"rldkuloua" reports 'that the baseball
war had, cost the Federal league) backers
Mr. Sinclair said this afternoon that
he also owns Outfielder Anderson of the
Brooklyn Federals.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. .-When told
tonight of the dispatch from Cambridge,
suggesting a game between Harvard
and Indiana, F. O. Stlahm, who next
year Is to pilot the Hoosler team, saW
Indiana had not arranged a game for
October 21, but that tentative arrange
ments had been made for a battle with
Chicago on October 14. In case Har
vard is taken up, he thought it would
mean the cancellation of . the Chicago
'I have not a thing to do with the
schedule for next year," he said. "The
following year I will look after It. It
would look like an extremely difficult
Job for Indiana to tackle Harvard Judg
ing from what I know of the team
now. I will take things as I find them,
however. I have been under the Im
pression that hie game for the 21st was
to be at Indianapolis."
For a time It looked as though Btlshm
would have a game with Wisconsin as
one of his beginning efforts. This was
broken up, and the Chicago dale was
substituted. One of the interesting games
on Sttchm's schedulo next year is that
with Florida State, the Palm Bcachers
visiting the Indiana camp.
BALTIMORE. Ieo. 23.-H was learned
from an authoritative source tonight that
officials of the Baltimore Federal league
club would attempt to block the base
ball peace plana by opposing the with
drawal of the Federal league anti-trust
suit before Judge Landls. Baltimore offi
cials are said to be dlssatlsried with the
terms of the settlement as they apply to
the Baltimore club.
An Influential stockholder of the Fed
eral league club previously made the
statement that It was improbable that
the present corporation could take over
the International league franchise. He
said the stock Is so distributed among
persens that It Is not within the range
cf possibilities to operate a minor league
team, a proposition considerably smaller
than that for which the corporation was
Herrmann's Statement.
CINCINNATI. O.. Dec. 23. -Chairman
Herrmann of the National commission.
when shown the story from Baltimore rel-
atlvo to the Federal league suit In Chi
cago, said:
"I do not believe the Baltimore people
should tske this view. Inasmuch as the
Baltimore matter la still pending. We
have done nothing regarding Baltimore
and the final outcome may be very ad
vantageous to the Baltimore Federal
league owners.
"That matter la still In ths hands of
ths committee appointed to settle thst
question. The Baltimore people may get
mora than they have anticipated."
By Tad
The fighter with a nut has the edge on a boob.
Abe Attell illustrated this la Denver years ago when he outgeu
eralod a tar baby who was at that time going great.
Abe met this gent In a ten-round bout In the western town and was
having considerable trouble locating
said gent's map.
For two rounds It was very even,
and Abe wasn't a nose in the lead.
When he came back to his corner
after that period he told one of his
seconds to get out the brush and
comb and doll him up a bit. The
other seconds with the towels hid
the near-barber, snd at the bell Abe
looked as though he had Just left
John the Darber's.
He boxed three rounds more,
Jabbtd his colored opponent quite
often and had him considerably
At the start of each round Abe's
hair was as neat as ever, and the
look on the tar baby's face was one
of wonder.
rinally, in the eighth round, the
colored marvel refused to go on.
The referee walked over and asked for the reason.
"Why, what's the goodT" piped the darky. "Ah, ain't got no chance.
Why Ah can't even muss dat man's balr stall."
Jl jIjl" ZitT Ata MMitnr
Principal Stockholder in Chicago
National Club Sayi Weeghman
Won't Get ControL
ii i
KBARNET. Neb., Dec. a.-(BDeclal
Telegram.) Mrs. Mary Patterson, wife of
Prof. B. H. Patterson. Instructor at the
Kearney State Normal school, died at
her home, her today, following a brief
Illness from pneumonia.
Mrs. Patterson had been 111 for only
two weeks, and although her condition
had been critical at times, she had ral
lied, and hopes had been entertained for
her recovery. Bha Is survived by her
husband, Benjamin Patterson, a little
daughter, and her mother at Cham
paign, 111.
Funeral services will be held at the
Bt. James cathedral Friday morning. Fol
lowing the services, ths body will be
taken to her old horn at Champaign,
III., for burial.
Mr, and Mrs. Patterson had been rest
dents of this city for the Isst five years.
Mr. Patterson has been In charge of
the commercial education department at
the normal school, and both had been
prominent In musical circles.
Captain Silcott
Suddenly Stricken
KKAUNET, Neb.. Dec. a3.-(8peclal
Telegram.) Captain T. B. Slloott, aged
66, for years a prominent resident of
If'umnor and vicinity, died this morning,
while sitting In his chair, at his resi
dence In that city.
He had been 111 for some time from
neuralgia of the heart, but had been bet
ter during the last few days. Early
this morning while his nurse stepped
out of the room hs was fatally stricken.
Captain KUcott was (the recognised
leader of the democrats In his commun
ity, and had taken an active Interest
In politics since coming to Bumner In
1HS6 from his horns in Bluemont, Va.,
where two sisters and a brother now
reside. He was a bachelor and home
steaded on his arrival In this state. Hs
moved to town twenty-three years ago,
but was still Interested In many farm
ing ventures.
The funeral services will be held Fri
day at the Methodist church In Sumner,
and the body will be taken to Virginia
for burial.
north of Orlawold. The car. a fine new
machine, belonged to the latter, who was
driving. The roads were slippery and the
car skidded at ths east end of ths bridge,
striking ths bannisters and plunging
with Us occupants to the river bed fif
teen feet below. Passersby, with diffi
culty, rescusd ths msn. who wers so
badly bruised snd stunned that they were
practically helpless. The automobile was
badly broken, but was later hauled out
of ths water and taken to a garage for
repairs. . ...
CORPUS CHRI8TI. Te., Dec. 2t-In a
statement Issued hers tonight, when told
of the peace terms signed In Cincinnati
by representatives of the Federal league
rd Organised bass ball, Charles P.
Taft, principal stockholder In the Chi
cago National league club, said:
"The -Cubs are not for sals."
According to ths peace terms, It was
announced Charles Weeghman, president
of ths Chicago Fsdarals, was to take over
the Cubs. Mr. Taft la on a hunting trip
on his ranch nsar hers and was reached
by long distance telephone.
Notklngr to Report.
"There Is absolutely nothing to the
report that President Weeghman of the
Chicago Federals will buy ths Chicago
Cuba," he declared. "No proposition for
ths purchase of ths Cubs has been made.
nor have I made any proposals to sell.
trade or otherwise dispose of my hold
ings. Ths Cubs ars not for sale."
Mr. Taft added that base ball matters
would not engage his attention, until his
return to Cincinnati In January.
' WeestfcmBB Doabts It.
CINCINNATI. Dec. il "I doubt ths
authenticity of that Interview," said
Charles Weeghman hers tonight when
shown the dispatch from Corpus Chrlstl
quoting C. P. Taft as saying that ths
Chicago Cubs are not for ssls.
"I cannot go into details on this mat
ter," Weeghman continued, "and I will
not dlsouss It othsr than to say Mr. Taft'a
word to me Is good enough . for ma re
gardless of anything elae. I likewise be
lieve my word to Mr. Taft Is good enough
for him. That is all I care to say.''
A "For Bale" or "For Rent" Ad placed
In The Bea will accomplish Its pur
pose. ' .
BERLIN. Dec. 23,-Vla London. 11.06
a. m.) The federal council has decided
on the coinage of Iron ten pfennig pieces.
CHICAGO, Dec. 23. Jess Willard.
heavyweight champion pugilist, decided
today to establish permanent reseldunce
in Chicago. He was Joined by his wlfs
snd four children, who came on from
Los Angeles.
A "For Fa's" ad will turn second-hand
furniture lata cash.
Boslna Boat mi Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb.. De.. 23 -(8ieclsJ.)
Company f- has arranged to hold a box
ing and wrestling exhibition In the
armory here l'hlmaa evening. Eddie
Murphy of Kcatlie, Wash., and "Kid"
Hums of Lincoln will box ten rounds snd
t'urioral llyron Wood of tills city and
an unknown grappler from I.looola will
perform on tha mat.
Nrkawks, Postoffle Third Class.
AVOCA. Neb., Dec. 21. (Spctl. Tbe
Nehswka postofflos Is to be raised to ths
third class, which will make It a presi
dential office, the postmaster to be ap
.olntd by the president. The present in
i i.inUnt, tirover 4'. lioback, will prob
ably be retained, as he ra only been In
cilice a little over a ear.
SUPERIOR, Neb., Dec. 2S.-(fipeclal
Telegram.) A light snowstorm Interfered
with the first community Christmas tree
program tonight, but It was carried out
ss planned with songs by ths school chil
dren snd a concert by the band.
The tree was decorated and lighted by
many colored lights and the treats wers
distributed to the children from the
H ridge Pore maw Badly Hart. ' The white way lights were turned on
NORTH PLATTE, Neb, Dec 23 - for the flr,t Ume tonight.
(Special.) O. C. Carpenter, a bridge fore- j 1
man at the new Lincoln Highway bridge 1 ' """ """iwsi i '
east of this city, was badly Injured to. i TABLE- ROCK, Neb., Dee. 23 -(Bpeclal )
day when a steel rail weighing a ton ' There was a narrow escape from a con
swung against him as it was being flagratlon In the fine store of Willis
lifted by a derrick Carpenter stumbled Fellers, when ths lampa were lighted last
as hs attempted to step away from the ! night. There was a spate Inside of a
swinging weight. He fell sgainat the j glass Inclosure where everything bed
bridge in front of ths rail, whh h swung been decorsted with cotton nd tinsel and
sgslnst him, striking his legs. Both an- when the lights were turned on tinsel
kles were crushed and the left leg was 1 coming In contact with the elertrle wire
kroken near the knee. 'tainted an explosion and the rotton took,
i 1 t fire In an Instant. Had there not been j
Beatrice Buslures Hows Baraed. a fire extinguisher at hand the wholw
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 23. (Special.) i ore would undoubtedly hae g ne up In
Firs at 1 o'clock this morning destroyed , flames. The plate glass was broken
ft. C. Phillips' meat market on Bouth and the Inside glaaa smashed.
Sixth street. The firemen by hard work
prevented the fire from reaching W. K. i Bo' ''I Krarlorrd.
Lenhart's grocery store, which Is in the oktii rl.ATTK, Neb., 1-ec. a.-topo-
same block. The stock whs slightly dam- 1 ' iuD Joe. tne li-year-old son or ir. anu
aged by smoke. The fire in ths meat i A- of this rlty. stepped
market started near the Icebox from an i front of a speeding automobile yester
unknown cause. The loas Is placed at ' u" an1 sustained a fractured skull,
about 11,600, partially covered by Insur- clarence ."rawley of Dickens, who drove
ance. ithe ear. wald that the boy ass sland-
. nig on ths South Platte river bridge
To (lrst tioldew Weddlaa. when he drove across. As the csr neared
'AVOCA, Neb.. Dec. tS.f Special.) Mr. him young Lane stepped dlreetly in front
snd Mrs. B. II. Alahaugh will celebrate I of it He was struck by the car's fender
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.
their fiftieth wedding anniversary Sat
urday at their home In Nebraska City.
They wers married at Dayton, O., Ie
remher U, ldti6. They will give a dinner
to their relatives snd friends In honor
of the occasion.
CuBSttsmttoa Be Carrel.
Stsrt a two weeks' tieatment of Dr.
King's New Ufe Pills t'day. ld for
stomarh and liver. Sic. All drugsist.
and thrown for sevetal yeards.
co very Is expected.
-Is re-
Aato Plaaeyrs late) Hirer.
GRISWOLD. Ia.. Deo. 2l.-Speclal.-Whlle
en route from Oiiswold to Omaha
three Orlswold men cams near losing
their lives when their automobile want
into the Nlshnabotna river. Just south of
t 'arson. Ths men were Rip Van Winkle,
proprietor of a Hvery barn; Charles Kln-i-aid
and Harry Morton, farmer living j
Winter Office Quarters
f you have found that you aro not entirely cora
fortablo in your office, wo can assure you of having
all the comforts of proper heat and ventilation.
While we have only a few offices from which to ,
select, possibly one of these will be just exactly what
you want. ' .'
"The building that i$ alway new"
The only roouns that ws can offer now are the following, but If
they do not meet your requirements we will be glad to place you
on our valUnj; list.
H.nnm222 Choice office suite, north light, very de-
ftwm" rirable for two doctors or dentists;
waiting room and two private offices;
520 square feet 845.00
pnn .Qv Suite, consisting of waiting room snd
xwvui private office; north light; 520 square
feet. A splendid office for a dentist or
a physician 5M5.00
TrnnrafHft .Only vacant room on the 17th atreet
ftwuiiwu- of th buUdlng Faceg directly on
Seventeenth street. Partition for pri
vate office snd waiting room. 9iie 187
square feet
Room 1Q5 At the head of the. stairs, on the floor
opposite The Bee business office. Site
J70 square feet. Would be specially use
ful for a real estate firm
Apply to Building: Superintendent, Room 103.