Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
the r.KH: or.H.. WKoxi'sivw, ni-:rTMr.EK 2'. i:r. 0 V BRINGING -UP FATHER Copyright. 1t, Nei Sen Ice. International SAY- JlCb-fOUE COWlr DOVN TO DtNVY'b PLAXE. TONIGHT TO MEET SOME OF THE , j - OUT IVE COT TOitVf. HE ' Vnrt OME TELL HER 'M MACiCIE-THE ME IM'DiO T0HJ5CLua TONHT- TVHX'CERTTNLY I'LL ET TOOR ORtS iOT FOR TOO! DOMT TELL MC TOO FOLL CXVb CLOTHES 1 WUULUNT TMrK OF LETTING tou Cto TO rn-a CLUB ,NT OTHER Drawn for The Bee by George McManus t" t j 9 . 111 i ' ia IlL HAWE TO PUT 'EM OH If I VAJfT Toca OUT.; V, A I V 1 W I I S A. i i m. at i i i niucn v. HtLLO-DMTC-0 HE. UP K SUIT OF Clothps 'u nc CORNER - WOULONT OARF. 2H0V UV TMF J I'LL NINER. CHOKE TO DEATH IN THs tMJiT! . lTt THE 5EtT HAO-THEt'D MOO TOO THAT , 1 OTHD ONE. '. ) BASE BALL HAGS SAY PEACE NEARS Moguls Optimistio that Long Stran gle Will End Before Meet-1 ing Adjourns. MINORS BEFORE CONFERENCE Just an Earful By Tad Tou know Spider Keily. don't you? Oil. yes! Oh, yes! I knew the Spider when ho was trying to bonne rights off the dome of Job Gan. Well. be tht. a It may, the Spider Is still alive and Is considerable of a second. He was behind Jimmy Brltt the nlht Bl'LLETUf. CINCINNATI. O., Dec. 2t.-Charles Weeghroan of the Chicane Federal league club will obtain control of the Chicago National while Phil Ball of 8t. Louis will buy the St. LouU Americans If the peace treaty between Organised base ball and the Federal league la aimed. Ac cording to a statement coming from the conference of these two bodies tonight, "settlement will be reached at an early hour." CINCINNATI. O., Dec. aRepresenta tives of Organized Base Ball and the Federal league, who met here today to take up the negotiations looking toward the ending of the two years' base ball war, were optimistio that the long strug gle would end before the present meeting adjourns. It waa learned here today that if peace negotiations are carried to a successful end, Mr. Charles Weeghman will prob ably leare for Gregory, Tex.' where he will see Mr. Charles P. Taft to conclude the purchase of the Chicago Nationals. An hour after the National commission and the representatives of the Federal league went into semion. Secretary Far rell of the National association and President Barrow of the International league, were called before them. No In timation as to why their presence was required or the nature of the discussion was glveji out. Taft NoBcommlttaJ. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Dec. Jl.-Charles P. Taft. principal owner of the Chicago National league club, was here today enroute to his ranch at Gregory, Tex., where he will spend two weeks on a hunting trip. He would neither drny nor confirm the report that he wns ottered V-Al.noo for the Cuhs' franchise. American association clubs will put In claims for Federal leaguo players who cannot be used by the majors. President j Chtvlngton said. The International.1 league, it was reported, was chlofly In terested In the Baltimore and Buffalo Federal league players who may be turned over to President Barrow's league. Major league clubs already are planning to corral the better known Federal play ers. The New York Nationals are after Ie Magee, Bennie Kauff and Gene Packard, it was undorstood. Mr. Weegh man said he expected to big for M:Gee. too. The Federal league umpires will be taken care of. It was announced. , I Noted Navy Athlete Now in This City Chief Carpenter's Mate M. A. Beach, who has Just Joined the crew at the local navy recruiting office, is one of the most noted athletes in the United States navy. He came here from the battleship Wyo- tng to tako the place vacated when "Chappie" Warnock went to tako charge ef the sub-station at 8ioux Falls. S. D. Beach played center on the foot ball team of the Wyoming, wliieh captured " the championship of the Atlantic fleet He wis also coxs'un of the twelve-oared racing ahell of the Wyoming, that cap tured the Atlantic flee race at Newport. Every battleship is supplied with one of these racing boats and has its racing crew merely aa a matter of sport A novel race In mhluh Beach piloted his crew was a race at night staged be' fore the eyes of President Wilson and other dignitaries in New York at the time of the review of the fleet last summer. The race was one nillo and the big search lights of the battleships ' played on the boats as they raced. COMMERCIAL HIGH FLOOR TEAM STARTS PRACTICE the loquacious Native 8on crossed bats with Willis Fitzgerald, the Brooklyn candy man. Although they're never said that the Spider "went to college," he has quite a lingo of his own. The night that James fought Willis, Mr. Kelly was in the comer and Mr. Kelly was tossing advice about wllb negligent abundance. "Della-Brltt!" yelled Kelly, at the top of his voice. "Della-Brltt!" The wise ones ayed one another and said. "That's a code signal; watch something happen." Mr. . Brltt, however, was calmer than ever. After each rally Kelly would yell again, "Della-Brltt'." and James would slow down to a walk. The fight went twenty rounds and Brltt was handed the decision. Tom Mulvey of the club, a bit worried over KeHy's code gab, asked James in a wnisper, junt what the a ope on ueiia- Brltt" was. James started to laugh, hit Tom on the back, and chirped: "That's the Spider's pronounclation of deliberate.' No code at all, Just the Kelly Idea of English." ? -5 CUACHCO Denver Revolver Club Second in National Match NEWf'TORK. Dec. Sl.-The Denver Re volver el ub team finished second, with 73J points. In the military revolver match of the t'nlted States Revolver association, It wa sannounced today. The event was won. by the Pennsylvania state pollco team, with 768 points. Other results in the national outdoor championship contests of the association, which took last October, were an nounced as follows: Match A anv revolver, possible 500: Hans Roed.ter. 4W points. Match B. any pistol, pesstme w: ucmsi; Armstrong, points. Match C, military revolver, pooiuio .j-j. Dr. .1. A. Snook. 623 points. Match r, pocHe'. revolver, possiuio -v. Dr. O. A. Atkinson. Z'.l points. Giand saereteaio Dr. J. A. Snook, 1.264 iwlnts: Dr. A. A. ATKinson, 1,117 points; F. n. JJrener, i,.io pum NEBRASKA CENTRAL GIVES LETTERS TO FOOT BALL MEN CENTRAL, CITY, Neb., Dec. 21.-Spe- clal. The varsity foot ball letter ror the sesson of 1815 has been awarded 10 the following men at Nebraska Central college: H. Hanson, captain: Wilder, Bennett, Wright, Packett. Mclsner, K. Myers, II. Myers, E. Hanson, Smith, Wardman. Engel. Hunt, Johnston, Hock- ett and G. Hanson. The letter men have elected; ciauaa Bennett of Central City, the star right tackle, captain for IDlB. me team s new manager. Lawrence H. Woodward or Warrcnsburg, N. Y.. has the 191 sched ule well under wsy and promises a list of games exceeding anything heretofore attempted by the college. The basket ball schedule U nearly com pleted, a feature of which will be an eastern trip, during which games will lie played at Mncoln and Omaha with lot- nor university anu mo i'Pi""y ' Omah4. respecttvr'y. The prospects ror successful team are the brightest in several seasons and a large squad Is nightly practicing for the opening game In January. Twenty candidates turned out for the first practice at the cIl of Coach Drum mond of the High School of Commerce yeaterday morning at the Young Men's Christian association gym. This is the first year Commercial high has put out a basket ball team, so rsuoh cannot be aid of the prospects. However, several promising players whe appeared for prac tice, are Kokusek, W. Reeves, G. Reeves Mllleberg and Conhlaer. Manager Conhlaer has arranged games lth University Plaoe. South Side and Fremont. The Commerce team is willing to book games, with any high school quintet. Moton to Succeed Booker Washington NEW YORK. Dec. 11. Major Robert T. Moton of Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va, was selected to succeed Booker T. Washington as president of Tuskegee In stitute, TUBkegee, Ala., at a meeting of the special committee of the trustees of the institute here today. The choice was unanimous. Major Moton will not be Installed as head of the famous negro Institute until the commencement exercises In Msy, 1311 Until that time he will give his to the campaign for the Booker T ington memorial fund. The new head of Tuskegee has been commandant of cadets nt Hampton since 1890. lie was born in Virginia and Is of pure negro parentage. In a statement issued by the commit tee It is declared that by the election of Major Moton, "the policies and alms of the institute will continue unchanged." AMATEUR MATTER UP BEFORE MEET Various Questions Will Be Taken Up at New York Session Monday. MAY LAST OVER A WEEK Families Battle with Guns in Land Dispute KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Dec. 21 A feud over the ownership of land occu pied by the contending claimants was responsible today for a pitched battle with rifles, shotguns and pistols between two families at Dodd Hollow near here. On one side, Mrs. Alma Kuehne was killed; on the other, Guy Hunter was shot through the arm. Hunter's wife who Is accused of firing the shot tha killed Mrs. Kuehne; A. F. Lawrence and Andrew Kuehne, son of the dead woman, were arrested. SHELBY ROLLERS MAKE GOOD AVERAGE ON ALLEYS SHELBY, Neb.. Dee. . (Special.) Shelby has three bowlers who last week made remarkable averages on the local runway. The acore for the three games was as follows: 1st. M. M. Aver. rharUi rook.. T.1 IX it 211 i-rln Drswhaus-fa ITS Wf NEW YORK AMERICANS TO BUY "HOME RUN BAKER" CHICAGO. Dec. 21. "Home Run Baker." whose contract is held by Ihp Philadelphia Americans, probably will be sold to the New York Americans, Chaille A. ComlHkey, president of the Chicago Americans, said today. Coiniskcy has given up ali negotiations to outaln tluker. Lysaa Trama Ustriasaed. OAKLAND. Neb.. Dec. ;i.-iSpoclRl Tel egram.) Oiiklsnd HIkIi school baxket ball iam eonuuered Lyons twice on the local floor, the hoys winning, a. to id. nn.j me Klrln winning, S to 7. The boys' Kam was clone In the first half, but the (ecin 1 lirlf saw Oakland make goaia too oil en Lyons girls were outclassed In all depart ments, scoring only one goal iu the first half. Willie Ritchie Vletur. PWLArK.l.Pm V Pa.. Dec. 21 Willie Ritchie former llthtweVht champion de feated 'Eddie McAndrews. a locul li ht we'ght, in a six-round bout hi're tonis'it Ritchie had the better of every round, although McAndrews fought pijcklly and came back strong at the finish. ria Meet at Cedar Rapid". FORT PODGK, la.. Dec. 21. Mayor John F. Ford of this city, president of the. Iowa State Howlers' association, today announced that the slate tournament would be held at cedar Rapids, Febru ary 6 to T, Inclusive. SUFFRAGETTES PUT ONE OVER ON GOVERNMENT LONDON, Deo. n. A stnirte sheet of foo'scap, closely typewritten on both sides, takes the place th's week of the customary Issue of Britannia, the organ of the Women's Social and Political union, which was raided by the police. Chrtstabel Pank hurst continues la this novel Usue the suffragette attack. Church Collections Forbidden in Mexico BALTIMORE. Dec. 21. Cardinal Gib bons announced that he had received a letter this afternoon from the archbishop of Oaxaca, Mexico, Informing him that the Carransa government had forbidden collections to be taken in Catholic churches. Confessions have been for bidden for some time, according to the archbishop. He i-ecltes many of the conditions among the clergy and the nuns," said the cardinal, ' and it makes one shudder to think of these outrages. NEW YORK. Dec. ll.-hTe "amateur" and other questions of Tltal importance to athletic- competitions will be discussed at a conference here next Monday by representatives of the governing bodies controlling the several branches of ama teur sports. The conferences may last throughout the week and In all probabil ity a definite agreement will be reached os to what constitutes an amateur and how such standing may be forfeited and subsequently regained. Prior to tiie meeting the delegates will be furnished with a list of suggestions compiled by the executive and advisory committee of the Intercollegiate Associa tion of Amateur Athletes of America. These suggestions were formulated at a meeting held here yesterday and are given out for what they ore worth but not as definite conclusions In regard to amateurism. The committee describes an amateur sportsmen as one who engages In sport solely for the pleasure and physical ben efits he derives therefrom and to whom sport Is nothing more than a vocation. How to Los Standlasj. In the opinion of tlie committee a per son should ceaue to be an amateur by committing any of the following acts: A By competing or giving aa exhibi tion in anv athletic snort under on as sumed name, or by being guilty of any fraud or other grossly upsportamaniiae rnrirlnrt in rinnertfnii therewith. B Hy directly or indirectly receiving pay or financial Benerits In consioeraiion of. or as a reward for participating In anv public athlolic corporation or exhi bition. . . By dlrertly or indirectly, receiving pay or financial benefits In consideration of or as a reward for instructing or preparing any person In or for any ath letic competition, exhibition or exercise. v D By granting or permitting the use of olio's name to advertise or promote the sale of or to act as the personal so licitor for the sale or ss the actual sales man, of sporting goods, prise trophlea or other commodities for use chiefly in or in connection with athletic games or ex hibitions: or hy engaging for pay or fi nancial benefit In any occupation or bus iness transactions wherein his usefulness or value arises chiefly from the public ity given or to be glvej) to the reputa tion or fame which he haa secured from his athletic performances, rather than from his ability to perforin the usual and natural acts and duties Incident to such occupation or transaction. E By having played in any public competition or exhibition upon a teem on which there were professionals, Put wno himself had not ben paid to play or conch, or who In any manner, except by reason of such associating, has not had his amateur status effected: or without bavins: first obtained the consent of the organisation governing such sport by having participated there in any individ ual public competition or exhibition with or avalnat a professional, but who ex cept by reason of such associating has not had his amateur status aiiocten. Rhoald Hare Pardonlaar Power. Having covered this field the commit tee suggests that any organisation gov erning a sport should have a pardoning power hy which to relieve an amateur of the effect of hla acts If It mere shown to Its satisfaction that such acts were committed through Ignorance, Inadvert ence or excusable error. They recommend that a team of ama teurs representing a well established organisation should not he prevented from participating In a public competi tion or exhibition against a team com posed of professionals. This has refer ence to foot ball games where a slnclo professional player on a team makes the entire team professionals, a fact whb'h caused some cancellations of games be tween colleges during the 1!I6 season. It also has reference to track and field athletics, where members of tha team compete separately In a regular serloa of standard events and not merely ono or more spoclal contests. In recommending penalties, the com mittee advises that any ono who Is guilty of an act sot down in clause "A" shall never be permitted to oompete as an amateur In any sport. In clause "B" he hall never be permitted to oompete as an amateur In a sport or sports In which the act was committed, but after a period of five years has elapsed, he may be restored to amateur standing In any sport other than that In which such act was committed. Permitted to Apply. In clause "C" he shall not be permitted during the period of his coaching or training, to take part In any amateur competition but on his ceasing to coach or train he shall be privileged to apply to the governing body of any sport other than that In which such act was com mitted, for permission to compete as an amateur. After a period of five years has elapsed from tha commission of the act, he shall be privileged to apply for permission to compete aa an amateur by the governing body In that particular sport upon assurance being given cf no future violation on Ills part. This would enable a paid college foot ball coach to regain his amnteur stsndlng In tennis, golf or any other sport In one year and at foot ball after a lapse of five years. Under clause "D" a person who haa res aed to permit his athletic name to be capitalised may en positive assurances to that effect he returned to good standing. Offenders under clause "E" may on similar assurance be reinstated In any sport other than that In which the act was committed and after the elapse of one year he may be permitted to oompete In the sport In which the act was committed. HAMPTON HIGH TEAMS WIN OUT WITH EASE HAMPTON. Neb.. Dec, H.-fSpecfcU.)- The Hampton High school basket ball Flippers swamped the Olltner High school on the local floor, 9i to 9, and the second stringers defeated the Olltner High sec ond stringers. 17 to 4. In playing Hamil ton county teams the Hamilton first team has scored 277 against Its opponents' B4, so without doubt Hampton may claim the county championship. Madison Meeting Opposes Removal MADISON, Neb., Dec. ll.MSpeclal.) Retaining tha county seat at Medlson I the subject uppermost in the minds of a large majority at Madison county cltls-n at this time. A monster nias meeting at the city hall Friday afternoon, made up largely of farmers from every part of the county, declared unqualifiedly as op posed to the removal of the court house. Brltton to Face Welsh. AKRON. O.. Deo. II. Jack Prllton of Chicago will substitute for world's cham pion lightweight Freddie Welsh here le cember 38 against Johnny rOlfflths. They wlll box twelve at ralchwetghts. Host Records Broken. SIOUX CITY. Dec. 21. The hog re ceipts on the Sioux City market broke sit records today. 16.S77 head being received. Individual Attention for Holiday Shoppers This man's shop is bo organized that tire some waits and poor service are avoided. Buyers can be served quickly and advan tngeously. Special attention will be given to the late shoppers. Newest in Neckwear 50 to $2.50 Taney Hosiery 50 to $1.50 Dress Gloves $1.50 to $3.00 Silk and Knitted Mufflers . . .$1.50 to $3.00 Handsome Shirts to $7.50 Pajamas 150 to $5.00 Fancy and Dress Vests. .... .$1.50 to $6.50 Bath Robes and Slippers to match. .$5 to $10 Everything in wearing apparel gifts for partic ular men. 13 ill ata lttk StiMt Germans Destroy Over 700 Vessels " BERLIN. Dec. 21. I5y Wireless to Fayville.)-"U Is stated on competent Ocrmnn authority." says the Overseas News agency, "that since the beginning of the war to the end of November last, 7?4 enemy ships with a tonnage of 1.447.(28 tons were destroyed,. Of these C68, with 1,079, 4? tons were destroyed by sub marines, and n'.ncty-three, with M,Ti4l tors by mines. "Of the sh'pa destroyed CI4. with 1,231,944 tons, were Kritltih, which means a losa of i per cent of the total British ton-nage." JOLIET CONViCT IS SLAIN BY COMRADE WITH CHAIR JOLIET. III.. Dcr 21 -Jasper Perry, servlne fourteen years for attempted murder, killed Frank Harrod. another c 'tvk-t, 'n the pori;r-ni u y today. The convicts were lining up to march to supper this evening wt en the atta"k was made. "You stool pigeon," Perry cried as he sprang toward Harrod. In his hand he wung the leg of a chair which he brought down with crushing force on Harrod's head. The latter died a hour later. MtLBttB ifii lllllii,, At dealers' all over the City Wthrflll inn,, -85 to $50 ! ttraiw1! limn ' : ' Dick Bvulow tf Iv4 ITS