Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Base Ball Toilers Do Not Want to
Kcturn to "Before the War"
Salaries. -
" NEW YORK, Pec' 16. New angles to
the base ball peace situation developed
rapidly today, and the efforts of organ
ized and Independent Interests to, get to
gether on a harmonious business basis
may result In far-reaching readjustments
of the entire professional base ball struc
ture. Many of the players are demanding that
their status be considered In an arrange
ment made between the various leagues.
They say that they are the real founda
tion of the game and that they cannot
sit Idly by and see a return of the con
dition which prevailed In base ball be
fore the advent of the Independent or
ganization. Although the Players' fraternity has
not as yet figured In the situation. It Is
known that the leading members and
officials of that body are prepared to
make a fight If their rights are threat
ened. Close followers of the game arc said
to realize that there is more at stake
than appears on the surface at this tlm.
Certain Federal league magnates have
intimated that peace between the major
leagues and their association is only the
beginning of far-reaching readjustments
that may . require several years to work
- . Gilmore'a Dental. .
Chief among knotty problem remain
ing to be solved Is that involved in the
demand of President Gilroora that Or
ganised Base Ball must take over tbe
380,000 : payroll of the Federal league.
Mews that the American league In its
Chicago session yesterday agreed to the
peace terms formulated by. National and
Federal league members here, was wel
comed by the members of both leagues,
rresident Qilmore of the Federal league
"A Federal league commute will al
ways be ready to treat with the organ
ized base ball forces. But the Federal
league finds Itself in a rather comfort
able position today. If there Is any de
sire on the part of the opposition to
continue the fight, we will, fight.
'We ciosed our option on our New
York property yesterday. The option had
run out and we had either to ,buy or
When asked the terms of the settle
ment, Mr. Qilmore said:
"You could not expect me to aay any
tlJng about that right fiow. There Is
....!.. Ltw imAn wklli T knnw u
1(1.1. uno l II' I ' ft wfru.a " ......
wl'l insist. Every ball player, who came
wtyh us and thus brought themselves
under the ban of Organised Base Ball,
will be protected."
Peace Ship Leaves Chicago.
CHICAGO, Dec. 16. The base ball
"peace ship," with President Johnson
leading the American lesgue envoys, left
toc'ay for New York, while fans discussed
n report that the terms of truce Include
h change of ownership In two American
league clubs as well as those in the Na
tional league due to be sold.
Strict silence on the terms brought from
New York yesterday by Barney Dreyfuss
was maintained by all Interested parties.
President Weeghman of the Chicago Fed
erals, who was in the party of Organized
txtse ball men, lately his enemies, declined
to talk on the generally accepted story
that he and a partner new in base ball
will take over the Cubs and play them
in his North Bide park.
Johaaon'a Statement.
Not all "contract jumpers" would be
reinstated. If the stand of President John
son on that subject Is 'upheld...
Speaking on the player question, Mr.
Johnson said:
"t anticipate little trouble from the
player question. There were not many
stars who jumped from our league. The
few who leaped in mMseason will never
be taken back."
This was taken to mean that Hal
Chase, who Jumped the White Sox club
in mldaeason, will fce given no berth In
the American league, but will have to
take his chances of receiving his salary
from the backers of the Federal league or
of being drafted into the National or
ganization. .Connie Mack .aid that Frank Baker,
the home run king, would have to wait
before he would know the uniform he
is to wear.
"I though everybody wanted Baker,"
said Mack, "but I found this to be all
talk. I didn't get an offer for him to
day." "Pep" Merchant Puis
Is Given Letter "B"
Prof. Edwin L. Puis, chief "pep" mer
chant at Bellevu college, was given a
letter 'B" last night as a surprise at
th banquet to tse foot ball team.
Fremont ftchennle'.
FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special )
The Fremont High school bucket ball
team has a schedule of games anaiiKed
liicliirtitiK matches with Omaha Commer
cial Hia-h, West Point, I'oluinliua. W ahoo.
bi.Kiouri Valley, Counoil Bluffs and
tiukdale. Wahoo played here this eveit-
i - i
, ------ t- , . i .... I 1 r , ' ii i n ' r"i .. II., v
t voo Want?
s . ' i 11 III II vm.. r wm ' I l . ilia JV I l if x III i I I I ,
S MttM.! rr U I) U I, BETTER WAff r
Just an Earful
By Tad
When Willie T-ewls went to Paris some years ago to stsrt boxing In the big
frogeaters' town he was a novice at the drinking game and barely touched any
thing but the old suds of George Ehret.
He went over with lan McKetriek and was matched to meet a likely young
French velter 'at one of the smaller
clubs. Willie trained hard, got Into pretty
good shspe, and on the afternoon of the
battle sat In front. of a big cafe to rest
and take In the sights.
Pome French sportsmen esme along.
sat alongttlde of our hero and started to
talk fight. On of them ordered a rouna
of drinks and they bulled Willie into
lapping up some absinthe. Not being
aware of the awful kick In that powder,
Willie went after It like a hound. He
thought it was a sweet temperance drink
and waded Into eight or nine.
The night of the fight he walked along
hnlf-dazed with Dan McKetriek. He was'
stripped and in the ring before he knew
It. Things seemed smoky and he didn't
hear or seo things as usual.
The referee called the men to the cen
ter. McKetriek did the talking. Willie
says the next thing he knew a bell rang
and he walked over, shook handa with
the referee and knocked him for a goat.
Twenty mlnutea for a new book.
An hour later the referee was all right
caw In the middle of the trio for six
Contest to Be Staged Here at tb,e
Auditorium by Omaha Ath
letio Club. . ....
Articles have been signed for a wres
tle at the Auditorium Tuesday night be
tween Charlie Peters of Papllllon and
Kuvaros, the big Greek wrestler, who
was matched for a go with Joe Stecher
last week, the match having been called
off by Stecher because of a case of la
grippe. The match is staged by the
Omaha Athletic club through Dr.
This will be the first wrestling match
Omaha fans have had a chance to wit
ness in Omaha since 'July 4, when Joe
Stecher and Charles Cutler met at Rourk
park and Stecher gained all sorts of
new notoriety.
Kuvaros comes with a good reputation.
having beaten many of the best of them
and Is rated as a high class man. He is
a heavyweight of about 230 pounds and
Is built much after the order of the elder
Peters Is reckoned as a regular second
Joe Stecher, as he has been traveling
around tha country far the last two or
three years, throwing all comers. In
Oklahoma he beat many good men and
made quite a reputation for himself in
Texas. He recently wrestled Hrnst for
half an hour to a standstill. Peters Is
nearly as heavy as the Greek and' is full
of confidence, declaring that all he asks
from his old supporters is a chance to
show how good he has really grown.
Jack Prince, who has seen the Greek
wrestle in the east, declares that he is
a wonder and that he will surely give a
good account of himself.
Peters Is the lad Pete Loch had up
his sleeve when he posted Sl'jO as forfeit
for a mtach with Lewis, but Iewls side
stepped the match,
Prince Signs Up
Teams for the Big '
International Tug
Everything Is looming up fine for the
big international tug 'o war which Jack
Prince Is to stage at the Omaha Audi
torium, January 1 to . Mr. Prtnc has
leased the Auditorium for the seven
nights and he promises the Omaha sport
lovers some carnival, with the accent
on the word some. The feature of the
big carnival, of course, will be the pulling
matches between the various teams.
Eight teams will contest. Including
America, England, Ireland. Germany,
wripn Tl.nmark Hnhemia and Italv.
j CapUllnl, mho hav, entered teams so
far are as follows: Nelson T. Thorson,
Swedish; Emll Talbot, Danish; Tat Welsh,
Irlsh; J. M. Calabria. Italian. Others are
expected to be entered by Filday night.
The huge platform and th specially
constructed rope will all be ready by
Monday night, so th teams may prac
tice each evening at th Auditorium.
An exciting conflict battled over th
rhes board was staged by Sir Horace
Plunkett and George U. Barker, til South
Thirty-seventh street, during the Irish
nobleman's visit to Omaha. Mr. Barker
is one of the best chess player in Omaha,
but 'tis said he was forced to succumb
U the more strategic maneuvers of Sir
Horace and admit defeat. The victory
otter the Ornahan provei that Sir Horace
1 considerable of a chess shark. ,
Copyright. WS.
f Service.
1 er- 1 -
, LtfT WJ0 0Jt HIM Cup.
again and Willie swung at the guy h
rounds. It was a draw.
Dreyfuss Announces Former White
Sox Chief Will Bun Pitts
j'. burgh Club. .
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 16. President Bar
ney Dreyfuss announced tonight that
James J. Callahan, former manager of
the Chicago White Sox, has been ap
pointed manager of the Pittsburgh Na
tional league team to succeed Frd Clarke,
Stecher Disposes
Of Micheloff with
The Greatest Ease
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Joe Stecher, the Nebraska
wrestler, defeated Ivan Micheloff, the
Russian giant, in straight falls her to
night. He won the first in fourteen min
utes and four seconds with a scissors
and body hold and the second In eighteen
mlnutea and ten seconds with the same
The showing of the Russian, weighing
240 pounds, was disappointing. Stecher
apparently was never in danger, and
quickly sized up the tall foreigner. The
Russian did not look as heavy as the ad-
nce notices announced.
The Omalia Athletic club secured the
use of the Auditorium for next Tuesday
night for I'M) guarantee, with the privil
ege of the city taking JO per cent of the
receipts if that per cent should be over
tm The mstch is to be between Charlie
Peters of Papllllon and Kuvaros, th
Greek Giant, who came west to take th
measure of Joe Stecher at St. Joseph.
Two Germans Now
in Turkish Cabinet
PARIS, Dec. 16. Telegraphing from
Athens, under date of December 16, th
correspondent of the Havaa News agency
"A diplomatic authority her gives out
th news that the Ottoman government
has consented to th appointment of two
German as under secretaries of state
In th finance and police departments
of th Turkish administration."
To Guard Against :
Misuse of Passports
WASHINGTON. Pee. 11 Rigid precau
tion against further misuse of American
passport were announced by th State
department under an executive order
issued by President Wilson. New and
stringent regulations hav been imposed
and to enforce them there will be estab
lished immediately in New York a spe
cial bureau, a department directed from
Washington by Counsellor Polk.
NEW YORK, Dec. la-Mayor William
Hal Thompson of Chicago, speaking at
th Bankers' rlub here, declared that the
middle west was almost unanimous In
suppoit of a policy of "preparedness.
"I believe It is almost the unanimous
opinion of th middle west." he said,
"that th national shall have everything
that will properly defend or safeguard
it against a foreign foe."
Says Peace Pact Must Provide foi
Restoring Jumpers to Original
NEW YORK. Dec. 16 David Fults,
president of th base ball fraternity, Is
sued a statement this afternoon relative
to the peace negotiations between the
Federal league and the American and
National leagues.
'Should peace negotiations prove suc
cessful," said Fults. "there will of course
be a provision restoring all players who
have gone to the Federals to their orig
inal status In Organized base ball. Any
other settlement would be grossly Illog
ical and unfair to the players.
Contract Mast Stand.
"Provision will doubtless also be made
for carrying out the long-term contracts
signed by players with both Organized
base ball and the Federal league. No
declaration of peace by the magnates can
In any way affect the validity of these
"All adjustments should be made sub
Ject to these obligations; otherwise mag
nate who buy Interests In clubs may
find later that they have assumed ob
ligations of which they were unaware at
the time of the transaction.
There are also players both In Orga
nized base ball and the Federal league
who have not yet received their entire
salaries for 191 ti. These obligations, too,
hall be taken Into consideration in any
Wonld Reinstate Fens.
''Should peace b declared it would re
suit in automatically restoring to full
membership In the Base Bell Players fra
ternity all Federal league players who
were member before going to the Federal
"While th fraternity la not obligated
by ita bylaws to protect plsyer.V con
tract mad when they wer not aetlva
member of th organization, yet it will
be glad to us Its' best endeavor to see
that tha legal rights of the Federal
leaguers as well as those of Organized
ball players, are respected.'
Will Try to Bar Food
Mailed to Germany
LONDON, Dee. 16. Comlderahle quanti
ties of food are being sent to Germany
by parcel post from America and we are
in communication with our embassador
at Washington on th subject, Lord
Robert Cecil, parliamentary undr secre
tary for foreign affairs, Informed the
Hour of Commons today.
Th under secretary added that other
steps had been taken to deal with th
matter effectively.
Th citizens' committee for food ship
ment to Germany and Austria an
nounced In New York last week It had
delivered to the United States postofflcc
Its first packages of food, consisting of
condensed milk, lard and rice, to be
shipped as first-class mall.
These parcels, the committee said, were
for starving children In Germany ami
Strike Cases Sent
to Colorado Springs
TRINIDAD, Colo., Dec. Jg.-The trial of
William Diamond, Indianapolis, repre
sentative of the international organiza
tion of the United Mine Workers of
America, and three local union officials
will be tried at .Colorado Springs, In
February, on charges of murder, grow
ing out of the, Colorado Coal Miners'
strike. Charles Cavender, district Judge,
who late yesterday granted a change
of venue in all strike cases, todsy des
ignated the place of trial.
Cleary Is Found
Guilty of Forgery
NEW CITY, N. Y., Dec. 1.-Wlllism V
Cleary, former town clerk of Haverstraw,
was found guilty of second degree forg
ery by a Jury today. Th jurors made s
recommendation for mercy. , Cleary, for
merly a political power In the community,
first gained notoriety by killing his son-in-law,
F.ugene Newman. Of this crime
he was acquitted. Later he wss Indicted
for forgery snd grand larceny and fled
last May. After a determined search he
was found in Washington and brought
back for trial.
DOYLESTOWN. Pa., Dec. l.-HIty
children, ranging from 1 to S years ol I.
wer safely taken out of a burning dormi
tory of th Chrlst'a home for homeloa
and destitute children at Warminster,
near here today. The children were at
dinner when fir was discovered la the
basement. The older children were
marched out while th attendants, with
th help of some of th older boy and
girls, helped to carry out the babes.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
Members of Board of Governors of
Ak-Sar-Ben Call Those of Work
ing Crew in for Banquet.
"We're here berause we're here"
"Smash." right then a lump of sugar
plunked him in the eye. Who? Well,
most everybody who tried to sing or do
anything else at the dinner given by the
Honrd of Governors of Ak-Bsr-Be'i
to the hustling committee and the work-
nf crew of this year' organization, at
'.lie Ilenahaw last night.
It was a riotous night, and whrn the
X) guests had eaten everything they
cared for, they began to throw hardtack.
blacults, match boxes and lump suyr
at one another across the big banquet
The tables were arranged for about
fifteen guest to a table. When the fire
of sugar and hardtack waa directed too
heavily against any on of the trenches,
up went all the white napkins, widely
waving for peace.
Why not have soma fun? Didn't these
fellow work Ilk ground squirrels all
summer and fall for King Ak-sar-ben
just for the glory of serving the king?
Were not these fellow all volunteers in
the patrlotlo service of the king, for no
pay but the pleasure of doing a duty
to a happy and prosperous realm?
They did exactly that. So this was
their night to play. There wer raw oys
ters with lemon and horseradish; ther
was nice tenderloin, browned Just right;
there waa easorted cheese and water
crackers; ther wer olives and celery,
and there were liquid refreshments.
But what availed' all this for Walter
Jardln? Poor Jardlne, banquet or no
banquet, insists on his ham and eggs. Bo
In waltsed a shiny black waiter with a
huge plate literally splattered - with
eighteen fried eggs and great slices of
And Commissioner Jsrdln fell .to like
a man.
With the dinner rushed through swiftly.
nlmost recklessly, A. W. Jcffcrls, was
called upon to preside.
Preside! That wss a Joke for sure.
As well might a cowboy apeak of presid
ing at a atampede of a million cattle at
midnight In a thunderstorm.
"We com here" or om such phrase
as that, th chslrman uttered.
Maltltnde lleaponila.
"Wow, wow," replied the multitude
newly turned to pastur. And the speak
er's voice waa lost at once.
Bill Lawrence waa doing aome kind of
a tango, and singing something about
"Pep, pep, pepperino, Keno Kirtdo." Os
car Lleben w as carving atrsnice figures
out of the smoky atmosphere with his
gesticulating arms.
What ue for a chalrmsn to try to
speak? Gus Renx wss running madly
from on end of th room to the ther,
trying to calm th mad crowd. No use.
The chairman, however, must have
managed to finish his speech, and maybe
he Introduced the king of th realm,
Ward Burgeas, for King Burgess, at any
rate, waa th next man on his feet. The
same screams and bawling greeted him.
It was a most undignified way to greet a
king, but King Burgess took It In oid
Burgess 'said something shout being
willing to pay W.0O) or 7.u(K) fur the priv
ilege of being king, as they do down at
Houston where Dad Weaver made aome
Investigations recently, but n ae satis
fled to hav been granted the kingship
at a less sacrifice of coin.
There being no chance for speakers,
laymen or kings, the crowd was touted
Into adjournment earlier than was ex
pected, and all hustled to the llayety
a half hour before time for the perform
ance. There they made themselves
heard and felt throughout the evening's
performance In some degree as they had
at the banquet.
It waa a night to f remembered. Hut
why ,not? Have they not been long
under the strict discipline of Gus Rcnze
and the rest at the Pen, and all for the
love of the realm?
Two Men Burned to
Death by Stream
of Boiling Tar
LEADVILI.E. Colo.. Iec. l.-Tom
Dixon. 20. and William Theros. II, wore
burned to death, and William and W.
I- Blum were probably fatally scalded
lata yesterday when a metallic hoe cur
rying boiling tar, with which they wer
spraying th walls of a building, broke.
Blum 'was severely burned in trying to
rescu his companions.
HOOTLANP. 8. D.. Dec 16. Hiram
Walter of Freeman, S. I , ws killed
nd William Cobb of this plac Injured
n an auto accident near here yesterday.
Walters was guiding s dlnaril.d car,
which was being pulled by s mach'ne
driven by Mr. CVibh. The Walter car
skidded over sn embankment, dragging
the other with it. Wallers wss Crushed
to death beneath the overturned machine.
Sellgman. treasurer of the Gloversvillo
Leather compnny, and Mrs. Pcllgmnn
ere dead In ImmI at their home here to
day. In Sellgman's hand was a revolver
with which he had evidently killed his
wife and then shot himself.
n an adjoining room their little
daughter Mary, S years old, waa found
at play. Sellgman left a note reading:
"This Is the only way out of It."
Sellgmnn was the son of Albert J. Sellg
man of th brokerage firm of Sellgman
A Meyer of New York, and a nephew of
Henry-Bellgrrvan of tha banking firm of
I. and W. Sellgman, also of New York.
lluatnn Hectares War.
"It means war to the death If the Fed
T) I league carries out It pinna of In
vading New ork. said Captain T, 1
Hut ton.
Holiday Bargain Prices
In Stylish Overcoats
For $14 and $16.50 wo have on sale for the holi
day season surpassing overcoats, both in quality
and style. Buying them at the end of the season at a
very low price we are able to sell them at prices Usually
obtained in February.
- .They include the popular short, loose back coat
with velvet collar, staple" black and Oxford Chester
Yields and long warm ulsters. The garments are brand
new arid the values will appeal to every overcoat buyer.
Secure one of them while the selection is large.
" Apparel Gifts for Men
If in doubt buy him something he can wear. He
will appreciate such a gift. This man's store is strong
ly equipped with wearing apparel new and attractive
to men. Check this list over:
Bath Robes with Slippers to match, Fancy and
Dress Vests, Silk Shirts, Pajamas, Gloves, Silk Hose,
Jewelry Novelties, a wonderful display of Neckwear
and countless other articles found at an up-to-date
men's store.
y tv7 rt fvryrr
We can't think of any name but BABY for tha doll w are go
ing to give away this week.
It you girls want to ae the prettiest, sweetest baby doll In all
the world, just come down to The Bee office this week and see '
"BABY" you'll be glad you came, Just to look at her.
Everything about her lookg "BABY;" her dress, shoes, hair,
rbeeks. mouth, everything Is Just dear, innocent, pink BABY.
Wouldn't you like to hold her in your arms just a. wee moment?
And think of it she la going home with one of you next week, to
be ALL YOUR OWN. How harpy that little girl will be.
ld)be, that little girl i You.
"" . ... - .. , ,, ,
, I
. -
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., Dee, tl
Presiding Justice Thomas Doyle, c-f tfc
criminal court of appeals, bag granted
a writ of habeas corpus to eleven Indttg
trsll Worker of the World, who wer
rentenced In municipal court to ninety
day on the county road and to pay a
fine of $! each, on charge of vagrancy.
Juatlca Doyle castigated tha municipal
Judge for herding poor men into court
and sentencing them without Informlnt
them they wr entitled to b repre
sented by attorneys.
Regarding the poHcsman who testl
fled against all ofthem, Judg Doyl
"When a man Is sworn in twenty
eight rase at on time, h might a well
be sworn aa a standing witness for that
term of court"
Two more beautifully
dressed dolls, hut not so
large aa "Bnby," will be
Krra an second and third
-Baby- will be glrsa
l"r to th llttl gui.
ade 10 year of ag.
that brUiS'S or mall a
the largest smmbar f
doll's picture cat oat of
the Daily aad aaday
Be beforo 4 p, , g)tor
day, Xooabr is.
Her picture will be in
The Bee every day this
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
save the pictures in
their paper for you, too.
See how many pictures o!
"BABY" you can get, and be
nrA tf tlirn tham in tr Tk.
U Bee office before 4 p. m.
tsauiraay, uecemoer 18.
If you don't win this
Dollie, perhaps you can
get one next week.
Only one doll will bo
j given to any one person.