THE OMAHA SUNDAY TIKE: DKCKMHKR 12. 101.') 5-B m ml tm mm t. 11 ii i . . Mil ;i l ii i ii ii i77 -. .im - tr 1 - m ii HI ir t- s. Is 1 r. OA ay Hi, ty ibt ou e. er th it- lit or or ey If you only know what a priceless treas ure a portrait of you or yours made at the REMBRANDT STUDIO will be a few years from now you would not choose ,. .. jxur photographer so haphazardly. There ia some thing In a Rembrandt photo that Is so different from most photographs. They seem to contain something of the real person. They are all that expert work men can produce. We want you to come In and talk It over. You have a rlsht to expect the best. REMBRANDT STUDIO id 20th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 3548. "The Photographer in Your Town." THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND SUGGESTIONS MERRHTS hfntt for All Well-Known Brands of I j. CANDIES I From Oar New Candy Department Cigttr? k ma bm Manicure Sets r Perfumes fn Delicately Scented O llcum rowder Toilet Articles ! I X THE Merritt Drug Stores 2 OMAHA ; BTORB HO. 1 KTOKS 1TO. 13th & Douglas 20th & Farnam t boa Doug". 1930 Phone Soar. S848 . Open All Night Free Delivery If It Has Merit, Merritt Has It Prion Us Your Order The Gift AY ' J. V Si. If you prefer a Gas Dome for the dining room you will find an excellent assortment at our display room. Omaha Gas Company " ' tm I j trunks Suit Cases , Traveling Bags Harness and Saddles W manufacture' tbee roods our- lelvel ana iueui uuc iu iu lonsumer. You pay no middleman s rofit. You get high grade goods at ret cost. Automobile robes at low rlcei. Vlfred Cornish & Co. 1210 Farnam Street Telephone Douglas 2314. Do You Know a Man who is troubled with in- digestion and who hates to eat down town? May be he would ap preciate a luncheon ticket at a quiet little delicatessen, where all food is Home Cooked. A $6. 00 Luncheon Ticket for $5.00 The New Delicatessen 1 1806 Farnam St. tr & Duy lour iuto a Christinas Present We hare a complete line of Gloves, Robes. Radiator Covers. Etc. CONSl'MEItS ALTO SUPPLY CO., 121 Fnrnam Kt. of Light A Table Lamp is a gift in good taste, is use ful without losing its value as an ornament and expre s s e s t h e thougktf ulness of the giver. Portable Table Lamps $6.50 to $19.00 BUY YOUR FORD An Special Until Christmas Starter and Shock Absorber $9.00 PHILLIPS & BETZ 1516 Davenport Phone Doug-. 4397 1. 1 II I AtTWY Xmas Candies Of th flnnt quality, put up In beautiful Xnias Hoxps. I'lar your orclr now am we will deliver I". when you are ready. Everv box of eanilv In our atock Is m'rtclly fresh, Come In today and aea oui aftH'trttiierit. rmxB. To fVfh- vlaitof at our alore we will atve a aample box of JohiiMon'a Atirelatel I'horo latia. Ooine eurly while they last. Chrlitmaa Perfumes that are fro;i) Amerha'a best manufacturei a, uch aa Blob, ara In d n n t. Solon Palmar and Tho. H'ck. saokar, make excellent Chrlitmti irlfta. rteaull. fully parked In Xmas boxes. GREEN'S PHARMACY Corner 16th and Howard Streets, 'Phone Dona-. con xv at tbi comaxB. THE SILK SHOP E. A. Besiire, 211 City National Bank Building- December Sale of Fine Silks at One-Half Price Hundreds of yards of this sea son's most fashionable silks In cluded In this exceptional silk sale. . $2.00 fancy dress silks, $2.25 novelty crepes, $2.00 Gros de Londres, $1.75 chiffon taffetas, $1.85 Armure poplins, $1.75 Georgette crepes, $2.00 uicob BUUIiB, fi.Yb Pompadour silks, $2 Roman stripes and plaids, 36-inch to 40 lnch, all at, the yard I: All the above will make a handsome Xmas gift. . Omaha's Exclusive Gift Shop iWi BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Vf, Of rare Oriental Pieces, Hope Chests, Pottery. Oriental Rugs, amps, Japanese Gardens, Japanese Em broidered Pieces, Oriental Gold and Silver Scarf Pins and Rings, Etc. To the person who appreciates something 'way out of the ordinary for a Christmas gift, a remembrance from this shop will be highly cher!"""' . . m Do Your 207 SOUTH 18th STREET The Most Uaeful of All "Electrical Xmas Gifts" We have everything in the electrical line, which in cludes elegant gift suggestions, such as Electric Irons, Electric Grills, Reading Lamps in all the new designs, Electric .Toasters, Electric Heaters, Electric Percolators, Desk Lamps, etc., etc. American Electric Company "THE FIXTURE HOUSE" 520 South 16tb St. :: , :: 'Phone Douglas 1481. Let Santa Combs Help You Select Your Xmas Gifts We have prepared a pujH'rb collection of Diamond, iVarl and Precious Stone .Jewelry; we have assembled a large stock of Sterling Silverware, both for tho din ing table and for personal use; we have created novel tics in leather, surpassing any previous efforts; we have gathered the best watches from the leading American and Swiss makers and we have obtained countless exclusive things in popular priced presents. "We wish you to see this magnificent stock at once We wish to give you every attention in our power, and we urge the early selection of your gifts. We can still make Jewelry to your order if you hurry in. Our catalogue makes long distance baying easy. T. L. Combs & Co. "The Duty Jeweler " 1520 Douglat St. UUi'HHniU'NMIH! !.M'lM'MiHiiiiil.iMi ihiiiiiiuiiiiii imiji , 1 t-iifhlRliW"fciiitffi iniltlnl I ml fill) iTaUJ x " f 1 fVl j n Beautiful w n W Ideal Christmas Gifts A Christmas gift direct from the mysterious orient the cradle of the world. What gift more lasting, beautiful, and treasured than a real oriental rug? Its colors only crow richer with age, developing new beauties and endearing itself to its owner dally. , Beaton & Laier's Chrlctmas showings are specially sat isfying every rug being the personal selection of MR. N. VARTANIAN an oriental rug expert of life-long experience and unques tioned repute, whose advice in making a suitable selection you will find invaluable. A big line of v small sires, in all weaves, priced at $15.00 to Beaton & 415-17 So. 16th Shopping Early While Our Assortment ilk ii.iii.iiiuiiTnTm Alia Shop $50.00 Laier Co. St Omaha Is Best, FAITH BE 'fVN A'TWEEN I oPI DEALIN'S VrX' FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS There is nothing womd be mure appreciate! than a eet of our el" ant PUHS. We do all klo1 of 10 talr work. Old furs made over Into fho newer styles at vsrv leaaonable prlres. F ir trlmmlna- by the VrL flMAHA MFRPANTll V AND FUR CO. 1614 KOWABD ITE1R, 203 Webster SaaderUaa Sldf. rmnnnmrrrl We will take your picture in your own home TiWfie4iTfiVssTBi?iTswKaIWs'li Appointments can . be made by telephone Shaji Osato 1 4106 Dodge Sl. Phone Harney A PRACTICAL GIFT Saxon Roadster $395 commercial World or a daughter socially In clined. Holds world's record for economy. More miles on a gallon of gasoline snd a pint of oil than any, other standard tread car. This is the only three-speed car in the world at anywhere near this price. Full-Electric Equipment, $50 Extra. Coupe Top, $60 Extra. N0YES-KILLY MOTOR CO. 2004 Farnam 8U 'Phone Doug. 3046. 48 V Dl 7 lllf . 3887 tr. Zm xzc&t. Zioeal laaoa Kaaafsrt ' 'Irk :7TwA lit Hiit y "o) JJ vg: V t C'C'stC1 a F3 S L : n L a