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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
'run rek: omaha. Wednesday, dixemheu 2-. ioir. BRIEF CITY NEWS SHORTEST DAY OF THE ENTIRE YEAR "Townsead's for tjortlnff Goods." Oift Certificates Edhotm Jeweler We Knot Flint Xt Soft Peacon Freaa ' ci, Tr.. ugMmg oatm , When D B lengthen I-urgrss-Grsndcn company. . To 811 Ksal Estate, list It with J. M. vuiu cfcins 10 0MCI15UIC11, Tiumont Co.. Kfellne Bldg. To Borrow Mour on rcs.1 estate, J II. ruinont & Co., IWltno IUig Teachers' Exams ! Wees j Tuesday and "Wednesday toaohors' m- Tndav TW.mW 99 U (ha M Say the Sage. FORTY DAYS TO GROUNDHOG amlnatlon will held at Central man school. Murie Kearney Oeta DtToree Mrs.' Marls Kearney h been awarded a de cree of divorce on grounds of cruelty and non-support. Today's Hone Program" eiasslflsd aectlon today. It appear In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what the tlous moving picture theater offer. The sjtate Bank of Omaha, corner Six teenth and Harney. Pays FOUR per cent on time deposits and THREK per cent on savinga accounts. All deposits in this tank are protected by the depositors' guarantee fund of tho slate of Nebraska. rirsmsa Throws tram Wagon liana Hansen and llomor House, city firemen at engine house No. 14, wore bruised and lacerated when they ere thrown from a wagon at Thirty-first street and Ames avenue. Their Injuries are not serious. Breaks Ankle by rail Frank Komm, 13P1 Douglas street, su.italnod a broken right ankle when he slipped and, fell on tho pavement at Twelfth and Farnara street. He was attended by police sur geons and taken to St. Joseph's hospital. Colorado Business Good R. 8. Ruble, assistant general pussenger agent of the Union raclflc at Denver, la at headquar ters and asserts that business throughout Colorado Is far ahead of last winter and. In fact, the best In many years. Colorado, asserts Mr. Ruble, has bad a perfect win ter, thougta there been unusually heavy snow in tho mountains for this early in the season. To Hold Out n Salary Upon recom mendation of Commissioner Kugel, the city oouncil dismissed charges filed against Patrolman George Emery by Chief of Police Dunn. It was stipulated that Arthur Shields, secretary - In the chief's office, shall collect $26 of Emery's salary each month and prorate the amount among creditors until all claims hava been settled. 1J That is to say. it is the little day in fact, the "littlest" day In all the year. Promptly at 4:16 p. m. the well known eun will reach his farthest point south. He will "ring in" and Immediately start back on his track to the north, to the good old summer time, to base ball season, to ice cream -KOda-choc'late-sundae season, Palm Leach season, vacation season, canoe log, swimming, moonlight walks season, country club season, "not-cnough-for-yeh? season. Yes. it's the shortest d-y. lfooray! From now on every little bit added to what we've got makes the day just a little bit more. Wednesday, the shortest day, Is Just nine hours and eight minutes long. The sun rises at 7. IS and sets at 4:5. accord ing to Father Higge's precise calculations for Omaha's latitude. To Lesitsea Slowly. Yes, the days have reached their short est But they are a bit alow about length ening Just at first. They stay exactly the same length until December t which Is Just one minute longer. December 81 will be two minutes longer and then they be gin to lengthen pretty steadily. Don't put away your flannels and heavy overcoat and eartabs and goloshes Just yet. though. It will be quite a little while till it's apple blossom time In Omaha. For, "when the days begin to lengthen the cold begins to strengthen." It's forty days yet till the groundhog comes out and takes a look about and sniffs the air to see whether spring Is at hand. But it's the shortest day, anyway. One Man Who Has No Feeling for Fellow Men at Christmas "There are some things," say Pat Me Govern, the parcel post manipulator of the local office, "that no real gentleman will do. One of these things is to send a skunk's skin through the mails." The pacel post people appreciate that the colors of a skunk skin may be very , beautiful. They also appreciate that the odors of a skunk akin are not very beauti ful. No, no, not very beautiful. The skin In question came in from a point out in the stats. It was stated that . the mall oar crew tied it outside tho door of the flying- mall train. The clerk on the car that brought it from the " station to the postofflce was In an ex hausted condition and almost in need of a pulmotor. But it was finally delivered to the ad dressee. It's bard to "phase" these mall handlers. .... i Gertrude Hoffman Coming in 'Sumurun'' Gertrude Hoffman comes, to the . Oi pheum the week of January t. in her monster production of "Bumurun." This is declared to be the biggest sensation that Miss Hoffmann has ever offered, and It Is by far the biggest production that has ever beon undertaken In vaude ville. When Max Relnhardt sent his own company to present his wordless play "Sumurun" to the Casino theater, iew iorK, .miss jioiimnnn ut-viutru iu ; secure the American right for vau deville. " which she did, and her success has verified her Judgment "Sumurun" is from the tales of the Arabian Nights. It is In eight scenes. Miss Hoffmann , carries a company of more than sixty and her own orchestra of thirty. M'DONALO IS FINALLY CONFIRMED BY COUNCIL After several months of suspense J. W. McDonald has been confirmed by the city council as office engineer In the public improvements department at a salary of $125 per month. Mayor Dahlman and Commissioners Hummel and Butler voted against the ap pointment. This matter harks back to the last city primary and election. Mr. McDonald re signed from the park department to file as a primary candidate for city commis sioner. Losing at the primary he aligned himself with the "big six" and worked against "the square seven." Still Time to Help Some Worthy Folks in Need Mrs. Doane of the Associated Char ities reports liberal response to ap peals for aid already made. She has some farther cases, all worthy, for which she asks immedi ate help. Here are three: No. 16. Man, laborer, irregular work. Three children, 6, 5 and 3. Lost part of furniture in fire. Mother sickly. Need all kinds of help. No. 17. Father unable to get work. Fire children, 10, 8, 6, 4 and 1 1-2. Very neat and clean. Need help on rent and children's clothing-. No. 18. Woman, deserted. Two children, 9 and 4. Mother does day work and has hard time to support children. Will YOU help one of these t Send donations direct to Mrs. Doane at the Associated Charities or to The Bee. , APPROVAL SALES Samuel Burns Tries His Hand WILL BE CUT OUT' at Helping to Make the Weather Omaha Retail Merchants Deter I mined to Learn Satisfactory Flan of Abolishing Evil. WOMEN TAKE ADVANTAGES The Associated Retailors are deter mined to learn egr. bunds and mort- fcnrtis. storku Is ell known 5am Bums, meteorologist and weather prophet. Is not so well known. Tet they are one and the same man. Pam Burns Just burns to know all bout the wenthor. He lores all kinds 1 w . uiviiin, .-uirnmiiiinni, rurpnipiri i, a satisfactory method ; hygrometers, lie has a florli ef them or eliminating the evils of the active " me ana go m and , .. . ,. ' feed temeratures and pressures and and popular 'end-out-on-approvar j lium,dltl0, t0 tnein Iu 0VM to m(n), m and "return goods" practice. With up and see m go. a view to learning all about what bu' ver5' book ,llt "' t , ... . . . ... I about the weather and he reads them other large cities are doing in thlsjam, pomlPrs hpm- , f,mjlUr respect, J. W. Metcalfe, secretary of figure tin in cvionel Welsh's orfics at the Associated Retailers, Is to Start 'tn United Stale weather bureau where Th,. . j,i i h angsres In deep discussions about the Thursday for a long tour, during jhaMu cf ,h( Mptlher n M- nUv 1lr which time he will Visit St. Louis, toecasionally In the course of his bto Kansas City, Louisville, Indianapolis found researvhes Mr. Burns evolves a I new tneorj- or meteorological phenomena. (Then he hastens, early the next mortilne. to Colonel Welch's office and explains It. PETTY THIEVES MAKE SEVERAL SMALL HAULS Paul Peterson. 1S1T Park avenue, re ports to the police that Ms overcoat, val ued at S10, was stolen from his auto, which was parked at Eaghteeath and Douglas streets. Jim Dolan, 2017 North Nineteenth street, is minue a set of harness, valued at $10, which was taken from his barn. Ed Bowman, Havens hotel, asserts that clothes to the value of S15 was taken from his room. John Gregor, Northwestern hotel, woke up this morning to find that 115 was ab stracted from his trousers. SUIT FOR MUSIC LESSONS IS SETTLED OUT OF COURT A dispute between Jean Gilbert Jotie, music teacher, and Miss Pearl twrence, a student, which has been pending In loesl courts for five years, has Just been settled, according to a stipulation filed in district court Five years ago MUs Lawrence sued Mr, Jones for 1330, and Mr. Jones filed a ounter-clalm. alleging that the plaintiff owed him SI? for music lessons. The esse was tried in county court and was appesled to district court, where It has reposed ever since. FRIEDRICH EWOLD, HERE THIRTY-FOUR YEARS, DEAD Frlederich Ewold. 6S year old, residing at 125 Cedar street and a resident of Omaha for the last twenty-five years, died at his home Monday afternoon. The funeral will be held from Hoffman's chapel. Twenty-fourth and Dodge streets, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clook, with tn- 2rment at Laurel Hill "cemetery. Mr ' Bwold waa a member of the lland- wehr Vereln and also the America! camp of the Woodmen of the World. "ROOMIES" AWAKE FIRST; GATHER UP VALUABLES Oust Keller, 1818 Dodge street, reports to the police that his roommate arose be fore he did yesterday and stole SS and an alarm clock. Tom Mahoney of the City hotel had a similar experienoe, los ing 129, an overcoat and a pair of shoes. ICE HARVEST SOON TO START IN IS EST Union Facifio Will Start to Cut at Laramie, Wyo.. the Day Fol lowing Christmas. ICE IN NEBRASKA IS SLOW The Western Fruit Express com pany, that handles the Ice supply for the Union Pacific, will start the an nual ice harvest the day following Christmas, the first cutting to he on the reservoir at Laramie, Wyo. The ice Is now twelve inches thick and it ib asserted that with a continuance of the present kind of weather, the dsy following Chrlatmss, three iuches will be added to the thick ness. A week later Ice cutting will begin at Evanston and Green River, Wyo. With the mild weather In Nebraska, the ice crop In this stnte has been slow In maturing. At liothenburg, where n large quantity of Ice Is cut each wlnler for the Union Pacific Ire houses on the Nebraska division, the Ice Is only fiv Inches thick and Is freezing very slow!)-. In the vicinity of Omaha the Ice Is from two to four Inrhes thick, with llttl prospect of soon freeslng to a sufficient thickness to peck. On the lee fields st Laramie the V.'es; em Fruit express Is Installing an ctrlc Ice cutting machine which will greatly facilitate the harvest. It consists of a circular saw with a twenty-four Inch out. It Is mounted on a truck that Is propel led by a motor.. The truck la guided by one man and It will cut Ire about as rapidly aa a man ran walk. Another man carries the electric feed wire that takes the current from the electric plant of ti e town. With the machine the two men will cut Ice as fast as eight men can pack it away. and Cleveland. At these places he will get In touch with the retail associations and study their methods. All of these places men tioned have made a definite effort to eliminate this evil, which has grown to great proportions In Omaha. Omaha re tailers say that women will often have valuable hats, gowns, coats, robes sent out to the house on approval or with the privilege of returning them, when as a matter of fact they intend to return them all tho time, and merely have them delivered to be worn to a ball or other sorlsl function. "We have been the laugh ing stock of some of these women," said one retailer; "we are so easy." Few Mes T Far. steps thus far taken In Omnhs to cu-b this practice have gone no further thun to list these women who abuse the prac tice most Big retail stores hsve lists of their names and addresses. An effort is being made here to educate them to stop the practice. If this does no good, then the women, are to be refused the goods on approval. While on this Junketing trip Mr. Met calfe Is also to study the credit systems employed, and the working of the credit burau of the various retailers' orgsn ttstions In these cities. At suih limes, tlie colonel, siand ng on the heights and surrounded by the wisdom gathered by thirty or forty or mebby fifty jeers prophesying leather, proceeds to puncture Psm's ne theory nnd rxplain Just nhy ll can't bo. Is Hsin disheartened? Not a bit of It. He goes right out and buys another nrm ful of books and a new held of ther mometers, hygrometers and larotw-t ra with a alnd gauge or two. Installs lt-m it Ms pilvifl mcsther factory end goes light to nuid rftoaiUilng souit :nuro and d'scoverliic now things. And the dally weather maps! Why. say, the first thing Sam does in the morning Is to study the weather map. After he hn.1 ascertained that the tem perature is 40 below at Medicine Hat and A) ahovo at Talahassee, and that trie barometer Is i.f0 at Portland, Ore., Wit t a correspondingly hlsh pressure over the lakes and upper valleys, thus proving that there will he showers in and about Tombstone, Arls.. and Kokotno, Jnd. after he has devoured this Information, we say, he is ready to rest a languid eye over the stock msrfcrt and sip his morn ing coffee. Once, it is ssld, Mr. Burns started out prophesying weather. Uke 'most every body elss, he thought ha could "hit It" oftener fnn the weather bureau. It ttai one of the proudest moments of Colftnel Welsh's lire when Ssm. one snowy, bllv sardy. windy tlsy for wtil-h he hud pre dicted "fair and warmer, ' csme up and remarked: "Ouesa I'll le you do the pitllitlng after this." atr. Burns doem t predict much but he research. You bet' And his collection of thermometer. hysrometer, barometers sn I win HHUgt'S Is ens of the flnes In Capllli. Robert Smith Gets Petition Signers for Seven Judges RorVt Smilh. clerk of the dtstil.-t court, of r'iir ration fee fsme. Is se. curing signatures to petitions for th candidacies of all seven district Judges at the next primary. Kach and every one of the Judges Is e candidate for renomlnatlon. ajid M i'ilth went to eecli with a reciceat for a I hlsnk petition. He now lis seven peti tions srrl vlsltois to the office are re Quested to sign all of them. The county's suit SRSlnst Mr. Pmlt:i for lW natur alisation fees Is now awslting Judicial tis- C'.sletl. There hse h'en numerous rumors thst the een Jurtnos Intend to units In their campaign, ami that the candidate who "breaks In" will have to he a swift trav. eler, but the judges deny this story. New Oil Field is Struck in Wyoming now. FREDRICKKSON TO LEAVE FOR CENTRAL AMERICA it. 15. Vredrlckjinn expects to stsrt for Central America net ftunday, where h will remain for several month, looking after his mining Interests there. Mrs Fredrlekson will remain In Omaha. While on n hunting expedition In Cen trrl America during the summer, Mr. Kiedrkk:rn. In psrtnershid with a lal from Penvrr, bought a large in thst country and th two are now go Ing to build some s'jbstnntial stamp mtllii to mill the ore. They expect to lay sfrni tracks and ( the place equipped for efficient in as It never hss been equipped hefore. Another Wyoming o'l fi-M la being de-' veloped nlong tro l;ig Muddy river, about midway between f"fll.r nM Douglas, along the I'nes of the Nort'i westem and Ilin lington. It Is asserted that there Is a large area that Is under Inld with ol! sand snd that oil hi.? e-n struck In a do:en or moi wells that have ben put down. Tiie new field. It Is sa?eited. extends alontf the railroads 100 m ien or m end noith into the hill country a distance of Pl-slxty to eighty mlls. Within the field mine, there la a large acreage of deeded land A "Foe Fs'e" ad l turn fi rnlt ire Into tas'i. and en a great deal of this leases have leen taken. The balance of the land within the area la subject to filings and up to tills t wir nono cf It hits been mltlulrawn by tho government, though a withdrawal order Is looked for at almost any tlm. ns government agents within the last three weeks have been scouting over the entire country t-e-tween Casper and Douglas. Oongihed for Three Tears. "Your medl- A grateful sufferer writes: cine. Dr. King's New Discovery, cured my cough of three years standing." 60c, All druggists. Advertisement. Lads Have. Close Call When Sled Hits Cari I,. Ksrgul. aged 11 years. 41T poppleton avenue, and Tony Nlgro. sged V yesrs. r, Pierce street, narrowly escaped se rious injury when a sle,l on wh'ch they were coasting at Blxth and William street eollidd with the front end of a etroet th.t hiniwiiMl to he statlonaiv st the I Ilia Ftnlh ladvS Were JlllTfd from the j s'ert when the collision ucmrred and sus tained slight bruises. '4LS PiS-dlivg NINETY-FIVE PEr PUBLISH Ninetv-five publleat i" ' newspapers and weekly and monthly pub llcatlont, go out of Omaha through tie postoffiee. Thia means ninety-five Sep- j arnte and distinct periodicals that w printed In Omaha, and entered at thif Omaha postofflce as second-class matter, j Scrofula and all Humors Give Way There are many things learned from ; experience and observation that the ol ! r j generation should Impress upon ths younger. Among them Is the faet that scrofula and other burners sre mi st sue - ; cesfully treated with Hood s ."srsspar-, Ilia. This great medicine Is a pcullsr j combnatlon of remarkably ef'ecl.e, blood-purifying and health-giving rots. j barks snd herbs, and has been tested for , forty vears. Oet It tadsy.-Adveitlf emont. POET NOTES TO BE GUEST OF THE PALIMPSIST CLUB Alfred Noyes. well known English poet sud exchange professor at Princeton uni versity, and Mrs. Noyes will be guests of the Palimpsest club at a banquet at the Hotel Ponetenelle the evening of January T. Mr. Noyes comes to Omaha to sadress the Fine Arts society the aft ernoon of January T, so the Psllmpsest club took advantage of the moment to have Mr. and Mrs. Noyes as honor guests st the club's dinner that evening. GIRL KNOCKED DOWN AND INJURED J3Y AUTOMOBILE .Miss Pirdie FKtman. Cn'on. Xeb., was severely bruistd about the risht hip vhen an a-ito moving fry.n tlie parking d.f'rlet above tfixtrrnth and DouxiH t re struck snd knoekrd her down. The Sl'tU. W'lieh t-elOIUIll t'l llK. Wil li' i.i llocliefortl. sr.. r ?t pr, l,y -,iii:ker. ;iS'uon1, i-' 'it, M I , ,; n was iitleiHle.i l, ! -. II jasuii, l" huse of f'vv' li " Give Him CIGAR THAT HE'LL ENJOY THIS CHRISTMAS Vftu'll An this If thev come from either of the Gettrn Our business is strictly a cigar business and our success rests entirely on satisfying our customers by glrlnc tbem only the highest quality goods the market affords. Don't take chance on satisfying, him by buj Ing his Christmas smokes anywhere, JuM becitnse the clerk tells you they are good. Come to real all the year around cigar store where experienced cigar salesmen tan Advise you Intelligently as to Just what brand to give him. Come In today and place your CbrUtuuts orders. We will deliver whew you say. LUCIUS CLEAR HAVANA 3 for 25c, to 25c each. Boxes of 10, 25 and 50. I CORLNA Queen of Havana Cigars, Tampa, FU. 9 for 85c. to a for 50e. Boxes of 25 and 50, from 93 to 94 per bo. EL Made la bond S t or Boxes of 2A and :l genio f 1. Clear Havana Cigar. I 25f, to 25c eatb. I 1 50, from $2.25 to $10.00. J LA AZ0RA King of broad leaf wrapped cigars. Always popular 5o, 3 for 25c, and 10c. Cans of 2.1, boxes of 26 and BO. EARLMONT Mild Havana Cigar, 10c, listtc -Triple wraDDcd. In boxes of 10. fl.OO. Makes an especially attractive package for Christmas gift. JT, and 50 boxes, $2.0o and $4.00 each. HumidorsPipei Cigar and Cigarette Holder. Cigar and Cigarette Cases Candy. A Wlckham Stores. WE ALSO CARRY ALL THE POPULAR BRANDS. Ladies! We want you to feel perfectly at home when you come into either ef our stors to mass vuri'ha and you can be assured or re ceiving gentlemanly and courteoua treatment from our aalesmcn. nd. hy the way, suggest to HIM tl at we have ths kind of candy you like. GETTEN & WICKHAM COMPANY i. laUeu. "THE HOUSE OF VALUES" TWO STORES. r.ii-2 SO. 10TH hT. iw-i rnM bi 0ineite Her tiraiul Hotel. Thou 1 Hi" a. 8318. Opposite, Y. O. V. lluiWiiig. I'liont; ToiU. 2X71. uilivKiaaM' : s er ai. ca -e-''w-H i SH COM Ac Cfirisimas Store for GvcrijBoctij Tuesday, Her. 21, 1015. m iw nw ihiy HTOitK m:vs von vkini:s1f.y, Doug. 137. Store Open Evenings Until Xmas Ctearaway of TOYS That Have Become Slightly Damaged at About One-Fourth Off rrHEY'RE the toys find playthings that have become more or loss scratched or marred i- hy handling during the holiday rush. Toys that you xvill find that are most pleas ing to the little folks and in every instance they're remarkable values. Anrgtsa-tratB Co. roorih Tloor. mfcm m Men's NECKWEAR at 50c A Special Lot of High-Grade Scarfi ia a Sale for Wednesday R Hi JIT at the eleventh hour, practi cally, we were offered a special o'c of men's fine neckwear for the holi day business. The selection was o good that wo just could not pass it b Tho shipment came in Monday by ex press and opened so much better than we expected that we can't help telling you about it here. The twirl's are made by one of the best neokwear manufacturers In the country full vV length, with lare flowing ends and a beauti ful ranse of rich new colorings and patterns. Wo uonnlder t-: values way out of tho ordinary at the price we ofer tbem. 50c. Holiday boxes if you desire. Buntis-Ifssk Co. Mats floor. A Belated Shipment of HOLIDAY SLIPPERS Receive Mention Here SEVERAL new lots of holiday slippers for men, women and children. A belated shipment came in Monday, presenting a splendid selection for Christmas gift giving. Women's knit sllppen. all colors and combinations, pair, .eoc, f 1 aod il5 Eiderdown slumber slipper, all colors and combinations for men, women and misses 80c and Wo Women's comfy sllppen, In a splendid selection, at, pair...l.V3 and Women's felt fur and ribbon trimmed slippers, best quality, pair ftJSa Men's slippers in a big selection, at, per pair 89c to 98JV0 Child's and misses' norclty felt slippers. leather soles SAc to $1.00 aryess.aah Ca. ssoa4 Floor. CHRISTMAS CANDIES IN THE CRICKET ROOM CHRISTMAS festivities are not complete without plentv of candy. "We have plenty and are willing to Martha Washington Chocolates, per lb. 60c La Zeus Chocolates, assorted kinds, per lb 60c to $1.00 Maillard's New York Candies, all uzt packages, at, lb $1.00 Mullane's Famous Cincinnati Taf fies and Chocolates, lb., 10c to 50c Johnston's Milwaukee Chocolates, lb. 91.25 Bunt Bros, forty kinds, lb.. 40c to OOe ' surg - etaafais fleer. OxUket Beess. In the Easement Section. I'ail caudies for Sunday school?, churches or organiza tions nt special prices. J T f 1 I I ml 1 Tl 1 -t- snare with you Prsns. large site, lb litre? Filberts, large and veil ruled, pr pound 20 Praflla. large and washed, lb . Bsrgeeslasa C-Sasemsst. Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and i - -Jf Every Bey or Girl Will Want Skates fo r Chr i stm as and you can do no better than to make your selection from our stock. The very best makes are included for boys, girls, men and women, 49c to $5.03. urgess-3Tash ce. Tearta floor. Smoking Stands Similar to Picture At $1.75 Ev hR man who smokes will consider one of these smoking stands a very ac ceptable and pleas ing girt. Mahogany smoking sets, similar to Illustra tion, with glass ash tray, cigar bolder and match safe, special for Wednesday, at I.T8. nrges-aaa Cm. TklrS fTos. Auto ROBES At $4.98 to $19 AS automobile rob certainly would make a most accept able gift. Our showing embraces pretty Scotch or American plaids, fancy plusb Nargjo patterns and plain shades for electrics or limou sines. Prices range t).&8 to 919. sUtrgees.gaah Oe asasat. Nuts for Xmas The Highest Grade 1915 Crop Peanuts, fresh roasted, lb.. 74 English walnuts, large aie, at. per pound lf English walnuts', small site, per pound 170 Almonds. California, paper shell. lb ?2c