Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Railway Commissioner! of Western
Btatei Will Map Oat Program
to Follow.
("From a 6taff Correspondent.)
JAHOOlsS, Dec. TL (Special). Attor
ney General Reed left today for Omaha
where he will be Joined by member of
the stats rellKiy commission tomorrow
In a conference to b held by the attor
ney general and members of the rail
way commissions of Minnesota, Iowa.
Kar.jas, Oklahoma and South Dakota
to take up the ralso In p.-iss-'nj;er rates
and to consider action to be taken by
the commissions In asking for a rcliear
lnc hi-Tors the Interstate Commerce com
mljslon. The meetlne will be held at
the lxya' hotel In Omaha.
Mhat hnna Mean.
Attorney General Keed says that the
action of tlie Interstate Conirnerea com
mission In raisin; the passenger rates In
Nebraska vill aO.i aout J1,260,OOJ to the
passenger levenucs of the several roads.
The rati: if put into effect trill mean a
charge of two an J fniir-tuntha cents per
mile on pusscns'r service In this
state. He f.iyj i; the two and one-half
cent bill had p.mscd the legislature at
the last Bessie n it would have added
about to the above amount.
He believes that the Interstate Com- '
rnerce commission should be the only i
rate-making body in existence
the present system every state in the I
union has authority to make Its own
rates and he believes that has a tendency j I,, a. for city electrician to suc
to complicate matters. I reed Samuel lee, whom the mayor re-
loirani li He Here tently oustei). but who refused to leave
DBS MOINES, la, Dee. a -Members j the Job. The vote wa tvvo and two.
of the state railway commission, Inelud- j C'oiincilnien 1,'adachcU anil Currie voted
Ing George Cosson, attorney tencral; asnlnst (.s.-irriner hecau.-e they held r.o
Clifford Thome, John A. Gulher nnrt J. ! acsncy exists In the office, while on the
II. Wilson, -w ill leave tonight for Omaha
to take part In the conference of the
mtddleweatern state railroad commission
ers on the mattter of Increased passen
ger rates. The attorney general and the
commerce council will handle the Iowa
case and may bring; action In the feder
al court to prevent the enforcement of
tho new rates In Iowa. The Iowa offi
cials said they will attempt to prevent
the increase in interstate passenger fares
lo Iowa points.
Holmes Admits Held
Up Aurora Editor
YORK. Neb.. Inc. 2l..Sneolal Tele-
Rmm.)-JI. II. Holmes, who has been in I
the Lutheran hospital for the last three
weeks tufefrlng from two gunshot wounds
which lie received when he attempted to
hold up Nhjlit Watchman Sprlnset, niado
r confession to Chief of IVilcci . Inney
today, thrt he l.clil up (.Marts Perkins at
Aurora, on T!i.mki;a!virf; ti's'it. As soon
s ho in nblc to he re. i. overt he will he I tl,e shooting, they also showed that tin
ti ke;, to Aurora lor uii.l InMea.l of hoiim' I 1erneath y bo"y V!htn "9 ''
Marcel In jail here. I 1 -'-cal'1'" revolver, ur.disputedly Boyd's.
.. j t-'ounty Attorney Cunningham announces.
Two nrnth- In (int.- to.ii.l,. (however, that despite the jury's verdict
BBATR1CK. Neb.. Dec. it.-fSpcclai.)-:
Mrs. Julius Trumhlle. an old resident of
the Cortland vicinity, died Monday morn
ing after a brief illness of pneumonia.
Her husband died three weeks ago and at
the funeral she contracted a severe cold
which terminated In her death.
Jurgena Frcesc, a pioneer of Hanover
LU. a : r. V , mil. . nnplliaqil F
Beatricedied Sunday, ascd 71 years. Mr.!;,r ot f a,te Po0' hof auceeeded In col-
Freese made the trip overland to Gasu
county from E.ov.nvllle In 1ST3. He U
survived by ono daughter
I), . Mmmona.
FALLS CITT, I'CC 11. (Special.) D.
Simmons of Salem, Neb., a prominent
Kkhardson county cltlren and a pioneer,
passed sway nt his home on Monday
morning, after an Illness of aeveral
months. Mr. 'Simmons csme to Nebraska
Leforo the war. At the time the war
broke out he went to bia homo In Illinois
and joined an Illinois regiment. Ha was
badly wounded In a battle In Kentucky.
Alter the war he returned to Illinois and
was mauled and returned to Nebraska
with Ms bride, where they lived on the
farm north of Salem until IS9W, when they
jnoved to the town of Salem, after the
death of hia wifs. Four sons and two
dauphu-is, C. L. himiuoriH of fcalcm, Guyc
Flmmons of Wyoming, Grant Simmot.S
of Humboldt, and Mrs. (.3. H. Pennington
of evaleni, are nil that remain living. In
I1W4 he was united in marriage to Mrs.
Hnilley of Salem Hiid to them one son
waa born. Mr. Simmons was S" at the
time of hia death.
I.t-ror Hrrr.
1'AIMBL'IlV, Neb., Dec. Jl. (.Special
Telegram.) taioy Berry, a well known
Cilijcn of lairbtiry. died suddenly at
!ii. homo here early this morning of a
conil Inaticii of maladies. He had mad.
I'airbury Irs home for the last twnty
fo'ii (: end was u prominent KK.
.Mr. Berr.v born in Panama. V.
., (Kl'.li. I t-. lie i-i s'uvived by
hi w e !'".. No a 1 1 .i i ' ef i i' p tii liave been
r,.a ii l "r ilo f..m :nl.
M.AIK. .V'
I'rijiikliii hn
Tienjiimiii X i
heurt fulluie
.nl.lii) tloi'kr,
' I... Dpi. :"...,-, "i.i
Vr. ;id vcaii, koii of
e.i of Chicio, died ct
l.ij-t rveninj at tho Bialr
hospital. Acci
mipa iied by his father, he
arrived hin
on the evening train for
treatment v ltli I r. Morris Nielsen, w ho
lind been the family doctor. At the office
be took s'ldd-nly vvoie and was taken to
tie- hospiliil. (Jvinc a short time after.
The boilc ws 1 1 m lo Clilcaio for
Ir. rdnaril, Islkrr,
I nK.M'iNV. Noli., Dee. :i. -(Special. I
Mts. Fiwatd L.lfirr, wife of a wealthy
jitoc k ro'.V' i in the lioop- r vi lmty, died
at hfr li'M'-e, njiilieasl of that place.
Sunday evircn. Hi was a native of
Oerrnany and ( tj jears of ase. A
liusband and three children survive h"i.
the came lo Dodge county in
Daniel lcleec.
SIDNET. Neb., Dec. Jl.-(pe ial i
Tianlel MeAlscese, former h riff and
county clerk of C'heenne county, died
last night at ft. Anthony's hospital in
Deliver after an lllnesd of a few ctayg
labor ktrrk Ketfrdlratrd.
T.UiOK, la., Pee. (Spec ial.) Tho
Chti'lisn church, which has been rs
pslifd and r-decoiaU'd. was i c lediested
fr'uiriay. Ths j-ermon wss y Isn a. I.
JU:ard of f'rake university. A piano
- pieoented to the church by ths Ial
V. nmi; v ..nui.'H f- ihM clu'. Ths rollec
tion, whti-h ws tken to pay 'or tho
UtnftotmtuM, amounted to 1 1, wo.
b W.IWHIIIM IIIIIIMIHI Illl Mil 1 llll ij
i From a Stuff Correspondent.!
UXCOLN. Dei-. II. -(
nsrae of Henry T. rijiifcc. chairman of
the Nebraska Ilai'.nay commission, is
being considered with ctheis In con
nect Ion wltli sn appoint men l on tl
"Interstate Commerce commission. The
appointment 1 inaile by the president,
but politics cuts no figure in the selection
ss the commission 1m supposed to be as
evenly divided as possible.
Deadlock Over Office
at Wymore Still On
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. Il.-iSpeclal.)-
The Wymore city council held a special
meeting Monday evening ami lefused to
confirm Mayor McMullen's 'appointee. Dr.
other hand the innyor claims he is vested
with the authority to discharge city em-i
i..., ,, , .. . . .
plojes ami has dismlc-ed Sam.icl Lee.
l ZT , ? J0"M10: "ftcr ,eve'-I vot" ,.ghtv and favors the corpora
ad been takei, on he matter of Bord- i hJ fwo ca(i he.
. mf i !- working every :f (he rnmmi!i,ion ,na
58 tb,C n,arr rtU' I It then. both, but whether this is re
h1 V'rra ""'"'rl" ; sponsible for his opinion regarding the
bring mandamus to compel him to conlmlsMon u not knowIl. ,Ie mllk the
do so. Tho mayor asserts that if the ,.,, rffe thllt lhe commission has taken
matter Is brought Into the court, he will mumclpalit f lhe Bht , mako
have no trouble ) ting Ie. j ,a(ps for tcIe10ne con)l,anles It is on the
Ain..r..i 7 I side of the corporations.
CORONER'S JURY RELIEVES I Mr. Wilson has appe,.led his case, to
CI HAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 21.-l.Spe-
, Telegram.)-The coroner's Jury, com-
prised of younff businessmen, brought In
a verdict In the case of the slaying of
Loon Boyd by Bert Ford, both colorml.
that the shooting was dona in self de
fense. While the facts revealed at the
inquest showed threats previously made
by Ford and that the latter van after
ii win me an inrormaium inn noia
I Ford for trial.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) I
LINCOLN, Dec. 11. (Special.) ecre- j
,U!:t" r""u ioi
"car" fm the Commonwealth Power
company. Tho company had not paid
1 the tax for 1!M4 nor for this year and
J the penalty for delinquency amounted to
(277.50. Tho amount due was t',?&), the
whole thing being received today.
rclc Out for WilWr'a gealp.
CRET E, Neb., Dec. a. (Spa.-lal.)
Coarh Squires and a squad of Cre.e High
school bssket ball toners are back from
a two days' trip, In which they were de
feated by Geneva, owing to their being
not used to so small floor, but took a
?am from the Friend team on Satur
day alght. Coach Squires announced his
linc-up to start the Wllber game, which
will be played on the locsl floor Wednes
day evening as follows: Captain. Iestcr
Frundell and Leonard Frundell, forwards;
Allen, center, and Clarence Frundell and
Ellis, guards, with Kacer and Bilhorti
as substitutes.
VAeddlns; mt Oaalliiln.
F1DNET, Neb., Dec. !l. ( Special. )
Joseph Magnus Swcnson and Helen Marie
Tlelnreman were married here last even
ing. District Judge H. M. Grimes of
North Platte officiated.
An endless variety of Xmas candies in
artistic boxes. Prices to suit all purses.
Fruits and nuts, fresh stock every day.
Crystal Candy Co.
16th and Capitol Ave. Phone D 6258
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.
State Board of Control Finds Cloth
ing Delivered at Hastings
Asylum Belotv Grade.
iFiom h saff ('irres!.nrleiit.
LINCOLN. I've '!.- iS, ecial Telegram.)
Another si.rcr nlent'.ent cf a state In
ititution Is on the raipet charged with
ni'amaiiaKcment. This Hme It Is I 'r.
M. W. Baxter, who. It is chstsvH. has
p.'!'viii;d ccrtrartprs to deliver clothing
to the Mare Insane nsyliim at Hasting,
of which he is superintendent, very much
helow the grscic of the samples sub
mit led.
CommMsionrrs Gerdes and Kennedy and
Secre'.ary Mathews of the board of con
trol, have been In Hastings for two days
checking up the clothing and comparing
It with the samples submitted. It Is
said that some of the (-lathing is W per
cent below the e.uallty of tho samples.
J. H. Spoils, a local dealer, who se
cured the contract, is said to hare agreed
to take back the Inferior suits.
Whether Unpei inteudent Baxter is di
rectly responsible for the deception can
not be told until the board cf control
completes Its Investigation, but a sys
tematic Investigation Is being held, and
It Is said that it has been shown that
the superintendent hsd relieved the stew
aid of the Institution, whose duty It Is
to receive and havo charge of all sup
plies, from handling the goods which It
is now claimed are helow grade, and
took the duty upcti himself.
victor wiCsoFfo run
' (from a Staff ("orresp ndeut
. LINCOLN. Deo. 21. -(Special. tor
1 Wilson of Ptromshurg. who served time
, , , . . , ,. . , ..... ,,
legislature, Is of the opinion tltst the
L.. - .. o. ,. . v,-v
nounces that he will be a candidate for
the democratic nomination for the com
mission to . .1 the place now occupied by
Chairman Clarke.
Should Mr. Wilson make his threat,
good It will mean that three well known
individuals at least will contest for the
democratic nomination Mr. Wilson, Sen
ator Jack Urace and Tire Commissioner
W. S. Rldgell.
VALKNTINK. Neb.. Dec. 21. (Special
Telegram.) Eugene Orace, proprietor of
the Donaher hotel, died her tonight as
the result of falling down the basement
stairs in (he annex building Saturday
evening. He was found by the night
clerk and never regained consciousness.
Grace was 7" years old and had been a
prominent hotel man In northwestern Ne
braska for twelve years during which
time he catered to the commercial trade
witli hotels st Orchard, Nellgh and
KEARNKT. Neb., Dec. a.-(Speclal)
Sheriff SI Funk left yesterday for Lincoln
with John Estob and Ralph Griffin, who
will begin to serve sentences in the state
penitentiary. The former got from two
to fifteen years, while Griffin was given
one to ten years. K3I00 is the man who
sdmltted an attempted assault en a
Kearney girl, and Griffin Is the young
man who broko into Lambert's bakery
and rifled the cash register.
Ivcnrney Woman Sin for Dl Torre.
KsLluNKT, Neb.. Dec. Jl. (Special.;
'Mrs. Helen III ow n has filed suit In tho
district court tnday a iking for a dl
I voice and alimony from F.dward Hrown.
i Mrs. Brown now resides In this city and
bus been making her own living by
; working. The couple were married on
; lVhruary H, li, in Kearney, and have
! two children, Floyd, aged 8, and Wen
ded, aged j. These children now arc be
ing kept by Ml. Urmu, who resdes on
ii farm r.r.-ir (i'bl.on. .Mrs. Prown asks
for a divorce and custody of the two
! boys.
Hearing on General Order Nineteen
Will Be Had Before Su
preme Court.
i From a Stuff Correspondent
LINCOLN. le.-. -Jl.-1 Kpevlal. Kail
Joads have beep served wlrh a notice hv
the court to piepare their brief ,'or the
case which will soon come up he .rc the
supreme court on fi right onler o 1'.
The carriers hare appeal-d the ou to
the suproie , ouit over lhe rulli'R of the
rolitsny ec rt!?son and It l n!r-.l that
there be no ilehiy In argument n .1 that
the matter he broushl liefov, ;.. .oiyt
as speedily fossihle.
4 amplirli Mill n.niMlnu,
W. 11. Cnniphell of ( Inks a cull, r
at the office oi itate Pnpoi ntendent
Tl:omas this morning. Mr. clnik In sn
enthusiastic booster for the hia
school plan and while the noil; l i i omlivr
on nicely under the unpen -ivcm of the
state superintendent, he denrrs to see it
pushed ever har,r and Is ben. ling hit
efforts In arsictln Mr. Thomas in the
There are seven country district in
Scott's Bluff county whi h u. making
progress along lhee line. ijins from
nine to ten grades and t: three d s:ricti
teachers' cottages have tern maintained.
This Is a decidedly ogod showing. nccorJ
Ing to Mr. CamptxMI let- the .hN months
the rlan has been In operation
Miller to Lrmr Male.
O. W. Miller, the Llncvln ntlorney who
has been before the eourtu oiutrKed with
entering Into nn agreement to collect Jl". .1
from the Burlington rallioad (or alleged
Injuries to a client who admitted thut his
Injuries were not recclvr.j t,y HMV c0,.,..
Hon with the facts ns I argc,l In the case,
entered a plea of Riiilty n a chatge of
misdemeanor and has ngierd to pny hm-k
to the railroad company tin- money ie
celved and leave the state. li, n.i.lttl.n
no received n of JP.0 otnl cosl.s. The
two other men Implicated in the orim.
were each given h Sim fine with cwt...
Prim la l.lenlenanl I nlonrl.
Lieutenant Colonel JnMc.. i ! ,
ia now. Instead of Major I'cnn. as It was
when that gentleman waa connected with
the Nebraska Guard u few years ago, as
representative of the eovernment
onel penn is here visiting fricndn. an I
called at the state house to renew ac
quaintances. At the lime hr llv..l i
Lincoln be w a special uid to c.nvemop
Aldrich and inspector for Hie War de
partment. SI:ne teavlrg he.e he has
been at Hawaii with the I'iist tnfn!iy,
and having received promotiuii, ie now
on his wav to New VWI; m.
Third Infantry at Madison barracks.
Commercial Inb Spread. Out.
The increase In the Lincoln r'nmm,i
club has been so rapid thut it has been
necessary to secure more worn, and, yes
terday, tho club closed u deal for tho
block adjoining the present i.ew ti,i,
house on the north. The building Is of
Sherman & McConnell
Sherman & McCoontU
Thermos Bottles
Sherman & McConnell
Fine Box Paper
Sherman & McConnell
Sherman & McConnell
Sherman & McConnell
Like lo a 'Id to lhe hoiiiUv H.tri
hy tukniK liome a quart of raie n'.l
wine, or nn unusually wrll use I
whisky. Thl can I,e done ny
pal ronlina CACKIiET'S, vvlicrq
finality lias remneci for more than
VI V'ears. In Ihiuor huvinif 'lu '(
PiAt'iilatc you ila suf at ("aik
le'. Our reputation and guaran
tee back of e,eij an It, n ma lie.
where v mi live.
Remember Friends
with out ielehrted 98e p'r!m
whiskieo, racked fr Old Orow,
Old Taylor. Oaflar Srok, Oueksu
hslmar. Sunny Brook, Zto. Pull
quart kottlas, only ac.
Horns Mads Oraoa Wins, 91.23
per raUon. Iwt Appls Cldsr,
30e pr aalloD, rrss Cbina oou.
CACIILEY fi05.;.
Carit.l ats.
Write, f'jr our lie 3 lolor"?,
lust out.
4 Hi vtjv
General rU(rtlatr
Oauba, Nab.
' thiee uto- o, high and cost
Jie club t'K,M'
tlerilaon Ran.
Maishsll llamson. io tv?s a M im
i o-nt'ls lie in C'e l-mlato sieu of
I wsa In th city last night Mr. Har
tts"n is er.e cf thoe Kind of people who
Pctlov that the rrp :b'h sn perty IU
continue to do thlnf- in th futme n
: has in the past, and fe!s t'at it It
.n n to get another tlsme in i r. Mr.
Iistiwn would like to t lond.dnttf
for i. ill ay comnu. lone-, but does not
.lstte lo do If (Mini man Clarke Is a
vardiilato for renominatlon. uhlih Is ev).
dent to saying that believe the chairman
has made a good officrr.
A "Tor .'" ad will tur-v second hand
furnlttire Int i ea.h.
Orchard &Wilhelm Co,
414-416-4IS South Sixteenth Street
Practical Furniture Gifts
For lliis Luxurious DavpiijMjrt j Feet Ion;;
coviMTvl in lirowu I'iiriinvl hair O
cloth ilonini, at
IncHin,. i;1(ik $.7.
IMscillt WvtV. lahlrs S.".00
iniiitiu SlmiiN S.OU
TnUncm g .1)0
laillin WMohinstxii Work Thlfa glJ
Muffin StnncN S5.CN
MithoKan.r Candle Hicks. S1.15
Buy Your Toys at the "Toy Shop"
The "is variety of fresh, clean, novel toys offers better
for selection than elsewhere, ami for the convenience of
Christinas shopper we havo arranged .'5 li counters at one
for. . .
including a great many bargains that are much less than regular price, because we wish
to make sure of closing: out all our stock.
Big- Dick Rapid
Fire Gun
A big cuunon thut shoot 30
wooden projector in less tbun a
minute. A 12.50 toy
A Christoias Gift
Fifty-Two Times a Year
It is Never Too Late. None Need Be Forgotten.
THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL ( Monthly ) $1.50
Just call Douglas 7163, order the publications you wish sent, and have a beautiful folder
mailed to reach your frienda Christmas Eve notifying them that the magazine will be re
ceived or folder can be mailed direct to donor to be forwarded with other gifts.
With TJ
On of ,
AiMrlru Naguliis
AtlaatU MnthlT
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CaunO-y UMm ..... J. . ... "...
Lurrsat Uytaisa
Etas Nuilcj
Gm4 HanaakMylnl
Hrsr'a tuw
Hrr' KafulM
liwHf'i Hklr
"rat's Nuuln
IHtr(4 War 14
LKll.r.lks- (Haw
M4ra Prlsailla
Outta. MiM
rran .
flelartal Pariaw
( Mickslaa
Suaaat nMasla
W"n' Ham Cimuilw .
WsrM'i Wsrh
Yatita's Cssnin
It ""ol'.:' -i""t'. 11 ISe.
t II Ams. --.-,-.d c'i.'i S Horns Cempani-irs to sanar addrsisss, add Bo..
Acts HaTt.'s. f aamcwoltua r 04 HnakMsln( y ardar, tl.SO ach
To ram tlie $.4.ihi for tho I. P. A., its MUST have 398 -subscriptions
to tho I Jidifs' Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post and
Country dontleman in December, but AX V publieation helper.
Write for Complete Catalogue or xie ANY, but br all means
address your order or renewal to Gordon, the Magazine Man,
TMTMSI 1 1 Nrh . Tfr. (.periat ) :
AeieMIng to tl t teim of the will of Hie
late Major hnr. ti Howe of Auburn !
hich hss t ee,, admitted tn probate, th"1
man ulin -iri him faithfully as re
tary while In the ron-nlar service shroud ,
will receive a teniieit of t'.f.
Major Howe ma.lo his still In 197 and j
added two coile d at later dates. The i
second codicil, dated September 5. 1SH.
J leads as follow :
"I give and bequeath lo and direct my
t executor to pay within one year from th
time or my demh lhe s un of :t,O0 to my
1 ward. Ualn L. Campbell of Oakland. Cal.
' icon employed by V. W. Wool worth &
i Like Cut.)
Here Is a large conifort
Ftiaranifpd frolden oak rocker. Massive tie-
si j n, npliol
ttorcil spring
seat, a Urge,
room y, sub
g'untliil rock
er, neat and
lHik coTcred
In li row u
Fna nti-H 1 e a
ther. $18
for. .
Special for Wednesday
fine tuetul body, substantial rub
ber tired auto, at a fyi 7JL
gpeclal price 4'tre O
....U5 8S "ESS..
.... ? i 8 -s..
.... n-' J(v soi"..
.... in 6W 5M..
.... S I. 4 IS 8 IS .
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.... S13 4 IS 81V.
.... 8 IS 4! 8t..
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.... 4M. .... 61 40.1..
4 & 4 yi..
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.... 4 0" 6 'X 4 00..
400 60t' 4 00..
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i:.ig. who was rry
tro."1cl re t'ts',
my recr in tl c
'ilia biMinesi I
lo e ar d n f.'ectl
fc ii 1'iiv j oar during)
co. il-r set vl- abroad,
made ni n token of my
li, n w '-11 a i a slight f-
tuin lit
i c ma Inii.i
fsl'lifiil servKea rrndei an I
; nnnuld "
M IX V flit. 1'oc. "1. (Special.) William
.t. Illey, a stoiktnr'n of HatTlsbiirg.
Neb., was found dead here this morn
ins In an alley. The cause of death Is
not apparent.
Head The Itee Want Ads. It pays!
Co . I 'd ,
ThuU $4.50
Mi.isH Ucil. a-lnrh po 812.50
Cellar Cheats SIO.OO
Xpslenl Ton Tll-.. 817.50
lllfr niKh.n C'ahlnels 828.50
PiiMer lied 825.00
nidsiiij Tables 813.50
the hurried
price, each
Lionel Electric Trains . . . $5
"Lionel" Ih duality In electric
trains; this set Includes motor, 2
tars, track and rheo- C Afi
stat. all for 40Ul.
Other sets, motor and CQ 7C
track, for 40 f 3
By giving th
t n t n II d s Poii
hion Assn., the
benefit of your
inHKJiin! order
and r e n f w a la,
you nro not only
Hsnured th
IimcsI publtsh
cl prlre, but
you also con
tribute o) centa
or more towards
the nuiiport of
Heveral par
alyzed men who
have received a
pennon of 10
.1 month eaeh
nearly t h r
years.' Orr
$11,000 earned
for fharltj- dur
ing the past six
, yrort without a
tent of expense
for salales. fuel
or rent. Write
for affidavit and
list of Invalids
Gift Problem
Con pou autft m
Ckrhtmti gift ihnn
paor's tubarriptinn fa
soma good mafazlno,
modi saopsWintf num.
kmr pjmiumnt r
mindmr nftho donorT
Gift fhtcriptiona
aanouaea, isi'ia beau
tiful Ckrim(ma F oldmr
to nock lour frhmd
Chrittmci o.