Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1915, Image 12
Tin-; BEK: OMAHA. DECEMBER 101 S. WANT AD RATES WANT ADR for the everlng edition mum re h The Hee Office b(or 12 o clock noon. WANT ADS for the morning and Sunday editions must reach The Bee Office before 7;4S P. m. WANT AM received after these hours will mske their fl rst arp;s r; anew under "Too Late to Classify. CASH KATES. One time, i ftiti a word Two or more consecutive times. It cnU wort each I""""- , Seven consecutive times. 1 cent word, eech Insertion ciiargFratfs. On time. 12 cents I'ne. ' Three consecutive times, 10 cents line, each Insertion. Seven consecutive t'.mes. I cents a line each Insertion Thirty consecutive timet. 7 cants a line, each Insertion. Count s4 sversrs wor1 to the line. No advertisement taken for lesa than 20 cents. NOTICES. Carta of Thsnks. Death. Funeral anil Lodge Notices. 11 rente a line each Insertion. Minimum charge (4 cents. Parties advertising In these col umns snil hsvlng their answers addressed In cafe of The Bee will r lease ask for cards to enable hem to ret their letters, as none will ha delivered except on pre sentation of carta. An advertisement Inserted to t run until discontinued must be etopped by written order. The Bee will not he responsible for more than the first Incorrect insertion of any advertisement. Tha Bee reserves the right to reject or rewrite all advertise ment Tou can place your want ad In The Bee bv telephone. TELEPHONE TTtiER tOOO. CARD or THANKI. WE wish to extend our sincere) thanks ta our many menns ana imiania m Pnhlu Indaa for their sympathy shown and flowers given at the deatn of our litx kltaaifth Virginia. Bl C. BRAOONIRB AND WIFE. BimTHI AND DBATlll. BlrOueP. and wTglrli Walter 4111 North Thlrt; and Jessla Eberhardt, 1263 1 and Edith L Harris, Thirty-third, girl: Frank and utmala Haas, til Castnlar. boy: O. C. and Haael C. Halsey, nil North Twenty econd, girl; William and Ruth Jones, 46n Bouth Twenty-first, girl; Edward and Addle Thomas. 12." Bouth Thirteenth, girl. Deaths Mrs. Thomas Maslouka, 81. hoaplUl; Babv Ballard, 1 months, 2414 Houth Seventeenth; Charles J. Carlson, M, 221S North Twenty-seventh avenue: Mrs. Mellna J. Johnson, 69. 4811 Bedford avenue; Kareh B. Murray, 85, 3708 North Twenty-fourth. marriage: licenses. Tha following permltg to wed hava been Issued: Name and Residence. Age, Earl A. Parker. Omaha over 21 Lauretta Cope, Omaha over 18 Henry Bey, Valley 22 Amelia E. Morris, Waterloo If Walter Bvers. Omaha 2o Mary A. Poston. Council Bluffs ti Oeorge Schubert, Houth Fide 21 Frances Cherney, South Hide 21 TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Dowatowa. TT,irTT?T7,C,Q 1 K Jfv TtnTTTIT AC here, also freight train takes dinner and JMi XUiiOO 10 (V DUUUiiAft,iuMr, County seat town. Only hotel Hearst-Bellg, No. M. Wasted Lives. A Society Bchemer. The Merry Models. miNCKSa, 117-1 DOUGLAB. Wednesday Is Keystone day. Today's Keystone Is Hushing a Bcsndal, t reels, featuring Bid Chaplin and Chester Conk 11b. The Innocent Traitor, l-reel war drama. The Book Agent, a clever comedy. The Pittsburgh te Mills, educational. Keeping Up With the Joneses, oomlo car toon. Murtsu 16TH AND B1NNEY. GRAND. The Valley Feud, I reels. "Bluffers. "Seeing Amerloa First." "Keeping Up With the Joneses." Cartoon. "Home . thing In Her Kye," snappy comedy. LOTHROP. 14TH AND LOTH ROP? Paramount presents Gladys Hanson "Tho Straight Road." In awata. lAPPOLO. 182 4 LEAVENWORTH, llaarst-Bellg No, to. me toona eon, g-reei Essanay. i ne Mwna oon. -f Between Two Fires, viiagrapn. ae4. MONROE. )U5 FARNAM i JUrry Morey and Edith Storey In The telleht Plea. Mara UaclJertnott and Mabel Trunnelle In His Convert. And Ade Fable. BEB3E. 34TH . N The Truth About Helen. 4-reel Edison. 3 i plomatlo Henry, Vltagraph. OHPHttUM. S4TH AND M. Paramount presents The Commajidttig Officer. Flva parta. MOVIES EATURE TODAY rrwr a xr DEKSE. JITH N. The Truth About Helen, t-reel Edison. LOTHROP. :4TH AND LOTHROP. Gladys Hanson la -The Straight Road." OKPHLUM. 14 Til AND M. The Commanding Officer, five parta. ANXOUNCEMKXT8 t HlKuHMAI rli', aiinai adjustment. can sucressf ully Minove t'i causa of ri eumaitsm. liver, stomach, paralysis, titrvousaess and female weaknaautea. Ex- a Lilian. u frea UB. W. II. ICNOLLENBERQ Bulla 111 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1W4. Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor of vHee Building .-.le vt th Euperlnleodent. Room 103. --hCi8E AT Y.M.C.A. Busiuesg men. AXXOt NCKMEXTS Quit It! Don't keep on with that old Job that Just pay for a bare living. Tou've (rot Just as much brsln any one of the 1.881 men who have been helped Into better John or a business of their own by this Institution In the last fire years. We are bigger and better this year than ever before. Free! Free! Electrlo Starting and Ignition School formerly of Sioux City, la., baa consoli dated with us and you get that ISO Elec trical Course KREJJ when you enroll for the regular COMPLETE COURSE IN AUTOMOBILE1 WORK with Nebraska Auto mobile School Write NOW and get a Christmas pres ent of a coupon worth $25 to you. i4 Leavenworth Bt. Red WO. BRODKOA A RIVB "I,ucky Wedding Rings' at 16th and Douglas Bts. A f TOMO III hh.ri Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people Who are willing to pay for wtial tney are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car column of The Be. Phone Tyler lOuu. 6-PAA8ENOER Ford for sale. Call Red Htms, morning or afternoon. 4,000 MILES of mileage In your old times tKSDUHO, Mllll lltUi to 1vO llHa t,u 1411 Chicago t Indus trial Oarage Co., 20 A Harney fits. KFHRAriKA Buli'k Borvice Htatlon, Phone Douglas 721. 1U Famam ht AUTO, clearing house. Buy. sail and enange u. rt oara. farnam. u, uta 1100 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair Colls repd Rayadorfei. 710 N. lsth. BKL'Hll runabout, cheap. Omaha Con crete Htone Co.. 2nth and Battler Bis. Telephone Colfax Isg. TI It KB ) x S, .75: fH-76: guaran teed !; limited numtter at this price. Kwlrbel Bros., tfil Farnam. D. 47. JOH MUKPHY Auto repairing at iDlddle Btate Oarage. I'hone Tyler n. IIU8IXES8 CHANCES THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, niacnine and supplies tnrougn Theater Exch. Co., 1406 Famam. D. WOT. If your Business Chanoe will stand rigid Investigation and la Just what It la advertised, or If you are looking to start in business ror yourseir you win ne per fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chanoe column of The Hee. When buy ing or selling a business Phono Tyler ltxio. FOR BALE Restaurant and confection ery business; will Invoice for about tl.SuO; reason for selling, other business requires my attention; tor runner infor mation, nrtdrena it. sw, care Bee. PARTY to represent manufacturer, fliiO Inveatment, fully secured. Hood money maker for the right party. JAitlroly new proportion. STANDARD METAL WORK 8, . 403 Ware Blk. LEASE and furniture for gale of a 17- room hotel In Grant, Neb., doing a fine business. Passenger train takes dinner In Grant, F. P. LI. Lance. UFKiCrJ for leal esttite or Insurance: ssme floor as Bee office: 13x21 feet: 1311. The Hee Bldg.. Office Room lul. TO BELL or buy a business, call on Husch ft Rorghoff. Krenser Blk. D. 831 WANT to leaae my shop and garage and sen my tools and stocg of goods on hand. A fine location. Write me at onoo. J. C. Klrkpatrii'k. Athelstan, la. Office For Real Estate or Insurance Same floor as Bee Office The Bee Building Office Room 103 AHK (or my Real Estate Bulletin. It Includes largest and bst list of bar gains In 11 slates. W. U. Teuipleton. euf Vtea Hldg. FOR BALE Restaurant jn a wide-awake town, doing good business. For Infor mation write T IM, Bee. t2.6O0.0n stock of dry good for sale cheap no trade: must be cash; stock must be moved, v rite t-imenis Co., Lyons, Neb., owners. ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants general salesmanagcr to establish office snd manage salesman; p to fl.OUO capi tal necessary. You handle own money. Liberal contract. Should make from fl.OO to fi2,000 annually. Will pay expenses to vhlcajjo If you are man we want. W. J. Burke. Sales Manager, 1012 Ifrpubllo Bldg.. Chicago. TO OET In or out of business call on uakukhtmi, 4SI uea Hldg. Doug. 14". tKK Omaha Theater Supply Co. fur bar gains In established shows. D. Jft. OeT your buslneaa with me for quick results: buy, sell and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN l.t Room I. Balrd UUU' T4. Dougiaa 3C30. 17TH AND lOI.'lL.A8 STd. lfc.srME.NTs. Our Nebraska farm mort gages are not affected by Europesn wars or panics. Amounts W to 120.000. Wo collect all Interest and 7 principal free of charge; ) years In the Nebraska farm loan field wttnnui a loss is our record. K1)Kh INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1 Omaha Nat l Itank Bldg., Omaha. o HOOMI.NU liOtsES FOH HALE. 8IX-ROOM. steam-heated flat 8. T. KDrCATIOXAL I The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Woman. Evan lag bvuool tor Young Ilea and Women. baturday morning class Is typewriting, Ioaa C. Duffy, Owner aad Manager. K4 8. lth St. Omaha. DAT SCHOOL BOY I.Ed CxJl.Itat NIGHT Bt'HOoU Every day la aoroUmant day. Book, keeping bhorthand, Steaotypy, Typawrtu lug. Telegraphy, Civil borvice All Cow Buerclal aad LugllsU braavhaa. Catalogue tree. BOYLES COLLEGE. Uth and Harney tola. Tel. Douglas lata. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS 8AVE MONEY ON COURSES. For saia, witn good reasons for, a vark-ty of courses lu a reliable Busi ness t'hool, one of the leading bus.neaa colleges of Omaha. Wiil be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering takii.g V course Investigate this at once, since Fall teitn Leglus suoo. Call flKe. Owaha Bea. Kt)tCATI()XAIi FOR ssie the following sc holarships In a flm-clsea Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business end shorthand coi'i so. One unlimited stenographic course. One throe-months' business or steno grsphlo course, will be sold at a discount at the office or The Omaha Bee. FOR SALE FUHNI It MR. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1M N. 84TH. WF.B. HT7. FOH SALE Here Is a classification that la of the utmost tmoortanra to aver reeder, as this column offers soma excep tional opportunities every day and a mall want d will sell your srt.cle at lt tun value. Phone Tvler l.vm. Dnnlra bought and sold. J. O. Reed, avi.on,a 1207 rrnlm M. rxviglaa 814 KITCHEN RANGE 1st class condition. Call Webster HORSES AND VEHICLES. FARM inn, ton; harness, lit): both new. Johnson-Danforth Co., lth aad Clark Streets. TEAM of horses, weighing 1.400 pounds apiece, one eara old, the other t years; wagon and harness. 2420 Deca tur. Webster 8317. P4ULTRY AND PUT STUCK. MYn train. K hs It ,78. Warner. "1 N.1. AIREDALE pups for Christmas. John Watson,Unlon. Neb. LOM-HAlkV.I Persian kitten, sired by lrd Cock Robin, C. P. A. 1724. Mire. R. J. Keller. Black 91. No. 6. Park Circle, Council (fluffs, la. TVI'UW RITEMS. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co.. ear bon paper and Inked ribbons. D. 124!. TYPE WRI TERM for rent M Hee Bldg. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central T) pewrlter Esc. Farnam. MI91ELLANEOII. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling allevs and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co.. 407-40!) 8. 10th St. ELECTRIC MOTORS l-H. P., 220 volts. 1 phase, new. ...$ n 40 im. f., iM Tons, m pnase, new t-H. P., 220 volts, 1 phase, new 4-1 1. p., 2J0 volts, 1 phase, new DTNAMOS. f-K. 130 volta. P. O, new , t-K. W., 110 volta, D. C, new 1H-K. W., lm-eo volts, new l-H. P. gasoline engine f-H. P. gasoline engine, throttling (0 IT. 100 to so governor 100 LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 81S 8. 12th Bt. o ONE Young Oak soft coal stove for sale, X6.00. I'hone Bed 7K-4. FOR BALE Concrete mixer, run by 2V4 H. P. engine, side losder, all on truck; nearly new; all tools go with mixer, or will trade for 181f Ford car: must be In food condition. Address C. E. Lunbcrry, ralg, Neb. Phone M. . . CHRISTMAS trees from Puget sound, where they grow to per fection. For fl 1 will send, all charges prepaid, a carefully selected, freshly cut, cleanly fragrant Douglas fir, feet high, guaranteed to reach you on time. In good condition, and to please you, or your check refunded. My dad has for many years shipped carloads of of these trees to satisfied cus tomers all over the country, so I know what I am doing. Pack age of ' genuine English holly with orders received by Decem-i ber 17. R. W. Day. 811 Dlv Ave., Taooma. Wash. t electric motors. Room &, Bee Bldg. TICKET nrlt.tlng National cash register. cheap. 411 bo. loin, i-none noun- ji-t. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of alt kinds; easy payments, 'ine oruuw.- Haike-4Joi enaer to.. wi-eu o. ivio 15 bnake l,Otll nut v-V-,tA4 lunig. 6 baskets delivered, fl; Illinois or lump, to.M per ton. MSI. FORTY Hart, Mliaffner Marx suits, small sixes; taken on a debt; regular retail price 2V as long as they last at fSfWt, Cackley Bros., opposite stuf floe. FOR BALE CHEAP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the best Omaha business schools. Uood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but wll be sod very reasonaby. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at tho office of The Omaha Hee. HUM' XV " NTKIi KKMALK CLERICAL AMI OFFICE. 8TENO., eavetienred, f90. Steno. and bookkeeper, fbo. Steno. and clerk, tto. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. UHo-16 City National. HEAD bookkeeper Bookkeeper 'Stenographer Hnokkeeper-Kteno ,. Stenographer Comptometer oier. out of town... WESTERN KEF. ft BOND ASSN, 7M Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. STENO., diet, opr 170 Steno ttil) WATTfl REF. CO., KM Brandels Thea. FACTORY AM) TRADES. O IRL, tO learn halrdresil ng. Oppeahn. DOMES Tlt S. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Be will run a Servant tllrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the di sired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha ana council uiuns. tiring sa to iThe Bea office or telephone Tyler K. WANTED Middle aged lady for ge. sral housework, 1 In fumily. I)auglas 4414. MIDDLE-AO ED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for aa elderly lady; Just one in the family ne w s g ese x pected. Web. 113&. I7t4 Ora nd. WANTED Experienced maid for gen eral housework. Family of 1; no washing; best wages. 1.'4 No. 18th Ave. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing or Ironing; good wages. references. M16 Burt St. WANTED Competent nurse glr, with good references, to take care of a baby 5 months old. Call al. Vim. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; two In family; wages flU per week; references required, llar- ne y82. . HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged ; Herman preferred; small family. Douglas Hi6. TWO nice. neat, colored wumen for kitchen holpors; steady Job for the right parties. Apply to Arthur W. Bran- ha in. Box M.g a Orove.Ia. WANTED AT ONCE Olrl for general liousework. Har. 741. lii4 8 36th St. WANTED A girl for getteraT house work; small house; small adult family. H4 N. thBt1 LADY wUhea position as housekeeper. Red TT-, U1HL for general housework f7 a week; WANTED Competent girl for general JioiniewojkHar, 11IH. livj) 8 ttth Av. WANTED AT ONCE A white aeoond girl with refereni-as; must like chil dren. Har. CM. WANTED A young g'rl about 18 to as sist with housework; would consider a i' or schoojain tiarnev rvi LACH curUlns and bundles carefully Isundered Webster 4 WANTED Competent girl or woman to assist with housework and eh. Id and fundly of 2; good home to right party and good wages; must have good refer ences. 1M0 Capitol Ave. VANTED-A maid for general house work; good wagea. Call at 6W S. tnhm. WVNTED A girl for aeueral hutiseworkT 2 In family. Wsl. 406 WANTED A oomeient white maul for second work: 1 In family; references required. 607 8. ISth M. Tel. lUrney i WANTED Experienced girl for general houaework, small family, best wages. Nice room with bath. 6116 Cass St MIS fcl.i.A iv,H 7 WOMEN Become government clerks: 870 month. Write Immediately. Frankllo lustitute. Dp t 4s, K. Rocliesler. N. X. nr.t.v wanted female M(KI,Ltr.lll, TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Toon Women's Christian Assnctntlnn building st 8t. Mary s Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding -ee or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. IlKLr WASTED MALE CLERICAL AID OFFICE, Do You Want a Better Position? Anyone looking for better position? If so. see us. WATTS RKP. CO.. 838-40-43 Brand The. STENO.. 1561 Multlgrsph operator. $45. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1116-18 City National. MAIL, order correspondent f J0 City salesman ' Stenographer ' ""' Btenogrspher t 60 )....$ Hllllnir elk., ateno . It- R. frt. exD Typlsl. very repld I n Voi'nir man, two days a week I 15 WE8TKHN RK.K. WINK A8HN.. INC. 752 Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. Originators of the Reference Business. TYPIST AND CI.F.RK f iBII.L OT,ERK, TYPIST f' BCOKKEEPKR "' I.FIWJER CLERK (0H1D PBSMAM IM SALESMAN (HOHEMIAN) THE CANO A'iENCY, rev: Bl.DO. HIOH-iRA f E commertcal positions. WF.3T. REFERENCE A- BONK ASSN., 7S2 Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. AGENTS, M 1.ESME!S, SOl.lcl I'OMS. COAL agents wanted In every town: get ajrlal car. I . S. Cox No;Platte. . Neb BA LEHMAN Wanted to sell fans. Diaries and 1917 calendars for advertis ing. C. 8. Hammond k Co., 30 Church HI., New York. BALlMAN wanted; have an opening for a high-grade salesman: no boys or In experienced men need apply as the posi tion requires men who are producers. Ad dress A 5fi4, Bee. FACTOHIKH AND TRADES. Drug Btore Bnaps. Jobs. Knslst. Bee Bldg. TOl!NOMAN. be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools furnished. I give you actual shop work. You hava chance, to work Saturdays and keep half the reoelpts. My students in big demand. I have college In all prin cipal cltlea in V. B. and Canada. Call, write or phone A. B. Moler, President MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Omaha. WANTED Sheet metal workers at once. Denkman ft Helms, Hloux City, la. HURRY, HURRY. DON'T DELAY. BEE OUR BPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your job and at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll in the NIOHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILB SCHOOL 2406 LEAVEN WORTH. RED 1110. LEARN THE RARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools: wages paid: elec trlo message, hydraullo chairs; catalogue free 1124 Douglas St.. Omaha MISCELLANEOUS. GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which are open i lght now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos, tractors, electrlo starting system. Frea catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 0-. Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. YOUNO man will be given opportunity to earn his tuition for complote course If application Is made at once. References required. BOYLliS COLLEGE. Tel. DOUO. 166., WANTED Men to try examinations for government lobs; 170 month. Common education sufficient. Pull unnecessary. Apply Immediately. Address Y 1H6, Bee. OMAHA railway mail cIitk examinations coming, 175 month. Sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stitute. Dept. 221 K. Rochester, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED MAN with Ford car, acquainted with city, wants delivering on contract or by clay. Walnut 1117. FIRST-CLASS clarinet player wants posi tion to play with orchestra, band or anywhere; ran furnUh reference trom military band. Call Tyler 2430-W. If not In leave number. WANTED Job as house carpenter In store or office building by competent mechsnlc. Call Harney 3i49. LADY wishes place as cook; call D. bM. BUSINESS MAN Young married man, clean-cut, with ten years' business training, desires position; experienced as credit, sale, store and office manager; can qualify as to executive ability; a good collection and sales correspondent. Address P. O. Box 67. City. YOl'NO married man with several years' experience as manager general store, also experienced bookkeeper, would like to get started In a bank. Address Y 170, Bee. EXPERIENCED salesman. traveling, open for engagement at once; only re liable, stable proposition considered; best references. Address J. Cassldy, care Oen. Drlclty. AN INDU8TRlOTJBweU built young man having recently made a start for the right, desires a position where he ca n make good. Add ress Y 169. Bee. COlX)RED young man wants office clean ing. Uood workman; references. Harney YOUNtl man. steady Job. 2M St. 21. wants any kind of a Write H. Peters. 1013 S. juiau man wants situation, either a clerical position or selling in a clothing Store. Have had experience Ln both lines; city references. Tel. T. 1000. T. M. C. A., Room 630. COLORED man wants position a cook, In or out city. W eb. 426. REO. PHARMACIST 11 yeara' experi ence, managed my own store 4 years: good references; 10 years old, married and steady. Either Iowa or Nebraska. F. H. Belnert, Ottumwa. Ia. LOST AND FOUND I LOST fiio KtH AKu-jiw tor capture ind conviction of thief. ITS for return of team, buggy and harneaa. Team of bay mares, weight 1,160 each; one a little darker than other, front white foot, star lureneau, up ui ears cuppea; other rougher looking solid bay. Mohair top buugy. light colored from weather, orig inally brown; side curtains almost white. v ill probably be aeen driving single and leading other mare, aa shafts were sub stituted on buggy. Also took single har ness. If seen, please notify me Imme diately. A. s. Edwards. Sheriff Mills County. Olenwood. la. OMAHA A COUNCIL RLCFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. rersons having lost stune srtkle would d'. well to call up the office of the Cms ha & Council Bluffs Btieet Railway con pany to ascertain whether they left it in the treat ears. Uany articles each day are turned la and the company la anxious to leatore tnem to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4s. Lost or Found ad tn Omaha's lost and Found medium means the immediate ra ti rn of that article If advertised In The l-ee. the I oat and Found paper. LOST Gold locket; child's picture Inside; liberal rewatd. Colfax 143. MKDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial DR. E. R. TAHKf. H0 Bee Bldg. MEDICAL RTT PT1T 1? V successfully treated U I X U Ivfj w1triot a surgical nnerstlon. Call or write Ore Wray Mathenv, 108 Pee Bldg.. Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guamt'd. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bee Bldg. personal $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS The toadies' Home Journal $1 SO The Baturdny Rven'ng Post L50 The Country Oentleman l. BT5 Sl BS KITmoNa IN L'El'FM BKR prsc'l"llv earns the tJ, f ir the IN VALIDS'" 1F-.NSION AfStyiATIOV. Tour order r renewal mesns 2c. Flease phono Douglas TltS or mall to GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha. Neb. KOl'R furnace clcanrd. fl; work iurn feed. Central Tin Fh'ip, Douglas 4"4. THE halvatlou Army Inlustrlai home so llcits vour old clothing, furniture, niaga- rlnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Duuglna 413."i and our wtgon will call. i 'ill Mi d Inspect our new hvinf. 1110-1112- ! 1114 Dodge fit. - YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th Bt. and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to stiltsble boarding places or other iee aaMisted. Look for ovir travelers' gulde at the Union station. HARRY J B., if you see this will you write? Let me know your whereabouts, over anxious. Anna. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brandels The. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 205 S. 17th St. Tel. D. MS7. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 433-427 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 7408. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. T. Shafer At Co.. 12th-Farnam. P. T474. M. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Dodd. 612 Paxton Blk. D. 1. AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS developed free if purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton Blk. r. 1S04. AUCTIONEERS. Dowj Auction Co.. 1116-18 W.O.W. R.32S8. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILB MUTUAL CO.. Douglas 2819. INSURANCE) AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator RepCo. 8028 Fsr. D. 2001 BATHS. BATH-214 Balrd Blk..' 17th and Douglaa. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish bathe for ladles and gentlemen; lady sttendant for ladles: Swedish massage. 19' Farnam St. Douglas 3437. BAKERIES. W. REEDER. 1R06 N. 18th. Web. 17. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Psxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 123 8. 22d. Douglas 6620. Lecsard aV Son, 1908 Cap. Are. T. 1631, C, W. Hokanson. 250S Lvnwth. Tyl. 2191-J. COFFEK UY HAIL. Coffee I?- money. Use better Id lbs. hitth vrnda by parcel post, nrenabi 13.S0. W. A. Skalfe A Co., Omaha, Neb. CIIIHOPHACT1C SPINAL ADJL'MTS. DSJBU?.HOKN' "th and Farnam. Wcad Bldg., D. 5347; Palmer school graduate. It. 3. C. Lawrence. I Balrd Bldg. D. 846L DR. V. II. KNOLL EN RERO. Suit. Si? Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1996. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford. C2J Pax. Blk. Red 4587. JEANETTE GREY. 210 Balrd Bldg. D. 2458' DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. 1(40. DB LUXE ACADEMY. Ill 8. 18th Bt DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Keters's Dressmaking Col.. 1638 City Na. DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable price, mi Far nam Bt Phona Douglaa 2829. Terry Dreaamak'g college, oth aV Fsmam DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 1 N. Kth. D. W72. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. Evl 4tnca secured in all cases. Tyler llj. DENTISTS. Dr. Brtdbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bldg. ryorrhea. Dr. Flckleg. 724 City Nat Gank. Tsft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglaa. D. 2184. DRUGS. PRUOS at cu. prices: freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Jdc Ccnnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. kLKCTHoLlll. Uloa Allender. g?4 Bea Rldg. Red S061 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bea Bid. D.S8TJ. UVEHVTulNG r'UH VvuME.N. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennanu. Ideal Pleating Co., IM) Douglas Block. Doum Ihs lit:. " FUUNACUa AND TIN WORK. BABERSTROH. 4028 Hamilton. Wsl. 271 FLUkltl a, BATH'S, florists, 1304 Farnam St. D. loOO. I- HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 12,'J Member Florists Telegraph Del. Aas'n. HESS 4k flWOBODA. 1411 Farnam St A. DONAQHUE. 122 Harney. Doug. loot. 't. kuiivat. SAM KNEETER. liW Farnam. Red (834. H. Rothholx. 2818 Leavenworth. H. TO. A. U KOLOVRALKK. T17 B. 24th . Bt. HIi l uhllAL iu c THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. LI ben A Bon, 1614 Howard. D. 4114. INSTRUCTION. French Instruction. 101 Lyrto Bid, English, JUSTICES OK THE PfcACto. H. H. CLAIBORNE. Ill Paxton Blk. Rod 144U. Notary public; deposition atano. C. W. BR ITT. 101 Barker Block LIVE STOCK 4 OMMisMON. MARTIN BROS. 4b CO. Exchange Rldg. LlolillM Hil l HKI, DURK1N Thorns s, Douglas 231S. Mi Cuming St. MEl R. Massage, women. Call D. 137 for apptmt READY ItEFEREXCE DIRECTORY. MVIIIHI tlLK. HARt-KT-DA VIDPON MOTORCTCTv. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Men." 270S Leavenworth. "iiVIJIU PM TI RK MACHIJ(K. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargain Ot I LISTS. Eyes examined, glsases fitted, pay as tea can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATH I'll VSUIA.NS. JOSEPHINE! ARMSTRONG, CI I Be Bldg. I'.vrr. vi s. Paxton Blk. D. O. Barnell, Tel. Red Tilt. H. A. Bturges, tit Brandels Theater Bldg. 1'lLL.OWS AMD BbUI)llSt. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattrse made over Just like new. 17 Cuming. D. i4iW. rLlMEt t LEANED. CQRLED, dyed. D. Elaele. 1124 City Nat PIANOS t'UH HaiNT. f.1.60 pe" month. A. Hospe, 1M1 Douglaa I'HI.Vll.NU, WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. BU CENTRAL Pitting Co. DOCOLAS J7M. DOUOLAB Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. IALH RUPAlHIftu. Ora. Standard Scale Co.. M3 8. 12th. D. 11. STORE AMU OFF1CH FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture AV Supply Co.. 414-1A-11 8. 12th Doug. 2714. BEWI.NO MACHINES. rent, repair, sell needles and parta for all sewing, machines. MICKEL'S," We NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglaa Ifigt SHOE RGPAiai.HO. Harley Shoe Rep'r Oo., 2004 Fam'm. R. 1444 . STEEL CEILINGS. GARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 B. 1. STOVE AND FURNACB REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water front, furnacg cons. etc. quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1208-1 Douglaa Bt Tyler 20 TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. JOT S. 11th. T. BSl TRUNK AND SUIT CASES. PPELTNQ A BTEINLE, ISO Farrtam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S trio, for St. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, SIS S. 18th St All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington" not Just a type writer. oLw rent Call Douglas 1384. VACUUM CLEANERS. . ALL makea. Tyler 1011. E. B. Williams. Kg 8. 18th. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. ex p. WGDD1M1 STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Pflug.'Ptg. Co. WEDDING RINGS. BRODEOAARD'8 "lucky wedding rings" at 16th and Douglas Sts. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 2dl-8 8. 13th St WInea. liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to I, 10c. HFINRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOU8H, ISth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BTTT your family liquor at Klein's Liquor house, S22 N. 16th. Douglas 1801. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that ou no longer have sny use for and get something you lOxlly need? Write Room IM, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler lOuO. AI L furniture In 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Side: will exchange for real estate;. value fl.a.0. Ad dress s. c. una. Boe. AUTOMOUlL.fa.ti 'or other automobile bargains sea the "Automobile" classifi cation. EDISON PHONOGRAPH with 100 rec ords to swap for Winchester pump gun. B. C. 671, Bee.' FINE stamp collection will swap for auto. Address 8. C. 72t, Bea. GOOD roll top desk and chair and re volving bookcase to swap lor anytning I can use. Address 8. C. 676, Bee. HUDSON ti 6-passenger, in A-l condition; will swap for horses, mules, cattle or anything 1 can use. Address S. C. 6S0, nee. HAVE violin to swap for folding bed. Address n. c 74, nee. A GEARHART, home kn.tttng machine, for homo knitting, stockings, gloves. mittens, etc.; ln perfect condition; to swap for good watch or something i can use. Address B. C. 62, Bee. I will trade 6u0 to 1.000 of my !,& aharea of preferred treasury oil stock for motorcycle, auto truck or used car In good condition. B. C. 871. Bee MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR New; regulate your heating plant and have an even heat in your house:, save 26 per cent In your coal bills. Will trade for furniture. Address B. C. 68. Bee. MOTORCYCLE 114 Twin Indian with side-car: outfit run about 800 miles; fully equipped; looks and runs like new coat about 13(30. Will trade for auto of equal value, any make. Address S. C. 64, Bee. TYPEWRITER Underwood No. 4; Just rebuilt and In fine shape; will trade to value of twenty-flva dollars. Address 8. C. 702k nee. I HAVE an organ, ln fine shape; suitable for church or home; coat over t"00 when new. Will trade for good auto; no Junk. Address 8. C. 627. Bee. BILLIARD -table, sixe 3Vx7; home size. What have you? Make me an olfer. S. C. 627. Bee. NICE little moving picture machine, with one reel of pictures; make your own gas; to swap fur doll house, doll buggy or flexible flyer aled. B. C. 700, Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-passenger, iai5 model, lust overhauled and fuilv equipped. Will swap for the best lSlj model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but It must be A-l condition. Addresa S. C. 7Z5. Bee. "ARUO" Roadster, 191a model, completely equipped. Machine not run over iJ miles since motor completely overhauled. Might swap for high claas Vlctrola out fit, plaver piano or towards a touring car, as need larger car. Addresa S, C. 74 Bee. TRUNK Steaiuer, good condition; will trade for larger trunk or sell, call Har ney iOb. ELECTRIC motor. 10 II. P.. 1-phaae: volts, with starter and pulley. Will swap for metal turning lathe. 16 or 18-Inch swing, t-tt. bed, or what hava you? 8. C. 62. MANIKJLIN (Burton), 836 Instrument, In perfect order; also fl8 mandolin, good aa new; 1 Savage automatic .16. cost fllotl; like new, and one Smith Premier type writer, 1. Any or all to swap for dia monds. What have you? Address 8. C. 600. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1111 Douglaa. VIOLIN Good violin for bass viol; the viol must be In good, condition. Ad dress 8. C. 490 WILL trade large lot with two cottages valued at f3,6uu, one mile front Omaha poatofflre. In good residence district, for acreage or small farm. Address 8. C. :0, bee. fi.utw worth of goods for trade at half value, a fine article used In every home. What have you? Address 8. C. Tlbee CAMERAS Two small cameras to swap for lew camera, large aiae. jS. C. tel. Ree. VIOUN To swap for small moving picture machine for home use. S. C. t. Bee. WAXTED TO BtY ftrlctl" hlsh grade tusno, Web. STT. WANTEI To buy pn monthly payments. small store room, with living rooms above. In Central schocl district. Phone Red 7S4. W." f n u I kl... ,ii nHa fnr htnilnm rcrap castings Pagton-Mitchell t'o. WANTEI-10t) carionds scrap iron: also metsl snd rubber. Write for prices. Ne brsska Iron and Metsl Co, Omaha. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 14. J. WE ARE on the market for loo carloads of country mixed acrsp Iron. Write for prices. A. B. Alpern. 7th and Douglas. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent, small plsce for rhl.t parlor. Call D. 64M. Mrs. Madrid. 6ML) B. 10th Bt. TWO or three rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. Call phone, Iouglss 1W7, between and 11 a. ni. RENTALS. APARTME.MS AMI FLATS. The For Rent advertisement appearing in the For Rent column of The Bee dally i csnnot be beat for variety that will please ana tin the needs or any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler Walking Distance Five rooms, all modern, oak finish, shades, rods and electric fixtures In; will furnish gas range; newly decorated. This Is a home-like flat and Is a snsp at t-KI per mo. New bldg. and heating system. located at . win Ave. Traver Bros., Douglas 113, 705 Oma ha Nat. Bk, Bldg. FLATS. &-r.-Shelby Court, close-in, mod. tj ht. flT. 8-r. 720 S. 21h St.. near lxavenworth. Si 3. PETERS TRUST CO.. DOUO LA S m.n APARTMENTS. 4-r. Alsatian, 115 8. St.. f.r,-4o. 4-r.-Athlone, 2uth Douelas. f3I.5O-t4!.50. 4-r. Georgia. 1040 Ueorgln. f37.SO. B-r Barnard, 2th and lv.. $:f7.xn-f42.SO. 8-r. Winona. 3ith and Dewev, f47.;0 PETERS TRUT CO.. DOUGLAS n BT. CLARK, 24th and Harney, 4-room apartment. Cail Harney 647. The Colbert 39th and Farnam Elegant, strictly modern apartments, large rooms and servants' rooms. D. V. Sholes Co. Tel. Douglas 49. f!6 City Nat. Bank - APARTMENT8. 4-r. Alsatian. 115 8. 85th St.. 135-140. 4-r. Flo-Les', 20th & Capitol, f27.50-tT2 50. 4-r. Athlone. 20th tt. Douglas, f37.60- 2.30. 4-r Georgia, 1040 Oeorg a. 137 f0 6-r. Harnard, 2!th and Leav., f37.BO-II2.60. -r. Winona. 2th and Dewey, l47.f)0. PETERS TRUST CO., DOUO. 80S. O FLATS 8-r.-708 South 24th bt.. 2d floor, mod , f25. 6-r.-Shelby Court, close-in, mod. ex. ht.fl.'. -r. 730 S. 28th Bt;, near Leavenworth. (13. IxriKS XRUBT OO.. UUIU. VM.O VERY choice 4 or 6-room, steam-heated ' apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1802 FARNAM BT. FOR RENT New 1-room apartment; dlsT appearing beds; pneumatic elevator; shower batht; first-class In every particu lar. Flora Ants.. StM Jones St. J FIVE-UOOM flat, 2701 N. 24th. SP4. All modern except heat. Webster ESTABROOK APTS., 4 rooms, f2fl. near post off Ice. J. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. WILL sub-rent and sell the furniture, etc. In a very nicely furnished apart ment; four rooms and bath; very desir able location (8lst St. and Harney); steam heat and every convenience. This in truly a bargain. I will vacate If desired Ltoem- ber m. Address u 6, wee BOARD AND ROOMS. Furnished Rooms that offer aver mod ern convenience and comfort ln private families or boarding houses ol the htgn est claas will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phono Tyler 1000. LARGE south front, steam heated room; elegant furniture, in mod. noma, gooa board. Har. 7060. FURNISHED HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter; must do nrsi lass. Address O 443 Bee. SEVEN rooms, 1623 Lothrop; clean and modern. Web. 4311. FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished room, close In: all modern. M! S. tli St. NICELY furnished room, private home. nice neighborhood, close to car. Phone Webster 1307. NEAT, modern rooms, 2511 Pierce. Tyler 940-W. HOTEL SAN FORD. HOTEL HARLEY. l&th and Farnam. 2th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Quests. NEWLY furnlahed rooms, suitable for one or more persons, with or without board: walking distance. Harney 3358. LARGE, beautiful room; ln private fam II v: modern. Colfax 21Sfl. 1023 M ARC Y Large front room, private family; references exchanged. Har. 7146. FOUR-nicely furnished rooms for colored people. Call Webster 74S7. Steam heated si p'g r'ms,closeln. R. 4443 10 8. 2isT AVE. Modern furnished room; walking distance; quiet home. Phone Doug. 7S19. Large furnished front bedroom In modern home, close In; rent reasonable. 11, 4S48. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FOR RENT Strictly modern, newly fur nished rms , heat furn.: private. H. 3196. furn rooms; ground f our. H. 4mi. B. 10TH8T., 1618 Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; mod. Tyler M HOUSES AND COTTAGES. NORTH. I-ROOM house, modern, new furnaoe, never used. 2215 Burt. Red 23. FOR RENT w-room, new, modern, up- to-date brick fiat, zza wmia Ave. neni flu. Tel. D. 1630. 6-ROOM, nearly new; modern except fur nace : only 8ib. cottax low. . ETuHT rooms; absolutely ciean aud mod ern: nlielv decorated: best of heat; hot water aud warm air; must be seen to be appreciated; unfurnished, 8'; furnished, I.V. 163 Lothrop. Web. 4319. tt-EOoM,. strictly modem cottage, hot water heat, close in, rents lur -o. Ji Lincoln Hlvd. . . W. H. Dorrance. Tel. D. 128 or H. I15L WALKING distance, 2644 Dodge, k-rooni modern nouse, ti. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4875. i-KUOll, nearly new; modern except I ur nace: oniv 31S. Colfax JOW. Al-L mod. 7-room house; beautiful loca tion, Bemls park; i. Wal. 27H8. Do; N 17TH. 6-r., all modern spt., steam heat snd water furnished. 135.50. jloj NI. Ed. 4-r. flat, steel range, gu stove Kitchen cabinet, water paid, S1& RASP BROS.. Douglas WA. SOUTH. 5-ROOM HOUSE, modern except heat. 114; gooa neignuornooa ; convenient Omaha, South Bide and Gibson. Bo. 867. -K. HOUSE. 1 sleeping porch. 1 serves porch. 306 B. 36th Ave. Hsrney Ml. 7-R. MOD., Id fl.. brick. 707 8.2th, newly dec. and varnished. D. 567, Red Ti'Ji. 422 B. 19T1I ST., s-r., all mod. house, well arranged for renting rms, ; close In, til. RASPBROS.. Douglaa l'53. MOVING EAPENSE"PA1D. 114 S. 2:ith, 7-r , all mod. house. In ex cellent repair, close ln. S,. lUM 8. 16th. 6-r., cottage, part mod., !0. RASP BROS. Doug las lts3. WEST. ARE YOU LOOK I NO FOR ' A NICE WARM HOUSE THIS W INTER. I have a new 4-room bungalow that is well built and all modem, furnace heat. This house has a brick fireplace In living room. It Is a house that can he kept warm end comfortable economically, it only V block from car line. You ran move in any time. This hou ran 4e rented for'60 per mouth. Phone owner at VSsinut 1313 after IK p. in. tonight.