Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1915, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Bee
The Dee Is The Paper
To ask fori if yee pie o to
"M mor tana a fsw da) a,
have rt b bum to yo-
VOI a XLV NO. 15G.
Om Trains, at Hotel
Ksws Steads, ato., o.
Delegates to National Union Re
proach Themselves with Charges
of Fenuriousness and Add
Another Thousand.
Speaker Tells Farmers Fer Capita
Consumption Less Than Half
Glass Fer Bay.
C. O. Drayton of Greenville. 111.,
ras not only elected for the sixth
time yesterday president of the Na
tional Farmers' Equity union in the
convention at the Castle hotel, but
his salary was doubled.
Ha la to get $2,000 a year instead
of $1,000 as in the past.
John L. Boles of Liberal, an., made the
motion first to raise the prendent to
$1,600. "This man has tolled hard arid
has built thia institution up from nothing
to a treat, bin. powerful national insti
tution, and here we are paying him
S1.000," he said. "Why, men, 1 hire ho
boes on my farm and they charge me for
day labor at the rate of pretty nearly
1.000 a year. Yes, and the little country
school teachers come out there on the
farm and demand wages almost that
Everybody Favors a liaise.
In a moment the motion had 1U second
and waa rolling along smoothly without
a single bit of opposition. Everybody
was giving It another boost. That is why
it waa not voted through immediately.
.Everyone wanted to say a good word
for the president and apologize for not
having raised him sooner.
'hen Alex E. Borg of Java, 8. D.,
caught the spirit of the B&nta Claus sea
son so strongly that he leaped to his feet
and moved to make it J2.0. Time was
worth tnoney to the president.
J. P. Larson of Mott, N. ., seconded
the 12,000 amendment, and said, "It's a
dlBgrace the little money we've been pay
ing a man with the brains that our pres
ident has. We're paying our local man
ager up there In Dakota $1,600 a year,
and our bookkeeper $75 a month, and our
yard men big money, and all the time
we're making money like dirt. Why
should we disgrace ourselves by paying
our national president a little salary
like $1,000, or even $1,500? Make it $2,000."
And they did make it $2,000 unanimously.
A. Hoffman of Leola, g. D.. was elected
Vloe president. The state bank of Holies
ft Son at GreenVlle, IIL, was, again, made
treasurer, and G. L. Denney secretary.
The three directors named -were T. I
Line of Tort Wayne for Indiana, A. Hoff
man of Leola, 8. D., for South Dokato.
and C. O. Drayton of Greenville, 111., for
Prof. J. H. Frandsen of the University
of Nebraska of the department of hus
bandry talked on the dairy lnduetry and
co-operative creameries at the afternoon
session. The talk was practically a call
to arms for the American dairy industry.
Urate Drinking" of Milk.
"Per capita throughout the whole
United States." he said, "we are consum
ing leas than one-half a glass of milk, a
day. We are using less than one-twelfth
pound of butter. Wo are using aooui
of a pound of cheese. And wo are
using about two teaspoontuis or ice
He gave figures also showing that the
formers of Nebraska are at present milk
ing 700,000 dairy cows, and that the value
of dairy producta In Nebraska for 1913
waa about $30,600,000.
He called attention to the fact that
there Is now considerable agitation for
creameries throughout the country, and
that there are many promoters around
who want to promote creameries for the
farmers any time, and any place, selling
the stock, building the plant and turn
ing it over to the co-operative company
for a aet price. Ho advised the farmers
to beware of these, as the creamery
should spring from the heart of a dairy
community and not from the heart of
the professional promoter, who would be
willing to build one where there was no
demand for it, providing he could talk
fast enough to sell the stock and get his
Farmers ta Revolt.
"The revolt of the farmers has just
begun," said L. F. Hoffman of Mfott. N.
V.. In his address on legislation.
"The revolt has Just begun. We have
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs i
Partly cloudy.
md Vicinity
, i(7
b a. m. .
a. m..
T a. m..
8 a. m..
8 a. in..
10 a. m..
11 a. m..
12 m -7
1 u. m 2
3 p. m
i p. m U
4 p. m -3
5 p. ni '-'
t p. m 21
7 p. m
I p. m 1
Loral Record.
1915. 1914. IMS. 191.
Highest yesterday 27 4 40
lowest yesterday 18 7 i"4 31
Mean temperature ZS 1 37 34
Picl)ltatioii 14 .00 .00 .ul
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal tenuieraiure 28
Iieflcleiiry for the day t
Total defltiency uiuce Jdorch 1 106
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
K.xceaa for the day 11 tilth
Precipitation alnce March 1...26M inches
lufli leiiry since March 1 i KSiiuhBH
Ufflcitncy, cor. period. i14... t.tH luchea
iJefli iency, cor. period, 1913.... 1.3) incites
Hrporta trotm Stalloaa at 7 I. af.
Station and State Temp High- Italn-
of Weather. 1 p. in. trnU fall.
t'heyenne. clear
l omparatl ve
i .
90 30
1 U . In
2S ; .12
14 :'S .M
1! 27 .14
30 .Oi
IK 3il .)
1 24 .40
U IS .16
liavenport, raining
iinvr. iiwr
Dea MotlK-a. cloudy
North Platte, clear
Omaha cloudy
Kapid City clear
Mlu-rldan. clear
mom t'lty, iloudy
Valentine, clear
indicates below aero.
L. A. VYULalt. Local Forecaster.
MISS MAY SWIFT of Lake Forest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis F. Swift, who is to marry Count James Minatto, the
son of an Italian nobleman, whose estate is near Venice.
aa-t e.,, - ""
if: ! V n
It i . ' 4
I Vr 4 s . ' rw , I
' a" . ""aa-.
Adjourn at Noon After a Most Sue-
. .cessfnl, -Meeting-r-HaYe,. Big
w Sinner.
Royal Arch Masons from all over
Nebraska, In session in Omaha for
the annual meeting of the grand
chapter, who convened at the Ma
sonic Temple Wednesday, concluded
their sessions at noon. The atten
dance was large and the work put on
rf great Interest to the members of
the order. The final number on the
program was the election and Instal
lation of officers as follows, for the
ensuing year:
Chauncey L. Wattles, grand high priest,
Carroll D. Evans, deputy grand high
priest, Columbus.
John R. Stine. grand king, Omaha.
William D. Funk, grand scribe, Bloom
field. Lucius D. Richards, grand treasurer,
Francis E. White, grand secretary,
Newton P. - Patterson, grand chaplain,
Beatrice. ,
George S. Powell, grand lecturer,
Alpha Morgan, grand captain of the
host, Broken Bow.
John Kelley, grand principal sojourner,
Charles L. Mielenx, grand royal arch
captain, Wahoo.
Lewis E. Smith, grand master third
vail. Long Pine.
William W. Metz, grand master second
vail, Nebraska City.
Walter I. Spear, grand master first
vail, Geneva.
Pavld I). Reavls, grand steward, Falls
James M. Robertson, grand steward,
Luther B. Hoyt, grand sentinel, Benson.
Fiftieth Convocation.
Chauncy W. Wattles. Carroll V. Evans.
John R. St el ne and William D. Funk
were appointed a committee to formulate
plans for the celebration of the fiftieth
annual convocation of the grand chap
ter March 19. 1917.
At the meeting Wednesday night, John
W. Nielsen of Concordia, Kan., grand
high priest of the Royal Arch Mhsons
of Kansas, waa the guest of honor at a
dinner given by Omaha chapter No. 1
and Bellevue chapter No. 7 to the of
ficers of the grand chapter. The ad
dresa of welcome waa by Rev. John J.
Poucher and the response by N. D. Pat
terson, Beatrice, grand chaplain.
Five high priests, aa follows, were re
ported to have died during the year:
John . J. Mercer, Omaha, February 25.
William H. Munger, Omaha. August 11,
Albert W. Crites. Chadron, August 23,
Charles J. Phelps, Schuyler, August 24,
John B. Dinsmore, Sutton, October 6,
Ship Communipaw
Is Safe at Algiers
WASHINGTON. Pec. 1. Safe arrival
at Algiers last Mnday of the American
tar.k steamer Commonipaw, variously re
ported attacked by a submarine, sunk,
and safe, was reported to the State de
partment today by the American consul
at that port.
Women Speakers Urge House and
. Senate CorjsymitUes -to Report...
Anthony Amendment.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. Woman
suffrage leaders again appealed to
penate and house committees today
to immediately favorably report the
Susan B. Anthony constitutional
emendment to enfranchise women.
Miss Anne Martin of Nevada In
troduced more than a dozen speakers
at the senate hearing, for five-minute
Senator Ransdell of Louisiana di
rected attention to the contention
that the women of the south did not
want the ballot because of the negro
woman vote.
."It Is not the negro question which Is
endangering suffrage In the south." re
plied Miss Frances Jolllffe of California,
"but It is the factory owner, who em
ploys children and women."
Mrs. Sara Bard Fields of Oregon told
of the fight of western women for na
tional suffrage and their resolution to
put suffrage ahead of party,
Mm, Shaw and Mrs. C'att.
Before the house committee, Dr. Anna
Howard Bhaw, Mrs. Carrie Chapman
Catt and other representatives of the
National Woman Suffrage association
urged the amendment.
Mrs. Catt said she would not have It on
her conscience to refuse to let the ques
tion of a constitutional amendment for
woman suffrage go before the states. ''1
believe we could trust the people of the
various states to do what is right," she
off Printing: Plant gelsed.
uONi-dN, Lee. 16. The police last night
seized all the type and copy of the cur
rent Issue of Britanla, formerly The
Suffragette, the official organ of tht
Women's Social and Political union.
"The authorities took exception to out
comment on Sir Edward Grey and
certain British general in the Balkans,
said Miss Annie Kenney of the suf
fragette organisation.
"They cannot suppress us. When there
Is an Intrigue we shall expose It, what
ever happens."
Allies Won't Bar Way
of Boy-Ed and Papen
WASHINGTON, Doc. K-Sir Cecil
Spring Rice, the British ambassador, has
personally informed becretary Lansing
that he was advised to say for the gov
ernment of France, and Great Britain
that allied naval forces would not molest
Captains boy-lid and Von Papen, the
recalled German naval and military at
taches, on their homeward voyage.
Letters from the State department set
ting forth their status and reciting .he
French and British assurances will con
stitute the safe conduct carried by the
German officers. It Is understood that
they expect to sail from New York (or
Holland next week.
Ex-Senator Hale
IsCritically 111
WASHINGTON. Dec. 16-Formcr Sena
tor Hale of Maine Is aeiiuusly 111 of
paralysis at his home lure. Owing to
his rdvanred age, 7J years, little hope
Is held out for his recovery, it was said.
Recalled Attache Brands as False
Newspaper Statement of His
Securing Coun:nlial
Declares Article Charges He Stole
Document in Shadow of the
White House.
NEW YORK. Dec. 16. Captain
Doy-Kd, the German naval attache,
insued an official statement late to
day branding aa "fabrications and
Invention" reports appearing In the
newspapers today that he had ob
tained, through secret agents, a con
fidential report prepared by Amer
ican naval officers, which was to be
submitted to thepresident.
Not only did he not obtain the re
port in any way, Captain Boy-Rd
states, but he never heard of such a
"Because of my official relation to the
German embassy," says the statement,
"1 have heretofore felt constrained to
ruffer generally in . silence the many
newspaper reflections upon me and my
activities In this country, as it Is con
trary to diplomatic etiquet In my coun
try to take note of Irresponsible and un
official statements.
V At Liberty to Talk.
"Being no longer a member of the
embassy, I feel at liberty to characterise
tho various stories in this morning's
papers as fabrications and inventions
from beginning to end without o much as
a vest'ge of foundation In fact on which
to tinao them.
"If 1 correctly understand the purport
of these articles, they represent nie as
having in effect stolen through secret
agents from the very asadow of the
White House, a digest or a copy of a
confidential report that was being pre
pared by navy officers for President
Wilson, or of having in some way known
of or come Into possession of some such
"In point of fact I never heard of any
such report or that any report was being
compiled for tie president or for the
United States government or for any
body else. I know of no American,
patriotic) or otherwise, young or "bid,
such aa is referred to In these articles,
and have never had and American cltl
sen employed In' my office.
" ","".A1 KnHj. Mythical.
"The patriotic yoting American re
ferred to la as mythical as the rest of
the absurd story."
Captain Boy-Ed's reference to the
"patrlotlo American" refers to a state
ment in the publ'ahed reports which an
nounced that an Amerioan in the cap
tain's employ had indirectly notified
President Wilson about the matter.
Man Marooned on
Small Island for
Thirty-Four Days
CLATOQL'OT, B. C, Dee. 16. Marooned
for thirty-four days on a small Island in
the Pacific ocean was the experience of
Everett Fltzpatrick, a rancher of Flores
Island, according to word received here.
November 11 he left Ahousat, where he
had purchased provisions, alone In a
canoe and when about twelve miles from
Ahousat and near a small uninhabited
island, he waa caught In a squall and his
canoe was swamped. Fltspatrlck. who
cannot swim, saved his life toy holding
on to rocks.
He managed to save a sack of flour,
a package of oatmeal and a few matches.
A case of coal oil was also washed
ashore. On the provisions he existed
more than a month.
Big waves washed over the Island,
which ta nothing more than a reef, and
It waa only by lashing himself to one of
the few trees that Fltspatrlck managed
to hold on.
When found yesterday by two Hesquolt
Indians who were passing In a canoe,
Fltspatrlck was In a demented condition.
The man will be taken to the Presby
terian mission at Auousat.
Placer Dirt Pays
$500 a Cubic Yard
NEW CASTLE. Wyo Dec 16.-(8pe-clal.)
Ae report "of a placer discovery so
rich that some dirt runs S500 to the
cubic yard which was brought by O. O.
Baker from the Hurricane district, thirty
five miles north of this place, has caused
a rush of locators despite heavy suow
In the mountains surrounding the dis
covery. Baker la exhibiting nuggets
ranging in slse from that of a pin-head
to that of a kernel of corn. He says that
the discovery unquestionably is a bon
ansa. Its exact location has not been
i revealed although Baker and hie as
sociates filed on all available land be
fore news of the strike was brought to
Free Dolls
For the Kiddies
The Bee is again making
lot of little one hippy
by giving away each
week one of thoae big
handaome d o 1 1 the
kind the girl yearns for
and dreams of some day
Cut Out the Pictures
That's All.
Bombs Laden With
Gas Are Dropped Into Venice
tC'orrespondence of the Associated Tress)
VENICE, Pee. !.-The use of asphyxi
ating gas In the bombs dropped on Venice
has added a new terror to these aerial
raids. These anphyxlatlng bomba have
been used in the trenches, but not until
the air raid of November 1R, waa the
deadly gas used In bomb dropped i n
Mies, so far as Is known.
The air raid on November 1. was not
made Known at the time aa the military
authorities threw a rigid cordon of silence
around the city.
The raid occurred near the arsenal.
None tf the bombs, however, fell inside
the arrsenal grounds. They fell Just out
Ceremony Tomorrow Will Be Per
formed by Clergyman of Mrs.
Gait's Church.
WASHINGTON, Dec, 16. Presi
dent Wilson's marriage license was
Issued today at the local municipal
bureau. It disclosed for the first
time that the ceremony Saturday
night will be performed by a clergy
man of Mrs. Gait's faith, Rev. Her
bert Scott Smith, rector of St. Mar
garet Episcopal church. The presi
dent himself is a Presbyterian and
an elder In his church.
The license waa Issued by Chief
Usher Hoover, of the White House
staff, who went to the bureau, made
out the necessary forms and paid the
regular fee.
Afterward he delivered the document
to tho president. In tho application the
president's ae was glxen as ft year and
Mrs. Gn't as 4S.
Probably at Nine.
The wedding ceremony will be per
formedat Mrs. Gait's home Saturday
night, probably about 9 o'clock, although
the hour has not been announced In keep
ing with the desire of the couple to have
the affair strictly a private one. It has
not been disclosed where the bride and
bridegroom will go on their honeymoon
Journey or when they will leave the
All their plana have been carefully
made to avoid publicity. The ganeraNlm
preeMon among friends, however, ts that
the honeymoon will be spent so me whs re
I iv the south. Paae Christian Ulna, wh
the president has-spent .-some of Hit'
vacation times, has been among the likely
place mentioned.
It seems to !e settled that the wedding
Journey will not be mado on the presl
dentall yacht Mayflower, as was once
contemplated. It was decided that such a
trip would entail a cold sea voyage of at
least two days before the ship could get
Into pleasant weather south. The offi
cers snd crew of the yacht, who had been
refused shore Jeave for Christmas time,
now have been given liberty.
Many Glfta Sent.
Probably no one outside the immediate
members of the wedding party know much
about any of the arrangements of the
bride's trousseau or the glfta she has re
ceived. No formal announcement of the
latter Is expected, but something about
them made ho made known Informally
after the wedding. It Is known that while
there has been no organised sending of
gifts by congress, government officials or
the diplomatic corps, individuals In all
the sets In the capital have sent presents.
Many of them are said to be rare and
beautiful. Tho preaenta have come not
only from officials and personal friends
of the president and Mrs. Gait, but also
from persons unknown to either of them.
In thia country. and abroad. Many have
come from children.
The list of guests has not been en
larger and, as waa at first planned, will
Include only the Immediate relatives of
the president and Mrs. Gait. o far as
is known the invitations have not even
gone far enough outside the family circle
to include the president's close and inti
mate friend, Colonel F. M. House, of
New York. It la said also thut the presi
dent will be unattended by a man.
Society Will Aid
Pupils to Secure
After-Hours Work
Miss Jessie Town, Miss Ilrenlser and
Miss Kthc Tukey, representing the Asso
ciation of Collegiate Alumnae, appeared
before the teachers' committee of the
Board of Education yesterday to ask that
the association be allowed a room on the
fifth floor of the city hall to carry on
vocational guidance work among the
pupils of the high schools.
The purpose of the work Is to aid p.iplta
who would otherwise have to leave school
to work In securing employment efter
hours and thus keep them In school. It
Is also designed to give hoys snd girts
leaving school aid and e'lvlre in taking
up life work.
The association Is engnged In such ac
tivity In Dea Moines, Minneapolis and
other cities. The teachers' committee en
dorsed the plan and will recommend Its
adoption at the next meeting of the board,
which. It la understood, will give its
Convicted Murderer
is Declared Insane
PHOKN1X, Arls., Dec. li-Willlam FaU
tln. whom It. B. Sims, warden of the
Florence penitentiary, refused ta hang
November 26 last, was declared Insane
by a Jury and taken today lo tho state
asylum. After Sims refused to execute
K nit in he waa cited before the supreme
court for contempt. but exonerated.
Fahln waa resentenced to bang January
T. but the verdict of Insanity aaved him
from the gallows. The prtnoner was con
victed of having slain a man in Phoenix.
side in a quarter occupied by the poorer
people, spreading the effect of their fuins
snionit the civil population. Only one
death oceurrrd, but a great number suf
fered from tho paralysing effect of the
In the three raids made thus far, the
first two were with explosive shrapnel
bombs, and the last one on November IV
with the ssphyxtntlng bombs. None of
these raids lias reached the main points
sought the arsenal and the railway
atatlun but they have rstiscd damage at
nearby points, notnbly the destruct'on
of the Stalsl church near the railway
station and the explosions on the quay
fronting the Place San Marro.
Forces of the Anglo-French Now
Occupy Strong Positions to the
North of Saloniki.
LONDON, Dec. 16. On the Mace
donian front there has set in a lull
v hich well informed observers at
Athens believe will extend over the
Greek elections of Sunday.
The retirement of the Anglo-
French forces has ended and they
now occupy strong positions north of
Saloniki, where thus far their oppon
ents have made no effort to disturb
them. 1
The German forces probibly woul
need some time to prepare for any as
sault on these positions, particularly as
light artillery and mountain guns would
not suffice. Few heavy guns. If any.
seem to have arrived near the froiitlor.
In London the retirement of Ficd
Marshal 81r John French from cominnuu
of the British forcea In France tompor
arily ovurshHduws other W news. The
new commander-in-chief. Sir IHjuglas
lliilg. who la almost the youngest gen
eral in the British army, enters upon hli
duties with a high reputation. Ho has
seen more hard fighting than any other
general In the British army.
"Whatever crltlclsmsn have been di
rected aglnst the staffs of the British
armies in Flanders," says the Manchester
Guardian, "there has never been a wotd
against General IUlg, who Is known to
be the smallest and fittest the Brltlii't
army possesses.
"General llalg. while perhaps lacklmt
the personal magnetism of Field Mar
shal French, Is an experienced oom-
aefef tremendous concentration and
energy," . ,
Ilnlatare StoW at Frontier.
BERLIN, Deo. 1C (By Wireless to fiay.
vllle.) The official report of the Bul
garian headquarters staff, dated Decem
ber 15, as received here today, the Over
seas News Agency announces. Is as fol
lows! "Bulgarian troops have temporarily
stopped at the Greek frontier their pur
suit of the enemy.
"The Bulgarians took as prisoners 1,111
soldiers, among whom were eighteen offi
cers. They also captured fourteen can
non six ammunition cars and much war
Kta-hteea Thoaaand Anatrlane Taken
PArtlH, Den. 18. A division of tho Ser
bian armies, escorting 18,000 Austrian pris
oners of wsr, has arrived at Tirana and
Kl Basssn, In Albania, according to a
dispatch from Janlna, Albania, to the
Havas News Agency.
Entente Expects
To Hold Saloniki
Until War is Over
SALONIKI, Greece, Tuesday, Dec. 14.
(Via Paris, Dec. IS, 10:60 a. m.) "You
may take this aa final: The allies will
not quit Saloniki until European peace Is
signed." said an officer of the allies to
the Associated Press correspondent today.
Outgoing ships are crowded with for
eigners, particularly Germans and Aua-
trlana, and the Inhabitants of Halonikl
are leavln gthe city In fear of a siege.
The British consul Is advising civilian
British subjects, especially women, to
take their departure.
Hundreds of Serbian refugees and
Greeks, living between Saloniki and the
frontier, on the contrary, are arriving
hourly. The greatest misery exists
among them. A refugee camp Is now
well established at Volo, where the al
lied naval base will be located.
Mrs.Drexel Wins
Suit for Money
Due from Husband
LONDON, Dec. 1&-A Judgement In
favor of Margarita Armstrong Drexel,
wife of the American banker, Anthony J.
Drexel, was rendered today In her suit
to recover money under a separation dee I.
The point Involved was Mr. Drexel s
motion to set aside the service of a
notice of a writ by the wife to recover
money due under the deed on the ground
that his domicile was France and that
therefore he had allowed Mrs. Drexel a
yearly Income of SuO.OUO.
Italian Gunboat and
Transport Are Sunk
ROME I Via Pari), Dec. 1.-Tbe Italian
destroyer Intrepido. snd the Italian trans
port Iteumberto have been sunk In the
Adriatic sea by drifting mines, according
to announcement in a semi-official note.
All the members of the crews were aaved,
with the exception of forty men aboard
the transport, and three on t tie destroyer.
The Intrepido waa built in It was
tut feet long. Its armament consisted of
one 4.7 Inch guns, four twelve-pound guns
and two torpedo tubea. The Iteumberto
waa a steamer of l.X'Z tons gross. It
si 31 fel long.
Unofficial Text of Reply to Ancona
Note is Unsatisfactory, Unac
ceptable and Disappointing
to United States.
America Will Stand By First Note,
Which is Based on Official
Statement of Austria.
VIENNA .Dec. 15. (Via Berlin
and London, Dec. 16.) The situa
tion ss regard Austria-Hungary and
the I'nltcd States ts considered here
to have become less tense since the
reply to the American note waa dis
patched. WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. Aus
tria's reply to Secretary Lansing's
note on tho Ancona Is regarded, on
the basis of the unofficial reports re
ceived today from London and Am
sterdam, as wholly unsatisfactory,
unacceptable and disappointing to
the United States. Diplomatic rela
tions between the countries may
safely be described as standing at the
'.(leaking point.
President Wilson and Secretary
Lansing are reserving comment un
til they hare the official translation
tt text at hand, but It Is stated au
thoritatively that the United States
will enter Into no exchange of opin
ions aa the foreign office of Vienna
is represented as suggesting, and
absolutely will decline to discuss the
facts of the torpedoing and shelling
o; the Ancona by an Austrian sab
marine with the loss of American
No official word had reached the State
department today that the Austrian reply
had been delivered to American Ambassa
dor Pcnftctd, but the news dispatches con
taining excerpts were taken In official
q-iarters as sufficient evidence that ths
r Joinder is on its way to Washington.
From such part of the unofficial text
as is i contained in the news dlspatohet
officios oonaidereA Uwf. rep1yaTJ"li 'i
many respects, but they were not pre
pared to decide whether that waa caused
by the translation.
Win Hefose Extended Parley,
The suggestion for an exchange of opln-i
ions, the virtual request for a bill of par
ticulars of . the American complaint
against the action of the submarine com
mander and the proposal for a discussion
of the facts were clearly set forth, how
ever. In the official text, and officials of
the State department who have knowledge
In the crisis unhesitatingly declared that
all would be refused. It was made clear
that the I'nlted States does not propose
to enter Into a diploma tlo discussion
which would have possibilities of being
prolonged almost Indefinitely,
The outline of the reply was disappoint
ing because some American officials had
been led to believe by predictions from
Germsnlo quarters that it would be fa
vorable, or at least would propose some
thing which the United States could as.
Ne Roam for Dlapat aa Fa eta.
Aa Secretary Lansing based tho repre-
sentations In his note upon the official
atatement of tho Austrian admiralty lu
self, American officials are at a loss tq
understand where there Is much room fol
discussion or dispute of facta.
News from Vienna recently that ths
submarine which sunk the Ancona waj
missing led some officials to believe that
a new element had been
dispute, which had promise of carrylngj
some weight. That point, however, aeems.
i nave oeen disregarded in Austria's an
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
an bums
Thia aaaa has soma household goods
That would sorely plaeee you eye.
He really ought to sell them
Tor ths prices are mot alga.
Bat he's tried most every as ease,
till the buyers stay away,
lt'4 have eold oat all hie goods
tt he'd used the ws-at-ad-way,
jrnst ase this well known mat hog
When yon've earthing foe eel.
Int yoar WAST a la Tan MMM
You'll flad taey never fail.
Furniture of all kinds finds reads
buyer if you tell the public all about
your orrar tnrougn tne t laaairied coi
unim or Tim umtni Mae. rrr ir
t'iaaslfted way at once. Telephoi
lyier luvv and
wwJ f r CS I'LL USfl