Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Joe Hummel is the Middle Man and
Throws Wit and Humor Into
the Meeting.
Tha city commissioners tried the In
novation of lifting in open session
while passing upon twenty saloon ap
plications which were granted. The
idea of throning the doors open to
the world and his brother proved
successful, so much so that it may
be tried again during the week.
Harry Z. Rosonfrld. 1R4 Dnuslas
street, and tha Otto I.lquor company at
113 Dousjla. Kwt, r granted licenses
upon conditions that they tmov all ob
jectionable ittirns from their bulMlnss.
Commissioner Humtwl took toeptlons to
ona larva aim which referred to Iowa.
"Every tlma we fellowa o to Council
Bluffs we ar pinched. Why eater to
Council Bluffs?" anked Mr. Hummel,
Joe) Hammel m Wit.
Commissioner Hummel was Interlocutor
of tha meeting and waa equal to tha
task. He passed upon polnta of law and
Injected flashes of humor which sclntll
Is ted and reverberated like aparka from
the anvil of a villas; blacksmith.
A license waa granted to Chris Paul
van, 1119 Douglas street, two doors east
of tha Otto Liquor company's bottla
goods station.
Applications of Cart Hansen, K4 North
sixteenth street, and Frank Berg, 701
North Sixteenth street, were held up on
accounts of complaints received by Com
missioner Kugel.
Hearing on the protest against the ap
plication of .Rome Miller, Sixteenth and
Jackson streets, was set for neat Tues
day morning at 10 o'clock.
Tha commissioners are considering
making tha distribution of 191ft licenses
In tha council chamber to tha saloonmen
In person, with a few words of warning
to tha liquor dealers.
Fifty Cents and a
Kose to Those Who
Attended Opening
(r o
' t
. i - ' t
I . ( ' . .
! ' '. . ' :.. I I
r rvy--'
I 0
Commercial Club Takei Definite
Action Looking- to the Estab
lishment Here.
After five
ennwiy wl
desk at the Fontenelle hotel.
v vears at the Henanaw. Jir.
Kennwly will now be foun 1 behind the
and A. Beck, a contractor, who was
across the street, came to her aid. Tha
itinerant, who gave his name as John
Kowttaky, was brought to police headquarters.
Those who did not attend tha formal
opening of tha new shoe store, Napier's
Booterie, ara losers of tha equivalent
of half a dollar. And those fortunate
ones who did attend tha opening were
gainers by Just that amount. Inasmuch
as they were, each of them, given a
check calling for 10 cents. These checks
were given out on the opening day only
end they will be good until New years,
In addition to tha checks 3.&00 roses
were alven as souvenirs. And in addl
tlon to tha presents those who called
were treated to an Inspection of Omaha's
great new quality shoe shop. It Is In
ileed a quality shop, tastefully arranged,
with furnltura and fittings dona In soft
kaiser aray, and with lighting and dis
play effects the most pleasing.
Napier's Booterie, located on Sixteenth
street. In Omaha's newest bualnesa block,
tha new Roae building. Is owned by the
Napier brothers: . W. Napier being
president of the company, B. U Naplsr,
vies president, and B. H. Napier, secre
tary and treasurer. In addition to these
courteous gentlemen there la a force of
efficient saleafolk whose ambition Is to
serve. In the fullest sense, those who
ceme to tha store. Tha ideal of tha
Booterie Is quality and service.
Omaha Rate Clerks
Go to Chicago Meet
A number of expert rata clerks from
tha general passenger department of tha
Union Pacific have gone to Chicago,
where with clerks from other roads they
will line up the proposed Increased paa
' nenger rates applying at competitive
Tha Chicago meeting of rata clerks
la a sort of Joint convention. There the
clerks will figure out the new rates to
and from competitive points, after which
they will return to their homes to work
up tha regular tariffs that will be ap
plied aa soon as possible after tha thirty
days' notloa of tha advance in ratea
Tha advance in rates comes about by
reason of tha decision of tha Interstate
Commerce commission that permits all
railroads to increase their Interstate
baasenger ratea from I to It cents per
Postoff ice Force
Will Work Overtime
for the Xmas Rush
Postmaster Wharton has decided to
avoid a Christmas Jam In tha Omaha
poeto fries this year. Ha says there Is
no sense In having Chrlstmaa packagss
and Chrlstmaa cards delayed three or
four days, as they usually are,
"We will work the postoffloo clerks
from twelve to fourteen hours a iy all
next week," ha aald, "Instead of their
usual eight. I have arranged for the
automobile delivery trucks used In the
parcel post service to work till 10 o'clock
every night Instead of qMlttlng at 4 p. m.
as they do now.
"However," concluded the postmaster,
"we shall not work on Sunday. I think
everything will be light up to time so
that clerks and carriers can be free that
day to attend divine services."
Tha extra work Is welcomed by practi
cally all tha workers, because it means
a substantial bit of extra Christinas
money In their pay envelope.
"The Christmas mall this year Is
much heavier already than at this time
last year," said Mr. Wharton, "though
there la a marked falling off in foreign
mall,, Tha great Increase In the parcel
post 'business mora than .offsets the loss
In tha foreign mail." '
In this connection it is noteworthy that,
while parcel post packages are not taken
at parcel poat rates to Oermany, Aus
tria, Hungary,- Turkey, Belgium and
northern Franoe, pack sees rsn be sent
to all these countries at lotter ratea
cents for tha first ounce and t cents
for each additional ounce.
Omaha is soon to have a real bay
The Commercial club has definitely
thrown its support to such a move
ment, and has decided to appoint a
committee to work out the details
of starting such an institution.
This is to mean a system of track
age where bay can be bandied in
Omaha. It is to mean a traffic de
partment that will look after the
interests of the hay people In the
matter of freight rates, claims, and
many other details of this kind.
It la to mean further, tha establishment
of a system of regular Inspection and
grading of hay that comes In. Thua hay
will be sold aa No. 1, t. i. 4 and so on.
according to the way It survives tha In
pectlon and grading.
In short, the hay market la to hold the
aamo relation to tha hay industry of the
state as the grain exchange holds to the
grain business of this state and this
agricultural section. ,
renter of Hay Territory.
Millions of tons of hay are raised In
the trade territory or territory tributary
to Omaha, yet ridiculously little of that
hay la sold directly on tha Omaha mar
ket. This is because there has never
been an organised hay market here where
producers could expect to get tha kind of
treatment they are entitled to in a big
hay market.
Tha result Is that hundreds of thous
snds of tons of hay Is annually shipped
right through Omaha to Kansas City and
Chicago, while Omaha consumers of hay
have to go to one of these markets for
their hay. "
Thua, for example, tha Stock Tarda
company buys much, of Its hay from
the Kansas (jltjr ruajat for consumption
In tha yards in Omaha. The abaurdlty of
paying this extra freight for the haul
to Kansas City and back, and paying
the extra middleman for the extra num
ber of tlmea the hay Is handled through
this bunglesome system Is apparent.
Will You Help I
One of These Who
NeedYour Help?
Mrs. Doane report generous and
helpful response to the appeali for
aid for specific cases, made
through The Bee, on behalf of the
Associated Charities.
Here are three more cases that
urgently require assistance:
10. Woman, deserted. Three
children boy 11, boy 0 and boy
6. Mother earns $8 per week
County pension, $15 per month.
Need fuel and clothing.
11. Widow and three children.
Boy 9, girl 7, girl 5. Mother
does day work. Good family.
Heed help with rent and warm
clothing and shoes.
18. Woman, deserted. Seven
children, boy 14, girl $3. boy
10. tn'rl 7, bov 6, boy 3, boy 2.
Mother boarding two brothers,
widowers, and their children.
Unable to earn enough to support
family. Need help with food and
Will YOU help one of these, and
so make Christmas and the days
that come after brighter for them
and for yourself?
Send your aid direct to Mrs.
Doane or to The Bee, as yon elect.
C. W. Calkins. 1129 South Thirty-fifth
avenue, waa fined $1 and costs when ar
raigned before Judge Foster charged with
violating tha parking ordinance by allow
ing his car to remain for too lengthy a
period In proximity to the Woodmen of
the World building. The first day of this
month Calkins waa fined $3 and coata.
with suspended sentence, for speeding.
He aigned a pledge to observe the traffic
aos Tkst t on Jitw,
When you catch cold or begin to cough
take Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It pene
trates the throat and lungs. AH drugglsta
John J. Nagengast of Howeils, Neb.,
Is Interested In helping some Omahiv'
child have a merry Christmas. He sent
13 for The Bea'a Christmas fund, tha
money having been handed to Mrs.
Doane of the Associated Charities for
use In her Christmas work.
Duffy's-A Gift of
A Room for tha Roomer, or a Roomer
for tha Room. Bee Want Ads Do the
German Christmas
Held at Bellevue
The real Oerman Chrtatmas atmosphere
and spirit will be reproduced this even
ing at tha Christmas festival of tha
Bellevue College German club. A Christ
mas tree, decorated In the German
fashion. Oerman Chriatmaa eakee, Oer
man costumes, Oerman decorations and
Uerman songs will bring the Kris Krin-
gle cheer of old Germany home to mem
be ra of tha club and the friends whom
they have Invltod.
Anna M Johnston, president of tha
club, and MIsa Luella Carter, professor
of German, will have charge of the pro
gram. Visa Johnston will give a read
ing, Marguerite. Dlddock' and Emma
ard will play a duet on the piano.
Connie Mack Puts
Home Run Baker
On Auction Block
I'MiiAUU, Dec. 16. Trade talk waa
resumed with the arrival of Connie Mack
of the Athletics and Manager Donovan
of the Tankeea.
Soon after his arrival Connie Mack
said "ha would sell Third Baseman Baker
to tha hlgheat bidder.
Chicago, 8t Louis and New Tork are
after the famous home run hitter, but
It waa generally believed that Charles
Comiskey - would outbid all others In his
effort to land Baker for tha White Box
Mack said he waa tired of the stream
of talk about Baker's disposal.
"I want to get rid of him," ha declared.
Colonel Jacob Ruppert and Captain
Huston at a meeting with Mark in Presi
dent Johnson's office ntado tha first def
inite offer for Baker. Later Comiskey
expected to confer with Mack.
WASHINGTON, Dec 18. Vice Presi
dent Marshall, who has Just returned to
Washington called today on Trealdent
Wilson. He said afterwards that he be
lieved In a policy of adequate prepared
ness, but was not enough of an expert
to paaa Judgement on the details of the
administration's national defense plana.
A Hudson seal fur overcoat, valued at
Sjro, was stolen from the office of Henry
13. Thomson. 203 Ware building, while
Mr. Thompson wasn't looking. Dr. O.
F. Flmanek, M05 South Tenth' street, was
also the victim of an overcoat thief. Tha
doctor'a expensive winter garment waa
atolen from St. Joseph hospital where the
doctor waa attending a case. An old coat
of practically no value waa substituted.
Coolins Soothing
Rrltdnns Sldns
At the union meeting of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen lodges held at
Ihe Ancient Order of United .Workmen
temple Tuesday night Rabbi Frederick
t'ohn delivered an address on "The A B
C of 8ucsa." , Tha meeting was well at
tended ly the Omaha members and a
large delegation came from Bouth Bide
icdyo No. 66.
Itabhl Colin ei-oke at length upon embl.
tlon, brains and character as the pre-
etjutsites for success. He reviewed the
life of Abraham Lincoln and urged the
young nurn to emulate the example of
Lincoln and of Longfellow, Browning and
cthera alto succeeded In becoming fa
mous and at the same tlma making the
world better. The speaker waa warmly
applauded ly the audivm-e, and at the
close of Ihe addresa was given a rising
ote of thanks.
Kaaerai of Mrs. Hodle.
STELLA, Neb.. Dee. IK. (Special.) The
funeral of Mra. Ellen Bodle. who died at
her home In Barada, will be held at Ba
rada Thursday at 10 o'clock. Kha was the
wife of John Bodle. who died several
years ago. Mra Bodle would have been
TS yeara old January 11 She had lived
at Barada for many yeara.
crccrss ao ems wajtts tow
U r (li-
aiv AS - LJ. Atur
Mrt T. M. Fmlth, in Vut street, ur
t rijKd a trmp In hx kitchen, who dt
nieimifcd food end mom-y, and atfiiajttfled
wuh her hn ah ,rtem)tfd to forc
.ia out of tha fcoubo. gh culled fur ttlp
(twcrtWi a o4 u mu( vm thirty Mf Iriai.
psarUculr for a -cU Mimp.
baur hia, tcl" cbaha, hml chaa of
m, kUtandiusj OotHe, afc-ii-klnc i. boajr
hatttla. rd a mod vetna. and maka dltmptaa.
rvakuva riuK isms, HueM. furrow. fr kk,
bi.-t. lttm, ka, o Uiliica, acara, atmMa
r hio, in rttessyfcboia, iiiniylaa, ti Lj atxi bhm
blaii taurada, u,'Ttiu"ua hair. Far lufurntMiiua
atwui ttaia Puaima aStiaatirio Traainaal wrtt or
rail, fc- fur Ntuk Plata rHpar. Wura
tvgH ret u.4 oooiiJaDttai.
W. K B AXIsEY, M. B.
rorwarl tf Hiw Tor City.
fUtlc ao ttiir'.lf M'.
lias Olocarm St., Invar, Colorado,
toca ita atp lull . svm h r tq Ioavrr.
rrvttuts sXau UiVfitia.
Are Baths VMi
Especially when followed by gentle
applications of Cuticura Ointment.
Samples Free by Mall
CuUcara Hop aatf OtatmsU soiS rn awe.
libarmi smnttris el saofe auuca to vuk ll-p. hook.
AOdnss Boat-eara "Oaslewa." DeM. SO. Bosnia. -
How to Peel Off a
Weatherbeaten Face
It's really a simple matter to renovata
a face soiled by dirt, wind or cold. Or
dinary mercollsed wax. used like cold
cream, will transform the worst old com
plexion into one of snowy whiteness and
velvety softness. It literally peela off the
outer veil vt surface skin, hut so gently,
gradually, there'a no discomfort. The
wornoul skin cornea off, not In patches,
but evanly. In tiny particles, leaving no
evidem-e of the treatment The younger,
healthier under-skln forming the new
roninlexlon ia ona of captlvatlna loveli
ness, line ounce of mercouied wax,, o bo
had at any drug atore. Is enough to re
move any coarse, chapped, pimpled,
freckled, faded or sallow akin. Apply be
fore retiring, washing it olf morning.
Manv aklns wrinkle easily with every
wind that blowa. An excellent wftnkle
remover. because It tightens the skin and
strengthens relaxed must-Its. Is a waaU
Ictton made aa follows: Powdered eaxo
llte. Toe., dissolved In witch haxel. one
half pint. This glvea immediate reaulia.-'
Ytoatandi of men and women suffer from
fcesriacaoe every day, other tnouaioue bave
headaches every weak or every mouui. and suu
outers bave bsadacbea occasionally, but not al
regular UiUtrvala. 'i lie beat lHoir laolleu uoalle
to Mud the cause of man ol theaa headaches,
aod Ui moot ouiar cases, koowlug the rauae. oe
dues out kuow what wui reuio It. so aa to give
a penuaurut cure. All be can do is to
tha uaumi paw Tvllevare. wbtcb give temporary
relief, but the headache ratuma as uauaa, aud
treatincutla again ueceaaary. II yuuautterlruia
aesdachea. Do natter what their Datura, take
Aotl-kaiuula Tablets, and Ida roaulta wa til baaaiis
latora ui Ue biirtwetdcgrsa. Vuu can otKala
ttieia st all dructf mis In any oaantity, luo wona,
feu orth ot tauxe. Ask lor A K Tableia.
gk'k-bsadacba, the most miserable ot all alck
seaava. !"s lu varrors wbea I K Tsl.Uia aie
takau. Vibea fou trul an sUa k Ccojuif on,
taia two tablets, aod In many etna, the attack
111 ha warded od. luruig aa attack take oue
A K Tablet every two boura. Tba rest and coiw
fc.rt aLkJt tuUow, oaa be obtained iu ua Uiat
Cawaaaa A-K TmkUtt tear (As M sjusi
At aff afragaial
Don't allow It to be "overdrawn"
as a result of
Stomach Bitters
mar help correct such conditlona
and Improve your general health.
For that aged member of
your family, a grandfather or
grandmother, perhaps an old
uncle or aunt, or someone who
is not in the best of health, a
bottle or two of Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey would prove
a -most welcome and useful
Christmas gift
For them, the Yuletide Season will
be made brighter, because most old
folks want renewed vigor and
strength, which invariably follow
the judicious use of Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey.
Your foresight in choosing this de
pendable tonic-stimulant is sure to
be appreciated.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
has been used with uniformly good results by the profession and laity for
generations. It is absolutely pure, being made from the choicest grains of
the held thoroughly malted. Taken in tablespoon doses in equal amounts
of water or milk before meals and on retiring, it acts as a mild stimulating
tonic, increasing the appetite and enriching the blood.
Because of its wholesomeness and palatability
it is easily digested by the stomach and absorbed
by the body, producing the necessary heat and
giving renewed strength to the fast retiring
Get Duffy's from your local druggist, grocer or dealer,
$1.00 per bottle. He will gladly pack same for shipment.
If you cannot get Duffy's in your locality, writ us.
Useful household booklet free.
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
I I g-i)
i ii i t lii J i " :, ' ; "' . fill II
r mmm Bersuasion
our inotive .
that's why we want
you to avail yourself
of this opportunity to
buy an "1892,, Pure Spun
Aluminum Sauce Pan you
will thank us for our hint
when you find you can buy a 5-pint
"1892 Aluminum Sauce Pan, made
of the best and purest Aluminum
ware the market affords, at the
special price of 39 cents. Tomorrow,
Quality Firtt
"18 92-
Your store-keeper is supplied
with the "1892" Quality First
Sauce Pans, and can deliver
yours when you call for it
There is no question about the superiority of "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware, the ware
that is 99.99 pure. Mrs. Tammen bought a Sauce Pan 23 years ago similar to the one you
can buy tomorrow it is still in service. This is a record that belongs exclusively to us because
we are the originators of Aluminum kitchen utensils.
Every piece is marked with the "1892' Quality First trade mark you will know you are
getting the genuine if you find this mark stamped on the utensil. . .
Our 20-Year Guarantee
We agree to take back and replace or repair any "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Cooking Utenalh thoictng defect through
Imperfection in the wore or tcorkmanthip at any time during the 20 geart ot tervice, the uteniil being tubjected to ordm.
org care and attention during that period.
UEMtrr, iixjNois
Made in America