Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 24, Image 24
TITK BEE: OMAHA: RATTTRDAY, DECEMBER 1R. 1015. 24 00 TMJ3 FOR CHRISTMAS FEED Karketi Tilled with Plenty to Se lect From, with the Price Slightly Higher. THE. KEYS ABOUT THE SAME Junt as mother I-. that turkeys end .thf Chrlirtmn. fowl will sell this I- ! on at about the same prices sit they did last year, alons cornea Mr. Market Man .v- jir.ii nva that Bf-vrrnl other I Important Yulptlne eatables have taken j a decidedly upward turn in itk. - Crstibrrry sauce, for Instance, wilt be very expensive, comparatively speakln;. FVr cranberries, used In maklne; that moot essential adjunct of the turkey din-run-, have suddenly Jumped up tl per bar rel, and on the Chrtatmaa market will cost from 10 to KH rents a quart In stead of only TO to W cents. M they did only one week airo. Likewise, oyster for turkey dressing have experienced a 60 per cent Increase In price within a week. They will aell for 46 cents a quart. Inateaa or w cemis a a week ao. Thin la explained by the ever atorma In the east, which hare not only delayed transportation, but have also tied up the oyiiter basin more or leaa. thua cutting down production by the oyster (rat here ra and making- oyatera comparative acarce on the weatern market. Potatoes dm Potatoes, ao delicious on Turkey day when served maahed with glblet gravy, also are mounting In price, the dealers aay. Although atlll quoted retell at 20 cent a peck, they have gone up In whole sale price, and there la every proapect of a Jitney Increase per peck within a few days, and bushel prlren of tl to US before Ion. A potato shortage, due to the wet growing season, la declared to bo the cause. Holly, mistletoe and other Christmas decorations are otfifr seasonable Items hljrher In price than laat rear. Holly Is selling at J.I cents a pound, an. mistletoe will soon be on the retail market at a flrure considerably hisher than last year. Evergreen rope la t oenta a yard, which la quite a price raise over last Christmas, and It la not very good, either, the dealer admit. One of the best decorative articles to buy, they say, la apanese frleae, a vegetable fiber article dyed red and rreen, whloh makes an Ideal holiday decoration and keeps from year to year. It comes In rope form at t cents a yard, and also In wreath and other design. Apples 1 1 laker. Boxed apples, so enjoyable at this sea son, are fine, but are selling at CO cents to tl higher than a year ago. The trouble la that the better grade and varieties are scarce and the bulk of the production ha been sent to eastern mar kets. Although our old staple friend, butter, I now priced the same a a week ago. tl oenta a pound for the best In either package or bulk form. It I atlll high enough to thoroughly stimulate the but tortus sales, market men say. Since but ter rose from 26 cent per pound, the botterlne sale have Increased at least one-third, and are now a vigorous mar ket feature and gaining dally. Tarkeya Tweaty-Flve Coats. As to the turkey itself. Manager Lools Blnstok of Hayden' meat department ay that If the weather remain a It now la, the price will continue about J6 rents a pound for the best, the same a last Christmas and last week. ' Although not much fresh poultry has come In yet and that commodity Is still scarce on the market, there will probably be plenty of It for Chrlstma. as the really fresh poultry usually come late to market, but In sufficient quantities. Chicken are sUll II cents a pound, geese 17V4 cents and duck 10 cents, for the strictly fresh kind, with good chance of remaining at those figure over the Chrlstma marketing day. The cold storage variety are, of course, cheaper. Pork la quite cheap now, compared to a month ago. chops now coating only 12 cents a pound, InHtesd of 17 cent, a at Thanksgiving time. Ucef prlcea show no change, rounds being 17 cents, sirloin 10 cents, porterhouse STV4 cant and pot roasts, 19 and U cents a pound. Lamb price have been steady for three week, hindquarters selling at 13 oenta and forequarters at 10 cents a pound. Bins la Tkla. Taney bacon Is now priced at tl to to cents a pound, averaging rather thin, with net anv areet production. The et k.m. aell for 17 cent a pound. New mince meat, made without any meat. U II cents a pound, the same a oeiore. NuU era one kind of Christmas food that will be plentiful, choice and quit Fhun says Manager Al King or Hay den' grocery department. Walnut, fil berts. Bra til;' pecans and almond are fresh, attractive atock and all ell at 17 cents a pound. Choice apple cider, with Just the Tight tang" to it. Is plentiful and priced at a quarter a gallon. Oranges and grape fruit offer another liupe to the Yuletide marketer. California navel orange are coming In better than for years. Manager King says, tbelr flavor and color being extra good, and the pricea ranging from 15 to cents a dnsen. Florida grape fruit also are choice and very cheap Just now. Grapes Are Temptlaa. Fancy grapes are temptingly offered. red emperors at II cents and Imported atatata at 20 oenU a pound. The market also affords all sorts of fresh vegetables for the turkey dinner. Ixmislana furnlhe beets, carrots, tur nip, radishea and shalot or onions, at 4 cnts a bunch. From California com head U-ttuoa at 7 cent a head, cauli flower at 7 cents, tomatoes at 10 cent and UrusHcl sprouts at 17 cent a pound. These are choice and plentiful. Strictly fresh country eggs are now K cents a dosvn, or 1 cent cheaper than a week ago. Storage eggs are 25 cent. Among the staples, flour la off 30 cent a barrel, and sells retail at from $1.33 to fl.w per sa-k. The sugar market Is stronger and up W points, making 100- pound sacks sell for $6 60. wholesale. Hood Pbntos coffees are scarce. More Humane Methods for Horses Less Labor and Better Hours for Salesmen No Frozen Milk for You To accomplish them reiruHs a later delivery schedule la in augurated. Some route are now on thl with excellent results. Ton will deal with the driver personally, which will eliminate possibility of errors. Man and horse will not break the roads through snow at 2 A. M. With your help you will bare no more frozen milk, regardless of weather conditions. The salesmen are provided with quilted covers, closed wagons and heating devices. Where milk cannot be taken In Im mediately, boxes and covers will be provided. Call Us if Your Order is Frozen. Your Co-Operation Invited. ALACIITO DAIRY Douglas 409. , Christmas CANDIES in the Cricket Room CHRISTMAS festivities are not complete without plenty of randy. We have plenty and are will ing to share with you. ti- mK n. " Martha Washington choc- rry olates, lb 59o frStS ljA ZeuB chcolfttes, as- jrvOfjVjjr! sorted kinds, lb.. 80c Lt and 1.00 I L XJXT Malllard's New York can- srxSA dle". "N exe P&ckas"es t, A UZS lb H.OO rfhCZ?5- Multane's famous Clncln- 2ik' natl taffies and choco- mmi. " lates, at ..10c to 10.0O Johns'ton's Milwaukee chocolates at, lb $1.25 Dunte Bros, forty kinds, pound 40c to 60e In the Basement Section. Pall candies for Sunday schools, churches or or ganisations at special prices. , urgess-Nash "BV NYlOOVs STORK" ESTABLISHED 1892. fill THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES Southeast Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. $5.45 flt.OO Men' Suit, very k r A r I t'- Men's Heavy Fleeced if fine mixtures, dark pat- S)JJ,aJjJ Union fcuim, all iliei OOC 116 00 Men's All Wool ft n pmr I 110.00 Men's Overcoats, Hults, tailored perfectly, "V - 1 In the latest atyle at ww- w w i Trn-im at S2.00 Men's Fine Wool ft nH 1 t!6.00 Men's Overcoats. Mixture I 'ants, heavy S I ? consisting of very fine weight, at V x -' mat-rials at IS. 60 and $1 Men'a All ff t.A0 All Wool Mack Wool l'antfl, a sreat 2H I .01 inans. all the latest variety of patterns, at... - fahrlcs. at 13. on Hi"i i Corduroy (T 1 f 17.60 1'ants, dark color only, D 1 . 1 1 1 Kill at T I OrercoHtni spe' IS. 00 Men's Fine Rlhbeii a m jn 1160 and tl Mn'e 6am. t'orduroy Pants, custom iTll.aO I fans, all wool, fur made, cuff bottom. at.-.T' I lined. Saturday only.... 75c. Man's Flnn-l Phlrts. Op i nnd J Men's 8a:wple arey and brown only ajOC Hata. up-to-date styles, at......... I Hntiirdnv onlv. at IJ.00 Men's Wool Sweater Coats, shnwl co'lnr. ansoi tMl colors, at. ..... $2.00 Men's Iouble Mole and Heel overslinra, Haturdav only.,... $115 11.60 Ladles' Prus Overihoes, with one buckle, Saturday 7ao ssjsaaajsaesaTaj iesi mn garryC3aaJ " " "' " ' ' ' . :.$4.95 $7.45 $3.95 Men's Moleskin, tfjr nH pihep skin lined Dr y rnta, special. t. . . " 50c $1.00 9 I Tools J AGENTS FOR GIFFORD WOOD CO.'S Celebrated ICE TOOLS Complete Stock Send for 1910-16 Catalogue James Morton & Son Co., '"SKm1 "THE HARDWARE PEOPLE" !U jjj ' j.:M-- ' Kf-X,-W - mmSA BisMTiiiiiiitA Coffee Delicious"! Rrrmiilr fur f rmm, Coughs, colds, croup, hoarseneaa, is flamed throat, bronchia! trouble or sore t-heet are relieved by Foley Honey and Tar, which opens stopped air passacea, soothes and heals Inflamed surface, aad restore normal breathing. W. C. A Hem, Xioseley, M0.4 says: 1 have raised family of four children and used Foley lloMy and Tar wtlh all of them. I find It the beat cough and croup medicine ever used. I Used it for eitftt or tea year and can reoouurend It for croup. t-o!j ever wherey-Jldvertlaeinent. Don't Buy Scores of Christma Gifts- t. Spend $100 and Make It Secure One Gift for All Make It a 3( Christmas , J? S ratle lns 1 p. Te !fn-J oootrart tt Outfiel-Jer Ar 1 ur l '" t. rtty N--iv ho iai tha CVn- Lil 1 a S jc ifl t Hit I. jf I'flt lclsXril, f4U i' i ti'.t J ly ( Ui' iii;uti club. 1 imr fell J 1W-'. n ' Tffv -TTT- ' Bach rear In ths pst your had to spend Just so much money to cover the (rifts to each and every member of the household, so why not LUMP the price this year spend, say $100 and purchase the "Gift Royal." the gift everybody makes or would like to make, the gift that may be enjoyed by giver as well as those given to, a glorious, unrivaled, erer entrancing VICTOR VICTROLA. If we wero to tell you of the NUMBERS of Vlctrolas we are selling as Christmas Gifts you would look Incredulous and perhaps say "Impossible P But we're the documents to prove it Here's the Gift A Handsome Model XI Victrola The Eeal Victrola The late Victrola The large Victrola The Victrola possessing everv Victrola improve ment A beauty. $100 seems to be one of the most popular prices for Victor Vic trolas. But, don't stop at the price, because if you want to go still higher we will show you Victrolas at $100, $150, $200, $250 and up to $350 and if $100 is too much we have delightful models at $75, $50, $40, $25 and even at as low as $15. Victrola pleasures, you see, are open to all. We will sell Vlctrolas for cash or on time payments; we wCl ship them to any point on Free Trial, charges prepaid; we will furnish any part, supply or accessory for a Victrola, and we carry the largest selection of Victor Records ever gotten together by a western house. Don't merely THINK of getUng a Victrola. but OHT H and START the pleasures ypu may have If you POSSESS one. No Other Talking Mac hint PUy, a Victor Record Uk a Victor Victrola Play It MICKEUS Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb. Council Bluffs Establishment at 334 Broadway. fin m'1 Christmas Suggestions Abound in Plenty at the Four Rexall Drug Stores A ms-rniricent display of Holiday Gifts In tpls ever y-l ay-needed IruH, Toilet Articles, ChrtMmns XovHtlpa and llooteholl Nernvdtlpa, at prices that ennphaaizo stnmttcr than ever before the economic ad vantaes afforded patrons throiiKh onr bojing and selling for four busy drug Mores. TOILET AND DRUG STORE GOODS 60c Pompclan cream at 60c bottle Bay Rum 6 cakes Ivory or Wool Soap, at... 26c Sanltol Tooth Powder, at 60o Mai vlna Cream 60o Java ltlce ' Powder Tor 60c Itlckswkeri' Cold Cream, t &0o Melba Cold and Powders for Vt, . A,cock' rorous Plasters. io I2C Bromo Seltzer, 711 ISO, 39o and..... I 06 Massaae ...29c 25c 19c 14c 29c 29c 29c Cream 29c 60c Caldwell's Pepsin, at 60c Doan's Kid ney Pills, at Father John's Medicine, at Fellows' Syrup for $1.25 Oude'a Pcpto Marfan . . 25c Hill's Caa rara Quinine . . . . Mnrllck's Matted Milk, 39e and... It Hyomei, complete Linterine, Ho, ISO, 89o and.... Rvmp MrIUb's Food RAt OQp 39o and VtU Mennon's Talcum (' atje'r"' .120 34c rr'.T.... I4c :..29c 140 84c 98c 14c 69c 89c 59c at 1 Dla- 'aim olive or Jap Boss Soap, Saturday, 6C (s-cnutne). 60c I'ape 1 pepsin 2 no Packer' Tar Soap, at.... 11.00 Plnkham'a Compound, a.t . . 60c Pebeco Tooth 1 astev at Il.u0 Plnaud'e J.llns Vegetal, at. Sal Hepatlca, 19o, 340 and 60c Syrup of FIrs 1 60c Scott' i Kmulrfion i 25c Tlx, for I tender feet, at . . 64c 34c 59c 64c 34c 34c 14c PERFUMES When in doubt what to give, choose perfume. You can not go wrong, as perfumes are always acceptable. We have been Importers for over twenty-five years. The newest odors aro sure to come to us first. Our line consists of all the famous foreign and the domes tic makes, In dainty bottles and In bulk. MAKE IT A KODAK XMAS Kodaks, Supplies and Ansco Cameras $2.00 and Up CIGARS FOR MEN Smokers, Remember Saturday in Our Cigar Dept 5c 25c 10o Robt. Burns, for 10c Cubanolds, 4 for 16c Heynaldo Gran- I fin dtosos, each I UB Box of ten 15c quality, foil wrapped Ma- QC. nlla Cigar . U3l 10c 60 Henry Oeorje 0 1 fit for WllUtf 6c Reynaldos, I for , Box of 60 Little I CC Toms, for I lUU Box of 60 Ma- TfJ I Q CI I nlla Regalias.. .WliuQ '4 FOUNTAIN PENS Waterman's and oth ers, $1.00, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.00, $3.00, plain or mounted designs. 51, $1.50, f.50 rail Qt. Thermos bottles, 52, S2.50, $3.50 LIGGETT & FENWAY Dainty . rrT?- Dutch Delights I & the Very Choicest Made Confections L.laett's Elect Chocolate, containing a nut, fruit or nouarat center), lb CatTDY (every qC Usgett's Butter and Milk Bittersweet, per lb... 1 lb., at Llgrg-ett' Fnilt CodrtaJa Chocolates, lb 1 lb., at....; We sell the original (Barfs) urday Candy," fresh, every Saturday, 1 lb 1-lb. box Trlola . Sweets, for 1-lb. box Galvln's Rip. Pineapple Chocolates 40o ...800 50c .91.00 "Sat- 29c 39c 39c MILITARY BRUSHES $1.50 to $3 per pair. In various pretty woods and In cel luloid. . i TOILET SKIS I In celluloid .and German sliver, S2 to $15. RAZORS, SHAVING MUGS, BRUSHES x BLADES AND SUrrLIES $5.00 Gillette Raior $3.08 Satarday Only Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. " Corner 16th and Dodge Streets. Owl Ktur Co., 16th and Harney Streets. T,oval, 207-Q Xfrth 16th St. ' Harvard. 34th and Farnam 6ts. :mas rresents Without Wasting Your Time Duyuinsi By visiting; the Church Fair In the court of THE BEE BUILDING Where ladies of 24 church have a large and beautiful selection of useful, ornamental and fancy articles suit able for all purposes. MOTHERS AND SISTERS Always have and always will know how to make and se lect the best there is in Christmas Gifts let them do it for you now save time, money and disappointment by buying from them, this year as thousands did in past seasons. Satisfaction guaranteed is their slogan. This Incomplete List Shows the VARIETY OF ARTICLES FOR SALE Home Made Candy Mince Meat Fruit Cake Jelly bluffed Dates Cakea iHmghnuts Pies Preaenres Drevsed Dolls Homo Cooking, all kinds Embroidered Towels Aprona, fancy and plain CortM Covers DuU Clothes leather Goods Fancy Iteg i Handkerchiefs Children's Muffs Hand Fainted China Comforts Pin Cushions Underskirts Ihist Caps Stocking Bags Waahaltls ltug DoUy Holla Napkin Case Table Mat Infanta' Wear EVERY DAY THIS WEEK IS A Bargain Day at the 1915 CHRISTMAS FAIR V