Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1915, Image 1
Omaha Daily Bee None of 'em are in it at ! THE WEATHER. Snow fun-making with the Kat renjammers, Happy Hooli n rnd little Snookums. JLJLiLV he ! VOL. XLV NO. 153. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOIWfINO, PECKMHKU 1;, 1!)1.V-1X)URTEI:N PAOES. On Trains, at Kotst Hiwt stands, ate., to. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTO. BASE BALL WAR ! COMES TO END IN COMPROMISE (American League Magnate Agree to Settlement Beached by Na tional and Federal Kegnli, INDEPENDENT LOOP WILL GO iBan Johnson's Organization Will Name Committee to Meet En voys or utner Bodies. ('OUTLAWS' ARE GOING TO BUY IN CHICAGO, Dec. 15. The end of the base ball war came In eight to- I night when American league mag nates at their annual session here i agreed to the peace terms arranged at New York between the Federal and National leagues. ' Within a tew days, according to (President B. B. Johnson of the Amer ican league, the details of the agree ! merit, which does away with the (Federals as an Independent league, will be arranged, the American flleague having consented to appoint ia committee to meet envoys from the lother two organizations. The announcement of the agreement 'cams after a session which took up Wt of the afternoon and at which nothing waa discussed except peace pro posals of the Federal lcanue. Dreyfus the Moasenarer. The set a (freed to at New York by the .National league, were relayed to the .American league meeting by Barney JJreyfuss,' president of the Pittsburgh Jptlonale. who came on from the eaet 5 a messenger of peace, t or an hour r. Dreyfuss a.Jref-scd the club ownera. T;rm of the agreement were not made giublic, both Mr. Dreyfuas and the mag nates agreeing to keep silent on these, hut it la generally understood that the 'conaolidation of the National and Fed eral Is the basis. President Johnson de clared that there would be only two leagues, the American and National. To a later session waa left the ap pointment of a committee to meet the committees of the other leagues. The joint peace session probably will take place within a week, according- to Mr. Johnson, at New York or Chicago. .Many details remain to be arranged. These Invalye , the ball . player who jumped from one league to another and jnay result In many of the clubs getting back those who leftta'the war crisis. " ttaalev Market la Bignt. Thi, foaling- that peace was about to te concluded put a' atop to. a Bvod deal of the trade talk which preceded the meeting. That the effect of the war's end would be to create an easier market rn h.u ninvnra waa admitted by the managers, and all concerned denied that any tradea had been arranged . Peace talk took urn so much time that the league at Us afternoon session had no time to take up other matters, though there was some disousaion of the Cleve land cluba affairs. Mr. Dreyfuss declared there waa no mention of the Cleveland club In the terms he brought. "Peace ia better than war," said Mr. ireyfuss tonight, "and I told the Amerl- n leairue magnates so. Ave reacnea terms with the Federal league, which are agreeable to both them and the National league, and our proposition met with the approval of the American league. Our close relations with the American league made it dealrable that complete accord exist on the question, and It looks as If vra had reached that. Ko Cleveland Angle. "I laid the terms beflre the American league at Its meeting here, and can say no more about It. I can give out no de tails. My work is over and I expert to leave for Pittsburgh; There was no Cleve land angle to the terms-the Cleveland club's affairs sre In the hands of the American league and our league has noth ing to say about them." "The end of the base ball war Is In eight," aald President Johnson. "The plans for peace submitted by Mr. Drey fuss were agreeable to the American league, according to the senseof our meet ing, and tonight at a later session we ahall appoint a committee to go over the details. It la probable that a meeting of the three committees will be ronowea by a meeting of the national commlealon. (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) TVio Wpn thp.r ,aW aVaVW f I VWfWa nt Oanaha Yesterday 5 a. 6 a. m. m. m. 7 a. 8 a. m. 9 a. m... 10 a. m... 11 a. ni... IS m 1 p. m... t p. m... 3 p. ni... 4 p. m... 6 p. m... 6 p. m... 7 p. rn... 8 p. m... Highest today lowest today (Mean temperature ... Precipitation T Temperature and preclpitatiun dpar - luira iiuiu ciio iivruuii. Normal temperature ?8 Kxceaa for the day 0 Total deficiency since March 1 91 Jsormal precipitation 01 Inch Iieficlenoy for the day OS Inch Precipitation alnce March 1. ...28. M Inches Deftcienoy sinoe March 1 1.94 inches Ieflcteiicy cor. period 1914 J bo Inches Deficiency cor. period 1913 (.26 inches Reyarts frsa Station and State of Weather. heyenne. snow Statloas at T P. at. Temp. High- RaJn- l p. m. esc fall. Comparative Loral Rrrerd. l'JI.-,. l'JU. 1913. 131 'J9 It 60 27 4 : T .00 ... II H .OS ... 24 M .w .. tt -M .Hi ... 2 2 .14 ... 24 .ni ... IS 29 T ,.. 21 31) T ... 24 2 .( ,.. 24 !i .02 .14 24 .uf Davenport, enow enver. anow I H-m Moines, anow (N.,rth riatte, anow Omaha, rain 'Rapid City, cloudy sihertdan. cloudy fioux tity, anow Vinfin. anew Indicates peiow sero. T Indicates tract, ul precipitation. L.. A. WLUIi. Uul toicca.ttr MME. MABEL GROUITCH, American wife of a former Ser bian minister to the United States, who is safe in Saloniki, after saving thirty-eight refugees from Oicvgeli. k ':' : ; : 1 ;V -j ' f jT 1 " V' if ! 1111 1 -t HVm - Y- . ' I Kcl i ..C. IV ' ' ! f,A mmmmmtmm aMM!.' - . , ,, ,.,., , ,, , mil GRAIN AND LIVE STOCKMEN MEET Farmers' Co-Operative , Grain and Live Stock- Association . Opens . State Convention Here. CHICAGO MAN MAXES A TALE The early delegates to ..the conven tion of the Nebraska Farmers' Co operative Grain and Live Stock State association opening at the Rome yesterday, spent the forenoon vis iting the Grain exchange and watch ing the trading in operation. The trading begins at 10:30 and the dele gates were Invited to be there at that time to watch all the activities of this lively hour. The convention opened Its session In the afternoon at Hotel Rome. This is the thirteenth annual convention of the body. Aa . Road HnllMera, Guy Brlgga of Coleridge, vice president of the association. In an addresa In the afternoon spoke of the great results the local associations have brought about in their respective communities and gave some instance from his own locality. He told of how the members had got out and built roads for a series) of days when the highways had got Into bad shape. They got men to agree to put In one day with a team for nothing, with the agree ment that for all subsequent days they worked they would get U a day. "In six weeks we built forty-three miles of the finest road ever seen in that part of the country," aald Mr..Brlggs. "Right now those same men are planning on doing some road work In the spring. They are enthusiastic over it, and rieht (Continued on Page Four, Column Three.) No Violation of The Liquor Law At Rome Hotel A jury of six men In county court yesterday found Rome Miller not guilty of selling liquor after hours in the Rome hotel vineyard. Although eight witness es testified that they had purchased and drunk beer and whiskey In the vineyard 7 i on different evenings last summer be j;7 I tween the hours of and 11 o'clock at I night. Mr. Miller in his own defenae 2q swore that he had given inatructtona to 28 his employes that the law should be 2 ', obeyed "Ko far as I know," aald Miller, "no liquor has ever been sold after S o'clock at night on my premises." A supreme court decision that a pro prietor is not guilty of violating the I o'clock low if he instructs employes not to sell after hours In good faith, was re- ' lied upon by the defense. 41 ' The Jury took this case shortly after (4 i S and returned a verdict at 5 o'clock. , Twenty minutes before the Jurors verdict they reported that they reached 1 stood five to one with no prospect of agreeing. They were aent back by Coun ty Judge Crawford. BAND OF ROBBERS IS TAKEN AT MEXICO CITY GALVESTON'. Tex., Dee. 15. A band or robbers who, masked as army officers, and who obtained valuables and money totaling nearly Il.Oflu.OW, has been ar rested at Mexico City, according to a cablegram received by in Mexican con sulate today. The band Is said to havj consisted of j thirteen men and five womnn. The ar I I mis followed a battle in wlm.ii two p I lkcnieu we:e auui.dcd. FARMERS' EQUITY ' UNION JN SESSION Some of the Members Want to Pit .. cuss , Co-Operative . Paok- , ing Plants. UNION. SHOWS BIG GROWTH The prospect of ' establishing co operative packing plants in the country, ia one of the things' that will likely be discussed when the resolutions committee makes its re port to the fifth annual national con vention of the Farmers' Equity tnlon at Hotel Castle Thursday or Friday. The convention opened its session bright and early and when the order of busi ness ss printed on the program was adopted several delegates arose to ask if place could not be found on the pro gram for a discussion of co-operative packing plants. The president suggested that a better wsy to bring about a dis cussion on the point would be to have some such a proposition embodied In the resolutions. The matter waa allowed to rest at that, and the resolutions commit tee was appointed. Hundred Uelesiatea Present. Nearly 100 delegates 'were present af the opening session. North and South Dakota delegates went Into the meeting without breakfast,' as they got In on the morning trains Just in time to bustle to the meeting. Some of these gentlemen began to clamor for a recess about 10:45, for they Insisted that they must have breakfast, and that from the way they felt they believed they could take break fast and luncheon before coming back to the meeting. But President C. O. Dayton of Green ville, III., made them stay and listen to his presidential address, after which Tie let them all go for a noon-hour recess as early as 11:30. Golden Rale System. President Drayton In his address gsve a brief review of the work of the Equity union in the five years of its existence lie said the organisation has 14,000 live members gained in the five years of Its life, and has 236 local plants. "And are not a mushroom organisation, doomed to die In one season as a mushroom does he said. The Golden Rule system of do ing business is something new in the business world, and it naturally alarms the grafters and unnecessary middlemen, "There is abroad too much of the spirit of 'Do the other fellow before he does you.' We are demonstrating at 200 good country plants that Equity union co operation la worth while. The man Is the unit, not the rich man's dollar. IMrldeada are Small. "We do not pay big dividends. Tell those who buy stock In the union that they cannot expect more than S per cent (Continued on Page Four, Column One.) Delegates to Peace Conference at Berne Held Up at German Frontier BERNE, Switxerland, Doc 14.-Vla Paris, Dec, 15.) The members of tho ex ecutive committee of the International congress to study the basis of a durable peace are atlll held UP along the Oerman Pwies frontier, and no word has been re ceived here concerning their whereabouts or the prospect of their arrival here. On thla account it may be necessary to post pone the meeting of the executive com mittee, aa the congresa Itself was poat- oird. lias fur only one member rf the com SIR JOHN FRENCH LOSES COMMAND OF BRITISH HOST Lieutenant General Donglas Hai; Appointed Chief of English Annies in France and Flanders. NO LACK OF RECRUITS NOW Earl of Dei by Tells Kouse of Lords "We Were Absolutely Snowed Under." GROSS TOTAL VERY LARGE HI I.L.KTI . LONDON. Dec. IS. Lieutenant Generat Sir Douglas Hal Las been appointed to succeed Field Marshal John French In command of the Brit ish armies in France and Flanders. IXtNDON. Pee. li In the House o Lords today the earl of Derby, director of recruiting, when questioned regarding the results of his recruiting rampnlgn declined to give sny figures In advance of Premier Asqulth's statement, which will be made public next week. The eart declared, however, that "w? were abaolutely anowed under" with re crulta last week, and that the grosa total of enrollment was very Inrge. lie aOtled that It would be Imposalble to call up the married men until the country was convinced that single men had come for ward to enlist to audi an etpnl aa to leave only a negligible quantity unac counted for. "We muat keep faith to the pledxe the premier gave the married men," said the earl. "Nobody can yet say whether or not the single men have come fjrward In eufftclent numbers. That will be known Tuesday." Federal Mediator Trying to Settle Chicago Belt Strike CHICAGO. Dee. 16. A federal mediator, O. W. Hanger, today began an effort to settle the strike of employes of the Chi cago Belt Railway, through whole switch ing yards a big percentage of freight passing Into snd through Chicago Is handled. A. , F. Whitney, local head of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainman, said today; , ."If our demands 'art deollned by the Chicago 'Belt line, every - yard man in the employ bt the seventeen roads enter ing Chicago will be . called out within four days. Kour thousand men will be af fected." i Seventeen chairman of the Trainmen's brotherhood conferred today regarding tho alleged failure of the railroads enter ing Chloago to fulfill 'contracts with the unions. vThe strike on the Belt railway was called yesterday because the company re fused to furnish the men train service to their work at Clearing, the site of the switching yards. The men ssld they wero obliged to walk long distances to their work. ' Guns of Germans Bring Down Four 'Planes of Allies BERLIN, Dec. IS. (By Wireless to Say- vllle.) Four allied aeroplanes, including one battle plane with two motors, were brought down by German anti-aircraft guns, the war office announced today, during; raids on Bapaums and Peronne In France, and Vulhelm, Baden. A successful attack on an Engliah steamship was made by German aviators. In the Balkln campaign the retreating Serbians are being pursued farther. Southwest of Plevlje, In northern Monte negro, they were driven across the Tara river, and farther to the east across the GraavBroderovo line. Several hundred prisoners were taken. TEN CARS OF CARRANZA TROOPS AT EL PASO EL, PASO. Tex., Dec. 18. Ten cars of Carransa troops arrived today from Pledrag Negras bound for Nogalea, Snnora, according to the chief dispatcher or the El Paso 4k Southwestern railroad. It was said the cars would leave here about S p. nt. The National Capital Wedaeaday, December IB, 1015. The lloaae. Met at noon. Miscellaneous business considered. Waya snd means committee submits majority report urging a year's exten sion of emergency revenue law. The Judiciary committee act Friday for the hearing of Representative Bu chanan's Impeachment charges against United States Attorney Marshall. Adjourned at 2:13 p. m. until noon Thursday. The Senate. In adjournment. mittee has sr rived from another country. He Is Don Vehlls of Madrid, who suc ceeded In getting across ths French bor der. The Swiss committee held a meeting to day to arrante for tho reception of dele gates, but th difficulties encountered at the frontier made it probable that few delegates . would succeed In getting through In time for the meeting. The delegation from The Hague haa not been heard from since It departed for Berne ttveral days ago. Entente Powers Closely Watching For Next Move of Bulgaria I-ONPON. Dec. IS. With official de nials both from French and Oreek sources of the reports that the Ilulgarlana had entered Urvck territory the entente capi tals swalt with keen Interest the next move(of the central powers In he Mace donian theater of war. The question asked on all sides Is, "What will the IHilsarlana do now they have realised whether temporarily or permanently remains to be seen the greater part of their national aspirations In Macedonia?" Military observers her say It la recog nised that without thilgarlan co-operation the Austro-tiermana at present are not In miffl. lent string) h to attack the Anslo Freixh forces In tlreek territory. The rMort of the presence of large (lerman forces In the ranks of the Rulgarlans Is considered In London to be exaggerated. On the contrary, according to the best available Information only small Herman detachments are Included, and these con sist chiefly of artillery men, The situation In Miedonln formed the subject of lengthy ministerial conferences at Athet.a yesterday, and at their eon-! elusion the Renter correspondent says he learned: DECLARES BRITISH EMPIRE jS FALLING President of German Reichstag Says When It Has Gone to Pieces Will Never Rise Again. MORE PUNCH IN "IRON FIST" BERLIN. Dec. 15. (By Wireless to Sayvllle.) In the course of his address before the Reichstag yester day Dr. Karl Kalferrlch, secretary of the treasury, said: "Responsibility for the blood which will flow from now on, for the misery which conies upon the world, for the danger to which civi lization Is exposed, falls not upon Germany, but upon those who can not resolve to draw the conclusion from Germany's military successes, which no one can dispute any longer. The responsibility falls upon those who, in their foolish and criminal Illusions, still speak of annihilation and partition of Germany and of a war of exhaustion. twad Like Kseki "We stand like a rock on the soil of the ' home country, snd on the golden pllhfis of the British empire are written in glowing letters the same words as were written on the wall of Belshassar's palace."! ". ' - ' . Dr. Helferrlch declared that Great Britain had underestimated the costs of the war badly. Dr. Hellferrich brought his. speech to a close with a defiance of Germany's enemies to make good their threats to plunge Germany Into starvation and bankruptcy. Dr. llelfferrich declared: "The British empore was largely built upon and maintained by ttritlah money powers. With the shaking of the En glish financial powers, the foundation of tho British empire la tottering, and when It has gone to' plecea, It will never rise again. Iron Flat Ready "Vet tills nation, England, pronounces the outrageoua words regarding a war of exhaustion. We know we possess what we need to live and fight. The enemy shall know, furthermore, that tho aharp sword, the unbroken fighting spirit and confidence of victory are at our disposal. The German iron fist, which Juat now has broken tho iron gate and opened a broad road to the east, is ready If our enemlea wish to Strike anew." The bill for a vote of credit was sent to committee. Tho next session of the Reichstag will be held Monday. Life Imprisonment For Montgomery, Murderer of Wife Arthur Montgemery, negro, who shot and killed his wife, Mrs. Ollle Montgom ery, September !, pleaded guilty to a charge of second degree murder before Judgn English end waa aentenred to a life term in the penitentiary. Montgomery confessed to the police that he had quarreled with his wife when she told him she waa going to meet another man. Other witneaaes aald Mrs. Mont gomery had started to go to a grocery store when the shooting occurred. German Subsea is Sunk in Black Sea PARIS, Dec. 14. 5;0u a. m Delayed) correspondent at Athens of the Milan Recolo aaya a German submarine haa been sunk In the Hlack Sea off the Bulgarian port of Varna, and that a Turkish tor pedo boat has beer sunk In the Sea of Marmora by the British, Powder Town Fire is Not Incendiary WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-IVclimtnary rr ports from the Department of Justice axents. who Investigated the recent con flagration at Hopewell, Va , indicate that it was not tho work of an Incendiary and practically disposed of ths matter so far as the department is concerned. VASSAR GRADUATE KILLS SELF AT MADISON, WIS. VUDIBON, Wis.. Dec. Is.-Lalllha M. Folks, 2a. Vassar graduate, taking special work at the University of Wisconsin, shot and killed herself on a lonely spot off the Mlddelton road aome time laat night or early today. Her body was found by R. W. Tockey, a farmer. No motive for the tragedy la known. "Official rlrvlrs are of the opinion that both for political and military reasons It Is highly Improbable the Ilulgartana will cn-as tho frontier. "Greece Is. completing the removal of Its troops ,from the large area which the Anglo-French commander mapped out as being ncresraiy for the defense of Ba lonIM, and with the freedom of move ment acquired by the entente allies In this district energetic measure are lwlng In augurated with a vl.-w to expelling the pro-Cerman element end the nest of splea with which Falonikl Is aliened to be In fested," On the continent of Kurope many ru mors concerning a Turco-CSrrman plan to attack Kgypt with a hngf army during the spring are being persistently circu lated. The possibility of such a move gives added Interest to the deflection of Dutch Fast Indian mall steamers from the Sues canal to the Cape of Good Hope route. The Cologne Gasette says strong de fense works are being constructed on both sides of the canal by the Urltlsh. who are reported to have more than iM.OOO troops In Kgypt and to be landing addi tional forces dally. CONTRACT SCANDAL IN FRENCH ARMY War Ministry and Supply Agents Criticized During Disorderly Debate in Chamber. EXCESSIVE PRICES ARE PAID PARIS, Dec. 14. (Delayed.) During the debate In the Chamber of Deputies today severe criticism was made of the relations between the war ministry and certain Indi viduals, who are selling supplies to the government. It was asserted the ministry had dealt with persons whose sole occu pation hitherto had consisted In fre quenting pleasure resorts at nights and there ptcklng up customers. Such 'persons, it was said, were regarded ss worthy to furnish shoes, clothing and cannon. Deputy Julian Antolne Slmyan said this was scandalous and even criminal snd that the government official who, being Informed of the tacts, declined to strike the guilty persona, became an ac complice. - " j. i ' . M. Slmyan asserted proper preeautlons had not been taken and .sttaat egceislve prices had been paid for supplies. i An attaek was then made by M, Sim yan upon those who sre conduotlog for private gain enterprises described as charitable. One woman, he said, had hMfl .nni4Tiffit lsnfvwin times for I this offense hut was still oDeratlnr. Favors to (on tract ra. Another abuse, the deputy continued, consisted in psylng large sums on ac count, In violation of tho usual proce dure, when contracts fur supplies were signed. lie asserted that for one )'er officials hsd been discussing what ac- (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Says Bridgeport Plant Accepted , Dumdum Contract NEW YORK, Dec. 18 Charges that a Bridgeport, Conn., factory accepted a contract with ths Britlah government to supply tho Bngllsh srmy with dumdum bullets were made today In sn affidavit filed with Assistant United States At torney Knox by Dr. Herbert Kiensle. Dr. Kiensle la one of tho six men In dicted with Robert Fay on tho charge of conspiring to blow up ships carrying munitions of war to the allies. Ills af fidavit Is In support of a motion for a separate trial and the appointment of a commission to take evidence In his be half in Germany. A similar motion was made for Engel ber Bronkhorat, another of the Indicted men. Mr. Tavenner Says Navy League Made Up of Munitions Men WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-Representa-tlve Tavenner of Illinois mads the first preparedness speech of the session In the house today urging government manufacture of all war material He attacked the Navy league as being com posed In part by men who profit from the sale of munitions. Since 1887, Mr. Tavenner declared, four firms in the United States have virtually had a monopoly on war ordera, dividing millions for munitions that might have been produced from 20 to SO per cent cheaper in government arsenals or navy yard a The Day's War News T1IK miXJAIUAXH are now defin itely declared to have stopped their pursuit of the Anglo-rYench forces at the tireek Ixtundary lines. The allied front is aald now to extend as far as Kukus, Greece, about twenty-five miles north of Sa loniki. I NOFFICIAL ACCOUNTS of the al lied retreat Into (ireete so far have not mentioned any outline of the allied lines in a Bulgarian attack, as claimed in a Bulgarian official statement. TTIUUHII AVAR OFFICF. declares the advantage is still with the su. tan's troops in the Mesopotamian fighting. BUS STILL ON OWN SIDE OF GREEK BORDER Athens Government Denies Report that the Slav Allies of Teutons Hare Crossed Into the Kingdom of Greece. FRENCH RETREAT IS ORDERLY Buildings Burned and All Civil In habitants and Food Taken Into Greece. CITY OF GIEVGELI IS RAZED HULLRTI. PARIS. Dec. 14. (Delayed. ) The Matin's Saloniki correspondent says it is learned from a good au thority that Bulgarian troops have entered Greek territory In the Strumltsa region. A dispatch from Athens to the Temps says the Greek government las ordered the Fifth Greek army corps to leave Saloniki. PARIS, Dec. 15. The Greek gov ernment officially denies that Bul garians have entered Greek territory, rnd it is considered in competent quarters here that an entrance of the Bulgarians into Greek Macedonia la improbable, saya a IUvas dispatch from Athens under Tuesday's date. "The press unanimously declares that the presence of Bulgarians in Greek Macedonia would arouse na tional indignation." Bara II on sea, Carry Off Food. ' BERLIN, Dec. 16. (By Wireless ta Sayville.) In an official Bulgar ian report of December 13, as given cut here today by the Overseas News rgency, the assertion is made that vhen the French troops withdrew from southwestern Serbia they took rway all the food supplies from the civilian population, burned the houses and drove oft the people, leaving them without food or shelter. Frearh Retreat Orderly. HALONIKf, Dec 15.-Vla Paris. Dec. IS.) (Delayed.) An eye witness report that tho retirement of the French to their temporary poaitlons in Greece, near the Serbian border, was conducted with great skUl. All tho wounded wore- brought In,- (Continued en Page Two, Column Two.) Gompers Has Talk With Wilson on Preparedness WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 15. Samuel Gompers, president of tho Americsn Federation of I-abor. today told Presi dent Wilson that organised labor waa ready to glvo its support to tho defense of the nstlon snd should bo allowed a voles In msklng preparations. Mr. Gompers ssked the president to sppoint a representative of labor to the commission he may name to confer with army and navy officers on the mobilisa tion of the nation's resources. Since ths wsr started, Mr. Gompers said, belliger ent nations had Included representatives f labor in every important activity. The president said he would consider the suggestion cs re fully. TWO MILLION MEN JOIN BRITISH ARMY LONDON. Dec. U. Between 1.000,4 and 1,600,000 men have enlisted under the plan of the Earl of Derby, director of recruiting, according to the Dally Sketch. The paper ssys this figure may be re duced under analysis and that It is quite possible that the figures relative to single men may prove to be below tho required; standsrd. All Stbta Ra This saaa almost every day Through the WAsrr Ala glasses, And he's towmd a real good "isos Xa tho BUaUXDBa CJaAJICXa. alow win he starts his hastness With VAST AXd he will strive y wslng thaut nuiet eeexy day The biudaeas te revive. ( BBS WAJT AM hell ha walag, ror they're lbs klad that Prl Tne boaiaess east ro sackwaxas, gte'U ass theat e-vsry day. The beat business oonortunltleai are alwaye to ba foum In th HUaiNtas CHANCE" columns or TUB OMAHA BEK. , Bscauae they produce the hast re ditu, f your business is rorsaJa. lacs a 'urslNl CHANGS" a.4 su Telephone Tyler n todays nee. 1000 nuw god PVT IT IX THH OMAHA BEE. I THE WANT-AD-WAY