Tin: BEE: OMATTA, SATURDAY. DECEMBER IB. 1915. 10 ittePage Horn e Ma Anita Stevart's Talks to Girls No. 4 Every Girl Should Learn a Trade. Tricks of Brain -I- and Wonders of Mind Simple Elegance, the New Paris Note Republished by Special Arrangement with Harper's Bazar The Bees m m, v t rr 1 i :4 nr OAiinnT r. srcnviss. A! J - .V. i i ' 3 V i v 1 i- t k, . - f 1 - ...... - ; , ' , War give strange (llmpwrn Into things not necracar'ly connected with It. It oftn places In the hands of a surrenn ;msn of knowledge which he could not : otherwine have acquired. A French eer- I geant received a wound !n the hend ) which affected the bruin In such a way that at times he exhibited aupranormal 1 power of perception, as If hla senses i had heoome more than human In their . rearh. ) Amonir ths etnerlments tried with him , wna thl: Flared at a desk, with a screen .before him which hlil hla hand, he wn aaked to write a let tor, and, a ho wrote, the sheets, ten in number, were rapidly 'removed so that each line was written .on a dlfftrent hrt, (he lmt aheet con taining only the signature. Then he waa jacked to read and correct the letter, with 'only the last sheet lying on the table land yMll screened from his eyed. H read It correctly, ar.rt 'nserted the emenda . tlonc, and the punctuation marka. In , their proper place n the blank aheet. Just fl If It h.-id contained the entire writing. j A l:illar power of mental v'alon seem ,tt have born po'Tdl by Paul Morphy, the phrnottien'al cheM player, who could Tiny eight games at oner, blindfolded, i Mpi phy waa born with the gift; the French acrgeant had It accidentally I knocked into his head. It would be a hasty conclusion that a sufficient number of properly d'rected , knocks on the skull might turn a dolt l Into a genlue, and yet the mind doe. In most men. seem to he enclosed In an Uy ANITA 8TEWAKT. Copyright, 1913. International Service. News My mother my vtlao, lar-set'lug mother -bean when I waa a little girl to pre para ma to ba self-supporting. I had a very sweet, strong, high soprano voice, and It waa Intended In those days that 1 should be a singer, but chaiiva opened the door of a moving picture atudlo to m. I mads good, and my fata was changed. But how I niak my living Is a mora atalL The main point is that my mother did not trust my future to luoK, a Is the common way with parents with their girls, although they are careful euougli to try to safeguard their boya. My mother didn't say, "Anita is pretty, he'll be sura to marry and llv happily aver afterward." Una said, "Perhaps Anita may marry, 2rhapa aha may not marry. Perhaps, If alia doea marry, her husband may turn out to ba a poor business man. fwho has no faculty for making money. or he may become an Invalid, or die, and leave her with children, and aha may need to know how to maka money a Jtundred times mora desperately than any single woman aver does. Tv seen all of these calamities hap pen over and over again, and I don't want my daughter to be one of those balplass, futilo women who have never triads a dollar, and couldn't If they were thrown out on their own resources." That's the way my mother looked at the subject, and If every other mother Book the same Una It would save a lot f useless misery ami suffering, far It's the uaprcpaxadueaa of girls fur llta that tnakee so many of them nutka such a mesa of 1U If every girl was taught soma trade or profession by whkh she could support herself It would do away with nearly all of the unhappy marriages. Then a girl could wait until the man She wanted for a husband cams along, instead of having to taJut the first man who p reposes to her, because her family hows her that they think that they have supported her Ion- enough, and, that sne ouht to set out of the way of li'-r younger a.nlers. The girl with her own occupation doesn't have to marry for a home, but the dependent girl do, only too often. The girl who has a gjod trade or pro fession Is treated bettrr by her husbaoA too. lo you know why so many wives tand for druukeuiu, unfaithfulness and blutallty from their husbaniisT It's because they have no way of making a living- for Uiemselvea. They've never . been taught bow to earn a cent, and it's a cnoU between being abused or starved with them. but the woman with a good profeanlon at her I IK its' ends simply serves no tlce on her husband that if he Wn t I rent hc-r right she'll back to her old po.lt! jn. and you an going to find cut that when etriy woman Is eelf-jp-j-.rt.ii;,', theru is going U be the greatest reformation the world has ever known In the conduct of husbands. And It gives a girl such a sense of Independence and dignity to know that she can stand on her own two littlo fert, and doesn't have to be like a flopping vine hanging onto the nearest support. It makes her feel that she's a human being and some account In the world. and that is about as soul satisfying an emotion as we' ever get. i I say, girls, by all means learn how to do some one thing well enough to make a living by it. It doean't mat ter whether you are rich or poor, for no one knows what sort of luck Is wait ing for us down the road. A rood trade is a strong crutch to lean on If you need It, and If you never need It, It Is a comfortable thought to know that you've got it In reserve. It's Just like having mouey In the bank. (The next article by Anita Stewart will appear here soon.) : Advice to Lovelorn BY B&avmsoa riOIaX 1 1 lour "HI llrutbrr." lear Mms Fairfax: I am a girl of II and fur the lat five years have known a young man two .yesrs my senior. This Vouiik. man la a rreiment visitor at our lious.v as he la alxo iny brother's chum, and wo grew up to regard him aa one of the finally, lie in return talis me his littlo lter. Now. fler being with him so Iohk. 1 find that1 1 am not indifferent to Mm, but love huu very much, of wiucn lie m not aware. I would nut lor all the world lei him know that 1 love him. Whenever I hear that he la com ing up to the hoime 1 purely go away to tiy to forget him, but find that It is ImiMKlhle. lie has been up several times, and after flndtna; me out inquired of my mother where bis sister was. Now, MWs Fairfax, pleaM) ail viae me what to do. No one Knows of my love for him. Kvery one In the hou rexorda him ae one i.s us. 1 1 KAKThllOK l-.N K. 8. H. Just go on In your friendship for your "big brother." Lve frequently grows from a loyal and congenial friendnhln. Do not fear to snow him the tender af fection your assumed. relatlonxhlD Im plies. If sweetness and womanliness do not win his love, neither cold self-con sciousness nor a forward declaration on your part would auooeed. ftha Is to Blame. Iiear Mls Fairfax: I have been paying attention to a young girl for six months. Of late I have heard that, w hile on her vacation she whs with a luitrriid nun most of the tune, hhe alo haa another married man meet her and escort her borne from her place of business. Ixi you think tliat the man that meets her and sees bur home a man of guod moritl character wtu n he haa a wife and children home watting for him. F. B. Mc. The persou moat to blame In the case you stata la the girl herself. 'A young woman who knowingly accepts the atten. tlon of married men harms her own character and Selfishly emlanner the tiiHins of the wife who has never done anything to Injure her. Try to per- siijiie this girl that her course Is rrutlly stlflch and very dangerous bacure shell which reveals bright gleams , .1. . . .. W 1 1 , 1. I iii,uiii in i inin, Bometline the mind appears to take advantage of the hours of sleep In order j to free Itself from its accustomed Uhnrklns. The lightning quickness of Its action at such times is startling. It I throws off time, and yet relalna ita Image ! bo perfectly that tlie dreamer la abso lutely deceived. One of the moM Interesting examples of the lntantaneoiinea of dreams Is reoorded of hlmxelf by I F. A. Maury, d)'ln(rulnhed French antiquarian and historical writer. As he lay sleeping in hla bed a curtain red fell and struck him violently on the back on the neck, awakening him with a start. During that moment of waklnp, which could not have occupied more than two seconds hefors conscloURnens was complete. , Maury had a dream In which he thought ' he lived through the reign of terror in ! Paris, was arrested and tried before the revolutionary tribunal, waa condemned to death and sent to the guillotine, lie felt, the quiver of the deacendtng knife and the thck as it struck his neck and then the dresm .vanished and he awoke! j I If a aimllur accident had suggented a like train of thought. consisting of tu nit'CU memory and Imagination to a person wide awako, he would have had j no sense of the lapsA of any time except ( that actuully Involved In the develop- , ment of his refaction, but for the dreamer, to whom the details florked Immensely fustcr than they could have bren conceived l.y a waking 1 thinker. there was a semw of slow passage of the time corresponding In length with that which would huve been required by the eventa themselves. Just as the dream makes the persons who play a part In It seem absolutely actual, so It reproduces the effect of the ordinary flow of time without the slightest apparent curtailment. Here Is something worth thinking about an linage of time ran be made to appear j exactly Ilka real time; an hour, a day, a week, a year, can be condensed Into a second, and the mind will perceive no difference! Might not the process be re versed and a second be expanded to an age in the consciousness of a different order of being than ours? In these things we see the origin of the peculations of certain philosophers, who maintain that there la no such thing as time, that It Is a mere notion of the mind and that In reality everything (s simultaneous. What the mind doea In sleep is not always merely telling Itself stories, for often very Important work Is performed In dreams, having a bearing upon every day affairs. Coleridge composed! the most Imaginative of all hla poems In a dream. Codoroet, the great French mathematician, more than once had the conclusion of some profound calculation, I on which he had vainly labored before retiring to bed. presented to him In a dream. lr. Olynthua Gregory often employed In lectures to hia college classes Ideas and even words and sentences which he had worked out while asleep. There Is at least one Instance on record of the Invention of a new word by a dreamer. It la recorded by Dr. John Abercromble, who says that a gentleman dreamed that he was enclosed with a crowd of peo ple in a penthouse, where they were threatened with suffocation for lack of fresh air. In hla dlstreaa he cried out: "II faut detolter" ("Force off the roof!") As he littered thla cry he awoke. Now, there U a French word meaning "roof," but no vert) "detolter," which would mean to take the roof off. The stories of warning of death and danger con veyed by dreams are Innumerable, but probably lllueory. In-Shoots Base ball enthusiasts are not as foolish as the sporting editor would have ua believe. When the average man gets Justice in the courts he Is usually too old to enjoy it. In nearly every Instance the womaa with a lasy husband la a hopeless pes simist. A fellow can look mysteriously wise without having a secret worth keeping In his head. !xve in a cottage dors not bring much joy when the cottage Is owned and run by tne hust.ar.de parents. In this suit drrws of grfon velours de lalne, Doeullit has trimmed the full skirt with skunk fur. The Jacket ends are edged with fnr, as wll s the cuffs and collar. Paris fashion designers will put women In trouserettes before they are through. They are continually hinting at that tort of tlung, and while they do not yet feel the tithe Is. ripe, they never miss the opportunity to strike the note. At a recent fashion review in the French capital, the scene of the play was laid a hundred years hence, an J ( Paul Pol ret had the chance to bring out the trouser skirt for which he ha long had a predilection. Polret haa often been heard to remark that the trouserette Is the "fashion of tomorrow." The fashion note in Parts today la ex treme simplicity, and a return to refined elegance. Doeulllet has designed some charming costumes since the opening, says Emllle de Joncalre, writing in the Christmas number of Harper's Baiar.' Doeulllet Is always conservative, and has a large French clientele. He ahows at his best now when the simplicity he ha always advocated has become popular. Doeulllet's skirts are short and 'full. Doeulllet has fashioned here a gown of old rose taffeta with the skirt draped high In the back and trimmed ou the bottom with skunk fur. The tight fitting waist is of heavy silver lace, and bands of passe menterie form shoulder straps. and he calls attention to the fact that In order to give a youthful air a full skirt mustbe quite short. The circular, bell shaped skirt has not, however made. Us' appearance. Recently he created a gown of soft velvet In coral tone for one of hia exclusive American customers. Tin skirt Is draped on the hips and bordered Of blue gabardine is this service able little frock? which has a loose hanging bolero and white si Ik vest. The full skirt has two wide tucks at the bottom, and wide pockets on the sides are heavily embroidered in deep tones. on the bottom with skunk. The corsage Is of silver lace. He is also making so mo charming frocks of black lace for hi Parisian clientele. These are trimmed with velvet and fur. Pockets are. brought into prominence In every costume; sometimes their pres ence In a very full skirt Is accentuate by a lining of contrasting color, Bome tlmes they are frankly a leading feature and outlined with fur or embroidery, But they are not Intended for usefulness and must not bulge with hankerchlef or purse, though they may hold the few coins one needs to have at hand. A IF A (DTI , : . V' VMU 4i ' 'i " : V Wil l 3i M AOVEMTIglNG Is the most effective means of enlarging a business. Large corporations, as well as people of small means, if they are progressive, realize this. When a man advertises in THE BEE it carries his message to thousands and thousands of BEE readers in and about Omaha, proclaiming his goods or what he has to offer in the way of Real Estate, Farms, Business Chances and a hundred and one other things. In this way he becomes known to a steadily enlarging public and it means new customers ana more rraae. No enterprise can languish if you use the Want Ad columns of TTHIE 3EB .zLj .jElj )