Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1915, SOCIETY, Page 6-B, Image 21

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Council Bluffs
Social Activities
For tlie Week
r """
Mm M. D. Her-rlck entertained at
luncheon Monday In honor of Mra
Onrgs Town of Sterling. Colo.
The regular mretlna; of tha Flower
MlFslon hue Iwti postponed till Pwmber !
15. when It will be held at the home of .
Mr. Ponald Macrae. I
The merlin of the Klatlfr Klub, whlrh
waa to have bwn entertained bjr Miss
Mlna Meyers, Frldny. has been post- I
Iopod until Dwrnlwr II. I
A mlMf-llaneoua shower was riven by
Mrs. Frt Cain Monday afternoon In
honor of her friend, Mr. Harris. A
Vlctrola concert made the afternoon Je
ItUitful, and wn followed by refresh- j
MornlngMde chapter of BU Faul'a guild ;
mot Tuesday afternoon at the, home of
F B. llahn on Washington avenue. After
the buslnens had been transacted, tha
time wpa apent vlsltlna-. ' The afternoon j
closed with light refreshments.
The I T. club waa entertained Wed
nesday afternoon by Mrs. W. D. Han
son. The afternoon waa apent In sewing
and vlalOn?, and refreshments Were
served at the cloae. Thla la, the last
meeting; until after Christmas. The beat
lindens will be. Mra. J. B. Spare.
Wednesday's meeting of the Univer
sity club waa held at the home of Mra.
T. R. Witter. Mra. J.-V. Mailer con
ducted tha history lesson, which waa on
Argentina. The magailne article. -"Sons
of the .Forest." waa read by Mra.- H.
O. Redfern. This close tha club'a activi
ties until after the holidays.
The members of the T. B. K. club
were entertained at the home of Mlea
Bernlce Montgomery Tuesday evening.
The evening waa apent In playing "E00,"
tha prUa for the high score being
awarded Mlsa Katharine McCarthy. Tha
oneolaltnn prise fell to tha lot of Mlsa
Kva Sehlke, After the came refresh'
nrfa were served.
The Madrigal club met Tuesday even
ing at the home of Mlsa Kern Baker. A
paper by Mlsa Harel Long Introducing
the study, one by Mlsa Anna, Ferguaon
on "Palestrlna," and one by Mrs. -John
Vitamvaa on "Fsganlnl" furnished the
program, which waa followed by refresh
ments. The club meets nest with Mlsa
Hnicl Long, December 28.
The regular meeting of tha Women's
Christian association waa held on Mon
day afternoon at tho home of Mrs.
William Koehler. 906 North Second street
Tha committee' reported It had been
able to make another payment on the
Nurses' home and that the work is pro
Kresnlng much more rapidly than hoped
for. It la now thought K may be ready
for occupancy much earlier than
the Unia Bet. .. - '
The J. L.Qlub mot at the , home of
Mrs. Warren 'Andlll Wednesday after
noon, spending tho- time playing cards.
The club prize ' of i high .score was won
by Mrs. Frank Hitchcock.' Tha club had
a guests, Mrs. ,8. K. ' Whaley and Mrs.
J. P. Chrtstensen. .. Mrs. Alfred Fuller
will be hostess next Wednesday after
noon. ,
Tha lat before the holidays
of the. Atlas club waa hold Tuedday aft
ernoi at tha resilience of Mrs. Lyman
Ehugirt. The discussion of current events
waa Jrd by Mra.Itachel Harmon. An
interesting paper on Ceylon was given by
Mra JT. W, Houglttoa. and a description
of Martinique waa' given by Mrs. Wood
Allen. The club will meet next on Jan
uaryU. with Dr. Harriet Hamilton.
The 3. K. club waa .entertained at the
home of Mrs. William Marquardt on
Wednesday afternoon, the hostess be
ing Mra. Martln Follctt. The afternoon
waa spent at "GOO," Mrs. A. R. Wright
winning the first prise, Mra. Ira Hayes
the ', eonsolatipn- prle, . and Mlsa Mar
garet? Jardlne the cut-for-all. A llht
luncheon followed the game. Tha next
meeting will be held December U at tha
homo of Mra. Eugene Howe.
At tha meeting of the Federated Moth
ers' c'ubs held at tha library Monday
afternoon a discussion of evening shop
pins during the pre-Chrlatmaa period re
sulted In a concerted effort to Interest
womn in doing their shopping during
the day tlraa. Mora than half a hundred
women attended tha meeting and almost 1
tha whole time was spent In this
' elon. The commute In charge of tha
domestic eclencs coursa reported that ar
rangements have been mad to secure
tha services of Mrs. Louis Campbell of
Am for the das work next fall.
Batdrday afternoon the Leachellzky club
met with the president. Miss Qraca Mann.
A paper by Mlsa Laura Orlinea gave that
famous composer' viewe of personal
ttud. Herbert Smith read an article
t Walter Spry on Leschetlsky'e prin
ciples of piano playing, and Dorothy I
KrIM told of hls'toaeher. Carl Cserny. A
paper on Paderewskl, Leschetlsky'a re
nowned pupil. A biography of Lrsche
tisky, with illustrations of his principles
of playing- by showing pictures of his
hands on tha ke board, waa given by
Xtss fcYeda Kennedy, the superintendent
of the club, who also played one of hi
compositions, "The Two Larka" Sev
eral of the 'member gave ' Impromptu
solos - ' .
The December meeting of the Woman's
club of tha Railway Mall Service was
held Wednesday afternoon at tha home
of Mra. F. A. Fair. Tha members were
entertained at a o'clock luncheon, Mra
J. M. Reynolds and Mra Thomas Craig
assisting tha nostras. .After tha lunch
eon a business eviucion was held In which
reports on the convention of tha Sixth
division of tho Woman's Club of tha
Railway MbU'i Service recently held In
CMrao, were' given by tha delegates,
Mrs. Fair telling of tha social feature,
and Mrs. WV L.' Baker of th business.
Following this. came tha exchange of
Ijifi by means of a grab bag. Th Jan
uary meeting will be held at th Loin of
Mra. Cart Frahin.
Mrs. L. F. Whitehead waa hostess to
the Hooklovcrs' Wednesday afternoon,
the time being devoted to th study of
"Tha Mill on th Floss" and "Felix
Hull," two of George Eliot's roost fa-
1,101. books.' Th first half of the
I. a reviewed by - Mra. L. C.
.-.,'i:ie. and the latter halt by Mra 11.
v. Ti'l-iH. b'xtracta from "Felix Holt"
v.f-ii- lead by Mrs. F. T. Tru. Th Club
11 ui guests Mra C. F. Kimball and
i.r bister, lire, Hamilton Doualas, who
in visiting kr from Atlanta, Ua. Next
week's meeting will be a miscellaneous
piofrain. and will be held at tha home
uf Mra. A. P. Hanchett, who will be aa
sikled In tntertainiiig ly Mra. Til ton.
Mrs. Hamilton and Mra. I. N. FlUktjv-'-r.
The Meal lub tnef Tuesday afternoon
st fe home of Mrs. R. B. Terwillinter.
'1 :a UiM.-us.-'lon of current events was
by Mrs. red Johncon and Mra Hen
H.'ji it, anl .ll.jins It came the study
..f Jln. u blolorictil pines and fam-
: f- ul-- io!s being tb ! Ul aub-
1 1 i..r i!f KMernooii. The town of nut iS'.. i; J ty Mr. J. M. Ous-
J '- II SfS I.
ler, who told also much of Its history
and some of Its legends. Mrs. A. O.
Goodman described Kioto, contrasting the
ancient city with tha modern one. Mra
W. E. . McConnell told of Klnshu and
Formosa, . their location and climate
This meeting closed th study meetings
of th rlub until January.. The annual
guest night on New Tear's eve will be
at the horn of Mra. W. EX McConnnlL
the huahands of tha members being
guests at a 7 o'clock dinner, and after
ward there will be the Christmas tree
and tha Interchange of gifts.
Monday afternoon the musical depart
ment of the Council Rluffs Woman's club
enjoyed an Interesting program at the
home of Mrs. Sidney Smith. Miss Hasel
Long was leader for tha afternoon, and
May, I th study of American composers was
tfontlnned. A sketch of Lowell M4on was
given by Mra. Stryker, who also spoke
of some of his compositions. Miss Long
spok of JJudley Ruck, reviewing his
work as a composer of church music,'
and a number of his songs were given
on th Vlntrola. Nathaniel Gould. Thomas
Hastings and H. R. Palmer were sub
jects of a tolk by Mrs. K. J3. Mlnlck,
and Mrs. Henry Ducll anoka on tha Hf
of Henry K. Hadloy. Sketches of Dr.
W. W. Gilchrist and It. P. panks were
given by Mrs. Robert Moth. The ladles'
quartet gave two numbers, "Th Coming
of th King." by Dudley Buck, and
"Nothlnf to Pay," by M. P. Dank. "The
Birthday of th King" waa sung by Mlaa
Vera Wind, and on of Carri Jacobs
Bond's songs by Mrs. Landrey Stroop.
There was also a 'reading by Mrs. tsuira
Matthews, which was much enjoyed. Th
next meeting of the department will be
neia January 10 at the horn of Mr. O.
walker on Mill street, -
Social Circles
A son wss born to Mr. find Mra Law
rnr Prolix last wek.
James Dolejpa of 1'lslnvleu, Neb., Is a
guest at the home of his brother.
The Katherlnn chapter will meet at the
Presbyterian church Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McCreary are
homo from their Wyoming ranch to spend
the holidays.
Mrs. O. W. Hamilton of Keystone Park
returns today from a few days' visit with
relatives In Chicago.
Miss Ruth Parker entertained at a mis
cellaneous shower on Tuesday evening
In honor of MJs Marie Bylander. Four
teen young women were th guests.
The women of St. Bernard's parish held
a home bakery sale St Knudsen's grocery
stcre Saturday.
Rev. J Calvert gave a lectur at the
Methodist church Friday evening on th
"Shetland Islands.
MIm Dagmar Dickson and Mr. Walter
Provancha wer married Inst week. They
will reside In Fordyce, Neb.
Mrs. William Moran entertained at
lunch Inst Wednesday at her home. Cov
ers were laid for four guests.
Mrs. La France leavea this evening for
her home in Montana. She was formerly
Miss Ahllne Nunsell of Benson. V
Miss Vera Marshall will entertain the
Toung Women's Kensington club at her
home Tuesday evening, when the occasion
will be of a Christmas nature.
Mrs. J. N. Hdrton entertained at lunch
Sunday evening for Mr. and Mra F. 8.
King tiA family and Mrs. I. Cooke.
Mrs. M Stainer Is a guest at th J.
Kllllan home while on her way home
from Des Moines to McCook. Neb.
The teachers and officers of the differ
ent Sunday schools held meetings during
the last week to plan Christmas programs.
Mrs. II. C. Polly of Burley, Idaho, and
Mr. snd Mrs. A. J. Marsh of Shenandoah,
la., were guests at the F. L. Boner home.
Word has been received of th marriage
of Mr. J. Kaseke of Benson In Missouri,
lie and his bride are visiting in Chicago. .
A reception was held latiFrday after
noon from 1 to S o'clock at the horn ot
Mrs. E. A. McOlasson for those who hav
recently, come Into the Presbyterian
church.' A light lunch waa served and a
short musical program wss rendered.
. Mr. and Mrs. Jsmes Walsh will leava
next Wednesday for California and Wash
ington, where they will spend th winter.
Mrs. F. E. Toung will entertain tha Ben
ton Kensington club at a 1 o'clock dinner
and Christmas grab bar at her horn on
next Friday.
Mrs. A. Corbaley was hostess for th
women of th Methodist church on
Wednesday. A lunch was served during
th afternoon.
i . . '
. Mrs. Bert Golden entertained at dinner
last week In honor of Mr.' and Mra K.
8. Bralley of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs.
IT. 'Hansen of Chicago.
Social Affairs
of the South Side
Oust and Miller of th Highland dairy
wer arraigned In polloe court on a charge
of selling milk and cream, below standard
They wer fined $35 and coats, which they
Fald. City Milk Inspector Claud Bossl
appeared against them.
. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture into cash.
Master Kenneth Hancock Is recovering
from a sever attack of diphtheria.
. Mrs. L. M. McMillan of Kansas City
Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Van
Sant, V K street.
Mrs. Frsnk le Rrown and son, Wsl-1
lace, are gueata at th horn of Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Williams.
Mlsa Anna Rrown of Meadow Grove
la th guest of her sister, Mrs. John
Mulcahy, and Mr. Mulcahy.
The winning slda In th "Tom Thum''
wedding" contest wss entertained by
Mrs. N. M. Graham at her home, ZiV)
J street.
The senior class of th South High
school was entertained Friday evening
at a masquerade party at the horn of
Leslie Zucher In Bellevue.
Mrs. Albert No entertained at a din
ner for her mother, Mrs. Manley Wil
liams, who leaves soon for Tutan, wheru
she expects to make her future home.
Mra. William Rocalng entertained the
"Jolly Dosen" Card club at a 1 o'clock
luncheon at her home, 1907 South Twenty-ninth
street. The guests were seated
at three small tables. Tellow chrysan
themums were used for decoration.
' The Three Square club waa entertained
at th home of Miss Sadie Rothols last
Thursday evening. Those present were:
Misses Misses
I.uclle Nltehle, Helen Dennis,
itomona McElroy, Helen Cressey,
Magna Horn, Sadie Rothols.
El noro Alexander,
Miss Hope lllbbard entertained th O.
F. F. club at , her horn Wednesday
afternoon. Those present 'wet! '' ' '
Misses Misses-
Bessie A Is worth, Marjnrie Abbott.
- ".flair
Mildred Conway,
Alta Davis.
Doris Van Bant.
v Wrlvht.
Hejen Van Sant.
Mr. and . Mrs. It. B. 'Williams enter
tained at a dinner party complimentary
to Mrs. Frank Da Rrown of Lincoln
Wedneaday evening. Covers wer laid
Messrs. and Mesdamea
S. J. Gunsau, J. N. Williams
Misses Misses . , .
Ruth Onnsau, Zula Williams,
Viola Williams. .)
Mr. A. U WUllanis. ' '
Mrs. Stephen Franklin entertained the
Thursday Afternoon Bridge club-at her
home, 13TO North Tweoty-fourth street.
Mrs. V, H, Smith waa guest of honor.
Those present were:
Mesdsmes , Mesdames
McDonald, Ferris.
Routt. Curtl.
Renkle, Northrup,
Wasan, , Robinson,
Nell, Franklin ,
Hospe Says You Can Make This
An Artistic Christmas With
' ART ;v ,
PICTURES lectures in sheet, over 10,000- subjects,
hand colored and plain, from 25c up.
lYamed Pictures, 50o up. !
FRAMES In 'all woods, in all metals. Every size
to fit your pictures, from 25c up to tho
highest, ' . ' .
MIRRORS In mahogany, gold, bronze. All the new
shapes and designs, $1.50 up.
BRONZE Statuary, Book Ends, Vases, V Candle
sticks, Etc. "
LAMPS Piano Lamps, Tablo Lamps, Candle
sticks, in gold, bronze and mahogany
shades.' All sizes and tints.
BRASS Smoker Sets, Book RackvVases, Pedes--tals,
POTTERY Niolak Pottery, Holland Vases, Vase
VASES Craft Pottery and Cornelian .ware.
CORDOVA Ladies' Shopping Bags, Book Ends,
LEATHER Tocketbooks, Diaries, Frames.
SILVER Silver Deposit, Silver and Bronze Vases,
Table Sets, Sheffield Ware, Etc.
POHLSON Sachets, Smelling Salts, Mottoes, Jap
NOVELTIES Baskets, Cigar Cases, Etc,
DECORATIONS Dermison Christmas Decorations.
DESK SETS In Bronze, Silver and Brass, from $6 up.
FLOWERS Roses, Cyclamen, Jonquils, Daisies, Lili
ies, Nasturtiums, Chrysanthemums, etc.
RUGS French Velour Rugs, Prayer Rugs,
Table Spreads, Couch Spreads, from
$1.50 up.;
CARD3 Christmas Cards of wonderful varieties,
every day cards. '
A. Hospe Co.
1513-15 Dougl St.
Just Arrived! A Pre-Christmas Sensation
The Newest "Non-Winding" .
rn HE VICTOR COMPANY Is ever reutlesn; ever Impatient, and
eager to better even'itB own world-cherished product. The
Vlctrola of yesterday wag good; the Vlctrola of today is vastly
better; the Vlctrola of tomorrow In turn will bo the acme of sci
ence. Therefore, The Nebraska Cycle Co. feels doubly proud to
make a huge showing of ,,19r6 Model KLECTRIC VICTKOLAS."
The "elevtrlc" will make a "gift royal" to your household. Look
Into its Christmas possibilities.
THINK how handy 'twill be to attach a cord to an electric light
Bocket; no bother to turn a crank, just a grand relief' from
effort of any kind, with YOU in a position to simply sit back and
ENJOY the Vlctrola. Not only in 'electrics," but in the regular
line of Vietrolaa as well, The Nebraska Cycle Co. stands pre-emi--nent
in this territory. One hundred instruments on the floors at
all times here, many a day recently has witnessed the sale ot
FIFTY Victrolas at retail.
i ill i iflTTf tfcrZk
Ml ij iiJ J jp! U No Winding
1 ,J if f " 1''
Conned up with any
electric light socket
You Need No!
Wind the
Keep it Going
Wctrola XVI Electric
Complete at $250
Mahogany cabinet, contains 20 Victor rscoM albums
for 20 records. Slx, 49 i Inches high, 24 inches .wide,
2& H Inches deep; 12-lnch gold-plated turntab e. Ould
plated Kxhlbltlon sound box, Victor taperinjr tone arm
nnd "goose neck'' sound box tube, speed regulator, auto
matic brake and Indicator. Nickel-plated, extra heavy
triple spring, spiral drive motor can be wound whlU
When baying a Vlctrola
you can travel down
ward from $350 to as
low as
Step Into this store and you
step Into a genuine "Vlctrola"
atmosphere. Victrolas at 915,
$25, $40, $50 and upward to
$350. Then there are records
fresh from the molds; accessor
ies, repairs and supplies to fits
all sizes and models. Get in
touch with this house if you
would be In "VICTOR-LAND."
r- "rtm, j; 1 . lJTiJ-i..'r " ta
'Mm Ji W.'Mu ) 'A
illvAlffi I'M ,!l
Vidrola XVIII Electric
Complete at $350
g.) All metal parts ar 2 (-karat gold-plated.
No Other Talking Afachine Plays a Victor Record Like a Victor-Victrpla
Matched mahogany cabinet with paneled moulding,
swell front and sides. Contains 18 Victor record P
bums for 160 records: 48 Vi inches high, 23 H Inches
wide, 26 W inches deep, ll-lnch gold-plated turntable,
gold-plated Exhibition sound box, Victor tapering tons
arm and "goose neck" sound box tube, speed regulator,
automat lo brake and indicator. Nickel-plated, extra
lidayy, triple spring, spiral drive motor (can be Wound
while playing). All metal parts 24-karat gold plated..
Outfits Sent Any-
where on Frea Trial
15th and Harney Sts, Omaha ; 334 Broadway, Co. Bluffs, la.
1 1
i - - am
MW tut- t --,, - k
If you havo been thinking that you must shorten your list of gifts because of a lack of ready money, it can all be easily arranged at our store.
All you have to do is to open a charge account with us and pay later, as stilts your convenience. You can have a fine Diamond, Watch or other
handsome Jewelry and never mlsa the money. Even if you have been accustomed to paying cash, there Is no need to draw on your reserve fund.
Select all tha gifts you wish and have everything charged in one account. Your credit Is good with us. ,, ,
17-J8W8I Elgin, Waltiiam or
Hampden Watch
i75-f5V.1 -
, $
Ho. IS You ran not possibly f lrwl a
A'hrtstmas present for the money that
will iilve the pleasure and practical
service of a good, dependable wim.
Thla genuine, accurate time-keeping Kl
sln. AValiham or liHmpdvn watch, in US-
year guaranteed double strata gold-filled
(., adjusted to toi'lr"l,ur' Isoctiro
tiUnl and positions, onlv SlS.TS.
Loftit Perfection
Biamond ting
ladles' Diamond
Hinir. 4k solid gold.
Liof tis "Perfec- - j
lion'" mounting. .
M a aCoath .
Young Men's Favorita
m- .a. "V
JTo, 4 Men s Diamond
King. ( prong Tooth
mounting, 14k solid
gold, Ito man or ff-tt
polished finish f WW
ae.M ateata.
1104 Men's Hat Bel
Cher Ring, 14k solid
gold, large, aparkling
l-la- Sill
9 w ae 0 w
mond .
94M a Moats,
Solid Gold Wrist Watch
Wltli Solid Gold Ktentslon Bracelet
JO!.75 $2.50
1043 Wrist Watch Case and Bracelet
are both fins solid gold. Lever set. full
nickel Jeweled, either whits tOl "7 tl
or gold dial, guaranteed U
V 114 La Va
. "ere, solid
X M goia. d i a c K . I
V f enamel. 1 fine s.
V-r diamond. 1 reall ?.
pearl; lS-lnchi y"
iit chain. I
ISO a kCoaU
w arc ahowiaa a
tMavtlful iid ol
la all latmi late-
ona Stfl IH
tiUilitum. m( mtk
au4u SlUiOtMla
, a4 PrU.
Xaa-Scarf Pin.
solid gold, on
pearl. 1 genu
Ine l'la
nion.1 .
ai a atoatk
DUmoRd Ear fcrews
Wouldn't yau rather
make a pieent of
these handsome Ear
Screws, nd pay
monthly, than give
In order to pay cash?
valueless i'rT" moli
baa4 eu4 mm. Hue
Uu. Ir'ttud wltk k.1
gia or Waliaaia aiore
mal Your chela at
Mia nr 1 a aCiatu
11SO Kar Bcrews. 14k
...UJ ln.
tdiSO liant lJlamonda. Very
t a atoatk
I special.
Main Floor, City National Bank Block
409 South Sixteenth Street Omaha
Opposite i)urges-Naah Co. Department Store,
" - uf? J
Diamond Set Charm
tatties' or sCea'a
Til Heart Charm, solid
Roia. Kumin finish, f
genuine Ilamonds. . . .
91 a Mostk
rhoae Sonjlas 1444 aa4
Oar llUimn WiU OaU
Wltk the Artioles Iesue4.
Call or Write for
t'ataloe; No. 03.