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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1915)
TTTK BEE: OMAHA.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1015. . ' t- .;! Mw !!! , -lit .V BULGARIANS AND GREEKSJN CLASH Slavs Said to Hare Croiied the Bor der Into Epirus and Killed Several Officers. emsSSaSajaaaBSSl ATHENS aUICKLY SENDS AID PAMS, Dec. 20. Fighting be tween imtll detachments ot Greek tnd Bulgarian troop In reported In a dispatch from Brindiat, Italy, to the Havas Newt agency. It Is atd several (5 reek officers and aoldlers vere killed or wounded and that the Greek government Is hastily forward ing reinforcements to the srene of the fighting. The dispatch says that the disturb ance occurred m the province or Fplnm, at the western end of the erbo-Greek border. A Bulgarian advance guard is raid to liave penetrated Greek territory after en, encounter with Oreek oiltposis, re sulting InMlvely flg-htlng. . "The Creek press maintain alienee In it4nr4 to these Incidents." fn dispatch riintlmioa'but the government la dis turbed.' Greek dotachmenta have been sent hastily to Korits and Oogrsdesr-I to -reinforce, the garrisons there." tr McateaegrlM Treacheraae. . KliKUlN, Dee. 20. (By Wireless to Pay-vilIo.)-Tlio Ovcracaa News aeeney quotes the Austrian official report of December 19. ss charging that the Montenegrin at eumo place held tip their handa, waving flsge and advanced near to the Austro Hungarian llnea. when they suddenly threw hand grenades. The statement la minted as Buying: ' The treachery found corresponding treatment."1 ' The agency quotea the Turkish state ment for December1 19, aa saying that 1n the Mesopntamlan campaign "the enemy igaln used dum dum bullets." Oermasi Version ( Yares right. UERI.IN, Dec. So (Via, London.) En tente allied monitors yesterday shelled the Herman poaltltlons at Weatende tut' the -BclRlan roast, but ahere finally ! .lrlven away by land batteries, says the j official statement Issued today by der- ! man army headiuarters. The statement I adds that Cerman aviators attacks the! town of Poperlnghe, near Tprea, numer ous hostile troops being concentrated there. , , . The statement follows: Vrstnrn theater: Fire from our Coastal batteries drove off the enemy monitors ehUh- shelled Weatende yesterday. On tills front there was lively artillery ac tivity. - - . "One of our air squsdron attacked Poperlnfche, where numerous troops of the enemy ere gathering;; . "An English biplane was ahot down In an aerial fight near Bruges. The oc cupants were killed. "Eastern theater; The situation is inchanged. "Balkan theater: In the fighting north- .ast of Tare, previously reported, three mountain and. two field guns were cap. effirlal Information ns to trie number of French and Riltieh troop In Oreere, which luis been estimated recently, at about Germany, Austrln. Hultsrla and Turkey have at their dtxpoaal several times that number f'f men, and It may be Rimiimril that eveiy effort will be mad to concent rafe a lonulileiaMe allied fore on tbe SslonlM bac. This Oreck port In within cany sailing distance of the Oallipoll peninsula. It recent unofficial advices concerning the Ksrptisn situation are authentic tlreat Ilrllaln may feel the necessity of Increasing her armed forces there. It has represented that tbe Germans and Turks are preparing a formidable expe dltlcn to Invade Kx)pt. enpture the fluent cnnsl and cut off I'.nKland fioni India. Sonic of the l.lttereit ep'-oiinters .and limvy lises of 'trie Dardanelles have tiiken pine at the positions now aban doned by the Hrltlsh. The nlllcs have been hln to achle.e no striking suc cesses at these points. Mnsr F.iprfMloai of Hellef. Thank God. they are safely out ot there without serious, loss" la an ex pression frequently heaad .today In con nection with the transfer of the troops from the fiuvla and Ansae tones to "an other sphere of operation,'' although this Is Invariably retipled with regrets thst it should have been regarded as necessary to evacuate the hard won footholds en the peninsula, obtained at such a heavy cost In casualties. The toe of the tlalllpoli penlusiiB. with peddul Hahr, commanding the entrance to the Derdsne-.lea, is spparently still t be held, as no mention Is nisde of the transfer of troops from this region. The wsr office statement leaves the public, to draw Its own conclusions ss to the destination of these Australian and Vnlted Kingdom forces, w-hlch must b well over strong. It Is widely conjectured, however, that any south ward sweep of the Teutonic or llul garlan armies in the Jlalkans whether from the iiorth, west or east, will sooner or later come In contact with them, and that the trSnsfer is connected with a determination on the pert Of the entente powers not to rernsln on the defensive In the near eastern thesler of war longer thgn la requisite to asstirs the success of a forwsrd march. FINANCIAL NUT FOR KAISERJO CRACK Voerwaerti Aiks Where Interest ' and Principal of Great War Debt il to Come From. IMPORT TAX' IMPRACTICABLE AMSTERDAM, Dec. 20. Review ing the recent speech on Germany's financial condition, which Dr. Karl Helfferich, secretary of the treasury, made before the Reichstag, the So cialist newspaper, Vorwaerts, of Ber lin, asserts the time has come for the German government and the Reich atag to indicate In what way the money necessary for payment of in terest on the nation'a gigantic war debts and to provide for their re demption, I to he ralsad. It says: "With the new war credit of 10,000.000,(00 marks the German war debt reached j.i.oonrnouor) marks which, according to Dr. Ileirrerlch, ahould last until the end of Hatch. Interest on 40. ,, noo marks amount to I,o"n"0,ono marks snnuslly and for redemption which Is necessary in order to maintain the credit of the empire, another bon.W.noO marks is needed. Mast Daable laromr. The Vorwaerts considers If essential that the empire's Income be more than doubled to meet these obl'gatione and the current expenses. Before the war, It Says, the flnancsl st.ito of Germany was a source of snxiety to the government. In !!, tsxatlon was increased by f-00,-000,000 marks, but the budget did not balsnce. In 1913 the government sdopted the extrerdlnary measure of taxing wealth and levying a non-recurrent Con tribution for armament in order to cover the deficit. ' Maintenance of the existing financial system, the Vorwaerts continues. Is in possible so far as taxation of Imports Is concerned. Trovlslons. rsw msteriuls and many other articles msy be expected to Hsu In price arter the war and If the present tariff were continued. It would lead to an artificial Increase of prices for Germany which would undermine the capability of German Industry to compete In the world market. Import Tax Impracticable. "Therefore, the Interests of consumers and producers." the Vorwaerts concludes, "demand abolition of these Import taxes after the wsr, which, would reduce Ger many's income considerably: and, there fore, the time has come for the govern ment to declare what course It Is steering. " Alleged Swindlers of Iowa Farmer May Not Be Tried Again CHICAGO. Dec. 20. IxKlavlne Miller and J. Marion .Miller, her brother, alleged swindler of Thomas ("Sentimental Tommy") Foulkes. a farmer of Danbury, la., are scheduled to be placed on trial for the second time In the criminal court here today. They were convicted In the summer of ir1l of operating a confidence game the arlesed mulcting of tne farm' of MC.Ono and two farms valued at ItO.nno but were granted a new trial later. The case has 'been set for trial, but Is not certain whether It will be tried. In view of a letter turned over to MHrvin K. Barnhart. assistant state's attorney, by Miller. The missive bears Foulkes' signature and contains an admission of perjured testimony in the first trial, but Foulkes denies writing It. A specimen of his handwriting was token by the assistant state's attorney for the purpose of comparing It with the writing in the letter. On the report of the expert depends the second trlBl. If he finds the writing to be Identical. Prosecutor Rarnhart essertel be would dismiss the charge. Three Men Killed by Explosion. RICH HILL,, Mo., Dec. .-Three men employed In destroying stumpa were killed today when a wagon load of dyna mite exploded on W. T. Duvall's ranch, near here. LTiouni lured. . .-i.f -JfTea r Mojkovac ftghuns; continued sue- Mfuiy for ths Austro-tlungartan ;;j .roopsV'v . j French Official, neper. -' L I PARIS, lec 20. The French war of- ', ru-e this afiarnoon gave out a report on j the prugressof hostilities, reading: " "In the Artwls district, there has been fiifhtlnS with band mrrnmjitm north nf Slsolse-En-llacbe. Between the Ijonuoe and the oise the artillery has beea ac tive, la the region of Fay we . have j silenced a battery of the enemy... , .'. i I "On the north bank of the river Aisne we yesterday evening evacuated the small uulpoata we captured on. December 16. "In the Wolvre district, at the forests of Mort Mare and Le Prate, French bat teries bombarded the communicating I also cannonadlna In the sectors ot I l- .j Nomony and of Blonoourt, In Lorraine." BRITONS LEAVE TWO DISTEICTS ON DARDANELLES (Continued frem'Psge OneJ of warm debate. . The otflciai paper ot I Premier Itadoslavof f declares the. allies' must be driven front ,Hlonlkl;( whether by Bulgarian or Ausiro-Getman troops Is a question for the military leaders ' to solve. The allies In Macedonia do net expect an early attack If the advanee 1s b-rt to the Aujtrlans and Germans, ss irmen report that the central powers have not yet gathered a sufficient force to underlain) an offensive. - , HRITOSS LRAVISQ UAI.I.irOLl Troops Withdraw Sappased Be u Way ta Salaatkl. DONDO.NT.iDcc. j!0.The British trooos at the 8u la end Anxac districts of the j Galllpoll pcr,lnsuia. have been withdrawn.! Jiie roiiowing official statement was tlMnued here today;, "All the trjopa at fiuvla and Ansae together with their guns and stores, have eeri successfully transferred with 1n ,iUniflcnt caeualtiea to another .sphere 'f operations:" . : The, Suvla. pay, and Aniac Cove pc. tiori are en' the. north, coaat of . Gallipot! 1-cmiLEulit. Ansae Cove la about alxteeen lilies from the tip.. Buvls Bay Is five nines lunner on. . Aa no tiu-ntlon .'is made -in the British announcement, of the' allied posltlua hi the f-eddul Hahr position, at the tip of' the penlnisulo. it is not clear whether the withdrawal of troops indicated a decision to iiumd.m the effort to force the Tgr. ianclle or nu-ana merely a readjustment i.f the allied forces. II " n ua previous ntnlS Of) such a move, although the question had i-een ralwnl in England whetlwr, in view of the failure of the alUta to nuke ap prectable headway at the Paraaneuoa and the urgent ntel for additional troopa at Hsloolki. the Lardanlies force would be withdrawn. ' Two official Turkish com ' tnuulcatlons received today spoke of heavy firing from land end sea by ths si He, tut mentioned tie movement out i of the ordinary, although this bombard ment may have been conducted to cover the withdrawal. Mseesssls ar Egypt. There are two fields of operation In the near ewt te which British troops withdrawn from the Galllpoli peninsula might be forwarded Macedonia and rn. pt. I iAJUivti Iw Kl fyr So stl on iti oj- l.4 i.em.'U at bsioiiikl. Thrie u UO v Cumrn CauMiWsTsa s I MADE IN4 T "1 U.S.A. I BAG MAJVUTACTinEnt BXKIg-OSCAXA ass co., lltk aacksoa Hts Oeoglaa 110. UOILEK MAKERS 1 'BKAXK-WIX.X,ZAKsl.aCOVSrT and Blokory, Seuflae 1043, HOTTLKRS Ml oo4 tu OKAXA BOTTUira CO, uu Sk, Oong-laa 11 00, LOirv.ixxamT lomrai co, Wsbste kt Boos-las T3AS. ltoa Bast Osaaha, ws liO.XES -PACKING OKAKA BOX CO, . . . star 41 a, . . BaozRsa.O'rx.nrc oou fOsnaba rikre m Oorrngated Bos Co.), ISVfe aaS ' Z.aaesawaria. Bowglas 1191, ' .IIREWEIIS tobi BBxirnro 00 ien Bkenssa Ave., webstes 8.1. MBTB BBBWIBO CO., 8th SS ZSVSS. worth, Douglas 14VJ. rmzs nvo saxwiia co. nag Areas. aad Boulevard. Tries 410. JBTTZB BBBWIBO CO, Mk SS T sits. (Bouts a. willow spmrwoa bbbwisto oom s sua Hlokory tJts, Booglaa laof. IMS MfUCK MAVUFACTURERS aXTDBAirUO BBBBfJ BBZCX CO, , w. o, w. Bias, voaciae svs. nfJTC1Ii:R8' And PACKERS' TOOLS C. B. X.TTBB at CO. 1510 Oayltol ATS .', . Douglas CAKCfi 1WLTRY AND CHICK PCKU,. LOJtN MEAL, ETC. j fsaoo Httuss co- 14th gad rearl 1 ata Bkoaesi lou-. 147S of z, CEMENT BLOCK MANUFACTURERS - OMAHA COWOBBTB BTOBTB CO.. Bf. W. Cor. Sttta Ave. aad Baalat, Wes. yftes BeO, CONFECTIONERV B. . oBBrw CO. Mi.ii Somclaa mu Son-Us BM. T0BOXI.B B BIBBTBO CO, Joaea Bt, Boag-laa BOB. COUCHES A NO M ATTRESSES I, a, bow CO, 1901 Blohelas Boasrlas leOO. COFFEE. TEA AND SPICES ffiaimvoiioi CO, 1U Be, llgk St. l uprise aoe. oo. orcneAir-AMxmiCAir oomi lllT-i oooga Bt, Bovjrlaa Tlss. CRACKEIl MANUFACTURERS rrxsr biscxttt oo capttoi Ave, ira to 13ta Bis., Soag-laa B1S4. CREAMERY COMPANIES rantuoirT rKtr co, lttk aaa Josh Bta, Svuls 1401. Let Us Each Progress by Helping the Other Co-Operation is the Spirit of the Times When you buy Omaha-Made Goods you help build-up Omaha factories. , But in building up Omaha's manufacturing industry you help, not only the factories, but yourself as well. It is not charity to demand Omaha-Made Goods it is the logical way to help yourself and build. up your own busi ness. Money spent for Omaha-Made Goods stays in Omaha. Each individual gets back many times a certain per cent of each dollar he spends. More money spent for Omaha Made Goods means greater factories, more, employes, more taxable property, lower prices on goods you buy and more prosperity in general. I i v- . : ' . ; . ' , ' 7 - Abandon from your, niind all thought of Public Spirit and Civic Pride. Look at it from the viewpoint of the selfish individual. Answer the ques tion in your own mind: "How does itlbenefit me personally toi buy Omaha Made Goods?" Demand Omaha-Made1 Goods because you do help yourself by so doing. , . , In addition to making the community and yourself more prosperous in a general way, you do not have to pay the heavy transportation charges for shippingin goods made elsewhere when you buy Omaha-Made Goods. Because of this, Omaha-Made goods are cheaper for the same quality. And then, in cases where it is necessary to rectify errors or replace parts in Omaha-Made Ar ticles, you have a direct, home service, no delays, no inconveniences, no transportation charges. Help yourself by demanding Omaha-Made Goods. Out out the list of Omaha manufacturers adjoining. Use it as a reference. Demand their goods. Make a fair test on a quality basis. If Omaha-Made Goods do not prove the advertised claims, buy them no more. But give them a fair trial before deriding. This is only a ''square deal' It isn't much to ask. ALWAYS TALK, USE and SERVE 0MAMA.IADE GOOD I made: in IOMAHAa nrl u.s.a u WATXBLOO CStlKiaT 1 kioward tit, Doua-ias ltuS. CO, HIT . - : : oM3iissiox, rRonucE, etc. xntcnKAVv bow, xc, Ibob-u . tsoai4 Bt, Douglas 4M, DISTILLERS it a co. wclx.ow afBrsraa bib. ilX.I.UBV.taiii.a meac Bt, Deag Us SJ4. KLKCT1UO WMPAMES OWS.BA BI.XCTBIO LIUIT Si BOWBB ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND HOMTINU FIXTURES BVBaCBS-OBASTSBB Ce 18U Bew. ENfiUAVERS ELF.CTROTVPERS EXVEI)IB MANUFACTURERS ' IVSIIIT ssTSLurs CO, si ga y.. sua Vkins'laa Sl A BlVU aB aw at wsr a. FIXTURES a u . m a vtTvn.. a. a n ... w - w wwrrT on. I UUR MILLS . ' VTCIKB MILI.IBO CO, Ae, Websver aa. 1H Bkersoae FURNACES itssdsso rssstcs at mvmi CO.. 411.1S Bo. love kk, Deagla u-jT. nil au can eaa weix all stee) We are spending a large advertising appropriation in Omaha papers to intro duce Butternut "The Coffee Delicious" Wa are creating: a atandard by which to Judge, coffaa value. Call for It by natne you are rrot acted by tb uarante of a big, responaiMa honie concern. You buy at disadvantage when you al?t tintrademaraed coftea of unknown quality aUip-ped-ln from you know not where. Better grocers aU BUTTER NUT. "ThB Coffea Delicious;" it adds prestige and ia easier to sell for particular housewives demand It. Paxton & Gallagher Wholesale Grocers. The best in its line. One of the big Omaha industries The Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Company Manufacturers of Tanks, Grain Hins, Ventilators, Gas Storage Tanks, Oil Drums, Garbage Cans and holders in fact every thing in the line. Wise merchants fcell Ne braska and Iowa Steel Tank Company 's p r o d ucts. Particular customers demand them. Pure, Fresh, Sweet, Wholesome Butter -A full pound of satisfaction in every package. IDEAL BUTTER The name stands for the Lest. The more particu lar housewives always de mand it. Manufactured and guaranteed by ( Kirschbraun & Sons, Inc. 1200-11 Howard Street. FOUNDRIES Casting and WetKht. Sash OKAHA rOVNSBT CO BUT AWT, Jackson St. Douglas 8433. .37 FUR GOODS VATIOlfAX. m TA1TOTBO CO, 1935 Bo. 13th Bt, Tyler ISO. GAS COMPANIES OKAKA OAS CO, ISO Kowara sit, Douglas 06. HATS OMAHA BAT TAOTOBT, 1331 BOBfflaS Bt. Doug-las 4684. ICE DEALERS '. nonz'i icb a, cold btobaob co, '" 18S4 Chicago St, Douglas 60. OMAHA ICB Bj COX.D STOBAOB CO. ' MoCaerue Blk, lstn aaA Doore Bts, Doug-las 465. ICE MACHINES BAKBB ICE MACKIBB CO.. Blcaolaa Its., Sour las leei. LAUNDRIES HOBTABECT. Z.A17BTBT Co, 170B Tin ton St, Doug-las 1500. 19th sad XTMBAX.Ii X.ATTHDBT CO, Jaoksoa Bt, Douglas SIS, 1507U9-H BUmiTAH UVaDBT, 8804-13 Taruam St, Harney 1771. LEAD WORKS Z.AWBSITCB SHOT k X.BAB CO., rao tory Bouta Omalta. Douglas 1835. LODGE SUPPLIES X.ODOB BtTFFZ.T CO, 1111 rarnam St, Douglas 4100. MACARONI SXZHHBH MAHmrAOTVBXBO CO.. 14th aad Jaoksoa Bts, Tyles 1585. MONU5IENTS J. r.' BLOOM . Douglas 7. CO, 1708 Crunlag St, OIIsS Z.. T. HXCHOXUsS OH. CO, 904 Balrl : Bldg., Douglas 383. PACKING HOUSE TRODUCTS SWXI-T ISO COMBABT. South Omaha. South iutto. MIRRORS And ART GLASS WINDOWS MIDLAND CLASS e BAIBT CO, llta aaa Howara. Douglas 71. PLANING MILL BANKERS KXALTT ZBTXSTMBBT CO, round rioor Bee BlSg., Doug. . las 8826. PRINTERS IkUlK AM) JOll. OMAHA BjalsTTIBa CO, 13th as ar aaiu, Douglaa 844. COBXT Bt HcIiniE, 14G7 BsrceT Bt, Douglas 8644. bHDDLERY t. K. HAHBT CO, aiS-lT Soath lttb St, Douglas 48. STARCH MANUFACTURERS DEBXABCB 8TABCK CO, 8650 CuaUag Bt, Douglaa 170. SERUM MANUFACTURERS O. X. SEBUM CO.. 3335 ! St, South Omaha, South 463. AXTEU. SEBVM CO, South Omaha, South 831. Omaha sebum co, 401 He. 334 Bt, South Omaha, south Bses, OBAIH BELT SUmT CO, Lobby B ehauge Blda, South Omaha. So. 864. TANKS. CULVERTS, GR.UN BINS, AND OIL DRUMS HEBBABKA A) IOWA STXBL TABX CO, 1301 Bvruce St, Webster S7S. TENTS AND AWNINGS . SCOTT-OMAHA TEXT AMD AWBTMB) CO, 11th aad Haruey Bts, Doug. ttdi. CK-tVATS, CELTS. PI R8ES, POCKET IKMJKH and SI SPENDERS SMITH, LOCXWOOD MTO. CO, 8333 South 13th St, DousrUa 4351. TIN CANS AND SHEET METAL 8th aa OOBDOH LAWLESS CO, vooge sts, ooua-iaa ces. WOtlD WORKS OMAHA WOOD WOBKXEO CO, 1541 htarcr St., Douglaa 8344. WHOLE-SALE GROCERIES BAXTOW A) OALLAOBBH. 701.11 South loth sv, Douglas aaa. -i i- .. ' )