Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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    rm: tu:i:: qm.mia. satciipay, m:cKMnF,ij is, ini;.
Beautifully Decorated
Dinner Set
haa i ill wiiis!
IVith Every Suit
i-or Overcoat
0 7 Ls
This big money-saving event
is still on, and the people arts
crowding our store every day
(o take advantage of the un
usual offer high-grade suits and
overcoats at about a THIRD
OFF, with a fine 42-plece beauti
fully decorated dinner set abso
lutely free. It Is our Christmas
gift with every suit or overcoat
at $9.75 and up.
This 42-Piece Dinner Set
With Every Suit or Overcoat
at $9.75 and Up.
You couldn't find a more eco
nomical way to present your wife
with a handsome Christmas gift
and at the same time outfit your
self with warm, comfortable
clothing for the winter. Tils din
ner set Is beautifully decorated
in a handsome floral design, and
wouia grace any table.
Men's Overcoats
New Balmarues, $30 Values
The stylo loaders of the year, srar-
merits you'll find ticketed at $20 all
over omana. All the - - -7
he-west and warmest Tl f J
lilolt.l-inl. .11 KA.,.. D V
ti-. On sale. Sat nr.
ay, at
And 42-PIsqs D lunar Bat Tree,
Men's Overcoats
I-'ine Chinchillas, $15.00 Values.
In blue, brown and ray all wool
rine body linings,
shawl collars. These val
ues are amazinff. ', Think
of buying these rieh
lo;kliifr garments, Sat., at
And 42-Plce doner Srt Tr
Men's Winter Suits
$10.50 & $18 Suit Go Saturday
Handsome suits, that we have bean
showing this season at lie. 50 and
18.00, will ko In this sale. Com
and make your selec- At
tion from theao two T I 3
entire lines- at this I
wonilerfuDy low price. I I "
Saturday, at
And 43-Pleo Xnner Bat rra.
Men's Winter Suits
$12.50 lilue Surges and Mixtures
iJiiarnrteod nine serges, and light and
durk mixtures In new r"7
winter modela for men 3 f Q
Hnd young men, rewular -H
$15.00 values, nil go In j
this sale, Saturday, at
And 43-J'ioa Sinner Bat ft.
Men's Overcoats
Genuine Kerseys, $10 Values
Those are In black, single and doublo
breasted, wun ooin vel
vet and shawl collars.
They were good values
nt $10 Think of buying
them in this sale Bat., at
ia aoutuo
Boys' Overcoats
Mothers, here's a
overcoats of rich.
weaves, with warm, faney
lilald linings, convertible
collars, stylish and dur
able, sizes 7 to 14 vears.
tegular $5 values, Sat., at.
bargain'. Boys"
heavy diagonal
Men's (1.50 Tall and Winter Walt-lit,
Fleece Uaed Uulon Bolts nr
In this money-saving; 03C
sale, Saturday, at
100 Sosea Wen's Hose ia Black, Taa
Gray and White (tegular "
10c values, Saturday, ft ft
pair "
Kan's f 1.60 Wool Bwaatar Coata Roll
collar; gray only; In this f
money-saving sale, Batur. QH
day, at www
Men's TSo rlannelstta aright Shirts
Cut wide and full, all alias; 1
in this money.ssvlng- JHC
sale, Saturday, at www
Men's 1.00 Winter Weight
Stilts Closed crotch style
In this money-saving '
sale, Saturday, at
Open Till
10 O'clock Saturday
Nlcht. '
We are headquarter toe Union
.Made wearables of all kind for
Secretary Lane Calli Attention to
! Value of Big Public Play
! grounds Owned by Nation.
i WASHINGTON. Dec 17 fPldal.)
Secretary Lane. In his forthcoming an
nual report, calls attention to the na
! tional parks as a valuable and undevel
oped asset of the country. He says:
I The United States furnishes play
grounds to the people of this country
I which are. we may modestly state, wlth
'out any rivals In the world. Just as the
1 cities are seeing the wisdom and the
; necessity of oen spaces for the chil
' dren, o. with a very large view, tho
nation has been snvlng from Us domain
1 the rarest places of grandeur and beauty
I for the enjoyment of the world.
And this fact has been discovered by
many only this year. Having an incen
tive in the expositions on the Pacific
coast, and Europe being closed, thou
sands have for the first time crossed the
continent and seen one or more of the
national parks. That such mountain
and glaciers, lakes and canyons, forests
ind waterfalls were to be found in this
j country was a revelation to many, who
I hud I eard but hnd not believed. It would
j appear from the experience of this year
j that the real awakening si to the value
I of these parks has nt last been realised,
j and that those who have hitherto found
i themselves enticed by the beauty of the
Alps end the Khlne and the aoft lovell
jness of the valleys of France, may find
I equal If not more stimulating satisfac
' tlon In the mountains, rivers and valleys
' whlc'i this government ha et apart
1 for them and for all other.
! It may reconcile those who think that
; money expended upon such luxurle la
wasted if any such there are to be told
; t! at tho sober-minded traffic men of the
railroads estimate that this year more
than 1100,00,000 usually pent In European
travel was divided among the railroads,
hotels, and their supporting- enterprise
, In thi country.
j New Parle la Colorado.
I During the year a new national park of
distinction and unusual accessibility ha
come Into existence. It crosses the
Rockies in Colorado at a point of su
preme magnificence; hence It title, the
Ttocky Mountain National park. Throug-h
it, from north to south, winds the Conti
nental divide the Snowy range In name
and fact. Two hundred lake grace this
rocky paradise, and bear and bighorn in
habit its fastnesses. It ha an area of
3S0 square mile and lies only seventy
mile from Denver. Many hotels He at
the feet of these mountain and three
tailroads skirt their side.
1 This Is Colorado' second national park,
; the other being Mesa Verde, where thl
' department, with the assistance of Dr.
' Jesse Walter Fewke of the Smithsonian
Institution, has uncovered during the last
summer prehistoric ruin of unprecedented
' scientific interest.
Oregon has but recently completed a
great highway along the Columbia river.
This should be connected by road with
Mount Hood and a portion of the present
forest reserve converted Into a park. The
limit of Sequoia park. In California, the
home of the great, redwood, should be
o extended as to Include the Kern River
canyon, a most practicable project today;
.but tomorrow may be too late, because
of the lumber interest. The Grand can
yon Is not yet part of the park system,
s although as part of a national forest It
: comes under the control of the Depart-
! merit of Agilculture.
Shoold Be' Available for All.
1 There 1 no reason why this nation
should not make its public health and
1 scenic domain as available to all Its cltl-
' sens a Switzerland and Italy make
theirs. The aim Is to open them thor
oughly by road and trail and give access
and accommodation to every degree
of Income. In this belief an effort ha
been made this year as never before to
j outfit the parks with new hotels which
should make the visitor desire to linger
rather than hasten on Ills Journey. One
hotel was built on Lake: McDermott, in
, Glacier park, one is to be built Immedi
; ately on the shoulder of Mount Rainier,
in Paradise valley; another in the valley
of the Yosemite. , with an annex high
overhead on Glacier Point, while more
modest chalet are to be dotted about in
the obscurer spots to make accessible the
rarer beauties of the Inner Yosemite. For
I with the new Tioga road, which, through
the generosity of Stephen T. Mather and
I a few others, the government has ac-
quired, there ia to be revealed a new
! Yosemite, which only John Muir and
j others of similar bent have een. Thl U
a Yosemite far different from the aulet
J Incomparable valley. It la a land of for
ests, snow and glaciers.. From Mount
I I. yell one looks as from an island, upon
: a tumbled sea of snowy peaks. It lakes,
many or which have never been fished,
are alive with trout.
Great Game Preserve.
While a the years have passed we
have been modestly developing the su
perb scenic possibilities of the Yellow
stone, nature has made of it the largest
and most populous game preserve In the
western hemisphere. .It great size, its
altitude. Its vast wildernesses, Its plenti
ful waters. It favorable conformation of
; rugged mountain and sheltered valley,
I and the nearly perfect protection afforded
j by the policy and the scientific oar of
me i,un:iiiiiiriH iwvb mane mis park,
since Its inauguration In 1873, the natural
! and Inevitable center of game conserva
tion for this nation. There ia something
I of slgn'flcance In this. It Is the destiny
or the national parks, ir wisely controlled
to become the public laboratories of
nature study for the nation. And from
them specimen may be distributed to the
city and state preserves, a 1 now being
done with the elk of the Yellowstone
which are too abundant and may be later
with the antelope.
If congress will but make the ftmds
available for the construction of roads
over which automobiles may travel with
safety (for all the parks are now open
to motors) and for trails to hunt out the
hldde;j place,) of beauty and dignity, we
may expect that year by year these park
will become a more precious possession
of the people, holding them to the further
discovery of America and making them
stUJ prouder, of It resources a well as
Ho Did It Early
3 lU'f-
1 . u eau.mii 1 1 i 1 Tl '
Joe Butler Falls ,
On Icy Sidewalk
Considerable Illness prevail among
city hall employes.
Joseph B. Butler, city gas commis
sioner, is confined to his home with a
sprained wrist caused by a slip on an
Icy walk while doing his Christmas shop
ping '""ly.
William Blever of the comptroller' of
fice ha an attack of rheumatism an 1
Peter CMalley of the same suf
fered a sprained ankle Just when he hart
returned to work after an Illness ot
three weeks. Fred P. Salmon, also o
the comptroller's office, Is home, helping
to care for his father-in-law, mother an'i
John Maus, building Inspector, has n
severe attack of grip. I nope tor Jnm
Trlblecock of the public improvements
department Is another on the si k l'ft
Starting at 8:30 A. M. Saturday Morning, December 18th
' J a. jJfVa
Women's Coats
The nirppet Stock
and the Host Value
In tho City
All Women's Suits
All Misses' Suits
All Women's Dresses
All Misses' Dresses
Afternoon Dresses
Evening Dresses
Party Dresses
Street Dresses
Dancing Dresses
New Fall Coats
All New Garments,
Special, Saturday,
New Plush Coats
Special, Saturday,
$17.50, $20, $27.50
New Corduroy Coats
Fur Trimmed
$12.50 $15
New Xmas Waists
Just Received
Lare or Georgette
Separate Skirt Sale
Plaid Stripes Solid Colors,
Values to f 11.60
New Silk Waists
cioorgette and Crepe de Chine,
Special, 8uturday,
Women's Fur Sets
Splendid Xnia Gifts.
Any Fur Set In Stock
Phoenix ITose for Women
I I l aft 7
Millinery Special
Choice of any Hat in the
Values Range to $13.60.
Untrimmed Shapes
Choice of the Stock
jCfai? ; ems
4;v Cy 1 . k W a -f : I ;. (-.girt If ; -' ?.- " : ' a
1 1 &
Neariir 300 Vmmtfm
JVyrUSICAL history was made a short time ago at
1V1 Orange, New J ersey.
At the laboratories of the New Edison Diamond Disc
Phonograph, 300 phonograph experts were witnesses to '
an epoch-making experiment.
When the test was done, the entire gathering agreed as
one a modern miracle had been performed before their
Three factors predominated.
Alice Verlet, the famous Helglan prliua donna, whom European
musical critics have hailed as the "New Queen of Kong."
The New Kdison Diamond 11hc Itionograph.
And Thomas A. Kdtanit. He alone knew of the revelation to come; of
the human olce with all Its range. Its weetneMg, it mellowneM, Its
sympathy and pathos, coming from the Instrument he had created.
Miss Verlet atod beide the New Kdlson Diamond IMkc lliono-'
graph. Mr. Kdlon Mat with hi head bowed upon hi hand. There
cume the clear notes of the beautiful song, Wo Nome," from
Which was singing, phonograph or lady? The ear could not dls-
-S" f0n tesi W repeny given in the ball worn of the Hotel Fontenelle, with Miss Christine Miller as the
;t. before nine hundred Invito mi ,, 1UU1C' 0,9 1,116
tlnguHh. Only the eye could discern that Miss Verlefs lips were
not moving. The Kdlson Diamond Disc was U (ring alone. Then
a grciUcr volume hut only a greater volume Miss Verlet Joined
her voice with the singing of the Kdlson Diamond Disc. Two voices
-exactly the same two u ere singing together. No one among the
SOO could tell which was the more clear or distinct, or more full of
The song volume decreased. Tlie ear heard but one voice. The eye
must tell again. Miss Vei let's Hps were moving. It wu she who
was Kinging.
I me were lit up with surprise even with amazement a modem
miracle was hapjMwilng Just before them.
The pl'onoirrnph and the lady continued their duet to the end. En.
thiislusiii, alinoat unbounded, ran through the audience.
The Supreme Test toat passed.
Quickly these men realized that there liad been given to the world
a new Instrument which years of endeavor had made so complete
that even "perfect" failed as a descriptive word.
They could not detcrlbe the tone of the New Edison. It waa not
Miounh to call It "human, life-like, natural." No more could thev
dcNCi'tle a beautiful rose tin "true to nature." This New Edison waa
nature ithelf. It waa the artUt In all but form.
The Kdlson haa no tone of Us own. It Is a perfect vehicle for the
re-rreai iimi ui wic i voire or instrument.
Franklin Newhall,
Apple King, is Dead
OHIOAOO. 111.. Dc. IT. Franklin New
hall, aged in, the "apple kins" of the
mi idle wnt. dle.l today at his honifi In
OI-n-o. a suburb, lie owned tiionaands
of nT-s of orchard land in IUIiijU kill
artist, before nine hundred invited guests.
w toison
No Needles to Chancre.
Sptcitl EJiton Chriitmat Concerts mre being gittn kere daily.
Diamond Disc
Phonora ph
Unbreakable Records.
Ym Will be under obligations if yon atk to kste your favorite records played.
SHULTZ Bros., Props.
313 So. 15th St.