Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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Richardson Construction Company
Reports Colony from united
Statei in Great Danger.
TOrOLOBAMPO, Mex.. Dec, 10.
(Via Radio to San Diego, CaL)
Yaqul Indians are now on the war
path and are raiding; the American
settlement in the Yaqul valley, ac
cording; to reports Just received from
Ousymas. The Richardson Con
structlon company, which owns ap
proximately 1,000,000 teres in the
valley, has sent out an appeal to the
American consul at Ouaymaa asking
t)at protection be immediately fur-
rlshed, aa the American colony is
holly without protection in the val
ley, where the Indians are reported
as raiding farms, driving off stock,
burning American harvests and mov
'n toward the experimental station.
No American casualties have been
Five hundred Ind'an warriors hoiM
Mexican troops for three hours yesteday
long- the Porfirfo Plus canal between
Oocorit and Esperansa, but the result of
the encounter has not been learned.
Admiral Winslow, who U here with
the cruiser San Diego, has directed the
cruiser Raleigh, eu route from Ouaymas
to Topolobampo, to proceed to Tobart
hay, which is the nearest approach to
the American settlement. The Raleigh is
due to arrive there early today.
Earlier advices from Ouaymas state
that 600 Infantry sent south from Her
moslllo especially for the protection ot
the Taqul districts arrived in the valley
f I yesterday, but they continued on to the
1 I f southward, as did a part of the cavalry
' from Ecperanza.
Indians attacked the garrison protect
ing the Southern Pacific employes re
pairing the bridge over the Taqui river,
and fighting continued yesterday and
early today at that point Three rail
road officials have sent an appeal to
General Dleg-uea foe greater protection In
this district, as has been promised.
Use The Bee's "Swapper" column.
Jrtice Visits "Toy Town"
Sees the Queen Doll and Many
Other Marvels.
She h Almost Run Over by the Limit
ed Express, But Everything
Ends Happily, as Usual. 7
Little Alice's mother took her down
town to Burgees-Nash Toy Town, where,
on tho fourth floor, dwells Santa Claug.
who writes long lints of juvenile wants
in a big bookkeeper's ledger.
"Now, what la it you wish me to
bring you for Christmas, little lady?"
asked the kindly saint, as tiny goldenhair
was led timidly forward at the end of
a parental forefinger.
When Alice had told him all about the
wonderful doll and the many other
things slio wanted he wrote it all down
carefully and would have kissed Alio
if Alice's mother had not mistrusted the
g while whiskers.
Just then something funny happened.
There was a blur of lights and Alice
clung tightly to her mother's hand until
it wss over. But when It all became
quite clear again what do you think T
Alice's mother was gone and she was
holding to the long . wooden fingers of
a queer little wooden man, who was lead
ing her through long aisles filled with
oassllng toys and explaining bosfljr aa
he progressed.
"You see that large doll there, the one
with blue eyes and golden hair," ex
plained the wooden man. "She Is queen
of the dolls, but she Is most awfully
stuck up and will not even look at the
othess, so I think wa will hurry right by
her or we may be snubbed.
Alice's feelings felt somewhat hurt, but
in a moment her attention was distracted
and she forgot her wounded dignity.
"Oh, listen," she exclaimed suddenly.
"Isn't that Just t6o sweetT Why It
sounds just like a lady singing In our big
Vlotrola at home, but I don't see it
"No," said the wooden man. "It's not
a Victrola, but It Is a little talking
machine that will reproduce any voice
or sound the .big Vlctrolas will."
now that song," said Alice,
line that to me often."
Just then little Alice caught a glimpse
'of what she thought wss a great com
motion birds, animals, men, eta., running
around, in all directions, jumping: over
each other, falling down and making all
manner of noise. She tried te tell the
wooden man about it. but he would not
listen, but insisted that they go over
nnd look at tbs trains.
And In a moment they were standing
beside a miniature track and watching
the tralne roar past on their way to dis
tant parts of the groat el'y of Toy Town
at Burgcsii-Xusli.
There were tunnels through mountain
sides ' and Dutch windmills and town
houses; a big sand derrick, pile driver
snd all sorts of odd things along the
A light flashed along the track and
before Alice could ask what It meant
the wooden man exclaimed, "That's the
danger signal, the limited express is
coming." '.
' But Alice was so faseinated that she
. was not quick enough, so the wooden
man seised her arm and attempted te
drag her away by force.
"Oh," cried Alice, "you are pinching
my arm. Po stop or you will make It
ACk and blue. Mother says" bat the
ooden man was gone and the limited
must have-slipped by very quickly la-
eVed, for it, too. had disappeared and
Alice had -only been asleep for two or
three nniiuua and her mother did not
een guess It she was so busy buying
Alios the big stuck-un doll tbat wouldn't
talk to any ot the othera
I or sound the
rf wj'Why, i kr
"mother slnp
Sunday, Dec, 12, 1915.-
. A Tlo5r Tallin Maeatae .
Makes aa Aeoepteble Oitk.
, aive a Ohlekerlng
for a Christmas OKI. '
Phone D. 137.
I Am Going to Burgess-Nash for
Hosiery a Very
My Christmas Gifts
Check Your Wraps and Do
Your Shopping in Comfort
REALIZING the inconvenience and lack of comfort
caused by shopping with heavy wraps, especially
during the rush Holiday season, we have provided a check
stand where you may cheek your wraps with absolute
security and go about your shopping in perfect comfort.
Hie Store naturally has to be kept at a certain temperature
on account of the salespeople and those who come in with
heavy wrape, feel the inconvenience and discomfort.
We want you to take advantage of this part of our service.
Ask the salesperson who waits on you or a floorman to
have your wraps checked for you.
To Lighten Your
Christmas Labors
WE take pleasure In Informing
customers purchasing
Christmas and New Year's gifts
that we will be glad to hold the
packages and forward them at
any stipulated time.
ARK more popular than ever
this season with people
whose shopping; time is limited, or
with those who cannot determine
what gift to send. These certifi
cates are exchangeable at any
time for merchandise, and issued
for any amount.
ADDITIONAL equipment makes
It possible for the prompt
delivery ot all parcels purchased
even during this season of Holi
day shopping.
Tho Treasure
THIS is a section of the
Third Floor set aside
for tho display and sale of
rare and valuable art in fur
nishings and decorations, as
well as exquisite novelties
from remote parts of the
Such things, for Instance, as
quaint and curtous lamps and
candle sticks; bird cages; totem
pails; waste baskets; lacquered
desk sets; all such varieties as
these, besides a valuable collec
tion ot Individual pieces la fur
niture, etc,
Mrs. Stubhs Is In charge of this
department and considers It a
most unusual collection.
' Connoisseurs find the corner a
most delightful place for recre
ation. Bnrrees-STaaa Co This nee.
Special Showing of Holiday Slippers
Satin quilted boudoir slippers In pink,
blue, lavender, red and black, pair, $1.75.
Dainty brocaded boudoir slippers with
pompon In pink, blue and lavender, pair,
$ 3.50.
Fine kid Pullman slippers la handsome
leather case, flJBS to $2.50.
Cumfy felt slippers, all colors, $1.25
and $1.50.
Felt fur-trimmed hAusa aUnnanL all m1im.
best trade, 1M
Men's kidstdn slippers In opera, everett,
Faust snd cavalier styles, $3.04 to 14)0,
BaxyeaaJrasn Co. -Beooaa Floor.
Rare Oriental RUGS, Make
Practical 'Gifts for the Home
WE have just received a new Importation of beautiful Oriental Rugs
which are beautiful both in colorings and designs.
Belouchlstan Rugs, $12.00
Rare In design, rich colorings, site 3-4x4-5 feet
Beautiful Shiraz Rugs, $17.50
Sires ranging 3-6x4 to 8-6x6 feet, a very pleasing rang of new
Heavy Kazack Rugs, $11.50
Extra heavy quality, beautiful in design, sise ranging abou, 8-1 x
8-8 feet.
Khiva R,ugs at $75.00 to $ 123.00.
Sarress-STaaa Cv Third moo.
GLOVES-The Recognized
Practical Gift at Christmas
ANY woman will admit that she can never have too many
pairs of gloves.
"We are splendidly prepared with the most carefully
selected stock of gloves shown in the middle west.
Showing finest quality women's French kid gloves in
exclusive styles and colorings.
Gloves for the little tots, also the young miss and young
man. Fur lined gloves and gauntlets, fleece lined gloves,
silk lined gloves, also gloves for motoring and driving at
most reasonable prices.
arfes-aah Co, Mala noes.
There's Nothing More Prac
tical or Acceptable Than Furs
AND there's just this one thought more we bought our
furs long before the great advance in price and that
means splendid saving advantages to you.
Novelty Fur Sets
PLE. Fashioned of perfectly
matched pelts, with beautiful lin
ings of rich silks. Fancy new de
signs, in every else to meet your
Black Lynx Muffs, $15 to $45.
Nee Pleeee, $18.50 to $80.
Red Pox Muffs, $10 to $40.
Neck Pieces, $7.50 to $60.
Jap Mink Muffs, $15 to $S0.
Neck riecea, $7.50 to $30.
Cross Fox Sets, $100-$ 150-$ 175.
Hudson Lynx Muffs, $5 to $10
Neck Pieces. $3.50 to $7.50.
nrjje-Tas Co. oooad Xloov.
Cheney Talking
Wo are sole distributors of this fa
mous talking machine for Omaha and
surrounding territory. Come In and
hear the Cheney. You'll marvel when
you hear It.
Desirable Gift
OUR line of novelty silk hosiery
Is the largest and moot com
plete we've ever carried Fancy
stripes, checks, plaids, clocks, etc.,
with a price range of $1.50 to
1)1.50 the pair.
Phoenix Silk Hosiery, 75c
and $1.00
Pure thread silk and strictly
fast black, put up In a dainty
Christmas box, at 75 or $1.00 the
Women's ,'BurnascoM Hose
at 50c the Pair
Plain black silk lisle hose,
high spliced heel, double sole and
double garter top, regular Bur
nasco quality,
Borress-sTash Co Mala Tloof
Fancy Articles
from Art Section
A most attractive display
of dainty conceptions
that suggest Christmas gifts.
For instance:
Doily rolls, at 50c to
Candy boxes, at 50c to $3.50.
Leather skins and pillows, at
$1.08 to $0.50.
Vanity cases, at $1.08 to $10.00.
Work baskets, at 75c to $18.00.
Glove and handkerchief cases,
at 23c to $5.00. .
B aires s-B" ash Co. Third floor.
Silk Petticoats $5
to $7.50 Values,
$3.95 and $4.95
THESE Petticoats must
be seen to bo fully ap
preciated. A special pur
chase makes this sale possi
ble. Pleated flounces, raveled edge
f lutings, tucked and scalloped
edges to decorate or distend and
fur trimmed petticoats the latest
word of fashion. Soft taffeta silk
In beautiful colorings. Rose
shades, blues, brilliant greens,
rich two-toned effects, etc.
BargeesvsTasfc Oo, a. meet.
Toilet Sets, Shaving Sets. Etc., in Great Va
riety Make Acceptable Christmas Gifts
T? VKKYOXK who has visited this section of our store has found many very desirable
J- gift suggestions, and everyone has expressed their satisfaction nt
l V. - V ' V
quoted throughout the entire display.
the very low prices
I 1C J W A JC flV.Ja M I Win' jT7 -nMt
Shaving Stands, $1.00
Nickel plated shsvlng stand with
plate mirror, white cup and good
brush, very special for Monday,
at $1.0U
Sugar and Cream Sets, $3.75
Sugar and cream sets, new at
trscUve pstterns, quadruple sil
ver plated, splendid values, $3.73.
Shaving Sets, $1.00
Shaving cup and brush, silver
plated holder for white cup, excel
lent brush, special at $l.oo
Shaving Stands, $4.95
Empire art silver shaving stand
with adjustable mirror, two cups
and brush, splendid values, il.US
Shaving Stands, $3.50
Empire art silver shsvlng stsnd
with fancy base, 6-inch adjustable
French plate mirror, porcelain cup
and good brush, splendid values
at $3.00
$5.00 Toilet Sets, $3.95
Empire art comb, brush and mir
ror set, daisy, wild rone, etc., pat
tern. Regular $5 values, at $.i5
Shaving Standi, $5.95
Fine pierced silver plated ' base
with glass bottom, soap mug,
brush and adjustable mirror; spe
cial at $05
Many other odd but practical shav
ing stands from. .7.5o to $15.00
Barrels-Bash Co. Mala rioor.
Smoking Sets, $2.19 to $10.50
Consisting of quadruple plated sil
ver trays, cigar holders, match
holder and ash tray: special
at $2.10 to $10.50
Manicure Sets, $4.95
10-plece manicure sets, German
silver, nicely put up In fancy box.
at $
Other manicure sets; special,
from 40e to $7.25
Toilet SeU at $7.50
Sterling finish and pattern comb,
brush and mirror set at. . . .$7JM
Military Brush Bets, $195
Military brush sets, a good vartety
to choose from, at 4.t5
Others at $7.50
h Century eld f
French secrets Lfl
JJ iwwswaflsJbUfatths) jf
(Vh manufacture of v)
f Frech Perfumes TX
1 BiwlTotW Prepare- Iff
J JJu tJosif Msd in Wjl
wJ America by FrancK frod
frW Chemists of world YSp
wkU reputation. J$m
Ct I lei., as Sleen fm SI
H f ftmtm aMr w , MA
llJL fc4 trfl SalU.M. V-J J
tig? Si.lM - 7J
rtgntt fcMhsejailisjt AnS
TKjrt Borrees-iraaa Co, TO
Sewing Machinea
The most suitable and
useful kind of gift.
$27.50 $29.50
Special Xmas Terms.
Machines of the moat
modern construction for
sewing in a speedy and
aatlsf a c t o r y
manner Ex
cellent com
tfl 9lete set of
-J high grade
I jt attachments
X 1 and free sew-
lng lessons
given In your
w hftmi
$1.00 Down Delivers
It to the Home.
Repairs for all make machines.
We carry a complete assortment
Including the most famous Singer,
Vhlte, Standard, New Homo,
Howe, WUard, Arrow, eta.
Com early and make your se
lection. 'nfessorasa Co, Third rioor.
Children' Underwear
Monday at 19c.
Children's cream colored
fleeced lined vests and pants,
good warm underwear, spe
cially priced, Monday,
slargese-lTash Oo. Jiaaemsat.
Children's Fleeced Union
x Suits, 45a
Children's cream colored
fleece lined union salts, drop
seats, very special for AC
Monday, at HOC
Jargsss-Tas Co aaosaoat.
Women's Union Suits, 39c.
Women's union suits, white
cotton, fleece lined, high neck
and long sleeves; good OQ
quslity, special, at. . . . sJeC
ajrstiWa.a Co aseaea. .
Women's Black Cotton
Hose, 15a
Women's plain black cotton,
fleece lined, seamless (
hose, Monday the pair IOC
Sirfiii arses Oo. si seems at.
Men's Handkerchiefs,
Monday, Each, 5c.
Men's plain white and col
ored Initial handkerchiefs, In
the basement, special for f
Monday, at OC
Sorgees-jrasll CJlesement.
Women's Linen
Handkerchiefs, 5a
Women's white linen and
colored Initial, colored rolled
borders; exceptional c
values, at, each OC
anrgoss-STash Q Jiaaemsat.
Men's Handkerchiefs
Monday at 10a
Men's fine linen handker
chiefs, full size, very desirable
for Christmas presents and
good values, at in
each 1UC
nrr . -Wssb o-iinsiiti
y2 to 2-Inch Laces,
Yard, 5a
Including French and Ger
man Val. laces, filet, Norman,
dy Vals. and Point Paris edges
and Insertions to f
match, yard OC
Bars-eos-Kash O i-Baeenissi,
An Assortment of Neck
. wear, Choice at 10c.
Including flat collars, jabots
collar and cuff sets. etc. Very
specially priced for Mon- r
day's selling, choice.. 1UC
Barrels-Hash Coeeeaieat.
If You're Undecided Give
Handkerchiefs at Christmas
THEY are always acceptable for no one ever haa too many. Then,
too, the range of selection here Is way out of th ordinary.
Women's Handkerchiefs, 3 in Box, $1.50.
Fine linen, band embroidered, put up 3 In a neat box.
Women's Handkerchiefs, 3 in Box, 75a
Tape border. Irish cottage hand embroidered Initial, S la Beat
holiday box, 75c.
Women's Real Lace Handkerchiefs, 50c.
Fine linen, real Armenian lace edge handkerchiefs with hand em
broidered Initial.
Women's Linen Handkerchiefs at 15c.
Hand embroidered white and colored Initial handkerchiefs, fine
Women's Linen Handkerchiefs, 25c.
Fine quality, hand embroidered, plain white and colored.
Men's Handkerchiefs for 10c
Full else, good quality linen handkerchiefs, plain white.
Men's Handkerchiefs at 25a
Linen with M to 4 -Inch hem, tape borders and colored novelty.
Bargsse-arash Oo Bfala floor.
An Important Sale of Men's
Silk Neckwear $le65
CONSISTING of a lot of fine scarfs that would
ordinarily sell at 11.60. These are the
finest scarfs we have ever been able to offer In
a sale. Made of rich silks In weaves and color
ings so gorgeous that It is Impossible to describe
Blues, purples, wisteria, violet, brown, gold
or wine, In fact all the best shades. These are
the aristocrats of neckwear, the masterpieces of
the season and at the price of $1.05 the extreme
In neckwear value.
All In the most approved shapes, folded In
Just the right way with large flowing ends. A
special feature Is a group of the finest satin,
brocaded In wonderful color combinations.
Men's Gloves at 95o.
Tan capeskln. Prix seam, mochas, gray and
tan; also at this price sample gloves, very un
usual values. ,
Burgess-sTash Co. Ksia oor.
An Acceptable Gift for the
THESIS special. values for Monday afford
unusual opportunities for making Christ
mas gift selections.
Cedar Chests, S2xl7, for $5.00
In reality a f 9.00 chest, made of well sea
soned cedar with reinforced sides, piano
Cedar Chests, 42x18, for $9.45
Made of cedar with reinforced con
struction, contains a five-pound pack
sge of cedsr shavings.
Shirt Waist Boxes, $100 to $5.00
Cretonne covered, large selection ot
colorings and dsslgns. Either, whit
enamel or mahogany finish.
No. ltl Mondsy for S-1.00 I No. 18 Mondsy for.... 94.OO
No. 123 Monday for 81.50 I No. 1J4 Monday for..,. $5.00
Bnrg-essOUsa Oo Third rioor.
n-st i - t-
Toys Are What the Children Want and Santa
Claus Wants to See arid Greet the Children
SO bring them with you to Toy Town let them lisp into dear old Santa's ear what they
want him to bring them for Christmas. And when it comes to toys my, such a va
rietyeverything you can imagine to make the little hearts glad on the happiest day of
them all Christmas. Here are a few suggestions:
Toys, games, dolls, typewriters, electric stoves, toy tea sots, tree decorations, pianos,
tool chests, doll go-carts. All kinds of wheel goods, sleds, musical toys, floating toys, ani
mals, boats, trains, etc.
Hear from S5o to $25.00
Velocipede $1.75 to $13.50
leds from 50e to $4.50
rianoe from 50c to $10.00
Barress-Fasa Co. Fourth rioof.
Floating Toys from... 10c to 50o
Balls from Bo to $1.75
Animals from, 80o to $20.50
BoaU from 50e to $19.50
Typewriters from. .$1.00 to $3.00
IMvtag nelns.... .250 to $1.00
Trains front 75e to $A5.0O
lruuis from S5o to $4.05
Ilrtura Marhtaes. $U.50 to $25.00
XjPJX Ktrx-ltlngv B- emchj SI for 50
cie.Cfirisimas Store forJ&vcrgBodij
Will There Be Music
in Your Home
Christmas morning! Oar Una of pi
anos represent the very best makes In
the world.