Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Omahaj Daily
PAr cm.
VOL, XI jV NO. 161.
Oa Trains, at Kotl
Jews Steads, So,
Members of the Commiuions and
Their Attorney Spend Day in
Conference Debating What
Coarse to Pursue.
That of Appealing from Decision of
Commerce Commission Decided
Only Way to Secure Relief.
Members of the state railway
commissions of five of the states that
are included within the boundaries
of Western Passenger association
territory, together with the attor
neys general and legal representa
tives of the commission met In con
ference in Omaha yesterday to de
vice ways and means for combatting
the recen decision of the Interstate
Commerce commission authorizing
the railroads to increase their pas
senger rates from 2 to 2.4 cents per
mile. The meeting was practically
contlnuons; starting at 10 o'clock in
the morning and concluding at 6
o'clock last night, with one-half hour
taken out for lunch.
When final adjournment was
taken last night Clifford Thome of
the Iowa State Railway commission
for the commissioners and for the
legal representatives gave out the
following, asserting that no final ac
tion was taken and that no line of
.action was decided upon:
' "It was the sens of the meeting that
the decision of the Interstate Commerce
commiffllon in the western piesenger
advance rate rase in ita general applica
tion and the baala followed by the conv
mtMion In reaching its conclusion ai
subject to serious legal objection, and
that the varioua states should resist the
order of the commission increasing pas
senger fares throughout the west pro
i vidlng methods of review in court exist,"
-. Those Who Were Here.
The meeting was held behind cloned
doors at the Hotel Iyal and was
attended by the following: Clifford
Thorne, chairman; II. T. Clarke. T. F.
Hall and H. O. Taylor of the Nebraska
commission; Clifford Thorns. "Wayne El
lis and J. Jr. Wilson of the Iowa commis
sion; . C. E. Etmqulat of the Minnesota,
rnmmlnlon: .. V.; JL ,.Jitotman . of... the
North Dakota eorrrmUtelon- IT. G. Powell,,
rate clerk of the Nebraska commission;
Willis Reed, attorney general for Ne
braska; - fyrian Kmtth, attorney general
for Minnesota: Attorney General Cozxens,
Iowa: A. Helm, attorney general for Kan
sas; J. W. Murphy and H. K. Rltzlng. as
sistants to the attorney general of Kan
sas. In addition to a battery of chief
clerks and stenographers.
It is not probable that the meeting of
members of state railway commissions
and attorneys will end the fight against
the advancing of passenger rates as
authorised by the Interstate Commerce
commission. It la possible that this meet
ing marks the beginning of a legal battle
w netween the states in western rasaenger
soclation territory and the railroads, a
battle that perhaps will Inst for years.
Three Propositions.
When the commissioners and attorneys
went Into session yesterday they were
confronted by three propositions. One
was that they drop the fight against the
advance in rates and accept the decision
of the Interstate Commerce commission
as Doing final. This proposition was
dropped without being given serious con
sideration. The second proposition that came up,
but which was not given serious thought,
wss that of asking for a rehearing before
the commission. This was quickly re
jected. It being generally asserted that
the Interstate Commerce commission hav
ing decided In favor of the advance from
t to 1.4 cents per mile could hardly be
expected to reverse Itself.
The third and last proposition to re
ceive consideration was that of an ap
peal to the United States court, and If
any action Is taken this will be the final
outcome. However, the State Railway
(Con Unwed on Page Two, Column Four.)
The Weather
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. Deg.
U 5 a- m 3 ".
i vi 6 a, m jii
IC?kV j T a. m
a. m 8
i la. m 38
J L' W a. m i
H Jja L ii a. m :
;'. r T 13 m 45
- 2 D. m M
E 3 p. in 4
V 4 p. Ill nl
" 6 p. m nO
I p. m i
8 p. ra ao
Comparative Loral Record.
1H15. 1S14. 1913. W12.
Highest yesterday M :'4 2 40
Lowest yesterday 34 10 14 2b
Mean temperature u 19 22
Precipitation T oo .00 .00
Temperature and 'precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 2
Kxt-eha for the day 17
Total deficiency since March 1 M3
.Normul precipitation 03 Inch
Iric!eu-y fur the day 03 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. .. .H.lw Inches
Deficiency Klnce Mar.-h 1 t.01 Inchest
Deficiency for cor. iierlid. 1H. .1 in inches
deficiency for cor. period, mi. 5.33 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
6tatlon and State Temp. High- Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, partly cloudy.. 4 ', .u
'1 avenuurt. cloudy 40 4
mnver. partly cloudy.... 6i oi
Ies Moines, cloudy 44 4 .
North Platte cloudy 4. ut
mr.alia, mining 47 M ,T
PueMo, clear 5 70 .01
Rapid City, clear 42 M T
Halt Lake City, cloudy... 4 4i r
tSinla re. clear W .(
r-heiidan. cloudy V. M .A)
floui t-:ty, partly cloudy 4S SO T
Valentine, cloudy fci .00
T Indicates tra of precipitation
L. A. WEUH. lcal Forecaster.
1 zfl
Douglaa Hotel Company, Which
Owni Fontenelle Property, De
clares 3 Per Cent Dividend.
Although In operation only ton
nionths, Motel Fontenelle, Omaha's
new $1,250,000 enterprise, is already
proving such a successful Investment
for tho builders that the Douglas
Hotel company, which owns the
property, has been able to declare a
substantial dividend.
At a special meeting at the Omaha
National bank the board of directors
of the owning company declared a
dividend, which will amount to prac
tically 6 per cent por year, according
t' Explanation by Gurdon W. Wat
t'rs, president of the company. The
dividend will cover the year ending
July 1. 1916, 'Which date really
marks the close of the first full year
of the operation of the big hotel,
after It was entirely completed.
Three Per tent Deelarra.
The dividend as declared will bo 3 per
cent for the half year Just cloning, pay
ehle January 1, and the other 3 per cent
will he paid at the end of tho first six
months of the new year.
Tho final report of the building com
mittee wag accepted and congratulations
were expressed over the favorable set
tlements secured with both the con
tractor and tho tenant for the tardy com
pletion of the building. A penalty of
t&.O'iO damages for this was collected
from the contracting firm. Secretary
A. I Iiced reported, and then a satis
factory settlement for the delay was
made with the Inter-State Hotel com
pany, the firm that leases and operates
the 'Fontenelle.
Total ('ost Wilkin Estimate.
It was also reported that the big hotel
was completed at a total cost well within
the estimates, the contractor's original
bill having been reduced $15,000 more. In
addition to the money paid as penalty for
lote completion.
Great enthusiasm marked the meeting
of directors, because of the successful
completion of the big enterprise and
because of the fact that It Is already
a paying proposition to the public spirited
and prominent citizens who Invested
their money to give Omaha a fine new
Directors Sny They Are Dolni Rven
Better Thaa They Expeeted.
Directors of-the Interstate Hotel com
pany, which leases and operates the Fon
tenelle. have not heldj their annual meet
ln.yet. Vnder. their lease, .thev pay the
owning company' approximately 6 per
cent net per year for the use of the hotel
property, and the fact that the owning
company la declaring 1t present generous
dividend shows that the leasing company
Is making its payments promptly.
"Our expectations for the first year's
business have been more than realised,-'
said Managing Director Abraham Bur
bank of the Fontenelle, "Patronage has
been gratifying, and we nro coming' out
very well financially.
"Each month's business since the open
ing last spring baa shown a fine in
crease, in spite of the late opening, dull
summer tourist patronage on account of
the excessively wet season, smd the gen
eral slackening of hotel business through
out the country because of the war. We
have enjoyed a very encouraging share
of the hotel business coming Into Omaha.
Ksneef n n Inereiise.
"Our directors and stockholders living
In Syracuse, N. Y., told me on my last
visit there that they were very well
satisfied with the results so far. We
look forward to even better business after
the first of the year. k
"The Fontenelle is now well advertised,
well thought of and firmly established
In the approval of Omahans and the
traveling public, and is rated as well as
any In the country."
An adjustment of rates will be made
January 1, Mr. Burbank said, to meet the
popular demand for accommodations at
not over $1.60 per day. The Fontenelle
will at that time change its rate on a
certain number of rooms with private
shower bath, making them II 50 instead of
$2 per day. At the same time another
innovation will be the serving of a 75-eent
table d'hote luncheon in the main
restaurant, while the business men's
hasty luncheon at 65 cents will be con
tinued In the men's cafe.
Strike of Chicago
Switchmen Averted
CHICAGO. Dec. 53.SetUement of the
threatened strike of ism switchmen em
ployed by roads entering Chlcarn. was
announced today, when the railroad gen
eral managers' committee informed the
Brotherhood of Trainmen officials that
they would agree to the employes' con
tention that transfer trains should carry
caDooses. . A minor point of difference.
Involving the reinstatement of a conduc
tor, it was given out would be adjusted
Lawyer Shoots and
Kills Two Men
BATON ROUGE, I.. Dec. 22.-Albert
L. Knox, surveyor of customs for the
port of New Orleans and 'prominent
Ixulslana attorney, shot and killed Ben
Foster, an attorney of Hattiesbarg. Miss.,
and Alex Frank o of Matchltoches, I., In
a railroad station here this afternoon.
PARIS, Dec. 22. According to a
dispatch to the Meusaggero from
Malta, forwarded by the Havaa cor
respondent at Home, au Austrian
submarine has been captured by two
torpedo boats, presumably Italian.
erick Schleindl, employe of the Nati City bank, charged
with stealing documents rektinr0v"Vc V munitions; at the
top, ri s Richard Emil Ley' New York art dealer,
who, with Paul Kbenig, H " . American line official, is
neia on cnarg-e or attemr" 4
Federal . Authorities . Believe They
Have Thing- Needed to Clinch
NEW YORK, Dec.: 22. Edmund
Justice, a night, watchman, em
ployed by the Atlas Steamship com
pany, a subsidiary ot the Hamburg
American line, was arrested by fed
eral officers this afternoon, charged
with being a party to the conspiracy
directed from this country against
the entente allies ' by Paul Koenlg
and other alleged German agents.
With the arrest of Justice at his
home in south Brooklyn, the au
thorities believe they have found the
"missing link" in the Koenlg case.
It Is chanted that, at Koenfgs direc
tion. Justice accompanied Frederick
Metzler under arrest to Quebec and there
sought to determine the number of troops
being sent to the 1'nlted Kingdom, and to
learn what ships they would sail on, and
details of artillery equipment and other
applies being sent abroad.
It Is alleged that such activities were
part of a military plot directed from
the United HLates and as such violated
federal statutes.
Brlackea Will Move to Dismiss.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 22,-Baron
George Wilheltn Von Brlncken. attached
to the German consulate here. Charles
C. Crowley, a detective and Mrs. Mar
garet Cornell, were granted todar a
delay until Friday to enter pleadings to
charges of participation In alleged Ger
man bomb plots. When they appeared
today It was announced that Bamuel
Pratt of Reno, Nev former United
States district attorney in Nevada, was
associated with counsel for the defense.
The defendants' attorneys said they
would make a motion to quash the in
dictments Friday, on the grounds the
Indictments were too broad and did not
specify the time, place or manner of the
crimes alleged and that there was not
enough information In them to enable
them to obtain witnesses.
If the motion to squash should be
denied It was said other legal rights
would be used, such as the filing of
a demurrer and a demand for a kill of
The delay granted today waa given by
Judge Maurice T. Doollng of the United
States district court upon the defendants
of the motion. A speedy trial waa doslred
by tbe defendants. It was stated pre
viously by counsel for the defease.
Sofia Paper Says
Serbia Plotted the
Death of Archduke
BBKLI.V. Dec. 22.-1 Hy Wireless to Bay
vine.) "According to the Sofia newspa
per Dnevnik." says the Overseas News
Agency today, "the former Bulgarian
minister to Serbia, M. Tchaprachlkoff,
says the Bulgarian government holds
proof In writing that the tferbtan gov
ernment was a direct accomplice in the
aassssinatlon of Archduke Francis Fer
dinand at Birajevo. The Bulgarian gov
ernment. It was stated, will soon puhllxh
the documents."
- --- .1. .11... if '" insf . w
up the welland canal.
i .........
Member of. ConjnJting- Board Re
sign So He Can Attack Pre
paredness Program.
NEW YOTIK, Dec. 22. Henry A.
Wise Wood, representative of the
American Society of AeronauUc con
gress, today announced his resigna
tion aa a member of the naval con
sulting board recently appointed by
Secretary of the Navy Daniels.
His action was taken, he said, be
cause he disapproves as inadequate
for the country's defense the naval
program proposed by the adminis
tration. He will continue, he said,
to serve aa a consultant to members
of the board.
Policy Daugeroosly Weak.
Mr. Wood says in his letter of resigna
tion to Secretary Daniels that he had re
tired "In order that I shall be free to
attack the thoroughly Inadequate, and
therefore dangerously weak, naval and
military policy of the president aa ex
pressed In Secretary GsrrUon's- and your
own recommendations, and to urge pub
licly that the recommendations of the
general board of the navy and general
staff of the army, as contained In the
original reports, be substituted therefor.
"If our homes, our people, our institu
tions and our rights are worthy of pres
ervation at all. they are entitled to the
most Impregnable safeguards which
trained men ran devise and our enormous
wealth create."
After outlining the way In which, he
declares, the original program of the gen
eral board of the navy submitted to the
administration last July was weakened
by the substitution of another and "less
adequate program," Mr. Wood said Is:
"Thus tbe administration offers us
neither enough strength at sea to resist
thereon the fleets of the foremost powers,
nor enough strength ashore to prevent
tbe successful landing of the armies of
such nations, for which their superior
navies could easily clear the way."
Mr. .Wood Is chairman of the confer
ence committee on national preparedness,
composed of nine organisations working
for national defense. I
Foreign Trade of
for November
WASHINGTON, Iee. U. Foreign trade
of the 1'nlted States hi November Jumped
to the unprecedented total ot half a bil
lion dollars. A Department of Coramirrt
statement Issued today shows that Im
ports as well as exports broke records
for the monh. A record of I5.0u0.000 for
the last twelve months' exports and Im
ports was set.
NoverakMir Imports were tlM, 119.11s,
more by IH.iwO.OO than the previous No
vember record, made In 1911 November
exports of IU1.144,!J7 were the greatest of
any month In the country's history. The
best ptevlous month was last October,
when exports werei eJ:.u).2M.
Twelve months' Imports to November 80
aggregated $1.730.251. 3. against Sl.&84i,.
'tn for the preceding year, . The year's
Nine Hundred Soldiers Killed
Wounded or Taken Prisoners
in Desperate Fig-ht Near
Chihuahua City.
Rebel Chief Still at Large and None
Knows Where He Keeps
LAREDO. Tex., Dec. 22. Car
rania troops under General Jacinto
Trevlno engaged what remained of
tho Villa army in a fierce battle yes
terday and today at Mapula, ten
miles outside Chihuahua City, in
flicting a severe defeat, according to
reports reaching here. Nine hundred
Villa soldiers were killed, wounded
or taken prisoners, according to ad
vices to Carransa officials in Nuevo
The Carrnnan losses were said to
have been ship 11.
They Flaht Desperately,
General Trevlno with his soldiers, who
have advanced rapidly In Ch.huahua dur
ing the last ten days, encountered the
Villa soldiers moving southward. A fierce
battle eimuod In which no quarter waa
shown. The Villa soldiers fought desper
ately snd the battle lasted all yesterday
afternoon and waa prolonged through the
night In the streets of the village of Mau-
plla were strewn with dead when firing
The leader of the Villa soldiers waa not
learnt d. Troops engaged were said to
have been the remnants of a force un
til recently operating In Bonora.
Makes Marked Proaress.
KU PASO, Tex., Dee. 23. The de facto
government of Mexico made marked pro
gress tixlny In assumption of civil and
military authority through the territory
surendered recently by followers of
Francisco Villa, according . to reports
reaching here from various sources.
Villa's whereabouts was still unknown
General Jacinto Trevlno, at the head
of a military force, representing the de
facto government, waa reported to have
occupied Chihuahua City. General Ai-
varo Obregon, whose forces recently
drove Oenoral Villa from Bonora, was
said to be n route from Nogalas Ut
Juares to assume military control.
i Jteaaaaeea Villa Caaae.
Oenoral Manuel' Ochoa. former Villa
J military chief at Juares, today, renounced
the Ilia cause' and Joined the da facto
government. - Temporarily he had been
placed In control of the surrendered ter
ritory by Mexican Consul Andreas Oarcla.
Hlpollto Villa, brother of the deposed
chief, was said to have left Juares for
Pan Antonio, Tea.
General Jose Kodrlgues, until recently.
one of Villa's principal leaders, was re
ported with a small force at Casas
Orandes. Ills attitude twoard the de facto
government was unknown here.
General Ochoa, the only officer of the
Villa faction In Juares who did not sign
the agreement of surrender December 20,
after accepting the terms of the peace
pact today Issued a proclamation to the
people on behalf of himself and his troops
pledging alliance to the de facto govern
ment. The proclamation was published
after Andreas Q. Oarcla, Carransa con
sul here, bad overruled the action of
former Villa generals to place General
Tsabel Robles In charge ot civil and
(Continued on Page Four, Column Five.)
Little Girl Shot by
Watchman at the
City Dump May Die
Ida Ptroud. S years of age, M02 North
Thirteenth street, was wounded when a
revolver held In the hands of Fred Uaker,
a watchman at the city dump, was dis
charged this afternoon.
llaker declared the shooting waa aocl
dental. He fired the revoivrr, he said, to
frighten away several men who ap
proched the little girl and a companion,
Jiasel Compaton,. IS years of age. In a
threatening manner.
The little girl who was wounded did
not weep, but sat In the ambuianca In
silent anguish.
"Why don't you cry. little girl?" she
was asked.
"Haxel and I were playing soldier wlttv
our brothers." she said, "and soldiers
don't cry when they are shot."
The two girls live near the dump and
were wandering about the place when the
shooting occurred.
Ida waa shot In the side, the bullet
passing through her body and eame out
the other side.
The girls said the watchman shot In
the direction of the Compstnn girl.
The physicians held out little hope for
her recovery.
United States
Half Billion Dollars
exports were 3,.17,'0:.6'W. $l,juO,i,lfjO
more than the pwt-ttlng year and
nearly ll,000,000,noe moro tlian two years
The great amount of gold pouring Into
the I nlled States Is shown In the state
ment that $l,0tt),ft00 In gold arrived In
November. Only tT.MO.uw reached this
country In Novemler, lau. Twelve
months' Imports of gold aggregated M10,
M.7t. compared with Mi,M.ia6 in 1W.
November gold exports were only J-1.M1.-112.
sgalnst IU.UI6.tiiJ the rreoedlng No
vember. During the last twelve months
gold valued at IU.ft7.Mi7 left America, as
compared with aa,067,sa the year before.
The net In war gold movement In the
last twelve months was $-1X1,13. 41 8. against
a net outward movement the year be
for of tniTuu7a
Vienna Government Told that S
port of Austrian Commander Saf
ficient Basil for Demand.
WASHINGTON. Dec. S3. Tha re
ply of the 1'nlted States to Aua
trla's note on the destruction of th)
Italian liner Anoona declares that
the official admission of the Aus
trian admiralty that the liner was
torpedoed after it had stopped and
while passengers still were aboard,
alone is sufficient for the American
demand for disavowal, reparation
and punishment of the submarine
Secretary Lansing's second note,
already probably In the hands of the
Austrian foreign minister and made
publln here today, renews the de
mands of the United States and says
the details to which Austria referred
Ha reply to the first American com
munication are In no way essential
to tbe discussion.
Pali Tent of Mote.
It emphasises that continuance of good
relations between the two countries de
pends upon the action of the Austrian
government. The full text of the note,
which la addressed to American Ambas
sador Penfleld, follows:
"The government of the tTnlted States
has received the note of your excellency
relative to the sinking of the Ancona,
which was delivered at Vienna on Decem
ber 15. 1815, and transmitted to Washing
ton, and has given the note Immediate
and careful consideration.
"On November IS, MIR, Daren Zwledlnek,
the charge d' affaires of the Imperial and
royal government at Washington, trans
mitted to the Department of cHate a re
port of the Austro-Hungarlan admiralty
with regard to the sinking of the steam
ship Ancona, In which It was admitted
that the vessel waa torpedoed after Its
engines had been stopped and while pas
sengers were still on board. This admis
sion alone In, In the view of the govern
ment of the United States sufficient to
fix upon the commander of the submarine
which fired the torpedo the responsibility
for wilfully having violated the standlna
law of nations and entirely disregarded
those humane principles which every bel
ligerent should observe In the conduct of
war at see. In view of these admitted
circumstances the government of the
United Utatoe feels justified la holding
that the details of the sinking of the An
cona. the weight and character of the ad
ditional testimony corroborating the ad
miralty s report ana the number tf
Amcrtoans killed or tolured are- In no
way sasenuai matters a alscwasion. The
(Continued on Pass Four, Column Three.)
Murray in Command '
'At the Dardanelles,
Officially Stated
LONDON. Dec. M. I Jeuent n .1
Sir Archibald Murray, has been appointed
to succeed Blr . Charles Monroe aa Brit
ish commander at the Dardanelles, says
an official statement Issued this after
noon. .
IRIr Charles Monroe has been annotated
In command of the First British army
In France, In succession to Sir Douglas
The official announcement follows:
General Fir Douglas Hals havlmr as
sumed supreme command of the British
forces In France and Flanders. nnm-.l
Blr Charles Monroe will succeed him In
command of the First army.
Usutenant General Blr Archibald Mur.
ray, chief of the Imperial general staff,
win succeed Blr Charles Monroe.
"Lieutenant General Blr William Rah.
erteon, now chief of the general staff In
iranre, wui become chief of the Im
perial general staff with tha temporary
rank of general, with Mator General
R. Whlgham as his deputy.
'Major General U Klasell. now as
sistant to the chief of the Imperial gen
eral staff, will become chief of the gen
eral staff of Sir Douglas Halg. "
General Murray was chief of the im
perial start at London until a few days
ago. Premier Asqulth announced yester
day tltat he had been succeeded by Lieu
tenant Genera Robertson, chief of the
general staff In the field and that he
waa to receive an Important command.
Tbe comma ndershlp of the First Brit
ish army waa made vacant by the pro
motion of General Halg to be the Brit
ish commander-in-chief.
Warning Tells How
to Prevent Fires
in Christmas Trees
NEW TORK. Dec. . The Safety
First Federation of America is sending
out an appeal to the publlo to beware of
the danger of Chrtstmss fires. Warning
Is given that If candles are used on
Christmas trees they should be con
stantly watched and a sheet of Iron,
t'n or sine should be placed beneath the
tree to catch the drippings from tha
"Don't use any Inflammable material
in decorating the tree." Read the warn
ing. "Cotton batting particularly should
be avoided. Protect all gas lights with
a globe or screen.
"Don't deoorate eleetrlo light globes
with paper.
"Have several palls of water handy in
case the unexpected should happen.
"If any one's clothing takes fire,
smother the flames with a rug, blanket
or coat."
Munitions Depots at .
Muenster Blown Up
LO'IMN, . Dee. 22. According to ad
vices to the Amsterdam Telegraaf, for
warded by Renter's correspondent, a
powder factory and several ammunition
depots at Muenster. Westphalia, have
been blown up. Great damage waa done
to tha town, the newspaper adds.
Action of Commons - Raiies tie
Paper Strength of the . Land
Forces to About Four
Million Hen.
Since Flight from Dardanelles Thtj
Are Trying- Wiles on Ronmania
; , and Greece.
LONDOON, Dec. S3. After an aO
night debate tbe House of Commons
early today granted an Increase of
1.000,000 men in the British army,
bringing up ita strength on paper to
4.000.000. With the increase coma
changes in higher command. Lieu
tenant General Robertson, chief of
the general staff,, having been re
called from France to become chief
of the imperial staff fn London in
place of Lieutenant General Murray,
who Is about to receive an important
command. These changes are ac
cepted here as Indicating closer co
operation among the allies In tha
conduct of military operations on
the western front.
' Teatna Drpmmsli Dasy.
The Teutonic powers are represented as
taking full advantage of the moral effect
produced by the withdrawal of British
forces from the Oalllpolt peninsula and
to be attempting once more to swing
Greece and Roumanla to their side In the
Balkan operations. If the news of the
bombardment of Varna Is correct, Russia
Is losing no time In an attempt ta fore
stall these efforts. From several sources,
all unofficial, Dnndon has heard of the
bombardment of the Bulgarian port. Va
rious dispatches state that tha Russian
warships are accompanied by a fleet of
transports which, according to the morn
ing papers, already has landed a suf
ficient force to hold the town.
While the Greek elections have given a
large majority to former Premier Oou-
narta, a powerful member of the present
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
John Snyder, Wanted
in Clay County, is
Held at Grand Forks
GRAND rORKB. N. D.. Dee, a-(9pe-clal
Telegram.) Sheriff Paul Bonnlfleld
or Clay county, Nebraska, last night ob
tained from John Snyder, alias Martin
Greene, confession of a murdoroua attack
upon August Peterson at Verona. Neb.,
July M last, and which nearly resulted
In Peterson's death, finvder was 1JIrt
at Devil's Lake. N. D.. on a vagrancy
charge. lie was Identified bv noatal eanl
descriptions sent out by Clay county of-
nciais. Kever since the attack on Peter
son, Pnyder has labored under the de
lusion that he killed him. Rnvdae f
a rasor on Peterson, slashing him In a
nomoie manner. Bonnlfleld will leave
today for Nebraska In charge of tha
prisoner. ....
Blind Persons Get
Uncensored News
NBW TORK. Dee. 21-Mlae vri.
Keller and other blind mrsnna In th.
United States are obtalnl
news from the belligerent countries In
Europe In newspapers published for tha
blind. In London, Paris. Berlin and
Vienna, according to Mlsa Ksller. Th...
newspapers are not censored, she says.
oeoause tney are printed In short-hand
tiraiue, a point type used for the blind,
which the censors are unable to read.
'These uncensored accounts of condi
tions tn the warring countries tell me the
true sentiment among the working people
and the Intolerable conditions that sur
round them," said Mlsa Keller. "Their
hearts are almost at ths breaking point."
AH MeTnU Reserved.
ay swa seas' aeea alsvksj
Ta aals yv raa your slere
fast nee a assail Bee Waat-a4
Yewl! ret clerks y tos wsa -
Tvt a sjsM neisd Wet-a
rtil be seem by Hat sxia alegfe
-Waa k Mastiur res- a me
aa ssaiiy wi
Bo as snattst wfeat yw
are aeea fee aa4 '
fase as a suit ae Weat-sa
Am, tax taesa la a aarry.
The "Hale Wanted eoHimns of Tni
Onaha Bee are read dally by all of the
brightest axvt most efficient ma and
wojiuan In tba various Indus-'! walk
of life. To eeeure the beet heto of an!
Ind. use a "bee Help Wanted Ad "
TLMwm.on rrua loot ajto