Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tlffi HEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECKMttKU 17. 101.'
"iw4'i for porting Oooda."
01f Csrtifloatss Ertholm Jswslsr.
Ltgatlag Hrors Burgss-Oranas.
Bave Boot Frist It Now Fsaron rrsaa
Christmas Tt lighting OntfHa
Burgess-Qrariden company.
tnvsrtmsBt Harney and 124 fits. Ak
Dumont. Keellne fcldg.. fo particulars.
Christmas suggestions at Mra. Sper
ling" art exhibit at the Kontenelle. room
1007. Open evenlngj until o'clock.
Today's Movie Frog-ram" olnssinaa
section today. It nrPrB In Tha Bee
EXCLUS1VELT. rind out what tha va
rtoua moving picture theaters offer.
Mobs Jitnsr Shop Axel Praks, !9im
Martha street, atole a quantity or sta
tionery from a ten-cent store and as a
result was arrested and fined $18 and
" Kearney Kan Bobbed Allen Blanket)
hip of Kearney reports to the police that
a sneakthlef gained entrance to his room
at tha City hotel and stole $0 and a
GsrnaU Ken Meet Cornell college
men held their regular noon luncheon
meeting yesterday at the University club.
They meet avery first and third Thurs
day of each month
CHfv Wain Want, a Mar WavVrloUS
city employes are applying for Increases
of salary for 1918. The commissioners win
begin next week to consider the budget
for tha new year.
Bohools Close Friday Schools of
Greater Omaha will be closed Friday aft
ernoon for the holidays, which will ax
tend to Monday, January 8. Christmas
programs will be given throughout the
city by the children,
Tha State Bank of Omsk, corner Six
teenth and Harney. Pays FOTJK per cent
on time deposits and THREE per cent
on savings accounts. All deposits In this
bank are protected by the depositors'
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
Krs. Duncan Very Low Mra. Ellen
iHart of W. ' Ixuia, Mo., arrived this
morning to be the guest of her cousin,
Miss Odyssa 8. Duncan, of the Alma
apartments. She Is called here by the
serious illness of her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth
.Duncan, mother of the late Qeorge J.
(Duncan. Mrs. Duncan Is atlll confined
to the Nlcholaa-eenn hospital and her
recovery Is very doubtful.
' .
Greece and Bulgaria
Agree on a Neutral
Zone Along Frontier
SOFIA, Dee. (Via London.) A neu
tral sone extending two kilometers . on
each side of the frontier has been agreed
upon between Greece and Bulgaria, ac
cording to an official announcement
made here today.
The official announcement says:
"Bulgarian armies, by the capture of
Monaatlr and Resna, having approached
the Greek frontiers, the Bulgarian gov
ernment, wishing to avoid the responsi
bility of accidents between advanced
posts and Greek frontier guards, pro
posed to the Greek government that a
neutral sone be formed by the retreat of
troops on each alpe.two Kilometers rrom
the frontier. ." '
"Greece replied, accepting." . . . . .
Rotary.Club Givesii--$25
to The Bee Fuhd
The Omaha Ttotary club has contributed
$25 toward Tha Bee Christmas fund. The
money has been delivered to Secretary
Doane of the Associated Charities for
use In dispensing Christmas cheer to chil
dren, old people and other who need as
sistance at this time.
O. B. Johnson or Lincoln, lost a grip
at tho Union station which contained
in addition to his clothing, a camera
valued at $60. S. E. Wood. 1309 North
Twentv-nlnth street, found this morning
that during the night tools valued at $
had been stolen from a shed in the rear
of his residence. F. Jonei, 22 Ohio street,
and Mrs. Florence Glade. 6234 North
Seventeenth street, report the theft of
wearing apparel from their homes.
Owing to the fact that it was found
necessary to shoot several horses that
sustained broken legs by falls on the
slipper pavements yesterday, the
Humane society Intends to push the mat
ter of sharp shoes. Humane Officer Hans
Nielsen la personally supervising the no
tification of drivers that their horses
must be protected against the Icy pave,
Semi-Centennial Celebration Will
Be Staged on Most Elaborate
Scale Over Nebraska.
At a banquet tendered by John
Lee Webster to the general commit
tee In charge of the semi-centennial
celebration of the admission of Ne
braska Into the union, at the Fonte
nelle last evening, Ourdon W. Wat
tles submitted a report of the execu
tive committee, outlining in a gen
eral way the plan of the celebration.
The gist of the report, which was
adopted, is: The first celebration
will be held in Omaha, during Octo
ber, 1916, to celebrate the first
steps toward statehood, which were
taken in this city during 1866 by the
territorial and provisional legisla
ture; that the principal features of
the Omaha celebration shall be his
torical, spectacular street parades
under the supervision and control of
the Knights of Ak-8ar-Den.
Motion pictures showing history, re
sources and products of the state may be
added and the suggestion Is made that a
historical motion picture play be pro
vided. C'oauty Seat celebrations.
The committee further recommended
celebrations be held In all county seats
on March 1. 1917. and that preceding these
celebrations the children of all schools
give particular thought to the history of
tha state and that essays and historical
sketches of pioneer Ufa ba gathered for
future reference. 8peclal programs will
be given In all schools of the state prior
to March 1, 1917. Co-operation of com
mercial clubs, civic bodies and county
officials will be sought in connection wtlh
the county seat celebrations.
A literary celebration will be held In
connection with the University of Ne
braska commencement In June of 1917. A
musical pageant and oratorical and lit
erary productions will ba central features
of the Lincoln observance. The governor
will be asked to Issue proclamations and
officially designate the dates referred to.
Committer Xtmt,
Tl.e following committees were ap
pointed to have charge of tha Omaha,
state-wide and Lincoln celebrations:
Gurdon W. Wattles Norrls Brown
Gilbert M. HltchcockA. L. Reed
Victor Rosewater Home Miller
K. B. Buckingham W. A. Fraser
Caspar E. Yost W. H. Buchols
Prof. A. O. Thomas, Judce Paul Jessen,
Lincoln ' Nebraska City
Rons L. Hammond,
H. M. Bushnell Dr. H. B. Lowry
Col. B. R. Klser A. J. Sawyer
Chaiimun Webster of the Committee ol
One Hundred presided at tha banquet.
With iiim sat Governor Morehead. Jus
tice Mortissey of Lincoln, Bishop Tlhen
of Lincoln and Gurdon W. WstOes
Toast to brka.
Mr, Webster started the prandial exer
cises by offering tha following toast:
NEBRASKA A land that rose up from
jno asnes fit axes ana atanas a colos
sus among suites; richer in its bountiful
prairie than If It had mountains filled
with mines of gold and silver, or rujrred
hills i-overed with the f"ret of cen
turies: more brautlfm with Its brtcht
tunanlne ami sxpanMvs landKrapos and
.hiy colored vegetation than lands of
romsntle cneryi
N tHHAfiKA our statA, our pri le, cur
hom t us drink to the all-mpi 'i hnt
Mr. Wehatr'a nrek.
In his talk Mr. Webster paid a little
tribute to tha disappearing mors of In
dians of tha west, offered a paen of
praise for Nebraska's great development
from waste virgin soil to thousands of
square miles of agricultural activity, and
ha emphasised tha Importance of tha his
torical pageant to be given here net
Of tha Indians ha said: 'These Ameri
can ntcea are also disappearing as the
raca of old disappeared the Babylon
ians, tha Assyrians, the Carthagenlans,
the Montesumaa. Their languages will
soon become dead and unspoken like
unto the languages of the Hebrews and
tha Pharaohs. The white race owes to
these native Inhabitants of American soil
a debt of gratitude- which It has never
fully recognised and never ba willing to
fully repay."
He referred to the equestrian statue.
"Tha end of the trail, as representing tho
Indian casting his last look to tha west
ward, where there Is nothing more to ba
seen but the waters of the Pacific his
far depicting the end of hop and of
Mr. Webster's comments on tha pro
posed pageant were: "The pageant Is
tha pictured word of history, and It
expresses that which can not be said
and leavea an Impression which can not
ba forgotten, it la an undefined uni
versal language that speaks to the minds
of t..e multitude. It la the Ideal of his
tory seen In a vision. The psgoant awak
ens tha spontaneous approval of the peo-
le because they love the beautiful and
he pictorial appeals to their imagination.
Next autumn, through the Knights of
Ak-8ar-Ben and tho genius of tholr de
signers, hundreds of thousands of people
will applaud the chief Incidents of Ne
braska history the lrth of ' Nebraska
Into the nation."
A man who refused to divulge his
identity telephoned Detective Captain Ma
loney shortly after noon and Informed
him that he had Just seen the man who
y Zr. rranklla Balsa, the Oraet fjpe
eialist. Who Reads a Bsw S3. 60
Treatment, Tree.
Heart disease Is dangerous, hundreds
drop dead who could have been saved.
Many have been cured after doctors (ail
ed. To prove the remarkable efficacy of
his new Special Personal Treatment for
heart disease, short breath, pain in side,
shoulder or arm, oppression. Irregular
pulse, palpitation, smothering, puffing of
anmes or aropay, ao nerve, stomacn
and rheumatic symptoms. Dr. Miles will
send to afflicted persons a 12.60 Free
Treatment. Bad cases usually aoon re
lieved. These treatments are the result of DO
years' extensive research and remark
able success In treating various ailment
of the heart, liver and stomach, which
often complicate each case,
sad for Bamarkabla Core In Yon State.
So wonderful are the results that hn
wishes every sick person to test thU
famous treatment at his expense. Afflic
ted persons should avail themelvea of
this liberal offer, aa they may never
have such an opportunity again. Delays
are dangerous. No death comes mors
suddenly than that from heart disease.
Send at once for his new Book and
FTee Trial Treatment. Dearrtb your
disease. Address Dr. Franklin Mtlas,
liepi. 1IF., 708 to 715, Main St., Elkhart,
shot Charles Carlson In the tatter's sa
loon at Twentieth and Missouri avenue,
South Plde. walking north on Thirteenth
afreet. The anonymous Informer told Ma
imer he was In tha saloon at tho time of
the shooting and ha furnished a complete
description of the man. The police drag
net waa promptly spread over Thirteenth
street and adjacent thoroughfares.
The Jackson Street Imorrstlc rluh,
l.i the name of a new democratic club
orcsnliod with permanent room at
Thirteenth and Jackson streets. While
all the members are naturilled Amer
icans they nre inrely of Aurtrlan, ftus
s'an and Oreek birth. Articles of In-
I roriwirntlon have been filed. A. II. Rsb-
Inovlts Is president, Charles Matsukos
Is treasurer, and Frank Gorkolopus Is
eerrctury. Meetings are to be held the
first Monday evening of each month.
The city council granted thirty more
saloon licenses for 191. Tha appilcatlor
of Richard Edenfleld, 1013 Farnam street,
has been held up for Investigation.
General Agent Duval of the Milwaukee
Is baok from New York and asserts that
all through the east there has been' a de
cided Improvement In business within the
last thirty days. In most 'nstanccs manu
facturing plants are running ' on full
time and many of them have sufficient
orders ahead to keep them running to
capacity for several months.
Officer Esra Tlmm fell on the Icy side
walk at Bixteenth and Webster streets and
reoelved a scalp wound that necessitated
hl rettrement from duty for the day.
B. C. Byrnes. 242 Vina street. Council
Bluffs, had an identical experience at
Fifteenth and Harney street
This Is a Jewelry
Jewelry depicts character, lends poise,
creates personality, and is a mark of refinement
in the wearer.
Realizing" this is a Jewelry Xmas the jewel
ers of Greater Omaha have prepared as never
before. With large stocks and greater assort
ments they are ready to assist you in making
a wise selection.
Dame Fashion Has Decreed
A Jewelry Christmas
Robert T. Burns, Dr. Harold Clifford
and Captain Kline, representing local or
ganisations, will meet next Monday
evening with the Welfare board for con
sideration of the employment bureau to
be established by the board.
Kow Look Oat.
When a cold hangs on, as often hap
pens, or when you have hardly gotten
over ona cold before you contract another,
look out, for you are liable to contract
some very eeiioua disease. This succession
of colds weakens the system and lowers
the vitality so that you are much mora lia
ble to contract chronic catarrh, pneumonia
or consumption. (Jure your cold while
you can. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
has a great reputation. It Is relied upon
by thousanda of people and never disap
points them. Try it It only costs a quar.
ter. Obtainable everywhere Advertisement.
5 ffiKt n 1
Mrs. K. R. 1. Edholm, State Agent, lied (Voea Christmas Seals,
481 liraodela TKeatcr Building. Telephone) Trier leU.
gess-Nasm Com
c7ie Cfiristmas StoroJor &vcryBocfy
Ttiriuin.tY, ifo. in, iin.
Nowhere Can Good Taste Find Better Expression
Than at Burgess-Nash Whether You Spend
a Dollar or Many Times the Amount
Pretty SILKS for
Gifts, 59c a Yard
SHORT lengths of silks. 1H to
6 yards In a piece, including
plain and fancy messallnes, taf
fetas, crepes, poplins, In plaid,
striped and figured effects.
Widths 86 to 43 Inches; almost
every shade to be found In this
assortment. Were 11.00 to $1.60,
Friday, yard, 59c.
nrg-ess-wash Co. Main Floor.
ARE more popular than ever
- this season with people whose
shopping time Is limited, or with
those who cannot determine what
gift to send. These certificates
are exchangeable at any time for
merchandise, and issued for any
amount. v
Toys Are What the Children Want, and You Can
Supply Every Desire Here in Burgess-Nash Toy Town
ALL the old favorites as well as the tery latest novelties are here In Santa Claua' big show room
Toy Town, Fourth Floor, and they are displayed with easy and convenient selection In mind. Wide
aisles, plenty of harpy, smiling salespeople to help you in your selection. A few specials for Friday:
Christmas Stockings
Filled with toys, assorted varieties,
at $1.00, 75c, 50c and S5c.
Sale of Doll Beds
White enamel iron doll beds,
Coaster Wagons
Specially strong ' and durable,
heavy steel wheels, steel gears,
roller bearing axle.
Wagoner coaster wagon, regularly
$4.60, now $:i.5u
Wagoner coaster wagon, regularly
$5.66. now ,f4.50
Wagoner coaster wagon, steel
wheel, regularly $8.76, now.$3.oo
Bnrgsss-ITash Co. Toorth floor.
regularly $1.60,
White enamel
now OHc.
Iron doll
regularly $1.08. now $1.03.
Mahogany and brass doll beds,
specially priced.
Sleds of All Kinds.
Hobby Horses Reduced
In every Instance the price has
been clipped quite materially.
Galloping horses, $4.76, now 3.73
Galloping horses, $6.75, now 94.50
Galloping horses, $8.75, now $5.00
Galloping horses, $8.60, now fO.flO
Galloping horses, $11.60, now'
Galloping horses, $18, now $ 12.5ft
A Veritable Christmas Gift Shop for Everybody
. .
Very Acceptable Christmas Gifts
SPLENDIDLY selected line of Just such furnishings as a man
likes, and specially priced, too.
Men's Hosiery, 4 Pair, 65c
Four pairs extra quality lisle hose, high
spliced heel and toe, double sole. A splendid
package for a useful present, the box, OSc.
Men's Silk Hose, 23c
Men's fancy silk hose, the slightly imperfec
tions (no holes) of 60c qualities, pair, 23c.
Men's Neckwear, 3 for $1.00.
Large flowing end apron silk 4 ln
hsnd, variety for selection, 8 for ft 1.
Men's Handkerchiefs, 6 for 49c.
Any initial, good quality cambric,
full sire, good looking box, 6 In the
box for 4fa;
Men's Handkerchiefs, 6 for 59c
Little better quality, imitation hand
embroidered initial, any letter, 6 in
the box for 59c.
Men's Xmas Bath Robes. '
Probably the most acceptable pres
ent a man could receive. These robes
have piped aeams, girdle, ruffs
and collar made of border;
tailored robes. Prices
Bargess-xrash Co. assmant. 83.4582.08. 83.48
Remnants of Outing Flannel, 8Hc
A MERICAN outing flannel, 10 to 20 yard lengths, light,
medium and dark colorings, the very best quality
obtainable, at yard, 8V2C
nrgsss-sTash Co. Sassmsai,
Fur Neck Pieces
At Less than Half Price
FURS are being worn extensively
by the best dressed women
everywhere, and seldom, if aver, have
you had the opportunity to share In
such remarkable fur values aa these
no early in tha Winter. A special lot
of fur scarfs and neck pieces at less
than Tialf prlom.
For Neck Pieces, were 17.50
to 25.00, sale pi-ice $7.50
Fur Xrrk Pi ecru, wer $10.00
to $15.00, sale price $5.00
Fur Neck Pieces, were $10.00,
- sale price $3,50
Fiir Xeck Fleco. were $5.00,
sale price $3.50
Bweaa-Xraah Co. Basement,
2$ j$t
Pretty Box Stationery, 10c to 35c
Splendid quality box stationery, in a variety of styles and alses,
box, lOc to 5c
TOYS, AT 10c TO $ l.OO.
A special table of toys has been provided that will prova at
tractive. Wido range of selection at lOo to $l.O0.
IlKl SPREADS AT $2.50 TO $5.0O.
Marseilles design bed spreads, full eUe, with plain or cut cor
ners, splendid selection at $2.50 to $5.00.
Bnrgssa-Sasfe. Co, Jasamaat.
Are Fine Gifts
SIZE 60x82 automobile
rugs, couch or sun par
lor use. Here are the softest,
richest, most serviceable
rugs you can wish for.
Scotch and Navajo patterns,
splendid values; just the
thing for Xmas gifts, at,
each $4.98. ,
Comforters, $5.98.
Just received satin covered,
down filled comforters, light and
medium colored designs that are
new and pretty, each $5.0tt.
Comforters, $2.95.
Fancy Bilk dotted mull covered
comforters for double beds, with
plain silk border, very special,
at $2.05.
Blankets, $2.49.
Heavy, wool finished bed blan
kets, Just like eiderdown, fancy
plaids and checks; also gray, tan
and white, size 70xS0, at, pail.
$.49. '
Borfase-sTaaB) Co, assmaat.
'1892' Aluminum
Sauce Pan at 39c
I 39c
"1892" double lipped aluminum
sauce pan, approximate capacity
five pints, polished aluminum,
riveted handle, very special for
Friday at 20c.
Bargaea-aTaaa, Oo Bassmaat.
SLIPPERS Always Make Pleasing
and Acceptable Gifts For Christmas
OUR holiday line of slippers for men, women and chil
dren is new and includes an immense assortment
from which to choose. For in
stance: Men's kid slippers, tan and black,
Everett and opera style, 08c
Men'a comfortable felt slippers,
Friday, 80c.
Women's felt colonials, all colors,
Friday, 0c.
Men'a kid Romeo slippers, Friday,
Women's felt Romeo slippers, fur
trimmed, flOc.
Women's felt Princess fur trimmed
tlippers, $1.10.
Women's felt "Komfy" ribbon
trimmed slippers, $1.10.
Women's felt novelty slippers, all colors, Friday, 70c.
Children's felt novelty slippers, all colors, Friday c
Children's felt Romeo fur trimmed, hoc, 70c and COc.
Burgsss-arasb. Co. Bassmsnt,
f You'll Want Several, Pairs ofl
These PURE SILK HOSE at 69c
WOMEN'S pure thread silk hoe, in black and a few colors,
high spliced heel and double sole. They're the usual $1.00
quality, but subject to slight imperfections, at 0e a pair,
Burgass-Bash Co... Baaamsnt.
Sample Picture Frames at a
Decided Price Reduction
ACLEARAWAY of empty picture frames, representing a great
variety of styles and kinda at a big price reduction. Tha frames
include lare, medium and small sites, in round, oval, square and
oblong, in gilt, mahogany and clrcaBslon finish. Four groups:
t'.::-. ioc
Frames, were
V":. 25c
I Frames,
to $1,
I for. . .
Co. M assmsnt.
Frames, were
V.':.. 75c
Splendid Assortment of Christmas
Handkerchiefs in Basement Friday
for Xmas Gifts
FANCY decorated china
consisting of celery
trays, cako plates, sugar and
creamers, cracker jars, cho
colate pots, fruit bowls, roll
trays, etc., values to 69c, at
Serving: Trays, 19c.
Wood frame serving tray, ma
hogany finish, cretonne centers,
brasBed handles, special at 10c.
Glass Vases, 25c!
Thin blown vases, with pretty
cut designs, assorted shapes, spe
cial at 25c.
Electric Lamps, $3.98.
Electrlo table lamp, solid metal
stand with pull chain socket, com
plete with fancy silk shade, extra
special at $tt.08.
Bargass-Voaa Co. B assmsnt,
Home Furnishings
Suggestive of Christmas Gift
Savory Roasters, 69c.
BLUE steel, seamless Saory
roasters, self basting, mo l
um Biie, at 00c.
Carving Sets, $1.39.
"L. F. C." three-piece carving
aets, put up in fancy lined boxes,
special at $1.80.
Baking Dishes, 59c.
Pure aluminum baking dishes,
with enameled inset, specially
priced at 5lc.
Bamboo Baskets, 25c.
Large assortment of bamboo
sandwich, bon bon, fruit and nut
baskets, your choice at S5c.
Borraas-Boah Co Bassmsat.