Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily
! Call Tyler 1000
If Ton Want to Talk to Tn Bm
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.1 11
DECEMBER 20, 1915.
VOL. XLV-NO. 158.
On Tratas, at Hotel
stewa Btaade, eta 4a.
l HE
i r
German Authorities Reported to Be
in Dread of Rebellion of Bis
contented Masses of the
German-Born Wife of English La
borer Brings This Story
to Flashing'.
LONDON, Dec. 19. Telegraphing
from Amsterdam the correspondent
of Reuter's Telegram company says:
"Life In the poorer quarters of the
German capital is described as piti
ful by the German born wife of an
English laborer residing In Berlin,
who after sixteen months intern
ment, has arrived at Flushing, Hol
land, on her way to England, accord
ing to the correspondent of the
Amsterdam Teiegraaf.
"The German authorities," the
Teiegraaf correspondent quotes the
woman as saying, "are in great fear
of a revolt owing to the discontent of
the people. Several riots occurred
in which shops were plundered.
Mounted police charged the crowds
which were composed mainly of
women. Misery among the working
class is considerable and is increas
ing daily."
"The woman's story is somewhat
confirmed," says the Reuter dis
patch, "by a letter from the Berlin
correspondent of the Handelsblad
who declares that shops literally
were stormed by large crowds who
were after their daily allowance of
butter, which was only about a
quarter of a pound per family.
"Provision shops were guarded by
the police to prevent disturbances."
Republican Unity
May Save Holding
.The Extra Primary
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Dec. 19.-(Spe
clal.) A well defined movement Is under
way among- the leaders of the stalwart
and progressive republican factions . m
South Dakota having for Its purpose the
uniting of the two factions on a Hat of
delegates to represent the republicans bf
South Dakota at the republican national
convention next Jove. -. .-
It 1s believed this movement will b
successful, and should such prove to be
the case, it will be unnecessary to hold
s special primary election throughout
South Dakota on April 4 next, as had
been contemplated In some quarters, for
the purpose of electing delegates to the
republican national convention. Should
It not be necessary to hold a special pri
mary for the selection of delegates, the
taxpayers of South Dakota would be
saved an aggregate of 150,000 of 160.000.
which. It la estimated, would be the cost
of the special primary.
Th miTim in the selection of delegates
to the republlcrfh national convention Is
klue to the fact that the national conven
tion, called for June 7. is only one day
after the date for the regular primary
election In South Dakota, which Is fixed
by the new primary tew tor the first
Tuesday In June, which next year will
fall on June &,
If the stalwart and progressive repub
licans of the state can agree upon a list
of delegates, the special primary election
would not be held, and the men agreed
upon would be on hand at the republican
nat'onal convention whe it convenes June
7, prepared to take their seats in the con
vention when the proper officers In South
Dakota wired them the proper creden
tlnts ss soon as the result of the primary
ete-tlon on June was known, which
doubtless would be early on the morning
of Juno 7, In sirple time for the neces
sary official telesrara to be sent to the
delegates in Chicago, so the members
could take their seats when the con
vention convened.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 19.-(Speclal.-Reg1s-tratlons
which are being made under the
new law frr voters, which requires In this
city that all voters whether registered
v . ( , ft the last election or noi snouia
" " " register, the same to hold good for four
years, la beginning a up m muo,
although only about one-fifth of the vot
ers have appeared so far.
It shows the republicans far In the
lead with a registration of 1.S60; demo
crats, 606; socialists, 1; prohibitionists,
S4; progressives, 13; no designation, 114,
and women, 11, a total of 1.H4.
The Weather
TtastntiN t omasa Yesterday
Hour Deg.
5 a. m 14
a. m H
7 a. m 14
a. m 15
a. m 17
10 a. m , 20
11 a. m I!
11 m 24
1 P. m 27
2 p. m 30
P. m ai
4 p. m ao
1 P. m jo
ID. m 9a
T p. m...,, '.). a
CeaaparatdT Lr
IMS. 114. W1J. Uli
H (sheet yesterday ,
Lnvit yeaterday
Mean temperature
II 21
13 11
4 S3
W .to
t'rrrlpttaUon , 00 .00
Temperature and precipitation
tares from the normal:
,lonnt temix-miure
,5 1 "eftcienry for the day
Total deficiency March 1...
- -b uii-n
1k fluency for the day 03 inch
Tom I rainfall since March 1...76.S inches
Deficiency since March 1 1 D inches
In f :clenry for cor. 1 erlod, 1814. . S.70 Inches
1'ifl-lenry for cor. period. 1SU.. .37 inches
L. A. WLI.SH. Local Forecaster.
M. . ....I nMf'liiliulf.M r i i
Christmas Musio in All the Pro
testant and Catholio Edifices
in Honor of the N&tirity.
The approach of Christmas, the gtat
festival of the Christian year, was
marked yesterday by elaborate musical
programs In many of the city's churches.
The story of Bethlehem was told In
anthem and solo and the productions of
the great music masters on this exalted
theme were, given as a portion of the
Thomas J. Kelly's choir at St Mary'a
Avenue Congrwgatlonsl church rendered
a very extensive musical program at the
morning service end also st the vesper
service. Mr. Kelly sang the solo part
In the anthem, "While Shepherds
Watched Their Flocks'"snd Mrs. Kelly,
by special request sang "The Birthday
of a King" by Neldlinger.
"The Magnificat." which is the hymn
of Mary after Kllxabeth greeted her as
the mother of the Lord, was especially
effective. In the anthem. 'The Shep
herds' Story," solos were sung by Walter
Dale, Louis Loring and Mrs. Martin
Organ solos snd a violin solo by Mr.
Brill also marked the program.
At the First Methodist .church the
chorus choir of fifty voices gave special
music In the morning- and in the evening
sang the oratorio, "The Holy City," by
A. H. Gaul. The soloists were J. T. Mc
Carl, tenor: Miss Hasel Sliver, soprano;
Miss Alice Fintel. alto; Mr. Carnal and
Mr. Neartng. bass. The unaccompanied
trio was sung by Miss Verna Fowler, Miss
Sadie Holland snd Miss Margery Shackel
ford. Miss Marguerite Carnal was spe
cial plini accomnnnlat, assisting Miss
Nora Neal, organist.
The quartet of the First Presbyterian
church rendered special numbers Includ
ing "Holy Night."
The principal Christmas musl? at tho
Hanscom Park Methodist church was In
the evening. Solos and solo parts in
anthems were sung hy Miss Marie
Gordon, Miss Jessie' McDonsld. Miss
Mary Virtue. Walter Wood row and
Harold Thorn.
The . morning' services at the North
Presbyterian church included a carol,
"Child Jesus Comes," sung by Mrs. Roy
Flanagan and Joseph Woolery. Jr:
Shelly's anthem. "Hark, Hark, My Soul,"
was especially effective, the alto solo
sung by Miss Helen Falea and the soprano
by Mrs. Flanagan.
Not only In the large churches was
Christmas music sung, but in nearly all.
The hymns sung by the congregations aa
well as the numbers by the choirs all
bore upon the great event which the
Christian world la about to celebrate. -
Fight from Shelter..?
Of FmenCorpses
BERLIN. Dee. It Bv. WImUh tn n.r.
vllie.) Describing the -defense by Hun
garian soldiers of difficult positions on
Krn plateau. In the Iaonso reirlon.-8.701
feet above the level of the sea. the cor
respondent of the Overseas News agency
who reached the acene after the recelnt
of a congratulatory telegram sent by Em
peror William to the Kaischau regiment,
says: , .
"The Hungarians with no unhan mt
their disposal, at first took shelter be-
wna rrosen corpses. The) whole plateau
was covered with dead Italians. It beta
impossible to bury the bodies as the
Italians Kept up a continuous artillery
fire. The wounded soldiers perished and
It was Impossible to assist them.
'The Hungarians hava been defending
the Krn plateau positions for too days.
In Which time 180 attacks were rniil.u4
wlt'fbnt the Italians gaining the least
success. -
Christmas Music
The Feature at
North Presbyterian
Christmas music was a snenlai ,-
at the North Presbyterian church, at
both the morning and evening services
wunaay. The program was so pleasing
and ao well received by the two
congregations that It Will be repeated
nexi esunoay. .
Bes'dea the music there was th regular
preaching service by the castor. Ttv xr
V. nigbee, his morning topic being the
Angeis- oong," it having to do with
the ' first Christmas and the rnminr
the Christ child.
The music was rendered niuiu di
rection of Lee O. Krata. rhnlrm..!..
with Miss West at the organ. Four
anthems were rendered in a most delight
ful manner, tht male chorus, with violin
accompaniment adding to the Interest.
Austrians Beaten
. by Montenegrins
PARI?. Dee. IS. A ncc... .v.
- - wiV uim
Hersegovlnlan army of . Mnnt.. .
forcing back the Austrians, after a hard
battle, la reported In the Montenegrin
official statement received here today.
The statement says;
"Our army in the Banjak waa attacked
on December 15 by superior forces along
the entire front Our troops were given
orders on the day following to erpect
movements which permit them to occupy
new defensive positions.
Our Hersegovlnlan army succeeded after
several hours of furious fhrhtlnv in
forcing the enemy to the other side of
the river Subeska and inflicting on him
serious losses.
School House Saras.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec 1. (Kpecial.)
The school house in District No. V, twelve
miles southeast of Fremont In Douglas
county, was destroyed by fire at 11
o'clock Friday night. Farmers 'formed a
bucket brigade and for a while it seemed
had succeeded In rheewmg the flames
when they broke out afresh. The loss is
estimated at about H.ftno with insurance
to cover. A new piano purchased by the
board a few days sgo wss carried out
tefore It waa badly damaged.
SIR DOUGLAS HAIQ, who succeeds Field Marshal Sir
John French in France, photographed as companion of King
George at a field review.
a. - V
Retiring Commander of British
. .Forces on Western Front Issues
Farewell Order. "
LONDON. Dec. 19. Field Mar
shal Sir John French Issued the
following order of the day yester
day before leaving the army on the
western front:
, "In relinquishing command of the
British army in France, I wish to ex
press to teh officers, the non-commissioned
officers and men with
whom I have been so closely asso
ciated during the last sixteen
months, my heartfelt sorrow In part
ing with them before the campaign
In which we have been so long en
gaged together has been brought to
a victorious conclusion. 1 .
' Trtamph Not Far Off.
"I have, however, the firmest conviction
that such a glorious' ending to their
splendid and heroic efforts Is not far dis
tant, and I shall watch their progress to
ward this final goal with Intense interest,
but in the most confident hope.
"The surcess so' far attained has been
due to the Indomitable spirit and dogged
tenacity which knows no defeat, and the
j heroic courage so abundantly displayed
. by the rank and file of the splendid army,
: which will ever remain, the pride, and
' glory of m? life to have commanded duiv
i ing over sixteen months ' of Incessant
fighting. , ; '. , ' ' .
'The regulars and the territorials of
the old army and the new army have
ever shown these magnificent qualities in
equal degree. From my heart I thank
thera ail.
arrow (or the Lent.
"At this sad moment of my parting,
my heart goes out to those who have
received lifelong Injury from wounds, and
I think with sorrow of that great and
glorious host of my- beloved comrades
who have made the greatest sacrifices of
all by laying down their lives for their
"In saying good-bye to the British army
in France, I ask them once again to ac
cept this, expression of my deepest grati
tude and heartfelt devotion toward them,
and my earnest good wishes for a glori
ous future which I feel to be assured.
"J. D. P. FTtENCH.
"Field Marshal Commanding In Chief.
British Army in Francs."
Arrives at Pari.
PARIS, Dec. ' 1.-Kleld Marshal Sir
John. French arrived at Paris this eve
ning from the front. . He will be received
tomorrow afternoon by President Poln
Richard H. Morgan, aged 7 years, died
at the home of his granddaughter, Mra.
Our Hayes, 1915 Capitol avenue, of gas
asphlxiatlon. Death was apparently ac
cidental, the victim probably having
switched on the gas, after turning It off.
The Jetrork was loose and easily turned.
Mr. Morgsn had been In Omaha two
days, having coma here from the Old
Soldiers' home at Leavenworth, Kan.
Coroner Crosby has taken the body. Be
side his granddaughter. Mr. Morgan la
survived by brothers snd sisters living
st Uncoln. Neb., New Market, la. and
n Idaho. No funeral arrangements
have been made
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Several Hundred People Meet
. Newly-bedded 'thrtrple at
the Station.
HOT SPRINGS, Va., ec. 19.
President Wilson and . his bride, the
former Mrs. Norman Gait arrived
here shortly after 9 o'clock this
morning to spend their honeymoon.
They were met at the station by a
crowd of several hundred people who
applauded aa they alighted from
their private car.
Waiting automobiles took the
couple Immediately to tehlr hotel.
Hope Essential Factor
Of Human Existence,
Says Rev, Mr. Mackay
Rev. T. JMackay preached an Inspir
ing sermon on the "Chrlstmss Hope" at
All Ealnta' Rplscopal church : yesterday
morning. In the afternoon a vesper musi
cal service was held. Pperial musical
services will be held Christmas day.
Rer. Mr. Markay described hope as one
of the most essential factors of human
existence, reaching the climax of Its
possibilities in the higher life. Elijah,
who ascended the mountain, looking for
clouds and hoping for rain, typified th
attitude of mankind which Is always
reaching after something better In the
future, the minister said.
The question whether men msy hope
In the midst of all the trouble and d's
tresa of the great war. Rev. Mr. Mackay
answered by saying: "God Is still living.
We may well hope that good will come
of the terrible disasters of the war."
Rer. Mr. Mackay illustrated his posi
tion by telling of a question once asked
the noted negro minister, Frederick
Douglas, during the civil wsr.
"In the midst of a sermon which was
of a rather despondent note." said Rev.
Mr. Mackay, "an aged negro woman
asked: 'Is God dnadT'
"The shock of the question was so great
In tho mind of Douglas that It led him
to change tho tone of his sermon."
Gravel Mine Found
West of Lincoln;
(From a Staff Correspondeat.) '
LINCOLN, Dec. Special. MInItiif
In Nebraaks may yet be a part of an lm
portant lnduatry, at least to Lincoln. It
has Just been discovered that at Capital '
Beach, a pleasure resort Just a short dis
tance west of Uncoln, a valuable quality
of gravel has been discovered.
The bed is ssld to be about twenty
feet thick and shout the same number of j
feet under the mud. The deposit Is said to I
be of the most valuabU kind and rani
o easily mined.
DENVER. Dee. !.-Arthur E. Sweet of
Topeka, Kan., general manager of the
Chicago. Rock laland aV Pacific railway
system, will on January 1, become vice
president of the Iienver Rio Grande
railroad. It was announced today at Rio
Grande headqusrters her
Authoritative Statement from Ber'
lin Says Government Has Never
Knowingly Accepted Such
' - -
Says Foes of Fatherland Try to
Create Impression Respon
sible for Acts.
NEW YORK. Dec. 19. The New
York Tlnios has received the follow
ing authorised statement by wireless
from Berlin:
"Tho German government nat
urally, has never knowingly accepted
the support of any person, group of
persons, society or organization
sacking to promote the causa of Ger
many in the United States by Illegal
acts, by counsels of violence, by
contravention of law, or by any
any means whatever that could of
fend the American people In the
pride of their own authority.
"If it should be alleged that Im
proper acts have been committed by
representatives of the German gov
ernment they could be easily dealt
with. To any complaints, upon proof
as may be submitted by the Ameri
can government, suitable response
will be made.
Depends oa Allen Preaa.
"As Is well known, the means of com
munication between Germany and the
United States Is very unsatisfactory; It Is
practically impossible tur the German
government to keep Itself In touch with
American sentiment; It has often to de
pend upon the foreign press for Informa
tion concerning American affairs.
"The message of President Wilson, to
congress, In wbloh the activities of Ger
man sympathisers In the United tftatoa
were dlscused, will serve aa an Illustra
tion. Thera waa received In Germany
a brief summary of those psssages
which referred to plots and conspira
cies against peace and order In the
United States, and the effect pro
duced ' thereby upon sentiment In Ger
many was probably mora painful than
the American government knew. A dif
ferent Impression thereby might have
been 'produced by the full text of the
message, but unfortunately that would
not b available In Germany .until the
American newspapers arrived by mail, or
a fortnight or three weeka later, except
as It might be taken with, doubts and
reservations from tha English press.
Knillill Ctnanf li War. ..
" ."In the meantime, confidential com
munication between the German govern
ment and - its diplomatic representatives
In the United States by cable or wireless
Is impossible for reasons which the
American government knows. Messages
by cable must pass through the English
censorship, .and messages In secret code
by wireless is forbidden. Therefore ml
understandings are bound to arise, while
explanatlona are often so ctroumscrtbed
or belated aa to be not wholly effeotive.
"Apparently the enemies of Germany
would have aucoeeded In creating the Im
pression that the German government hi
In some way morally or otherwise re
sponsible for what Mr. Wilson has char
acterised anti-American activities com
prehending attacks upon property and
vtlatlons of the rules which the Ameri
can government has seen fit to Impose
upon the course of neutral trade.
An Abeolate Denial.
'This the German .government abso
lutely denies. It cannot specifically re
pudiate acts committed by Individuals
over whom It has no control and of whose
movements and intentions It Is neither
officially nor unofficially informed. It
can only say and does most emphatically
declare to Germans abroad, to German
American citlaens of the United States
and to the American people, all alike,
that whoever la guilty of conduct to asso
ciate the German cause with lawlessness
of thought, suggestion cr deed agalnat
life, property and order In the United
States Is In fact aa enemy or that very
caune and a source of mberraaiiment to
the German government, notwithstanding
what any 'ha cr they may believe to
the contrary." .
Ilollweg Srva Gerard.
BERLIN (Via London), Deo. 1.-Dr.
von Bethmann-Hollweg, German Im
perial chancellor, today sent for James
"W. Ocrard. the American ambassador,
and the two held an extended conference
concerning German-American relations.
No statements regarding the subjects dl)
cussed was obtainable, but tha Ancona
affair threatened reflex effect on German
American relatione, which it has been
learned here is a matter of concern to
higher German authorities, and msy pos
sibly have furnished the occasion for the
conference. (
The Progress. Auxiliary of the Omaha
Carpenters' union lodge will have the
fam'llea anl children of all the union
carpenters In Omaha and Council Bluffs
as guests at a big Christmas tree cele
bration at the labor temple Monday
evening. This will be the first attempt of
the women to have a Christmas tree, but
they expect to make it an annual event
In the future.
The entertainment will be principally
for tha children, Tne auil!ry Invites
II bachelor carpenters, however, to at
tend and assist in making the evening
an enjoyable one.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Dec. l.-( Spe
cial.) After being out twenty hours a
Jury In the ease of the State against Earl
Cowan, SI. on the charge of attacking a
ft-year-old girl. Informed the court that It
had been and woald be unable to agree.
The alleged crime Is reported to bare
taken place near Bhelton, Buffalo county,
early last summer, f'owan Is retained In
custody with ths expectation that there
will be a second trial.
TJ. 8. Officers Believe They Have
Unearthed Details of Conspiracy
to Blow Up War Plants.
NEW YORK, Dec. 19. .With the
arraignment here today of Paul
Koenlg, said to be the head of the
German secret service in this coun
try, and Richard Emil Leyendeckor.
a New York, art goods dealer, on a
charge of conspiring to blow up the
Wetland canal, federal officials as
serted they had In their hands the
clues to a country-wide conspiracy
to blow up munition plants, which
has already resulted in the loss of
many lives sod destruction of mil
lions of dollars' worth of property.
For severs! years Koenlg has been the
head of a detective force employed here
by the Hamburg-American Steamship
company. The company, which is sub
sidised by the German government. was
quick to pome to his aid and through a
local surely concern supplied 180,000 ball
for him nnd ITO.W ball for Leyendecker.
Rank Clerk Arretted.
The arrest of Koenlg and Lycndecker
was coincident with the arrest by county
authorities of Frederick Schelndl. a clerk
In the National City bank. Schelndl, de
tectives claimed, confessed that ha waa
employed by Koenlg to supply htm with
Information regarding the shipment of
munitions to the allies.
This Information was obtained through
telegrams and tetters received by Na
tional City bank which has hsd a promi
nent part In the purchasing In this coun
try of supplies for the allies. Schelndl
said he received S2S a week from Koenlg,
police added. Schelndl told the polloe
that he la a German reservist and that
he acted solely from patrlotlo motives,
Pchelndl was arraigned before a police
magistrate on an affidavit charging him
with complicity In the larceny of docu
ments and messsges valued at $100,000,
from the National City bank. He waa
held In $3,000 ball for a hearing Monday.
Offera tn "Sqneol."
Important evldonco regarding Koenlgs
activities Is understood to have been ob
tained from Frederick Metsler, who was
arrested In connection with Koenlg and
Leyendecker. Metiter also was employed
by tha Hamburg-American tine and acted
as stenographer to Koenlg. - He was to
have been arraigned with his chief and
Leyendecker, hut at the last moment It
was announced by Assistant United
States Attorney Wood, who Is In charge
of the that Metsler waa not to ap
pear. ' ' " '
Later a hlKh federal official admitted
that Metsler had offered to turn state's
evidence and had already -supplied the
government with much valuable, ; Infor
r As aeon as It was known ihst' "Mstile'r
would not be arraigned, two attorneys
acting for the Hamburg-American line
went td the federal authorities and 'asked
permission to see him. This request Was
refused. The attorneys then offered any
stnoant of ball to secure Metsler'a liberty.
This offer also was refused. Metsler.
who had been examined at police hind
quarters during the night, waa taken
away early today and no Information
would be vouchsafed as to where he was
being held.
Sleuth " spend.
A new development occurred In ths
Case late today when Otto F. Mottola, a
police headquarter's detective, was sus
pended after a hearing by Commissioner
Woods. Mottola was summoned before
the commlaiioner after ths police said
they found his name In a note book taken
trom Koenlg. According to statements
attributed to Koenlg alid Metsler, Mottola
waa employed by the former at S3 a day
to make Investigations.
The arrests yesterday and toda are
said to be merely the forerunners of
numerous other arrests, which will ex
tend throughout the country. Secret
service agents assert that Koenlg had
twenty-seven agents In New York Citv
alone and probably between SOU and J0
scattered about the country.
Evolution of Man
Required Billions of
: Years; Says Miller
Burd F. Miller lectured at TheosoDhl-
cal hall, Sunday evening, upon "The
evolution of Life and Form," In which
he stated that the pedigree of man. In
stead of being only a few thousand years
old. covered a period of millions upon
minions or years, and that his long Jour
ney through evolution was a matter of
something over t.OuO.OOO.OuO years, ' That
from the middle of the Third Root race
to the present time was about 18,000,000
years. ....
Sir. Miller aald that the physlrsl scien
tists have already agreed that man has
existed for millions of years. He as
serted that "one has to admit a some
thing beyond the physical sight which Is
all powerful, which gives the beauty, the
form, the color, and is in fart the very
creator Of them, but because these forces
are not visible to our objective sight
there has sprung a great gulf between
those who study the form side and those
ho study the life side.
"But to those who study the Inner side
nf nature the real beauty and grandeur
becomes sppsrent, and the two as one.
"In the olden times religion and science
were wedded together snd there was no
discord between the intelligence and the
spirit. The fundamental difference be
tween the ancient and modern science Is
that the ancient science studies ths world
from the standpoint of a life that la
evolving, while the modern scientist stud
ies by observing tha forms through which
that life manifests. '
Pickpocket Is Beatenee.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 18. Spe
cial.) Peter Haines, alias John King, one
of the two pickpockets arrested after re
lieving a Merrick county farmer of a roll
of bills at tha fair grounds last fall, and
a ho pleaded guilty shortly thereafter, was
sentenced todsy to serve from one to
seven years in the penitentiary. The court
bas in tha meantime been investigating
the man's record and It has not been
found to be good,
Leader of Expedition, Landing at
Christiania, Confident 8oldiers
Out of Trenches Before
Asserts Movement Most Benevolent
' Thing American Repnblio
Ever Bid.
CHRISTIANIA. Norway (Via Lon
don), Dec. 19. "Every nation in the
world will soon look upon the Amer
ican peace pilgrims , as taking the
Initiative In stopping history's worst
war. The landing of the peace ex
pedition in Europe will be recorded
as one of the most benevolent things
the American republic ever did," said
Henry Ford today to the Associated
Press representative on stepping
ashore on Norwegian soil.
The steamship Oacsr 11, carrying the
Ford pesos expedition, arrived at this
port on Saturday after a fourteen days'
voyage from New 'York. The delegates
expressed much displeasure because tha
vessel waa delayed three days by tha
British authorities at Kirkwall, Scotland.
tees Then Ont by Spriag.
Mr. Ford aald he waa confident the
expedition would result tn getting the
men out of the trenches before the winter
waa over. He declared he had Informa
tion from official sources that his peace
Plsn was looked upon approvingly. He
added that his motive In oomlng to Eu
rope was to develop to the full an under
standing throughout the world by the
time peace sessions were begun at The
Hague, where William Jennings Bit an,
ex-secretary of state, waa expected to
Join the pence party.
Mr. Ford explained the presence cf ths
American party in Norway was mere'y
Intended to convince the Norwegians of
the fervent wish of Americans for peace.
He expects to gather a Norwegian dele
gation here, and then In ahoat three
days, proceed to Stockholm. Ho said tho
party would grow aa It traveled through
neutral countries, and that this would
convince tha belligerents, that the rest
of the world demanded poace Immedi
ately. By the time Copenhagen was
visited and The Hague reached, probably
two weeka hence, Mr. Ford said, th
peace movement' would have a dcflnl e
program. r. :
, ' " Weeitber ' Is ' Fin.
' Tha members cf the Ford party landed
tn''elcli Ins' morning' a'ndr-went t
various hotels.. The weather Is fine, li
the travellers will have a good chance
to see Norwegian winter life.
After holding meetings while crossing
the Atlantic and disagreeing over the
question of the American preparedness
policy, the 150 pence advocates, on ar
riving, wore ansloua to learn what atti
tude would be adopted toward them by
Receptions by Christiania preachers and
university professors and an unoffl HI
call made by Albert G. Bchmedeman,
American minister to Norway, attended
the first day of the members of ths peaco
expedition in Europe. Normal meetings
will begin Monday.
Christiania newspapers publish long ac
counts regarding the Ford expedltlonpac
companylng the storlea with cartoons
from foreign newspapers.
II oU Pabllo Meeting;.
Just before the Oscar II reached Chris
tiania , the Ford guests held a publto
meeting aboard the ship. Samuel Mc
Clure of New York aald that unless the
peace pilgrims composed their differences
of opinion regarding President Wilson's
preparedness policy it would cause dis
aster to the expedition. He declared
American preparedness was . necensary
and was not related to the peace efforts.
Hv. Charles F. Akcd, pastor of the
First Congregational church of Han Fran
clsoo, maintained It waa ridiculous for
Americans to urge peace abroad while
preparing for war at home.
Finally a resolution declaring thst the
delegates were unanimous for European
peace waa adopted.
Wants to Give Up
Land in Nebraska
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. IS IRttadal ttnjt
Commissioner Fred Beckmann thinka ha .
nas discovered a curiosity. It Is r, man
who has lived on a piece of Nebraska
land seventeen years and now doea not
want It any more. With Nebraska land
turning out products which put Alaska
gold mines in the shade, it Is hard to
believe that there is anr man who wanta
to let go of a Nebraska farm after living
on It that number of years.
Tha man Is Bernard Koch of Fordvce.
In Cedar county, and the land Is a quarter
section upon which he hss been paying
a rental of S1.75 per acre per year. The
lease runs out January 1 and Koch v.
he wanta to give It up, but he attaches
a couple or strings to the proposition,
one of them that the state should psy
him S3.7T4 for Improvements he has placed
on the land and the other is that be be
permitted to purchase the lend at not
more than S30 per acre.
Mr. Beckmann has Informed Mr. Koch
that the state does not buy Improve
ments placed on leased land and thr tn
case of sale the prtoe must be fixed by
Report Massacres
Among the Serbians
LONDON, Dec. Is. -The following, of
ficial Serbian atatement has been re
ceived from Pcutarl:
"During the retreat of the Serbian
army the Austrians and Bulsarlana
armed Mussulmans in New Serbia and
Incited them against the peaceful popula
tion. Numerous massacres enaued a net
unprecedented cruelties and crtisea were