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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
5 iu-:f: omatta. WFnxi:snY. nKCKMBF.u 22. im:. COUNTRY CLUB T0 IMPROYE ITS HOME Will Spend Twenty Thousand Dol lars in Improvements on Pres- ent Property This Winter. CAPITAL STOCK IS INCREASED Widow and Children Made Destitute by Midnight Fire Now Have New Home Liberal Aid Society Comes to Rescue and Provides House, Clothing and Pood for Unfor tunate Tamily. Improvements to the extent of about $20,000 will be made on the present properly of the Omaha Coun try club and the organization will re main at that location, near Benson, for another ten years, instead of sell ing and moving farther away from the city. . Thla wu dcokJed at noon at a prRl TtiMtinn of the stockholder, lirld t the Omaha club. Improvements contemplated will Include addition to and chnnpe In the preeent cWbhoune. especlnlly enlarge ment of the dining room and construc tion of a new dancing floor. They will be made before the formal reopening of the rhib next eaon. Method of raising the ne-PFary fnnd for these Improvements will be decided by a referendum vote of the 2M stock holders. Bonds may be Issued, or It may be decided to raise the annual duej S26 for three years, which would furnish sufficient extra money. The special meet ing authorized the board of directors to go ahead with the proposed Improvements and te raise the money by a method to be chosen by referendum vote. Capital Stork Increased. . Three amendments were also made to the articles of incorporation of the club. One amendment raised the capital stock from $.V).000 to $100,00() by means of a spe cial stock dividend of 100 per cent. Thu each of the 2f0 stockholders will have the par value of their holdings Increased from fC) to $400. This In made possible by the value of the club property having doubled alnce Its organisation. Other amendments fix the Initiation fee of members at 1100, limit the membership to 250 persona, require each member to own a share of stock In the corporation and fix the date of the annual meeting for the last Thursday in September. Qurdpn W. 'Wattles, who was made president of the Country club In Septem ber, presided at the meeting and was largely responsible for starting the im provement plans and arranging the de tails. Cuthbcrt Potter Is secretary. CHILDREN HAVE CLOSE ESCAPE pV. -r.V . ELMER WOOD SAID TO BE REGAINING HIS HEALTH Word comes from Chicago that Elmer Wood, former freight traffics manager of the Union Pacific, who went there foe raHal treatment, is improving in a most satisfactory manner and that it is prob able that he will fully regain his hualth. With three small children, Helen, 3; I-iena, 6, and Sam, 4 year of age, Mrs. Augusta Dennis, 108 Woolworth avenue, was homeless and destitute as the result of a fire which destroyed her home Monday night No sooner had the noon edition of The Beo appeared on the strep ts with the acconnV of the homeless widow and children than Walter Brandrs, president of the. Liberal Aid society. and Walter Steele, secretary, hied themselves In an automobile to the wrecked home and Immediately started plans for a new home for theiu. By night they were safely housed, 'with plenty to cat and a stove and fuel to keep them warm. Mr. fjrandes and Mr. Stele secured a house, bought a stove and lots of good things to eat. took the children up town and provided them with plenty of warm clothing, and less than twenty-four hours after their house burned this little fam ily wils again happy and ready to enloy a merry Christmas. The fire was discovered by a neighbor, who aroused the household and helped Yirs. Dennis carry her tnree children from the place. The little ones were cold and ran back Inside, but were again brought to safety by Mrs. Bennis and Frd Reiser. Both Mrs. F.ennls and Reiser were slightly burned and were almost overcome by smoke. The father of the family was a fisher man and died last September of cancer and paralysis after confinement to his bed for aeveral months. Mrs. Bennis, who Is an Invalid, had received aid from the county since her husband's death and lecently received a mother's pension of 120 a month. She and the little ones were taken Into the home of Charles Barowsky, who lives next aoor. naroweky nas seven children and Is out of work. In the morn ing the Bennis family applied at the city Mission and was cared for by Mrs. Maa-ee until the home was provided for them by the Liberal Aid society. X ' i'i ' V r' U f FOOD, COTTON AND COTPERJN PLENTY Nazim Bey Sftys Turkey is Prepared to Supply All the Needs of Germany. TRANSPORTATION IS QUESTION BERLIN. Dv. 21. (Via London. 1 -"Turkey has an abundance of foods and other material of all kinds which it can supply to (Jerntany as Germany needs them," said Dr. Nazim Bey, secretary of the Voting Turks' committee and one of Tur key's most projulnent men, in a statement to the Associated Press on his arrival in Berlin today. "Jt is only a question of transportation, which seems to be in a fair way of solution. "There is no lack of anything in Turkey. For example, wo have, 30, 000.000 kilograms of cotton, which Cermanv ran have tho moment It selves the trannportatlon problem not to speak of 10,000,000 kilograms of reserve supply In the shape mattresses and xther articles In Tur kish homes. , "The same I true of copper. Of this we have at least 40 001.000 kilograms, w hich Cermanv pan have at any time. "Because of this abundance of neces saries and of the progress of military af fairs to this time Pr. Naxltn Bey predicts eventual victory for the central powers. He I certain Germany will rind a way to effect transportation rommun'catlona with Turkey In a short time. "Such a success will mean Independence lor Turkey for the first time." he con tinued "Ti eie Is Immeasurably less of peace propaganda In Turkey today than snywliere else. You must remember that for ,1icnlca there Ins hardly been peace for ten consecutive year with us. and ac cordingly we are accustomed to conflicts. We reckon that the present confll'-t w 111 last from one to two years more, but wc sie reatlv Imilf ferrnt as to the duration of the war. In any event Turkey will be the last to call a halt. Turkey Is enthusiastic for a number of reasons. First. It had never loiiani pre viously under such favorable conditions. Ficond. Ills' thought of eventual inde pendence stimulates the troops tremen dously. Third, the soldiers are spurred on by hatred of their enemies. This hatred Is engendered by Illegal acts. The Turks rerard the allies as real barbarians and when captured In a wounded condition frequently refuse food or drink from their captors, though, when conditions are re versed the Turks give their prisoner freely of their food." Resents Armenian Tales. Pr. Nailm Bey spoke calmly, except when the subjei-t of the world's Impres sion of Turkish-Armenian relations wns brought tip. "f thli he In hitter words. America. In particular, he said, bnd gained a felse Impression in two ways. 1-lrst, Investigators of conditions had not been neutral or unbiased. Sec ond, these Investigators went to . the wrong sources for their Information to Greeks, Jews ajtd Armenians, who are 0f l Turkish subjects and have grudges to air. "Every time a Turk does something praiseworthy In this world he Is hailed as an Armenian," he continued, "but every time he commits a crime or acts basely, he Is a Turkor something else." Expressing himself as an ardent ad mirer of America and most things Amer ican, and declaring Turkey needed the trade of the T'nlted mates even more than of Germany, Pr. Naxim Bey neverthe less asserted the delivery of ammunition by Americana to the allies had served to estrange the two people. Pr. Natlm Bey took Issue with those tT who have ssld the British could har broken through the Pardenelles In Mnrch If they had been willing' to imkc a Uttla greater sacrifice. He Insists he principal forts were not damaged, and that t!t y had plenty of ammunition to repel air attack. Pulmotor Fails to Revive Twelve-Year-Old Intoxicated Lad A 13-year-nld lad wss d'scovered lying In sn unconscious condition In an alley between Ninth and Tenth streets, near Leavenworth street, by Officer ' Jensen shortly after noon. A sack of empty whisky bottles wss found at his side. Jensen wss unable to revive the lad, so he summoned the ambulance and po lice augeons. who submitted the youngster to exhaustive treatment with the pul motor and stomach pump without tangi ble results In restoring consciousness. Tha physlclsns discovered the boy had taken a Inrge amount of whisky and was com pletely Intoxicated. He was removed t Kt. Joseph hoepltal. where his condition la regarded as most serious. The Identity of the boy is unknown. He wss ptiorly dressed and nothing about his person served to give the police a clua aa to his name or address. Where he obtained the whisky which was responsible for hla serloua condition Is also a mystery to the police. A "For Rale" or TFor Rent" Ad plaeed, In The Bee will accomptlsn its pur- i pose. . , 'j ELL-AWS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. MRS. BENNIS AND HER THREE CHILDREN. COUNCIL PASSES FILM r ORDINANCE BY DAHLMAN 1 The city council passed an ordinance, Introduced by Mayor Dahlman, and de signed tJ prohibit the display of any dra-I matic, motiorf picture or other public ex hibition which might tend to create race feeling. The ordinance Is the n-sult of protest made by Omaha negro cltliens against a film production which has been here for several weeks. FANNING MAY OFFER TO RENT THE AUDITORIUM Charles K. Fanning statea he is consld eilng the proposition of offering the city J?.) a year- rental for the Auditorium, with a stlplatlon that the building be used without charge for charitable events. MM Ml FULL QUART ST100TH M40 MELLOW PURE LIQUORS FOR THE HOME mmmi sl 2 DOORS EAST, OF W.O.W. BLD'O. FREE Souvenirs to Each Purchaser Bottit of, nice Port Wine tree with each purchase of $100 or more. BMBEotf rw(s(WS hblr-- irrjrari. . v-.V; M MS : eOLUM i j wf i r v as mj i Jj . rf f ' a WJUbl ' -iiiJIL, 1 i J T . t3 41 I iwfrlii -K'i4nj(r. t- www "w1 wns hjwl if ' T7 4 MA GRAFONOLAS and DOUBLE DISC RECORD Let the Columbia Grafonola furnish the. music this Christmas. There never was a Christmas without music and you never had Ruch music the Columbia Grafonola can bringl You have at your command "All of the Music of All of the World and Most-of the Fun, Too." Tho world's greatest artists in music and drama are there for your entertainment. $15;00' to !::iilti:: hri ? !:!i!!;i;pHu;.;;:ii, ;:::!: iiii'ril f If. il 'i; :: i!;::it::ii!ii.- ; iil;ii!i!!l!iik-, '.llfiiliHIiiii:!!; i :i:m!.::::a:!" t A t:.ii!(:.::!i::;:!' : .:.::::t:l':.i I il.3:li'IH.;iiHr'i All you have to do is to see your dealer but be sure to see him QUICK! . All Columbia factories are rushed to the very limit so the only sure way of getting the model you want in time is to select it from your dealer's stock. Don't forget to make your reservation today tomorrow may be a day too late. Your dealer will be glad to show you the Columbia and demonstrate its superiority. u f '1 .j t. a mm ' 'I s ..:i:!.iii:m:i;::i:-I' .I! , 1 4 i iri'::rti:i::n:::Ki iv 4 i l :;::::.;;;:!:::. ( tt iHfii:i:;:u:t'.:i; n . J -s :iii:;j!ii!;;f!j.;?; 1 i 'i ii 1 it V- ' J l.iii; ppiii!.!:! t i r:pp;;;p:j flillllSISlt) jj;::-.j:;sj.::i.;:i:-!;:!:.:r . '. P:H;i;i;;:,h!p::;!.::: : i m ralKiiiiiiiiii'iliiniiiiii;!;; I HEARING IS BELIEVING 4 Call on Your Columbia Dealer And, while you are there, lot your dealer make up a few groups of records for Christmas gifts. Ypur friends who own Grafonolas or other similar instruments would like nothing better than (Columbia records and such a group makes an ideal gift to go with your Christmas Grafonola. Columbia Double Disc records mean double value, double entertainment, doiible everything but price. HARTMAN'S We Carry a Complete Line of COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS and Records EASIEST TERMS IN THE CITY 1414-16-18 Douglas St. I ( Jj , y ' I, ;!!i;i!!j;iij!Hii!jiLt , i :!KIU!i.mi!i! I f t, .d:! HI1 "'l . i i . it'- : I.: ;.:::iift::!(;::ii: ' Xmmmtmtmmimmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm t ft :l.i:::!:H::!:t::::.:!;::::a:.:!::!::::rui!::m I L o ', I i i' ' I , ' foyVjiiijjjiiiiy- liutjijiji!! ! ; rP !$ ! !! ! ! ' i aii: !!!! ' ; I it"1- . 1 ' I " , i i 1 mli 1 i' I ft H ' " ,' !, r ,., ,, I. ..orli 'iVx 1J1. .e: -j-i-.:::y..:ir..:Ktf.::' f . 1 r i " I I I 'l , . I "."R" ii m t -.r i": j 1 i' i' " a i it t i i , i, i. i, i j;1 I . .j.ini-iiiiii I'-i his -is ;l ,!?lv 1 r.'V,' w I, :::: i!; -J ---j ! HiH.. T-fTT tt 1 L"t w" 'i, -Til - - ' f '! Pt JG- ---"vv : . ; , i ., l;:::;::!:i:r-: iu ri':li,,r.. .: .2 OMAHA HEADQUARTERS FOR GRAFONOLAS AND COLUMBIA RECORDS AYDEN'' l " DOOGI -0OUHAJ SIRCCTS 1 Hear the New Records Played. You're Always Welcome. You're Always a Welcome Onest in the Music Department. Union Outfitting COMPANY 16th and Jackson fits. A FuU Line of COLUMBIA . GRAFONOLAS and Records $1.00 a Week Puts a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA in Your Home. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. Largest Line of COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS and Records in the City 1311-1313 Farnam St. Splendid Proposition for Dealers. Write Us for Catalog and Prices. The Grafonola Company Wholesale and Retail Distributors of COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS and Records 1641 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. 220 3d Ave. E; Cedar Rapids, la. fx -k. cl,."' !fll it4!-:-., -il 'tl::! Hal , I'.' ' 1 ' I'1 I'l l ' 1 111 1, lit' k I ililr lf?! niti1 ,n;!::i::h 111:11- ri::i ;;;:ir rajjjjis'-'iin, !s,.iii!!!"'ilJ!iiiil AiL .im! fi-l-iu: iiiill.- iiil m ; n ; ; ! ' III, Sl!i:m i:in.. I 111. 1' T,M-jH,i:;a,!J,t" li!K: ft" ;v: -ij-:. 1 ! i i ' if- tj,;:,:: I i 'i ii I KIO '' i 1 1 1 :T a: ;.. I I l !! ;:! t:: l Hi Jia : il'iUf'Lur. . .M-l-:: illi H tiii!:;l.:ii ii if! hit. 'r ;u Miwjllli:; M:;:i H - "1 t : .i.....i:i,t Jin ii' I hi :!!.!! i'.liiir Mil:"!! lil!: :!'i :i!iH, mni;i!l !- ;i- iru n i liiriii: m III li lii, All ihe music of all the world and most of the fun of it too! .11,, '.fUll'll : t; -r: .'!u. : ' ? t 3? j .k,. , :,.i q. , ., ( u : ,1 1 -P ' ' rii.iii::', I ;-;!! -'iiiiir'-ip! i".i: nV h:: H r: , ii!i,!;,iri!; ! ;!i:!m! ,i ipHli ! ii -Vf Siiiliiiiliin ih! i OS i!fi '!! ilH Pp;;;: ii'i:p: iji!! i i:pi HmM 'i-ppiiiPi p j iiiiiii ppp'e km Jll. J f :l I. " Mk. alNl H ...L H. rf I fit: 3i Flhrf .I";fw:i:i - ii ft i'l !: f-'i.'M ' : ui: ; : ti: t l. H itim:- r. f-f k tirji-,: (elii::.;ilf" cjii;. : I 1 (t vii;: mi. (in l ,ii ,,i ;i ...1.1 jij.. . -iii.iniii; ;;m,.H i .f.i:i: 1 ; , ,r:i.;:v tii:i:::;;r i. l it it 1 Vwwil P1; -ii ?ii!iil'i!: :'! 1 ! al i! niiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiii I ;,::;!u::j.;m:;i:,.;!iiii:' ! iiiimib P .OfD'iHiiiiS iii'ii : i :!'! ?r C;: ; iii'iil .i:: iii!i:;;P k mK Vvu; :,!;; :.;:;: : 1 rTrx iiiiiii mm N-iiiiiiiiiii! Hi'iiiiiiiX -Jy!iH!;i iiiiiiiiiliiii. pi.,, i: '.! : rruwa;!i.!;i i 1 i$V it: iSii! l iiilifri: i ' '"!' "i"' ill 1 1 i Hill " ijiii?ps !!ii,;i'i;l;ii!!l il j 'Wmfy JiJirfifiiiipiiii V liiiii.i.iiei1ii.iM ii,i..'.j,.inr-inii..eimiii fi.jimii in ' nxi-rmin i i'i jmm iFywiy J , f 1 ii