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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1915)
TTTE r.EE: OAn.V. " TtTKRDAY. rE(T.MBKTl 21. 191.T rr HEAL K8TATK FOR EXCHANGE "W A N T kit Good farm in Mlrii Ne" brass or western Iowa of around if acre in exrhange for cash and one of the best general farm and bearing or chards hi Florida. Good toll, pure water, splendid climate, churches, schools, many northern and western ppl. What hav you and what la It worth? Address owner. F. VA. nw of Bee, FEVBN-PASSENOF.R auto to exchange for l-room bungalow. Phono Doug. tuH. REAL ESTATE WANTED IF TOU really want to sell yr.ur prop erty, our plan works. We put d aerlption within tha reach of every pos Ible buyer In Omaha and rlolnlty. REALTY LISTING COMPANY, Trier 400. "Ware Elk. REAL E8TATE SOUTH SIDE NICE HOMK ON EA8T PAYMENTS. Don't pay rent when you can buy a nice 6-room. all modern house, near Hans com Para and Field Club, on a payment of 2(0 cash and - monthly. House haa fine oak floora and Is beautifully deco rated also haa garage. Ask to see this tapATBNB INVESTMENT COM PANT, 5th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bklg. D. 1781. o REAL E8TATE INVESTMENTS Faraam Street A Growing Street We can offer on thla street for a short time 100 feet near list fit. for 112.500. 136 feet near this, some Improvements, 2S,C0O. Harrison & Morton 15 Omaha National. Doug. .114. 14 INVESTMENT. -Tbeater and store building at one of the beat transfer corners in the city of Omaha; price $1.00. Call T. H. ADAMS, 411 Karbach hlock, Omaha, Neb. RE Alt ESTATE TRANSFERS - Compiled and furnished by Kerr TIU OuimntM and eaavtraet ennnmnr. South Mnumiji BtTMt. WAJtBANTT DEBT) 8. Wllaoa H. WNIney to Rmiu M. Winder. MO feat of lota 11 an U. btwk V Kilbr Place 1 Barmuel Kenner aa win) te Bernard N. Kobertaon. lot lT.bleek int. Dundee Pleoe CM Jena A. geltr to RWeU lximber and Ona4 Co., leu 1, S, I and 4. block 4. Pake Plaua 1,040 Boat Omaha Land Tnit to Paulina Nlndel. part of att of net of eoctloa lt-ll-U l.MO faenrgs O, Gibson and wife to Mrnla Wei- bourne, lot 4. block 1. Manlevood add 1 C Ontn Oarlherg to 8trwart HeletBg. lot 1M, nolle Park 1.W0 John W. Raaa and vita to lease B. Btllee, lot 10, block 114. Dundee Pine 1 A. T. Waddell and wife te T. M. Oaret. lot IT. block 4. Brown Park 31,000 fotw-phlne Keller and hue hand to James Whales, mii loet ot aV of lot 4. Olee's add 1 W. L. West and ertre te Harrey MatUwena. - Inte 11. 11 and It, block L OelKhtoa , Heights 7W atphlld Jtrhneen to the Brrun Heed CVan . nanr. rot 14. block 11. Patrick's tleoond add t Dundee Realty Co. to Emm J. Morton, lot 1, blot 1U. Dundee Plats 1,10 Barker fa. tn Blliabeth . Neber. lot S7, Iaeaveae-nrta llelshu and 1 61 Hill Oo. to Arllnaton O. Storra. lotl II and 1. Mork St, Dundee Plane... 1 QUIT CLAIM DBKHtf. Caaper B. Tout and wife tn Arlington CI. Htorre, lota 14 and IT, block M, Dundee Place Henry P. Brhmldt et al. to Unit Maria Bull, lota and 4. block I Saline's add to . Elkborn J, one peter Bdmaa and wife te Prank Da Ice. lot 4, Work 1, Hoffman Terrace 1 , anion Newman et al. to Marry B. Keuman. . i of wH of bloc 17 and H of block 1, Becoad add to trrlian Place LEGAL NOTICES The Union Land Company. TO THE BTOCKHOLDEnS OP THE UNION LAND CXXMPANY. . The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Union Land Company will be held at the office of the Company in Omaha, . Neb., on January 10th, 1914, at 10 o'clock A.. M., for the election of five directors, and for the transaction of such business , as may legally come before the meetleg. ALEX. MILLAR, Secretary. D.aod.a. FRENCH BIG GUNS BUSY Pari Report Says Day Marked by Intense Activity of Gallic ; Artillery. ' GERMAN PLANES MAKE VISIT V aaWMVMtOM "PARIS. Dec. 20. The following official communication was Issued tonight: "Th day waa marked by Interne activity by our artillery. In Belgium our i batteries. In co-operation with the Brit ish artillery very violently bombarded German trenches, from which suffocating ..gaa waa directed toward the English front, to the east of Tpre. Vi ""No Infantry attack1 followed. "Enemy aeroplane, thl morning flew over th district of Poperipghe (south west of Tpre) and dropped about a doaaa bomb. One woman waa killed. Arras Bombarded. 7n Artols, our artillery dispersed enemy pioneer in the sector of Thelus. to th north of Arras. Th enemy threw about a hundred projectile on Arras. "Between the Sommt and the Otse, our trench gun destroyed a German work In tha region of Dancourt. Between Solsaon and Rhelma our artillery haa taken to task bomb thrower and bat teries of the enemy located to the east of Perry Au Baa. Ja Champagne, heavy artillery fire, directed on the first lines of the enemy J to th south of BainU Marie-A-Pv. haa - given excellent result. ... . ... . . .' iu lue region oi caint Mlnlel effective shelling ef Chauvanoourt brought about . a reply from the enemy artillery which . waa stopped. Immediately by our fire. "Last night on of our squadron com ' poaed of evn aeroplane dropped on the Sabion railway station at Met fifty ; three shell. " .. xtio ueigian oinciai communication read: Aftae a nillnt filtrhf Ik, mm.., . .. artillery waa active on December II. More to the south an engagement with bomb was undertaken and turned to our advantage. The Belgian batteries bom barded effectively Essen, Clercken and Lsyghem and destroyed a train on tbe j narrow guage railroad at icke and a' ' convoy. v . Washington Affairs Tha federal quarentlne against ehlp- wa-taaa-i a mism mIu-m. o,...nrAa A4 T -4 !. potatoes affected with powdery scab waa . removed by an order of the Department saevaw aavias tuiciaii iiiuilll Mil m ua ai tail .of Agriculture, effective January 1. Congress has been asked to appropriate 27.600, to ourchHse the suit o' clothes Abraham Lincoln wore the night of hi : . assassination at rxra theater la 186. Reoresentativ Roberta of Vlaaaachuaetta . haa Introduced a bill to acaulre the relto. .. owned by a Washington man, for th ' Lincoln memorial. fM V. a al A n 1 1 ait mjt mam ... .. ... - dlshonurable discharge from the grmy for desertion, 128 have been re-enlisted and 107 now are serving with the colors, ao- . cording to records made pubho tonight In the judge advocate general's annual renort. Tha other taken back either Ul VI. ""-,1 aHi.Ln.aH, .a. ' desert again or were discharged fur cause Rules aad ree-ulatlona of the cot tan - " fuUirea act were amended by the secre tary or agriculture so aa to permit tne " filing of "replacement diaputea ' with the ' 1 secretary on or b-tore the fifth buatnsa MHverdiha the tender of reiected cottoa: reducing to $6 tha minimum as sessment in any dispute and making tt optional Instead of mandatory fo. tha GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Fell! Well and Price. Ad ranoe One to Two Cents Orer Saturday's Mark. CORN MARKET IS UNSTEADY OMAHA. December UK Wt. Wheat ws a snod seller today, the sellers getting from 1c to 1c more than Saturday, and there was a very active demand. The receipts ot wheat continue good. , The com market was very unsteady. sonw of tha beat eorn selling Ho to lc higher, while the off grade corn sold from to c lower. The receiota of net a were rather lirht. Only thirty-eight cars were reported In and only a few sales were made, Oata were unchanged. ye was unchanged. Liverpool cioiud with wheat Id higher snd corn Hd lower. Primary wheat receipts were MU.Ooo bu. and shipments of 1.M9.000 bu., aaalnst recelots of l.lW.n.0 bu. and shipments ot Slti.Onn bu. last year. I'rimary corn receipts were i.wb.oto pu. snd shipments of 406,010 bu., aftalnnt re relpta of 1.57S.00O bu. and shipments of 77S,fJ bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were l.iin.ntv du. and shipments of 4,000 bu., against re ceipts of Ril.000 bu. and shipments of tJbMv bu. last year. CAR LOT RECEIPT. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago IT 124 Minneapolis . Duluth .1.07 . 79 . 147 . 7 . 24o .1.066 Omaha 144 m 61 Kansas City.. St. Louis Winnipeg Hales reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car. 11. U; 4 care. $1.10. No. S hard winter: 1 car, $1.00: 14 cars. $1.W; 7 cars. $1.07; 4 cars, $l.wI; l car Sample: 1 car, Hfic: 1 car, 4c: $ cars, 3c; 1 car, Kir; 1 car, Vic. No. $ spring: 1 car, linht, $1.02. No. 4 spring: 1 cars, light, fftc. No. $ mixed: 1 car, II. W; 1 oars, $1.nK; 1 cars, $1.03. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.MH; 1 car. $1.03; 1 car, $1.00; 1 car, 90c. No. 2 durum: S cars, $1.04. No. $ durum: ft1 cars, $1.03. No. $ mixed durum: 1 cars, $1.03; 1 car, I1.0IV4. No. velvet chaff: 1 car, $1.11. Rye No. $: $ t-h cars. Wo. No. 4: 2 cars. doc. Barley No. 4: 1 car, 62c; 1 car, Mc; S4 ear, WV Rejected: 1 car, b3c. Corn No. 1 white: I car. old, 70c. No. S white: 7 cars, 4c No. 4 white: cars, 2c; 6 cars, 24c. No. E white: 1 car. old, 9V4c; 4 cars. Sue: I ears, 59V4c: 1 oar, 60c; 1 cars, Mc. No. white: 1 car. MVbc; 1 car. 64c. No. 4 yellow: 1 cars, 64Vtc; 1 car, 4V; 2 cars, Mc; 1 car, nS'eic; 1 car, 6.V;; 1 car, 82Hc. No. K yel low: 1 cars, Kla: 1 cars, (2Hc. No. yel low: 4 cars, anc: 1 car, EHc; 11 care, 6fc. XT. 0 I ,1 . j.a m r. 1 A GQW.. 1 ma lU. O IIIJAVU. . V k 1 , W7IV, S Wll j V(U, c; 1 car. part old, 7e; 1 car, (15 Sic; 1 car, owe; 1 enr, ian m, oiu, 1 car, tow 1 wr, i S6c; t cars. $4Hc: t cars. 4o, Vio. 4 mixed: , $ cars, 4c; 1 car, vc; 10 cars, 62 He; $ cars, f2"4C; 1 car, Sic; 1 car. 80c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 2c; cars, OOc; 1 ear, 6V4c: 8 cars, 60c; 7 cars. 68c; i car, 67c. No. S mixed: 1 car, 6sc; 1 oar, ITHc; 2 care, 67o; 8 cars, 66c; 1 car, 66c; 1 car, 6c. Sample: 2 care, 64c; 1 car, 62 He; 1 car, 61 Ho; 1 car, 61c; 2 2-6 cars, 60c: 1 car, 47c; 1 car, 40c; 1 car, 26c Oats No. 2 white: 1 can, 41a No. $ white: 4 cars, K,cj 14 cars, 3Hc. No. 4 white: 4 cars, 89c. Sample: 2 cars, 38c; 1 car. Sc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 hard. $1.09tfl.ll; No. $ hard. JJ. 031. On; No. 4 hard, MciW .03 ; No. 1 spring, $1.06ffl.0; No. 8 spring, $1.0291.07; No. 1 durum, $1.03 fil .04: No. 8 durum, $1.0091.03: Sample, ii!6c. Com: No. 1 white, 4j4Ho: No. 8 white, oSH1?; No. 4 white. 23)62c; No. 6 white, 63MK64Hc; No. 2 yellow, 66H c; No. $ yellow, GtttXTW; No. 4 yellow, K(h4Hc; No. 6 yellow, tlWUMc; No. yellow, 6g0c; No. 2 mixed. 4c; No. t mixed, 63HS6Hc: No. 4 mixed, 61V. 4c; No. 6 mixed, Wtmtc; No. mixed, 6.358c; sample mixed, ;JfflHc. Oata: No. C white, V&4c; standard, 40fM0Ho; No. 8 white, 39H3!ic; No. 4 white, 29c. Barley: Malting. tfmc; No. 1 feed. 63 58c. Rye: No. 2. 8tJc; No. 8. 7,Hi8te. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain proaera. aii nouin rilxteenth street Artlclel Open. I High. I Low. Close. I Bat'y. Dec 1 1hI 1 2iwj' 1 18! 1 21 1 17 I 1M May. 1 80H& 1 22 1 Uej 1 22H Corn. I I I v 1 Dec. ougwr 89! 0f May.rtaHiaWll 7S14i72ap73e!73HlJr"2 Oats. Ill Dec! 41 VI 41T4I 4lVI41.(rM.r 41 U, M s y . UtHbii&it a, I. 44 i4oVfl. 144! Pork. I I I Jan.. I 18 80 72HI 18 60 77HI 18 60 18 72H 18 80 I 18 77HI 18 61H May. I 18 70 1.18 Iard. Jan. y to 96 1 nc- i ai u- i m r- ai iBi wo a nam fii ' w. .."- J.- . A. ,17tia. SH na and 2'0m. $1. winter; t lar, i , a 1 , - 1 , , . . a-, aim- n .r. 11 en- 1 ear UttUr: 4 ram. ORAI'tB L Pcle Bam 7J.L. ' oin..' aV - oa. t ol. . $4 Ml ner bbl.: Cntawbas. wc: z earn, wii , v mi t, . 1 . v . i - $ 62: at May. Ribs. Jan.. May. S 9) 9 85 10 20 85 10 20 CHICAGO RAt!f AID PROVISIONS Feat a res of Trading; aad Closing Prices oa Boaurd of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Wheat today mounted to the highest price so far on tho 1915 crop. An Immense export trade was in progress and the market cloeod strong lc to $Vic net higher, with De cember at $1.21 and May at $1.22H. Corn finished unchanged to o higher, oats up Wa Vic to hkc and provisions varying from 12Hc delcine to a rise of 16c. Kstimatea of the export sales of wheat today mad the total as much aa 1.750. m bushels. The bulk of this aggregate was said to have been taken by Great Britain, apparently aa the result of the action by British authorities in virtually commandeering vessels so as to facilitate the movement of grain from the Amer ican side of the Atlantic. Stocks were said to be decreasing to a serious extent at Liverpool and prospects were less tavoraDie lor an early movement from Auatralla. Assertions that a sharp fall- ng off in receipts from the Dakotaa and Minnesota be looked for tended aiso to give confidence to the bulls. Notwithstanding that owners of whest sold freely to realise profits, the advance met with no important check at any time. Corn was upheld by the strenath of wheat. Otherwise the market was In clined to sag owing to cold weather and to the outlook tor more l'.beral receipts. ats ewayea wun corn. Firmness showed Itself In most of the provisions ootlons. A moderate amount of investment buying appeared to be the chief cause. Offerings were light. Chicago Cash Prices W hest : No. 2 red. $1. 20Hti 122: No. 2 red. $1.141 1; No. 2 hard. H l'Jiei.B'. No. i M liT4'dl 14. Corn: No I yellow, nominal; No. 4 yel low, wmfnc; jo. 4 w:me. ui-vflob-'iC Oats: No. 8 white, 40V-i41Hc; standard. 42Vfi43c. Rye: No. 1 94rc. Barley: OOn 70c. Seeds: Timothy. 8o.00tff7.7o: clover. $io.oo.19 .00. Provisions: Pork, $1S.2H; lard. $S(biH: rtns, J-J.KIH'O'IO .7). nr'ntn-iiiiincr; creamery, Z34JZ4C. KYlflH Hlcher: recetDta. 1.617 cases: firsts. W4fo30c; ordinary firsts, 27H?SHc; at msra, cbki mnuaeu, ivrj jurj. PUTATUr-s-nigner; receipts, H csrs Michigan and Wisconsin whites. iM(;5c; Minnesota white, 70r76c; Minnesota Ohios. so-rrrac. POULT HY Alive, nigner; rowls. llHc: springs. IZHC; luraeys. ioc. OMAHA OBNBKA,. IfAStKBT. j ntrf .TRY Alive: Turkeys, an ana I ever T iba., 17o; broilers. 16Wl7c; springs. HC; aUCKIi 1VU-. HWW. ,lll, VHlalOj voung giunea hens, each, 36c; roosters. So. OTflT'rRrW 'ha-apcak" lindardi. nee gallon, $1.40; standards. $1.26; selects, $1.60; northern, stanuarua, ea.w, cioi.ia, ', York counts, $1.96. Northern, small cans 34 2&c; la'ge cans. i(iytc. Cheaa. peaks, small cans. 2C-u'-'-; Urgs cans. $wf ic. , . ylarl naiiDut, ia7hj, miwvdi noan i?ina, So: fresh red UVr- -ai'-i. rreen, w-; trout, fresh, 18c; whits fish, fresh, 20oj red snapper, iresn. v , ur.. lb. anu u. froaen. lO-ltv eoxea. $1.86: smoked whit fish, 14ot kippered salmon. 17c. rROZEN FIBH-Halnwjt. staes ts suit lOHo; catfish, large, for steals, lie; sal mon, falls, i aafmoei. !!.ers 10o; No. I trout. De: No. $ wWrteflsn. draased. Ms; No. whltstlsh. Urge, loc; 1 whlie ftah Jumbo, 18c; pick!., farund W. a. (c; pickerel, headless. Sc; black baaa order sis, t&oi herring, dreaeed, pair frosen. ec; blueflsh. extra fajcy. 12c; red snapper, baanleaa, dresaed loo; floun dera. 10c: scallop, cer gallon. Slot. feMOKED H-SH-Whlte. lft-lb. basketa Kl'pPEArU) riSH ealmoa. 10-lb. bas keta. per lb.. 17o. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. I. WVic: No. $. 16Hc; No. 3. U!H- loins: No. t, HwH:; NoTt 10c: No. 8, lto. Chucks: No. L 8c; No. i He; No. $L 8c. Hounds: No. 1. U-ac: No. 2, 12c; No. 8, llc. Plates: No. . e; No. 1 So; No. S, So. CELEhY Mammoth, per dox., SOCOOa 8 70 S 66 8 67fi70 10 00 8 96 10 00 80 96 t MW7 10 27H K) 20 10 26 REEF CUTS-Rlba: No. 1, lHo: No. 2, lVc; No. , MHo. Loins: No. 1, jlc; No. 1. mc; No 4. Chucks: No. 1, lOc; No. i Sc; No. 3. tc. Rounds: No. 1, 14o; No. I. lc; No. , ISo. riates: No, L Hc; No. a c: No. a c LIVE POULTRY Rrolters. 14 te 14 Iba, in separate corn p., 17c; ever 1H to I lla., leo, springe, any site. 124c: ducks, ticked. H price, but not wanted, lie; bens, over 4 Iba per lb., 11 He; roosters, He. Turkeys. 17c; old Tome. IRo; under I lbs.. $c; leee than $ Iba each nol wanted. Oeese, full feathered and fat. Us; picked, H price, but not wanted. Gulneaa. each, 16c; young. 1 te 1H Iba each, 16c. Homer aqiiate. 14 oa. and over, 11 0u; 14 to 11 os., $100; No. $. must welgl) os., $1.(0: under $01,600 Pigeons, an kind, per oe., c, Star Brand Ben Da via, $17$ per barrel; Willow Twigs, $. per barrel: Wlneaapa, $VW per barrel; Jonathans. $$.W per bar rel. Shield Rrand-Rlack Twigs. $t per barrel; Black Twlgn. comroerlctal brand. $3. per barrel; Ben Davis. Illinois, $11$ per bnrre1, BUTTER Best creamery, J!c: seconds, tn cartons or tuba, &o; good dairy. titf tkc; country, common, lKHo. CHKKSE lmoorted Swiss, 44e: domestic, $Oc; block. 14c; twins, lc; daisy, 18Hc; triplets, lHc; youn.Ameil can, Lc: blue label brick )ttHc; Mitibunrer. Jc; New York white, 10c; Imported French Kooquefort. 4Ho. FhUlTt Naval oranges; extra fanny, and Ms. tir box; extra fancy, Yim, 2Ks and 824s, $l.7S box; extra fancy Cali fornia navels, Ws. U's. $3.00 box: axtra fancy California navels, 160a, $325 box; exiitk Ihih v CKiiiuinia uaveiS, Ii4s, 216s, 250s, $3.60 bo. HHiL)A OHANOKS-lKt, ISOa, l.ta. 20ts, litis. 2fe. $2 75 box. ORAPR KRL' IT Florida grape fruit: 4Rs. Mi, tKs. 80s, $3.60 box; 9-im. $3 S box: lifts, $3.76 box. Tarpon brand: 26. $3.76 box; 4tis, $4.00 boXi 64s, $4.26 box; 44, 6Vs, $4.50 box. LEMONS Extra fancy California Sunklst lemons, 800s, SMki, $6.09 box; extra fancy California Sunklst lemons, 42iie, $4.60 box; extra fancy California Red Ball lemons, $4.60 box; extra fancy Flnridn limes. $1.60(2.00 baJ-ket. FUNKIST Navels: fOs, Hea and ins. 2b; lwis, $3.60; 00. brand, clusters. 18c basket. CRANBERRIES Jersey Bell. late Howes, $11.60; cranberries, $276 box. fhAKH-r.xtra lancy inter Nellie (small sixes), $2.60 box. CIDER New York. Mott's Sweet (very beet grnde), $3.75 keg; Nebraska Ne hawka, $3.2$ keg. SWEET POTATOES Market strong and advancing; extra fancy California Jersey (about lflO-lb. crates), $3 00 crate; extra fancy California Jersey, $1.60 ham per. TOTATOES Colorado white, 75c buj Red River Ohlos, too bu. s ONIONS Yellow, Jo lb.; Red Olobe, le lb.; Spanish (Imported Bermudas), $1.0 orate. MISCELLANEOUS Crai'kerjaek, $3 W caae; crackerjack, one-half rase, $176; case; fard da tea, 12Ho lb.; salted peanut. $l.lf can; popcorn, 40, 1 lb. package, $2.60 ease; corn po pa, $s.2E case; corn pops, one half case, $1.6 caae; 8. W. dates. $1.j! box. Honey, case. Airline, 2 dm. ai nn riA. . wi Tn "A.?-" er A Motts. one-half bU $7.26 bbl.: Nehawka. $3.25 keg. NUTS No. 1 walnuU. 16'4o lb.: blk. walnuts, 80 lb.; hickory, 4e lb I filberts, 16o b; pecans, 12Ho lb.; Braalls, 16c lb; almonds, 16o lb. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qeetatloaa ef the Day aa Varlaa Oamaaadltles, NEW 1 TORK, Dec. 20. Dour, firm: spring patents, $5.6Oiii,O0, winter patents. WHEAT Spot, strong; No. 1 durum, $1.83H f. o. b. New York; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 1 2CH; and No. 1 northern, Mani toba, $1.2744 c. I. f. Buffalo. Future were trong, December, $1.28. CORN Spot barely ateady; No. 2 yellow, 83 Ho prompt. OAT8 tipot-Steady; No. t white. 46H9 47Ho. HAY Easy; No. 1. $1 2001.25: No. 2. $107H116; No. 8, f5c41.02H; shipping, 86 mupb uuiet; suite common to choice. 116, 2ix30c; 1914. 6'gl0c; Pacific coast; 1916, lKfiloc; 1914, 8l0c. HlUl-iS oulet: Bogota. 83lc: Central America, 29c. utATHKK-r-irm; nemiock itrsts, 33 S4t; seconds, 82rnp33c. provisions pork, steady; mess. $18.76 tiinw; tamiiy. V40.tmiZi.bO: short clear. $ll.00i22.00. Beef, firm: mesa. $IS.604rl7.O): fsmily. SI8.OMrl8.60. Lard, steady: middle west, w(7.ij. TALIiOW Barely steady: city. 6c: country, 7H(tf8c; special. Mic ' BUTTER Firm: receipts. 4.4.r8 tubs: creamery extras, 86Mrtji37Hc; firsts, 2g85c; seconds. 2iHll.'2sc ... BUGS Weak: receipts. 6.853 cases: fresh gathered extra fine. 87ft 38c: extra firsts. iot'3c; firsts, 33gja4c; seconds, 34.32c. CHEESE Stesdy; receipts, 1,608 boxes; state whole milk, held flats, speduls. KHc; average fancy, 16444417c; current make, specials, 16c; average fancy, 16'i tltHc. POULTRY Alive. prices unsettled: .tM-aawl lm mm.m. talllJ -I.I.I. . c . . uiciu, ai.. 11, iivinii Hum iiiniiirnB, jvu 27c; fowls, 13iS'17Hc: turkeys, 23S'J7c. 1 1 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 20. WHEAT No. hard. $1.0(&'1.13; No. 2 red. $1.16!. 18: i December, $1.10; May. $1.1 If 41.1$. CORN No. 2 mixed,. (iMiiVsc: o. 1 white. 66Hc: December. 6iftti6Hc: Mav. oats ino. a wnite, tzvMTt-ic;, g' mUed. 3U140C. BUTTEI-Creamery. 33c: flrsu. Jlc: seconds. 2!c; packing, 19c. Ku firsts, xnc; seconds, wr. POULTRY Hen. loVuillo; turkey. 16c: springs, 12c. Mlmaeapolta Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 20. WHEAT December. IU7H; May, $I.1SH: No. 1 hard. $1.; No. 1 northern.' $1.17HS'1.18H; No. $ northern. $1.10111.16. FLOUR Unchanged. BARLEY 6Q3c. RYE fafiWHc. BRAN $18.004 18.50. CORN No. 3 yellow. T2Vt"$H. OATS No. 3 white. SHitic. FLA X-82.O7W2.10H. . Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 20. WHEAT Spot, No. 1 Manitoba. 12a 6d; No.- S. 12a 2d; No. 3. 12s: No. 1 hard winter, lis 9d. CORN Spot American mixed, new, Ss 2d. . FLOI'R-Winter patents,. 44s. HOPS-In London, Pacific coast. 4ft5. St. Loala irala Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Dec. Zd. WHEAT No. 2 red, 41.22'ul .-; No. 2 hard. 11.12; December. I1.1HH; May. $1.1H &1 16'4. CORN No I, bVHc: No. 2 white. 67Hc; Pecember. tntc; May, 70f'71e. OATH No. 2, 4uHc; No. $ white, 'nomi nal toffee Market. NBW YORK,- DSC. 2a COFFEE-The coffee market opened unchanged to 4 points higher on a moderate demand for late deliveries today, but the near months sold off and part of the business was in the way of switching from December and January Into September. Burliness was reported In December at .6ic, while Hep tember sold at 4. 96c Mies. 12,(0) bags; December, 6.63c; January, 62c; February, n one: March, 669c; April, 6.71c: May, ti7ic, June. 6.7c; July. .4c; August, 4f'c; September, 8.94c; October f. 9.1c. Soot, a met: mo 7s. 7c: Santos 4a. 9c. Cost and freight offers were about unchanged, quotations ranging from 8.60c to 9.0UO for Santos 4s. The official cables reported no change In the primary maraet. Evaporated Apples anl Lirlea raits NEW YORK, Dee. 20. EVAPORATED APPLES Dull, lancy, Vvv,c; choice, 7Hr7c. DRIED rRUIT-PTUnes easy; Cali fornia. 4Sllc: Oregon. 7l'Bc'. Anrl. cots, steady; choice, WHc; extra choke, 11aOlWc: fancy. 12c. Peaches. firm: choice, 8; extra choice. Sc; fancy, 7''f Ho. Raisins, steady; loose muscatels. 7.t ivc; cnoice to fancy, seeded, iStQSc; seeaiess. V'c. agar srarket. NEW YORK. Dec. 20.-.UQAR-Ra w. nrm; centruugal,; moiaaaea. 4 lc Refined, quiet; cut loaf. 4 sic; cruxhed. (.7bc; mould A, .40c; cubes, glue- xxxg powdered, g.lOc; powdered, 6Uc; fine granulated, S.koc; diamond A, 6 9c; con feet loners' A, 6.86c; No. 1. S.'tOc. Futures opened firmer today on covering and active buying. At noon prices were la points mgnsr. Oil ana Keel a. SAVANNAH. Dec. 20. TURPENTINE tileady, 61c; sales, none; receipts, 160 bbls. : shipments, cms; stock, 22.6t bbla ROSlN-1-lrm: sales. Mj 1,1.1a- re ceipts, 1.301 bbla; shipments, ion bbls ; Htock. 16J3 bbls. Quote: A. R. C. I. E. K, O. H. I. $6.10: K. S76: M. $4.20, N, $6.76, WU, $' vu; WW. !.. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Light and Trade is Slow at Steady to. Stronger Price Sheep Lower. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER OMAHA. December , 1916. Reoeipta were: Kaitimate Monday . Cattle. Itogn. Sheep. 6.6110 ll.VV Penie day last week.... .7 Same 2 weeks ago 10.3M Same $ weeks atlo 10,474 Some 4 weeks ago 13J7B Same day last year.... 8,042 3.4S.' I0.S4. !4 13.310 $.73 1471 4.MU ll.eiv $.6 The following table shows the receipts ef cattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha live stock market for the year to dale as compared with last year: 1915. 114. ln. Cattle tlM.404 W2.IW4 26.TO Hogs 8.M7.IW! 2.174.714 142.4W Sheep ,HUS 8,03.311 147.772 Tha following table mows the receipts Prices of hogs at tbe Omaha live stock market for the last few day, with com pa neons Data 1916. i8i4.)ii8jlaii7piii. 11810. II2W. Dec. 4. $ 42 t 111761 1 Ui $ 111 6 071 1 74 le. I. Dec. I.. Deo. t.. Ieo. 8.. IX c. 9. Deo. 10. Deo. 11. Dec. 1. Dee. 11 e 21 :r 40SI WHI 6 84 evil 4Sl ilH 0H 84T.' 40 1 IJ 1 41 1 1 Ml I Ml 1 " " 1 4u t 6i $ M 7 41 8 21 T84 141 T o a 7T 7 79 7 78 ! n 7 M 7 8S 7 97 7 9l t 661 T 7 77 T721 $ 0M I S 02 121 7 M ; nil t 1 T 61 T 60 7 47 T 64 7 0 27 7 84 7 tw T4X T BTi I hi"! 7 6 T 75 7 a rr Dec. 14. 1 mi T74 7 a1 261 7 741 Deo. 16. 7 wi 7 VI 7 6 7 Deo. ll 7 81 7 I'Sl 8 81 'CC. 17. 7 68) t 6.1 7 44 7 os Dec. Ik. 7 t 7 W 7 79 SOI e e.-i 1 OA l'ec. 19.1 7 83 7 9 7 71 m na Pec. 2Q. 6J7H 7 44 7 7i 7 7.t 8 11 e i 7 M6 ' """' ! nrceipia ana aisposmon or live euuiv t the Union Stock yard, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hour ending at $ ' r,UTm VlV,, enuing at , . . a . . ... ., a.L. RBCBlPTBdlARS. Cattle. Hogs, eneep. (' . M Bt. P 13 10 Union Pacific 21 C at N. W., esst......... 3- C. N. W., west IS C, (St. P., M. ' 0.....M. $1 C. H. Q., east......M.. .. C. H. AW., want 29 V., H. 1. & P..,ejit. 11 C, H. I. & P., west........ 2 Illinois Central 21 Chicago Urent Western.... 18 21 J tiri 9 n 34 6 1 3 8 182 Total receipts 119 66 . DISPOSITION HESAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris Co....' 4 1,649' 1.0.M Swift ft Co 607 1.78 4,3:io Cuushy Packing Co..-. 937 8,278 tt.lo Armour 4t Co 724 $.790 8,012 ch warts 4k Co .... ' 3i4 J. W. Murphy 662 Lincoln Packing Co...., t ,.,m So. Omaha Packing Co. 1$ . Rath Packing Co t Benton. Vansaut s Hill Son K. B. Lewis J. B. Root 4k Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Hue F. G. Kellogg II. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros 101 76 828 ..... 79 eJl ae4M 64 114 ..... 18ft 41 221 I 177 7 76 14 i 26 ... 24 ..., ..... Kft ....a 102 91 10 18 777 1.2S3 Mo. ot Kan. Calf Co.... 221 Christie Higglns lluliman M ey ers Baker, Jones Smith., Banner Bros. John Hsrvey Dennis St Francis Kline Jensen 6V Lundgren Other buyers Totals 8,468 11,674 11,882 CATTLE Receipts were the lightest that they hav been for a Monday In a long time and (till they were more than doumo tha receipts of a year aao. The trad as a whole was alow and dull and tt wa late before buyer resly got down to business. Hellera were determined to force the market higher, while the re ceipts made buyers reluctant about put ting on anything. Fat beet was generally steady to pos sibly a little stronger on soma kind. witn cows, heifer and good stock tat tle ranging snywnere from aieaay to a much as 10c higher. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice yearlings, 88.864jp9.ll6; good to choice beeves. $7.604.26; fair to good beeves, I6.75foi7.40; common to fair beeves. $8.'.5 ii4.&0; good to choice grass heifer. $6.60 itio.60; good to choloe grass cows, $6,260 4.26; fair to good oowa, $4.6(ti6.26; com mon to fair cows, 8".MXQ.ou; good to choice feeders, $6.60tP7.16; fair to good feeders, $i.00U.80; common to fair feed ers. S6.00iii.00: good to choice stockers. $tl 76a7.25; fair to good stockers, $.O(k0 6.76; common to fair atorkera. $6.0&rn'6.0u; stock heifer. $6.26(.00; stock cows, $4,600 6.26; tock calve. $8.00(&1.26; veal calves, $7.00iR9.60; bulls, atage, etc.. $3.7&$1.26. Repreaentaiivo aaiea; BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. A. Pr. 1010 I 00 21 Ill IX HOt 4 16 ' M M ti 1211 in ' 4 nil 7 w 1104 T 10 11 1(4 7 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 714 1 Jr. i hi 4 W HBIFERrt. Mt I so tt 4tl 6 71 (19 11 - is ul i at 1... 22... 7... 111 M 11 ' t tn 1 474 4 16 11 ItO TO 11 471 T 71 STUCK E KM AU r EJ!LP.lin 741 M 11 HI IN 7U 1 14 4 417 10 M Ill 4 40 M TXT 4 40 u. tm lie 44 ...ika is it iisn h i; M in HOO.1 A liberal week-opening run waa on hand, 176 cars, or 12,000 head, making up the day's total. Thl Is the largest Mondav run received In a long time, be ing 3.600 lurger than a week ago, 2.000 heavier than two week ago and a 2.6-) Increase over tha corresponding day last vear. - Both packers and shipper started out early looking for the good hogs and pay ing, on first rounds at least, good steady tirtes for the weighty kinds, Lilt over- looktnr the llgnt stuit wnerever possicio Lter on after- the moat urgent orders had been filled values eased off a little. even on best kinds, and towards tha close trade was mostly 6c lower even on waluhtv kinds. As noted above the lights were very slow sale, and except where sellers were able to move them with strings, or nau something that, while not very weigmy, was extra good, they were left for the close. In the end moat everything waa cleaned up, but most of ths underweight moved at nrlccs that were 6ffll0c lower. Here and there a -! could be pointed out that looked nearly steady, but instances of tnat sort were exceptions. There were a few loads still in first hands at a late hour. Bulk of the aales were made at .8f.tT.4&. the long string selling at $6.40. There wss quit a scattering of aales of light hogs from e. so on down, wnue tope reached $8.60. Several bunches of pigs weighing around 100 pounds which were offered found an uncertain outlet. Sume of them were bought as stockers around $5.00. while others had failed to move up to noon. Representative sale: No. 1 . M . M-. At. Mi. rr No. A. Mi. lr. 117 as M at 171 II II 114 ... M III fcw ... I U 111 ... 4 u tn so 4 it 1.4 ... al git ike I as IK! ... 1 4l'i 4 i leu at.. mi an a 7. ...... .si ... M M ... 4k) 11 144 ... IM PIQ3. Ill ... I I M U ... 1 1 104 ... lie.. SHEEP Receipt were on the generou order, estimates calling foe flfty-threa cars, or U.7u0 head. Thla la more than 2.000 heavier man last week, and I tour times a large as for the correspouUiiig Mondav last year, but shows a falling off of a few hundred head aa compared with two weeks ago. Other markets reported pretty good runs, and packers' attitude waa bearish, even on beat lamb, bids being anyway l'ajlic, and In spot a much as a quarter lower right from tne start, t p to rattier late hour in the forenoon Packers had done almost noth'n?, although a ehlpper l ad paid a top or 00 for one load. Wluin trade linally got going valusa were around lotjliio lower, slmI movement waa pretty siow at mat. Packers faiiea to pay over $.90, and bought the bulk from that figure down to 13.76. I'd to noon clearance was not very satisfactory. mere i.eing several loads or lambs sun In first hands at midday. No clipped lamba were offered, best being nominally quoted at $3.60. As a general thing, owes took about th same decline as lorn be. lOlght car of Montana that carried no fill at all, brought th day' top of $S.a6, and other ewea of a good sort were bought st $6.90. One load of real good light yearlings made $7.66. They were the first light yearlings to show up In week, and their tppenrsnoe rretty iniich a surprise o everyone, tnher t-rllne. a well as few ewes, were unsold at lunch time. I-Voder trade was a aniall sftnlr. only few bum bes of f'eillng Inmlm showing p tne sele of tni1lirm wrta-hts was re ported at $S.$S. while a few loads of .tlatin ulirnl flrlila. nn well as small ii'ksge sorted off ami westerns were .lupoid at noon. Wiotatlons nn sheep and lambs: Lemhs, nd to holce. light, $ .ii ! good to nediiun hesvy Umlm, fimi.l; lambs, fair to good. $3 MKr 7S; Inmhs. sllpied. $7 'J8.60; lamba, feeders, $; OiJi 50; jresr lings. good to choice llafnt, $7nwiT.60; earllng, fslr to choice heavy, $s.lifi7 lamba, feeders, V 2Cfi 26; wethers, fnJr to choice, $6,764760; ewes, good to choice, l.v;ftj5 86; ewes, fair to good, $ OV' 7i; ewes, feeders. $4 .86. Mepreeentatlve sales: N. 5i fed lambg ir-3 fed ewes fed feeder ewes 103 fed feeder ewea lot fed feeder ewes Av. . 92 . 116 . MS . 102 ,. 70 Pr. 8 m 1 40 4 00 3 60 7 75 CHICAGO L1VK STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak Hogs Steady Sheep Steady. 23.WW head; market, weak; native beef steers. $f..talrlfl 90; western steers. $. 8K0; cows and heifers, $2.8041 8.20; oalvra, $.2-fi( sty IHXIS Receipts. 20,000 head; market, steady; averaged a shade lower, but closed strong; bulk. 84 toj.fin: light. 86 . 1 1 . r-. v , pii , . 1 1 a, , 1,11(1, r -..', I a 1 1 . e-1 ti 56; mixed. liVliwf)tJ.7,rj heavy, $.f4Ji o..: pigs .ftwi't.!. sllkltlV Reoelirts. 17.000 head; market, steady; wethers, $&10Q.f0; lambs. $K.90 fjO.hO. Sloag City Lire StocW Market. Rlrtl'V PITV T n-M Oft fiTTr.ff . . V I . . . If.., . V . . x. " - u . . Receipts, 6,0t head; market steady; na- lt. a; 7,,i7 ril- KntKee 41 FJVril k . maw. snn h r.H . 1 UhTiX I and feeders. $4.9ofli.i6: calvea. $4.iUS.0n bulls, stars eta. 84.fiof6.7r.. HtXI.4 Receipts. 8,600 head; MtHi. iieeelpte, ,auu head;.. maj-RLi -..a..,.. . 1 b. 1 . l.Ma...M II aluaM ion n nj im'-i, iir.y, T' -u v.", . mixed. $-i?r-t(40; light, $o.ooi.25; bulk ot sales, $ti.20trV46. w.nh.pANn tji MRB-Recelnts. 8.000 ,head; market lOo lower; wea $1.50(110.76; lamns, t.(y.7s. Knnaa City Mv Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Deo. a0.-OATTI.F-Recelpts. 17.0(10 head; market, strong; prime fed eteers, $9 OnffO 76; dressed beef steers, $Y7Mg.60j western steers, $n.OO0 8.2R: stockers and feeders, $.V60M.OO; bull, $4 6tV,r 00; calves. $o.0vqa 00. Hons Receipts, IK.Ooo head; market, steady; bulk, 6.-f.; heavy, $l4iiirt.0; packers and birtcheni, $6.40408.66; light, b.(ni; piKa, . (wire on. Hit HBP Receipts, M0 head; ' marke, steady; lamba, $Jv2M?s00; yearlings. $.T6 7.60; wethers, $6.7o4.60; ewes, $0.264.26. St. Loala Lire Stack Market. ST. IaOUlS. Dec. 9V OA TTLra Re ceipts, 7,100; market, lower; native beef ateere, $7.6(trlii.4i); yearling steers and heifers, $8.txtJlO.!0; cows. $5.fW7.00; stock ers and feeders, $ft.OOfff7.2r; southern steers, $o.2fiti.60; cow and holfers. $4 00dj.t; native calves, $4.0mu10.2r.. lUXT-f Recefci-ts, l.0fO head; market, steady: plaa and lights. $6.7W.70: mixed and butchers, $6.46(iu6.80; good heavy, $4.76 $j.86. 8H F5EP Receipt a, head; market, steady; yearllnga, $H.Nnr7 60: lambs, $3.0047 9.36; sheep and ewes, $u.6Oilr8.60. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOBEPH, Dec. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,600 head; market alow; steers, $l.frv9.flO; rows and heifer, $3.60TJo.60; calves, $(I.0OtT9.26. HOGS Receipts. 7,000 head; market lower; bulk of sales, $n.2Mi.66. SHEFaP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1500 head; market steady; lambs, $H .500.10. Stack In Sight. Cattle, .i 2,042 Hogs. Sheen. Omaha 9.rV0 , 3.900 Chicago 28,000 17.0141 7,100 6.000 20.0110 19.000 16.000 9,600 17.000 S.D00 2.3O0 $.000 Kansas City ft, Louis ... Bloux City Total ..64.143 73,080 84,700 Bank Clearings n.i, .lurlnn In tha Tl'nlted States for the week ending December 1. a reported to Bradstreet's Journal. New Tork, ag gregate $4,622,897,000, against $4,360,220.0)0 last week and $2,B10,t.M.UM) In this week vear. Canadian clearing aggregats $216 691 0.0, as against $220,140.1410 last week and $134,642,000 in thla week last year. Fol lowing are the returns for this week, with perecentsges of change shown this week as compared with th week last yesr: Towns. Inc. Dec $3,HO.42J.(iOO 9G.3 8!w.074,0O 18.6 , 246,7t,0r 60.8 a 190,476,() SI. K 97,80S,0 23.0 $8,OH0,(00 23.7 6H,474,0"0 20.8 i 63,613,01111 14.8 41.KXI.tKO 20.7 89,971,000 f7.9 86,713.000 47.9 S2.6r,2,oH 27.0 29.169,") 70.6 2&,7:0i0 20.1 , 28,4?4,0i 37.0 21.1W8.00O 26.1 - i9.ino.ono 12.4 20,8'll,0fli 34.7 ID, 970,i 64. 4. 13,l"0.O 4.T 14.422.ono 80.4 16.126.000 14 $ 11,967,000 6.1 Il,40.i0ii 26.0 11,903,000 44.6 16.4K.1,0" 48.7 10,41 K.O) 23.6 10.CS5I.0 24.. 10. 12.0 ,2i't.lrl0 19.9 .... 1 440.IHM-I M. 8 U.fM.OUO (.1 8,171.0") SO 0 8,47,) 37.2 4.Sfi.'i 28.0 9lii.00l 31.8 8,244,1100 34.8 6.2M.0iO 23.6 ...... 7,876,(n 72.21 , 9lV.OiO 111.1 6.0H1,() 34.7 .,. .17,00i 18.1 6,3K1.00i 19.8 4).5-).S T.4 ...mmm 4.O.00. 13.4 J 4.?.0iO 24 t 4. s7r..tssr( a t 2.772,000! T.e f..(ii7 fxl 44.7 ...... 4,ir.4,Oi) 14,4 ?,H-2,000 80.4 .1i7,oni u. 3.11.9,000 18. fl 5. sns.OW 11.2 3 8'-'4.0OI). S 4, 9)4,0110 IM.4 ....... 3. 3-0,0"" 20.1 8.179.O0O W.$.... 2.474,Oi)i T4.H...... 1. Kn.rmot 18 7 2.847,000 20.9 .1 3.7S2.! 7.S 2. M.0OOT.- 14 3. :7,00O 101 :t4.joo 441 New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston St. I-oula Kansas City Pittsburgh San Francisco Baltimore Minneapolis Detroit Cincinnati Cleveland Ix Angeles........ New Orleans., OMAHA Milwaukee Atlsnta Lnulsvllls ........... Seattle Buffalo Ft. Paul . Portland, Ore...... Denver Houston - Richmond , Indianapolis ........ Providence ... Fort Worth.... Washington. D. C. Memphis St. Joseph......... Columbus 1 Nashville Albany Sat Lake City.... Toledo Des Molne. ,. Hartford .......... Duluth ' ... Rochester ......... Pavannah , Norfolk Ppokane Wichita -. Macon Oakland Hcranton .-1. ........ Peoria New Haven. ....... Sioux City Grand Rapid. .... Syracuse , Jacksonville. Fla. mrmingnara Austin Springfield. . Mass. Worcester ......... Chattanooga ...... Oklahoma Dayton Little Rock..... Tacoma ............ Lincoln ............ Fremout t'attea Market. NBW TORK. IVn. 30 -Cf rTTON flpoiL quiet; middling uplsnils, l$.lc. Bale. 100 bale. tun - futures opened firm; January, llkOo; March. Ilia?; Msy. 12.63c; July, 12 7c; October. 13 ;Wc. r'nttnn rrnuMi rinaed steady: December. 1183.-; January. 11 !'; March. IJ 'JOc; May, l?44c; July, 12.67c; October, 12.srf. The cotton market closed steady at , net advance of t to 11 points today. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 30. riuis npot, steady; good mldillliig. 7 8M; middling, f ood; low middling. 7.04d; ale, lO.OoO bale. Metal Market. NKW TORV. Dec. 10 - MET A LS Lead. offered at $6.40. Kpelter not quoted. Cop per, firm; electrolytic 10 26. iron, firm; No. 1 northern. tl.tH'y.O 0(; No. 2. $l.0Cd W.DO: No. 1 southern, i. urn ."w; no. j, 111 tJk Tl- fl-m' arwit l?a.60 Kill 0 . vv. 11.1, . . . . , - - , - - At I-nnrlon: Hoot eotter. U 17 : fu tures, i 2s (d; electrolytic, tin) 10s. Spot tin, ln8 10s; ruturee, tiw Antimuny, 126. Lead, $8 17 6d. npelter. CW. Oaaaha llay Market. HAY Prairie, choice upland. $11 Orw 11.60: No. 1 II0 604T1100: No. 8. $00i)000 No. 8. 8o.00frni.00. Choloe midland. 810.60: No. 1. $.6oi(tl00; No. I. $8 0jg00; No. $, ln.0O4i8.OO. Choice lowland, $60rfrlOOO; kNo. 1. $H.6060; No. $. $7.001.); No. 8. $r, 00rr7.00. Htraw, cnoice wneai. a.wrrio no, rhoice oat or rye. $t.0vj &0. Alfalfa choice alfalfa, SirsftfflS.M: No. 1. $11 iKi'tl U.M); No. $. $9.007111.60; No. $, $7.0008. Bank C'learlaga. OMAHA. Dec $. Bank clearing for Omaha today were $,, and for the corresponding day last yesr t3.1'J4,&13.14. NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Shares of Companies Operating in Mexico Are Most Prominent Features. THESE SHARES ARE ON BOOM vkw vntK- lw M Interest In to day's market was transferred from. Euro pean affairs to Mexico, share or corn pun lea operating In that country, rajtably American Hmeltlng and Mexican Petro leum being the most prominent featurwa. Smelting rose SH points to 10H n1 Mexican Petroleum SHft'H. The activity of these stocks waa naturally ascribed to the withdrawal of the revolutionary forces and the disintegration of tha move ment ssalnst the de facto government. Incidentally another advance In oil prices by the leading producer accounted for the strength of the oil stocks, Texas romnany rising H to 17, with an ex tensive demand for California Petroleum common and preferred aa well as kindred Issues on the "curb." Other metal shares fallowed awlttag, lead In smaller degree and war stock Ilka Htudebaker, Haldwln Ijncomotlve, American locomotive, rnidhle Weel, New York Air Rrake and American were Intermittently higher by 1 to 8 point. United States Wcel rose to 4. but lost much of Its advantage In the final 1" " -' ..... .,. . . . . . i hour when reallilng sales In smelting and petroleums caused general recessions. Kail were in steady request on a moderate scale, especially New York Central, Eries and some of the Pacific and Orangers, Total sales of stocks were 41 000 share. Foreign exchange) reflected the more confident feeling In tha foreign situation, marks atlffentng perreptl)ly, with general .11 ' ' ' I , aur BUI ia.IUllllUl.. 1 demand for Anglo-French fives at quota tions ganging between 844 and 6. Total - i, . r,.J . ";r""f par value, aggregated . ' L , United State bond were unohanged on calL Number of sale and leading quotations on stock wers aa follow: gales. HlrV Lew. Close. AkMka OnM ll." I H H4 S Allla-alniers . ga 11V 1)14 aii Amerlran Iteet Rogar..., l.K 7n 70 1 ("ia sot a aaverlean IjoromollTO , Amerlran t. H Am, M. A .R. ptfl Am. Suaar Keflnlnx.,, American Tel. a Tel., American Tonaere .... Anaconda t'opoer . . Atchleoa M Halrtartn Iatrotno4lTe .. t.Tns h som , u.Toa ita inn iia o 111 lnv 111 q lis lis li"H an i:a4)' lt , i.r seoi ii aw , ll.n ea M , i.m loaia ia mi U.M liat ll" Ul Halt 1 more A Ohto... An w n wa leMnienem rveel ...aM,,-M 7 11 rook Im Raold Tr ins 1IU II V,hfnrl Petroleum 11 11 II cni1lan raelllo l.inii utu nt 1T renirai lasiher . tod m l'H 14 nieaapaalie eV 06te..... 94 11 lit, "hloa;o U W ., 144t t'Jilnaao, tl. 1 It r tin 4 Chlraan ft tt. W mt 11114 Ul imv 4 ivioaao, H. I. eV r. Ry M C.hlno (aree l ie WS II II txioraoo Fa. I ft Iraa.... IM It 11 11 OurlNe Itaal 1.40 T4ii 7IU 71 Denver ft R. O. Pti V Piettllera Beearltlae .... aim st 4-a 41H Brie 11. Sal 41 ! 414a 4)enerel Blertrl l.lnl 174 171 174 (treat Northern of so i UM4 i ureat iso. tire ef re i.iue 4H 41 Otiasenhelm nsplocavllom.. l.MS TTTs 77U T7 w io3 Si na a4 14H H IM 914 liiiiii.i. -nil.) ..... Interharoaah Oa. Cbi., L H inainraiioa ooeeer afroo a14 InUrnatlimaJ NarresMr... 111 Kanaas Cltr ftuothaca.... Lene 11 luahiah Valler M II 1IH Ivi.rllle a NaakTllle Meiiraa reirmeum . ...... , . . . . . 88,400 fsai ... LM 11 47 us "iii Miami Oorper l,m Mleaourl. K. ft T. StO. Mleeoaii Paelfle .. t 414 naiiomi viawi ..... Nattooal ttm4 N.raaa Copper in 114 UM. II S New York (antral...... 8,ea kH 101 loeu N. r., N. H. ft H...M.. Lin nl 74a 74 Norfolk ft Waetara...... 1.40 1I1S lk Northers Panllle 111, Paolflo Mall 11 Peoino Tel. ft Tsl.... 4M Pennarlvaala l,$nt W 114 Pullman Palaee dsr.MM. 9ns lnr wau Iter . Ouppsr....... Iftne MS 94 Mta luaolna 1,) ,u mik l Hepuhlie Iron ft Btt.... 8.SO U1 54 i 14 V4 Hnuthera Paotflo 4.4 lOlsi 101 Vtt Xoutaera RalHewg ....m.. 1 U tt HI lenneeaaa tapper ...... 4.400 la IT M Teiaa Compaay ......m. 11 l Mt ! """"" $." WTf 1" ! ' -" witio I'm. wmj irn-a HW VI ' aitea mates maai..MM. 41. in . mu KV4 Mia IT SI Da kM a uaa a..T a.-.T . .M2 K.C ACZL.'"" J' l-ZX H . -it". . .........a. m.mMr W'eatern t'nloa .M in WeatlnshnHaa Bleotrls M . Montana INjwar Line General Motors .......... no Wahaah B DM lam .8 e'14 efia s4) i raw 7B 40 44 rt :t 7 - 71 m International Marin .. llaoo Total sales for Ike ar. 4W.0S i T4 Wove Yorlc Moaery Dfarket. NF.W YORK. Deo. Jo. vnnni wttt tt. PAPER M per rent. STERLING fcXCHANQB-eo-day WHs. $4tW; demand, $4.7236; cable, $4.T3. oiurrjo-Dor, ea'Sjc; jneucan dollars, RONDS-43overnment, steady; railroad Irres-ular. MoNBT-Tim loans, easy, 40 daya U MVk per oent; 90 1 daya 3Mr tier Sent; six months. 2 s,t pr cent. Call money, teady; high. J per cent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rate. Hi Tver rent- Im C. per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; of- in " i, m. m imjr ..-i i Closing quotations on bond today were a follow: v. a. 8 4H ... H N. T. C. sea ts..,.IllH ...1S1I4M T ntT 4Hs..: 12 ...1fH. T. DulitM m .104HN. T.. N. M. ft M. 10 raa. do eonsoa... V a. 4a rag. So eeuoea . ..II sv. a 114 ranama aa eoupoa..iuano. Paeln 4a lis. Ala. trnaiwi oo M Sk A. T. ft T. a H..lD4'o. . U ref. 4s!. I" 91 Armour ft Ce. 4s.. M 'Pea. T. ft T. la.... H Aiohleoa sea. 4e.... asvpena. eoa. 4 Ha inf.1, Bal. ft Ohio 4a 91 do sea. H..NL.ltn Oen. Paolflo let MRaadla geav ttCiZ. tZ Chea. ft Ohl 4H.. i.g. u ft B. r. r s VI C H. ft O. I. 4 ... 97go. Pa, or. 6a.106H C M ft fl P s 4m .10H da nt. 4a.... ",1 ivS r, tt. 1. ft V. e. 4s. . Itaiivar le j C. S. ref. 4Hs.... SUnloa Pact He 4s..., ! r. ft R. a. raL la. u d m. 4. ." Bate sea. 4s M 7 a. Robber 4B....1 Oaa Klaatrto to... ..lul v. 8. Steel la n. a I. a r. r. ea. e nail war Is irau 7a 1UW W11 la Ot, No. let luvs.... 4WWahati lit U m III. Oon. rmt. 4...., uuwa. Tnloa 4Ws... N K. (7. Ba. rat. la... 94 Waet. Mao. ev. 4s . tM U ft M. eol- 4.... 14 Analo-frrnrh la ... N M K. ft T. 1st 4s.. f7 BI4. Lsa4o Stock Market. ' liONTJON, Deo. 10. Trading was lim ited In the-American section of the stook market today. r!ce opened higher, but the gains were bartdy maintained. FlfaVKR-Har. $4 l-id per ounce. MONICV u-4U per cent DlflCOirNT RATES Short bills and three months. $" per cent. Dry Oeoda Market. NBW TORK. Deo. 80. DRY GOODS Cotton goods and yarns steady today; dress goods ftrno, hut quiet. Raw silk easier In Canton grades. Swedeato Protest Holding Up Parcel Post Service at Sea BERLIN, Dee. (By Wireless to Sayvllle.) flweden has decided to mak an nergofta protest to Great Britain' againat ths stoppage by British author!. ties at Kirkwall of th parcel post Ber yl oe between Sweden and the TTnlted States. The Swedish government also has ordered all parcel post from England In transit across Sweden to b held up Indefinitely, . This means th complete stoppage of th Anglo-Russian parcel post service until the Swedish protest Is heeded. Th Swedish government, according to Information received her, will notify th United State of thla new measure. Th protest Is based on th British action of taking sealed sacks of paro post mall from tha steamer Helllg Olav on Its last voyage from New Tork. and tn removing ths entire parcel post tram tha outgoing st earner Stockholm, formally th Holland American liner Potsdam, and now owned by tb Swadlsh-AmerlcAn Steamship eompany, which left Gothenburg a few days ago. It was stated at th British foreign offlc yesterday thst out of 800 bass of parcel mail for Sweden on board th Hel llg Olav, 14 contained nothing exaept rubber consigned to a well known for warding agent In Sweden. It was added Innocent parcel of mall carried by th steamer would ba forwarded to their des tination as speedily as poasibla. MAY BEAT LOUDON British Paper Considers , Teuton Attempt to InTswIe England as Possibility. ALLIES AWAIT FOE'S M0VEJG LONDON. Dec 19 During the relajtaUon In tUl tbt offensive cam p&lgns. except the Italian pressure on the Austrlans. which haa followed the expulsion of the Serbian army from Its own country, European In terest U focused upon the probabili ties of some new, bnt as yet unde Teloped upheaval. It appears to be taken for granted on all sides that the poller- of the central power will be to attempt to Cain a decision somewhere, while their, opponents will prefer to devote the winter to preparations for war fare in the spring. Mar Attach. Canal. There is much discussion In Oreat Britain of reported Turkish-German at tempt upon tha Sue canal. Messages re ceived from neutral countries proteasing to hav German sources of Information describe th German field marshal. Von Der Qolta, as equlppm at Aleppo an army for an Invasion ot rigyipt.. The aama correspondents assert that th Ger mans are collecting xtemalv drove of camels and dnnksys for thalr transport. English writer who know Egypt de clare such a project hopeless. Tha observer today considers a n 1 . man attempt to Invade England as a 4aperata gamble, one of the foremmt possibilities and that the extensive -movement of tha troop 1 in Belgium mny mean preparations for - embarking itt Zeeibrngre snd In the Scheldt river. ' Groaad Yery Maddy. Officer returning from tha western front express th belief that fighting thers on. a Mr seals Is tmposstbls becaus th country l muddler snd altogether In worse condition than last year. Ths activity on th Oalllpoll peninsula and small Italian gains are the only Im portant military operations reported ta ds y. Germany . hag lost the small cruiser Bremen and a torpedo boat In tha BalHci Sea throagh a aubmartn attack. . It ,4s prssnrood that th submarine was on f th English under- ea squadron which recently has shown nterpris In these water. Tbe Turks claim to have sunk a British monitor tn th Tigris river near Kut-Ki- Amara. Oracle Sltaatloa rebaaga4, Th Greek situation remains unchanged. Tha Greek government Is reported to hav protested formally against tha entente allle fortifying outside BalonlkL Thl protest may ba of th am character as tha one lodged against the first landing of troops, whloh was then described as merely a technical one to keep the recerd clsar. Henry Pord's peace party arrived ( In Chrlstlanla this morning and was wel comed Informally by professors and cler gymen and tha American minister. Not withstanding th fact that th party has no official status, Norwegian hospitality and tha warm friendship of th Nor we g I an a towards Americana assure th peaoa party an Interesting sojourn dur ing their three days' stay In that country. Bid Army Far well. - 1 Field Marshal French Issued an fjljf qoent farewell to th British arnTy ln Franc prior to his turning th command of tha British forces over to General sir Donglas Halg. In It h asserted th eon-, vlctlon that a glorious ending to their efforts was not far distant. j Th art of Derby, director of recruit ing, today told a London audience that h had found th heart of th country wa right H predicted a victory for th en tent allle at an earlier dat than many person xpeot. Th recruits mobilised under th earl of Derby plan hav al ready began drilling In several cities so that thsy may have soma military school ing when they are formally called to arms. English Heart Right, 1 Says Earl of Derby LONDON. Deo. So. Lord Darby, direc tor of recruiting, and Ben TUlett, aecre tary of tha Pock Worker1 union, ap peared on th same platform tn muslo hall meeting bar today. Th earl of Derby said: "When It comas to th question of ths number of men who hav enlisted, I must not antlotpat In aqy way what will ba aid Tuesday by b prime mini iter. 1 think th country will feel when h make that statement $hg$ th heart of th country is right. . 'I hope tha new year will show a brighter outlook than Is dlaoeralabl at tha presspt moment. Probably tha re sult will com soonsr than many expect, but not sooner than thay hop a result whloh will be a victory for tha allied forces.' X am 'not th least pesalmUtia about 'th future." International Petroleum Anglo American Oil Pierce Oil Gosdsn Oil REPRESENTDfO AH IXDCWritY ON" TUB UPGRADE Owing to their low sailing ' prlos thsss four Issues offer an opportunity for the moderate investor to share In the largo profits now being mads In ths oil Industry. A 8AFB AJm SANK INTERS I MED INVESTMENT. Descriptive circular Ma 4 tm request. Oscar Alexander & Co. 41 Broad St. v New York Sane comcaent ea aaertaalttea arallahle 10 Live -th" laieanaT la Nee York biork rhana eecurlllea. la tbe current taul al Thl OPU !T RBV1KW. Publl-lir4 lv Jol.a kluir .. U Bruadaar. N- Vera Uy. 11 a rear. Sea lor tree aataple etsiee. A 4lilce OX maracia iv uriuj4 t auuv,-