Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1915, SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 13

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Dundee I
Sooietv Notes !
c : ii
Mr. T. I. El lick ha returaad from th
Mis Inn WMtfa.ll I spending th holi
days In Cml, Nete.
Th Dunde school bad Christmas)
rclse FT Vis y afternoon.
A daughter u born Monday to Mt.
a nd Mr, nyrward T. HojrU
Mr. J. J. Lamp entertained Inform illy
at luncheon laat Thursday.
Mr. J. H. Conrad wfll b hostess
'Wednesday for th Book clnb.
Th Dunde Circle of the C C. I met
Monday with Mr. L B. Doty.
Th Ladle' Aid eoclety met v Friday
afternoon with Mr. Q. O. Oulnter.
Ml Ollr FsrsTison hostess Friday
for the Dundee Bridge Luncheon club.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Splesbersrer leave for
New Tork Monday, to be rone a month.
The Dundee Sunday school will have
an enterta'nment Friday, Christmas eve.
Mr. Clyde Drew entertained the
Wednesday Bridge Luncheon club Tuesday.
Mr, decree K. Thompson entertained
the Tuesday Auction Briar club the last
Mr. Famam of Dayton. O., waa a guest
weanesaay or nr. ana Hir. h. a. wniie-
Mr. W. T. Robinson entertained at
luncheon Thursday for Miss Louis
Mr. and Mr. Arthur Cooley and chil
dren will spend th holiday In Burling
ton, la. x
Morton Rhoadea arrive today from
Dartmouth college to spend the holiday
t home.
Th Chautauqua Circle, Tennyson
chapter, met Monday with Mrs. W. EJ.
Mrs. H. V. Sutton of Broomfleld, I-,
Is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Mary
Senator and Mrs. Norrta Brown enter
tained the member of th Harmony club
last evening. '
Mrs. Charles Splttraan of Grand Island
is the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Bowlby.
Mr, and Mr. W. & Wiley entertained
th Saturday Evening Auction Bridge
crab last evening.
Mary and Phillip Johnson are expected
Thursday from Oberlln college for the
Christmas holiday.
Mr. A. W. Stuart of Chicago la here
to spend the holiday with her daughter,,
Mrs. O. C. Edgrly.
Miss Jaral KlUlan of Wahoo, Neb.,
waa a guast last wees ei tn Aliases
(Lucfll and June Brown.
Mr. Charles Met entertained at bridge
Wednesday for her house guest, Mlsa
Alice Judge of St. Louis.
Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Crook and family
leave this week for Carroll, la-, to spend
Christmas with relative.
Drew Arend returned from Culber on
Wednesday, bringing a school friend, Mr.
lllckey, of South Dakota.
Mrs. George Brandels entertained in
formally at bridge Friday afternoon tor
her sister, Mlsa Lillian Roger of Chi
cago. Mr. J. L. Cobey St. Paul. Neb., who
ha been the Clarkaon hospital, la con
valescing at the home of his sister, Mrs.
D. 1m Johnston.
Mr. R. R. Copp of Chattanooga, Tenn..
and Mr. C. J. Morton of Grand Island
ere with their mother, Mr, W. H. Pen
dell, until after the holidays.
Th member of the Phllathea class
held their regular meeting Tuesday even
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Dodds. Mr. and Mr. H. B. Foster were
guest of th class.
Mrs. William Belcher and lltye daugh
ter of Memphis, Tenn., are visiting Mrs.
Belcher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C
Peters, over th holiday. Mr. Belcher
will join them for Christmas.
Social Circles
! I
Classmates Homo from School for tho Holiday Season
) ' V?) Virginia
ff omit
v.; Y
It "tfe JK$ti'A9
i M W
x ' ' v rf.
of fouth Sl.ln. Father Aniel leaves
shortly for New Tork.
Itodrrlc Crane li eiperted home Mon
day from lAwrenceville, to spend the
holiday vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mm. Thomas IV ("Vane.
Mlas Vlrlnla Crofoot wl'l arrive Wed
nesday from the Sarrvd lleort academy,
Kden hall, Philadelphia, to he ulth her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. U V. Crofoot. for
the holiday.
Social Items
Home from School for Holidays
Boys and Girls Come Trooping
Mrs. N. H. Tyson la In Chicago, where
)ie will spend th holiday with relative.
Program were rendered In all the pub
lics schools before closing for the holidays.
Little Charles Hodder, who ha been ao
seriously ill for a month. Is now slowly
Mr. and Mr. J. More of Bloomlngton,
III, visited at th horn of Mrs. More a
aunt. Mr. C. BUrtr.
Mis Julia Krlal, superintendent of the
Floreno schools, will spend th Christ
mas holidays at Lincoln.
Ouy KlUlan arrived horn Tuesday
evening from Gothenburg, Neb., where he
spent th last few months.
Miss Vera Marshall entertained the
young women's kenslngton at a Christ
mas party Tuesday evening.
Mr. V. E. Toung was hostess to the
Benson kenslngton Friday afternoon at
a 1 o'clock Christmas dinner.
Mis Alma Laurltzen left last week for
her home in West Point after a visit
with her brother, J. Laurltzen.
Mr. and Mr. M. M. Wlaner entertained
at dinner Wednesday for Mr. and Mra A,
Mockwell of Clay Center, Neb.
The Missionary society and Methodist
Ladles' Aid society held an all-day Joint
session at the church Wednesday.
Mr. Charles Tracy was appointed on
the board of trustee and managers of
th Old People' Horn association.
A daughter waa born to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Beavers on Sunday and a son to
Ir. and Mra Charles Fulll on Thursday.
Mra V. R. Shelly entertained Thursday
afternoon at a kenslngton. About fifteen
guests were present. Luncheon was
Rev. C. G. Bloomqulat officiated at the
.'uneral services of the pioneer resident,
Andrew Larsen, which was held Isst
The Westminster guild met at the Pres
byterian church. A o'clock supper was
served to th member by Mr. C. Saw
telle and aix young women.
Mr. and Mra. Russell Walsh and Mrs.
James Walsh left Wednesday for the
coast. J. Walsh will Join them soon to
-pend the winter there.
The Luther league of the English Lu-
heran church holds Its first devotional
ervice this evening. Lunch will be
rvd preceding the services.
Charles Aubert of Norfolk, Neb.; John
. nderson of Waterloo and Mr. and Mi.
llliam Whltmer of Omaha were guests
t the J. Fry home last week.
The Young Girls' club of the Methodist
hurch mill have a Christmas tree in the
!jiHeinent Mondav evenlnir tn rr.n...
hrlstmaa toys for charity work.
Th DaptUt and Presbyterian churches
five their Chrtutmas program Friday
evening, the Methodist and EnglUh Lu
theran on, Thursday evening and the
Auguntana Lutheran this evening.
Mis Helen Pearce' arrival from school
last Sunday waa a complete surprise to
her parents and mad her the first of the
school girl to reach home for the holi
day. Friday Mia Clara Hart, Miss
Corlnn Elliott and Mia Mary Glfford
arrived horn from Dana Hall with Miss
Reglna Oonnell.
Mr, Denman Kounts came horn Fri
day also from Cleveland. Mr. Edward
Fuller returned Wednesday from Culver.
Miss Naomi Towle came bom Thursday
morning from Bradford academy. Miss
Helen Shepherd, Mis Alio Rushton and
Mlsa Gertrude Porter will be horn to
day from Tarry-town. Mlsa Helen Bhep
erd, whose parents are in New Tork this
winter, will be with Mis Alice Rushton
part of the time.
Mlsa Emily Keller will be home Thurs
day from Rosemary Hall and Miss
Esther Wllhelm and Mlsa Virginia Of
futt come the next day from Mlsa
S pence's. Miss Grace Allison reaches
horn Tuesday. Edward Crofoot will be
home Monday from Lawrenoevlll and
his sister. Miss Virginia, Wsdnesday
from Torreadale, Pa.
Mr. Isaao Carpenter will reach horn
Monday or Tuesday. He stopped In To
ledo on hi way from Cambridge to be
best man at th Loomls-Geddes wedding
Saturday. Charles Burgess does not get
horn until tha day before Christmas and
Mors Palmer and Floyd Smith com
Miss Helen Smith, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, returns from Mis
S pence's school Friday.
Miss Vivien ne Bark alow arrive this
morning from school at Sweet Briar.
Va., and will be her with her parent.
Mr. and Mr. Newton Barkalow.
The Cornell men do not get home until
a day or two before Christmas and
John Hanlghen doe not com at all, as
n goe wim tha Olee club on it holi
day concert tour of th larger eastern
cities. He will be in Buffalo Christmas
oay, the guest of a fraternity friend.
Mlsa Josephine Congdon arrive today
from Vassar for the Christmas vacation.
Victor Caldwell, Frits Buchols, Francis
Gaines, Douglas and Clarence Peter and
all the Vale men came home today.
Fawcett Porter doe not get home until
the day befor Christmas and tha Millard
boy atop over in Chicago a few day
with their father and will be here late
In the week.
Carlisle Allan, a sophmor at th Uni
versity of Illinois, I spending the holi
day vacation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. B. Allan.
Miss Leola Harris surprised her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harris, by
arriving home Saturday morning from
Wellesley college. She will remain' until
January Mis Harris was accompanied
home by Mlsa Margaret Loo mis, who also
attend Wellesley.
Miss Edna Riley returned from Chevy
Chase, Washington, D. C, accompanied
by Mis Nan Spalding, to spend the holi
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
F. Riley. Clark Riley came home Thurs
day morning from Culver- Military
acedemy. Culver, Ind.
Miss Grace Allison, daughter of Dr.
and Mra. C. C. Allison, will arrive Tues
day from Sacred Heart academy, Man
hattanvllle, N. Y.. and Miss Carlta
O'Brien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
O'Brien, will also arrive that morning
from the same academy.
Mis Harriet Walters, who attends
Kemper Hall, at Kenosha, Wis., and Mr.
Waltman Walters, who Is a student at
Dartmouth, arrived today to spend the
holiday with their parents, Mr. and
Mra. Frank Walter.
Mr. Casper Offutt, who attends Yale,
will net be home for the holidays, but
will remain 'in New York. Mr. Jarvis
Offutt. who is a student at Harvard, will
spend hi vacation In th south. Mr. Ed
ward U Smith, sone of Mr. and Mra
O. J. Smyth, who attends Holy Cross
college, will spend Christmas in New
York City.
Miss Mildred Todd, daughter of Mr.
and Mr. Willis Todd, who attends th
Bristol school in Washington, will spend
tho holidays In Indianapolis.
Miss Gladys Robertson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Robertson, who at
tends Bradford aoademy, MasKachtieetts,
came hme this morning.
Mr. Albert Blbbersen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. I. Slbberean, will arrive home tomor
row from Dartmouth college.
Mr. Arthur Loomle, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard O. . Loomls, will arrive
horn Christmas v from Cornell.
Mr. Walter H. Cohn. son of Mr. Her
man Cehn, will arrlv Vednoday from
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Mlsa Dorothy Lyle returned Thursday
morning from Mis Wheolock's Kinder
garten Training school at Boston to spend
the Christmas vacation with her parents,
Mr. anl Mrs. W. C. Lyle. Her roommate.
Miss Emma Fullaway, also of Omaha,
will spend the holidays In Philadelphia
with relatives. ,
Miss Jacy Allen came home this morn
ing to spend the holidays with her par
ents, Mr. and Mfs. Oscar Allen. Miss
Allen attends th Baldwin school at Bryn
Mawr, Pa.
Miss Dorothy and Miss Janet Hall are
expected home today from Chicago.
Miss Dorothy Dahlman returned Friday
from school at Oodfrey, 111.
Miss Helen Walker of Council Bluffs
arrived this morning from Sweet Briar
college in Virginia.
Miss Margery Smith will be home
Thursday from Bryn Mawr, stopping over
in Chlcafto for a day.
Miss Elsa. Smith returned Saturday
from Chicaao. where she, is attending
Chicago university, to spend the Christ
mas holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Smith.
Mr. Lester Robinson, student of the
University of Nebraska, Is expected home
Monday to spend Christmas vacation.
Hurd Btryker, aon of Mr. and Mrs. A.
F. Btryker, will be home Friday from
Chicago, where he 1 attending law school.
John and George Park arrived Satur
day from Spauldlng, where they are at
tending school.
Miss Jeanae Mullen 1 expected home
from Sioux City, la., for th Christmas
holidays. '
Miss Ruth- Mark of Sioux City, la., 1
the guest of Miss Hattle Steinberg.
Miss Jeanne Mullen will come from
Des Moines, where she la attending St.
Joseph' aoademy, to spend the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. John McDonald will return from the
state university to spend the holidays
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mr, Thomas Brown return 1 horn
from the University of Wisconsin the end
of last week to visit with his mother,
Mrs. Thomss Brown, until December 2d,
when h will leave for Racln to attend
a house party and dance. Mis Dorothy
Brown will be guest In Madison, Wis.,
at the Junior prom, staying with her
brother, Mr. Tom Brown, at the Kappa
Sigma fraternity house.
Miss Lllllsn Weiss cornea home Thurs
day from the University of Chicago,
where she I In her Junior year, to be
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss.
Miss Alloe Mareme Burchmor arrived
Saturday from Central college, Isling
ton, Mo., to be with her mother, Mr.
Thomas W. Burchmor. for th holldaya.
Father Angela, prefect of Spalding col
lege, Spalding, Neb., chaperoned horn
Cahill Riley, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. U.
Riley, and Jamea, Robert and John Parks,
F. K. Whlttaker, who has km spend
In his vacation at Emerson and Thurs
ton, Neb., returned hotrm Tuesday.
Mrs. I j. A. Taylor, who has been visit
ln at Excelsior Sprlnsn, Mo., has re
turned home, much Improved In health.
M! Lulu Mae Coo hss returned from
Lincoln to spend the Christmas holidays
WUU her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M, C. Coe.
MIbs Viola Mjer ntul Mlsa t n Klrkr
Patrick have Friday for Pulton. Neb.,
where they stnd the Christmas holi
days. The volunteer firemen are making plans
for an elaborate banquet tv be held early
In January, to which about MO Invita
tions will be Issued.
Mlsa Jean Butter of York and John
Butter, students at the K'tate university,
are cpemllne their vacations with their
parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. .M. Buter.
Mrs. Henry Ankney rntertalned de
lightfully at her homo on Bluff street
Thursday at a "stag" party. About
thirty women enjoyed her hospitality.
Mrs. J. II. Hunter of Missouri Valiey,
la., who has been visiting her daughter.
Mrs. J. II. Price, was operated on this
week and is now fcettlng along very
In honor of their now drill team, tho
Florence guards. Florenoe camp of the
Woodmen of the World entertained after
the election of officers on Thursday
Mrs. John ('I:iskow of Omaha, who
formerly lived Florence, entertained
the Dorcas society of Florence ChrlMlan
church at her homo this week In a d
Huhtful manner. . v
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Plat entertained at
dinner Tuesday evening, when their
guests were Mr. and Mrs, Edward Ben
ton of Omaha, Mr. James Francis, Mrs.
M. Cook of Guerdon, Ark.
Miss Jessie Tuckrf, daughter of Mayor
Tucker and wife, la now ,ln Pan Fran
cisco, from whence she will sail Monday,
on the Boyd, for Manila, where she will
be the guest of her sister, Martha, who
Is now the wife of Lieutenant Armstrong.
o o
G. E Shukert j&Ji
15th and Harney Streets )
ursofxjuality ( 4fiV
16-ln. Hudson Soul Coats, lutest styles, ruffle skirts, with JJQC
or without bolts, upoclal price J)7iJ
Kuaalan I'ony fonts, 36 to 40 Inches long, special fiJQC to CJIO
prices this week JaSO 3iU
Grey Kox Sets, round or pillow muff, animal scarf, $X5
Hed Fox Sets, round or lllow muff, animal CI K to
scarf DlO PO3
Beaver Sets, round or pillow muff with the E to Ji C
latest shapes In scarfs wOO 3TJ
Genuine Otter Sets, pillow muffs and button to $50
Mack Marten Rets, melon, round or pillow muff, Cir. to tfJCrt
latest styles In scarfs iD'iU J)OU
We show a great variety of separate muffs, all special prices JJO
this week, up from
401-3 faoutli Fifteenth Street
Tlie Most Kxqulalte Offering in
Fine Jewelry.
lwixAii mines.
Reese Jewelry Co.
4:l Routh 10th Htrect.
City National Hunk IlulUltntf.
Otnahn, Neh.
This coupon entitles you to tha
Beautiful Christmas sfumber of
If sent to 314 Routh ltth atreeV
Omuim, before Wednesday.
Subscription TS cents.
Make th children happy for a
whole year. A gift card free with
each subscription.
Grace Borenson, Kdltor. If. tttl.
u u
' w30
Complete, as above, only 93.25
Hand-painted ffl.OO
Coffee Percolators 98c
Alcohol Coffee Machine . . $6.60
Pie Dish and Holder ...$2.23
Steak Planks $0.00
Fancy Coffee Pots $2.0o
Vacuum Bottles $1.00
Coaster Bets .......... $2.50
Pepper Mills 75c
a Samovars $2.23
Nickel Tray $2.23
Brass Cuspidors 05c
Ash Trays 85c
Tea Pot Stand 75c
Silver Plated Knives and Forks
Razor Sets . . . .
Gi)lette Itazors
Carving Shears
Scissors in box
Fireless Cooker....
Carpet Sweepers . . ,
Gas Ranges, up from
Klrxible Flyer Bleda
$2.5U, $i.oo and $3.7.,
. .$1.00
, .$3.00
. . .63c
The Toy That Is Like
Real Structural Steel
Prices $1.00, $2.00
and Up To $15.00
Regular $5.00 Sets, special ..$1.23
Regular 16.00 Sets, special ..$J.30
Scissors Sets $1.75
Manicure Sets . $1.H3
Pocket Knives 23c
American Beauty, Universal,
Oarland ..$3.00 up to $5.(o
Electric Toaster $4.00
Electric Grills. $5.00
Electric Chafer $13.00
Electric Percolator $fl jw
Electric Lamps $.1.1)5
Electric Heaters $3.73
Electric Sweepers $l&fto
Electric Curlers $3.50
Electric -Washer $03.00
Electric Sewing Machine Mo
tors $13j
Electric Curling Iron Heaters
for ,$1JW
Foot Balls, from $1 up to $2.23
Air Rifles, up from ....$1X5
Tool Cabinet $3.00
Wagons, up from $1.50
B. U. Roller Skates . ...$l.4i
Child's Table Set ...... .$1JJ )
Hockey Sticks 23c
Boys' Skstes 75c
Girls' Skates $1 23
Skis, 4-foot ' $1.23
Never before could your ca!sh buy so much
In all your experience you never attended a clearing
sale where good furniture was being hurried away at
such a terriffic cut in price. We're determined that J
every piece of furniture included in this sale shall be
We've slashed right and left. We're going to make
this sale beat any sale that ever held the attention of
Omaha people. Come ex
pecting tremendous values come
expecting the greatest values you
ever saw in all your life.
u JS$ssv- SB - IWlntntHBIHR-
Price .
t 13.00 Dressers 8
f 16.00 Dressers S
$ 22.00 Dressera
$ 30.00 Dressera $
$ 42.00 Dressers g
$ 65.00 Dressers g
$ 90.00 Dressers 8
$125.00 Dressers $
1145.00 Dressers $
$170.00 Dresners $102.00
Solid Oak
Feat upholster
ed in genuine
leather, a
large, roomy,
high quality
Large, roomy dresser, golden
oak finish, neat and pleasing
design, French' bevel mirror
Price cut to 80.75
29.00 Dav'p'ts gt
33.60 Dav'p'ts 8
45.00 Dav'p'tA g
52.75 Dav'p'ts S
75.00 Dav'p'ts A
Dav'p'ts 8
Dav'p'ts 8108.00
$14.00 Lib. Tables 8
$20.00 . S1Z.OO
$27.75. 810.05
$33.00. 818.75
$35.00, 821.00
$38.50. i1.75
$47.50. 829.00
$55.uo, S33.0U
v. v
vr'T T
dors and
8 e v e r al de
signs now cut
In price front
$0.5O down to
$1.50. Best
values In all
Buffets . . . .
Buffets . . . .
Buffets . . . .
Buffets . . ; .
75.00 Buffets ,
80.00 Buffets
85.75 Buffets
97.50 Buffets
$110.00 Buffets
...... S 10.03
SvyTTTls I
m i
J r
m Sewing
iSt Cabi"
Sift nets
a solid oak and
mahogany finish,
splendid c a b 1 -nets,
now to
Made of solid oak, roomy and well
made. French bevel mirror;
thoroughly dependable; should
sell at $25. Sp'l this sale S14.5U
Sample Iron Beds 81 OS
$ 0.00 Iron Beds 83 55
$ 8.00 Iron Beds 84175
$11.00 Iron Bed 80.00
$15.00 Iron Beds SSiOO
$20.00 Brass Beds 811 50
$2 8.00 Brass Beds 813!50
$40.00 Brass Beds $2400
$03.00 Brass Beds $3S.00
$75.00 Brass Beds $42.00
$11.50 Rockers 8 0.75
$13.60 Rockers $ 7 50
$20.00 Rockers $12IH
$?2.00 Rockers $22i50
Keg. Sale
Price Price
15.00, $ 0.75
25.00. 813.50
$32.00. 810.75
145.00. 81O.0O
$52.50. $2.50