Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin; nr.K: omaha. sattriay. December is.
' - H lr t ' - il - t" i ir - - l iiti i 1 1
Headquarters for Practical Gift
Unusual Steps Taken by State to
Head Off Fakers Who May Claim
Estate of Aurora Recluse.
AURORA, Neb.. Dec. 17. (Spe
cial.) Fearful that fakirs will try
to slip something over on the state of
Nebraska. Attorney General Willis E,
Reed has required the county offi
cials of Hamilton county to do some
rather unusual things with the body
of Alden S. Nichols, who died last
week with no known relatives.
. The attorney general asked that
three physicians be appointed to
make a thorough examination of the
body and record all physical pe
culiarities and measurements. Mrs.
E. A. Steenberg, G. II. Marvel and J.
M. Woodard were placed under oath
to divulge none of these observations
and they made a careful examination
under the direction of County Attor
ney Whitney and County Judge Jef
Ters. Kvldence la Scaled.
Under the attorney general's directions
a photographer wu called hi to take
plitures of the body In different poses,
llo was likewise put under a stern oath
o preserve his negatives and prints
therefrom for the sole use of the county
court. The findings of the physician
and the negatives of the photographer
have heen sealed up awaiting; the corn
ins: of alleged heirs to the Nichols estate
It is thought that Mr. Iteed believes
this la the only way to ward off th
horde of appllrants for the estate. He
evidently believes thst another O'Connor
content will take place and he wants to
be forcarmrd with Identification testi
mony. Has o Known Relatives.
However, the facts are that Mr.
Nichols had not seen any of Ills rela
tives for fifty years. If he had any
marks on his body, probably his In st
friends of fifty years a (to would not rec
otrnise them. The identification of liclre
will have to be made by genealnglca.
marks and not by physical marks. It Is
Mr. Nichols' estate consisted of CtO
acres of splendid lsnd just outside of
this city and securities amounting; to
about (JO. 000. Should no helm be dis
covered the estate will escheat to the
state of Nebraska and become a part of
the school fund.
The Nichols funeral will take place at
the Presbyterian church this afternoon.
Nichols was himself a member of no
church. He was a great believer In
spiritualism and liked nothing better
than to attend a aceanee.
Mlnden Firemen Celebrate.
MINDEX. Neb.. Icc. 17. C-ecinl.)
The Mlnden fire department celebrated
the twenty-fifth anniversary of Its or
pnnlr.ntlon with a banquet in honor of
Jj. W. Hague, the only charter
left in the department. John S. Pattl
son acted as toastmaster. The feast was
served In the Odd Fellows' hall by the
Iiegree of Itebekah. The Mlnden Juve
nile band furnished music.
North Platte Men
Endorse Proposed
Drainage District
NORTH Fl.ATTK, Neb., Iec. 17.-Spo-clal.t
A drainage district, under the laws
of Nebraska, to embrace 4I.PW acres of
land lying between the North Platte and
South Platte rivers, from .Sutherland to
North Plntte. wss endorsed by the . orth
Platte Chamber of Cummerce at a meet
lug today at which tJoverninent Knglneers
i T. Jcssup and 1. O.. Miller ex
plained the project. Theno men have
been In thl vicinity for several months
Investigating conditions.
The engineers have found that this dis
trict, as Is 'usual with Irrigated dis
tricts. Is suffering from seepage water,
and that for this reason over S0.000 acres
In tlifs area are only bringing a return
of 1 an acre, while by proper dalnage
they could bo made to return at lrot
J10 an arre. By drainage the engineers
believe thnt the value of the land In this
proposed district would be Increased from
!io,or0 to $3,7:0.O.
In speaking before the directors of the
Chamber of tTommcree, Mr. Jcssup said:
"There Is not a single lfiO acre tract In
this aien tliot does not contain some wet
ground, that is unsuitable for crops be
cause of seepage water, and there are
not six land owners In the proposed
drainage district who do not own land
affected by Improper drainage."
Dining- Car Kmplnye nobbed.
ortANO lSIJVXD. Nob., Doc 17. (Spe
cial.) The burglary of a Union Pacific
dining car In the city yards and within
only a short dlstnnce of the Union Pa
cific depot has been reported. The sum
of IM was taken from the Kitchen and
wss the proieity of the coks on the
diner. Mho had been paid only the day
before. There Is no chip to the thieves.
Guests Driven from
Dexter Hotel in
Fremont by Fire
Kni'.MOXT. Neb., pro. IT. -(Special
Telegram.) Oucsta at the pexter hotel.
Fremont's leading hostelry, were driven
from their rooms Into the sen? weathei
at 1:30 o'clock this morning by fire wht'h
broke out In the barroom adjoining the
hotel. While some of the g.iesls escaped
thinly clad thero were no Injjrien. The)
were rushed to nearby hotels ami rim
ing houses, where they wcie g.ven quar
ters. The fire, which broke nut In th'
basement of the bniroom. did damage
estimated at "'.V0 The loss Is fub
covered by Insurance, firemen prevented
the flames from spreading to the Intel
ami other adjoining buildings.
Propilctor ln'xtcr of the hotel li fitting
up a hostelry In a nearby building to be
used until his place ran be put In a
condition for occupancy. Smoko and
water did considerable damage to the
office and grill room. The fire is sup
posed to have started In the room in
which the loe-maklng machine is localcl.
Notes from Beatrice.
BEATRICE!, Neb., leo. 17. (Special. I
Harry T. Haynes an! Mrs. Mary Kden
burn, both of Lincoln, weie married
Thursday afternoon at the Methodist
parsonage. Rev. B. F. (laitlier officiat
ing. They left In the evening for Lin
coln, where they wl.l make their home.
Ernest P-arwln was arrested Thursday
evening on charge of sl allng an over
coat belonging to 1'dward J. Irvine, llo
was lodged In the city jail to await his
t.. R Smith, who was arrested here
Wednesday on the ihariie of stealing
Jewelry, will be obliged to face three
netit larcenv rhnrges. One elisrues
blm with stealing s bracelet and ring j
from Martha Shldlcr. another with steal- j
!ng Jewelry value at In Ir.ou K. ( .
Koons' Jewelry and the third for the
theft of Jewelry nlucd at t from Rob
ert Stratford's store.
The Whole Body
Needs Pure Blood
The bones, the muscles, and all the
organs of the body depend for their
strength and tone and healthy arllm on
pure blood.
Hood's Sarsaparllla nnkes pure blood.
It la positively uneuun'led In tho treat
ment of scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism,
dyspepsia, loss of appetite, tht tired
feeling. There Is no other medicine like
It. Ho sure to get Hood's and get It
today. It Is sold by all druggists. Advertisement.
ieaion& Later to.
415-17 So. 16th St. Phone Doug. 335
The Ntore of the Town
$1.00 to $1.50 a Set
Browning, King&Co.
i . Kit
An Enormous Special Purchase Will Make Saturday Nebraska's Greatest
l JID "iffc" " t rrr .- 1
The Cream of Surplus Stocks From World's Best
Clothes Makers, Bought at Much Under Price and To Be
Sold as Bought, Have Been Added to
Extra Value
Suits and
$15, $20, $25
Unequaled at $20 to $35 Elsewhere
The Overcoats unlimited
range for selection. Smart
Chesterfields; form fitting
models. Double or single
breasted, button-through
ideas. Balmacaans, lial-
marue, Ulsters, ulster-
ettes, many silk or satin
lined. Extreme or ex
tremely conservative styles.
"We urge comparison vrith other $20 to $35 lines.
See them here at $15, $20, $25.
The Suits embrace every
conceivable new model,
new fabric, new color ef
fect and combination of
the season. One, two, three
button and one-to-button
styles. Young men's
exclusive ideas or busi
ness men's smart styles. Com
pare with $20 to $35 values elsewhere
at $15, $20, $25.
ICaraiine tanas, ranging to
prb-es from $ 1 3.66 1 OQ
aa low as
Maalo Cabinet,
142, and aa low
high as
Ladies' Daska. In all finishes
and st) lea. aa high a fi Oil
Ill'O and as low aa...w'ww
Like cut, built
of oak , and
nicely finished
fumed, at
Tslephoa Tables, with stands.
frr.....2.95 to $9.85
Royal Raollngiiur Chairs
$14.85 to $34.00
Smoking Stands
Distinguished Fifth Avenue Chesterfield Overcoats a new standard of value in finest
hand-tailoring materials include Carr XXX Melton, English Vicuna, superb Kerseys and Mon
tegnac. Beautifully finished and lined with specially selected silks. $30 to $G5 elsewhere. A sur
prise for overcoat critics, at $20, $25, $30, $35, $40.
$25 Men's Overcoats at $15
Chesterfield Overcoats made of fine quality vicuna in black
and oxford Satin yoke and sleeves. Pure serge body lining. Sizes
35 to 4G. Self or velvet collars. Compare with $25 values else
where, Saturday, at $15.
Best $10 Suits and Overcoats
Nebraska "Goodwear" Suits and Overcoats Challenge com
parison with $15 values elsewhere; Suits in worsteds, cheviots,
serges. Wide selection of all wanted styles in overcoats. Supreme
values, at $10.
Mon's MarUinaw Coats. Ideal Christ
mas gifts, $3.00 to S12.O0.
Boy' Mackinaw Coats. Just what
"he wants." Special, $3.50, 1(15, $7.50. '
Fur LinM Overcoats a Rtiaranteed
Having of 20 to 33 Mi at $M to $10u.
Fur Overcoat, positively lowest In
the city prices compare $13.00 to $H5.
! I4J
Snuare post
brass fltmik-
g Htamia.
In. lilgh.
Hound post,
brass Smok
ing Htamia.
In. liigh,
M a hoganv
round oxt
H m o k I up
Stands. 2i
in. high.
aS3$1.35 :f
Mahogany Candle
Wa have a
verjr n 1 e a
line of nifty
new models,,
ranging I n
rlc from.
80c Aluminum
This dotinla llpp.d
Illinois 18J b-plnt
heavy aluminum
stew pan, "1Q.
Thla Maliogany
l.ajnp complete
vlth silk atiada
intl flxturea
14-in. LAMP
Made of silk,
either old rose or
golden brown;
Stew Pans
Men's and Tonus; M.n's Clothing1 Bcond floor.
Nebraska's Supreme Display of Men's Best Gifts
Never before in the history of this city has any store prepared such wonderful selections of prac
tical, useful, stylish Christmas gifts for men and young men. Careful, conscientious service and matchless
values await you.
1 JO' 6 A
Hints for "Him"
Smoking Jackets. $:t.50 to $10
Bath Kobea, $Jl.(K) to $10
Lounging Robes, $.1.00 to $10
Leather Belts, 50c to $1.50
Sweater Jackets, $1.50 to $7.50
Klannette Night Hobes, 50c to $2.0O
Silk Pajamas, $.i.OO to $S.OO
Flannette Pajamas, $1.00 to $2.00
Silk Shirts, $;1.50 to $0.00
Negligee Shirts, $1.00 to $3.50
Full Dress Shirts, $1.50 to $3.50
Flannel Shirts, at $1.00 to $3.Gu
Silk Mufflers, 50c to $:1.50
Kid Gloves, O.V to $2.50
Fur lined Gloves, $.1.00 to $7.50
Fur Gauntlets, $2.50 to $9.00
By all odds the
largest, most
metropolitan ex
hibit of neckwear
In the city. Iticri
new designs, ex
quisite colors.
Superb qualities.
No such values
elsewhere, at
SOc, $1.00,
$1.50, $2.00
Men's Fur Caps
Greater selections, correct styles
and lowest in the city prices make
this store Omaha's Fur Cap center.
French Coney Caps
at $2.50
Rich Near Seal Caps
at $3.50
Natural Muskrat Caps
$3.50 and $5.00
Genuine Northern Racoon Caps
at $7.50
Genuine Sealskin Caps
$5, $7.50, $10, $15
Serving Tray$, 95c Up
A splendid tray In mahogany or
walnut, with glass top, for 98o.
Others runglng In THce Up to
Rich New Sheffield Silverware
Discounted 25
i it
Genuine Sheffield Sliver of the
very finest high grade workman
ship and quality. Big new ship
ment just received, all on sale at
25 discount from regular prices.
Note the following:
Don Don Baskets, .12.88, ta.8, $3.75
Bread Tray a 93.80 and 93.40
Hugars and Creamers, each 93.40
Oilvfi Hnldera $4.00
Sliver Tea Kettles, on stands, with
alcohol lamp $13.50
lH-lnrh Serving' Trays SS.35
Tea Strainers SI. SO
Hanilwlch Traya ..93.00, $3.75, $4.60
Mayonnaise Bow la 96.00
fjravy Boats, with tray 90.00
"Tea b.t vaiu.a in Omaha" ia really ffoud toys a ad eaudraa'a gai.u
thlng-s )uu will find In splendid variety in the Baatam st X.aJer Toy shop.
An expc Mally airmig line of Taloclpedes, Bobby Korsas, Sleds, Coast,
rs, Toy Carriages, Enameled Doll rnrattnra, Btrneto Steal Building
Bets, Ives' riecti-io Trains and JCechaulcal Toys, aa well aa numerous
mall iiiAcltli.i.
Prices Range From 10c to $26.50
tarrest Mea's Bat
Departmeat la Ne
braska Mais rioor,
Bast Aisle.
Military Brush Sets, 1.50 to 5.00
Collar Bags, 50c to $.1.00
Traveling Bets, ft.50 to $3.45
Umbrellas (engraved free), fl.oo to QIAO
Women's Holiday Slipp ers
Ribbon trimmed. Fur trimmed, soft sole "Cum
fys." Boudoir In five colors. Pullman slip
pers tan and black. $1.00 to $1.75.
Children's house slippers, 50c to $l.ix.
Scarf Pin and Link 8ets. 50c to $5.00
Full DreRs Jewelry 9ets. l.tM to $I.OO
Tie Clasps and Pin Sets. $1.00 to $a.SO
Initial Silk Watch Guards, $1.04)
Monogram Belts, at $1.00 and up
Cloth, Plush and Leather Caps, at Vc to fl.fto
John B. Stetson Hats, soft or derby, at $:t.5o to $I0.M
Nebraska l Luxe Hats, Nebraska Special Hats, J
Bo' Hats and Caps, 5c to $a; Hockey Caps, 50c and $t
Men's Holiday Slippers
Come In felt ilh leather soles. "Comfy" slip
pers with elk hkin soles. Romeos in black and
tan. Cavalier and Kaust slippers, floe to $2.73.
CORRECT AITAREL FOli MEN AND WOMEN' Uoy8' bouee sllIrr"r at to l-BW-
Bosy Cheeked Dolls of every type and nationality, dressed and .
dressed) blue eyed. Murk and gray eved with black halrl others have
KoUlen lulr and red hair plain, inudert littl dolls and the moat
gorgeously druned: a big- line of the fuaoai Xestner Character SoUs.
Uoy dolls, (Jil l I "oils, all sizes, all types.
Prices Range From 20c to $15.00
Reproductions of Famous
Oil Paintings
They are stretched on canvass and
fitted In beautiful heavy carved, gold
finished frames. Kvcry picture m
copy of a well kuown painting. A
most acceptable gift to anjr homo
lover. They come in two sties,
priced at
I nr. s mr
. lake Your Choice i
Saturday at. . . . lJC.