Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 10

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Ch.ri.tmia Entertainment! to Hold
the Board for Remainder
of Week.
Christmas morning will find nil of ths
local church giving their annual Christ
mas prorrajns. Head of th children's
departments and committees of adults
hava ail been work In for several weeks
jweparing for the festival period and the
morning programs. Friday morning and
afternoon rrxwt of the leagues and young
people'e societies are planning to make
the rounda of the homes of the poor of
the 8011th Side, bringing their greeting!
of good cheer.
Sunday evening member of the Central
Interdenominational church will entertain
at fhrlr church with a special program.
A large Christmas tree haa been erected.
A program win be givejj by the primary
and Junior department! Friday evening
and glfla will b Attributed to the poor
by members of the Sunday school Satur
day afternoon. Christmas treea have been
erected at moat of the churches of tha
city for celebration on Chrlatmaa eva,
Friday night A an additional attraction
the church congregation will give a
beautiful Xmaa pageant In costumes with
appropriate eettlng and mualc.
At the Firat Preebyterlan and Oraoa
Methodist chnrrh sperlal programs will
alao be given. The program at the Flrat
church. Twenty-third and J atreeta. for
Thuraday morning, will be a followal
Organ Prelude
Anthem e'mg, O Heavens J. A. Weat
Jirmn It Came Upon the KUdnlaM
riear Wlllla
Offertory Oraan Voluntary
Solo Holy Night Adam
M las La ura Petersen.
Hymn Once In Koyal David City
Organ Prelude
John Ixsrkla Hlewi
The death of John Larkln. father of
Bernard Larkln, funeral director and
tleputy corner, will take from the Maglo
City on of It moat prominent Catholic
cltlcens. For twenty-eight year the
elder Larkln had been connected with the
Cudahy company lard refinery depart
ment and at the time of hie death
one of the few authorities In the lard
business of the country. Ills services
were considered Invaluable.
Mr. Larkln was FT years of age and
well known among members of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians and of St.
Mary's pariah. Although never aaaocl-
attng Intimately with other than his near
friends he was one of tha moat loved and
respected of th West Old. The funeral
arrangements will be announced later.
The Larkln undertaking establishment
cloned lt doors Immediately at th hour
of death and will remain ctosed until
after the funeral.
Oymaaalani Boost FlalsB.ed'.
Stenmflttcrs are working on th new
steam heating plant for th htgh school
gymnasium at Twenty-fourth and J
atreeta. Flpea were cut yesterday and
wilt be strung up today. Th plumber
plan to have all the'work don by the
flrat of the year. It haa taken several j
months to erect the : brick annex to tha
irymaaslom building, ' but the work Is
BraotJcarly completed', '
Windows will have to be put In and
ether minor fixtures Installed. Hob Mc
Gympsey will be Janitor ef the bt!ldlng.f
Basket' Hall fcaaae , ' "fy .
Captain Dryan Nixon of th South
High school ran his team through . a
stiff prartlce iaat evening at th South j
High school gymnasium.' Every' possible
effort will bo made to coach the team
Into form for the battle with th Alumni
Thuraday night. The team will practice
thia morning and afternoon after which
a day s rest will be taken befor the
special Manic at Methodist.
KjwcIhI music baa been announced by
Ir. J. W. Morris, pastor of th Grace
Methodist church, as a part of his
Chrlatmaa progrsm on the morning of
the th. The music will b aa follows: ,
The Heralding Star MKthew
Nesareth tlounod
The Shepherd's Story Dickinson
Solos by Miaa Oeorglana Da via, Jean
Je and Mrs. Mckabaugh.
Bewllaa; Score.
it. M. Id. Total.
Looking Into It
Bob Manlcy Has Birthday and
Unblushingly Discloses His Age
1-orlng 173
r.weu VJ1
Keeper 101
noot 171
J to ben
Harry Hehn
Neleen ,
' Totals
Chief Black Sea Port of King Ferdi
nand'! Country Captured by
Czar's Kaval Forces.
LONDON. Dec. J J The Dally
Chronclcle , reports .tha capture . of
Varna, Bulgaria's chief. Black Sea
port, by the Ruaalana. It aaya the
bombardment of the Russians sil
enced the Bulgarian funs and laid
the town In rulna, tha (irrlson suf
fering; heavily. . , ; . . . ,, y. ,,
The Russians then, according to
the report, landed Infantry and artll-
ery without loss and In sufficient
force to bold the town against Bul
garian attack. ' "i '
Varna a few miles gouth of the
Roumanian border, la a railway terminal.
Reports have been current for a
long time that the Ruaalana would
attempt an invasion of Bulgaria from
the aea and It baa been aaid that
forces ' for - this purpose were con
centrated at Odessa.
Million and a Half
Enlist in One Week
! LONDON, Dec. 12. James O'Orady.
member of Parliament for East Leeds
and a member of the Joint recruiting com
mittee, contributes an articlo to. the
Dally Sketch recording th progress of
enlistment under Karl Derby's scheme.
Mr. O'Orady says that the first week
produced only 127 recruits. Matters slowly
Improved, but even up to the end of
November the" response was not satis
factory. "We therefore resolved." says he, "to
bring off a spanking rally, as th result
of which the figures Jumped from 74,000
on one day to XM,onO on another and dur
ing the last strenuous .week. 1.53.o00 men
attested, while during th whole nine
weeks of the campaign soma 1,500.000 at
".Sure, thirty-nine years old today.
What's th use of trying to hide your
age? It's on record anyway. Anybody
who wanted to get It could look It up."
Thus Ilobert II. Msnley, commissioner
of the Commercial club, unhluahlngly told
his age when it waa suggested to him
that his birthday was about due yester
day Bob wos born Just five months and
eighteen days more than a century after
the Declaration of Independence was
signed. Bo he wss too late to do any
shooting In the revolution. H wss not
too late, however, to shoot mudhalls at
Charles Zehrung, es-mayor of Lincoln
and president of the Western league,
when Zehrung was the village dude a
good many years sgo.
Mr. Manley was born in Lincoln. He
grew to barefoot, mischievous boyhood
there, and then when young Zehrung was
something of a dude, wearing Ice cream
trousers In summer. Bob would hop be
hind the coal shed as the future mayor
strutted past and hurl mudhalls upon Ms
nice whit trousers. Kx-Mayor Zehrung,
although a good friend of M nicy's today,
will lick him yet when he teams Bob was
tha fellow that caused him such a large
cleaner's bill. ...
Tes, Manley waa born In Lincoln. He
was graduated from the University of
Nebraska there. Then Ross Hammond
of Fremont looked him over and told him
he waa too darned young to be city editor
of the Fremont Tribune. Manley con
vinced Hammond that he was not, so he
got the Job.
Many a time a paper waa lata when
Bob had to run across the street to act
as beat man tor a marriage ceremony a
Justice of the peace friend of Bob's was
performing. When a couple came in that
had no beat man and bridesmaid with
them, the old Julge used to throw the
window wide open and whistle through
his teeth to the young city editor across
the street Bob would be on the Job Im
mediately, and thus h was the best
man for about six score of cotiples dur
ing his short stay at Fremont
Later Manley wanted to see a bigger
city. He went to work for the Record
Herald In Chicago, and later for the Tri
bune. Bom twelve years ago ha landed
In Omaha aa advertising manager of the
Brandois Stores. Ten years later the
Commercial club took him away from
there. That's how it happened that he
had his thirty-ninth ' birthday In the
commissioner's office at the club rooms.
A Room for th Roomev, or a Roomer
for th Room. Be Want Ads Do th
w 7i7 rra 2iw
. 1M
. 145
. I
. 1
. 1W
ltd. Total
fc3 173 M MB
Mania Clly Ul.
Office space for rent n Bee Office,
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. ttouih If J.
W. O. Ktephana. veteran shipper fVom
Rumner. Neb., waa a visitor at the stock
yarde yesterday, bringing with him con
siderable live stock. ...
The meeting of Clover Leaf rutin, No.
. which waa to have beern held Thurs
day evening at a local hall, haa been
postponed un account of the Chrlatmaa
All business at the local stock yards
Market will be suspended all day Cnriat
nuut day, Ivormber 1. Any stock that
1a shlpix-d in will be taken car of. but
no sales will be made.
"Merry Xmaa' for years to come may
be the result of giving the onea you love
a savings account biok from th Live
Mock National Hunk. Four per cent paid
on saving. tm oolisr opens an account.
lltlon No. S. AncUnt Order of Hiber
nians will lnet Wednesday e renin
Hi. Mary'a shool hoiia at Thlrly-alxth
sirevm ai a t riw k lo make tr-
rnnnini for the funeral of Brother
."The City of Bethlehem as It Was In
the Time of ChrlHt" will he .... e th.
features that will be presented by mem
bers of th Central lntardcnutiiinatlonal
church at Twenty-filth and M streets
cunuay evenlriK. lirnullfiil Chriatin..
iiiukic that bus hwu in preparation for
' ..ui isv a1. -
John Nixon, prominent alumni foot
I'Hll and basket ball hero, has lust re
turned (ran a snort trip to Wyotnins
lie la her to play with tb Alumni
basket hall ciulntct eaalnst th high
e.twi ivam i nu(iv evening.
Wsiit ads for The Hee may be left
The 11- s branch office, rl N. ht. Kates
2c a word for one time., i'-jc a Word each
uy fur three days and K- a Word each
day for a week. I'eauipt aad lourteous
arl:. (
Miaa Emily N) strum, loeal" honor
t:ia'lua!e, v bo is eltiiliiig the Kebraska
We.i-yKn timieisjty. wm return to spend
llie hiutnuta li",..tY wu'i her
Mrs. Wilson Eeads '
to the President
HOT SPRIN08, "vT. Dec tl. Quit a
barf ' honeymoon colony haa gatbsred
her stive the arrival of President Wil
son and hi bride Sunday and they are
all planning to stay over for th elabor
ate Christmas celebration In which th
White Houe eoupl ar expected to par
ticipate. .
A long walk In th cold Virginia moun
tain air and a fifty mil automobile
drive to neighboring springs occupied th
president and Mrs. Wilson must of th
day. They stopped during th drive at
a famous old hotel to see registers signed
by Thomag Jefferson and other notable
figure In American history, Ut fh
th afternoon th president worked for
znoro than aa hour on correspondence,
and tonight Mrs. Wilson read to him
from th store of books brought along
from Washington.
Beoret service men were busy again
today warding off photographers and
moving picture men wis continue on th
alert In spit of th president's order
against them.
A "For "ale" ad will turn second -hand
furnltur Into cash.
Can Sell Horse Meat
as Food in New York
NKW TORK. Deo. It -Bale of horn
meat lor rood will be permitted In New
York after January I. the board of health
announced today. Commenting upon the
revocation of th section of th sanitary
cod which prohibited the use of horse
flesh. Commissioner Emerson said that
mi v neaitn aepanraeni aoe not
exactly recommend It, no harm can be
seen In Its use.
"Th hare never has tuberculosis and
almost never communicate a malignant
dleeaa t human being." . he said.
"Hereafter old borsea. Instead of being
sold for their bones, which are worth
lltU or nothing, will be fattened and
disposed of for meat."
Dr. Kknerson announned that apeclal
precautions will be taken to prevent the
sale ef horseflesh In the gulae of veal or
LOGAN, la,. Deo. a. Spedal.) Dis
regarding tha danger of suffocation and
being burned alive under th falling roof.
Mrs. Oeorge A. Howard ran up th
stairs, groping her way on her hands
and knees through one burning room
after another, and rescued her 1-year-old
nephew when tha Hill farm bouse burned
three miles north of Logan, yeatarday
When Mrs. Howard saw th upper part
of the building on fire, sh ran to give
th alarm by phon and by ringing th
dinner bell, and then heard tha boy's
plaintive cry upstairs, where he had
crawled to se the fire first hand.
Though Mrs. Howard waa unable to ee
th lad because of the blinding amok
In th first room, sh crawled on her
hands and knees to th second room,
where she found th boy nearly suffo
cated on th floor, and dragged him
back and out and down th stairs with
ths fir falling around her.
Mir. Howard and neighbor heard th
th alarm by phon and by ringing th
the determined work of forty farmers
th fire was extinguished, but not until
th building and household goods war
practically In ruins. The loss Is estimated
at from fa to II. Mo with but tUO in
surance. A defect! v flu caused tha
Mrs. Howsrd has suffered a nervous
collapse and Is now very 11L
French Children
. Get War Toys as
Christmas Gifts
(Correepondenc of the Associated Press)
PARIS, Deo. n. The present holiday
season . finds th French toy-shops
stocked, probably for the first time In
four years, with toys exclusively of
French manufacture. The Germans with
what was practically a monopoly on toys,
formerly exported Into France some
$4,000,000 worth of toys every year, par
ticularly leaden soldiers and doll heads.
It la probably also true that the chil
dren of France, who form an army of
sora (.000,000 were never so thoroughly
equipped with war toys as they will be
thl year. There Is no evidence from the
stores that tha preparation for the
Christmas and New Year celebrations
ar any leas elaborate than usual, and
It Is everywhere noticed that the win
dows and shelves are filled with aero
planes, Zeppelins, hand grenades, forts,
rifles, pistols, sabres, machine guns,
cannon, and soldiers dressed In uniforms
of the British, Russian, Italian and
French armies and ' German soldiers
too, for opponents. The old-time play
things of children have entirely disap
peared from the stores. The children
wtl not have anything that Isn't modeled
for warfare. So warlike are the girls that
th toys of the boys serve for them also,
av for th dolls, and even they. Instead
of wearing their usual finery of silks
and satins, are plainly dressed aa Red
Cross nurses with whole outfit of band
ages and surgical Instruments at their
A surprising fidelity to truth and fact
Is shown In all th war toys, for If th
toy were not so mad they would not
sell. All the children are thornurhlv
versed In rollltery affairs and they must
have everything faithful to detail. Then
tha tiny guns shoot, th th search
lights shine and the barbed wire for the
trenches really cuts.
. The favorite outfit to be that of a
mln and trench construction toy which,
when properly put together, constitutes
an entire set of French and German
Three Americans at
Monastir Are Safe
Dec. a. Dr. Henry Forbes of Boston.
Dec. 21.) Dr. Henry Forbes of Boston,
Mrs. Walter Farwell. a Chicago news
paper correspondent, and Mlsa Mitchell
are sate and well at Monastir.
Salonikl dispatches received yesterday
said that Dr. Forbes and Mrs. Farwell
are being held In Monastir by the Bul
garians, who had torn down the American
flag from the Red Cross hospital, of :
which Dr. Forbes Is In charge and had
seized flour which the Red Cross was dis
tributing to civilians.
(Correspondence of th Aaaoolated Press.)
GENEVA. Switsertand. Dec. 10.-Th
volume of work which th Swiss postal
servlc has handled In behalf of pris
oners of war is enormous, Since th wsr
began Switzerland haa relayed a total
of 30,000.000 letters and 10,500,000 packages
to prisoners In Oermany and Austria
and 2S,000,ooo letters and LOOO.OOO packages
to prisoners In France. For the most
part the peeks ges contain foodstuffs.
LONDON, Dec. 21 Th London
Gasette publishes today a government In
vitation to holders of American and
Canadian dollar securities to place them
at th dlsposl of the treasury, either hv
sale or loan. The accompanying memor
andum says that no purely sterling
securities will be accepted and that It 1
essential that all securities tendered be
expressed In United States or Canadian ,
currency or If expressed In sterling that1
they shall be convertible at th holders'
option into dollar securities.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LIVERPOOL, Dee. 21.-The more Im
portant steamship losses during th month
of October are estimated by th Liver
pool Underwriters' association at a cost
of over $11,000,000. of which over half Is
attributed to flie war. Sailing ships'
lesses are estimated at $400,000, of which
$20,000 was due to the war.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press)
LONDON. Dec. 2L Toys made by
Polish refugees have to a considerable
degree replaced German toys In th
Christmas market in London this year.
The designs for the toys were made by
dlstreesed Polish artists In London and
Paris and executed by refugees men,
women and children In England, Franc
and th Scandinavian countries. Most
of th toys ar of wood, showing model
of Polish peasants, their cottages, and
their farm or household utensils.
. "We have a big stock of frBh Christmas greens just ar
rived. Christmas trees in all sizes, from 35c to $5.00. Best
fir and pine trees.
We have also a big stock of evergreen, holly, magnolia
and mistletoe wreaths. Holly, magnolia and mistletoe in bulk.
Order your Christmas greens now, while the stock is
large and fresh.
Come and look over onr assortments of Christmas nnta,
candies and other sweets all kinds of foreign and domestic
A Courtney & Co. A
a xTrt
m asj
When in BOSTON Stay at thb
A high clan, modern house, intelligent service; pleasant rooms, superior cuiaina,
Ladle traveling alon ar assured of courteous attention.
CuaoecsR) Pkan. Sinoic Room. tie; with sjavH St. 00 us,
DousLt " a.oo "
Amaican Plan, tM.OO sen oar us rtgD g. mncs, rsoesirr
-"" 'Siiiiiiiin ' in 1 I, s'csmnmmZm
1 j
W wtll give fr o
Chajg with full quern
of Kruno Rye at
chargea prepaid;
Five Premiums
41 ttuuih
Mr. and M'S. Nysiru
i Ultlj -til l Strtrt.
Patfv.n of tv l Iheahxr ssw the
Vitat rHi h aerial. "I i-," that is
tiiiS r.n i ! ! .! !iu iio. Thoa
.ti.. su.iM-hI ll.e i.rat Installment
1.0. :i ' 1 anvn the HxitMi If turw rvu.
Mmiic,.t ;" Atkiu Is altcd at the
ut-u tf lliu piay.
Lin.! Thii"oti, pluiutM-r. living at
Ti-iity-f. 1.: il, . i ( sirw,ia, p down
tin- i-.,r fi ft 'I ttie Mtu and ftiripea
miI'kmi. To v 1.1 in and K airwta,
(inti 1. iLor . r. frianiUinn
i.,t. i 1 1 i,e wi.un.1 ar, he waa )!.
;ut,l.. 1 I...;. 11. U' l,t.u, i-u.uc in'ulttnr.
Baltimore Officials
Dislike Vice Report
BALTIMORE. MM.. Dec. j a.-Haynr
James 11. Prrstcn and tbv board of esti
mate, th governing Board of th city,
at their mart lug today protested agalast
the report of th vlu commission al
leging bad moral conditions In flalttmore,
made public yesterday.
"No such condition lists,' said ths
mayor. "As a general victor of Balti
more life end as a picture of the mural
condition in Baltimore th report Is
scandalous end uutruu" . . , ...
Mij rive Premiums
, A A fine hand painted
' V rad and butter
1 China r.l.i. W..B.
s - - nsB-w, m iw"
I tl of fin Callfor.
IT 1 nl rt . win, a.
r 1 g'd stxhad whls-
aey aiasa. pooket
cerkaivew and a
Itll calendar.
Thl whiskey Is
twttled upresaly
far our trad and
1 aold direct to
you. w guaraJt
i mu wblakty
to be ketUr tfcan
Other Mia smta
old rye that Bella
at doable th
Orders wast of
tns ttocklaa must
call for 11 cjaartg
Our releranca ta UmaJia Natlonai Bank.
Mali your orasra ve
tl North Min t. Omahs. Nab.
llF? VUlk,n thll yOU muit Bhor,?n yaP ,let ot Hfta bacause ot lack of ready money, it caa all b easily arranged at our store. All
you har to do la to opea a charge account with us and pay later, aa suit, your conyenlence. You caa give a fine Diamond. Watch or other hand
aome Jewelry and nerer mlsa the money. Plenty of bargain, for late shoppers. Even If you hare been accustomed to paying cash, there is no need
to draw on your reaenre fund. Select all the gifts you wlah and have everything charged in one account. Come In the early morning.
The 8 tore of th Tuwra
? ' ' ,
A Pair of Suspenders . .
(Fancy or I'lniu)
50 TO $1.50
Drowning, KingfiCo.
Gifts for Women
Diamond Rlnga f 15.00 and up
Diamond La, Valllereg. . . .$8.00 and up
Diamond Brooches 17. BO and up
Diamond Bar Pins $11. 60 and up
Diamond Lockets $5.00 and up
Diamond Bar Screws $8.00, and up
Diamond Bracelets $15. 00 and up
Diamond Set Watches, solid gold, $25 up
Watch Bracelets, solid gold. $34.75 up
Watch Bracelets, gold filled. $14.50 & u
Watchea, solid gold $14.50 and np
Bracelets, solid gold. ... $10.00 and up
Bracelets., gold filled. . . . . $4.00 and up
Vanity Cases $5.00 and up
Solid Oold Beads $8.00 and up
Pearl Beads $1.60 and up
8tnt Rings $3.00.andup
Solid Oold Neck Chains. . .$2.50 and np
Cased In velvet
ring box, reaAy
for presentation.
awn St4
Iri "Tsssy Iss's hiwiw"
Ne.4 Mse's PississS
Hlua. STsna TMlk
SMMittilna i4k sIM
s.m) etftCC
aallsbss fmiS. Vuu a wk
list Ladles' R I a s.
huioT la solid told
mnuntlns. B a a I isb
finish, flas DUmAM
Mvsrul fr S 1 tt
tM a Month
Loftis Perfection
Diamond Ring
03 Finest quaJity
pure white Diamond,
perfect In cut and full
of fiery bril
liancy. Skill
fully mounted
in our famous
Loftis "P e r
fectlon" s i x
prong ring
14k solid gold
Special valuei
for Christmas
Loftis Perfection
Diamond Ring
This exquisite Ring
stands alone as the
most perfect Diamond
Ring ever pro
d u 0 e d. It is
f a u 1 1 1 esely
s y m metrical,
embodying all
the lines of
lellcacy and
beauty with
be necessary
ecurity and
Crdlt Terms
Gifts for Men
Diamond Rings $25.00 and up
Diamond Cuff Links $7.60 and up
Diamond Scarf Pins $4. 50 and up
Diamond Studs ......... $16.00 and up
Emblem Rings ......... $6.00 aad up
Signet Rings $4. 60 and up
Solid Gold Watches $31.60 and us
Oold Filled Watches. ... $10.00 and up
Solid Gold Coat Chains. . . . $5.00 and up
Gold Filled Coat Chains. . $2.50 and up
Solid Gold Fobs $5. 00 and up
Gold Filled Fobs. ...... .$2.60 and up
Solid Gold Cuff Links. . . . $4.60 and up
Gold Filled Cuff Links. . . . $2.60. and up
Emblem Charms $1.00 and up
Combination Cuff Link Set. $3.60 and up
Sterling Silver Match Safes, $3.00 and up
Cigarette Cases ..$4. 60 and np
Ladies' Ring,
fine diamonds, set in
platinum; band of
ring Is 14k COO
solid jruhl SwO
1 Month.
Iltt-Udla' ar Msa's
Ring. Pass Twist B.I-
chsr. Us sons sold. fin.
brilliant DlsmoaS. pnrrl
a a Month
1104 Men's FUt
uicasr Kiu. its soil
sold, lrs sptrkllna
i;'04 $62.50
tsxas a Month
11 Ladles' Fancy
Engraved Rope Bel
cher, 14k solid gold,
a.60 a Month
734 R o u n d Beleher
Cluster Ring, 14k aolld
gold, 7 fine Diamonds
ant In platinum; looks
Ilka a single CCA
1-carat stone. .
aa.OO a Month.
Diincnd La Vtlliers Scarf Pia
114 La VallUr.
olid gold, blaea
enamel. 1 fine Dia
mond. 1 real fearV
H-ln. chain.
tl.M a Month
we ar allowing Bixas Scarf
Solid Cold Wrist Watoh
With Solid Gold Extension Ilracelet
75 S2.50
a Month
1 r M.' T.
beautiful Una of
, - new La ValMere
"In all th. kateat
C" faahlonabl d -
lra solid - Oold
- . aa
VX wlth gulna Dia
mond aad Pearls.
Pin. solid gold
1 poarL 1
genuin Dia
mond $8.50
$1 a Month
Wrist Watch Caa and Rracelet
are both fine 14k solid gold. Lver set. full
or gol
nickel Jeweled, either white Oit
4 dial Guaranteed . . . mo arm.
( ,yr-tMiiiiiwiisi wwi wiiuiiti
I sHlas ass Msnla
Oiarm. eoltd
oman rinisn, r r
W ?1 8711 H.
A. Q ,,f gold. R
VA . -. ,s gnul
ins Diamond
$1 a Month
Ear Screws
Wsulda't reit rstbsr
mans a srssmt sf !
ssndsDSM Kar Scrsws.
an par ssoathly thaa
si soiastiiiaa vaius
lm la era. t par
HBO Vktf Screws.
14S ssi la sols. I (is.
brillissi Die 01 o a 4 s
.Y?01' $90
w a Month
17-JeweI S1075
WAlth&m or Hampdeo
No. 19 Genuine, ac
curate timekeeping
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