i i i What is Going On in Society Circles (Continued from Fairs One.) clety, whew she haa often visited her tint, Mrs. John A. McPhane, during her fonr years at the Sacred Heart academy here and later after her debut. Mr. Henntnic. who haa been a most tPulr guest, haa traveled extensively and aeen much of society In the eastern states and abroad. After December 10 Mr. and Mrs. Ilen nlng trill be at borne at US Tonawanda utreet, Dorchester, Boston, Mass. Switeler-Verderber Wedding. Miss Marie Verderber, datiRhter of Mrs. J. Verderber of New York City, was married In San Francisco to Mr. Wilson SwIUler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swltzler of this city. Mr. and Mrs. wltsler will reside In San Francisco, at east until next sprtoMT. She's a Regular Traveling Saleswoman, but She Dotes On Omar and Loves Pretty Things The new Cudahy lr house at Peymour lake Is beln rebuilt very, rapidly and when completed will he one of the Urg ent In the state. ra n Stork Special. A son waa born Saturday to Mr. Mrs. John B. Brain. Mrs. Brain formerly Miss Jessie Spence. and was Pagalco Club Dance. Tha Paralco club held a dance Thurs day evening at the Metropolitan hall. Those present were: mi . Miftaes Frances Mulholland. T;1 ?" Redhouse, Myrtle Keep, H. Mourn. Opal Lulbee, Martha Schrop. Kmma Kendall, Klna Brooke, Hose Cranda'l. MaiKucrite Williams. Helen Kmery, M. Divldson. Irene Davenport, I.. Daniels. Wllhelmlna Branded. Alice Powers. Myrtle Wlndmyer. K. Dow. M. Blg-yn K. S. Kaar. W. A. Crownover, . . , tri.,-. .... " . I ' . nuumin, ' Catherine Cranley, KetttrujUL Beanie Antony, U Potter, Jennie bheahan. Korrlne Saunders. Iola Marsh, Min Moody. Irene Baker, Doris Parsons. Marguerite Welch. Wlnegard. Rose Dixon, Jane Shaffer. Maude Howe. Wilma Melotx. Hurl Grove. Mabel Watson, Messrs. Grace Chedister, MPsers. Rmhimf Maulelnnn. -reu. i"1"' A. Donderer. B. W. Kluln. D. Trenton. Li. D. Curnes, C. B- Casael, J. O. Ritchie. R. J. iAChappelle, C. E. Kline, Y. K. Baunn, A. Braupdes, B. K. Shoffcr. 8. P Glasgow, l.ynne Brown. B. Wllbun. If. W. Halter, O. Adams, Knnla. O. B. Penner, A. Swanson. Tom Reagan. eefin George Marsh. Rtanfey DUion. H. Unltt, Kennlth McGough, J. W. Morrill, Preston Clark. WU1 Meliea. R. If. Fuller, George Goodman, V. E. Noach. U J. Poetle, Walter Nelsen. H V. Ke'.ly. Henry Hansen. T. B. Peterson. Juse Crown, O. Rosborough. O. O. Smith, Future Events. Tha Dundee Friday Bridge Luncheon will have a tea Instead of a bridge next Friday at the home of Miss Olive Fer- awuu. xuia win De the last mei until after tha holiday. r. oen warren gives a dinner tU evening at the Fontenelle for Mlaa if.. Jorle Stewart of Muncle, Ind.. the popu lar guest of Miss Elisabeth Davis, prior 10 ner Departure lor Chicago, where she will u before returning home.' Malv White shrine will give a banquet at tha Masoalo temple Thursday evening at (O'clock. A number of out-of-town guesia win Be present. Mrs. Cuthbert vmeent u tha president The Week End Dancing club will meet ai inamDer Saturday evening. Decern . ber IS. ' Past Festivities!"" ino owaeuica club was entertained on 7 nut-May afternoon at the home of Mrs, F. Swearlngen.: Prisea were won by Mrs. oweanngen and Mra. Foot. Tnursday . club members of Calvary Baptist cnurch were entertained Thurs day evening at the home of Miss Kath erlne Dorsey. Ten members, were pres- miss iora May Douglas will be the hostess. Rajah. Club Danoe. The Rajah club entertained with danoe at Turptn'a academy Friday night j nose present were Edna Ferber must have had some one like Miss Norma Esterson of New Tork City in mind when she created Emm McChesrtey. Ml.s Kstersan, who is stop ping at the Hotel Fonten&lle this week. Is a traveling saleswoman for a New Tork house. Not at all masculine Is she, despite her calling. Indeed, this attractive little per son Is a most dainty beauty, with the bluest of eye, complexion like a roseleaf and In appearance reminds you of noth ing so much as the latest edition of '.'Vogue." She radiates that optimism, good humor and efficiency which made Emma McChesney one of the most lov able typea ever penned. Can you Imagine a hotel room strewn with trunks and bags of Infants' wear, lounging roben, negligee, etc., and In the midst of all this little Miss Estherson oldlng forth an Inf nt's llp in one hand and'' a pair of wee socks In the other. pouting reams of Omar Khayyam! Oh, make the most of what ye yet may wild Before we. too. Into the dust descend: Dust unto dust and under dust to He. Sana wine, sans eong. sans singer and sans end. When not quoting from the Persian bard Mies Estergon la humming snatches from opera or reading from some other poet She confesses she has not yet re covered from a girlish attack of being stage-struck, and at one time she took Instruction In dramatic art and voice culture In one of Charles Frohman's classes. Miss Estcrson Just dotes on pretty clothes and fineries. 'Isn't this a darling?" she asked, dis playing a wonderful black chiffon velvet evening gown with a luxurious evening wrap to match, trimmed with white fox furs. "And Isn't this a perfect duck of hat?" referring to a jaunty white vel vet tonue. Chocolates are passed and then tea is served a typically feminine afternoon call, as you see. Picture the rude awakening then when thla feminine Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde leaps back Into her other personality and breaking Into ecstaclea over her "line." proceeds to quote prices and dozens and lots with as much facility as a stock ticker and with fully as much grace as if she were still reciting poetry. Then she will hold forth at great length on the opportunities extant for ambitious business girls. In a most militant man ner, you would swear, if you did not seo her In the act. I can't imagine why more girls So not take up traveling salesmanship. It's all bosh about the hard life. There are first-class hotels all over now and the average business girl who goes down town each day haa more to contend with than the girl on the road," she eays. Mlsa Esterson has been coming to liaha for nine years now and boasts many friends in the city. mm & Misses' Alice Johnson, Gertrude Wllsen. Miargaret Hoffman, Margaret Lichten- berger, Margaret Morrlseh, Mary Foley, Kdith Murray, Bessie Phelan, Margaret Black, Arllne McCreary, Margaret Mathews. Mable Troft, Klta Carpenter, Veru Barry, Marie Hlovack, Grace Tucker, Kathryn English. Teas Morearlty, Edith Wllsen. Florence BoBslter, Mona Bosaiter, Miirie Holland, Messrs. Ralph Dunn, Earl wise. Michael Flanagan, Hush Graham. Edward Lichtenbera-. Jerry Lvoni. Dr. Frank Kublts- Handy Walters, Mlases Esther Connelly, Mary McEUlgott, May Walsh, Agnes McCreary, June Oufford, May Dohar, Clara Ichman, Fannie Kollar, Elizabeth Redman, Margaret Mbrrison, Gertrude Gerrock, Esthen Rylen. Gertrude Bell, Kathryn Carew, Helen McCaffrey, Edyth Alpereon, Helen Westergard, Margaret Savage, Mary O'Gredddv, Eleanor Greager, Fannie Udell, Ann Vedergren, Messrs Victor Black, Ed Walsh. Eeo 8ull!vn James Hartnett, chek. Mbse Howard, Arthur Jackson, T. J. Gladwin, William Zieeel. Earnest Johnaon, Charles Britt. Albert Bradley, K. Dlneen. ji. iraynor, Ktvn K v. n. A. Van Dollen. George Campbell,' I.eo McCreary, T. J. Sullivan. Harry Welsh, J nomas olev. Charles Iyovejoy, George West, Edward McCaffrey. F. Cuming, Dr. John Kelly, - Dr. Eagen, H. Cummings, Dr. Chaa. Anders, Paul Moore, S. Bcholl. Edward Alperaon, 'Gerald McCreary, Charles Whotford. A. Bennett. V. bimihrow. X 1 X ! 41 ! I 0 y f i i . 11 III. Hill .1 I II I.. I .1- .I . 'Florence Social Items Mr. and Mrs. George Green left Thurs day for Yankton, 8. P., where they will make their funture home. Mrs. Casale Ford, who has been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. 1 K. Griffith the Inst six weeks, 'left Thursday, for her homo In Yankton, ' 8." D. Mra. I.. A. Taylor Is spending a couple of weeks at Excelsior Springs, Mo for her health. The Country club met at the Pbnoa school house and listened to a lecture by Prof. Fllley of the ' I'nlveialty of Ne braska on "Country Cousins," I11uslrted with stereoptlcon slide. A large crowd was In attendance and greatly ertjoyed the evening. , i . Mr. and Mrs. A. U l. rich are iv-ndlnt the week visiting relntlves In the west ern part of the state. Mrs. E. 1.. Plata was the gumt of honor at a theater party given by her daughter, Mrs. Edward Bento, In O.nnha Thursday. M. P. Coe has relumed from a business trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Qua Peterson, who sold i their farm north of town last week, will remove with their family lo Omaha the coming week. Mr. M. Freden, who will open up a tore here, ' waa In the city this week looking for a house for his family. Hi daughters sang at the Trstlval of the Methodist church and will be a welcome addition to the social lire of Florence. Members of the Berea Hlble class en Joyed a very successful box social Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenyon of St, Paul, Neb., spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Charles Blake of Florence. Mrs. Horace Hclfrlch will entertain the t North Bide Blhie class Friday. Mrs. Anna Fryer pf Vllllsca." Ia.. Is spending a few days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Chiles. Kim j(f' s r-Jyi,, J? ' KM.. sV . '. l !!' KNIw-y the most accept able Xmas pres ent, shown in great variety of styles and at Reasonable Prices AmrrUnn Mink Muff, tip from ..... Stn'n 4p Mink Muffa, up from ' l?el Kox Muffa, tip from . . . J.y. SlO.OO ICnalnn FHt-h Mnffa, up frm' S35.O0 Jsp RaMfl Mnffa, tip from . .' 815.00 1'lnrk Fox Muff, tip from 31.r0 S4U.UU S: Mm" T '. 'A. ' J. ,x(W' :'";n Illnck Lynx Muffa, up from Itlank Martin (Skunk) Muffs up from FcnVer Muffs, up from Clvrt Muffn, up front Otter Muffn, up from I'Urh Opossum Muffa, up from C'onry Muffs, Itlack nnd Itrown, up from lltittam Sen I Muffa, up from Nat urn I I.VXX Cat Muffa, up from . . . . . S25.00 825.00 SSO.OO 830.00 820.00 S 3.00 .818.00 815.00 SCARF and NECK PIECES To ni.tlth nt rortexpontllnRljr low prices In all the latest stile. COATS Lntiu' HI 1SN HK.lL COATS, up from . Indies' KFSHIAN rOSV tX)AT8, up from Iille- WATKII .MINK CJOAT8, up from . . 895.00 825.00 SGO.OO PRACTICAL FURRIER . 401-3 South Fifteenth Stre8 Ex- Change of Residence. Mr. and Mrs. Q. II. Payne have moved from their Falracres home, which has been sold to J. . Sunderland, and have taken a house at 121 South Thirty-eight! avenue. Matrons at Deanery Sale. The Trinity parish aid sale of dolls and fancywork will be held at the deanery Wednesday afternoon from I to i The following members at the Aid society will be in charge of the booths: Mesdamea Meadames A. K Keed, Milton iJariow. Iraao Coles, Herman Kountse, James Chadwlck, V. li. lavi. Charles Martin, Personal Mention. Mr. R. C. Peters, who has been quite 111. Is now convalescent. Mia Jesnle Kllllan of Wahoo was the guest for the week-end of Mlas June Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fpiesberaer will leave about December 20 to spend a month are guests at the Hotel snapp in celslor Springs, Mo. Mrs. W. . J. Coad haa returned from a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. Ed ward O'Brien, at Norwich, Conn., and In New York and Chicago. Mr. and Mra. E. A. Nlswonger of In dianapolis, IndL, apent the week-end with Mr. .and Mrs. C. E. Niswongar on their way home from a six weeks' visit on tie coast. i Mra. H. II. Gardiner of Newport News, Va., apent the last week-end here with I her uncle and aunt. Dr. and Mra J. B. Whlttaker, en route home from the Cali fornia expositions. Mrs. H. T. Lemlst arrived Thursday from Denver,' where she has been visit-' Ing for several weeks, and Is at the Fon tenelle. Thla Is Mrs. Lemlst'a first visit here alnce going east to live more than two years ago. Mra. 8. V. Chase, who was here with her daughter, Mrs. R. Beecher Howell, for a week or two, left Monday for Mil waukee to visit her brother and will spend the holidays In Chicago with her son. Warren, and hla family, going east later for the winter. After a tour of the east Mrs. Emma W, Edwards of Los Angeles haa returned to Omaha to spend . the month of De cember with her son. Dr. Lee W. Ed wards. Before her return, to the west Mrs. Edwards plans to visit old time friends In Lincoln, where she , waa a teacher and state Institute director. Dr. Abby Virginia Holmes returned Saturday from a trtp to New Tork, Washington and other eastern points. She visited, while enroute, her nephew;, Mr. Fay Porter, at Union college, Schnectady. N. T.. also her niece. Miss Gertrude Porter, at Miss Mason's school at Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mlas Gertrude Met will be home Tues day from Chicago. Mr. B. W. Judaon went to uenver Tuesday on a business trip. Mrs. IL Y. Cook returned Monday from several weeks' stay In the -east. M. and Mrs. George H. Kelly went to Chicago Thursday for a few days. Mrs. Ernest Eldred Hart or council Bluffa has returned from the east. Mrs. F. W. Clarke returned Monday from a few daya' trip to Chicago. Mlsa Louise Goodrich haa returned from Wheeling, W. Va., where she -spent two weeks. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Clarke, and daughter have returned from six months In tha east Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Caldwell re turned Wednesday from a three week trip to California. Mra. W. P. Harford returned Wednes day from California, where she spent the last eight months. Mlsa Florence Clarke of Tiffin, O., the meat of Mr. and Mrs. William Hill Clarke, left Thursday. Colonel and Mrs. 8. 8. Curtis and Miss Curtis left Wednesday for New Tork. where they will spend the holidaya Mlas Nannie Richardson returned Tues day from Bt. Joseph, where she visited Miss Caroline Johnaon for two weeks. Mrs. Harold Fell, nee Nellie Elgut ter, leavea today for her home In Cleve land after, a visit of several weeks. Mra. Alexander Pollack and her sister, Mra Samuel Katx, expects to leave next week 'o spend the winter in California. Miaa Elisabeth Congdon came home Wednesday from nearly two months' visit in Chicago with Miss Ellen Barker. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gurley left the latter part of last week for Washington. D. C., and will be gone until after Christ mas. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Walte of Net York, who are on their way west, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. J, F. Anson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Mills have re turned from Osceola, Neb., where they visited their parents, Judge and Mrs. M. A. Mills. Mrs. Arthur J. Cooley and children leave Wednesday for Burlington, la., to spend the holidays and will be joined before Christmas by Mr. Cooley. Throat and Lunar Troablea quickly helped by Dr. King's New Dis covery. In use over 40 years. Every home should keep a bottle for emergencies. Alt druggists. Advertisement. Ealston's Social Events Mrs. D. L. Ham spent Friday visiting friends In Omaha. Mr. Joseph W. Polen returned .from Plattamouth for a short visit. Mr. Fred Patterson, county surveyor of Plattamouth, waa a visitor In this vi cinity Thursday, afternoon. . 4 , Mr. Charles De Forrest returned last week from a visit VUh relatives In Iowa. leave tooui uecemoer in New York. iJ Mrs. G, W. Wattles New York and Is qu a'ulc to be out. baa returned from lie well again and f.largarcttc Lcmcn TEACHER OF PIANO 3d floor Patterson Blk., 17th ana remain. Douglas 7053. Onaba. Neb. jJ0" GIFT 11?' ft CERTIFICATE Wkd Vill be appreciated by all ' j The Greatest and EVIost Sensational Cut Prico Sale Ever Attempted by Any Furniture House in Omaha The people of Omaha have learned in the past that when the Rubel store promises you a sensation You Get "It. Now we promise you the greatest and most, amazing sacrifice sale of dependable home furnishings that lias ever been held in the city of Omaha and That's What It Will Be. We' are determined to dispose of every sample piece of furniture and all odds and enda in this store, no matter how great the loss to us.' These small lots aro "doomed" and will bo thrown out at the most ridiculously low prices prices that will insure the immediate, removal of these goods. ; : ' Buy now; to wait until later is to pay from 20 to 50 more for your jfoods. Buy now and save the difference.' Your Slmas buying made easy and will bo a pleasure not a burden. Take advantage of our new plan. Buy a Gift Certificate and have your family, and friends select their own gift from this store, abounding with gift suggestions. Our Gift Certificate issued for any amount, will entitle them to se lect from a large, varied and attractive line. Thousands of gift things have found .place in this store, the quality ia a matter of course. This Is a Jewelry Christmas What gift more majestic in sentiment, what gift more typical of the great achievements of, humans, than an excellent watch, a diamond or a silver service, and countless numbers of beau tiful gifts in jewelry that will remind the re cipient of your regard; not simply once, but for a lifetime. Albert Edholm ... Jeweler 'The Store With the Christmas Spirit." 16th St., at Harney. -4i..wk i r : : ... 1 sjv' I Cn- rr , -r rr- , l W; - HH Cash Does Double. Duty, ( During' This , Sal y 3 $30.00 BUFFET, Now $15.75 Lo t 573 Extra large, matuive buffets, -quarter-sawed oak,1 fumed finish, plank top, sub Btantlally built; former price f 30.00; sale price DINING CHAIK8 $3.00 M 25 .... ... .J ' $6.00 $8.50 $9.00 $12.00 Also cbloa closets and DKKMKUHS $11.50 $ 7.9H $18.60 . . . . . . . . . .$ 9.JV0 $27.00 ...,$3.ao $29. 00.'. .U.... $14.50 $35.00 .......... $18.00 $40.00 ...... $21.00 $50.00 .......... $53.00 $.'10.00 $70.00 . . ; $30.00 $90.00 .$114.00 $126.00 . , .-. .'. . . ,$H0.OO $146.00 . . .. . $M7.23 CJHFIfONlEKS $8.76 $1.80 $12.69. ...... ... . $n.oo $15.00 .......... 0.OO $26.00 . ..' $12.00 $36.00 $IH.2.1 $40.00 grj.oo $52.60 . $iVOO $66.00 .-. . .. . . $:in.oo $70.00 $42.50 K3s fit 2SZZ2Z225' W AA.. a ,. 1 $15 DRESSER, $7.95 8plendW solid oak dresser, veil rnado and well fin ished; large French bev el mirror, a tremendous value at the aale price of. ing tables. Prices reduced .to the very limit. J $17.60 $19.60 $24.00 $30.00 $37.60 $47.50 $60.00 $75.00 Itt'FFKT.S a' ROCKEK8 $9.50 . $15.00 $19.50 $22.60 $34.50 $40.00 $58.00 $70.00 $ 4.75 $ 7.50 $ 0.75 $12.75 $18.50 $24.75 $37.50 $42410 $ 8.75 $ 9.50 fia.oo $10.95 $19.50 $,0.00 $15.00 $80.00 $H.X $85.75 $51.00 $16.75 TABLE, $8.85 A surprising value, heavyi pillar, extension table, round top; one of many reduced; special price this sale only .... . $3.50 $3.85 $1.75 $(I.OO 1HON HEDS 8amile Iron Beds $7.60 Iron Beds $9.60 Iron Beds $11.00 Iron Beds $16.00 Iron Beds" $9. BHAHS ftP.laft $12.60 Brass Beds $8 05 I17 B0 Brass Beds f.7 !S0U Brass ' Beds . ...... $U.M $2100 Braas Beda $18.80 $40 00 Brass Beda W4.00 Its. oo Brass lds $34.00 176 00 Brsaa Beds M8.00 semes LAMPS, $30.00 Electric Lamps, $14.50 I z 5.oo Kiectric I Amps, $22.60 Electric Lamps, $zu.uo Electric Lamps, $15.00 Electric Lamps, $12.00 Electric Lamps. $10.00 Electric Lamps, $ 7.00 Electric Lamps, $ 5.00 Electric Lamps. $11 JM) $ 9.75 9.00 7.25 5.75 4.05 2.95 2.25 $ 6.00 Gas Lamps $ 1.95 EXTENSION TABLES $16,00 Extension Tables $18.00 Extension Tables $22.00 Extension Tables 4 $8.75 ....... $9.75 $11.50 $27.50 Extension Tables $14.75 $29.73 Extension Tables $17.oo jjo.om Extension Tables $18.75 137 60 Extension '1 &W1& is 137 60 Tallea taO.OO $4100 Extension Tables $M.7S 135 Ou Kxlenaion Tal.les $Jt,00 10 00 Extension Tal'lea N.0tt $8000 Extension Tablee MA.60 $6 75 Kxteaslon Tables M7.4S i;r. and Mrs. C. C. Troxell of Onittha usflBS MBSSSSSSSSSL3