Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    Till: BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915.
i i
i I .
The Pee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
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'AnMreee communications relating to news and d.
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kovkmiieb circulatio.v.
State nf Nehreeka. County of Douglss. aa:
Iwlht Williams, circulation manager of The Be
Publishing company, Lelng duly awom, aaya that the
averaae circulation for the month of November. 111,
wee f,7l.
I'WKiHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my preeenca and aworn to before
ma. thia 2d ilsv of December, II1S.
ItOBKRT HUNTER. Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving tbe city temporarily
should bay The Bee mailed to them. Ad
dreas will be changed aa often aa requested.
Thought for the Day
SmUctmd by Supt. F. L. SoUan
To thin otrn ttlf hi true.ShaJcetptart.
Back in the shadow of the question, "What
shall I give?" lurki tbe noiseless InterrofiMon,
"Wonder what I will .at?"
"Equality before the law" becomes a state
motto of Ufa and meaning since an Omaha man
sot by the court with an alimony allowance.
Predictions of a frosty greeting for the
Oscarites In Sweden are well founded. Chris
tlanla is well within the December frost belt.
The more good cheer liberally dispersed dur
ing the season of cheer, the greater will be the
abundance of cheery heart thrills for the dis
penser. Tbe official call for tbe democratic national
ratification meeting la out Begla saving now,
St. I a) u Is needs the money to make good the pot
of : 4 .
Warriors of tbe base ball war are coming out
of the trenches and the dove of peace flutters on
tbo diamond. Jo) making multiplies as the holi
day season advances.
, Party patriots brag about tbe efficiency of
the administration, but it Is a huudred-to-one
fchot that It cannot put across an automobile tat
as smoothly as the gasoline companies.
Tbe suffrage delegation cordially thanked
President Wilson for voting for the cause, and
the anti-suffraglsts congratulated hlrn for rele
gating suffrage to the states tor settlement. Abil
ity tohluh commands the smiles and cheers of
such opposing forces evidences political agility
of a high order.
ss... I
Admiral Dewey Is la danger of getting in
bad standing with patriots along the coasts. He
urges that munition factories and munition
storehouses be located at distant lalacd points,
aa a matter of prime safety. Unfortunately a
sensible recommendation does not appeal to salt
water "porkers." .
No matter how dearly New York loves tbe
allied cause, sentiment Is not permitted to In
terfere with business. ' The latter Is strictly neu
tral and on the jump for number one. As soon
as the Anglo-French S percenters showed up on
the market they were attacked and forced to re
treat to trench 95. '
The amount of the alimony awarded Is over
shadowed by the great, central, upstanding fact
that In court men possess equal rights with
women for compensation when shaken matri
monially. Nebraska Justice rightly plumes It
self In having blsted a trail of light and sweet
ened liberty for "mere man."
Tbe reception and banquet at the Millard by Mleeee
Mumla end Lta Shears la pronounced the mast pleas
ant aerial event of the seaeoa. There were 100 guests,
in luUing all the high society folks, and the dancing
kept up until early morning.
Mr. and Mr a. a. W. Uninger returned, from a five
month' tour of Europe. They vlaited every country
on the continent except Spain, where cholera was
rasing. Strange, on their Journey they met no Omaha
Early next year the Coxxens houae en Ninth atreet
la to be enlarged by a north addition, three stories
l.ifch, that will give alxty more roome, making the full
runibt-r 1U, or more than may be found in any other
iu'U-l tn Omaha.
Mn. T. II. Stanton left for Salt Lake City te Join
!.. r huaband. ho has ben transferred there.
The oisanlxatloa of the local commandry of the
legion aa perfected at a aeaalon at the Pax-
tun. fuKuwed by a banquet la the evening. The recep
tion committee included C. 11. Frederick. lieuteaaat
K. S. iJudlfV, Cieiieial Brevk. Captain Ci. fc. NUlu
and Sixjut' II. LuocHiislon.
T. C. reci-ntly I'nlon ' Pacific agent at
J-Li-t C'lrfk, hue txco tranfrred to K. Paul, Minn.
i.:bu; a "Tiuubo j-jura" t loM-d th.-lr engagement
l. iv in "Toin. iu k kit.l Harry." "Mr. Calahury If
h uya -! nr jjiiij touk lht- leu4 in f uii'inaklng." ea v
i 'li.1., 'hit the Uot) of IJlcrt drm. cut
y ..'.-. v l;li t.h.b Kuui he and a
' v. i I. ti'.is ti.e lai'y's lt cr limba from
i i i i i the h i I one. O'-ifchl tu lm a..'i'rci!Mil."
ff V- ,iVJ VJU
No Argnment With Austria.
While I be news from Vienna, percolated
through London, may lack In something of au
thenticity, it may as well be clearly understood
that there will be no extended debate with Aus
tria over the principle Involved In the Ancona
case. Austria may pretend to take advantage of
the technical point that the comniunlcattona be
tween tbe United States and Germany, covering
tbe similar cases of the LusttanJa and the Arable,
were not formally called to the attention of the
government at Vienna. This should avail Aug
tra nothing, because the close working under
atandlog between Berlin and Vienna Is such that
It Is not believable that either government could
participate In any serious external negotiations
without at least tbe knowledge of tbe other. This
is beside tbe point, however.
The United 8tstes In Its first note to Ger
many very plainly set out Ua position as to
submarine wsrfare, and that position la a mat
ter of general knowledge. The sinking of the
Ancona was under such circumstances as to war
rant the stern language of the note recently dis
patched to Austria. That the Austrian admir
alty Justifies the conduct of Its submarine com
mander U perfectly understandable. 'The Ger
man admiralty likewise defended the commander
who sunk the Lusltania without warning, and
has not aa yet officially disavowed his action, al
though tbe disclaimer haa been made In tbe case
of the Arabic. The Ancona case Is more nesrly
on a par with that of the Arabic, for both these
vessels were westbound and consequently could
not reasonably be charged with carrying muni
tions or soldiers. The destruction in both Irj
stancea was wanton and deliberate.
The position of the United States is not one of
obstinate disregard for the rights of the belli
gerents, but rather a firm Insistence on the
rights of neutrals and a proper regard for the
common Interests of humanity. From this po
sition It Is not at all likely that our government
will recede.
ChanjV Commanderi, but Not Strategy.
The retirement of Field Marshal John French
and his succession by General Sir Douglas Halg
as commander of tbe British army in Flanders,
does not necessarily Indicate a purpose on part
of tbe British to abandon the strategy that has
so far marked their course In the war. On the
western front the Allies long ago settled down
to play a wsltlng game. Whatever turn the tide
of war may take tn other directions, it will fin
ally be settled on the outcome of the campaign
tn the west. That this campaign is ssttsfactory
In its present aspect to the Allies Is generally un
derstood. If reports that Germany is again
massing troops for a blow on the west are true.
it roust be taken aa a manifestation of Teutonic
impatience over the conduct of the French and
British commanders, who seem thoroughly com
mitted to the waiting game. General Sir Doug
las Halg is well recommended as a fighting man,
his name itself indicating something of military
quality. He will go to the front well prepared
to follow on the plans of the admittedly best
strategist tn the British service.
Leave it to the Lawyeri.
The State Journal argues long and learnedly
tn an appeal to the State Bar association that
that body take over -the responsibility for select
ing candidates for judges to be voted on at next
year's election. It assumes that the lawyers are
better acquainted with and consequently more
competent to Judge of the qualifications of mem
bers of their own profession, and thereby, with
first band knowledge of their capabilities, should
be charged with selecting men for Judicial posi
tions. The theory on which Tbe Journal pro
ceeds is very attractive, but like a great many
other beautiful thtnga in this world, lacks the
substantial basis of practicability.
A little while back we were bombarded with
arguments in support of the proposition that our
Judges should be chosen on a non-partisan basis
in order that no taint of politics might attach to
the bench. The law passed in response to this
demand has worked out as was prophesied for it
at tbe time wherever the republicans are In
control a republican adorns the beneh; and
where the democrats have a majority a democrat
wears tbe ermine.
The suggestion that the bar association
recommend candidates to be voted for is not
novel or untried. It has been practiced for a
long time In Douglas county and elsewhere, and
no particular cause exists for complaint against
tbe qualifications of the men who have been se
lected and elevated to the high position of Judge.
If The Journal's suggestion Is to be carried out
in its entirety, however, the matter of choosing
our Judges might as well be left to the State Bar
association altogether, and the people be relieved
of the formality of ratifying the choice of the
Polygjjnj in the Philippines.
General Mclntyra has somewhat startled the
country by his frank statement that the United
States should not at this time undertake to inter
fere with the practloe of polygamy in the Philip
pines. Whether we like it or not. General Mo
Intyre's conclusions have the support of wisdom.
The civilising work of the United States among,
the Filipinos haa not as yet progressed far
enough to place them on the high plane where
they may be amenable to the social customs and
moral practices of the most enlightened peoples
of the world. We have yet a great deal to do
before we can say we have completed our task
in the Islands.; The end desired will be more
speedily accomplished if our efforts are directed
with some modicum of common sense. Morality,
as we understand it, will be more easily Incul
cated among the Filipinos through persuasion
and not through legislation.
When railroad doctors disagree, who ahall
prescribe? After three years' labor a Chicago
commission reached the conclusion thst the sub
stitution of electric for steam locomotives within
the city is a financial impossibility. President
Bush of the Missouri Psclflc told a 8t. Louis con
vention that before many years the railroads
would electrify and send steam locomotives to
the scrap heap.
Tbe New Haven case drags Its slow leoiita
along and Mr. Mellen still holds the witness
rhslr. Should Mr. Mellen aecure expert pay for
expert testimony. Uncle Barn's witness fund will
look like a Chrlotmss tree tbe morning after.
The Downfall of Ingalls
Rm porta, (Kan ) Oaaatte
A dlaouaalon Is going on In the Kanaaa preaa aa to
the historical accuracy of the statement that Senator
Ingalls, when he was defeated by ftenator Peffer In
H91. refueed to buy the popullats needed for Iniralla'
re-election. The story Is denied by Jsck Herrlaoa of
the Beloit Oaaette, who says that It wss fairly well
known among the Inalders thst the Ingalls campaign
managers were looking for purchasable populist mem
bers of the legislature, and that a fund was in ex
istence to pay for the popullsta when found. From
this he assumes that Benator Ingalls did not refuse to
buy his war back to the senate.
The assumption, however. Is Incorrect as we have
heard the story "many tlmea and oft." from different
man who should have known. The atory that ws have
heard la this:
A fund wss raised sufficient to buy the populists
needed. Negotiations were opened end carried on suc
cessfully by the men In charge of the matter. The
needed number was secured; the price wss agrcd
upon. A "retainer" wss paid, and the rest was helj
contingent upon the election of Ingalls. Then tngalls
came upon the scene. lie knew In a general way what
was going on, but did not know the details. Finally,
one evening, the whole plan was outlined, the name
of the men who had sold out were laid before the
senator. They were names fairly familiar to him. A
few of the men were noted corniptloflista who had
ridden bark to power on the populist wave. It was
called the "Alliance" then. Beelde esch man's nam
waa Ms price and the partial payment he had re
ceived. Ingalls looked st the tspe- spread befoje hln
In silence, then his gorge rose. He got up. paced th
diagonal of the room, cursing the bribe-takers, and
Incidentally damning the managers of the deal for
picking out such cattle such scrubby, venal cattle
and then laid the vitriol of his wrath upon the kind it
men who would sell out.
Suddenly one of his friends a wiry, bull-shouldered,
bull-headed little man with a wiry voice cut tn
"Whet the hell's the matter with you, senator di'I
you expect us to buy a lot of hank presidents and
ftunday school superintendents?"
Ingalls glared back and continued pacing the room
Suddenly, ho buret out with a roaring "No" end re
peated: "No I don't have to go back to the at-nate
But I do have to keep my own self-respect. I do
have to keep my good name for my family! This
whole sordid deal Is off:" And it waa off. The rext
of the money was not paid; Peffer waa elected. The
people had their way, saw their folly, profited by
their experience. And all waa well for twenty year.
At least this la the story ss It came to Ike Lam
bert, who told It to a Oaxette reporter a dosen yesrr
Twice Told Tales
The Great Detective.
"Good afternoon." aald the great detective. "Have
a ohalr temporarily, of course."
"My husband's sctlons have been puixllng me," be.
gan the woman with the high-heeled gown. "Every
evening after supper he mysteriously disappears and
never returns until midnight. He never tells mo where
he hss been, but I suspect the worst, for he always
comee back with a smear of face powder on his right
ahoulder, and Tve found long hairs on his coat, all
"Hum," said the great' detective, thoughtfully.
"Hum." . '
"I ahould aay so," replied the woman in the high
heeled gown.
"What's the nearest dance hail to your house?"
asked the detective, and aba answered, "The Palais do
Hop." .
Springing te the telephone, the great detective
called up the Palais da Hop.
"Page Mr. Looser, please," he requested. "Hello,
Is thla Mr. DooterT It Is? Thank you; that's all."
"Wonderful!" breathed the woman with the high
heeled gown. I'll start tn tomorrow and taks dancing
lessons myself."
"That's tbe best war to atop him," agreed the g. d.
"Eleven dollars, please," Detroit Free Press.
A Dartaar Feat.
Snooks wss one of those conceited, make-believe,
bold hunters, and waa always spinning his yarns
about his experiences tn Africa, and he generally
wound up by saying he never yet saw a Hon he feared.
One night, after he bad finished yarning, he was a
llttla taken aback by one of hta audlenoe, who aald:
"That's nothing. . I have lain down and actually
slept among lions In their wild, natural slate."
"I don't believe that. I'm no fool." said ths bold
hunter. , ,
"It's the truth, though."
"Tou slept among Hons In their wild, natural stater
"Tea. I certainly did."
"Can you prove It? Were they African?" .
"Well, not exaotly African Hons. They were
dandalotns." Chicago Herald.
Th Part af Wlaaoat.
They were talking about algns, tokens. Intuition
and things like that at a social affair and the fol.
lowing Incident waa recalled by Congressman O
Brown of West Virginia:
One night an ardent lover called on the darling
of his heart and so engrossed was he that ha didn't
sea that the hours were rapidly flitting away.
"Beaale." shouted a large, masterful voice at the
head of the atalra when the clock struck 12, "you
tell that pale-haired, rail-faced, knock-kneed yap to
take his hat and beat It or I will flam him so high
that ha will meet the airships coming down!"
"Percy, dear," aald the fair girl, turning to the
emancipated youth.
"Tea. darting." responded Percy dear, moving a
atep nearer the Idol of his fancy. "What Is UV
"Something seems to tell me. dearest." answered
the pretty one with a aad sigh, "that you had better
go." Philadelphia Telegraph.
People and Events
Patsy J. Boyle, mayor of Newport. R I., is a
smooth "broth of a b'y." He has Just been electeJ
for his sixteenth term. Officeholders with sticking
ambitions might gain valuable tips by getting a first
hand view of Mayor Boyle e wonderful grip on the Job
Chics go' a divorce atattath-a show one out of every
six marrtagea lead to divorce courts. Women hava
been granted decrees In 2.710 caaea and men in M
cases in 1914. Desertion la the principal cauee and the
larsest percentage of separation occars in the first
yesr of marriage.. . Saventy-three couples of the total
number divorced owned their homes and S.W1 couplea
were rentera.
Lumber Jacks In a logging camp In northern Wis
oonain added one to the list of strike novelties by
pulling off a walkout against a ateam-heatcd board
ing house. The absence of a visible fire, the big
atove, the sawdust spittoon, snd live plpo-ooel
shocked their Ideals of comfort A working truce was
effected with free matches snd a community spittoon
three feet square.
James U Dwyer and James E. Oleeeon of Chicago
last May launched the "Irish Voice.- a weekly, de
voted to Irish freedom and Uermaa liberty. The prc
mote re alsad up the temper of Chicago and concluded
t waa distinctly anti-English and capable of profit
able cultivation. Last month the Voire ceased to arti
culate and what remained waa seised by federal
uthortt.lea seeking evidence of the German propa
ganda. Mr. Qleeaoa was chief financial backer of
the venture and admit a a persona! loss of (,009. "We
thought tt was a good bualneas proposition." says Mr
Gteeeoa, "In view of the strong Irish and pro-Germ a 3
sentiment la Chicago. We got beautifully fooled. We
had figured on the Irish who are opposed to England
and the German sympathise to come forward t
large numbera aad not only subscribe, but fill th-
pages with advertising. How we got fooled Is seen
by my personal leasee " Mr. Gleeaoa la president of
the tllecaon Printing company and Layer Is a neas
pacr mail.
Candidates ana Their Baekera.
NORTH LOUP, Neb.. Dec. M.-To the
Editor of The Bee: In looking over the
names of the prospective oe-ndldatea for
governor, one of them, says that several
thousand signers request him to make
the race. Thst may look like an Inno
cent claim, but it did not sound Just right
to this writer. I doubt not the statement,
but why such silent enthusiasm for a
candidate who has held the office of
lieutenant governor only, and his services
have bei?n ao Inconspicuous that he has
never had a platform, and we do not re
call any positive stand on important
-There Is a powerful political machine at
Lincoln, ths business of which Is to con
trol state government and obtain large
appropriations In various wsys. Evi
dently thoee several thousand signature
come from many parts of the state which
are In control of that machine. Ths peo
ple ahould Inspect that class of candi
dates. Men of more promlnenoe do not
get so much consideration. How many
men In your community are boiling over
for candldatea who have not ao much as
a positive record In public affairs? When
a candidate has the Invisible hacking of
the Lincoln lobby, that means that such
a candidate haa a complete understand
ing with that lobby. Lincoln la not the
place to control state appointments.
Well Maaaa-ed laetltatloa.
OMAHA. Dec. 11. To the Editor of The
Bee: It would seem to the writer that
the taxpayers of thla county know
very little of how their money la being
spent In the various county Institutions,
or how much Is being saved in our In
stitutions, though, it is safe to aay, that
If the people would take more interest
In our Institutions, by an occasional visit,
to appreciate aoma of the good work
that Is being dons, there would be less
criticism from pure political motives;
further, there would be a greater work
done by those In charge of such Insti
tutions. However, criticism, If sny, would
not seem to effect or deter M. B. Thomp
have a
son, and hla wlfs, from doing efficient
work tn conducting the detention home
at Third and Bancroft streets.
The writer has visited thts place pro
bably sight or ten times during the last
eighteen months snd has dons so through
his particular Interest In ths kind of
work that Is being carried on at this
Institution. Only recently, I hsd ths
pleasure of going through this plsce ss
1 had never taken the time to do before
and I have never failed to see some im
provement In the Institution In the way
of saving to ths county.
The appearance of this Institution, and
ths manner In which the children are
cared for Is not at all unlike a well
governed home. It Is Immaculately clean
In every respect, and tt Is of great in
terest to see how these little delinquents
appreciate the pleasantness of their new
Ths farming on this place la remark
able when one considers the small
amount of ground there Is to till. I
lesrned from Mr. Thompson that all of
the garden truck used by the Institution
la raised on the plaoe and that there
were S00 bushels of potatoes harveatcd
thla year and about 0O chlckena raised,
together with hay and grain enough for,
the county horse until the next harvest.
It is certainly commendable that Com
missioner Best and his fellow commis
sioner have such people aa Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson In charge of this institution.
Their work and what they have to ahow
for it seems to be the answer as to how
Mr. Thompson cared for. through the
year, aa average of forty-five children
each day on an operating expense of
approximately sio.COO. It la practically the
same amount of money svent by his
predecessor in 1911. who had an average
of twenty-nine children per day. Com
pare the average number of children
under present management and the
amount spent to that of his predecessor,
and it ahows a saving of several thous
and dollars over that of 1911. If this In
stitution can be taken as an example,
I am sure that the taxpayers of Doug
las county would be glad if the com
missioners could find snore men with Mr.
Thompson's abtUty for our Institutions.
One striking; thing In this institution
that seems considerably out of the or
dinary, la their preparation for the little
dependenta' Christmas, all of which Is
at the expense of Mr. Thompson, hJs
wife and Miss Tucker. It haa been their
practice during the time that they have
been there to give each child Christmas
gifts which emhracea many thtnga to
make their 111 tie hearts glad. In my
Judgment there la no bigger "Good-fellow''
in Omaha than In that Institution.
They sre doing excellent work and I
believe that the people of thla county
should show their appreciation by an
occasional visit to the Institution. In
fact, they Invite the publle to visit
the Institution and see how the work
Is conducted and carried on.
The work at thla Institution Is a credit
to ths county and atate and .those having
to do with tt ahould be cbmmended for
tt. Yours very truly.
. -
Guess '
Relwees I.oaae aad Smith.
OMAHA. Dec. W. To the Editor of Tim
Bee: The superficial and aophlatlc obser
vation of Senator Lodge about 'drowned
bgblee and unsold cotton was evoked
by a auggestton of Senator Hoke 6mlth
.that an embargo on munltiona of war
might prove effective In Insuring freedom
of the seas for American commerce; and
to tt. Senator Hoke Smith made a re
joinder which came much nearer touch
ing the keynote of truth than did the
atatement of Senator Lodge, approxi
mate the keynote of American Inter
est. Senator Hoke Smith probably had no
Intention of deprecating a proper and
wholesome, sympathy for "drowned
babies." . but. he replied to ths aenator
from Massachusetts with a strong in
timation to the effect that the particular
group of Americans characteristically
manifesting the most hysterical sym
pathy for "drowned babies" while at the
same time utterly falling to Indicate the
slightest Interest la - "unsold cotton"
usually found the ammunition business
very much to their paounlary .profit, and
Its continuance attractive; and that, thla
same group waa so situated In relation
to munition exports that the pecular In
consistency of thetr stand oa the ques
tion of neutral rights relative to sables
tost oa belligerent vessels, on the one
hand, aad "unsold cotton" on neutral
vessel on the other hand, was not
causing them any financial loss. The
obvious corollary la that the threat of
an embargo would Imperil the Income
of I ahall be charitable aad say per
haps It la only some of the Boost in
fluential of tbe supporters of Senator
Idt whose Income would be curtailed
and not that of Senator Lodse himself.
i 1 1
la one odd thlna von mv have
of expanses, I should any It was mostly
(arithmetic." Washlnaton Ptsr.
Plsmmteil Con (at t roMlna Say ! ymfre
prtced about a dramatic season s twilight."
A peach of a driver, if you was crosjln
the alkali deeert you d run Into a hy
What Is that?"
"It Is aenerallv full nf mniirnlnt atara "
drant." New York Times.
ntrvekann Hnnitu (to dauahtart Bmlly.
you'll have to stop that young cub from
comlnir here. ,,
the nolae?"
barber Is shaving himself.""
why the argument?"
Is trying to persuade himself to
shampoo." Kanaaa City Journal.
Paunhter why. pa. now can you ran
Jack a cub? .....
Htockson Bonda wny anouinn j. ri;n
father is s bear and he s been rent
ing ua bulls on the street for weeks.
Boston Transcript.
S rV wwaa
t a.. -in l Atlanta Constitution.
All at home, my honey, 'round the old
time fireplace;
Sky of frosty stars and all ths wild winds
In a race! '
Where may they be going on a wintry
night like tnis.
But somewhere there sre roses that the
winds forgot to kiss!
Somewhere, in the garden
Beautiful and bright.
The winds that love the roses to kiss "good-night!"
All st home, my honey, In the lovellght's
To the friendly talking fire let the chil
dren tell their dreams.
And we life's old-time lovers shall llatsa
in the llaht
That shines from love's first morn lag on
the shadows of life s night.
And let the ahadows gather.
And let the nlsht winds race
To kiss once more the roeee
Where love first saw your face!
Husband A man la coming to see me
on urgent business. Can I have him
come Into my den?
Wife And Interrupt my dressmaker?
"Dirt Jones ever lose control of his
"From the start; the cook uses it all
the time." Puck.
"What Is your boy studying at school
Judgln'," replied Farmer Corntnssel,
"from the way lie keepa remlndln' me
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Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to-be really succcessfuL