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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1915)
Till: IIEK: OMAHA, Fill DAY, DECKMBKi: 17, 1015. ByMELLIFICIA. Thursday, December 16, 1915. THIS seems the age of the safe-and-sane la all things, even festivals, with the safeness for the Fourth of July and the eaneness for Christmas. You euner Kive an arusuc cam, wiuoui inugo or Byiuiuv, but correct In script and chaste in design. If not a card, something that can be of use, Jewelry, of course, always considered. In the gift displays of the shops this season, foremost are taffeta silk umbrellas, linen handkerchiefs with daintily embroidered designs, envelope bags of seal leather, hand bags of striped silk moire, fancy hairpins, filled stationery cabinets, thread Bilk and novelty silk hosiery. Angora worsted caps and skating Bcarrs and sweat ers In Copenhagen blue, old rose and purple. Perhaps the gift handkerchiefs, the salesfolk call them "moucholra" In New York this year, are among the daintiest of exhibits. Handkerchiefs at Christina are like stiver teaspoons for a wedding they are safe and wel comed always. The glove handkerchief Is a great favorite, Maderia em broidered, with the scallop rivaling the hemstitched edge. Bijouterie, we call it Jewelry In Omaha, shows delicate modeling, fragile form. There are pendants, "French necklets," "La Vallleres," and many replicas of fine old brooches. The day, too, has come when a young chap may buy his fiancee a trinket without going into, debt for a diamond, a pearl or ruby. Stones are prized for their beauty, not their cost, and no young man may be afraid to give the lady of his choice a setting of ame thyst, sapphire or Jet (South American). Lapis laxull, Jade, Jet, coral and topai are in equally good taste. Tomorrow, perhaps, I'll have something to say of the gifts that may be sent to boys and men. of the bride snd bridegroom. Minn liola Pnnied ma the roa'd of honor and Sir. Clyde Iske the best msn. Mr. and Mm. will nmke their future hnme near Kprinsflrld. Vacation Duetts. Jllee Dorothy Imhlmnn. daughter of Mor and Mm. Jnmrn r. Pahlmsn, who attends an-ntlr!lo seminary at Oodfrey, III., la expwUd home for tha holidays on Krlday. Miss Florence Ralin. a middle-senior at Montlrello seminary, la spending the week-end in K annua rity and will arrive home for the Christmas vacation on Monday. accompanied hy Mr. Ohatburn. will t I (j tha guest of Mr. and Mra. Cuthbert In cent for a few days. Home for Holiday. When Mr. Warren Hamilton returns from Armour Institute, Chicago, to spend tha holidays with his parent. Mr. 'and Mrs. E. O. Hamilton, he will have as his rueat for tha vacation. Mr. C. Harry Roberta of Beaumont, Tex., who has been a cloaa friend, schoolmate and fra ternity brother In Delta, Tail Delta with Mr. Hamilton since tha two went to Armour. They will reach Omaha early Saturday morning", and In honor of her son's vlaltor Mra Hamilton will IVe a breakfaat party at their home, 4108 Dav enport street, at o'clock. The Invited sueata are the following young men, who have been friends, schoolmates and neighbors of Mr. Hamilton for many years: Messrs. 1'hll Meta. Kenneth Norton. Herbert Connell, Newton li-nson, 'a!eT Offutt, Kenneth lie a. Msssrs. John Vhadwlck, Hohert Connell. Drexel SHlernen, Jnhn Holllnner. 1'hll HocklnlK-raer, Columbus, Keb. give a dance this evening at Chambers academy. Ona of the dances of tha evening will be slven by the Elks at their hall. Tho Comua club waa entertained this afternoon by Mrs. P. O. Jennings. Mrs. M. Cochran waa hostess this after noon for the Morning Glory KenaliiRton club. The Mum's club Wea a dance this evening at Ilarte's hall In Dundee. Iike-Daniell Wedding. Mlaa Gertrude Dnnldl, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Itlchard Danlcll of Kort Crook, was married Wedneaday afternoon at 4 o'clock at tha McCabe Methodlat parson age to Mr. Clarence lake of Springfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred lake of La I'latte, Rev. W. II. ITnderood officiat ing The wedding ceremony waa performed In the preaence of twelve young friend Return from St. Mary's. Mlaa Kvelyn Iedwlch returns Friday j morning from St. Mary's school at ioir uamo, ma. inni-r isenraeKa ems who will accompany Mlas Iedwlch and spend tha day In Omaha with her are tha Mlasr-a Alice and Ruth Temple of 1exlrigton, and Mlaa Mary Hufthey'of Nebraska City. Miss Grace Drake and Mtaa Marlon Weller are also expected from St. Mary's on Friday. Younger Set at Tea. Mra. C. Louis Meyer gave a small In formal tea thia afternoon to the younger act In honor of hr sister, Mss ITiylUs Luman of Halt Lake City, and Mlas Marlon Towle, one of the debutantes of the season. The decorations were In red Chrlstmaa acheme. The tea waa poured by the matrons and tha glrla aaslated in receiving the guests. Assisting the host ess were: Meadamea Meadnmea William lllll , A. I. Meyer. Clarke. John W. Towle. Misses Misses Olndya Tetera. F'rancre Hochstetler. Margaret 1 lowland. Iouli Dinning. Distinguished Guest. Prof. George R. '.'hatburn of Lincoln, who hold the chair of applied mechanlra at the atat university and rpeaka this afternoon before the Society of Equity. Change in Residence. The C C. Rowwaters will move to the Fontenelle Haturday and their home wlli lie taken by Mr. and Mra. A. I Reed, who will cloe their country place. "Aloha," for the winter. For Miss Rogers. Mrs. George llrandela entertained three tables this afternoon at an Informal bridge for her slater. Miss Lillian Rogers ot C hicago. Personal Mention. Mrs. P. C. Heafey, accompanied by Mias Csssle Riley, returned Wednesday eve ning from a month's trip to the Pacific coast Mrs. Heafey and Mlas Riley vis ited both expositions and ssw the Grand Canyon of the Colorado In Arizona Mr, Sam Johnson waa registered In New York at The Hotel McAtpIn the paat week. Mr. George If. Schweers of Pender, waa a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Carey. James Rdward Fitzgerald wilt leave Omaha Friday night for tho cast to spend Christmas with his mother st Northampton, Maes. Mr. Fitzgerald will return about December 28. Mra W. M. Davidson of Springfield, state auditor of the Women'a Federation of Clubs for Nebraska, will be the guest of Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent until Friday. Social Affairs Planned. McKlnley lodge of the B'nal B'rlth will entertain at a dancing party New Tear's night at Chambers' academy. Dark Horse" Rumor in Talk of Federal Judgeship in Omahr. The old iuzzle question, "Who's going In he the next federal Judge In the Omaha division V Is aald to be not near an snswer yet. This Is the news brought I flck by a federal officer who recently visited the national capital. "The attorney general doesn't contem plate making a recommendation before the Christmas holldaya." said this man. "and the president wilt take no action until after the first of the new year." It la said that the race has narrowed Hnm-n f A J. 3 Thnlni. Rnvard W T T j Thompson of Grand Island and J. W. Woodrough of Omaha. It Is said, fur ther, that the department la determined to t-ec-immcnd no man over SO years of age, which would eliminate Judge Thomp son by a small margin. The visit of an assistant sttorney gen eral to Nebraska a few weeks ago on a quiet scouting expedition gives rise to all sorts of rumors of a 'Vara- horse' that will be a surprise to nearly every body when the appointment Is made. , Twr arc Rpnwn nvcD rnn THFCT OF r.hS.U RFfilSTFrV Ti. 3. Recan, W North Seventeenth street, and Thoniss Carroll, Twenty-ninth and Binney streets, charged with the theft of a cash register, 'taken from a vehicle belonging to the Oordon Van and Storage company, were each bound over to the district 'court with bonds fixed at 7D0. . Relief from Arnte Rheumatism. John II. -Gronx, Winchester, N. 11., writes: "I suffer from acute rheuma tism and Sloan'a Liniment always helps quickly. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. niiLiij x -.git.. . yjiyM: . ii Open Evenings Until Xmat THE BORSHEIM JEWELRY STORE Radiant with the Christmas Spirit 12-Size Gentlemen '8 Elgin Seren Jefreletl "Watches, Twenty-five Year American (Sold Filled Case, our special price, $7.45. O-Size 7 -Jeweled Ladies' American Watches, 20-Year Gold Filled Case, our special price, $6.00. A very fine line of La Vallleres for Friday and Saturday. We will sell you a Diamond La Valliere for $-1.75, all gold and a full cut dia mond. J THIS IS A JE WELR Y CHRISTMAS Louis a. borsheim S06 So. 16th St. Dinners Preceding the Dance. ' The Osgood Eastmans give one of ths larger dinner parties of the evening, din ing at the home with twenty-four guests preceding the Subscription club danco this evening at Turpln's school. The din ers will sit at little tables with a color scheme of pink the keynote of the deco ration. The tables will hold ping candlee end shades, and little pink sweetheart rosea with lilies of the valley In tiny French baskets. , Mrs. Warren Rogers will give a small dinner at her home to the ohnj A. Mo Shanes, the Harry Burkleys, Miss Mary Munchhoff, Mr. Frank Burkley and Mr. Charles Saunders. lire. Arthur Remington will give an other of the smaller dinners of the eve ning at her home. The guests will be: Messrs. and Masdames ' F II. Hprague. C, B. Keller. W. A. C. Johnson. Mia Catherine McCormlek. The Will Ilamiltona will dine at home lth: J anlel fltapleton, T. J. Mnhoncy, M Peters. tiould Dleta. Mine ltiiy Poane. Mr. Chailvs Hamilton. With the School Set. Mlsa Pau'lna Weaterfteld returned Thursdsy from Monmouth, (111.) college and will spend the holldaya with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chttrlee Wester field. Miss Loola Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L Harris, who is attending school at Wellesley. will spend tha holt day vacation In Baltimore with relative. Mlaa Krna Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed, is expected heme from Vaaaar, Friday to spend the holidays with her parents.' Miss Kllsabeth Reed, who attendg Bennett school at Mill brook, N. Y.. will go to New Tork City to attend the debut dance of Miss Irene Hunter, a school friend, before coming home. Bhe will arrive here about De- rember SI. rarewell Party. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lowe gave a fare well party to the Mlaaes Eugenia an( Marie Louise Olagulbel, prior to their departure for New Tork City, where they will make their future home. The M lasts Olagulbel, who are former resident, of Mexico City, have been en tertalned by their various friends during the last week. Those present were: Jew! A!esni1er, Jeanette Hofsaess. Flower Alexander, Mertha Htoltenberg, l.llllan Williamson. Marto lyouise Olagulbel. Messrs. Aawe Hrlx. Vv ins ii Meebee, Arnold fc.-hllck, l.arl Lome. jeeephtne Morrow, I'.oi lria Kulion, Vatherlne Mohler. K' jtenia Olagulbel. Mett-a. I .o ula L. Murphy. N firman Ii. Junes, f'iark Cheney, l.uK'iia Lu, Debut nte Affair. Mrs. W. T. Robinson gave an Informal luncheon this afternoon at her home to the younger act In honor of the latest bud of the season. Miss Louise White, just one day out. The luncheon guests were seated at a lung table with a Christmas tree In the center, brilliant with the sparkle of mlneture electrto lights. Holly and Christmas green further carried out a decorative scheme in appropriate honor to the Tuletlde debutante. The favors were gold hat ptna. Those present were: Useful Xmas Gifts Those who wish to Ajlva sen sible preaenU and at the same time practice economy, will do well to consider these TRAVELING HAGS AND SUIT CASES; a great variety for men and women. Every- ' thins; from tbe highest grade Seal and Walrus down to the ood Cowhide, leather-Uned luggage moderately CJC Af" priced at OOsUU TOILET TRAVELING 8KT85 black, pebble leathers with fanny moire silk and leather linings, and Ivory or ebony fit- tlan. Prices range - rr from 35 down to JiJeVJ BRIEF OASEB5 y salesmen, lawyers, clergymen and business men gomerally. Sealskin or black cowhide. Ranging JQ ewj from 116.60 down tosas I O . LADIES' 11AND MAGS are always acceptable. This season assortments are grester and leathers and linings more elab orate. Any price N 1 ff from 810 to . V ew PURSES and CARD CAKES; always appreciated by a. man because always useful. We have an assortment ranging Of" -front t.00 down to. . . aGOl We also have a great variety of Jewelry Cases, Drinking Cups, Medicine Cases, Collar Bags. Sewing Cases. Writing Portfolios, Musle Cases and Rolls, Manicure Sets, Travel ing Slippers, Flasks, Tie Cases, Handkerchief Cases, Combs la Cases and many other things. Frcling&Steinle : "Omaha's Best Baffgafe Btild. trs." 1803 Farnam St The Store of the Christmas Service Serrlcsl Hervlrel flerrtrst That la ths burden of our planning for holiday patrons. Last year our Christ mas st.rvlre was of matsrtsl assistance to thousands of our patrons and this year st expert to aid thousands mors. Ths Ilrsndols Holiday Motor ps llvsry K.rvlc, greatly snlargxd, la prepared to rendsr ths most sfflrlsnt servlra In Omaha. It will bs a pow erful help In (suing your .Christmas packages horns. We will hold your parksses for you until Just - be fore Christmas, and deliver them I'KOMPTI.Y upon your orders. Every feature of our holiday help fulness Is at tha dlSDOSKl of the ahon. pln I'uhlle. s. 1 1 n 1 1 m A . . C Y a im SJ; ) "itv r urn V 1 EMEMTl' Special Values in Neckwear Swiss collars, embroidered in white and colors; very pretty. 25c values, IP. Friday. AeJie Near silk scarfs, in white, pink, light blue, lavender and black; full length. nQ Splendid values eutC Ribbons 5-yard lengths, In No. 1, 1'2, 2 snd 3, at, bolt 7c,9c, 12c, 15c w Great Popular-Priced Fur 1 ' " - - WW!? I Seemingly there is nothing impossible for our Great Enlarged Basement to t accomplish in the way of fine merchandise at lowest prices. Extra large pur chases at a cash figure, with shrewd bargaining, enables us to offer these im mensely desirable values in furs. These prices are within the reach of everyone and as to quality and style, we only ask you to come to the big sale Friday. Women'a and Misses' Long, Three-Quarter and Short Tur Coats, made of extra fine qual ity black and brown French .coney; fine all satin linings. Perfect coats in every way; several styles. We secured the stock of a furrier who retired from business at a give-away price, hence these extreme low prices. Sizes up to 44, not every siie in every style, but a good range of all styles. 60 coats in the lot, made to sell up to $50.00. At these two prices while they last Sale and A aIlMea Marawy Moford. tiert mil Mela, Mnrsaret Ktum, Milli( lingers. Kram-a lluch- su-tlrr, llehu Kplneter, aeeaHme MAssea 1i;iiee White, 1 Inrenee Kol.lnson of M. Jxuis, IkIh-1 lnnontmler, Marlon TtIe. Msry MKeath, Jl.-l-n lii'i n. Mediii t'Ur ute tiijbrnen.K. Writ brook V it lor VMille. W. T. Hoblnson. Xeday'i Events. s The White t-hrines tre a banquet at the Masoulo temple this evening at I I'lock, Mrs. Joe B. RedflcU will entertain this afternoon at the Yuletlde tea. rooms, fol lowed by an Orpheum mrty for Mra. II. i. Caugherty an4 Misa Oraoe Caugherty vf Kenton liarhor. Mich. 'I he Ves'a chapter of the Eastern Btar 4- 'Kr-' Z Xmas Cards a a.kospeco. ;v -31 Women's and Misses' Separate Scarfs Women's and Misses' Fur 8houlder Pieces and Throw that were made to sell as high ss 115.00. Msde of fine genuine Jsp Mink, extra large fancy tail and head trimmed; Red Fox Double 8nakes. Fine Silky Black China Fox, extra large head and tall trimmed; Northwest Mink, etc. A wonderful lot of fur at give-away prices. sets; large $3.95 large muffs $2.95 r. Wnmsn's anrl Kfiaaata' Msteriarl Qst rJ-' Black and brown French coney muffs and big shoulder pieces. $6.03 values, at Plue and Brown CMna Wolf Sets, and extra large shoulder pieces. $5.00 sets, at For Tiger Coney Sets, extra large head and tail trimmed muffs and large shoulder I C QC pieces. Regular $10.00 values )OevO Many odd and sample sets at these orlces. Pointed China Wolf. Genuine Isa bella Fox Sets, Large French Coney 8ets, Natur- f r ftr and tf0 OC al Wolf. Values to $15.00 ..tb7& POe70 I!. 1 $3.95 and $4.95 THESE ARE A VERY FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS IN THIS SALE 1 ' ft Special Values in Blankets and Comfortables One Lot of Extra Large Size 72x0, Double Woolnap Blankets, extra good weight twilled blan. keta. In tan, gray and white. Val ues from $2.00 to e1 C Q $2.50, special, pair.. leJ7 Wool Finished Bath Robe or Wrapper Blankets, largest size, one will make a robe for the largest person; full 72x90. Cord to match. Large assortment of desirable patterns. Each put up In attractive box. c r cy Epe. Frl., complete. J JL e70 Crib Blankets, fast colored, size 30x40. In baby blue, pink and white, assorted patterns. Well worth 40c, ape- nr clal Friday, each aOC Extra Large Size Comforts, ' 2 yards wide snd 2t yards long, filled with new white cord ed cotton. Extra heavy and medium weights, covered with fine sllkollne. Worth to $3.00, special, Friday, each $1.98 Sale of Dress Forms Best Four-Section-al Dress Forms, with arm pieces. Each form has extra skirt marker attached to wire skirt; they can be adjusted from 33 bust to 46; also any height. Regular $10 values, Friday fc..' SJP'S'SISiaiJH"Smn I "H' rmasms WS-. r-ri-rmnm The Htore of the Town FOR HIS XI.IAS A CRAVAT OR TWO 50 TO $ 4.00 Drowning, King & Co. 6 i f Mi; II Kl'lal A Very t-'iue Onys; Cameo Itrooch itl bortlfr f IVitrls .H Bring the Children to See Toyland and All the Funnies wTuonaTllled with ttnu ra I Hard Wood Building Blocks, speclaj Qrt OA Monday pJJ Shoo Flies, size 21x31 Inches; hss willow seat with cretonne If i $4.19 m m 1 1 FINE CHRISTMAS LINENS 5 "Si Pacing Bob, length 1S'a In. height C'a Inches; packed, set up complete, 25 C Genuine Flexible Flyer sleds! self steering with grooved steel runners. All (nto Sizes from.. 0.OU OO lining; bent reck. . c 1 or ere. Special for Mon. 4 1 esCiO SLIPPERS i TURKNIT GIFT BOXES. These sets consist of Two Large Turkish Towels, Two Wash Cloths, One Large Bath Cloth and Two Face Towels. Begular $1.50 value, set. . FANCY LINENS. Lace Scarfs, Imitation Filet Covers, Embroidered Linens always an accept able gift. $1.75 values, sale price. 95c 98c BED SPREADS. Satin finish, scalloped and cut corners; very elaborate patterns; one of the most appreciative gifts. Regular $4.00 values, 2 0) ' "''LINEN SETS. All - Linen Hemstitched Table Cloths with six hem stitched napkins to match; put up in a neat box. $5.00 values, (t Q r f Friday t)J.OU 50c ..98c The best sort of a Xmas pres. ent and we have scores of styles it small prices Indeed. Men's House Slippers, velvet and Imitation alligator. In tan and black. Fri day, pair Men's House Slippers, soft kid- tkln, black or tan. Specially priced, at. Men's House Slippers, high and low styles, In tan and black Insoles. J 1 O C Pslr ?J.ea0 Men's House Slippers, Opera, Everett and Romeo etyles, hand turned soles; cushlnon Insoles Men's Felt Slippers, leather eoles and heels; red flannel lined. Special, 69 C Women's Knit Slippers, com bination colors. All CO sizes, very special, pr,,OJI .51.49 Extra Bargains FOR BOYS Boys' Macklnaws, Overcoats and .8tu,u:.F.r.,day: ..$2.95 Splendid $4.00 Values. Norfolk style macklnaws, In red, gray and brown plaid effects. Ail sizes. x Overcoats In splendid wearing mixtures and chinchillas; mostly all with worsted linings. Good serviceable Boys' Suits In different patterns. Many have two pair of pants. ' A brand new ' assortment of Blouse Waists, many In the lot with turn-back cuffs. OC Worth 60c, at asOC Boy's Sweaters, reds, grays, blues. In all sizes. Worth QC to $150, epecial, Friday... OOC Corduroy Knlckerbock- era, Sc values mj w M' .St