V,KK: OMAir r'MDAY. DrXEMBER 17. 1915. ILMIGRATION TIDE IS AT LOWEST EBB Hearty Million Fewer Alieni Come to the United States Sarin; Last Fiscal Year. DEPASTURES SHOW DECREASE WASHINGTON, Dc. 1. The tide ! of Immigration to the United State ' ebbed to Ita lowest point in more than ' twenty years daring the Uit fiscal i year, according to flgurea made pub lic today in the annual report of Sec retarjr Wilson of the Department of Labor. 1 - . The total number of Immigrant aliens, the report shows, fell from 1,218,480 In the previous year, to 326,700 In the period ending June SO, last. All admitted arrivals of allena, immigrant and non-Immigrant, were only 434,244, as compared with 1, 401,801 the year before. Depart! Rhe-w Dea.a. Drpartu rui of allena, emigrant and non emigrant, likewise ihow a notable de rreaae. For the fiscal year of 1114, de parture were SS.; for 115, JR4.174. The fiscal year of 1S1I covers the period of sailing home of reeervleta from the be ginning of the European war till June SO, teat. During that time the emigrant aliens, presumably Including- the number ailing to join the oolors In Europe, were 204,074, compared with KA.tSt the previous twelve months. The non-emigrant aliens departing totaled M0.100 for 1115. and I-10.J7 for 1914. showing a net decrease for alt alien departures of ttl.att. Excess of arrivals over departures, I tone alone being considered, was only K0.9T0 In int. In 114 the excess was T,rrs. Of the tin, TOO immigrant aliens admitted to the United States In the 1HS fiscal year, tt.MI were under 14 year of age; JM.47! were from 14 to 44 years old, and r.I44 were 41 or ever. Those over 14 who could neither read nor write numbered 34,057, those able to read, but not write, were IW, making the total number of illiterates over 14, 15.449, or U per cent IcrenU TetuMd Baeladed. Deported aJlens numbered SS.rrs. This included 14.111 excluded at port and sent back to their country of origin, and J.664 arrested and expelled from the country. Of those excluded. ITU were dented ad mission because they were contract la borers. Immigrants admitted to the country showed to customs officials money In their possession aggregating $is,tsi,nA, an evsrags of W0 each. Each of PS.711 Immi grant had. mnr than gJO, while J 33,744 had less than ISO each. On hundred and ninety thousand claimed to have paid their own passage aero the Atlantic, 13.144 said that their passage had bean paid by relatives, and T.97 that It had been paid by persons other thait relatives. With reference to exclusions, the report assert) '"Conditions during the last year were s abnormal that accurate comparisons with previous year are difficult, Ex elusions In 111 amounted to l.M per cent of the number applying; in 114 this was Increased to I I per cent, and In the last year the Increase hss been so great as t reach II per cent." OPERATION TO BRING RECOVERY TO (TMEARA HASTINGS. Neo., t)ee. l.-(Spclal Telegram,) Arthur O'Meara of Lexing ton is recovering from an operation last night for an injury to ths knee received in making a flying tackle of Roes, col ored star. In a foot ball game between the Hasting and Lincoln High schools six years ago. when O'Meara was a mem ber of the Hastings eleven. For a long time the Injury was thought to be perma nent, but the doctor now expect a complete recovery. I DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Serena Pea rod. TABLE HOCK. Neb., Pec. 18. Special.) Mrs. Serena Penrod. one of the early settler of this vicinity and who lived here many yeai. died Monday at the residence of her grandson, Leslie Finn, near Rushvllla, Neb., aged SO years. Bh had been twlee married and came with her first husband, James Dobson, to this county and settled north of town In UK. The Interment was in Table Rock ceme tery. Bhe la survived by on daughter, Mrs. Michael Wert, living six mile north of Table Rock, and several grandchtt- dren. ! Brawsi. , TABLE ROCK. Neb.. teo. l.-Speclal.) Isaac Brown, an old soldier, who haa been aa invalid for . several years, and fur the last two years confined to his room ' with a constant attendant, died Monday and was buried yesterday In the Pawnee City cemetery. He lived tor many years southwest of her near the state line, having come to Pawnee county from Ohio mote than halt a century since. He Is survived by a wife and several children, who lived in Montana and from whom ho sas been separated tor a great many years. Ilra)aaln T. t'ooa. 8TELLA. Neb.. Dc. 18. Special. Benjamin T. Coons died at his home In Humboldt last evening. The funeral will be held at Pralre In ton church and burial will be held at Prairie Vnlon cemetery. Mr. Coons was born In Morgan county, Il linois, April 10. 123, and came to Browne ville, Neb., in He purchased a farm -no ml'e south of Stella In 1870 and sold li in VQ. buying the Wyatt place and nmvlng to town. He moved to Hum i oidt twelve year ago, where his wife tiii d ten year ago. Eight children sur- vc. . Alwert C. Ltfixr. ; Al'Bl'RN, Neb., Deo. il-tSpecUl lU ' AUvrt c Leept-r, an old-time resident nd pioneer settler Of the county, died at In horns three miles northwest of low ii lt night after an Illness covering alout two years. Leeper came here fiom Illinois in ls63. He was 70 years of age ' hi l is death. He is survived by two son and three daughtere and a widow. The , funeral will be Friday and interment at Sheridan cemetery. Mr. Leeper was quite a prominent cltUen and took aa active pnrt in politics. 4 uaapleie lla.il... ...' Mi" Humphrey, daughter of HASTINGS, Nb.. lc M.-(8pecll!I Humphrey, and William Jl. Vigrem.-Tk federal census of Jlaa-ti , er n,"",1 br" Ilv- Charles W. tings was completed today and th. su- I "''V clo It at the prvtor and Ms asoUtant left for Wash- Inctou. The re.ult will be announced by it. census bureau Saturday. Io Setter ollk t'oUaf Take rr. Kl.-.g's New t!every, the (t couh, cold, threat and lung luedl 4 h, ii nri. Tne first dua helps Uc. --i -ola. AJv.itimil.t. ACCUSES COLLECTOR OF TORT OF SAN FRANCISCO f . ,.- - v 'vik rj" - ' '' ' V'" i BAN FRANClHcTt). Pec. 16. Herman D. Lempke, the attorney for the Oer man consulate here, has given out a sensational statement flsylng United States Attorney John W. Preston, who caused the arrest of C. O. Crowley, the ex-detectlv; Louis Smith and Baron von Brlncken, In connection with the alleged bomb plot against allied munition ships, and intimating that Collector of the Port Davis had violated the neutrality of the United States In allowing munition ships to sail from fn Francisco. RITCHIE ANSWERS BECKMAN Bridgeport Han Say Criticism of Commissioner Due. to Failure to Follow law, BONDS LEGAL INVESTMENTS BRIDGEPORT. Neb., Dec. lC-(8peclal.) William Ritchie, Jr., attorney for bond holders of th Alliance Irrigation district. In an Interview here today discussed th charge In th reply of Land Commis sioner Beckman to the resolution of criti cism passed by the state Irrigation con ference here last week. Mr. Ritchie said: "Land Commissioner Beckman In his public Interview regarding the purchase of Irrigation bonds by the gtate Board of Educational Lands and Funds misses th Issue which the irrigation congress raised, and digresses In a discussion of the rela tive merits of the bonds of a particular irrigation district. 'The Irrigation congress did not censure Mr. Beckman for his failure to buy any particular Issue of irrigation bonds. It doe net demand or expeot him to pur chase any issue of bonds which he finds I not gilt-edged. i Law la Case i rials. ' "While the bond which Mr. Beckman assails in his reply can be proved to be ftrst-clsss in every particular, that Is not the crux of the situation. ' "Aa attorney for the bondholders of the Alliance irrigation district I asked Mr. 4.eckman for his attitude regarding the purchase of Irrigation district bonds. He stated that he did not favor buying any irrigation district bonds at all. no matter how good tby might be. He did not at that time question the merits of the particular bond which be was told the board would be asked to purchass, nor acre th merit of such bonds dis cussed with him in any but a general way. H was told that he would not be expected to buy any Irrigation dtstriot bond that were not absolutely good. "Th Irrigation congress take th stand that since th legislature hss provided that th State Hoard .of Educational Lands and Funds may buy Irrigation dis trict bonds, the board has not the right to turn down such bonds regardless of their merits. Seearlty la Good. '"It seems to the members of the Irri gation congress under the circumstances stnee the state buye bonds for a perma nent investment and to not concerned in the question as to whether or not the se curities thsy purchase will find a ready market, and Is only concerned in the question aa to whether or not th prin cipal and interest will be forthcoming a promises; ana sine great tracts of land are dependent for their fertility, and a vast part of the state Is dependent for us aeveiopment on the ability of Irriga tion district to float their bond Isauns, such fact should entitle gilt-edged Irril gallon district bonds to at least an squat looting witn school district and munlciiHU oonas. wnicn always find a ready mar- "et irrigation district bonds snouia not be refueod consideration alto gether regardless of their merits." FORMER COUNSEL FCR NEW ' HAVEN MADE $7OD,O0C NEW YORK. Dec. 1 -Warren D. Chae. "rim anorney. testified today at the New Haven hearing th,t Edward D. Robblns. former ' general counsel of the w riaven, made a personal profit of aimosi svw.roo out of transactions which th government charges he eng n-erd behalf of the road. Robblns' services. Chase said, vera u.n. Ised In the transfer of properties of the Metropolitan Rteamship company, the old Charles W. Morse I'oriMrn In tfc. I. Governor John F. Hill of Maine. .,m htch also Involved th transfer to the Pacirio coast of the steamship Harvard and Tale. Th government charge that It was th purpose of Itobblns to get these two boats out of ths way for the beueNt of the New lisven. ftobbina, u was Indicated by his counsel today, went into the transaction purely for personal profit, Chass said he acted aa Kobblna' axent la the transaction HYMENEAL l.aaler-H ampbrr i . I i.renia. jia, Km in wuneaeea were Mr. and Mrs. O. E. rieca of Trosky, J'ipe.ton county illnn. 1 1 m. Da a la t earn. Irene Kahlatrom of Omaha and Henry It Hmnn of Fremont w.re married Thursday afternoon by Rev. Charlie W. baviiitfe. : SNOW COYERS THE WESTERNCOUNTRY From Five to Seven Inches in the Weitern Part of State Snowi Hard Here. STREETS SLIPPERY IN MORNING The first touch of real winter struck the country between tbs Itorky mountains and the Mlnals jsippl Wednesday night. According to I the railroads there was snow over the entire ares, accompanied by high v. lnds, seriously Interfering with the fire service, both telegraph and tele bone. ' A 1 yesterday morning when the re ports came to railroad headquarters bere, It wss still snowing most of the way from the lakes to the mountains and from far up In Minnesota, down Into Kansas. At that hour the snowfall was reported at one to four Inches, the heavi est fall being out in the western part of Nebraska and through eastern Colorado and Wyoming. The snow was drifting considerably, but there was not enough so that It seriously Interfered with traffic, though trains were somewhat slow, especially those moving west and north against the Btronff head wind. IJeer Fall of Mow, Along the Northwestern there was light snow from "Omaha to Norfolk and from there west It ranged in depth from four to six Inches most of the way through to Landers. Along Long Pine and north Into South Dakota the snowfall was around six Inches, with wind enough to cause considerable drifting. The Burlington and Union Pacific found the heaviest snow in the western part of the state and through Colorado. From North Platte on the Union Taclfto and from McCook on th Burlington, through to Denver, the snow at I o'olock had fallen to a depth of flv to seven Inches. With a strong wind, there was some drifting. Net Very Cold. Temperatures throughout Nebraska range from 10 to 40 degrees above sero. the coldest points being reported from up In th northwest corner of the state. Along th Missouri valley and south and t th temperature were above free- Ing, and at many point In this section. sleet accompanied the snow. In th city the streets are in terrible condition. They are covered with a sheet of lc and traffic over them Is maintained with great difficulty, th horses being unabl to keep their feet unless just sharp-shod. Here a drizzling rain com menced to fall shortly before midnight. later turning Into sleet and treeslng to the pavement as fast a It fill. Later on the slest turned to snow and at Interval during the morning th fall was heavy, until at noon It was a couplo of inchos deep. JACK THE SLASHER CUTS FURNITURE AT HOT El HASTINOa, Neb., Dec. (Spools! Telegram.) A .' mysterious "Jack the Blasher," . supposed to be the one who ruined some carpet and rugs in the Fonetnelle hotel In Omaha last night, slashed the leatser upholstering of the furniture in the lobby and billiard room of the Clarke hotel. In each case a long slit was made In th leather and only the costliest piece were attacked. The damage la estimated at about pvo. Revised Trail Hitters' foaat, HASTINGS, Neb., Deo. M. (Speo'al Telegram.) It was discovered today that the revised count show a total of 1,143 "trail hitters" In the recent revival In- stead of 1,772, aa announced on Monday. The original number Included aom BOO active church workers who went forward In the first day and were counted among ths converts. T7 r TRADE MARK I t . e I QUnni Ii ll- f i a a a. wa w ' Tm wn urn A!?, pure Liouons aa Ml a Kir 111 I - m. mmm. sssbi Sr w J TrVlfiUiol OF ONE OF TEE BEE'S PRETTY DOLLS LAST WEEK. Does this llttl "mamma" look as If she loved her "baby J" It Is Gladys McQaf fln, 610 Bouth Thirty-fifth avenue, and "Mary," th doll aha Won In The Be contest last week, with 1,717 pictures. Crowe and Hartman Still Held by the Los Angeles Policq LOS ANGELES. Cal., Deo. 14. -Joseph Landers, a wrestler, who being held with F. B, Hartman, proprietor of a liquor (tore, and Michael Crowe, a formor Omaha policeman, on suplclon of arson In attempting yesterday to burn the store of Hartman, was released late last night by the police. There was not sufficient evidence to Justify holding Lander. It wa stated today. Hartman and Crow are still detained by the police. JAMES CROSS, CHEYENNE PIONEER POSTMAN, IS DEAD CHETENNE. Wyo., Dec. l.-(Speclal.) James A. Gross. 09, a civil war veteran and Indian f'ghter, who served oontln- ously for thirty years In the service of the Cheyenne postofflce, died Monday night at Hot Springs, ' 8. D., where h went about two month ago. The body was brought to Cheyenne for interment. Mr. dross came west immediately after the civil war and saw some exciting service in the Indian campaigns. Later he wa attached to the quartermaster' corps at old Camp Carltn, near Cheyenne. When Camp Carlln was abandoned he entered the . postal service here, being th city' first carrier. . A widow and two sons, survlvs him. On son. W. L. Gross, is hare, and the other, T. J. Gross, In th Panama canal on. TEN PER CENT OF SALARY FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS CHICAGO, Dec. 11 Officials of the Crane company announced today that the company' annual Christmas gift to its employes will consist this year of 10 per cent of the annual salary of each man or woman employed for more than six months. Ten thousand employe throughout the country will share in the company's gift, which will total more than 1700.004. Famous for ita piquancy. !. v A ... v . . .. i r - - , i 3 mm ri Just a singla example of more than hundred M'&Jf Foods that carry the Armour label of quality to every part pf the world. Armour Sslected, U. S. Inspected choic tnaats and par sweet beef suet srs combined with Beetled raisins, hand washed currants and the finest of fresh spice. All prepared under th watchful ey cf Armour' .xp.rt ch.fs. Into a toothsom richn and rarity of blend. Spicy, delicious, wbolMom. AUo olJ undrnr tkw quality gaarantmm mf Ooot Lmbl atr( Star Smkinil Ham. Drvtmtkin Farm Saujart. Star Bam, "Simta Fun" IjafLsrI, Jrmw'i Grm4 J mitt, CUvtrllm BuUtr, Jrmtur'i O.'ttmargarimii. ARMOUR A .COMPANY UTS? - rm fKi mnktmafAr Xai1glal Wst HOME 2 DOORS EAST OF W.O.W. BID'O. SNOW HO BLOCK TO LIVESTOCK MEN Farmers' Co-Operative Grain and Live Stock Asiociation Dele gate Visit Stock Tarda. TALKS ON ROAD BUILDINO Snow or no snow toe delt-gates to tho Nebraska Farmers' Co-operntlve drain and Live Stock State associa tion leaped on street cerj yeoterday nornlng and went to South Omaha to nee the buying and soiling of live stock, in operation on the b'.g market thrre. They .had . been' Invited to make thl trip and thoy had looked forvnrd to It. So snow could not block them. They went to the Eachange bu'ldlng to visit at the various offices where all of them have acquaintances anions -.commission mvn. They plowed through the snow In the cattle ya.tls to witness the handling of the stock there; came back to the sheep barn to see the way th sheep are handled In their excellent aheltered pen, and wer greatly pleased with the fine new system of hog pens or "hog par lors,' as they are now called, atntfe they are solid concrete and steel, every Inch of the acres and acres of them under raln-and-anow-proof sheds a thoroughly fireproof a the cement floor on which the hog walk. Swiss Thinks Pope And Wilson Able to End War in Europe (Correspondence of th Associated Press.) BERNE, gwltserland, Deo. I. General Will, commander-in-chief of th Swiss army, a soldier of th school of Klnden burg and Joffre, today expressed th be lief that th time had come for "the two most powerful force In the world" to combine to put an end to the European war. The two fore, he said, were th president of th United State and th pope at Rom. Generat Wllle also discussed with a correspondent of th Associated Press the subject of military prop redness, de scribing that condition as not only a de fense of th state and Ita clttsena, but aa a powerful fore for discipline and efficiency In civil life and the pursuit of Industry and commerce. - In auggestlng a peace proposal at thla time from President Wilson and Pop Benedict, General Wllle said: "A united appeal from these two most powerful Influences In the world, sec onded as it would be by other neutrals, could not but be heeded by all the war ring nations." , General Wllle said he was not himself a Catholic, yet th powerful Influence exerted by th pop was recognised In Europe without regard to religion. : Tre Store of the Town FOE HIM : Initial Handkerchief a $1.00 TO $3.00 a box I Browning, King & Co. ELL-A MS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. I'' - -' II' t1'" ' I &m i r rt rnrn t&tfm - VStHts Wll'g'sF ajf FREE Souvenir g to Each Purchaser Bottle of Diet Port Wine tree with each purchase of J 2. CO er more. B ' I' When you buy Furs at this store you do so with confidence: the house stands back of every pur chase and guaran tees its rightness. mmm. mm 1 Tl . t jr. luat mKe a newrurs Royai Gift, ( MUFFS Nw WntcruK'lon ajtI Football Styles Rich Dlack Coney . River Mink SS.75 5.75 Black Dog, aa Illustrated, SO. 75 Genuine Beaver Sa5.00 Hudson Seal 810.75 Coney Black or Brown .-87.50 WELL MATCHED SETS Southern Marten S50.00 Russian Opossum $50.00 Beautiful Mole . .' $45.00 Black Lynx $05.00 Very Handsome Marten $40.00 wm 1516-18-250 FARNAM STREET. Into the Lives of Eighteen Households These IE 3andsome, Um ileoSion Player Pianos $000 Value children's music-study, a .Only $450 delightful piano that all-' 'can play, and that is per fect for hand playing and music-lesson. practice all this The.' Aeolian Player Piano supplies. Yet its c&t is so low that few are the families which may not afford it. , These Player Pianos are perfect new instruments. They . have full scale, 88-note player actions with special patented expression devices found only on players of Aeolian manu facture. You cannot possibly duplicate these instruments in musical capability in any other Omaha i.ore for leu than 1600. - 4 As pianos, they have fine tone, perfect action quality . in every essential to satisfy the critical musician. The cases are beautiful, figured mahogany or oak in high polish. A bench, scarf and selection of music accompanies each instru ment. IMPORTANT But eighteen of these Player Pianog are ready, for immediate delivery. We suggest that you make your selection as early as possible tomorrow. rOTJB SPECIAL BAEQAINS IN USED PLAYER PIANOS $450 Schubert Player Piano , $195 $500 Cloufh & Warren Player Piano. . . I $330 $550 Sohmoller & Mueller Player Piano $300 $600 Schmoller ft Mueller Player Piano $335 Our line of Aeolian Pianola Player Pianos includes The Steinway, Weber, Bteck, Wheelock, Stuyvesant, Stroud and Aeolian, the Standard Players of the world. S6S.n.oller & fvlise! Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebs' Exclusive Aeolian Representatives. f-SSB PL VIA ILLIHOIS CEdTfiAL RAILROAD RouU of the SEMINOLE LIMITED THE ALI STEEL TRAIN. Round Trip "Winter Tourist Tickets on sale daily, limited to return June 1st, 1916. Rates to Principal Points as foliows: Jacksonville $50X8 Tampa $C2.23 Miami $72.78 St Augustine $52.98 St Petersburg $62.28 Ticket to all othr point at sam proportions! rates. Ticket via Washington, D. C. in one direction, returning via any direct lln. at slightly higher rates. HOMESEEKSRS' tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays of - each month. ' ' r Tor detailed information and descrlptlT literature, eall at CITT TICKET OFTICE, or write S. North. District Passenger Agsnt, 40T South 16th St., Omaha. Nebraska. Phone Douglas 114. - 1 -I "Mil K g I ' . at Prices to Astonish SCARFS , Chin rhlw or Scarf fttyle Chinese Lynx $4.75 Kiver Mink S3.75 niver Mink St. 75 Riven Mink SB.50 Opossum : So. 75 German Fitch Sl.75 White Fox S10.00 Will bring Christmas Joy with all its attendant pleaa- ' ore and interest. $10 Down and $10 Monthly Quickly Pays for One of These Instruments. Total Prlcols $450 Pleasing, beautiful music 1 for the entire family, real and. efficient aid - to the ' er Palm Beach $69.18 St. Cloud $60.18 Fort Myers $67.38 Key West. ..$83.78 HAVANA, CUBA. . $37.18 -For Results Bee Want Ads. 33?