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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1915)
10 THH 11KK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915 iLy b o ff ij j) iAi A 0v" iw ivi .tf .wyi a sr r sr i Bfr a wa.w sr t r j k sr ! v. m aw aw J r c. m sr sr m a sw as w n aw st sbi a i s I U V 21 Nw DRY PICKED TURKS BESTJH FLAVOR Pork and Beef Botlx Cheaper Than Last Year---Nut Cost a Lit tle More. NAVEL OBANGES ARE FINE Turkeys dry-picked retain their riaror belter than those acalded be fore packing, at least bo says Louis B'.nstock, head of the meat depart ment of Harden Bros. Blnstock ex plains that when a bird Is dry-picked the pores close Immediately after th feathers are withdrawn, while when K bird Is first scalded the pores re main open after the feathers are Te mored, with the consequence that In steaming in the roaster the delicate flavors eccspe eonstsntly from thou sands or sniair openings like this. Nice, fresh, dry-picked turkeys, white aa snow, arc soiling at i tents a p .und. Krosen luikeys, that la, storage tur keys, are on the market at 1H to 17 V4 renta a pcund. buck are IS centa a pound. Ueese are very acarce, but aelltnf at 11 cents a pound. Chickens ar Y cents a pound, wttk fancy broiler going at 2S cent Oysters are higher than a week or two ago, and are now selling at 40 centa a quart. When they advanced in the wholesale market ir the east a wenk or ao ago. It waa announced that the term In the eaat put an and to the oyster' fisheries for a few days and thua caused the price to ad an"e. Christmas Lamb ia Here. Christmas Inmts are on the marVcet alao, and hindquarters are selling at I'.'V whlls torequsrters are selling at H cent. Nice ateer rib roaata may be had at 1"H centa a pound, which la 1 centa cheaper than last Christmas. Fancy pork roaata may be had at 10 centa. These were u centa a year ago. Mince meat Is 1-V4 cents a pound. Cranberries are 10 centa a quart, which la a little higher than last year. Nut are a little higher than laat year, moat gradea selling at 17V4 centa a pound, while a year ago they could be had at 15 cental. Navel oranges were - never finer thsn this Christmas. They come with a better color, a finer flavor, and more sweet, than In former years. They aell for from IS to 40 centa a dosen, depending upon trade. Flour Is up 20 cents wholesale, but Is still retailing at II. S3 a sack. Bugar la still aclllng seventeen pounds for a dollar. Freah esga are down I centa, selling now at 32 centa a dosen. storage eggs sre still 25 cents a dosen. Butter U II cents a pound. A "For Bale" or In The Use will pose. 'Tor Rent" Ad placed accomplish lis pur- Harvester Trust Will Share Profits With Employes CHICAGO. Ico. 23 The International Hat-venter company announced a plan to tsdst Its 35.00) emil yes to become stock ho.drrs and sharer In the company profits. t'nd"r the plan, which brcm s ef fective tomorrow, all employes wl.l have i.n opportunity to purchase profit shar ing certlf catea In the company. py mcnta for which will be made In monthly Inatallmenta from their aalartea. These certificates. It I provided, may be con verted Into atock at a rate below market value. To every employe takes advantage cf the offer before March 1, 1M3, the company will add to his paymenta 1 per cent of hla earning aanually. Interest will I paid at the rate of t per cent per annum on all employe' pay menta and credit on hla pioflt sharing certificate. In addition to the annual dividend on stock, the company also wlli pay to the employe an amount equal to the extra dividend which he would re ceive upon the stock. If the entire excess of the net profits for each yesr prior to 1971. over n amount equal to per cent of the moneya Inveated In the company' limine d.irng the year, were distribu ted pro-rata to all holder of it common stock. Provision la made for postponement of paymenta In cae of lllneaa or unavoid able layoff. Certlflcatea can be turned Into cash at the will of the employe. The plan wilt terminate In January, 19Z1. motore. Thle plan will enahlo us In cas of trouble to train a thousand or thoua- snds of men In this branch of aviation within tnree month." The committee also plans to attempt to have all maker of aeroplane agree upon tandnrd so that In case of war all planea would be ready for use and so re palra to plnne mlnht be expedited by the standardization of parts. At present all machines are built upon radically different plana, which make the re pairing of the various tyie a serious problem. Air Pilots Will Be Given Lessons in Care of Motors NEW YORK. Dec. 23. A plan by which member of the aviation corpa of the fnlted Ptate army and navy will be enabled to obtain three month training In automobile shop In the handling ot motor ha been arranged by member of the naval advisory board and of the Automobile club of America. The an nouncement w made by li. K. Coffin, chairman of the committee on produc tion, organisation, manufacture and standardisation, In connection with the meeting her of the naval advisory board. During the present war," said Mr. Coffin, "no power has been able to keep more than per oent of lis aeroplanes In operation at one time. One of the greatest difficulties haa been the train ing of a aufficlent number' of air pilot In the repair of 'motore, which I one of the moat essential part of an avi ator knowledge. "Home time ago we suggested thla plan to the Automobile Club of America. We havs received word that the plan waa agreed to with enthusiasm and that all of the large automobile manufacturers had offered their plants s laboratories for government avlatora. It will take about three months to give an aviator a good foundation In the running of CHIEF FUZZY DOG FOUND LUGGING LARGE CANNON Chief Fuizy Ing of Oklahoma City, who has been husking corn r-ear Tender, Neb., arrived In Omaha Tueaday with plenty of "Jack" and a raging thirst for firewater. Ho wa brought to the atatlon completely Intoxlcnted and wearing a light blue atiit. A he entered headquar ter a revolver, allghtly smaller than a Teuton siege gun, fell from his hip pocket snd shook the foundations of the city bastile. In police, court he was al lowed to depart, and the llowltier was confiscated to le stowed In the museum. -jrXCXAX, CHRISTMAS PRICES OH OOOO OBOCSmiES Sugar, 17 lb., for 91.00 3 loares fresh Bread loo Bine Bell or Snnklai rionr, 48.1b. aaok foe fl.40 Net)- Krand Milk, guaranteed, two larga cans l&c 2 cana tiweet June Peae 16o 3-lb. can I'utnpkln, 2 cana for..,.15o Hominy, 2-lb. can, 2 cana 15o Marigold Preserves, assorted 20c also for loo Fresh Kelect Oyatere, qt 40o Apiicota, freah. per lb ISO Prunes, large else, lb.. So, 10o, lSHe Kngllnh Walnuts, per lb 130 flood Katlng Applea, peck 86o Orape Fruit, large alze, each Bo flood Oranges, doz 85 Tangier natural garden peas, regular ly 15e per can. at.1. lis Ten 5e boxni of Matches tie Pest Creamery Mutter, lb 31s pure Irfaf I.ard, 2 Ilia SSO Thla Is only a few of the many spe cials we are oirering. Phone or mnll orilera filled promptly. Write for Cat- iilogue. We can save -you from 15 to 25 per cent on your groceries. 3. r. CROUWBB B BOB-, Tel. Dong. 3478. 934 H, 16th St. 1 li6 TP DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS W Good Things to Eat For Xmas Day Nuts, Oranges, Canned Goods, Bottle Goods, Fruits, Veg etables, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Etc. The bast mixed 118 nw crop ants, poaad crown flga, per pound .... Fard dates, per pound Hollowl' dates, pound ...... Table raisins, pkg Pure apple cider, per gallon California figs, pkg. ...... Dromedary dates, rg Comb honey, per rack I-arge bottlea Worcester sauce, pur tomato catsup, pickle, assorted kind, prepared mustard radish, bottfca Tall cans Alaska salmon . .170 . . . SOO ...ISO . . . 100 ...1E0 . . .350 . .TVo . . . 10o .1THO or horse- 8ao 100 Imported amokwl or plain oil sar dines, can lOo The beat domestic macaroni, vcrml- cllll or spaghetti pkg THo Advo Jell, for deasert, It'a quality goodx, pkg 7ViO No. i cans fancy sweet sugar corn. for .Ttto No. 1 cans Karly June table peas 80 No. 2 cans Golden pumpkin, hominy, sauer kraut or baked beans . ..7Ho 1 -lb. cana aaaortcd aoupa 8Ho 22-os. Jars pure fruit preserves ,.3So No. S cans fancy table apricots, .peaches or peara 19o Ripe olives, per can 10c Fancy Queen olives, per quart . ..S5o Fancy cookies, per lb. loo, 13Ho, 15o All varieties of Looae-Wllea' famous cookies ajid Xmas cakea. See dem onstration; samples free. Fancy Golden Hanto coffee, lb. SOo DKIED rKUITaf TOM YOUR TUB- DZHCrS, riES OR CAKES. The best cleaned Currants, b....lSo California Muscatel Cooking Haislna, per pound 8Vjo-10o California Mulr Peaches, lb. . .B'je-lOo Fancy California Seedless Ralalns, per lb ISO Fancy Golden Rultana Raisins, lb. 15c 14-oz. pkg. condensed Mince Meat 7lo The lust Union, Orange or Citron Feel, lb 300 Imported Fard Dates, lb ISo Imported Hallo Ino Dates, pkg.,.10o Imported Dromedary Dates, pkg... loo 5-Crovn Figs, lb BOo California Cooking Figs, per lb..,10o lor Tjnr Xmas Oranges, The High land navels Ezoel All for Quality nd Tlavor. It's the Orange of Quality. Per Dosen. . . . 80o, 85c, 30o, 3So, 40o. FRESH VEGETABLES TOR TOUB CHRISTltAS DISrSTER. 15 lbs. Red River Potatoes ....30o Fresh Rrussela Sprouts, lb.... 170 Fresh California Cauliflower, lb. 7ViS Fresh Radishes from Louisiana, three bunches for 10o Fresh Shallota, Carrots or Turnips, per bunch 40 3 lbs. California Sweet Potatoes .. lOo Fancy Rbre Tomatoes, lb 10s Michigan Celery, S for lOo California Celery, large bunch... 7V Extra fancy L.rge Green Peppers, each at Bo Wisconsin Cabbage, lb la 3 bunches Fresh Parsley lOo Anything' yon want la fruits or vegetable for Xmas Ws havs it. THE BUTTER ASD EOO MARKET TOR TXB PEOPLE. The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk 310 Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per pound, at 89o Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb.... 870 Pest Strictly Fresh Kggs, doz....33o Pest No. 1 Htoraire Kggs. doz....8So Full Cream. N. Y. White. Wlaconstn, Young America Cheese, lb 80o Imported Roquefort and Swiss cheese, pound 50c TRY HAYDEN 'S FIRST. LL NsaXstBSBBalSBBBBt saBBaBBaMBUBBBBf ".1 Turkeys for Your Xmas Dinner 17l2c Fresh Dressed Ducks 17 1-2c Cesse, Cur Own Dressing ... 16 3-4c Forequsrter spring lamb Pig pork loins .... I'lg pork butts . .1S,' Hteer pot roast louns veal roast 11V.S Young veal rhopa 14'j Mutton chops ....140 Porterhouse ateak 17e halt pork ........ .So ISIS MULISH WALNUTS, POUSTD ISIS Mix Bute, pouaA BUps Banaaaa, ptr ttvaea BbIK O'tvea, auart raaoy Holly, large kunchss Armour's Rlar and flu- preme hams . ...1S'S fcklnned hams .,..lJli Bugar cured hams 10 Kxtra lean break Tast bacon 17 Sugar cured bacon 1JV0 Freah oysters, no water, at B80 Ail l7Ho IBs . . .lOo and 1st 800 100 Xmas Trees, all sizes, st nearly your ewa pries. Deliveries to all parte of Us olty. Mall orders filled at onoS. THE EMPRESS MARKET (np. V.iwnrth fto wnt IQc Storr. lift HoiUh IWth Ht. Tfl. I. li U7. Turkeys for Your Xmas Dinner 17c rreih Dressed Ducks 17 1-Zc Geese, Cur Own Dressing. . . 16 3-4c pig pork loins .... pig pork butts ..184S l-lrrr p'l roust ....W Yming veal rat .lli Young vel cliopa 14 Ss liiiib l 1JV.0 poiieihouse ateak 17Ve Mutton vltopa ....14s Anooiir's Star and !- preme bnios .,..! Kkluned liama . ,.H50 Hiuall liaius 101, Kvtra lean breakfast bacon 17S Sugar cured bacon USs Fresh oysters, no water, at 35o Spselals Opsa Prlday WaUl 10 W. M. From a to S V. M.. lamb chops Bo From t to 10 P. M.. pork chops lOo Dellvertes to all rarta of tks otty. Mall orders filled at once. PUDLIC MARKET 1B& 5&y.!& FOR 1915 XMAS SHOPPERS Here Is rACKLKVS last 1915 Xmas call to shoppers. Complete your table. liquor and wine list right now. The stock has been brought right up to date and we will expect you among our thousands of regvlar Xmas patrons. Any street car, or a minute's walk brings you to CACKLKY'8; In business since 189'J. We can supply your favorite brand. 100 Proof, 8 and 10 Year Old IVUISKtES FULL QUART The list or f)S specials includes the follow Ing famous brands: OIJi CHOW, OLl TAYIiOK, GUKENURIER, n:iH niuxw, ohcak pkiiek, Sl'XXY llltM)K, Ca TKKMIKIMKH ItYK, ',AItKK'S I'l'ltK ItYK, W11ITK OOHX WlllSKKV, III.KMITAGK, KU llOOXH-KNOI.L. Take home a supply surprise a friend with a quart of this famous liquor. Other Bottlcd-In-Oond "yd Whiskiss as Low as.... Imported Whiskies Quurts-Scotch i Johnny Walker, B1.40; Black White. B1.40 liHlg A liulg, tl.40, Irish i Old llush inilN, 81.40; HurKe'a Irish, Bl.SS. Canadian, Bl.SS. Italia liqnors, 65e to S1.60. BcandlnaTlaa llQUora, $1.00 to Bi as. Distilled spring of lB8ti, BS per quart. Champagnes, nr uranaics ' Clarets J t i3 Imported Bnlnart, pints, BS.SSi quarts, (4-00. Piper H.ldaelck, pints, B3.00; quartH. B3.60. Amarloan Chaupag-naa, Oolden State, pints. S1.60; quarts, BB.&0. Oold Seal, pints, SSoi quarts, $1.70. Oolden Star and Great Western, pints, 85oj quarts, $1.70. Hummel, pints only, SOo. Italian, Swiss, Orssk Wines In great profusion and at best prlcea. Our Own Home Made Q1 OC Crape Wine. Per Cal. . .vl3 SUNKIST - Fort, B harry, Madeira, Catawba, quarts, Boo. X.a Tinta, hit port; Muscat, Tokay, Catawba, 780. DRAtiDIES FOR MINCE PIES .noh and Apple Brandy, quarta, $1.00. Hennas, eey. quurl, $1.00. TUlard Cognao, quart, $1.S0. Cognac, quart, SSO. A full gallon of Sweet Appls Cider may be taken home for only 30c. Free Imported China Coupons VJith Each Sale YnriAC Uth and Capitol Ave. UU0S- Omaha, Heb. MAIL OHDKIIS GIVES 1'ItOMIT AMI CAICKKl'I, ATTK.NTION. A S L I U Friday is the Time to Buy your Xmaj wines and liquors. The Luxus is the place, because we have the finest assortment of high grade liquors in the city. READ THE FOLLOWING: OldRippy.16 PI Cf) ; yrs.old,fullqt..Oli3U Sunny Brook, Old Crow, Cedar Brook, Kentucky Club, etc., ncp full qts 03 U qts. Luxus Club, hot tied in bond, full qt.89c Pure California Port, pcS25c-50c-75c per Cook's Imperial Spark ling Burgundy, Claret, eta, at the lowest prices. Virginia Dare, rr. per bottle OOu s Luxus Mercantile Co. 103-111 N. 16ttf St. Pho-o Doug. 1833. Mail Ordera Filled. Phone Douglas 1889 Real Christmas Cheer In every bottle of this Pure Beer THC BEER YOU Ute A Million Sparkling Bubbles in Every Glass SAVE LUXUS BOTTLE NECK COUPONS; They're Valuable Fred Krug Brewing Company LUXUS MERCANTILE COMPANY, Distributors i H k "Coffee . jm The Basket Stores' Markets can supply yan with the finest dressed poultry obtainable. Ws dont nsoaJly bras; as much as ws might abont onr quality. Ws hellers la gtrlng yon a little better than yon might expect. MEAT BEFAJlTMXirT. Turkeys, dry picked, lb 94Ho Ducks, most of tliem with headi and feet off, lb. 180 Geese, most of them with head and feet otf, lb 17j Hons, per ll 140 (Springe, per lb loo rUags, If ordered alifad, lb. . ...lll4o Oysters, standard, per pt., 18c; qt. 3'jo C'risco, 1. uo size, 90c; 60c alze, 45c; 25c Hlie . . .o Btrktly fresh eggs, dozen 33o Select storage eg if, dozen 3 Jo lard, best open kettle rendered, pound ..140 Pure lHrd, usually sold for best. pound 133 T.iird compound, lb ...llo l.emon.M, best, per doz., 3fi0 alze 16c; 300 size 190 Jonathan apples, peck 3Eo Jitney box apples, Spltzenberg, per box $2.30 Apple cider, per gallon 94o filler vinegar, per ration 19o tinlder'a tomato soup, 10c can for 6o and 7e Snlder's or Van Camp's cataup, 25c bottles, each 18s Cabbage, per 100 lbs 60o T.cN.a amounts, lb jO Corn, per can, 7o, 8c; 3 for 99o Nectar, finest packed corn llo Tip cocoa, 25c cull Tip 180 Chocolate, 25c enke 15o W. H. Baker's 'fc-lb. cake 16o Oatmeal, 8 lbs., 95c; 0-lb. sack 83.54 Peet sugar. 17 lbs., 81.00; sack $8.10 Can sugar, sack $6.30 CANDEES ASTD 1TT7TS No. 1 English Walnuts, lb ISO Peanuts, fresh roasted, lb So Almonds, lb., 18o; 3 for..' B3o Washed nrazll. lb.. 18c; for ,...89o Sicily Filberts, lb., ISo; 3 for . ...43o Fine assorted Xmas candlea . ...lOo I!u1k dates, lb llo Hk. 10c pkg., 8c; 3 for 88c Layer figs, lb 14o Xmas candles, 10c box So I.emont. and orange peel, lb'. . ...17o Currants, 12-oz. pkg 13o Hulk, pound , 140 ItaiHlna, 12-oz. seeded 10c Hulk cocoanut. It 180 Tip mince meat, pkg., 8c; 3 for . .99c Pumpkin, loc can, 8o; 3 for 9 So Tip baking powder, 1-lb. can So Olives, pt , 17o; qt 33 9 Tip soda. 1-lb. pkg 4o Preserves, 32-o. Jar 800 fancy Navel Oranges Keg. Stic alze, dozen 380 Other sizes 33c, 940 and 9o (Irape Fruit, each 3o, fic, To At wood brand, finest quality, 54 size, lOo; 80 size So Xmas Trees have been going fust; most all stores have aome left on hand, 14o and up. Jyjlly Wreaths, each 14s Mlvlletoe. per lb. S4o Tree holders IBe and 830 OFZST TEX.Z. 10 F. M. FKISAT Jf lOHT, CZ.OSXD AX I. BAT XMAS. THE BASKET STORES Marry Xmas. Merry Xmas. i! If You Want a Pure, Wholesome Bever age Drink xi mm jV ar winuiST WAktnoua "V GOLDEN SHEA WHISKEY )tlOw5PRINC4 Eli-- . SOsf 1 - X ' Bk VHISKE )rTTttn, tvi snJT) ill ft , fnaer topmirmtt Iht H?Z(a.- - sssbMI ll !D 'I III I l sr tm,mi"w' ,iss j ( -fV if:-: ,- i .$$m; -: OZ. of this Pure Wholesome Whiskey contains the same strength as a glass of wine and when made Into a "htgh-bair by diluting with mineral water or in a hot toddy or in a milk punch, makes an Ideal drink and the purest ot all stimulants. Every one should bare a bottle of "Golden Sheaf" in the medical cabinet. In cases of colds or chills It warms the blood and relieves congestion when other medicines fail. Iler&Cs The Willow Springs Distlry. Omaha, Neb LJ