Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 23, Image 23
Till, HEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. DKCKMRKH IS. 1013. 23 IOWA. KKIL ESTATE I REAL FSTATF FOR EXC1I NGB ITtDll r ft . s a a . a - 4 , n ft fx ! i -- - --- - ERTT FOR FARM LANDS tf yoo want to go farming on a No. A-t farm, w bav acme good land of this kind, where you ran iro and ranke good, not only In crops. !ml In advance on price of land. We will consider your house, or city property aa part payment, balance long time. See us at onre aa we have only a few farms lift on which we can give you this kind of a deal. SCOTT & HILL 10., Doug, low, Qround Floor McCague Bldg. Iowa Farm Wayne County lT'r acres adjoining Rood town, lava fine, deep hlsek loam soil, well Improved; lo-a. pastures, hug tight; S sides of farm) fenced hog tlsht: good 8-room house; fine i raw barn, 8ix45 ft., with mow for 4S tons; good gianary, s cribs, poultry, rog ana wood houses; fair horse barn, 32x20 ft., shedded one side; good yards, well ar ranged to handle stock, water piped to yards; new mill; young orchard, also aome small fruit. This farm offered for Jiifl per a. Owner also owns a good 0 a. Joining : grood town. In Alfalfa county, Okl.; very well Improved; price, $10,000. Will either ell these places outright or exchange for 1 something larger In one piece. In Iowa. , Fine Ranch ,Ono a., located In Holt county, near i Atkinson; good soil, well grasped; till able; 290 acres now In cultivation: 60 a. In alfalfa; W0 a. hay land; 1,000 a. pasture; running water year arouno, supplied by springs. Some oak timlier near streams. Fenced and cross-fenced; 9 miles hog tight; good 8-room house; large barn; fine outbuildings and sheds to house 900 head stock. Yaids. dipping tank, scales, etc. Improvements are worth at least JIR.O"". Price, $15 per acre. Including stock. Mort gage. flS.000; 9 yrs. to run. Would con alder good eastern farm as part payment. D. V. bholes Co. tfl5-16 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 49. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET f F: V KN-PA SS BXO K It for 6-room bungalow. luto to exchange Phone Doug. SS9H. OWNKK will exch farm near Co. Bluffs, I residences In Omaha and Wlnsl.te, Neb., for small farm and cash. J 9H0. bee. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 15 Acres This land la northwest of Florence about 1H miles; has a good t-room house with barn and good well; some fruit tre-a. Owner wanta offer. Now la the time to buy to use or aa an Investment. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas i0. & Bee Bldg. MISSOURI. In the Heart of the Ozarks 80 acres, 30 acres In cultivation. 4S0 rods Woven wire fence. 100 bearing apple trees, -room house, ood cistern, near Salem, Mo. Price $1,200, half cash. 40 acres. Umber land, IB acres valley, balance hill land. Price $10 per acre. $40 cash, balance $10 per month. This Is the best and surest investment you can make. Call or write for booklet. W. S. Frank, ytt Neville Block. Omaha. o. SKW YORK. Choice Farms for Sale. Buy a Steuben County Farm. Select list of fine dairy and potato, farms at attractive prices. K0 acres, y 1.K0 ; . W acres, $4.2ju; W acres, $J.9"0; 7 acres, ' 11,900; llifl acres. $S,000; 160 acres. $4,100, tn) acres,; M acres, iw acres, $2,100; 76 acres. $?100; 104 acres. $3,250; 7;) acres. $2,6)0; 100 acres, $2,Su); 202 acres. 44,000. These places are all improved, and lhe prices will rise soon, as the liorden 'Jul Stevens people are building large "'Jk stations and condenserles In this val ley nt Kavnna. Hath. Knnona. Avoca and C'ohVicton. we have many other select ! i i properties, write ror complete ae suripUion. terms and facts about Steuben countJv In general and the Conhocton val ley in particular. A. J. Towner, Avoca. JpteuberCo New York. o REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDB $2,900 CREIGIITON'S 1ST ADD. Living room dining room, bedroom, kitchen, pantry on first floor; bedroom, sun room and bath on second floor: oak finish, funiace, elegant llxtures, cement basement and walks; east front lot; close to school; $M0 cash, balance monthly. Brand new. C. O. CARLBERG, 112 Brandela Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE FOR KALE Eight-room house at 444 N. Slst St., near Cass; $l,iX) cash, bulance easy term. Owners: Johnson Brothers Land Company, Sioux Clty. la. REAL BARGAINS CHOICE, CENTRAL LOCA TIONS 615 and 617 So. 41st St. VERY SIGHTLY Paved street, cement walks, city water, good cistern!, gas and sewerage. AND ONLY 12.000 EACH IF SOLD NOW. J. U COOK, 625 SO. 41ST ST. MISSISSIPPI. v Wonderful, la what.Jople say after seeing and tasting tV soft shell pecan grown at Ocean Springs, Miss. It is wonderful, not only because you have never seen such nuts before, but because they are not grown to such perfection else where. Thla is a broad assertion to make, but it can easily be proven. OCEAN SPRINGS with its mild and equitable climate, splendid artesian water, rich soil and extreme healthfulness. makes It not only a good place to live, but one In which to make a living. PECAN GROWING Is the most profitable and most cer tain industry known to soil cultiva tion. The trees live for hundreds of years and Increase in value with age, giving you an assured income for life, regardleca of Industrial depression, and leaving an Inheritance for your fam ily far better and greater than you could provide for them by any other means. TILE EASY monthly payments by which you can secure a 6 or lo-acre pecan orchard, which will do this for you, is an opportunity which you should not and cannot afford to pass by without giv ing it your serious thought and In vestigation. ASK about It today. We will gladly afford you all assistance for investigation and Inquiry Into this matchless op portunity. ChII, write or phone W. T. Smith Co., Douglas 2X19. City Nat l Bank Bldg. .VKUHUKA, The One Best Buy Anywhere Perkins Co., Neb., Lands, $15 to $25 acre. Come see for your self. We prove it or pay all of your expenses. Enough said Write for particulars to DAVE SHUTER, GRANT. NEB. Agents Wanted in Every County. Write me. REAL E8TATF I X VESTMENTS 100x169 Harney, just nest of 20th, $38 M. (Near Grain Exchange.) Harrison & Morton 99 Year Lease S2 feet frontage on 24th street near Far nam to lease on favorable terms. An op portunity seldom offered. Glover & Spain Doug. 3J62. 919-20 City National. Farnam Street 100 feet on Farnam St., near :0th. JS5.000. Harrison & Morton Receipt of All Good, with Hundred and Twenty-Two Cart of Wheat Reported. MOST SALES A FT CENT HIGHER OMAHA, Iecemher 17. DlS. The receipts of all cereals were very good. There whs U cars of wheat re ported in, and there Was a good c.ian do-j.-miiiid. Oieat was unuiiatiged to lie In her. but moat of the sale were made at a cent higher. The receipt of corn have finally reached tne hundred mark, there oeing lu cars or corn in touay. The better grade attain command, d a premium, soil ing IV; higher, wnue the poorer grades soul unchangea to a cent lwer. Oais Mine a poor aeiiur, only a few oars being reported sold, ana oata were quoted unchanged to a lower. Kyw waa unuuaiiget to Ho higher. Clearance of wueat anu fiour were equal to 9i,0u) buaheis; corn, ILUUO bush cm. cm is. li.uou buanels. At JJverpool Wheal closed HOld highei-a corn, unchanged to d up. i rlniury wheat rvcuiois were j.,oS4,00J busheis and siilpuieiii 4-a,uio busnels, agauiHi luce pis of hiK,ln) bushels and ampinents of wuono bushels last year. ii iiiiHi corn receipt were 1,IM,OUO busheis and shtlunriiis RS3,ouo busliols, akalnsi itc'.!n f hjo.onii bushels and siiipuiunis or !.;l,(io busucis Utrt year. 1 nuiuiy oais receipts wore i,u00 buh els and anlinnenis ij..(.hj liushoia, against receipts of a,iw huaheis and suipmenta Ol Vui.tMl bumiela lam year. CAKOT HtCKirTS. . Wliaai. Corn. Oats. Chicago im JM m Minneapolis Stlo ... ... lulutn 4 tlnutliu 12 106 ii bU Uiui's UK IS 71 Winnipeg l.PH These rales were reported today: Wheat No. t hard winter: 1 car, I1.0S; 8 cars. $1.0?,; 4 cars, H.O, ; e oars, $1.(; 10 cars, 1 ml; 1 ear, $1.06v; t cars, ll.u; 11-3 cats, $1.(4. No. 4 hard winter: 4 t-b cars, $i.w; i cars. WV 1 is"", Wc; i cars, Vhc S oars, 9Tc: 3 cars, WW'; 1 ear, Me; t cars, MVc: 8-6 curs, $6o. ham pie: 1 car. So; 1 car, ic; 1 car, h7ei -B car, H.-; 2-i car, 7Kl No. 4 spring: 1 car, $1.05. No. X mixed: W car, fl.i. No, it mixed: 1 car, JUT; S ear, $1.06. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 9fc No. 2 duruint 1 car, $l.i.U'. No. It mixed durum: 1 ear, ll.OL'H. No. 1 mixed durum: 2 cars, $1.0. iNo. 4 durum mixed: St car, (c Kye No. 2: car, 9'c. No. 8: I cars, sci 1 1-8 cars. 8i. Hurley No. 3: 1 car. Mc. Corn No. 3 white: 1 car (old), 70Vc; 1 car. (jC'c; 1 car, 6,c. No. 4 white: cars. P44ic; 1 car, 64'4c; 1 car, $4c. No. 6 white: 1 car, 3c; 2 cars, (52c; 1 car, lHc, No. 6 white: 2 cars, ; 1 car, tto; 1 car, 6dc. No. 4 yellow: t cara, 6Vc, No. yellow: 2 cars, &tc; 3 cars, 62 He; I cars, 61c; 1 car, hovc: 1 car, (c; 1 car, 6Sc. No. 1 mixed: Vi car, 8c. No, 8 mixed: 3 cars Wc: I car, 6bo. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 8oe: 1 car. Mo: 1 car, Wc; 1 car, 64c. No. 5 mixed: 4 cars, SHVc: 2 ears. Wlc; 3 ears, SJ'c; t cars, M'tr: 1 car. 81c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car (old), 7c; 1 car, ttfVfcc; 1 car, lc; 1 car, te; cars. Doc: 2 cars, D9Hc Sample: 1 car. 67Hc; 1 car, 66c: 1 car, 55c; 1 car. 54c; 1 car, 45c. Oats No. 3 white: 1 car, 41Vc. Standard: 2 cars. 41c. No. 8 white: 1 car. 40Vtc; 1 car. 40c; 7 cars. 4c. No. 4 white: 2 cars, 40c; 6 cars. S9Vjc. Sample: 4 cars, 3Ko: 1 car, 8Sc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 hard, tl.MWr1.10; No. 3 hard, $1 .(Mff1.07H; No. 4 hard. Mcl-OO; No. 2 spring, Jl.05tfl.01; No. 3 spring. J1.02iftl.06; No. 2 durum, $1.024ri OS's: No. "8 durum. J1.011T1.02; sample, i.ytivc; .o. i wnue, onvjuic; io. 3 white. writUc; No. 4 white, 64-W4c; No. i while. 6Ki'3c; No. 6 white, 69 .2c; No. 2 yellow, IMi68iy: No. 3 yellow, J7V4j fic; No. 4 yellow, 6fi(i7c; No. 5 yellow, fi6fiUc; No. 6 yellow, V(c: No. 2 mixed, CfiMififiTc- No. 8 mixed, ria'c ; No. 4 mixed, KWMoc; No. 6 mixed, 61(o3MiC; No. fl mixed, dymTCHe: sample mixed. 44'qR7Vio. Osts: No. 2 white, 414j4l Mic; standard, 40V(M1e; No. 2 white. 40-i4nic: No. 4 w hite. 3!M.ifi40c. Barley: Malting. 6fti5c; No. 1 feed, fififitsc. Rye: No. 2. BSsoc; No. 3. Chicago closing prices furnished The Bee by bogan & Bryan, stock and grain Brokers. 31ft Bouth S xtoenth. Omana UlOJlt REAL K8TATK SUBUIIBAN Dundee. Westward Growth Remember Omaha's best residence growth ha always been west First Capitol Hill. Then West Farnam. Now Dundee. The past proves that early purchases In the best residence districts means profits for the purchasers. No better time than now to buy prop erty in Dundee's newest addition, tho right location, between 4Bth and 62d. Dodge and Howard Sts., and plan that new house. Low prices easy terms. George & Company Phone D. 'M. 902 City Nat, Bank Bldg. SAVE tt.000. We offer our well Improved 2n0acre farm ii ar Nnrer, Neb., for $I0..X).i if - sold quick. John U Isaak, American Kalla, Idaho. o I M !. UPFEU W'ISCC.N SIN Beat dairy and general crop state in the union; settlers w anied; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central l-and Grant Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Doit., Boo Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. M 1 8 -' U L. 1. A K O L It . HAVE YOU A FARM FOR 8AI.ET Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent duys for $J. or W woids, J4, or It w ord a 16. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; jU).ooo reader daily In four great lUItt HEAL ESTATE LOAN'S COO TO flO.OOO mad promptlj. T. D. CI.TY. nd tl"'m '", 6, bhi. per cent. J. H. Du inont Co.. 414 State bank. "Kllf KulA'1 mA w.111 . . . I A , - wu I.I U NkUUU'll.UU furniture into cash. CK7,Y ,l'roerty- L-e loans a specialty. W. H ' Thomas. Jai Stats Hank Hl.ig South America is Hearing All About the Municipal Tree El Norte Americano, the most impor tant publication of its kind, published In the interests of the United States and circulated In South America, is using a picture of the Omaha court house with last year's Christina tree in front of It as the frontispiece. The picture la labeled. "Arbol De Na tlvtdad Del Munlclplo, Omaha, Estado De Nebraska," which in English mean Municipal Christmas tree, Omaha, state of Nebraska. El Norte Americano and the companion magazine, the South American, are pub lished by the South American Publish ing company, of which Wing B. Allen, formerly of Omaha, la president Mr. Allen, after leaving Omaha, became in terested in newspaper work in Washing ton and later waa business manager of the Bait Lake Tribune and then estab lished these two publications, of which ha he ha made a great guoces. Article! Open. Hluh. Uw. Close. Yes'y. Wheatl I I lc.1ll8W4 1 1RH 1 1 HH 111 t May. II 19' 1 W, 1 17WI mls 118 Corn. DeoAlffH 71H 7"H 70'4j 71, 1 May.74g73S 74 TVtVSF 72TSCf'73 7SSy Oats. Dec. 42H 424 42 42 42H May. 4offH 46 45 46 45H Pork. Jan.. 18 50 18 55 18 45 18 45 18 84 Mhy. 18 50 18 50 18 40 18 50 18 70 Lard. .Ian.. 9 0tf?M 9 62H 55 67H 10Ti May.9 9fl90 9 .' 86 9 87VillO 00-02 Ribs. Jan..l 87H 90 70 COtrts! t 85 Mar. I 10 22'l 10 22HI 10 10 I 10 10 I 10 Za CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION! b TO 6 lor loans ou best emu tuy residences In amount, J2.0U0 up also Jmlo"", Keaonable cominlssrons PETEKS TRUST CO., 1S22 Farnam St OMAHA home. East Nebraska farms. O'KF.EFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1014 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. FA KM AND CITY LOANS: OIXIUOHKKTV & HI'UHES Tit Keeltne bldg. Phone F) 1013 MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. Ikf', CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg. Ji "' 12 Brandeis Theater Bldg. RK!AJi ESTATE WASTED IF YOU really-want" tosell "yourprop srty. our plan works. We put a de sert it inn within the reach of every pos sible buyer in Omaha and vicinity. REALTY LlSTlNCJ COMPANY, Tyler 400. 400 Ware B k. MRS. PECK VICE PRESIDENT OF THE ANTI ASSOCIATION Mrs. Edward Porter Peck of Omaha Is on of the four vice president elected to the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, which held It conven tion in Washington early in the week. Other local women In attendance at the meeting were Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Mrs. William Archibald Smith, the dele Cation being expected home within a day or two. President Wilson received an anti-suffrage delegation, of which Mrs. Peck was a member, Tuesday In the East room. Mrs. Arthur M. Dod . of New York City was re-elected president Mrs. Dodge and Miss Minnie Bronson organ ised the local anti-suffrage society close to two year ago. 1 FIVE COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETINGS POSTPONED Prominent Omaha business men are so busy just now with commercial activ ities connected with the Christmas trad that they have no time for Commercial club committee meetings. Five of these meetings were scheduled for noon, following group luncheon at the clubrooms. But after falling to secure a Quorum for any of thera. Comrn's sloner Manley had to postpone all. When notified by telephone of the in tended meetings, most of the members replied that they were too busy to spend even an hour for luncheon outside thulr offices or stores, let alone attending any meeting afterward. Features of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 17. Wheat prices broke rapidly todtty after the government's crop figures were posted. The clone wa un settled but He to l"ic lower, with Docem her at J1.16H,, and May at $L171.18. Com finibhod 4ic to l'c down, and oats i.c to In provisions the outcome vari'-d from the same as yesterday's dose to 870 decline. Notwithstanding that the crop report from Washington showed a decided re duction in the acreage of winter wheat as compiyed with what had "been seeded, the trade appeared to be chiefly Im pressed with the fact that another bumper yield was in prospect A a re sult bears pressed the selling with much more confidence and there was a great deal of unloading by speculative holders. Settlement of the Belt Line railway Mrlke here had given at the start con siderable advantage to the bears In wheat, but temporarily the market responded to higher quotations at Liver pool and to fear that the switchmen's dispute with a number of railroads here might cut down receipt at some crit'eal Juncture. Toward the end of the day jthe construction placed on the United mates government crop report appeared to nullify all other factors. Heavy Profit taking sales nulled down corn after the market at the outset had touched the highest prices yet thla sea son. Oats weakened In sympathy with corn. iTnvlslons underwent a material sag in all the active options. Ixjwer prices on hogs were reaponattile. Packers fed the market carefully and filled up all buyers. fpicano Hsu trices vt neat: No. it red, .aO;M.22: No. 8 red. $1 16&1.1SV; No. 2 hard. 21.17V-' 1.18H; No. J hard. ll.U91.ll Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal: No. 4 yel low, new. tSU'nGdUc; No. 4 white, new. 7V;'4c. Oats: No. $ white. 40'JP42c; standard, iSWiU'iif- Rye: No. X. nomi nal; No. J, 91'c. Barley, 614Wle. Heeds: Timothy. $6 0011.75:. clover. JIO.0ran9oa 1'rovtalons: Pork. JH.70: lard. $S.40: ribs. J9 KA4. I0 if. POTATOES Iiiwer; receipts, 86 ears; Michigan and Wisconsin whites, 65T3c; Minnesota and Dakota white. 6)'ii'73c: Ohio's, tifrfiioc. POULTRY Alive, lower; fowl, ile; springs, 12c; turkeys, lSo. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of tne Day , Tarleas Coaaodltla. NEW YORK, Deo. 1T.-FT.OTTR Firmly held; spring patent, $5.Oi?ftj.0O; winter straights, $o.SWs6.6o; Kansas straights, J6.60rtV65. WHEAT Spot, Irregular, No. 1 durum,'i. f. o. b.. New York; No. 1 northern Dultith. $1.844 . and No. 1 northern. Manitoba, $1.2, c I f . Buffalo. Futures were barely steady; December, tl.231, CORN Spot barely teady; No. t yel low, 2e, prompt. OAT-frot steady. HA Y Firm; prime, Jl.fTM: No. 1, Jl.JK; No. 2. J1.16&1.20; No. J, (l.O-tpl.Ob. ship ping 90c HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1915. 2OfrX0c; 1914. 5rtl0a: Pacific coast 1915. lUonic: 1M4. 8fll6c. HIDES Steady; Bogota, JOfjVlc; Central America, 15c. LEA T H Elt Firm ; Hemlock first. JS0 Jl... w-onH. KtilUc PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; me, J18 7B 19 00; famUy, $30 bOtu'S 50; short clears, It iyf,24.a Beef ouiet; mess, ti.lfi 17.00; family. P8.iobi8.60. Lard, easy; middle west. J.TWrSSO. TALLOW Firm: city. Jc; nominal; county. 7H$rV: special. Hio. Bl'TTEH r'lini; reelt. 6.088 tubs; creamery extrax, 3V(i37ic; firsts, 2)ty&c; seccimle, 'Jlrtt-c, E'jtid Weak; rece'pts, 5.414 cas; uratli'-ied extra fine. (Mlc; extra flrets. ;:j)tsr; flrsn. 3i(ii'k-, seconds, 3''alto. t'liEl'SE Klriii: receipts. l.43 b.ixi-s; male, wi.nle milk flats held spbchIs, l'.',r.; average fancy, lb'il7c; ciirrent pcciiils, liTc, aw ci ate luucy, 16'g;(jic. POULTRY Alive, weak; western chick ens, 144il4Wc: fowln, i;iiillc, turkeys, o i If-ic iresevi steady; iresn silled western chicken. lo4jV; fowls. lifl7Hc; tur kejs. i'.'u2.')0. OMAHA OE8RRV. MARKET. JOUlTRT Alive: Turteys, any sit ever 1 lbs., ire; broilers, ii ?n7c: springs, 11c; ducks, 10c: geese, 10c; hens, riill.-; young iilunea hens, each, J5c; roosters, c. OY8TEHS Chesapeake, standards, per gallon, $1.10: standards. $1 20; selects, I1W; northern, standards, $U41, selects, tl.T, New York counts. $1 :v. Northern, small cans. 241 2c; large cans, lnu'io. Chesa neake, small cans. 204jJK'; large cana. yst FISH Halibut, 'lie; salmon, fresh pink, Jcj fresh red, UHc: catfish, freeh, lo; trout, freah. 13c; white fun. fresh. ITci rod snapper, fresh, 1S-; catfish, (roten. 13c; smelts, froren, 10-It. ooxea, $1 ti; moked whit fish, 14c; kippered salmon, l"c. FR07.FN FIPTT-Haliit. sites to suit lOSc; catfish, large, for stesu. 13c: sal mon, falls. c: Mlmoa. l!-,e-s lNs; No. 1 trout. He; No. 1 wH'teflsn, dressed, 10c; No. 1 whlieitsh. large. l."c; l white fish. Jumbo. Ifr; plckere"v rund W. C . 4c; pickerel, headless, tc; black bass, order sum, 2bc: herring, dressed, pair frosen. tic; blueflah extra fancy, lie; red napper. heaulvas, dressed 10c; floun dere, 10c; scallopa, per gallon. $100. KMOKF.Ii -White. I0-IU. bssksta per lb., 14c KIPPEKED FISH Salmon. 10-th. bas kets, per lb., 17a I'KLKRT-Vammonth. per i"it.. te. REEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. 1. l!Hc; No. I. 16Sc; No. J, UHo. Loins: N-. 1, il',c; No. 2. 18e; No . c. ChuoKs: No. 1, 10c; No. 2, Sc; No. J, Rounds: No. 1, 14o; No. 2. 13c; No. S, 12c Plate: No. L Vo; No. t, c; No. J, 8c. I4VK Pol'LKi Bforieis, 1H to 1' lbs., in separate com p., 17c; over 1H to J ll., 16o; springs, any size, '2Wc; ducks, picked. H price, but not wanted, Ho; hens, over 4 lbs. per lb., HVtc; roosters. 84c. Turkejs, 17c; old Tom. 15c; undet J lbs., so; less than S lbs. ach tint wanted. Ueese, full feathered and fat $c; picked, 4 price, but not wanted Guinea,, each, il5c; young. 1 to lha each, 86c. Homer squats. 14 os. and over. $100; 10 to 12 os., JJ.U); No. L must welglJ s os., $1.50: under S ox, OOo t'lgoons, any kind, per do,., hoc. Star Brand Ben Davis, $;.7& ner bairel; Willow Twigs, 3.2i per barrei; Winesaps, JS.W per barrel; Jonatnans. $3.uU per bar rel. Shield Brand-Rlack Twigs. $3.50 per barrel; Black Twlga. commcriclal brand. $A per barrel; Ben Davis. Illinois. per barre'. BUTTER Best creamery, 32c; seconds, In cartons or tubs, 2c; good dtilry, ti'ii 2c; country, common, lKViC. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 44c; domestic, 30c; block, 24c: twins, lvc; dal.-.y, 19c; triplet. 13Wo; younn Ameri can, L0c; blue label brick. 19HC; Umburger, 2oc; New York while, WVic; ImpoitOii French Rocquefort 4Sc. KKL'lTb Mavai orange,; extra fancy. 80s and Via. Jj.uo box; extra lancy, lis, 2Ms and -4a, box; extra fancy Cali fornia navels, Mis, I2s, IXtb toon.; extra fancy c'.alltornla navels, luns. $.i 7 j box; extra faucy California navels, lis, 20os, 21ta, 2o0s, $4.2t box. FLORIDA ORANGES-12S, 1G0S. 174s, 20os, Ms, mm, $2.7u box. GRAPE FRUIT Florida grape fruit: 4ft, 64s, 64s. Mta, $3.50 box: 9i;a. $3 X box; libs, $2.75 box. Tarpon brand: J, $.i.7a box; 4a, $4.00 boXi 64s, $4.2 box; 64s, u, J4.5U box. LEMONS Extra fancy California Sunkist lemons. 300s. Si'iOs, $5.00 box; extra fancy California Bunkfst lemons, 42os, $4.50 box; extra fancy) California Red Ball lemons, $4.50 box; extra fancy Florida limes, $l.&txa2.00 baskjkt. U RAPES Emperor, packed In drum, patented cork for long keeping, keg; Uncle bam brand, clusteis, $4.50 per buT; Catawbas, l.Ho basket. CRANBEltKIEB Monogram brand (Bell & Bugle), $3.00 bbl.; Jersey Bell, late Howes, $9.00 bbl.: Khamrock or run rise brand (strictly fancy Joracys), $8.00 bbl.; Chief brand, Jumbo. $11.00 bbl.; cranberries, $2.76 box. PEAR 8 Extra lancy Winter Nellies (small sizes), $2.50 box. CIDER New York Mott Sweet (very best grade), $3.76 keg; Nebraska Ne hawka. $3.25 keg. SWEET POTATOES Market strnna and advancing; extra fancy California Jersey (about 100-lb. crates). $3.00 crate; extra fancy California Jersey, $1.50 ham per. ruTATUEB Colorado white, 76c buj. Red River Ohioa, 8io bu. ONION'S Vellnar V. Ih XI A mk. lb.; Spanish (Imported Bermudas), l.G6 crnie. NUTS-No. 1 walnuU, lHo lb.; blk. walnuu, Jo lb.; hickory, 4o Ib.f filberts. 15o lb; pecans, 12 Wo lb.; Braalls. Ik lb: almonds. l5o lb. MISCELLANEOUS Crackeriaek. ax SO case; crackeriack. one-half case, ti n: rase; fard datea, I2tta lb.; salted peanuts, can; popcorn, tu, I ID. pacKage, $2.9 case; corn pops, $.'..26 case; cornpopa, one half case, J1.66 case; 8. W. dates. J1.X5 bog. Honey. J3.76 caae. Airline, 2 dos. i oi., J1.50 caae. Cocoanuts. $3.50 bag, Tto dos. Cider: Motta, $3.76 keg; Motts, one- half bbL. 17.26 bbl.; Nehawka, U.Jn keg. Kansas City (rala and ProTlsloa. KANSAS CITY. Dec 17. WHEAT- Panh' Vi, 9 k4 t1 saM,.,1 1 ) M Of n . simu, ay, wis i, as, , w j, I TTU. J1.14rl.l; Deceintr. $1.07; May, $1.09. CORN No. J mixed. MV4c; No. J white, 66 Ho; Deoember, 65WS)66c; May, 6(1x40. oa 1 is 1-o. , wnue, Ki'&isc No. 3 mixed. 8!V(T40e. BUTTER Creamery. S3c: firsts. Sic: seconds, JOn; packing, 19n. K1! hirsts. 29c; sflennds, SOc. POULTRY Hens, lO'.tffllc; turkeys. 17c: springs, 12c. at. Loala Grata Mtrket. ST. LOUIR. Mo.. Dec. 17. WHEAT W r! 4.4w 1 . , m nam iittini nal; lwmlr, Jl.12'4: May, $l.l5',!j.i. 11,14, CORN No. 2. Hf9c; No. 2 white 69; December, 63e; May, 70'4c. OATS No. J and No. 2 white nominal Liverpool Grain Market. LrVFRPOOL. Dee. 17. WHEAT "pot no. 1 Msnnooa, lis o ; jo. 1, 12s ia: .no, J. 11s lid; No. 2 hard winter, new. lis 9d CORN Spot American mixed, new, 9s 2a. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKETS Cattle Receipt! Light and Trade it Slow at Steady Fricei Sheep Steady to Ten Higher. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE HIGHER OMAHA. Deoember 17. 1PI5. Ciii, llos. Sheep. .. e.7;9 8.4KJ i.n4? ,. 7,ia u.i i3.f. .. 7.423 1S.B48 11.77s .. 6.4.A 17.U73 9.1r-2 .. l.S) S.OK) lir.JIS M.173 ; M.74" rv.eUi 37 s0 I 1D.:W 41.2 I lM' fti.'O) , . r . -.1 1 vn.uiv Hi,'"' Official Monday ... Official Tuen.lav..., Official Wednesday Offh lal Thursday ... Estimate Friday .. Five days this week..27-3 Same d last week . .ti.iTt Same days 2 weeks ago i7.o.2 Same days 8 weeks nuo 7! tsamo days 4 weeks sgo 2a.7l Same duys last vein- L'4.."n.7 The following tahle stiow th average of cattle, hou and sheep at th -mah llx-e stock market for the year to flate, as compared with last year: lilt 1914 tne. Cattle;,7i 9U.6I4 ro, Hoga 2 4:1, h; 2.iil,.;,73 3;Vi,5I Sheep J,'l!i4.1 ioi.l') 1.I3 Th following labia snows ihe receipts price of hosa at the Omaha live lock market for the last few uays. wltn comparisons iMte. I 1915. '1914. '191t , 1912. iin.a910.M?0S l!C-. Dec Dec. Deo. Deo. (..1(1 PO. T..I 24'i T Jl 'a s.. ( 40X Deo. 9 ( s-S T 51 Dec. 10. 24 7 f Px. 11. ( 27't 7 4 pec. 1-. 74 Deo. II I V T 57, Lec 14. Dec. 16 lec. 1; Aec. 17. 95 yesterday, making up the bulk of fresh supply. They brought $.) today, while two ears of a fair sort of ewea, held over from Thursday, went at $5.71. On the basis of today's ouotatlnna, ewe ar practically where thev were at last week's close, and yearlings have held a fairly even course all week. No weth era of consequence have been offered. That feeder demand was still good was again proved this morn ng, when threo cars or light Colorado lamb went to a feeder buyer at JS.46. One load of the plain feeding ewea which failed to sell yesterday mad $6.10. Feeder trade la generally stronger than at last week's clcae. Quotations en sheep and lambs: Imbs, gond to choice. $.x.k,r'V0ii; lambs, fair to food, $V5fMi8.90: lamb, feeders, r.oivH 50; yearlings, fair to choice, JM.SSWij? 16: yearlings, fetders, jfi.TM'O.a: wethers, fair to ehnlca, $8 ".Ml 16. 50; ew ea, good to choice, $V76ieOi); ewes, fair to good, J5.00Vw.TS; ewes, teeners. $4.(fr6.I6. Keprehemativo sales: No. 74 natives ewe 7 native lambs I native cull ewes , J.. I ( $4-; ( M j 411' T 671 Oil 1 13) I 04 4..l 42 1 7 11 7 bsl 111! i:i H 0. 1 1 i ..) t 4 7J T 41 T 541 I Ml J W 1: fed ewes Ii fed ewes Oil t.A Ie," fed rwea f.M Idaho lambs ... 15 culls 67 Idsho yearlings i shorn lambs ... 6o0 fed lambs 271 fed lambs ftfl f. l lambs Mlaneapoll 43rata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 17. WHEAT Decemher. Jl.lZH: Miy, (1.1.1W1 134: No. 1 hard.; No. 1 northern. tl.HViff l.VfV: No. 2 northern, $1.0fVn 1 I0. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 17. FLOt'R Fancy patents, 10c higher, quoted at $6.i6; first and second clear unchanged. B A R LF Y 6"fr4c. RYE 90'iffflmo. BRAN-J18.0oi-Oi8.60. CORN No. 8 yellow. 72130. OATS No. 8 white, 39VJj39c. FLAX-42.0eVM2.ObH. Cuitoa Markvt. NEW YORK. Den. 17.-COTTON-8pet. quiet; middling uplands, 11.95c; no sales. Cotton futures opened steady; Decern- lu, 17 OTln nffn-Ail. la rm . .u 1 1 W'l.. . , V. 12 16c; May, 12.12c; July, 12.64c; October! u. Jac. tton futures closed barely steady, Deoember, 11.64c; January, 11.71c; March, 12c; May, 12.23c; July, 12.36c; October. 12.64c. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 17.-TOTTON-Fe ler; good middling. T.84d; middling. 7 47i! low middling, 7.03d; sales. 7,00 bales. t 3tV tl MSi 6 Ui .1 7 81 34;., 763j uiui.iy -lluliilay 721 7 7W T 74 7 6n 7 77 7 45 1 7 69 4 94 7 41 9 " T 431 T i -2 I 2 . -a 5 i-l B 'Mi I - 6 121 7 'l 7 7 l.i 7 9 7 '.8 7 (4 7 4 27 7 8 t 7t 1 tM 7 all $7 i i : I - I a a . I T a-'l IW J V 7 HI, ( W 1 . 7 9J ( $1 7 l ( 33 7 44 Av. ..120 ,.1"I ..108 ..110 ..w ..114 ..117 ..110 .. 90 .. 73 ..109 .. 81 .. 77 .. 71 . 78 Pr I 9 0 4 l J 7F 6 7a OC 0 8 90 8 v T 8 V n y 9 o CHICAGO LIVE "TOfK MARKET 7 4J 7 8 s 7 '. 7 91. 7 J Receipts snd disnosltliin of llv stook at the I'nlun Mtook yards, Omaha, Neb., lor twenty-lour hour enulug at a o clock p. in., yesierday nliCtlrio UA . , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, ii s. C, M. & St. P.. Union 1'aclllc C. A N. W east.... C. 4V N. W., west... C. 8t. P., M. A O.. C. R. A g., east.... O.. ii. i VI., weat.... O.. R. 1. Ai P., east.. C, K. I. Af I-., west Illinois Central Chi. Ureal Western Total receipts... 18 1 1 S3 14 JO 6 6 45 J J J J 4 t 22 9 2 8'.. 1 4 14 J 7 48 166 27 t DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 134 1,492 121 2.451 1.590 Jtil 1,614 1.4H9 343 1.62 2.6SS 249 .... 1,14b 9 92 1 98 30 ....' .... 9 IH 21 J 68 ( a & 4 81 8 J08 .... 1.724 1.625 10,610 7.461 Cattle teady llnsre Lower Sheep lead y. rmrmo Pee. '7 rATTI." 4.000 head; market weak; native bee steers. $3 85fflll.OO; western steers. trt.Iixr 8 25: cows and heifers, J2.ftOU.35; calves, $ti .75fl 10.00. HtnlS Receipts, 61,000 head; market weak; mostly 10c lower; bulk, Jl.l6')ii.6ri; light. J.YNlKiHi.tO. mixed. $S96.5; heavy, JHVy16c.; rough, J4.101i6.25; pigs. J4.50i fc.90. SHEEP AND LAMPS-neeclpls. 7.000 heuu, niHrket steady; wethers, $6.10'u6.90; ew es, $t.2.4iii 40, lambs, JC...H. NEW YORK ST0GK MARKET Again Under Spell of Depmsion t t Greater Part of Session. IS NO CONCERTED SELLING Miirrls & Co... Swift & Co Cudshy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Schwarts & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... W. H. Viinaant Oo F. R. Iewla R. Root A Oo .1. H. Hnlla L. F. Unas..., Werthe.mer A Degen., II. F. Ilamlltun Rothschild & Kreb.... Mo. Kan. Calf Co... Christie Huffman noth Banner Rroa John Hsrvey Dennis & Krancts Other buyers , Totals CATTLE Receipts were light, a Usual on a Friday, only forty-nine cars being reported in. For the week to dete re ceipt amount to 27, M3 head, being larger than any recent week since four weeks ago, and larger than a year ago by over 3,000 head. There were no nw developments as re gards prices, the market for the most t art telng Just about steady with yes terday on uractlcaliy all kinds. The trade was a Utile slow, largely due to there being nothing very good, or not enough of any one kind to Interest buyers. Pretty much everything changed hands In good season. Quotation on cattle: Good to choice fed yearlings, $).0u.60; fair to good fed yearlings, I7.0uc8.00; common to fair fed yearling, 88.0Ov7.O0; good to ohuio neavy beeves, $7. 7604.76; fair to good cornfed beeves, $(.76o'7.75; common to lair corn fed beeves, $4.00(g'6.76; good to choloe grast beeves, M.'inoT.dO; fair to good grass beeves, $4.26'u(.76; common to fslr grass beeves, 86.26341. J5; good to choice grass heifers , 6 MK&e. 60: good to choioe grass rwa, J6.26tJ.; fair to good cow a, $4. dot 26; common to fair cows, 61.litM.aO; good tu ciiutce teeuars, $(.76a7.26; fair to good (eoders, $6,164X4.76; common to fair feed ers, J6.26iu4.1b; good to choice siocseis, Js.'; fair to good slocaers, $.Uoitj4.75, common to fair Blockers, J6.UAa6.09; slock hellers, $6.264.00: stock oows, $4.60tj6.1b; stock calves, $fi.0uO7.36; veal calves, lii.frtxjj 9.60; bulls, stags, etc., Representative sales: REEF STEERS. t, Lonls Live Btoek Market. ST. LOriS. Dec. 17.-CATTLK-R--eelpts, I,i0 head; market steady; nstl.' heef steers, J7 5"VFf.'0 40; yearling fte,r and heifers, Js.5Kii 10.3u; rows. 5."ftli'7. 0 tockers and feeders, JR.OOtf7.25; souther steers. J"i.2f.iB8.5o: cows and heifers, J4.0ii (.50: native calves, J('.cltl0.35. HOt J 8 Receipts. 10,900 head; markc lower; plga and lights, J5 2MiA 65; mlve and butchers, Jrt.3jsii.70; good heavy, Ja.8 Sjfi 70. r'HEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpls. l.V head; market steady; yearllnga, J.50.y 7.f0: lambs, JS.OOf59.3i; sheep and ewes, J5.fOHrs.60. 1 . Moax City Live Stork Market. SIOITX CITY. Ia., Dec. 17. CATTLE Receipts, 1.5(0 head; market 10ifl."io lower butchers, JI.50I.25; western steers. $5.6Kir 7..0; cow and heifers. $4.75f6 00; cannera $.1.rfV4.26; stockors and feeders, $5.3iii6.l! bulla, stags, etc., J4.7Tirt'..iI0. IIOOS Receliita. 12.500 head: market M'lOc lower; heavy J 1.3ii.4i); mixed, J.lfra.30; light, Ji.90(ij6.1i; bulk of rales, $ii.10,K.. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 70) hesd; msrkrt steady; ewes, J.0on4.rt); jambs, $6.V08.0n. Kansas City Live ork Market. KANSAS) CITT, Pee. 17.-T ATTI.E-R. oelpts, fflO head: market week; prime fed steers. JV.27.it1 10 00; dressed heef steers $7.0l)'K$.6O; western steers. $rt 2 (li(..'i0;striek ers and feeders. J..W(7.75; bulls, Jl.606 6.00; calves, Jrt.ono.!5. MOOS Receipts. 7.MW hesd: market steady; bulk of ssles. J8.2iVd(50' heavy, is.eiee.: packers and bote ers, J'..av)i6.66; light. $o,-H.40; piga, f,.2.V,i,ni). ntiKilJI' A N II LAMUS Receipts, 1,0 V) head: market steady; lambs,; yearlings. $8.757. . wethers. IK ikntial R ! ewes, )ii.27j6.2&. at. Joseph Live Btoek Market, BT. JOBEPH. Dec. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts 700 head; market steady; steers $6,76110.00; rows and heifers. ji.75W8.76 calves. W.pOWB.IS. HUOS Kecelpts. 4,900 bead; market lower; run nr aaies, sa.yiimi.bQ. HlllSKF AND LAM B8 Receipts. 1,600 niwMi acvfuiy; lamos, es.AlKOV.OU. tock la liaat. Receipts of llv stock at th five principal wssiem msrsets yesterday: cs'iie. iiugs. Kheen, No. 4... I .. 7. . . It... I... 19... At. Fr. KM UI U I t WH IS wa 40 117 4 tit 7 W No. 8.. 14.. t. . n.. 10. . 16.... BTEfa-RS AND HUlFKb. T tt. .. TW I 0U .. IM t tu .1041 U ..111' S Ml .1(1.1 li 11U 4 it (til and ll.ti.-n. SAVANNAH, Oa.. Dee. 17.-Tf'RPEN TINE-mc: sale. 150 fehla.; receipts. 2 9 bbls.; shipment, 119 bbl.; stocks. 14,2)9 bbls. , ROBIN Prm: galea, l.8 bbls.; receipt . 1,634 bbls.; shipments. (06 bbls.; sto Us, 72.879 bbls. Quotations: A. B. $5. 0;i6 17'; C, D. $5.0016.60; P, JVlSfj J 25: 1. $'. 6 6.27; H. JV80; I, Ji.t'U.; K. $6.30; M 9t 2J. N, J1.50; WO, J6.9la96; WW, $i.i;rl.9i. ' Meta Markrt. NEW YORK, Dec. 17. M KT A I Lead offered, J5.40. Bpelter, Jl.7c17.20. Cop per, firm; electrolytic, Iro(. steady and unchanged. Tin, strong; spot, $'9 60 bid. At I-ondnn: Hpot Copper 480 12s 6d; futures. aHl 6s; electrolytic, HM. Spot tin, U1K7 Vk:; fiiturns, 168 10. Antimony, 126. Lead. 46 16s. 8peller, 'JU. car rrarkst. NEW YORK. Dee. 17.-8TOAR-Tlrm; eentrifugal. 4 77c; molasses 4c. Refined, steady. Futures opened active and lower today, but later recovered and at noon price were about 1 point net higher. Inttoa Markrt. NBW YORK. Deo. 17 COTTON Spot. quiet: middling uplends. ll.c; noeales. Cotton cloned nareiy steady at a 8 lu 4 00 81 7W 4 40 U 790 4 74 11 TU 7 7t COWS. t Hi 4 0 T t0 4 It $ 716 4 40 1 MO 4 t lilt 4 it IS 1019 4 1 10 I It II HdI 4 U It M lit 90 1171 6 40 HiSIFERti. 8 n U 10 lutl S 44 8 110 4 to 9 MO t 95 107 ( SO 1 Kl IN U. Ill 4 U , 4 141 4 10 IS 719 III t 11 0 i tto 4 to it tu ;t CALVEB. I Its I to 4 611 7 no I Wl 7 71 1 150 I 00 1 1b0 6 7t 1 170 t U) 1 S40 9 t STOCK KRa AND FEKDER. I (73 I to 10 4TI 4 en tl r 4 W 9 Ui t u I H4 4 IS Tl 10 7 121 ( 14 ( Ht 4 It II loH 4 10 HOOS Chicago reported a big run, and early message said that a l'Miiac urea !! price wa probable. Local shippers and soma of th packers made their open ing bid at fullv ateady prices, and In spite of the baarlshnrss of advloea from other market It wa not lung before hogs were moving at prices that were fully 6c hither than yesterday s avi luge. In faot aoiiiu traders thought Unit at th 'vest time trade wa 6t0iOu abuva yesterday's general maraei. Toward the close some of th life died out of th market and prices weakened. What heavy hogs were left at this time r: not suffer so imnli as the lights, 1. r-m 1 " irlv trade or arrived on late trains. Even on the light kind price looked mostly steady with yesierday, so that the worat that could be said about the close was that the early advance wa lust and lal sale Omaha 1 sin Chicago 4,000 m. Louis 2.300 Sloug City... 1,500 Kansas City 600 4. TO 7,ro 150 1,000 NKW YORK. Dec. 17.-The market waa again under the spell of depression for iii greater port of todays session, largely If not wholly In consequence of .lie International situation. There wa no concerted selling such as characterised esteriiay's lute operations, hut prices jrltted almlessiv from sheer Inertia. AmtrcsKtvr tactics were temporarily ibamloned bv the bears snd such con structive forces as may have existed were ield In restraint, pend ng a mora definite .nnwlcdpe of the outcome of relation be ween Vahlngton and Vienna. Fxchnnge on leaning European centers taa more than ordinarily c inflicting. Cemlttances to Germany receded to vlthln a fraction of the recent low rate, rhlls sterling and fratua shaded slightly. Irregular price changes wi re registered the first hour, wsr issues and oils re ovcrlng one to three points over yes erdny's final figures, while rsils moved Imost without definite trend. Later the titer group became moderately heavy, anndian Pacific, Fries and Chesspeake I Ohio being m et conspicuous. In the Inal hour the list hardened In almost II quarters, with particular strength In .merlcan Smelting, Texas company and jnsolldated Oas. These changes were us In a great measure to short coveting, ecompnld by rumors of a more, en lursglng character regarding the An unt Incident. Total sale of stocks mounted to 510,000 shares. ' vernrwe crt report showed some slight deterioration of winter wheat and other cereals, compared with the preceding statement, together with a de crease of acreage. No response to this allowing was made by the granger group . runs, th.-tt enure division being un anally quiescent. Anglo-French 6a war more active, angliig between 944 and 96. Bond In moral were lower and Inactive. Total ales, par value, aggregated 84.140,000. I lilted States bonds wore unchanged on nil. Number of ssles and leading quotation n stocks were as follows: bsIm. Hlra. Law. Class. 900 1.9 8 l) lion 4.000 ) 4. ten 83,00 Totals. .. bhadstheet'i ...9,D 99.400 14,.'0 THADB REVIEW astalaed Activity la Majority of Lines. NBW YORK. Deo. 17.-Bradstreefg to morrow will as vi Sustained activity In a majority of lines with prospect of still grester growth typify current ttade and Industrial con dition. Contrary to precedent ths larger irHdea do not display the customary pre holldsy characteristic that usually pro- van wnen tne time for the taking of ln ventolins arrives. Thus there ,. lull In some sections, but by and lurge activity la so stesdlly maintained that salesmen are remaining on the road longer than ususl at this season and most reports agree that wholasale aa well as Jobbing trsdn Is of Isrge volume, In addlt on, fhrihiinaa shopping Is In Mil wing, buying at many centers I th heaviest in years, regular retail trade In heavy wearing apparel is excellent; mell order houses are doing a record business; buy ng for future delivery Is good; industrial activity Is e specially noteworthy; labor 1 well employed at good wages; farmers, except In a few places, are prosperous; the week has witnessed further advanres In prices for cereals: collection are good; hank clear ngs heavily exceed those or this time In 1911; money is In better demand, and railway traffic la hesvy. Weekly bank clearings. 11,828,003,000. New York Money Market. NKW YORK. Pec. 17.-MKRCANTILE PAPER HtlSSt per cent. BTKKLINU EXCHANOE-60-day bills. J4.8750: demsnd. J4 .72. cables, $4.7200. ' SILVER Bar, W'r; Mexican dollar, tl''. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. MONKY Time loans, ateady; (Oand 90 days. lUtt'-'-S per cent: 6 months. iV3 per cent. Csll money, steady; hlnh. 2 per cent; low. l per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent: last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, 1 Pr cent; offerd at 2 per cent. Closing quotation on bonds today were as follows: .. 99i Ms. Pa, rv. ia 44 .. It N Y. r dab. .... til'.i,N. r. rn, 40 1 . lOIH-IH, T. BUU 4Hi . Ill V. rrt. t. 4o sfusn 0. 93. . rss do osudss V. a. . m to aaupiis Parani la soussa. 1 m. Bmoltora 4. . ., V T. T. . 4H niur 4 rj. 4 So MchU" sa. to... IUI Ohio It all the way llinuigti the mar- ,ntri p.iirto int.. " ket was aoout'6o hlKlicr than yesterday' -b.. Ohio 4S... i averuae. Hulk or the aales waa made at r" a O I .11 K T . N. H. a H iiv cy. lH'tNo. racirio 4i.., r 40 l''0 M U rmt. 4a, Ftf. T T. to t'l-P!!!. TOO. 4141.. IK So 4'- ... lUmllliff un 4. a r. a m r p ri ' Ro rr r. is. ! Hold illiii-i'holmm imorli-aa heel Sugar imerlraa ran Vlnrtra fjocomotlvs .... iniorloaa A. 4 R m. H. t. pf.1 tm. CiuDor Reflnins vmnrtrsa Tel. 4 Tol imorlcmn Tohsooo nscom1s Ooppor t htena aMwin Loonmotlv l.Mlmoro A Ohio taihlxhom IHmI ironliliia Raetd Tr , llrnmls PotmVoum .... Mnsoiso Pactfle ntrsl lalhor Iimcwsiis Ohio rhlrago O. W.. hlraso. M. a St. T .'hlnaao, K. I. A P. Ay.. 'hlno Gnroer ltilorsio Fuol A Iron i.ruetblo m Hnv.r 4 R. O pf4 Dlnllllors HorurltlM Krl Oenoral RlartrlO ilroot Northera tt Omt No Or Mrs '!uKCirihtm Ktpioratloa.. IIMnoia rjintral Interborousli 4.oa. Cerg.. tiiftPlratl.Hi Coeper ...... tnternattfinal Hsrvostor... Ksnamii (itr noutborn.... Ieiiiah Vsltey i-)uim. a NsohTiii... Milrao Potroioum .. Miami Copoor Miaenuii. K. T. pM..., Miaanurl ranlfls National nierult National tad Narans Oopoae No Tork Contra) N T.. N. H. a H ., Norfolk A Weatora Nun horn Psoiflo Pai-trto Ma4l Paolflo Tol. 4 Tol Ponnart'aola Kay run. Copper ftpafltng gepublln Iron A gtool... goiithors Parlflo tfouthorn Hsdwar Bttknolialior tvrnioany ... Toaaatjaeo Ooppar 1 Toaaa tlompaoy t'nion Torino t'nlon Partflo pfl I'nltod Htaies Mtool I' ft. ml pfd I'th fVippor Woatarn t'nloa W'oatlnrhmiao ICIootlio .. Montana Powor f' norm I Motors Wahaah B bM IntomatloaaJ Uarlno pfil. 74.tan 11 00 St 00 imit 111 si !2 4-7 ill II. 400 l.HOfl le I. I'M) $. 1.5O0 Sno 11004 H614 tot) 114, ivi j, ano p t.olO KH 7e im B.ton lnvt Lsno riVt no .171 mo tali I.0O0 tii'4 J.J.w 174) o U14 4114 ll lot 114 4 90l I 170 4 6J1 tl liki u 74 V 400 1754 tun 1:44, 1H'4 i 4 1,900 71V4 7St 73 V 40 4m lliiS ii i w DOVtj 9J 47 ia 1 M 0114, 14 V, Mt M M1 f- Till ' 4IW 1st li 77U Ll 11,100 400 WO " jo'tori 1.000 '"iob SI" 4' 111 In 41 4 si 90S 454 900 lii4) 16.000 lfWVj I fno 74S l.eno 11114 7110 11 5H i lis 9.1 1,904 19 34 S1V, 44V, 91 'itii tt 10414 74 11fH 11HV4 11 S4 4fl 4.M) I n0 III lo II M4 1014 HSU t.4i lKlVi 10M4, 9W.4 lV-4 Tim t7 I K 111 4 4.900 m M.tno t" M.tno aio H liS 7 t "4 714, !. ill l.e l"4. 74 ll-.. 17 it IT7 714 47 lH 7 10J S1H 44S l)n4 il 128 HI, IS It !' tt lb IH 794 lii, lit 11 41 Wl 5.1 li 14 v, t.'u IVI u v. lilt I 74 M MS 7 il0 7J Total salsa for ihs Oar. tlO.One oharsa, Thirteen-I ear-Old Runs Away to Seek Fame and Fortune Franklin Carroll, l-y ear-old son of Mrs. Leone Hall Carroll of Pueblo, Colo., Is believed to be somewhere In Omaha seek ing to "make big money In bowling alley," a advertised In numerous pub lication. Police Officer Bitter, a boy. hood friend of th lad'a mother, la ae arch ing for him at the latter' request He ha been missing from hi home for two month, and It waa learned by Bitter that ha stopped for a time at th local Young Men' Christian association. Butler Has Another Idea on Wrestling City Commissioner Butler hag filed with the city clerk th following resolution which will be offered to th city council next Tuesday morning: That no wrestling or boxing match h allowed in the Auditorium of th city of Omaha without th promoter, rnan agcr or backers of the wrestlers or box ers hilled or advertised to wrestle or bos In said building, first filling with th city clerk, a certificate from a regularly licenser physician of the city of Omaha, stating that he has examined said wrestlers or boxer and that they are lit good condition, and physically able to take part in said wrestling or boxing match. UNCLE SAM GETS READY FOR THE CHRISTMAS RUSH Christmas 1 Jfi.svti4i.40. with a prli.kllng around Jo.te C M p -ViuaFun .IV .i" !anu a top of $d.W. Vluit a bit of l.ght r4 r; i nnnuHm,,4. i a-tuff. olI around $4 .16. Uh scattering o plf is n . " r 4a .! cormng. A table with . .l'- 'scales and a parcel post expert In charge $ , ha already been Installed In th corridor u of the postofflce for weighing expedl ",;! tlously and stating postage required on in iiouu oi c nrisimaa pacaagea. t-arly next week another scales will appear In the corridor, and then two more. No. At aa. Pr. No M 1M ... 4 19 4 it 147 40 4 90 t4 1 7 19 ... 4 u 1. , ID UI ... ( 90 711 I U Ill M I It 70 : 't Ui 10 It M. to tb4 ltd 4 to U 7i 2-tt w i in ... 4 46 99 ... tt net loss of 1$ to 22 point today. Evaporated Apple aa Itrlea Ktsltt NKW TORK. Dec. 17. EVAPORATED A PPLES Heady ItHIKO FKCITS-Prunes. easy. Apri cot and peachea, steady. Rain Ins, fiulet. 4;nitla ie'et. NEW YOHK. Dec. 17. DRY OOTn8 Cotton goods easy; ready-to-wear goods were firm. sales of under-welghts on down. i.eireciuaHv aales: os. rr. ...1U 90 4 19 ... 111 ... 4 ... 4 36 ... l loo 4 to ... 9 M 4 tt ... 10 ... 4 40 ... tit gs) 4 44 ...tu ... 4 tt ... xa ... 4 4t BIIKKl'-Thera tvoa mettv liood Friday run here, but quality waa ncueraliy bet ter than on most days of tne week, there being only a few of the in between and half-fat kinds offered. Oood lambs, which have s.ld readily enough all week, made up the bulk of the snpoly, and a the demand was good the market showed a good tone, everything m roadlly enough at price that were steady to strung, and in soots a much as a dime bin her. Tup went oyer $9(j0 for the first time since August, when three deck of good handywelght fed westerns made 1j Ob. Bulk of the good lambs so.d around $9 00, and Idaho wheat fields touched M so. acattsring bunches f the less de slrsble grades sold under this figure. Another consignment of ths clipped lambs was here and showed a :c advance over yesterday, selling at $1110. Lamb are Kenerally I'm If: above last week's close, and th trade is in much better shape on good kinds, although half-fat unde sirable stuff, a well as th real heavy lamlia. ars still hard to move. Mutton offerings were limited to two cara of Belmont ewe, which Bold at Rn san OM. glerarlr ia Ol No. 1st 4W ... III. rs. raf K. r. So raf. ta.... L A H unl 4a M K. 4 T. lit 4a.. BM. 74 V g. Ruli A-'. V H Stool ia... . t!4 Wahaah I at 6a . . toi-w t'nloa 4a . ;. WVr4 Elae rv 94'4Antlo-rroncb ta .iait , ... H4 4a. 7H . . . 10, , . . . w ....1' , ... " ... :i . . 1"J Ii3 ....lilt .. 4 ia.1.14 .... 14 Coffee Marltef. NEW TORK. Dec. 17. CO F FEB The market for coffee futures was very quiet stain today, sales amounting to only 6,u0 bags. The opening was unchangod to 1 pc.lnt higher on a little buying of 1st months, but prices eased off later In th day under scattered offerings, with May selling down to .73c, while Keptembcr re acted from 6.9i to 6Mc. The close was J to 4 points net lower. December. .66o; January, 8.67c; February. 6.67c; March, JtiKc; April, 6 70c; May. 672e; June. $77c; July. 4.92c; August, S.Wic; September, (."ale; 7ctober, 4.94c, Knot, mil t; Klo 7s, 7Kc; Kantoa 4s, 9c. Cost and freight offers wera about unchanged with quotations ranging from about $.&' to 9uoo f ir Ka'itoa 4s. Th official cubles reported a decline of 76 rela In ths Klo market and of 1-1M in the rate of Ttio exchange on London. Santos unchanged. GIRL SUES OWNER OF CAR ' IN WHICH SHE WAS RIDING Faye Waller, wio on September 17 was riding in en automobile as the guest o' Harry A. Kershner, when the cap gtruck a bridge between Herman and Omaha and was overturned, has brought suit against him for $5,0 0 damages for per sonal injutle. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS SCHOOLS CLOSE FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS All public schools were closed this afternoon for the Yuletld holldaye. Many teachers have planned to spend Christ ma with the horn folk in place near or remote The school will be reopened on January S. BOUND OVER ON CHARGE OF TAKING COSTLY COAT William Clifton of Benson, eharged with theft of a ITS coat belonging to B. R. Beem, at one time ssslstsnt gen- ! Mrr 'rece Glade. 63 North Seven -eral freight agent for the Ureal Western ' teenth street, wa brought beor Judge road here, but now a rich land owner . Foster and bound ovr to th tSatrlct coupt of days, enroute east. court, with bond fixed at 1604,