Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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Friday, December 17, 1915.-
.Wlll There Be a Ttetrole la .
Tour Kome Christina t
. OIt Xtr Chlekerlna for.
Ohri.traaa Ton It Bar.
Phone D. 137.
Abe Martin Says:--"Th' Hardest Thing About Christmas is Huntin' Somethin' t'Give t' Somebuddy You're
Afraid is Goin' t' Give Somethin' t' You"--That's Not the Case If You Get it at Burgess-Nash
Pretty Handkerchiefs as Gifts
A MOKE comprehensive display wouM be hard to find
handkerchiefs of every sort and kind for everyone.
This is an idea only:
"Women's handkerchiefs of pure
linen, with hand embroidered ini
tial, also one corner embroidered,
at 15c each.
Women's fine linen handkerchiefs, with
one corner emoroidered. Three differ
ent styles in pretty box, 3 for .Oc.
Men's handkerchiefs of pure linen, full
size, at lOc, 12 he tnd l.V each.
Men's handkerchiefs, plain white and
colored Initial, fine linen. 3 In box, $1.00
Men's handkerchiefs, pure linen, embroi
dered Initial, 5 in box, $l.oo.
Bnrjrt..-' -h Co. Tin Floor.
Matinee Luncheon
Saturday Afternoon
3 to 5 Cricket Room
at 15c
dainty littlo luncheon spe
cially prepared for the tired
shopper, affording choice of:
Hot tea biscuit with butter and
honey, or home mude ginger bread
and hot chocolate or pot of tea.
Bnrress-Naah Co. Cricket Boom.
Silk Ribbons. 25c
Dainty Blouses for Holiday Gifts
CHARMING blouses, so acceptable as gifts. Models that mirror the
latest style notes of Blousedom; in radium silk laces, Georgette
crepes, soiree and taffeta silks; shadow, filet, niargot, Oriental and
Arabian laces, crepe de chines and chiffons.
The newest designs, portraying hUh stocks and low collars, flaring
cuffs, fur, bead and metallic trimmings, and thf colors exquisite pas
tel shadow, brilliant fruit tones and the precious tone colorings.
Moreover, thev are featured at prices that gift choosers wil appreciate.
Trice range flW.OS, $.Y.-. $7.r0, $10.00, $15.00 to f0.00.
Bgrgeea-Waah Co. Second Floor.
Wirthmor Waists at $1.00
Four new models on sale Saturday. All the newest materials, all the
newest styles. These waists are superior to the ones usually found at
this low prica. The Wirthmor waists are sold here exclusively. As
always, $1.00 As always, worth more.
Burgess-Hash Co. Main Floor.
Gloves Always Sure to Please
THERE is probably nothing that will be more acceptable
to every member of the family than a pair of gloves.
And the beauty of it is that even if the gift is duplicated,
they can always be used. We are showing
a splendid selection of fine kid gloves from
the best foreign makers, also many styles from the
domestic manufacturers, including, the new wash
leather gloves now so popular.
Women's gloves, black, white and colors, $1.25.
Women's French kid gloves, exclusive styles and
colorings, $2.00 to $2.50.
Women's kid gloves, black, white and colors, $1.30,
Women's kid gloves, black and white, $1.75.
Women's kid gloves, for street and dress, pair, 05c.
Children's gloves and mittens, pair, 25c to $:l.oo.
Boys' and girls' fleece lined gloves and mittens,
pair. 50c.
E nrj-wt-ITmh Co. Main Floor.
HOSIERY Makes Desirable Gifts
FANCY ribbons for the making
of Xmas novelties. An excel
lent, asortment of Presdens, mili
tary stripes, Jacquards, etc., rang
ing in width from fi to 7 Inches,
c and 4 5c values, the yard. .25c
Bnrress-Hnsh Co. Main Floor.
Children's Eyes Jrow Wide With Wonder and Delight When They Visit
Burgess-Nash Big Toy Town. Santa Claus Wants to Meet the Little Folks.
WONDKHrTl. thlnRs are In Toy Townthings to make the little folks Joyous to make the grownups marvel at the advance In toy
making since they were young and Christinas the happiest time of nil the year. Mechanical toys are the greatest In mystery wonderlil
toys are they. Respond with almost absolute precision to the desires of their little owners. There are trains, automobiles, engines, and so on.
And the dolls, almost human lauh, cry, go to sleep, ake up and so on. Hut come; brills the children. Let them see these wonders of Toy
1 own
Flctnre Machines
Sdxoliil dotiuniKiratlon
of moving- jiirUiro ma
chine" anJ l,n"t car.l
protector. fi1' '"
chines anil magic lan
tern. , .
4 7.". Moving Picture
MH'hine for 3.7S.
$7.r.O Moving Picture
Muchlnea for 5.75.
Trains of AU Binds
Tlieao offered special for
:t.r0 Klertrlc Train t'utfl;,
sperlul. a.95.
Ji.00 Klfrtrle Train Outfits,
special, (5.00.
11.25 Klmial, special Satur
day for 750.
11.00 Mechanical Trains,
rprclal, for T5o,
1 1. 25 Mechanical Trains,
tMKvliil, for ll.OO.
$2.l' Ives' Mechanical
Train, special, for Bl.BO,
$.1.0(1 Ives' Mechanical
Train, special for (9.60.
$100 Ivea' Mechanical
Trains, special, for (3.76.
$1.75 Kid Body
Dolls $1.19
124-Inch Kid liody
Dolls, with moving
eyes, hip and knee j
joint, shoes and
stockings, 8 owed
wig and pretty faces. The reg
ular $1.7") quality for $1.19.
Burg. ..-Hash Co. Tonrth Floor.
Hobby Hora.a
14. TS Oalloplna- Hobby
Horse for (3.75.
tal. of Shooflles
Special value everj
7rc shoofllrs, peclal,
at EOo.
$1.01) Rhnnflte, sp.
clal, at 75c.
Child's (l.BO Booker (1.4
Anthiue Mllon Oak,
upholstered with leath
errtte, epilnsr .cat, welt
finished, regular $2.o0
a'ue, for (1.49.
Billiard and Fool Tables
Huiruwe $3.00 Tool
Tahle. (3.85.
Hnirowi's $6.00 Pool
Table. (4.75.
Huiiowc's $15.00 Poul
Tnhle. (10.75.
Burrowe' $27.00 Pool
Table. (19.50.
VICTROLA will make eveib dy happy;
the young people who want to dance, older
folk who love the good old songs opera lovers
everybody. There are few better gifts, and
prices start low $15 up to $350. Let us show
you the various styles. All the new records
are here, too.
French Ivory Sets, at $4.95
THKKE-P1ECE toilet sets, mirror French bevel glass,
good solid back bristle brush and heavy comb,
French grain ivory, special for Saturday, one initial
engraved free, special at 91.05.
Six-piece toilet set, mirror, brush, comb, hair receiver,
puff box and powder can, special, 95.05.
Dressing combs, heavy quality, coarse and fine or all
coarse teeth, special at 50c.
Hair brush, special concave, good bristle, grained
Ivory brush, for Saturday, one initial engraved free,
for 91.54).
Jewel case, French grained Ivory, velvet lined Hay and bottom of
box, 9 ."
Picture 'ramee. grained Ivory, good size, single or double, special at 5(c.
New band-tinted old rose or blue and gold French grained ivory sets,
complete. Including 16 pieces, 950.50.
Burg-ess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Jewelry Always Acceptable as Gifts
Men's Wear Gifts "He" Will Appreciate
OT only will he appreciate the gift but you will appreciate tho splendid selection from which to choose
just the sort of furnishings men like. These few suggestions:
Men's Neckwear
35c to $1.65
Men's House Coats
$3.98 to $9.98
SK coats mad
heavy wool
material, double faced
pockets, cuffs and col
lar trimmed with same
material, reversed
edges, pockets, cuffs
and collar corded,
seams piped.
Men's Hosiery
Men's hosiery" In fancy
Christmas boxes, 2, 3
and 4 pairs la a box,
for 1.00.
Providence Hosiery
All silk, plain colors and with
clockings, big selection from
which to choose, at $1.00, 91.50
and 2.00 a pair.
Handkerchiefs and hosiery
all colors, In fancy box, 65c
Handkerchiefs, tie, stick pin and
tie holder, In fancy box. 91-25.
a a
A COUOKOl'S showing
A and in most instances
the price is about un
der the usual price.
Neckwear Ht. $1.03
Heaviest satins with ex
tra large flowing end,
beautiful color coniblna
tions and patterns.
Neckwenr at OHc
Fine quality silks and satins in
shapes Just a trifle smaller than
those at $1.65.
Neckwear at 50c
Extra quality, all new designs,
silks and satins, in figured and
combination color stripes. The
range of selection Is very compre
hensive and most pleasing.
Neckwear, a for 91.00
Fine silks, cut full in shape and
full length, In fact they are like
scurfs that sell everywhere at 60c,
Saturday 3 for 91.04).
Burgess-Wash Co. Main Floor. .
Buy "Him" a Pair of
Ol'It men's glove
section is re
plete with most ev
erything the most
fastidious man
would desire.
Among the makes
are "Fownes," "H.
& P." and the cele
brated "I'pdegraphs."
Dress CJIoves, 05c to 93.00
Men's dress gloves in kid, mocha,
cape and cheverette in tan, gray,
butter, putty and chamois color,
05c to $:t.OO the pair.
Fur (ilove. 9 '2 .OH to 913
Fur lined and fur outside, In both
wrist and gauntlet style, ranging
prices $2.0 to 913.00.
Men's Mufflers
Big line of fiber silk and tubular
fringed ends In black, gray and
white with harmontelng colored
stripes. 91.23 to 92.30.
OUR lines of novelty Bilk hosiery are the largest and most complete
we've ever carried. Fancy stripes, checks, plaids, clocks, etc., with
a price range of 91.50 to 913-50 the pair. Christmas boxes if desired.
Women's Thread Silk Hose, $1.50
Pure thread silk, plain black, colors and all the newest novelties. In
fancy effects.
Women's Silk Hose at 85c
- Pure thread silk, black, white and colors, double garter tops,
, high spliced heel and double sole.
. Burgess-Hash Co. Main floor.
An Acceptable Holiday Gift a Pair
MANY beautiful party slipperi, In patent, dull kid, bronze and
Women's kid boudoir slippers, all colors, 91-23.
Felt slippers, ribbon and fur trimmed, 91.25.
Comfy felt slippers, all colors, 91-25 to 91-50..
. ' Novelty felt slippers, all colors, 91.35. ,
Men's Slippers at $1.25 to $3.50
Men s fine kid skin house slippers, ,in Opera, Everett, Faust and Cav
alier style, at $1.25 to $3.50.
r Children's Slippers, 85c to $1.00
Children's art novelty felt slippers with leather soles, all colors, 85c
and 91.00.' Co. Second Floor.
Gillettte SAFETY
RAZORS at $4.39
HERE'S a Christmas gift
special that will ap
peal to many. The new vest
pocket style, silver plated
Gillette Safety Razor. The
very thing for a man who
travels. Outfit complete in
neat case, Saturday $4.39.
Burress-Hash Co. Main Floor.
BEAUTIFUL assortment of
brassieres in stylo and de
sign. Made of allover embroid
ery, cluny lace, filet lace in rose
pattern, torchon lace and Platte
lace, all prettily trimmed in satin
ribbons and bows. Nothing more
acceptable to mother, sister or
friend. Prices, 30c to $5.00.
Corsets $1 to $25
AH the very beat makes in atylea
to suit every figure, the corset best
nulled to you Is here. Put up In fan V
holiday boxes if desired, 91.00 to
Bnrg-t.s-ITath Co. Second Floor.
Kimonos or Bath Robes Are
Pleasing Gifts for Women
J A XD it's doubtful if you can find
j A a better selection than here at
Women's crepe and flannelette kimonos
in floral, plain striped patterns, empire or
loose cut garments, $1.25 to 93.50.
Silk kimonos, with satin ribbon bands, cut
very full, in medium and dark shades,
Kimonos in light and medium shades of
Albatross, in empire style, with pleated
skirt, hand embroidery trimmed, very spe
clal at 91-05. ,
Women bath robes (Beacon blanket), in
all the new and desirable shades, trimmed
with eatln ribbon on collar, pockets and
front; also eiderdown roben, with collar
and sleeves bound with fine quality eatln
ribbon cord. Prices, 92.50 to 9H.0N.
Bvress-Haih Oo. Boond Floor.
Sterling silver vanity
cases, French gray fin
ish, pretty pattern.
Price, 95.05.
Gun metal bags, 6-inch
frame, full mesh, fin
ished with a fringe;
genuine French gun
metal. Price. 9-05.
SPKtlAfj Box jewelry, including
brooches, bar pins, collar pins,
earrings, circle pins, la vallieres,
cuff links, tie clips, scarf pins, hat
pins, pearl beads, etc., each put
up in a nice gift box, all gold top
Jewelry, plain engraved or stono
set; choice at 50c.
Solid gold top baby bracelets,
plain or engraved patterns, at 91.
Solid gold shell, 12-kt. bracelets,
guaranteed to wear ten years,
prettily engraved patterns, hinge
and catch guaranteed unbreak
able, in gift box, at 91-05.
Men's solid gold front cuff links,
Roman finish, In a gift box, at 91.
Men's solid 10-kt. cuff links, set
with bright, snappy diamonds, ai
Solid gold. 10-kt. waineinar chain
and a gold filled knife, plain or
engraved, complete, 91-05.
Burg-.ii-XTasU Co. Main Floor.
Push combs, white stone
set. in pretty gift box.
for 50c.
Solid gold shell signet
rings, guaranteed to wear
5 years, at 5c.
Novelty dinner ring3,
sterling silver, whlto
stone set, at 91-50.
Solid gold front, gold
filled and sterling pend
ants and chains, stone set,
in pretty gift box, at 91.
Solid gold 10-kt. Waldemar chain,
new bar link, 94.05.
German silver cigarette cases,
Gold filled knives, extra fine
double steel blades, plain or en
graved, guaranteed 20 years, $2.
Practical Gift Suggestions in Silverware
Qu a d r u p 1 e
silver plated
toilet aets,
pretty new
engraved pat
terns, thin
model mirror,
conies in light
or French,
gray finish,
Silver chest. Colonial pattern,
nickel silver, 61 pieces, special,
at 910.50.
Military tsets, heavy gold plated
pair of military brushes and
comb in pretty box. Price 910-5Q.
Six-piece manicure set, quadruple
silver plated, pretty floral pattern,
in pretty box, at 94-05.
Tatting shuttles, sterling silver,
plain or engraved, at 91-00.
Jam Jars, cut glass,
sliver and plated
top and spoon, 50c.
Baby sets, silver
plated, spoon, push
er and fork, com
plete in box at 91.
Cigar Jars, with sil
ver plated top, at
BurffMS-Vash Co. Main Floor.
mo king
set. con
sisting of
cigar hold
er, ash
tray and
safe, all
on a large
Give the BOY Something to WEAR
THE practical sort of gifts are those appreciated most
after all. Our line of boys' clothing and furnishings
affords a pplendid opportunity for a satisfactory selection.
IUy suit (Knickerbocker), 9:M5 to 915.00
lloyV overcoats at 93.45 to 9IH.OO.
Hoys' union imiia at 40c to 92.00. .
lk)j' night, shirt at 50c to 91.50.
Ilojs' pnjnmm, special, 91.00 lo $1.50.
Hoys' neckwear, fancy box, 25c lo 54)o.
Itoys' raps, fancy box, 50c to 91 -OH.
Hoys' ifloves, kid. knit or fur, 20c to 95.00.
1UV bWts, 25c to 50r.
, ' A Itoys' nnspenler, 25c to 50c.
Itoys' supporters, 25c to 541c.
Ilo)a' bath robes, 91.05 to 90.50.
Barress-Hasn Co. Fourth Floor.
tray. Price,
Jewelry cases, gold or silver
plated, with pretty silk lining,
at 25c.
Complete manicure set, 11 pieces,
quadruple silver plated, pretty
floral pattern. Set, 9H.50.
Leather Goods Suggestive Christmas Gifts
Iddles' bags in colors, styles are
Just like mother's, prices 20c to
Traveling Cases,
as ill ostrated,
90.50 to 925.00.
Back strap purses are very popu
lar. We are showing a variety of
styles in real pin seals at 92.50
and 93.50.
Peal dull pin seal bags, new
French shape, has carved white
ivory rope knob, fancy colored silk
lining, fitted with coin purse and
mirror; regularly $7.50; special
at 91.93.
Velvet bags made of silk chiffon
velvet, Cleopatra style (as adver
tised in Vogue), conies in black
and colors, at, special 94.05.
Poker sets, in flat leather cases,
50 chips, deck of gilt edge cards,
at $1.25.
Poker sets, 50 chips, deck of gilt
edge cards in leather case, 91. OO.
Bridge whist sets, in flat leather
case, two decks of gilt edie cards,
rcore pad and pencil, caBe silk
lined, special at 92.50.
Drinking collapsible nickel gilt
lined, in all leather rase, at 92.05.
Music, fold, all leather seal press
ing, leather lined; music can be
carried folded or flat. An un
usual value, 93.0.V
Military brushes. Howard make,
in real leather case; brushes are
olid back, real ebony brlmle. An
unusual value at 91.05.
Others up to 912.50.
JUST as a suggestion we men
tion suit cases, traveling bags,
wardrobe trunks, dress trunks,
automobile kits, etc., hat boxes.
Women's traveling bags, fitted, at
913.50 to 9 O.oo.
Men's traveling bags, fitted, at
920.00 to 94 5. OO. cases priced at OMc to 915.00.
Traveling bags priced at 91.00 to
IJartman'a wardrobe trunks,
91H.50 to 9105.00.
Dress trunks priced at 91-00 to
Automobile kits for automobile
parties, fitted complete, 90.50 to
Burf aas-Mash Co. Tonrth Floor.
THERE is probably nothing
that he will appreciate more
and we are certain there is no bet
ter assortment from which to se
lect than here at Burgess-NaBh
with a price range of 91-05 to 920.
Men's (loth tpa
Also knit, leather and corduroy,
at 60c to 91.50.
Men's Hats, 93.00
The very best makes in all the
new shapes a style to suit every
type of face, 9-o.
Htetson Hats, 93-50
Von know their worth, all the
staple style as well as the newest.
Burgess-Bash Co. Fourth Floor. Co. Mala Floor.
Lot Your Gift
Bo a Kodak
A GIFT that will be appreciated
by young and old.
No, 0
Itrownle cam
era, 11.85.
No. t
Krownle cajn
era. 92.00.
No. 2. A
Hrownle ram
era, 93.00.
No. 1 FoldUir
Brownie, M.
No. 2 -A roWlns- Pocket Brownie, a.
Barfeaa-Baah Co. ataln Floor.
'pilK high eat grade
Peanuts, fresh roasted, lb. ,
English Walnuts, large
. English walnuts, small
Almonds, California
Pecans, large sice, pound ...20c
Filberts, large and well filled,
pound lc
Brazils, large and washed, lb. 21c
Burgess-Hash Co.-Basement.
paper shell,
Sewing Machines
"ITT HAT would
' appreciated
be more
as a gift
than a new sew
IriK machine?
We liave near
ly all the stan
dard makes at
prices ranging
from Slt.SO to
70.00. lTsed
or floor s&m
rli machines at
as.oo to satt.60.
Terms, 11.00 a Week. Co. Third Floor.
Pick out One of These
at $25
for his Christmas present.
We're certain you could not
please him more. Tho overcoats rep
resent tho very acme of the tailor's
art, strictly hand tailored through
out, mado to conform to the re
quirements of the
which means tho very best possible
at the price. Variety of smart styles
in the most favored materials and
in all sizes.
Men's Suits, $13.65 to $40.00.
Men's Overcoats, $10.00 to $150.00.
Men's Full Dress and Tuxedo , Suits,
$13.65 to $55.00.
Men's Full Dress Overcoats at $30.00 to
Bnrgess-sTaih Co. F-mrth Floor.
Women's Silk Vests1.50
VENETIAN Silk Vest, crocheted or band tops,
reinforced arm holes, put up neatly in Christ
mas boxes.
Burges-Hash Co. Mala Floor.
Ofie Ciristmas Stove for&vcnjBodij
fft Fresh Violets, 19c Bunch
JiXl&lis) n ALIFOHNIA Violets, 50 in a bunch, special at
w 19c a bunch.
Special dli lay of Christmas decorations, wreaths.
basLets. etc.
Banress-sTua Co. Floor.