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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1915)
:1! it br its i I A i j i I I WANT AD RATES WANT AD8 for the evening (n must rh Th Be Office lore 12 o clock noon. r. WANT ADS for th morning nd Rtinriav editions must reach Th Be Office before 7:44. p. m. WANT AM rtnHnJ fr theae hour will make their first appear aoc under "Too Late to Classify. CASn RATES. One time, I cent A wort. Two or morn consecutive time, t'4 cent a word. each Insertion. Mvrn consecutive time. 1 cent word, ch Insertion. CHARGE RATES. On ttm. It cents I'n. Thr consecutive times, 1 cent lln. each insertion. Seven consecutive thrice. I cent lln each Insertion. TMrty enttrutv time, t nU a lln. each Insertion. Co out six aver wort to th rota. No advertisement taken for 1 than so cent, NOTICES. Carta of Thanks. PeatH. nmersl end Lodge Notlcn, W cent a lln each Inaertion. Minimum chart M cent. Parti advertising In the cl imii an hsvlng their snswera eddrwased tn car of Th Bee will plea a(k for card to enable them to ret their letter. tior.e will b delivered except on pre entatloh of card. An advertisement Inserted to h "in until discontinued mut " topped by written order. The Be will not b responses for more than th first Incorrect tneaiUon of any dvertlsnvnl. Th Pee reserves th right to ralert or rewrite all advertlse ' mentl. Too can plare votir want ad In X! Hew hv felephon. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. JDCATIIS ASD FIJJIER! WOTICEi AKBON-rter, aged ' paaaed away peacefully at hie home Saturday. Dec fitneraj Tueeday at 1: P. m. from the ChlCSIO. At I D. m. from the Swedish Mlefllon church, 2.14 and Davenport Bta. Krlende Invited. In terment at Forest Lawn cemetery. "PELLM AN Raymond, aged 88, at his residence, ?3H Grant street. Funeral Wednesday at :S1 from retl lence to Bacred Heart church at a. m. Dnterment Holy Mcpulchre cemetery. BIRTHS A5D DEATH. ' Births Edwer4 F. and Edith B. Denl aon. SUH North Forty-fifth, boy; Ralph and Lucie Copenharvo. 16u; Rpring. girl; l:dward and Oertrude Hc.hummach, l"( oiith Mxieenth. clrl: Samuel and Lena Bloom, me North Twentieth, girl; John , and Cecilia O'Connor. 2008 Orace. girl; Ilobert and Marie Harley. 1J Doimlaa, boy; Roy and Aimed Wood, 2fl North Klftcenth. girl; Hans and Mary Lereen, . Heventy-accond and Pacific, boy. Deatha Mrs. Catherine Bummora, 77. fn liavenport. Kugene Bcheefer, 41. 2514 North 8eventiilh; Helen Schmidt. 13, KH South Fourteenth; Arthur Leon, I. j'19 South Twentieth. MARRIAGE LICKMIES. i , IJccnses to wed have been Issued th following couples: ' Name and Address. Age 'Tlugo E. Anderson. Hancock, Mich 29 , Mart Helura, Coeur d Alene, Idaho... 2t Jnmea T. Couch, Council Bluffs 1C . Ollv B. Casey. Council Bluffs 80 Willi C. HalaUad, Decatur M "' Kmma J. Caywood. Trail, Okl 41 Charles Bord. Omaha 31 n.Jocephtn Lee, Omaha, 31 ' Kdwsrd McOuIre, Vermilion, 8. D 28 .JJa Russell. Vermilion, 8. D itl .1bt Stein, Omaha 13 ida HerUber. Omaha SO BUILDING PERMIT!. eft F. C. Liar. 2440 Fowler avenue, frame welling-, 4.Oj0. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM i Dswatsw. " EJLPRESS 15 & DOUGLAS ; ben .i he Key to g Fortune, S-r. feature. ' '.FUe Losing Game, 1 reel. "" The Deceiver. KearEt-Sells No. 100. PRINCESS, 1817-11 DOUGLAS. His Majesty the King. 4-act Mutual . Masterpiece with an all-star Than bouser cast boadod by Orace D Carlo- 'n. on- 'Vl.iay' Innocent Wink, comedy, lth -T itnsy FksrTald. r Musical Mixup, a harmonious comedy. rm CllAND. Avrtat. I eTU AND DINNET. 3,500 Actors in tha Cast of this Play, The Ktrl'e Eternal, 1 Masterplcture. 3,500 Actors Also on selected comedy LbTHU6P7firAND IX)TFROTT ' I aranvoutit Travel Picture. rJsrkl t-aunuers in A Rose Among th it prtaxs. ,,. Squabble for a Squab. 1-reel comedv. i-et tsatk, APPOLO, 2814 LEAVENWORTH. For the Honor of the Crew, 8-r. Vita. Cupid' Bath. Kssanay. The Man From Town. Blograph Weat. MONROE. 3565 FARNAM The Man from the Desert, with George Holt and Myrtle Oonaalrx Hilly Rves in Nearly a PHa Fighter. Boalai Me. S4TH AND N. HESSE Anita Stewart and Earl Williams tn chapter No. 8 of The Goddess. OHPUEL'M. ItTll AND M Four reels of good pictures MOVIES FEATURES ifl TODAY EEE3E. liTH ft N Chapter No. 8 of Th Ooddes. t GRAND. 1ST U AND BlKNiiV; The Strife Eternal. Mutual Mjiteri-'ture. I reels LOTllIiOP. 2 iTlFAN oTLO T HROpT Howard Ltttbrook In Four Faathera uOsdoF. aUs rARNxif. The Abse'n In 8 reels Ult-l DOUGLJL3. "HI Vsjeaty, the aClflg' four-act &U tual laLiyl ANNOUNCEMENTS Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor of The Bee Building Inquire of the Superintendent. Room 103. yXKRClBP; AT Y.M.C A. Business men. CH1ROFHACTIC. eplnal adluatmenU I Can suroeasfitllv remove th cause of rheiimattpm, liver, stomach, paralyse, ttervoussjem and femal wcakneaae. Ex amination free. DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERG. utt it Be Bldg. Tyler 1M4. QUICK DEL1VF.RY. Baggage and express. Call Webster ! tRODKOAARIVg "Lucky Wedding Flngs" at 1th and Dougles Sta. Imported Russian Tony coat, cost 312S; will set at a bar gain, good condition, lit M; also fancy dancing drees for atage or masquerade. Phone Web. 1TD9. or Address O 470, Bee. AUTOMOBILES i; TIRE-S Tou can get 2,001) to miles out or your worn out tires at a cost of (2 to ft. Ask ia how. D. 4878. Duplex Tire Co., ff,l! Ksrnam Kt. Whenever you era considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise uirouga me useo car column of The Be. Phone Tyler lflPO. NRH41AHKA Bi.icn service StHllon. IU Eamam St i'hone Douglas 771. .0"O MILES of mileage In your old tire (Hbul,t. Send tnani to Dill T1RK CO., Kll Chicago t Industrial "C.arase Co , at Harney Btfc AUTO, clearing hous. Huy. sell and ea change u d car f anam D. M' IIOO REWARD for any maanotp w cn t repair Cotls rend Bnvsrtorfe, n N tth. WTTV not buy your wife an electrio for Christmas? Have on for aale very cheap; batteries and tires In good shape. You can buy it at your own price. Phone Harney 10f2 or D. 11 n. ' JOM MCRHII Y Auto repairing at Mlddl Rtat Garage. Phon Tyler ' nrsixEss CHANCES Wanted: Manager For Nebraska To open office and manage salesmen for new, fast sell ing commercial line. Large possibilities. E x elusive. Permanent. Repeater. Should easily make $3,000 to $7,000 first year with in crease thereafter. Party acceptable must furnish references and d e p osit $500 on goods returned from sales. For interview, address, giving past record and phone number. Will ' be at Rome HotelJTaiepday, December 21st. ; L! W. Hagg. GOOD blacksmith and shoeing shop fur le; doing good bualnesa; poor health 1 reason ion lor. selling, m. r. uson. fsu. l, Audubon, Ia. If roue Buaines Chance will stand rigid Investigation and ia Just what It ia advertised, or If you are looking to start In buatneaa for yourself you will be per. fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy. Ing or selling a business Phone Tyler W FARTV to represent manufacturer, I WO investment, fully secured, flood money maker for th right party. Entirely new proposition, STANDARD METAL WORKS, 403 MUire 111 k. IJCA8B and furniture for (ale of a 17 roora hotel tn Orant, Neb., doing a fine buaineaa. Passenger train taX-s dinner here, also freight train take dinner and ffii r. ! Si county aval town, uniy nuiei OFFICE lor real estate or Insurant'; same floor as Use office; Uxn lest; IJO. Th Be Bldg.. Office Room 103. TO SELL or buy a business, call on H'isch at uorgnorr, rxenser rta. i. ji. Office For i Real Estate or Insurance Same floor as Bee Office The Bee Building Office Room 103 AfcK for my Heal Eslala Bulletin. It Include laraeal and beat liat of bar gains In n tals. W. U. Templelon, wJ iiee limn. 7,Jo0.0U stock of dry good for al chaap; no traoe: must casn; stock must b moved. Writ Clsroima A Co., Lyons, Neb owner. TO OKT In or out f buslneaa call oa OANUr.STAD. Ul He Mdg. Do-j. !Mr. LliT your business with m for quick results; buy. sen si.rt exchatig. REL1 BLE BARGAIN CO., Room 2, Haird Bldg Tel. Douc',aa 38 17TH AND liOUULAB STS. IKK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bat gain tn eatabliaked shows. D. 340. TH EATERS Buy, leas or sell your the ater, niachln and supplies through Theater Fxch. Co., 14 Famam. D. lf. A CHANCE to buy a ood paving busi ne.s for VK- news. mag., cmars. to bacco, candy, notions. to; good location? all cash bumneas; ooa reason for selling wife ran take rare r store band works. Call Colfax latt information. while hu fur lurtbern EDUCATIONAL IT-) VAN SANT SCUOOL TBNOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPINQ. Day School for Young Woman, bveniag fcchool lor Young Men and Women. katurday rooming claa la typewriting. Ion C. Duffy. Owner end Manager. 80 8. Uth St. Omaha pay BcrYooil BOYLEfl OOI-LEOK. NIGHT aVJliOuU Umtv iiv la enrollment day. Beak. keeping, buurthand. toUootypy. Typewrtt lug. Telvgraphy, Civil berviu AU Cow DMrckal ana Avngnan vrmjtwm. wutwiiM tn. BOYLE8 CO Li--OK. Xkth and Haroy a. Tel. Douta 14. FOR aal. th following scliularahlna tn a flrsl-clas Onuaia liuaim-M Colia out:: buius On uiiliiuliud loiubuiatlun and ahorthaod rouiM. On unlimited slviiographlo course. Ou Ihiee-munths' bualue or slsao-(rat-hlo cwunw. M ill b ld at a discount at th office ef T'i Omaha Hee. LLSlNKSa COLLKUkJ 8TU DENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For e. witn good reasons for selling, a varWy of couraoa lu a rellabl Buat neaa School, on ( U leadutg bua.iww college of Outaha. Will b old very reuuuable wy below rulx prio. If you so oonMderuig taking a owura investigate this at ouue, aluo Fall ll belu awa. Call etXlve, Olnebe fiev I'OII HALE FIH.M I I HE, BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HAUPWARK, 1M N. 24TH WFB. isn't. FOR HA I K Here ia a classification thai la of th utmost Importance to every reader, aa this column offer soma iop ttonnl opportunities every day and a amall want d "III sell your article at It full value. Phone Tvler l.onO. Daclia bought and old. J. C. Reed. 12 Farnam ft. Io'iglas24H. KITCHEN RANGE 1st class condition. rl Webster 874. 1IORKES AND VEHICLES. FARM wagon. 3': hsrneaa. 3.: both new. Johnson-Danforth Co., 16th and Clark Streets. MISIIAL INSTRUMENTS. A STANDARD make. Upright piano, In good condition. Cheap for cash. Coi fs K. FOILTHY AND I'BT 1TOIK, MXD grain. 1v lbs 31.7V Wsgner. wr N.H. Vfllt HALE Fine canaries, singers and females. Schradcr. 3105 Ave. B, Council Bluffs, TVPRWHITkHI. WILIJAMf! NO. a. Have Williams7 visible typewriter No. t all the latest Improvements,, almost new, unly used about one month; cost fio. Will sacrifice at Address B. S27, Pee. HI -LIANf E Hllilon and Carbon Co.. car. bon psper end Inked rlbbone D. XM TTPFWHITF.Rf lor rent ;2 Bee Bldg. TYPEWRITKRS sold, rente,!, repaired. Central pewrlter Fe. low Famam. Mlt KLLA.NEOtg. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Baike -Cullender Co . 407-40 8. 10th 81 1 baakets delivered, $1; Illinois I JTy I nut. or lump, per. ton. x"vt41 Doug. 6i:a. FOR BALK New and aocond-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collendor Co.. 407-40 8. 10th BL KORSAI.ElHtAP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In on of th bat Omaha bualnesa schools. Good reason for selling; ixrfectly relia ble; worth full price, but wll be sod very reaaonahy. If Interested Investigate at once, lecue fall term begins soon. There are a variety of course for sal. For particular indulr at th office of The omaha Be. FORTY Han, Bchaffner 4V Marx aulta. small sixes: taken on a debt; regular retail prlco 125, as long as they last at 9.a, Cackley Bros., opposite otnfflce. FOR SALE Baby cab, very cheap if taken at once. Call Doug, :S1, Mrs. White. HELI WANTED FEMALE CLERICAL AND OFFICII. Sten. (out of town) 140. Watts Ref. Co., r.-V43 Btandela Thea, FACTORY AMD TRADKS. I OI RL, to leern halrdreeslng. Oppenhelm. DOMUSTIC9. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant titrl Wanted Ad ritKE until you get the desired results. This applies to resident of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler low. WANjTKD A young girl about IS to as sist Vtllll iVQDIBI IIUUnHUIH, ffUUIII consider college or high school glrL Hsr. 4,8. WANTED A girl for general housework; good cook; good wages; must be per manent: can to home at night. Doug. 1163 i In day lime. Web. 4S3S evenings WANTED A girl about 16 to assist with housework and care of children. Call i Har. 741. 1JH 8. 3Sth St. i COMPETENT girl tor goneral housework. no washing or Ironing; good, wages, wis Burt St. WANTED A competent white nurse girl for ,y month old. Must have goed r,ff roncex. tlood waxes. Call references, tlood waxes. Call Wal. 124. WANTED A white girl for general huuaework: no cooking.' 206 N. .U'tli St. Web, 4WI. ' WANTED Qlrl for general housework to go home nights; none but good girl need apply. Call after 7 in the evening;. 3UC.1 N. lHth 8t WANTED Good reliable girl; good home and wages. Har. iiii. WANTED Good girl or woman for gen. ler 1S37, or call 'personally mornings or after ti p. m. at 221b S. lAth St. T 1 !TtSTWOMAN, experienced. would like Ironing and washing to do. Coll. 410. WANTED Man and wife without chil dren to work at my home. Apply V2i G.OOD girl for general housework: small family. Har. 21u4. WSJ South 8oth A v. LACB curtains and bundles carefully laundered. Webster aa. W A NT ED M Idd le aged lady wishes position aa lady's companion or car of invalid In Omaha. Address Mr. Bev- erly. 611 N. 23d. . W A N T E D A t otu-e, gin for general housework, ritnall family. Apply et 114 N. ath st. WANTED Olrl for general housework, German or Bohemian preferred. Call et 3SI8 Dodge. :A CURL or mlddle-oged woman wanted for general noum-worK. mau lamuy. Vj nun. Lv-Experienced girl for general housework; mut be nd cook; no litundry. 4H S. lh St. Harney 2. Family washing done cheap. Web. 28. WANTED A young white wlrl to assist with housework; no cooking and no washing Apply ' it Ave. Har. IBH1 WANTED Competent white alrl for aen eral housewors, no wasning. uooa wrfes. Walnut 1W3. IC4 No. 3rith St. MIICELLANEOVS. WOMFN Beooms government clerks: 870 month. Write Immediately. Franklin lnatliute. Iep t bp, n. tio'-hester. N. T. VOl'MI women cunilng to Omaha aa strangers ar innru o visit the young Women's Christian Association 'lullding at St. Mary Ave. and Uth St.. wher they will b flrerted to sultabl hoarding - lea or mueiwiw iiPiiHi, IXHia lot our travelera' guljy at Cn,.n station. X RARE oDuortunlty; roiiifTTriVbl. Ing; hon sewing; plain cloth wirni; anv aewina machine; stcarlv: no nnv.i. I a t rTf 1 u manted: umnl.a turned If not satisfactory. I tome Sewers v.. Jobbers Sewing, Rehoboth. Del. HELP WANTED MALB l LEH1CAL AND OFFICE. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. W find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. loio-l City Nat. Uaj.k Hldg. Ledger clerk 3-4?0. piteno. A Typeat $40. Watt Ret. Co. 83S-40-42 Brandel Thea. 8A1.WMAN, ": eteiio.. out of town. IM. Vk ATI a Htr. '"w: Hrsnd. Ttiea. inaiU'.RAliK coiuiiiertcai txu,ui.. Tt Omaha Nat. Bank Mlrt '... aaLlSaMEN'. niririTiiaii' I practically earns the 13.800 for tit IN AGENTS, ALlu .. eOLIt ITORS. ' 1.. JDa. PENSION ASXTATION, COAL agent wntd In yery town: get trial car- . y riatte. weo. WANTED tfalesnian for country; one with auto preferred: only tlrst-claaa men. capable of making 8ln per week or moie nued apply. M-al furnlali flrat-claa reference. Advanced expanses and Coin. Apply l,y Howard at.t Flallrpn Hldg. SALESMAN W ANTE D Erln. ed candy amleaman; on who U rapabl of arlilng a wall known lln Uiat la cuniplete and perfect In detail, surety bond required; answer in own handwrit. ing and nlv record of Miploymrut. a, salary expw ted. Addrvs 1 671, oar bu. LIVE WIRE plumbing alisiiiaj van obtain exclusive territory for the most efficient water heatnr on th mar ket. Th water insulated Jacket puta it In a class by Itself. Hotter water with 60 per rent ! gas than any other heat er. Hoiiansa aide line to man with es tablished trade. Write for proposition to Geyser bales Co., Builders' Lauhang. aUnatspoUa, Minna HELP WASTED MALE IGENT9, fALKKaK., lOlHITOkl AMirtlTTOt'S young man to represent New York Import lac house. In th stat of Nebraska, with popular price line; must come well recommended. Ad rireaa Y 1. pee. FAITORIE! AND TRADE. Drug Stor Snaps. Jobs. KnMst. Bee Bldg. LKARN TUB BARBER TRADB. Trl-Clty r.arber college; low rat tuition. Including act of tools; wages paid: elee trlo massage, hydraulic chain; catalogue free M2 Dotisltis fit.. Omaha. TOt'NG MAN. be a barber I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools furnished. I give you actual shop work. You have chance to work Saturdays and keep half the receipts. My students in big demand. I have colleges In all prin cipal cltie in 17. 8. and Canada. Call, write or plion A. H. Moler, Preeldcnt MOLKR BARHF.R 'OI,l,E(!K, Omaha. HURRY, IIUHRT. DON'T DELAY. SEE OTJR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFTER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job and at th sam time get your automobile education If you enroll In th NIGHT CLASH OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, I40S LEAVENWORTH. RED 1110. hi;lla.eoii, good men wanted at. one to learn auto work to fill positions which are open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Iearn by our systum of actual work on autoa. tractors, electric starting system. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO (DLLEOB. Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Men to try examinations for government lobe: g70 month. Common education sufficient. Pull unnecessary. Apply immediately. Address Y l'l. Bee. OMAHA railway mail cleiV examlnatlona coming, lis month. Sample questions free. Write immediately. Franklin In st I tuts. Dept. 21 K. Rocheeter, N. T. SrTUATIOXg WASTED YOUNG married man with vcral 'year' experience as manager general store. also experienced bookkeeper, would Ilk to gt started in a Dana. Aaareea x no. Bee. POSITION as housekeeper or work of any kind in apartment, boarding or room ing house; experienced; best of references; always neat, trustworthy and industrious. Please Phone Douglas 13. Call for Iaura. WOMAN wanta upelaiis work in family; good seamstress. Tel. Harney 6U. , WOKK of any kind, at any place; am strong, reliable, capable: have refer encea. Please phone and I will stat what lln of work I can qualify In best. I must support others, therefore, need work. 1 'lease phone Douglas 7SJ9. Call for Johnson, EXPERIENCED office clerk and book, keeper; references furnlahed. Web. KS73. COLORED girl wants place to do general housework or cooking; can glv good references. Call Web. 4639. GERMlAN marine engineer wishes poet tlon In stationary plant; first-class on steam fitting and repairs. Address Harry (launcher, Arcade Hotel. WANTED Job as house carpenter In store or offke building by competent mechanic. Call Harney 3949. WANTED Poal tlon by good reliable man. capable of doing anything Inside or out. Willing to take any kind of work at present. Can furnish good references as to character, ability and honesty. U C. D., 4C4 N. 87th St. EXPERIENCED girl wants work aa chambermaid In city or country, Doug. 72 MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a home for the winter. In return (or her services as housekeeper for elderly couple or as com panion to lady; will do crocheting or fancy needlework of any kind. 1764 Grant st. Telephone Webster ams. A WOMAN want place a housekeeper on a farm; age re. Address s otia. Be. LADY would Ilk position or would tk care of children. Call or writ 2815 Dewey avenue; rear. PERMANENT clerical position wanted with some reputable Omaha firm, be ginning Jan. 1; good buslneaa education and some experience; city reference. Tel. Tyler 1K. Room 830. YOUNG man, good education, wants steady, any kind, work in pr out Ex. perlenoed In carpentering and painting. Can do anything. J. E. Vans, General delivery, city. LOST AND FOUND LOST LARGE GOLD FRATER NITY RING, PRESUMABLY NEAR ROME HOTEL. LIBERAL SS' tt.V CASHIER, FON- TENELLE HOTEL. LOST Red Carnellan cross, gold tipped. Liberal reward. C. L. Dundey. Phone Tyler 110. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAT COMPANY. Fersona having lost some article would do well to call up th office of th Omaha 4k Council Bluff Street Railway company to aacertaln whether they left It In th street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anslous to rstor them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST On Farnam or crosstown lln a very unusual designed, biue enamel. - pendant. Norwegian ' breast Pin. Suit able reward for return to Martha I Powell, OKI California. LOST on 24th St.. bet nasi in the Traver- ton apartment and Harney St.. or on Harney between 84th and 80th Sts. A hand tooled leather hand baar. Initialed ' W" containing two seta of gold cuff buttons and a lew other articles. Re ward If returned to O. W. p. Bee office Lost or Found a'a In Omaha' I oat and Found medium means th Immediate re turn of that ert'cl If advertised tn Th le. th Lost and Found paper. GOLD bracelet, between 16th and Doua laa and 80th and Harney, Thursday evening. Phone Harney 1614. Reward. MEDICAL FILES. FTSTTTLA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula end other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial, . DR. K. R. TARRY. 249 Be Bldg. UT T T T I T T? V. Succoaaf ully treated U u AV without a surgicel operation. Call or writ Dr. Wrey 4 Matheny. 80S Be Bldg.. Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re suit guarnt'd. Dr. Bowser. 814 Be Bldg. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS Th Ladle' Horn Journal fLU Th Saturday WvenJog Post L$0 Th Country Gentleman 1.00 63 SUBSCRIPTION IN DECEMBER Your oroer or renwai moans x lease phon Dougla 71ta or mall t GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha. Nah DRESSMAKING by the day. Web. YOUR furnace cleaned. II, work guaran teed. Cmtral Tin Shop. touiilas i'H YOUR furnace cleaned. 81; work guaran teed. Central Tin Chop. iKniglas 4. TllK Salvation Army InluMriai home so licits your old clothing, furniture, inaga sinea We collect. We distribute, pbon Douglas) 4ls and our waan will call, Call and lnapect our new bum. llie-Ul. U14 Dodge St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as atranger are mviiea to visit u loung Women's Christian association building at lUh SL aud M ll.rv Avi. where they will be directed to suitable boaralng i places or otherwute aaalaled. Look furl euf Uev lees' guM et U Union suUva. I READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REKD ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract ofllce In Nebraska. 20 Bi and els Thea. Kerr? Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract efftoe. 5 S 17th St. Tel. u. fr47. At III TAJITS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. m-iX7 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 74ns, ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. F. Shnfor A Co . 12th-Farnam. D. 7474. M. ARC IIITEt TS. Bverett 8. Dodd. fill Paxton Rlk. D. Jm. AMATEIR UNlSIIIMi. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Crsft Shop. 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton Blk. D. 104. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1I1R-1S W O W. R.22SS. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas 2S1. ALTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 7038 Far. D. 2001 UATII9. BATH 214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage. It'iS Fsrnim St. Douglas 3437. BAKERIES. Z. H. FKEDER. 180 N. lth. Web. 327. BRASS AND IRON I-'OUNDHIES. Paxton-Mttchell Co.. I7th and Msrtha Sts. COFFEE BY MAIL. - rr Sav money. Use better I .OTTPP coffee, li lb, high grd wv-'A-tv-' bv narcel dosL rrDald, I3.S0, W. A. Skalfe A Co., Omaha, Neb. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJCMT9. DR. BURHORN. lth and Famam, Weed Bldg., D. 6347; Palmer school graduate. It. 3. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. S40. DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERO. Suit til Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler lseu. t HIROPODISTS. Carrie J. Buford. CM Paz. Blk. Red 43(7. 7EANETTE ORET. 110 Balrd Bldg. D. 345 CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. 8TEVENSON. 823 8. d. Douflaa t80. Lessard Son. 1908 Cap. Ar. T. ItSS. C. W. Hokanson. 8508 Lvnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. v DANCING ACADEMICS. FALL term open et Mackle's. Doug. 1140. DW LUXE ACADEMY. Ill 8. 18th 8L DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Ketfctera's Dressmaking Col., 1S28 City N. DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In th lat. est style; reasonable price, mi Far nam St. Phon Douglas 240. Terry Pre mak'g collet. 0th A Famam DYERS AND CLEANERS. 8TATE Pry Clng. Co.. 12 N. 12th. D. 8971. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 813 Neville Block. Evi dene secured In all case. Tyler UM. DENTISTS. Dr. Bredbury. No pain.. 812 W.O.V7. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Net Ganlc Taft Dental Rooms. 1S1T. Dougla. D. 8184. DRUGS. , DRUGS at cn prloes; freight paid on tit orders; catalogues free, fiberman A lie Connell Dug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. I'loa A lender, 62i Bee Bldg. Red S0GS. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Be Bid. D.7. FtRNACES AND 11NWURK. HABERSTROH. 40M Hamilton. Wal. J9T1. EVEHYTM1NU t'UH WOMEN. FOR WOMEN. W do high arade work In Frendh. American, accordion, knife, side bos pleating, nematitching, plcot edging. W niak covered button In th ew shapes, all slses. All work guaranteed. 431-8 Paxton Bldg. Phone Red 4942. ' Nebraska Pleating A Button Co. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box Pleating; covered button, all aiaea and style; tiamaUtotilng, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonhole, pennant. Ideal rieating Co., aw uougia Uloca. Doug las iw4. KLOHisl. BATH'S, florist. 1804 Farnam St. D. 8008. I. HENDERSON, 1814 Dougla. D. 1258. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam SL A. DONAGHUE 1822 Harney. Doug. 100L FURRIERS. SAM KNEETER. 1923 Farnam. Red (S34. 4 H. Rothhols. 8S1S Leavenworth. H. 2763. A. L. KOLOVRALEK. 717 6. 24th St. HISTORICAL CoslcalaJ. THE largest stock of masjuerad and theatrical costume in tb country. Theo. Lis ben & Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4116. ANSI RUCTION. English. French Instruction. 808 Lyrto Bid. JUSTICES OK THIS PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 118 Paxton Blk. Red T40L Notary public; deposition steno. 1 C. W. BRITT. 801 Barker Block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. CO. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES. nTTPKTM Thomas, Douglas 2511. U U IVIYJ.lN 2223 Cuming St. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DA VTDSON " MOTORCTCLEaV Bargain In used machtrea. Victor Boo. "Th Motorcycle Man." 2708 Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. U. tion picture machine and film bargains. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glaase fitted, pay e yon can. Dr. McCrty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATH Y I'Ai 1 S1C1ANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 435 Bee Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Bamell, Paxton Blk. TaL Red TUT. H A. bturg. tM BrandeU Tbatr BlJZ PILLOW AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW OO.-Mattre mad over Jiaat like new. Wl Cuming. D. loJ. PLUMES 4 LEANED. CTJRLED, dyed. P. Elsel. 11M City Nat PIANOS Foal RUNT. 83.M per month. A. Hosp. 1813 Dougla STORE AND OrKHK FIXTURES. DESKS, safe, scale, showcases, shelv tiig. etc We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture g, bPP'r Co.. 414-le-U S. Uth Ooug. 874. PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 8190. U4 S. liih tU CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS SB. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 444, IEADY REFERENCE DIRECTORY It'ALB RKPAIHINU. Cm. Standard Scale Co., B13 S 1?th. P. Mil. HOB REPAIRING. Hsrley Shoe Rep'r Co.. jrn4 Fam'm. R. M44 SRW INU HI ACII IN Eft. TTT rent, repair, sell needle and W P part for nil sewlns; machine. vvc "MiCKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., JMh and Hsmey. Douglas 1!1 STEEL (E1LINUS. CATtTTR Sheet Metal Company, lln . IS. STOVE AND KtRNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, . furnac colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Bepalr Works. l?-8 Dougla St Tyler ?9 TOW EL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. ?07 S. 11th. D. 3. TRUNK. AND' CASES. FP.FLTNO 8TEINLE. 1W8 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for t Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam. BTTTT'B Typewriter Exchange. Zli 8. ISth St. All makes for sale or rent. RENT a RemtnSrton" not Just a type writer. pLw rent. Call DourUs 12R4. VACUUM t XKANEKS. ALT. makes. E. B. "willlama, 308 S. 18th. Tyler 1011. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 3d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exp. WEDD1NU STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Pong. Ptg.'Co. WEUUI.Nu RINGS. B RODEO AARD'S "lucky wedding rings" at lftth and Douglas St. WINES AND L1HUOR9. ALEX JKTES. 201-8 S. 12th 8t Wines, liquors, cigar. Plat dinner 11 to 8, 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. C22 N. 16th, Douglas 1808. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ADDING machine; C014 1300 new; excel lent condition; want Jewelry; book case, filing cabinets, automob'le. Good stock or anything 01 value. Auaress n. C. 658. Bee. v BILLIARD table, size 3x7; home stse. What have you? Make me an otter. S. C. 627. Bee. Wanted to Swap. Why not idvertlse something that you no longer have any 110 for and get something you leally need? Write Room 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler lOUO. ALL furniture in 46-room hotel: reas un able rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value $1,810. Ad dress t. c. toa. Be. I HAVE an organ, in fine shape; suitable for church or home; coat over 8200 when new. Will trade for good auto; no junk. Address 8. C. 627, Bee. ONE TEAM, harncas and wagon, In Rood condition, to swap for late model Ford car. 8. C. Bee. NICE little moving picture machine, with one reel of picture; make your own gas; to swap for doll house, doll buggy or flexlhle flyer wlcd. S. C. 700. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile'' classift- cation. CHILD'S electrio train, transformer, wir ing, extra tracks, complete; cost 816.60. Want child's bed. or what have you? 8. C. 696. Omaha Bee. , EDISON PHONOGRAPH with 100 rec ord to swap for Winchester pump gun, or what have you. 8. C. 671. Bee. TYPEWRITER Underwood No. 4; Just rebuilt and In fine shape; win trade to value of twenty-flv dollars. Address 8. C. 702 Bee. FULL dress suit In good condition: cost 860 new; will trade for anything I can use. S. C. 636. COLORED girl wishes position aa cham bermaid. Red 4968. HAVE twin Indian motorcyle 1918 model, clutch machine, and diamond ring to swap for piano. Address 8. C. 441, Bee. PHONOGRAPH (Edison) with 200 rec ords, cabinet and 100 records, 2 and 4 minute; will exchange for diamonds or Indian motorcycle S. C 631, Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-passenger, 1916 model. Just overhauled and fully equipped. Will swap for the best 191a model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but it must be A-l condition. Address S. C. 725. Bee. 1X Bwap 160 acre good wheat land for i-passenger auto, j-oiv,. caxo 01 obc. ARGO" Roadster, 1915 model, completely equipped. Machine not run over 50 miles sine motor completely overhauled. Might swap for high claaa Vlotrola out- ! lit. player piano or towaras a touring car. as neea larger car. Adores o. v. 7 Bee. ELECTRIC motor. 10 H. P.. 3-phas; 220 volts, with starter and pulley. Will swap for metal turning lathe. 1 or 18-lnch swing. 8-ft. bed, or what have you? S. C. 62S. TO SELL or trade your ahotgun or rifle. e FK1EDMAN, 1211 OOUgla. VIOLIN Good violin for baas viol; th viol must be in arood condition. Ad dress a. C. 690. FULL SET 124 vols.) Encyclopaedia Brlt tanlca: worth tin. and coin collection worth 323: trado for what have you? S. C. nee. Wlli. exchange good 7o-lb. capacity Ice box and Oriole go-basket, with hood, for something useful. S. C. 622, Bee. WANTED TO BUY Strict'-' hle-h. er'ade piano. Web. XTVK. WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above, In Central school district. Phon Red 7864. WANTED 100 carloads scrap Iron; also metal and rubber. Write for price. Ne braska Iron and Metal Co.. Omaha. CFF1CE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6146. WASTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Small family wants 4, 6 or ( room furnished cottage or apartment. Must be clean and comfortable. Not too far from achool. Write, telephone or call on C. I.. Oliver, Omaha Hee. Monday. ItCrinber 20. RENTALS. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. Th For Rent advertisement appearing In th For Rent column of Th Be dally cannot b beat for variety that will pleas and fill tha needs of any ou desiring to rent. Phone Tyler lout). ST. CLARE 241 h and Harney, 4-rooni apartment. Call Harney M7. VERY choice 4 or 6-rooni, atoam-beated apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1A FARNAM ST. FIVE-ROOM flat. 3701 N. 24th. 4J.4. All modern except heat. Webster LOW RENTAL On fin four room apartment In the California, save car fare. See Janitor. Dougla o.'afT. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. WILL sub-rent and sell the furniture, etc In a very nicely furnished apart ment; four room and hath; very desir able location lilst St. and Harney); suam heat and every convenience. This la truly a bargain. I will vacate, if desired, De cember 31. Addreaa G 669, Bee. STAR HOTEL. 804 Sjuth 13ih St. Furn ished flat and rooms, a team heated; flret class. HOARD AaD ROOMS. Furnished Room that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort In private families boarding Louses of the high, eat class will be found in th Furnished Rooms column of Tha Be. Phon Tyler lvuo. RENTALS BOARD AND ROOMS. LARGE south front, steam heated room. elegant furniture: In mod. home; good board. Har. 7V FURNISHED HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished nous or apart-rm-nt for the winter: must b first clues. Address O 4(3 Pee. FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELT furnished room. clo In: ell modern. ?! ft. id St. FURNISHED room, iVI Farnam St. with steam heat. FURNISHED ROOMS. Two furnlnhed room for Mailt house keeping, one Mock to postoffice. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. 17th "and Douglas. Douglas 8013. NICELY furnished rooms, 3 blocks to oar line. Koiftre Plnce. Webster SM4 NICELY furnished room, pr.vat home, nice neighborhood, close to car. Phone Wehster 1307. TWO nlcelv furnished rooms for couple, 810, or three rooms, I1.V 4U 8. 24th St. HOTEL SAN FORD. HOTEL HARLEY. 19th and Farnam. 2"th and Farnam. JTTJ' Hates to Permanent Quest. 110 S. 21 ST .AVE. Modern furnlnhed room; walking distance; quiet home. Phone Do i ig 7M 9 TWO furnished rooms, with bath and board, In Dundee; for man, wife and ch'ld. L.Sai, care Bee. 25;", ST. MARY'S Furn.. mod., south room, with piano: hot nd cold water. Large furnished front bedroom In modern home, close In; rent reasonable. H. 4MA. Lnrge room, newly furnished, nriv. fern., jgood location. Har. 3419. 120 S. Hh St. LARGE suite of rooms, newly furnished', well heated, walking distance. 101 S. reth st. VNFVR.MSHED ROOMS. FIVE good rooms: modern except heat 162:1 N. 21st St. 115. Web. 7878. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FARNAM, 2822 Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas rang. DAVENPORT 201&-TWO NICELY FU"KT N I SHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; NEW FLAT. MOUSES AND COTTAGES. NORTH. FOR RENT 6-room, new. modern, nu-to-date brick flat. 8223 Willi Ave. Rest 82u. Tel. D. U30. &-ROOM house, modern, new furnao; never used. 2215 Burt. Red 6283. 6-ROOM, strictly modern cottage, hot water heat, close in; rents for 825. 408 Lincoln Blvd. W. H. Dorranc. Tel. D. U or H. 81S1. WALKING distance, 24 Dodge, 8-room modern nousc, lift. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4875. J-KOOM, nearly new; modern except fur-nace- only tlS. Colfax lam. SEVEN rooms. 123 Lothrop; clean end modern. Web. 4319. SOUTH. 8-R. HOUSE. 1- sleeping porch. 1 screen porch. 90$ S. 35th Ave. Harney 324. NINE-ROOM cottnge. six down, three up: .school close, S-nrilnute car. furnace, gaa, hot water, good neighborhood; reduced to $22 : 2747 South 10th: also new one-story modern brick apartment, four coy rooms with bath. J18; 2744 South 9th. Tyler 1031. RW GEORGIA AVE.. NEAR MASON. Eight rooms, good furnace, all modern. 6 ROOMS, modern, with heat, 830 per month In winter. 824 in summer. 10CJ 8. last St. ioug. K3i9. MISCELLANEOUS. MAGOARD Van & Storapre Co.: Moving packing, storage and shipping. P. 149. FllTEPROOF WAREHOUSE SEPARATE, locked rooms, for house- hold goods end pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 80S So. 16th St. Doug. 4188. J. C. Reed Exp. Co., moving packing tc storage 1207 Famam. D. 146. Gordon Van Co.$ 119 N. 11th St. Tel. D. 894 or Har. 187. JUST from the country, three farm mares from 1,100 to 1.500 lbs., from 6 to 11 years old; will sell cheap. 2013 .Douglas. SEE the Central Furniture Store's FREE RENTAL LIST HAVE you got the money? If you have Investigate this. 83,000 will buy a busi ness worth 34.000. If taken before Dec 10. Address P. 339. care Bee. TTnnsnc Cre!sh Sons & Co., Be Bldg. Liuubes ln all partii of tha clty Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, packs, ship; 3-hora van and 2 men. 81.26 per br.; storage, 82 per mo. patiaiaction guar, v. axas xy. Z30. FIDELITY 8Rbrvtice FEES Phon Douglas 288 for complete Hat of vacant houses and apartment; also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. DESIRABLE housea for colored. D. 2342. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR BALK MINNESOTA. 40. 80 or 160 ACRES, rood heavy soil, well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools snd churches. Price. 816 to t'JO per acre. Terms, 81 per acre cash, balance 81 per acre a year; 6.000 acre to select from. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. NEBRASKA. My2,000 Acre Grain and Stock Farm For Sale at $30.00 Per Acife Surrounding land, no better, at 83e to 840 an acre. Located about 150 rutins N. W. of Omaha. M.ght exchange for e small fariu In eastern Nebraska or west ern Iowa, clear and worth about th same in cash. To get Into the cattle business right Inveatigate this. Would be pleaaed to correspond with you. Aonress iv aw. care tsce. STOCK-MEN, ATTENTION. The choicest 2,000-acre ranch In Ne braska can be bought at a bargain; well Improved; alfalfa, hay, good pasture. If you ar looking for a ranch this will suit you. Vxrl.e C. H. Both I. 24t4 Leav tnworth St.. Omaha. FOR 6ALE or trade. Improved 40: loins town of Mountain View, Mo. Would take pool hall or restaurant; part cash, oatt time; easy terms; all clear; price. 4.i0. W. A. Flck, Friend. Neb. o MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR RAT.Ft Writ a good description of your land and end It to th Sioux City (la.) Jour nal. "Iowa Most i-oweriui want Ad Mtdlum." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for on month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent days for 82; or 60 woida, 84, or 7 worda W. ... Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; itaO.Otx) reader daily In four great state. REAL ESTATE LOANS 8iu TO flO.oOO made prompt! . T. IK Wead. Wead Bldg.. lMh 4V Famam St. CITY and farm loan. 6, 6S4. per canu J. H. Pumont A Co.. 418 Stat Bank. A ."For Sal'' ad wul turn second-baa f u rnlture into cas h. HXY.l'r'JJ,'rly' Large loan a specially W. H Thomas. 2 Stat Bank Bldg. 6 TO fur loan ou best ciaa oily resident ia amounts 82.0UO up. also farm Icatis. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST Co.. liu Farnam 6t- OMAHA homes. Eat Nebraska farmaC O'KF.EFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha National. Phone Dougla 871, FARM AND CITY LOANS. ODOLGHKRTY 4k HUGHES. niKeelln Bldg. Phon D. 1M3. MONEY on hand for city and farm loan H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. go' CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg. vjy U Braudcu Theater feU , 4.