Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Dai:
Call Tyler 1000
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VOL. XLV-NO. 152.
Oa Trains, at Hotsl
Wsws Ktsnds. etc, 5a.
single copy two cents.
United Statet Preparing Vigorous
Note Against Remoral of Tea
. tons from Uncle Sam's
Trent Case During CiTil War Prob
ably Will Be Cited as a
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. A vig
orous protest ! being prepared by
the State department against the re
moval bjr the French cruiser Des
cartes of Germans and Austrians
from the American steamers Caro
lina, Coamo and San Juan on the
high seas. The note will contend
that removal of citizens of any nation
from an American vessel on high seas
5r without legal Justification.
It will be asserted In the note, as
it was a year ago In a protest to
France in the case of August Piepen
Irlnk, that the men removed were
Sot embodied "in the armed forces
of the enemy," In the sense of that
term in established International law.
JSn Jnsttflratlon for Art.
Th communication probably will alio
declare that there la no Justification for
the removal of an enemy subject from a
neutral vessel on the high seas bound
(o a neutral port, even If he could properly-bo
regarded as a military peraon.
The Trent case during tha civil war
probably will be cited aa a precedent.
The State department was not advised
whether any of the Auatrlana or Ger
mans seised had declared their inten
tion of becoming American cittsens. In
formation on that point is being sought
si iva uiu s v uv v swas- v aiwu as w
case, the protest may be even more firm.
Facta of the Case.
The facts In the case already at hand
Were summed up In this statement issued
by the department late today:
"The State department .has received
Reports from the collector of customs at
Pan Juan, Porto Rico, indicating that
three ships of the New York and Porto
JUco line have been stopped on the high
aeaa and searched by the French cruiser
Descartes. The steamship Carolina, north
bound, was stopped six miles off San
Juan and the German chief steward,
named Bchade, waa taken off by the
boarding officer. Tha steamer was allowed
to proceed north after delay of about two
hours. "'' ' ' 1
CM of Csamo. ,
"The steamer Coamo, southbound, was
topped about twenty miles off shore by
two shots across Its bow and the fol
lowing persons taken off by the board
ing party: J. Luscor Rutter, Antoa F.
Iolioroch, Austrians, of the engine room.
and'H. Kreger, a German of the stew
. ard's department. It appears that other
Germans In the crew with American citi
zenship papers were not molested.
"The steamship, fan Juan, outnoouna.
is reported to have been stoppea norm-
east of Porto Rico ana two secona cauiu
passengers, wuiiam uunmcmuv
....... .1 -. t.
IFritch Lothar, German suDjecia, ieeu
I &D1D.
OAKLAND, Cal., Deo. 11 A package
containing -six sUcks of dynamite,
quipped with caps and fuses, waa found
today by an Italian fisherman under a
bridge over Alhambra creek, a short dis
tance west from MJartlnei, which carries
tha main Una tracks of the Southern Pa
cific railroad. Over this bridge pass
trains carrying the output of the Her
cules Powder company, and tha Standard
Oil -company to the east. Authorities
expressed the opinion that the dynamite
was placed under the bridge by some
person desirous of Impeding the progress
of war munitions, which. It la said are
hipped over the main line in large quan
NT5W YORK, Dec. 12. The first ship
ment of condensed milk, lard and rice.
which Is to be sent to the children of
Germany and Austria aa first class mall, j
has been turned over to tha Postoffica de
partment says an announcement maaa to-
ay by the cltisens committee for rood
niDmems 10 crniaj aubum.
Henry J. Wolf Is chairman. Dr. Jacob
W. ' Loch, secretary, and Carl Schurs,
treasurer of the committee srhlch also
Includes many women, Including Mrs.
Samuel TJntermyer.
The Weather
Per Nebraska and
Iowa Fair;
change In temperature,
Hours. Dep.
6 a. m M
t a. m
7 a. m Si
S a. m...
a. m...
10 a. m 31
11 a. in 31
It in :il
1 p. m 3?
I P. m 2
3 p. m X
P m 13
t p. m m
p. m 3:'
7 p. m a
Local Kt-eor.
ISM. 1914. lyn. isi?
.... 14 Aft n
.... H T St g
.... ao 44 HI
0 .11 .00 .00
Ui-!iet yesterday:,
lowest yesterday...
Mean temperature.
Tciupwatuie and precipitation
wi-rs ft-m the normal:
Normal teiui , TMture
Kxc- for the tiay 1
'i'olal deficiency since March 1 '.. gg
Normal precipitation , ."H Inch
Deficiency for the day OK inor
Total ranfall since March 1..JR S4 inches
l-ririenoy since March 1 l.Si Inchee
I)ficloticy for or. period. 1914. 1. 58 Inches
ixfideocy for cor. period, 1L4. (.1 incites
Lk A. WtlJiU. loval If'oittcasler.
cisco, has shown a fondness for his little niece, Bertha Alt-
man, and she, in turn, is very
declares his intention of beginning life
sty. ; . " i- 4. I jrf -N-v A
8 vr (
LUv Mm
ft&tF JtffXCC JltlTMArt
Snow, Sleet and High Winds Sweep
the Mississippi Valley
CHICAGO, Dee. Jl. Snow, sleet and
high winds swept this section today,
causing delayed traffic, great loaa to
property and, in this city, a number of
personal Injuries.
The storm had Its origin in the eastern
lope of the Rockies on Thursday, and
j. yesterday had advanced in a widening
circle until It reached from Arkansas to
tha northern tier . of ' states. .
' Tha storm here cams up quickly la tha
morning- and lasted all day. Passenger
trains from the west arrived hours be
hind their schedules. ' Telegraph com
munication was demoralised and in some
instances cut off entirely.
Snow General Owp Iowa.
DES MOINES, la.. Dee. 11 Snowfall,
the first of any consequence In Iowa this
winter, was general over the state
today and this morning. " From an
Inch In the extreme northwestern part of
tha state to half an Inch In the southern
half was reported. The fall wss wel
comed by farmers, who say the soli
needed moisture badly.
Wrea Are-Down.'
ST. LOUI8. Xec. II. A sleet storm
north and east 'of St. Louis today seri
ously Interfered with telegraphic com
munication. Wires , along the Cleveland,
Cincinnati, Chicago fit. Louis railroad
between St. Louis and Mattoon, 111., and
on the Chicago & Alton and the Wabash
north were out of commission.
A drisziing rain fell In St. Louis today
but tha storm had ceased here tonight.
Kaaaaa la ok It.
TOPEKA. . Kan.. . Deo. . IX Snow. . sleet
and rain were general ,over .northern
Kansas today. Topeka and other Kan
sas points reported from half an Inch to
an Inch of precipitation. IJght flurries
of snow occurred, after which the tem
perature rose ' slightly.
Florence Swedish
Mission -Church Is ;
, Dedicated Sunday
The Swedish Mission church building,
newly moved to the lot across' the street
from tha Masonic temple in Florence,
0clock wlth m ,arge congregation pres-
cnt. Bishop Frank M. Bristol of tne
Methodist church . conducted the dedica
tory services at S o'clock In the after
noon. Rev. U. O. Brown, district super
intendent, .preached in the evening.
The new Swedish Mission church re
plsces an old structure that stood on
the same ground. The old building has
been moved to the rear of the lot to
make room for the new.
Though this building Is only now dedi
cated as the Swedish Mission church, the
building Itself Is not entirely new. The
church building wss purchased of an
other congregation and moved to the new
location bodily. A lot of improvements
were made. The building was modernized
In every way and given finishing touches
that make It a very creditable edifice
now for a new' and growing congregation
', such as that of the Bwedlsh Si lesion.
The new church, Including the ground,
represents a cost et .between 12.500 and
England Thinks of
Abolishingthe "Cat"
NEW YORK, Dee. IS. Francis Augus
tin Wellesley, visiting Judge at Wands
worth prison in London, returns to that
city today after having spent two months
in this country, during which he has
visited to roe American prisons. On the
eve of his departure, Judge Wellesley
announced his Intention to abolish tha
cat o'nlne talis as an Instrument of
punishment In British prions. Judge
Wellesley said ha considered Warden Os
borne's system at Sing ting better than
scything In England.
fond of her V-T "sle Abe," who
4" Kpm
S-V w-' .
y- - a a
, 111 t:
PS? v:
I."! Sis
--A. "
W d ' W y,-
Attempt to Bring- About End of War
by Interpellating Parlia
, PARIS. Dec. 11 The attempt of the
flw a a arts' I 1 i sit si tir4i sr ihAtit riAi ra nss
. , ,, . ' "
gotlatlons by interpellating the Swiss
government on the subject probably will
bo without result. The Oasette de Lu-
ZZZa' 7 V:: ' .:; .V-V.C- :
trnnil.Hn rMU,n..ri in th. tinni
oouftcll yesterday will not lead th. coun-
cil to propose an armistice preparatory to
GENEVA. Dec. lt-(Vla Paris.)-Th
socialist group' has deposited tha follow
ing Interpellation in the Swiss Parlia
ment: .
"Does the federal council alone or co
Jointly with the governments of other
countries think of offering the belliger
ents its gooci offices in order to obtain
the conclusion of an armistice and pre
pare for negotiations for peace."
The value of the Oerman 10o-marks
dropped on the Bourse here today to 103
francs, the lowest since the war. In
peace times the value waa IX francs.
Hundred Killed
When Munitions
Factory Explodes
PARIS, Dec. 12. One hundred and ten
persons are reported to have been killed
in yesterday's explosion In the Belgium
munitions factory at Havre, says a dis
patch from the city to the Temps to
day. : "The cause of tha explosion has not
yet been determined," says .the newspa
per. ."The Investigation has developed
that one of the buildings. contained boxes
of , ammunition, which came from tha
t'nlted Plates soma time ago. "It was
discovered that . In 'one of these boxes
was sn apparatus designed to cause de
flagration. The box of . explosives .'was
rendered harmless and the laboratory
examination disclosed .Interesting facts.
i "It la also pointed out that a Ger
man prisoners' camp is located not far
from the factories and that nine months
ago yesterday the Desmalris OH com
pany's ell plant, also near the priosners'
camp was burned."
Hocking and Genesee
Are Off to London
WASHINGTON. Dec. U-Oreat Britain
tday notified the Ptate department
through Ambassador Page that it was
taking the steamers Hocking and Genesee
of the American Trans-Atlantic company
to I -on don for 'prise court adjudication.
The Vnlted States Waa urged to see that
the company co-operated in - expediting
irial by prompt appointment of consul
and speedy preparation o. Its case.
The decision to transfer the cases across
the sea was believed by officlala here to
explain the action of the prize court at
Halifax In turning the Hocking over to
agents of the crown. The United States
Is not likely to object, because only In
ferior prise courts exist at Halifax and
St. Tviiola. frjm whlh appeals eventually
would have to be taken to London. In
these particular cases It is pointed out.
both governments desire speedy and final
settlement of the Issues Involved.
McNish to Locate
In Omaha in Spring
WKST POINT. Neb., Dec. liJKprlal.)
-Jesse C McNish of Wlsner, president
of the State Bankers' association, will re
move to Omaha In the spring, lis will
devote his time to a new busiuesa whU h
he is developing, thet of a broker in
cattle paper, Throujh New Tork con
nections he will discount paper given to
the local banks by cattle feeders of this
section, thus benefiting western feeders,
Comment of Newspaper of Father
land on Preiident'i Actions and
Pren Attitude Here Gen
erally Bitter.
Needn't Worry, Sayi Editor, ai U. S.
Doesn't Want War and Wouldn't
Matter if It Did.
BERLIN (Via London), Dec. 12.
The Berlin morning papers publish a
special wireless dispatch from New
ork to the semi-official Wolff bu
reau, stating tbat public opinion in
America is greatly stirred against
Germany by the alleged German at
, tucks on American neutrality and
Against ammunition factories and by
reason of the disclosures at the trials
o Germans recently held. It quotes
LNew York newspapers as saying iiotne
of the congressmen Intend to ask tor
a rupture of diplomatic relations.
The Vosslsche Zeltung publishes tha
dispatch with the headline:
"American Incltatlon . Against pr
irutny" and comments as follows:
"It was to be expected that at the con
vening of congress the British party
would make every effort to bring about
a new excitement against Germany in
order to distract the attention of congress
from the question of British pressure on
America. This Is also I'res dent Wilson's
t's Word Hctse.
Several of the other papers urn similar
headlines, with the word "lietse" which
Is a hunting expression, describing the
setting of a dog on Its prey. ,
Only a few of the papers print the news
of tha possible demand of tha United
States for the recall of Alexander von
Nuber, Auttro-IIungartan consul general
at Ntw Tork. - The Morgen Post, how
ever, makes it a leading ' front page
article and comments:
"Mr. Wilson rages among our diplo
mats. Thus ha preserves the impartiality
which we miss from him aa soon as it
is a case of the British or the French."
L ....
xne Morgen rest also publishes a mes
sage to the Wolff Bureau quoting Sec
retary Lansing as saying that the recall
of Captains Boy-Ed and von Papen, tha
v mlllUry attaches, respectively.
' of th OtmMy embassy at Washington,
M nn "ttcal ' b,'k "vhd. " Tha
k,;'Pe'S,a-Mrkin lmpfJA,ume'a to
do th .two officers 4 favor by helping
them to' return to their beloved home,
and, perhaps, the moisture which he shed
over Oerman-Amerlcsns came from tha
eat of his love for everything that is
German." '
An "trafrlendlr Art."
The Morgen Post considers the Amer
ican note In the Ancona case, as a fur
ther "Hetse."
The Kreus Zeltung says of the Lansing
"If the demand for the recall of the
attaches has no political background. It
la an unfriendly act, which fits perfectly
Into the frame of President Wilson's gen
eral policy toward Oermaoy."
Count von Aeventlow. in the Tags Zel
tung. has a leader headed:
"Wilson's policy toward Oenhany." He
says it is impossible to discuss the ques
tion fully because the negotiations be
tween Germany and the United Btates
have recently been carried on secretly and
by the regulations forbidding the touch
ing of certain questions. He declares that
the American wishes In 'Various direc
tions have been complied with by Ger
many to the fullest extent, and adds:
"One Is astonished to learn from a New
Tork dispatch to the Wolff Bureau that
the Lu si tan la affair is not yet fully set
tled." Wilson's Motive.
Count von Reventlow declares that the
press campaign against Germany Is In
line with Mr. Wilson's attitude, and con
tinues: - , ,,
"One might almost : assume that as Mr.
Wilson Is convinced that he -cannot win
tha German-American element, for him
self; anyway, he now abandons further
attempts and pictures German-Americana
as the country's enemies, according to the
old rule, 'Now give it to him good!'
Probsbly he desires also to take the wind
out of his rival, Rr. Roosevelt's sails, for
Roosevelt has always demanded a rup.
ture of relations with Germany."
Count von Reventlow says that a feel
lng of general surprise exists among Ger
mans over President Wilson's language
snd the (one ' of the great part of the
American press after Germany had gone
so far In meeting the wishes of the
t'nlted States,
Tom meat on Aaeoaa Note. ,
The Lokal Anselger and the Kreus
Zeltung comment on the Ancona note.
The Lokal Anselger, while casting doubt
on the correctness of tha summary of the
note as sent bete, remarks:
"If true, then President Wilson grcssly
violates International law, whose guardian
he pretends to be. Much Is possible, we
admit, with the diplomatists of the White
House, but we must await the publlcs
tlon of the Ancona note before believing
that they have abandoned the legal posi
tion In tbs rase of Austria, which the
president only a few months ago laid
down in the negotiations with Germsny
respecting submarines.
"If ths dlspstch received here Is true,
then perhaps President Wilson will be
so kind as to demonstrate before the
German and Austrian navies the trick of
bringing into safety passengers of a ship
trying to escape pursuit by flight."
Anion Dlaappolaioieot.
The Kreux Zeltung treats President
Wilson's action as "dictated wholly by
the exigencies of domestio politics" and
thinks that all those will be bitterly
disappointed who hoped thst after the
settlement of ths Arabic rsa and the
sending of the note to England that
American policy would grow more pro
nounced against England.
"Nevertheless." It concludes, "we ad
here to our view that the Washington
cabinet and the American people are far
from desiring war, which, moreover, need
cause us bo fear."
Secretary Tells How He Expect to
Spend Thi 8am in New Con
struction Within Fite Yean.
WASHINGTON. Doc. 13. -Detalle
Of the $500,000,000 navy building
program under the five-year continu
ing plan recommended to congress
are contained in the annual report
of Secretary Daniels, made public to
night. The report show that for the first
time In the history of the department
the secretary's recommendations In
crease the expenditures proposed by
the general board. In this connec
tion the secretary says:
"My recommendation of a five-year
program embraces , the same number as
propped by the itenernl board in the
distribution It made In the five-year pro
gram of dreadnaughts, batt'.o crutoers,
scouts and destroyers. I recommend fif
teen fleet submarines where thr general
board recommends nine, and I recom
mend eighty-five coast submarines ss fifty-eight recommended by ths
general board. For additional reaerv
ammunition, my recommendation Is $J5,-
onn.ow, whereas the general board recom
mends fll,O0C,C00. They recommend some
thing more for other craft. My total for
the five years Is The general
board's total Is 90.KT8,XX), a vary alight
difference for the five years, though the
board's recommendation for the first year
is much larger than ths department's
The five-year program for new ships
and completion of those already author
ised reaches a grand total of $5.B,4a,m.
with large appropriations for ' reserve
ammunition and aviation.-
Btrewsjih of Proposed Navy,
Following will be tho composition of the
fleet in 1KI. built or building, If the pro
gram Is carried out according to the grn
ersl board's calculations, the secretary
Battleships, first line
Hat tie cruisers ,
Battleships, second line..
Armored cruisers
Scout cruisers .
Cruisers, first class
Cruisers, seoond clnaa
Cruisers, third class
Fleet submarines,...
Cosst submarines
' 4,
Supply ships
F"uel shins
Tenders to torpedo vessels..
Special typea.....
Ammunition shlDS
, Urging . the necessity of a continuing !
building program, the seers tary says It
Is the "surest way . to raise tha stand
ard. -of naval efficiency," and that, little
is, to be gained by . "suddsn fluctuations
and changes in policy." of the five-year
program' 'recommended,'' the 'secretary
says:. , . , ' , ' ' ,, .. .,'
; "l hope congraas will indorse It by so
large a vote of Its members sa to maks
Certain It continuance by congresses to
come." ; , , . .
Two Hssdres Millions This Year.
The full total of the navy budget for
the year Is $rn,6M,174; all but lia.2S0.W7
of which will go for ships now under con
struction or to be authorised. The re
mainder contemplates the Increased per
sonnel and general running expenses of
the navy afloat and ashore.'
, The secretary comments at length on
the need of battle cruisers of the pro
posed thlrty-flve-knot typo. The events
of the European war are recounted to
show the part these craft have played '
and the reasons for Including six of them (
In the building program.' As to the bat-,
tleshlps of the future, the secretary says
the suggested vessels are of much greater 1
displacement and heavier armament than
anything heretofore contemplated for any J
navy. The department is now discuss
ing plans for ships of M.OOO tons and i
armed with alxteen-lnch or perhsps seven- j
teen-Inch guns. The secretary says the !
plan has not yet been approved, but his
estimates are based on ships to - cost
$18,000,000 srh, ' which would allow for
the Increased tire.
Promotion by Selection. '
Secretary Daniels takes another radical
Step In Ms report In urging thst the (
present system of promotion of officer :
by seniority be abandoned In favor of
promotion by selection. He goes at length
Into the results of the seniority system
to find that It produces "stsgnatlon
(Continue! on Page Two, Column Four.)
To Plan for the
Celebration Here
The general committee In charge of
preparations for the semi-centennial cele
bration of the admission of Nebraska
Into ststehood will bs notified of plans
of great magnitude already mads by its
executive committee, when the members
st a banquet to be held Wednesday even,
lng at the Fontenelle hotel.
These plans, according to John I Web
ster, president of the Nebraska Histori
cal society, -one of the first sdvocates
of the semi-centennial observance, in
clude the Inauguration of the celebra
tion In Omaha next fall under the au
spices of Ak-Sar-Ben, to be followed by
ceremonies In every school of the state,
and by public gatherings in every county
seat and In other towns.
A great film spectacle, depleting his
torical events of the early days of Ne
braska, Indian scenes, battles, Immigrants
on th wagon trails and many other
scene ,to be shown In the Auditorium
wll be ono of the principal entertain
ments features. The shoaing of this
film, which will bs made after th plan
of Th Birth of a Nation, and will be
produced at a cost of about f.00u, will
take th place of the Ak-car-ntn street
fair, according to present plans.
Ak-Bar-Uen parades next fail, accord
ing to these plans, will be descriptive
of pioneer history In Nebrssks. Thsr
all; tie civil and military paradts and
public gatherings at which historical
speeches, wll be made.
Mr. Webster Is now endeavoring to ob
tain the original treaty signed In ISM
by Chief Logan Fontenelle, granting vast
areas of land to the whites in this territory.
SUN YAT SEN implicated
in Chinese rebel plot.' .
Its V
i vJ (
- j (a
PHANQHAI, Pee. U-fiun Tat-Sen, tha
rebel leader who was made the first pro
visional president of China after the
overthrow of the monarchy, is said to be
the leader of the latest rebel plot, which
resulted In the - setting of the gunboat
Chaoho last Sunday. At the trial of th
rioters testimony was given that. com
missions signed by Sun Yat-Hen wero
left behind on the ship when th rioters
were captured.- These ' commissions wera
seised by the Chines . officials who
Anglo-French Troops Driren Aoross
Border from Serbia, is Berlin
. BERLIN, Dec. 11. The Anglo
French forces 'that have' been under
attack by the Bulgarians In southern
Serbia, are retreating at places over
th Greek frontier. It was announced
in today's official report by German
army headquarters. Their losses In
arms and equipment of various aorta
have been heavy, it in declared.
The capture of 6,500, pjrisons and
forty guns In the Montenegrin and
Albanian campaign by Austro-Hun-garlan
forces Is reported.' ' :
l.ondna Reports Loss. :
LONDON, Dee. 12. Casualties of
1,500 and the loss of eight field
guns,' which' they were 'unable to re
move from emplacements, are told of
In an official communication issued
this evening dealing with the retreat
of the British Tenth division from
Lake Dot ran, Serbia, in conjunction
with the French.
Young Girl Found :
: Dead in Hotel; Had
Trouble with Heart
' Margaret Tangney. , aged years, M
South Twenty-eighth street, was found
dead in bed at ths Savoy hotel Sunday
morning. Coroner Crosby has taken th
body and a post mortem examination re
vealed that she died of heart disease,
from which' illnres she had suffered for
some time, according to relatives. Bh Is
survived . by. her . mother; . four, sisters
and two brothers.
With a party of friends Miss Tangnay
had motored to Millard Saturday evening
and upon returning to Omaha was not
feeling normal and was taken by her
companions to the Savoy. Her death was
discovered by one of the party Sunday
morning and a physltisn called, but she
had been dead for some time.
SHENANDOAH, is.. Dec. It (Special
Telegram.) Following an operation for
acute appendicitis. He v. D. C. Fackln
tosh. pastor of ths I'resbyterian church,
died at I o'clock this morning.
He is survived by hu widow and two
daughters. Mrs. F. S. Ther and Helen.
Mr. Mackintosh has held the pastorat
here since April. 111, and was formerly
at Hopkinton, Aud bon and Htorm Lake.
He wa born In Mill Shean, Nova Bootia,
and waa educated at lielahousle univer
sity, Halifax, and Princeton university,
where hs received his A. M. dxgree.
Later he attainded Chicago university
and Iowa State university.
Latest Note Does Not Mince Words
Regarding tha Sinking of the
Italian Liner by Sub
, marine.
Calls i. "Illegal and Indefensible
Act and Calls for Repara
text of the American note to Austro
Hungary regarding the sinking of
the Italian steamship Ancona, made
public tonight, reveals a formal de
mand by the United States for
prompt denouncement of the "Illegal
and Indefensible" act, for , punish
ment of the submarine commander,
and for reparation by the payment of
Indemnity for the killing and Injur
ing of Innocent American cltisens.
"These demands follow a state
ment Informing Austro-Hungary
that "the good relations of the two
countries must rest upon a common
regard for law and humanity." The
note arraigns the shelling and tor
pedoing of the liner aa "Inhumane,"
"barbarous" , and "the . wanton
slaughter" of "helpless men, women
and children."
; In official and diplomatic circles ths
onmmunlrstlnn Is regnrded as being the
most empiiaUe declaration to eeme from
tho t'nlted States government sin re the
bsctnnlng of the Kurnpaan war, No at
tempt is mad t conceal tha fsot that
Unless the. demands are nulrkly compiled
With, dlplomatlo relations between tho
two countries wilt be in grave danger o?
being severed.
, The text of th not, wh'ch waa handed
to th Austrian foreign office, Thursday
by Ambassador Penfteid, follows:
' "Reliable Information obtained from
American and other survivors who were
passengers on th steamship Ancona
shows that en November 7 a submarine
flying th Austro-Hungarlsn flag fieri
a solid shot toward tho steamship: that
thereupon tho- "Ancona attempted to
rape,' but bstng overhauled by th sun-mat-trie
it 'stopped; that after a brief
jerlod and afore th Crew and pssaengert
were ,aJ able, to take to th boats th
submarine fired a number of shells at
th ves-et knd finally torpedoed and ssnk
ft while ther were yet many passengers
on board;' and that ' by gun tire and
foundering of th vessel a targe number
of persona lost their Uvea or were seri
ously injured, among whom were cltlsena
of th United States.
"The public statement of the AuBtro
Hungarian admiralty haa been brought
to the attention of the government of th
Vnlted States and received careful con
sideration. This statement substantially
confirms the personal declaratlone of tha
survivors, as it admits that the Ancona
after being shelled was torpedoed and
sunk while persons were still on board.
Kaowa V. a. Attttade.
"The Austro-Hungarian government ha
been advised, through the correspondence
which hs passed : between th United
States and Clermaay, of the attitude of
th government of th United States as
to the .us of aubmarln in attacking
vessels of commerce, and the acqui
escence of Germany In that attitude, yet
with full knowledge on tha part of the
Aus1,roHungarlan government of tha
Views of the government of the United
States as expressed in no uncertain terms
to the ally of Austria-Hungary, the com
mander of the submarine which attacked
the Ancona failed to put in a place of
aofaty the crew and passengers of th
vessel which they purposed to destroy,
decause, it is resumed, of the Impossi
bility of taking It into port as a prize
of war. .
: Violates Laws of Hasnaaltr.
"Tha government of the United States
consider that the commander violated
th principles of International law and
of humanity by shelling and torpedoing
the Ancona before the persons on board
had been put in a plao of safety or
ven given sufficient Urn to leave th
omoi. inn conauci or mo commander
can- only be characterised as wanton
slaughter of defenseless noncombatants.
since, at tha time when the vessel was
helled and torpedoed. It was not. it ap
pears, resisting or attempting to escape;
and no other reason is sufficient to ex
CUiCC f uor "n "sck, not even the pcssl
bllTiy of rescue. . ,
"The lnv.rnm.nt r-.t k- vMl,-a c. -. . -
Is forced, therefore, to conclude either
that the commander of the submarine
acted In violation of his instructions or
that tha Imperial and royal government
failed to issue Instructions to the com-
(Continued On Page Two. Column One.)
Two Are Ordained
Ministers of the
Episcopal Church
Two candidates were ordained Into th
Episcopal priesthood at Pt. Matthias'
church by Bishop A. L. Williams. They
were Rev. Carl M. Worden and Rev. Mr.
Darling. Bishop Williams was the leader id the
solemn services, by which the Episcopal
church marks Its acceptance of Its minis
ters into lu service and It was to him
that Rev. Mr. Worden and Rev. Mr.
parting made their promises of obedience
and conformity to the teachings of the
Every maa truly called to the priest
hood, they were told, has a vision of tho
grandeur f dud and of His need for
human workers, 'every minister having
bis rhoioo whether to keep his ear to
the ground to bear the world's demands
or to keep bts head In the clouds to
hear God's commands.