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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1915)
A' 4 TTIK RKK: OMAITA. TTKSDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1015. ''I V: -l 3 lit ,. .-.1 1 U ? i 11 -.II :iiti )5i Mil v: i i , BULGARIANS AND GREEKSJN CLASH Slavs Said to Hare Croiied the Bor der Into Epirus nnd. Killed Several Officers. SjasBBBBSBSBSaaa ATHENS QUICX1Y SENDS AID PARIS. Drc. 20. FlghtlDR be tween small detachments of Greek tnd Bulgarian troops la reported In n diFpatch from Brindial. Italy, to the Havas News agency. It la aald upveral Creek offlcera and aoldler ere killed or wounded and that the Greek government la hastily forward inn reinforcements to the scene of the fighting. The dispatch says that the disturb ance occurred la the province of Fpirua, at the western end of the Serbo-Greek border. A Bulgarian advance inard la atrt to have penetrated Ureek territory aftr an, encounter with Oreuk otl!pot, re uniting: In lively fighting. , "Tlie Gtnk press maintain alienee. In regard to theaa Incident." tfie dlpatcn r,ttitiniioa,"but the g-overomrnl la dla turbed.' Greek detachment have been aont hastily to KorltcA and Oogradeft.l lo reinforce the garrison there." - FiliUblN", Dee. 20. (By Wlreles to Bay villo.) The Overaeaa New agency quote the Austrian official report ot December 13, a charging that the Montenegrins at eomo place held up their band, waving flag and advanced near to tha Austro Hungarian line, when they auddenly threw hand grenades. The atatement la iiunted aa aaylng: ' "The treachery found corresponding treatment." The agency quotes the Turkish state ment for December 19, aa aaylng that In the Mesopntamlan campaign "the enemy igaln ued dum dum bullets." tierman Veraloa ( Ypres Fight. UEKLIN. Dec. lO.-tVIa Ixindon. ISn- Unte allied monitors yesterday shelled 1 the Uerman poiiltltlons at Wetonds t..t the -Belgian count, but where finally' -Irlven away by land batteries, says tha i official statement leaned today by Oer- I man army headquarters. Tha statement I adds that German aviators attacked the! town of ropcrlngha, near Tpres, numer ous hostile troops being concentrated iliere. . , The statement follows: 'Western theater: Fire from our Coastal batteries drove off the enemy monitors ! whk tw shelled Wrsteade yesterday. On this front there was lively artillery ao- ilvlty. "One of our air squadron attacked Poperinghc, where numerous troops of the enemy are authoring, .. "An English blpluna was shot down In an aerial fight near Bruges. Tha oo Mipanta were killed. Eastern theater: Tha altuatloa is jnchanged. ' Balkan theater: In the fighting north fast of Tara. previously reported, three iiountain and two field guns wera cap tured. . N- JCcar Mojkovac fighting continued auc eiittjly for tha Auatro-tlungarlan .roopa'v Freneta Official Report. ' . PARI 3, loc. 20.-The French war of fice this aft y noon gave out a report on the progresaof hostilities, reading: "In the Artwla district, there has been fighting with hand grenades north of Ikitse-En-Ilache. Between the foomroa nd the olse the artillery has been ac tive. In the region of Fay we . have ullcnced a battery of the enemy. . - ',: "On the north bank of the river Alane we yesterday evening evacuated the email outposts we captured on December 16. "In the Wolvre district, at the forests of Mort Mare and Le Prate, French bat terles bombarded the communicating trenchea ot tha enemy. There has been also cannonading In the sectors of Nomcny and of Bloncourt, In Lorraine." offlcinl Informntinn n (d tlie nurnl'er (if l-'rcni-h and Hiliich troop tlreecr, which Iim been eatlmatid recently- at ationt .m.nrn imuin, Austria. Xiilsatla and Turkey have at llieir I1.".ob1 several times that e-f men, and It may he n.iumed that eveiv effort will tie mailt to roticentrari' a r-iuisKleralite allied force on tie Haionlkl l.a-. This (Ireek port Ik within esny sailing ditnnr of the) Oallipoll peninsula. If recent unofficial advice concerning the Egyptian olumtlnn are authentic flreat Britain may feel the iiecesxlty of Increnoltig her armed forces there. It ha represented that the Cirninns and Turks are prepnrinn a forinldnble rxpe dltUin to Invade Hxypt. rupture the Pue innal nnd rut off England from India. fJonic of the bitterest ei"nnntera . and h'Hvy losws of "trie 1 nrdnnelles have taken plnce at the positions now aban dulled l.y the British. Tlie iillles have been able to achieve no striking auc ceases i these points. Many Impressions of Hellef. "Thank C!ol. they are safely out of there without aerlou loss" Is an ex presslon frequently heard.. today In on nectlon with the transfer of the troops from the H-ivIa and Anuse tones to "an other sphere of operation,'' although this Is Invarlahly coupled with i egrets that . it should have been regarded as tieceesaty 1 to evacuate tha hard won footholds on j the peninsula, obtained at "h a heavy cost in re sua It lea. ! The toe of the (lalllpoll penlnsnu. ith Peddiil Bahr, commending the em ram e to the Dardite:!et, la apparently stlil t be held, as no mention Is made of the transfer of troop from this region. The war office statement lesves the public tr) draw Its own conclusion ss to the destination of the? Australian snd I'nlted Kingdom forces, which must be well over KiO.OOO strong, it I widely conjectured, however, that any south ward sweep of the Teutonic or Bul garian armies in the Balkans, whether from the north, west or east, will sooner or later come In contact with them, and that tlio transfer Is connected with a determination on the part Of the entente powers not to remain on the defensive In the near eastern theater of war longer than Is requisite to assure the sureess of a forward march. FINANCIAL NUT FOR KAISER TO CRACK Voerwterts Asks Where Interest and Principal of Oreat war Debt it to Come From. IMPORT TAX' IMPRACTICABLE AMSTERDAM, Deo. 20. Review ing the recent speech on Germany' financial condition, which Dr. Karl llelfferich, secretary of the treasury, made before) the Reichstag, the So rlaliat newspaper, Vorwaerts, of Ber lin, asserts the time has come for the German, government and the Reich stag to indicate in what way the money necessary for payment of In terest on the nation'a gigantic war debts and lo provide for their re- detnpUou, Is to be raised. It aars: "With the naw war credit of tO.OOT.noo.Wu marks the German war deht reached fi.rtin.nro msrks which, according to Dr. llelfferich. ahould lat tinttl the end of March. Interest on 4n.)0,wn,nno marks amount to I.tori.OfO.ono marks annually and for redemption which Is necessary In order to maintain the credit of the empire, another tm.w.nriO marks is needed. Mast Deable Income. The Vorwaerts considers It essential that the empire's Income be more than doubled to meet three obl'gatmna and tho current expenses. Before the war, it says, the flnancal slato of Ofriitany wjs a source of anxiety to tlie government. In !!, taxation was Inctcnsed by :0P. OW.OOrt marks, but the budget did not balance. In 1913 the government adopted the extrordlnary measure of taxing wealth and levying a non-recurrent con tribution for armament in order to cover the deficit. Maintenance of the existing financial system, the Vorwaerts continues. Is In possible so fsr ss taxation of Imports Is concerned. Provisions, raw materl-.ils and many other attic Irs may be expected to rlsi In price after the war and If the present tariff were continued. It would lead to an artificial Increase of prices for tier-many which would undermine the capability of Herman Industry to compete In the world market. Import Tax Impracticable. "Therefore, the Interests of consumers and producers," the Vorwaerts concludes, "deniii nd aholltlon of these Import taxes after the war, which would reduce Oer ninny's income considerably; and, there fore, the time has come for the govern ment to declare what course It I steering " Alleged Swindlers of Iowa Farmer May Not Be Tried Again CHICAGO. Dee. jO.Ijodavinc Miller and J. Marion .Miller, her brother, alleged swindler of Thomas ("Sentimental Tommy") Foulkes, a farmer of Danbury, I.i. . are scheduled to bo placed on trial for tlie second time In the criminal conn here today. They were convicted In the .,,,,r,.r ..r ion of operating a confidence Kgme the alleged mulcting Of the. farmer nf t)"fti and two farms vaiuea hut were granted a new trial later Th r has been set for trial Is not certain whether It will be tried. In view of ft letter turned over to Marvin E. Barnhart. ssslstnnt state's attorney, hy Miller. The mlFflve bears Foulkes' signature and contains an admission of perjured testimony in the first trial, but Foulkes denies writing It. A specimen of his handwrltins was tnken by the assistant state's attorney for the purpose of comparing it with the writing In the letter. On the report of the expert depends the second trial. If he finds the writing to be identical. Prosecutor Barnhart asscrtel he would dismiss the charge. 4 farmer at ater. a. but r f Three Men Killed by Rxploalon. RICH 11ILE. Mo., Dec. zri.-Three men employed In destroying stumps were killed today when a wagon load of dyna mite exploded on W. T. Duvalfs ranch, near here. BRITONS LEAVE TWO DISTRICTS ON DARDANELLES (Continued from 'Pag One J of warm debate. The official paper ot I Premier Kadoslavof f decfarea the. allies' must be driven front .Balonlkl;, whether by Bulgarian or Atistro-Uetman troops la a question for the military loaders 'to solve. The allies In Macedonia do net expect an early attack If the- advanoa fa bft to the Austrian and Ueriuans. aa airmen report that tha central powers have not yet gathered a sufficient force to undertake an offensive. RBITOa LKAVIJO UM.LIPOL1 i Troops Withdrawal Bappoaeat Be .Way Bala-Blkt. UJNDON'Anec. 20 The British. trooDa at the BtrvU and Ansae, districts of the! Ualllpyli iwiilnaula; have been withdrawn, i ine roiioaing otricial atatement was -iHkued here today;. ; "All the troops at Suvla and Ansao, together with their gun and stores, have en successfully ' transferred with In 'Ijjnif leant casualties to another , sphere i.f operations.:" " : The, 8uvla, Bay, and Anzac Cov nosi- itlotis are en the. north coast of Qalllpali peninsula, Anxao Cove la about sixteeen nilltM from the tlpv Buvla, Bay la five nine further on. . , As no mention 'Is made -In ths British announcement, of the' allied poaltioa In the Reddu! Bahr poaltlon, at tha tip of the peninlsula. It is not clear whether the' withdrawal of troops indicated a decision i to abandon the effort to force the Dgr-i danellea or means merely a readjustment 1 of the allied forces. , . ; There have been no previous hints of: such a move, although the queatlon bad : leen raised in England whether. In view of the failure of the allies to make ap preciable headway at the Dardanelles and the urgent need for additional troops at Halonlki, the Dardanelles force would b withdrawn.' Two official Turklab com i munlcatlons received today spoke of heavy firing from land and sea by the el Ilea, but mentioned no movements out of the ordinary, although this bombard ment may have been conducted to cover tbe withdrawal. Maeodewlo or Egypt. There are two fUldjr of operation in the near evt to which British troops withdrawn from the Qallipoli peninsula might be forwarded Macedonia and -rvpt. J luodun take, fur is atta on iti .4 t 1-trU positions at tialoiiikl. 'i'brre la uo tim IE I If I f CMwiaT nrr jy A fl Imlf.ra. Ul V-anja' XiJa aP " k made: in TT1 U.S. A. I id IJAO MANUFACTURER rmi-OMHA no oo., ma aa season Bit., vongnaa Jioa. MOILEU MAKERS SKAK-w-II,X.IAKa.BtOtrirT OOh ana Blokory, soag-laa 1044. BOTTLKRS OatAXA. BOTTXnra OO, Is, lit &oirr.HzsxT lomni oo, itot wsdiist at., ons;iM 7 3 a. IIOXF.8 PACKING OaUIA BOX CO., Xsat Oaaakk, Web. . IHt aid. SOazmaB-0'irx.Tira CO., (Omaha ribre si Oorrngated Boa Co.), Jtk. Mi MBTHWWU, SOWfiaS 114. nnicwEits BTOBE BBxwnro CO.. Hit ahanaaB Ave., Webster BS1. mxts BBSWTiro oo., ttk sad Xwvea. wortit, Doaflum ll J. rBxo nno saxwiwo 00, Brat Avanus ana siouievara, xyie exo. JXTTBB BBBWZBO OO, 0lk SBt 1 Bts. taoutb S), WU.X.OW BPBixaa bbbwtwo oo, s aa Micxory Hta, Boogiaa laoa. nniCK MANXFACTURER3 XTDBAITX.XO VBXBS BBICB CO, 1301 ww w w ewataajet awtai Wfi DtiTCHKKH' nnd TACKKRS' TOOLS n V T.TTffl Ba rA 1R1A fleas. 11 AfBsa ' t . Xlnnar laiai eal CAHirU lOULTRY AND CHICK FEED, , COltX MKAli, ETC. joaboo snuiio co, xtii and Faan ' )- raoaosi sous'. 7S ot rig. i ' CEMENT BLOCK -MANUFACTURERS- OMAXA OOBOBXTB BTOWB CO.. B. W. Oat. atta Ave. aa Baalar. Was- stsx fsev. CONFECTIONERY B. . onrw oo, Boaglas Ba, . TOXOXI.B k BXBBIBO CO, 11-1 ibbss bji, songiae Boa, Ol CUES AND MATTRESSES !. BOUT CO, 1901 JTlokoUa IU ws;iaa tevra. COFFEE, TEA AND SriCES ,VAJtarxB-ox.80B CO, lit Be. lltk Bt, voaa-iM liua OKBMAir-AarxmiCAW oomx oo. 1117-s voogo Bt, sctfui Tiaa. CRACKER MANUFACTURERS XT Bar BXBOtrxr oo- oapttoi Ave. ltta to in Bts, setriM aiaj. CREAMERY COMPANIES rant mo tt cbbaksbt oo, itta aa4 doaea Bts, tiouguut i . ' WATZBX.OO CKIIHKT OO, HIT nowaxa Bt, Douglas laua. COMMISSIOX, rRODUCB, ETC. ' iiacnuvi a bob, zbo, lM-il Bow ar Bt, Douglas lilSTM.l.EKS IX.CB B CO, W EL LOW BTBXHOB BIB. TU.LEt(,lUl.j Bswarw Bt, Deaf- laa m ELECTRIC COMPANIES OatABA XXJECTBIO 1IOIT J BOWBl CO, U. r. Bld-, Doug las 108. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND LKilimO FIXTURES BOBOEBB-OBAVSXB Oo, 1111 Bw. era Bt, iyi ai. ENtiltAVERS ELECT ROT V PERS liXia BBOB. XBOBATIBO CO, HIS Howaxa Bt.. vougie sag. E N V E I iOPE MA N UFA CTU It ERS luaixn Barrxx.ora co, it bo. IgtO aeuuaiaa . FIXTURES OMAHA rXXTXTB-X B BOTCLT OO N Let Us Each Progress by Helping the Other Co-Operation is the Spirit of the Times When you buy Omaha-Made Goods you help build-up Omaha factories. But in building up Omaha's manufacturing industry you help, not only the factories, but yourself as well. It is not charity to demand Omaha-Made Goods it is the logical way to help yourself and build up your own busi ness. , Money spent for Omaha-Made Goods stays in Omaha. Each individual .gets back many times a certain per cent of each dollar he spends. More money spent for Omaha Made Goods means greater factories, more employes, more taxable property, lower prices on goods you buy and more prosperity in general. ! Abandon from your, mind all thought of Public Spirit and Civic Pride. Look at it from the viewpoint of the selfish individual. Answer the ques tion in your own mind: "How does itibenefit me personally to buy Omaha Made Goods?" Demand Omaha-Made Goods because you do help yourself by so doing. - , In addition to making the community and yourself more prosperous in a general way, you do not have to pay the heavy transportation charges for shipping'in goods made elsewhere when you buy Omaha-Made Goods. Because of this, Omaha-Made goods are cheaper for the same quality. And then, in cases where it is necessary to rectify errors or replace parts in Omaha-Made Ar ticles, yon have a direct, home service, no delays, no inconveniences, no transportation charges. r Help yourself by demanding Omaha-Made Goods. Out out the list of Omaha manufacturers adjoining. Use it as a reference. Demand their goods. Make a fair test on a quality basis. If Omaha-Made Goods do not prove the advertised claims, buy them no more. But give them a fair trial before dclding. This is only a "square deal" It isn't much to ask. ALWAYS TALK, USE and SERVE HA-MADE GOODS .as I LOUR MILLS . VYDXKB anxAiwa co, ma b Ave, Webster aa. FURNACES STABDABB BUBBACB BUT XT i t 411.11 A A 1 1,1 fkA. 3t k m (Masblt all cast aa.4 Wets all steel a i iiri'.i p We are spending a large advertising appropriation in Omaha papers to intro duce Butternut "The Coffee Delicious" W are creating a atandard by which to Judgo coffaa value. Call for It by name you are protected by the guarantee ot a big, responsible home concern. You buy at disadvantage when you aalect tintradeniarked coffee of unknown quality ship ped -In from you know nut where. Better grocera sell BUTTER NUT. 'The Coffee Dellcloua;" It adda prestige and la eaaler to sell for particular houaewlvea demand it. Paxton & Gallagher Wholesale Grocers. The best in its line. One of the big Omaha industries The Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Company Manufacturers of Tanks, (Jrain Hiiis, Ventilators, Gas Storage Tanks, Oil Drums, Garbage Cans and holders in fact every thing in the line. Wisitt merchant ell Ne braska and Iowa Steel Tank Company's prod ucts. Particular customers demand them. Pure, Fresh, Sweet, Wholesome Butter A full pound of satisfaction in every package. IDEAL BUTTER The name stands for the leist. The more particu lar housewives always de mand it. Manufactured and guaranteed by ( ICirschbraun & Sons, Inc. 1209-11 Howard Street. 1 MADE OMAHA -Canting and fcah FOUXDK1KS- WclKhtft. OMAHA rOVIfDBT CO MP AWT, .9? Jackson St. Douglas 8433. FUR GfOIS BATIOBAX. TUB as TAHBXBO CO. 1983 Bo. 13th Bt.. Tyler 180. GAS COMPANIES OMAJtA GAB CO.. ISO 9 Dong-las 60S. toward BU HATS OMAHA HAT VAC-TOBY, 1321 SOOflaS Bt. Dong-las 4684. ICE DEALERS rzorLz-B xcb a cold btobaob CO- 1884 Chlcafo SU Douglas 60. OMAHA XCB It COX.D BTOBAOB CO. MoCaims Blk. 16ta aa4 Doda-s Bta. Donglas 469. ICE MACHINES BARB XCB MACHENB CO.. 19th a Bloholas Bts.. Dous-laa 181. LAUNDRIES BOBTABZXX. Z.ATJ1TDKT Co., 1708 Tin ton St., Douglas 8560. XCTMBAU X.AUBDBT CO, 1507-09-H Jaefcsoa St.. Douglas 819. BITBXTAH LAVDDBT, 8806-18 Tarn am Bt., Herns? 1771. LEAD WORKS X.AWBBBCB HOT k X.ZAB CO.. r0 toxy South Omaha. Douglas 1888. LODGE SUPPLIES X.ODOB BVTttT CO. 1111 rarnam Bt., Douglas 4160. MACARONI SXIHBXB XCAB-CVAOTtrBIBO CO.. 14th and Jaokaoa Bts. Tries 1835. MONUMENTS 3. T.'BIOOH a CO. 1703 Onmlag at. . Douglas 876. OIIjS X.. T. BICH0X.A8 OXX. CO., 304 BalrJ Blag., Douglas 388. PACKING HOUSE PRODUCTS SWIFT AND COaCrABY. South Omaha. South 8280. MIRRORS and ART GLASS WINDOWS XCIDIiABD OX.A8B It VAXBT CO. lltd aaa Mowaro. bouglaa 71. PLANING' MILL BABXZBS REALTY IBYXSTbCBMT CO., ground Floor Bea Bldg., Doug-- las 8886. PRINTERS 1UH)K AM) JOll. OMAHA ?him0 CO.. 13th aa Tar. aau. Douglas 846. COBBY 8s MoKZBSIE. 14C7 Hircy tt. Douglas 8644. bHDDLERV J. K. HABBY CO.. 318-17 South lJttt St. Douglas 689. STARCH MANUFACTURERS BBrXABCB BT8BCH CO. 8560 CusUsg 8t.. Douglas 170. SERUM MANUFACTURERS O. XC. SBBVM CO., 3838 X, St, South Omaha. South 453. 1XTZU SBBVM CO.. Bauth Omaha. South 633. Omaha sebum CO.. oi Bo. 33d St. South Omaha, South 8868. OBAXB BEIT SUFFI.T CO. lobby Ba ehauga Bldg.. South Omaha. So. 3S64. TANKS, CULVERTS, GRAIN BINS, AND OIL DRUMS HBSBABKA B IOWA BTEXX. TABX CO. 1341 Svrac 8t.. Webiter 878. TENTS AND AWNINGS SCOTT-OMAHA TZBT ABD IWIIHf CO. 11th aad Barney Bit.. Doug. 883. tlt.lVATS, BELTS. PURSES, POCKKl" ROOKS nd SI SPENDERS SMITH, X.OCKWOOD MTQ. CO.. 838J South 13th St. Doug-las 6361. TIN CANS AND SHEET METAL 8th sag QOBDOX LAWLESS CO.. voas wm- 4uug-ias sea. IMD WORKS OMAHA WOOD WOBXIXS CO. BUrcy St., Douglas 8346. WHOLESALE ('lUK'ERILS 1501 FAX TOW 8) OAX.X.AOHBB. 701.11 Banth 10th Bt DougUs 883. ' BOUt' IT