2-B THE OMAHA SUNDAY P.EK: DECEMKEK 12. 1915. What ... is Going On ; in Society Circles Chicago Girl Who is Holiday Guest of Her Sister, Mrs. George Brandcis Holiday Affairs Planned. Mr. an1 Mra. Barton Millard are add ing; out Invitations thl k for a dlnner danra on th evening of Tusadar. IMcim W 2, at the rontarHlf. In honnr of thplr brothers, Joseph, Ray and Wlllard Mlllarl. ho a 111 , b hotna from achool for the Chrlatmaa varatlon. One hundred and fifty of the achool Bet will ba In cluded In the dinner, and a number of Mr. and Mr. Mlllnrd'a (rlencla are aaked I afterward to thr danoe. Thla will be cn j Us.' lara-eat of the holiday partlea, for j f. younger aot. On flimrtay. December 2. lr. and Mra Ilonaid O. Looniln will nive a dinner of xlrtnon at the Fnntenella fur their eon. Arthur, who arrivea home from Cornell I the day befoie Chrlatmaa, and for Thura- day. December JO. Mr. and Mra. E. O. MetfSllton have lnvlMtlona out for dinner and theater party In honor of their j daughter. Mis Kleanor. who reaches home about December 23 from Smith eol- Mine Marmret W'lllam and Mla Grace Slabaurh ar plannln a New Tear'a eve j party for a few of their frlenda. j Mlaa Harriet Smith will ba the hoateaa j at a dinner of twenty In honor of Mlea McCord on the evening Of the latter'a j debut dance, December 27. The dinner I will be given at the Fontenelle. , I Mr. and Mra. Arthur Met! w'll laue Invitation next week for a dnne at their bom Wednesday, December 2. for their daughter, Mlaa Ola: Met. Mr. John V. Tole will Siva an In- , formal buffet luncheon Thursday. D ; cember 13. , for the debutanlca and tin , girls of the achool aet. , Mr. E. W. Nah will entertain at a ' dinner-danr Thuraday evening;. Decerns j bar 30. for Edward and Virginia Crofoot, ! w ho will ba home for the holiday ' Chriitmai Reunion. j The holldaya will ba dellthtfully cele- j brated by "Mr; and Mra. I. K. Oongdon by I having their daughter at home with j them. Mlaa Elliabath Congdon ha Just returned from an extended atay In Chi cago and Mlaa Josephine Oongdon return" from Vaaaar In about a weak, while Mra. Herbert French la expected FVIday or Saturday, with her huaband. Mra. Cong don'a alater, Mra. Ferguaon of Sterling, lit., 1a also expected for Christmas and Mica Clara, Bull of Faaadena,. who la-at present In Minneapolis, will join tha bouaa party, Mr. Robert Forgan of Chicago will Vie hero for Chrlatmaa. Mr. and Mra. George Brandela' home at Fairarrea wilt be filled with houna guegta over Chrlatmaa, when Mra. Brandela' a'atera from Chicago will be hare with their huabanda, bealdea several other Chicago frlenda. There will ba Mr.' and Mra. M. J. Carney, Mr. and Mra. 1 Tarry Boaworth. Dr. and Mra. William Harper. Mr. E. P. Nolan and Mr. Town aend Netoher, all of whom arrive either December 21 or M. Mr. and Mra. Harry Wllklna and chil dren will come over from Chtoago for Chrlatmaa With her parenta, Mr. and Mr. Cclpetier, but will not ba her until ths day before Chrlatmaa. Kverard Child, tha aon of Mr. and Mra. Ixiarle Child, who ha been In South America for over ' a 'year for tha Mld- vaie 8tee4 company, ha cabled that ha will ba horn In time to spend Chrlatmaa with hla parenta. , ..'.. Notes of Interest. - Mlaa'Dorla Johnaon, daughtar of -Mra. Kdward Johnson, on of tha moat promi nent ftgurea In local woman a. clubdom, plana to take up tha art and craft and j dealgnlnr In artlatlo jewelry. Mlaa John aon will ' vlalt relative In Detroit and wll !ko go eaat and Inform heraelf on the couraea offered at varlou achool, be fore abt will decide which achool ah will enter. Mlaa Erna Iladra will repreaent the Omaha chapter, Iota, of Klgma Theta It Korortty, at tha annual conclave, which wilt ba held in Oklahoma City December 3-:. Mlaa Hadra plana to leav for the meeting about lcenibr U. The local chapter ha a membarahlp of eighteen. 1 Mlaa Kathorlne Thummel haa cngageO (aaaagc on the Wllhelmina aalllng Jan vary 12 from San Francisco for Hono ' lulu, where ah will b the gueat of Mr. and Mra, ikoroflald-Urown on their pin apple ranch, Jurt outside of the olty. Mra. BWmfif Id-Brown was formerly Mia Bertha Plckey of tbl 'city and, with tier husband, haa a " charming .horn thr. Her mother. Mra. J. J. Dickey, haa been with her for the past year, but expect to return her In April, when Mia Thummel oome back. Mr. and Mr. Fred Martin o( New York arrived Sunday and are at the Fon tenelle. Mr. Martin I chief engineer of the American Smelting company and apent aome time d Omaha a year or o ago ile wa marrUxl In October of 1M year and haa broucht hla wit to Omaha with him. Mra. Martin wa Mr. Walter Page gueat at the Tuesday . -norulng musical and for tea afterward In tha Fontcnell tea room, and Friday evening Mr. and Mr. Edwin Swob gav a dinner for Mr. and Mra Martin. 1 cornea hnm from Chlcnao and Mlaa zvaomt Tow la rrom Iloxton, and Bun day wilt bring Clarence and Dougla Feter. Franrla Oalnea, Mlaa Ellxabeth and Mia Erna Reed, Mia Oertruda Stout. Mlaa Ruth Klnalcr and Mlaa Mlaa i Marlon Turner of Council Bluff. Mia i Florenc Neville tnp over for th Lehigh prom December 17 and o doea , not reach home until Monday. .Malcolm ' Baldrlg aim com Monday. December 20, and that week will ae all the girla and boy hck for th holiday. Caeper and Jarvla Offutt will not b home, tha latter going eouth for hi vacation and Caaper remaining In the eaet. Social Ooitip. I Mr. Charl'a T. Kountte haa been in j St. Louie on bualneaa laat week and la I expected liinir today. ! Mra. F. B. Kannard of Falracrea haa returned from Ncwoaatle, Ind., where ah vlalted her daughter, Mr. John O. Goodwin. ; Mr. and Mr. txul Naah left Thursday j evening for Chicago to apend a fw daya. I Sir Horac Plunkatt of Dublin. Ireland, .who haa real eatat ho'dinga In thla city, will arrive her Mimday and will be tha uueat of Mr. Conrad Young at th West j Karnam apartment.' 1 Mra. William E. Martin la expected home today from Detroit, where Mr. n'hony Merr.ll of Chkcflao haa Jut com pleted a ucceafut eot.ire tour under her ananaK"ment. Mr. and V a. Martin will ,b with Mr. and Mra. Jamea McKenna idt'rlng the) holiday. . - . - . ... I Mlaa Madalen Hlllla left for New Tork , Wednesday to vlalt " her alater, Mra. j Charle Sawyer. Mr. O. W. Hamilton ( accompanied her a far Oh cio, wher they apent a day with Mr. Warren HUH. Mr. Hlllla will jdln hla alatera In New j York for Chrlatmaa. ' Mla Hillla will re . main until after New Year'. NEBRASKA GIRL WEDS WITH A NAVAL OITICER. r Lillian 7(oers II beald' other tint given to. French 'and German and to dancing and jnatcad oi coming home he will spend- Christina In Cleveland wltli Mlaa P.en and Mlai Eela, with whom ahe sharca an apart ment In New York and who itre Cleve land girl. Mlaa Howe assisted Mr. and Mr. Fadarewakl 'W0neday at a doll aal at th Uothajn fon the benefit of the Polish war aufferere. ' Prettlett Mile Golf Club. .Tha Prttlet' Mil' Lad l'- Golf ciub waa entertained Tuoaday evening at the home of tr, and Mra., C. C. aiprlson. Th Mflcer for th coming year were elected: Mr. W. H. Fllnn, prcaldent; Mr. A. M. Smith, vie president; Mr. A. D, ; Northrup. secretary; Mra,.F.-M. High, treasurer; Mra. F. M. Crane, chair man of th field committee; Mra. ,Y..'C.i Haaoall, aoclal committee,' . and Mra. K. W. Emitiug, .publicity. . ' ' Th program for th evening consisted of a piano olo by Mr. Edward R. Burk. a vocal solo by Ml Lillian Paul and a .reading by Mis i Lorena . Leek a. Assisting the hoateaa wer Meadamo C. H. Italnbolt, P. ' J. Craedom C. H. Thatcher and F. U Johnson, aod Mlaaee Lottie, Little, Catherine Mortaon and K. V Hide ford. Those present were: Meadame A. M. Kmlth, ' M..-F. Byrrt, W, A. Meyer, W, H. Primer. A. D. Northrup, V. C. Haaoall. E. K. Muser, F. W. Boxers, ('. W. Dieshea, F. N. High. C. Halnuolt, F. It. rainier. K. IC Burke, 1. (I. Craighead, Ij, U carr. J. IHiwnfy. P. J. Creedon, C Mnrlaon. W. H. Minn. . F, N. Creedon. H Thatcher, . Mesdame . . J. W, Hpragu. K. Is, Johnaon, U. VV, Covert, C. W. Mrlln. M. J. Paul. It. C. Madden, Kay Ralnboit. Frank Pfleiclng, Mary K. Emerson, J. V. Ludeke, J. F, Cutoff. E. E. Wonder. l. Mcfafferty. C. J. Ziebarth, C. M. Morlenaen, !. McC'leneahan, Wv C. Oroaby. It. A. Morrison, , a. w. Judd. Prank Uussell, l.ula N'- Jerome, Ma Fllnn. Mlsaea I.IIHan Paul. Orac Northrup, Clara Fllnn. . Iorena Leeka. Brooklyn, for the last thr week. r expected horn before Chrlatma. Mis Lillian Fitch la th gut for th holldaya of Mies Luella Allen. After leaving- Omaha. Mlaa Fitch took tfb her dramatic work. In. Chicago. , ' la a charter member of the far-famed Cordon club. Mlaa Anna Boiirk arrived Friday from New. Mexico, whero she ha been on a ranch tor six months, and la th gueat of Mra. J. ,W, Raynolda until Monday, when aha goea on to Philadelphia to be with her alater, Mra. Maiah, during the holiday.- ' -. I ' ' With the School Set. unday morning, December W, to spend the hulldaya with hla painta. Mr. and Mrn. Ceorgo Hri'ilrc,') N ' ,. Mr. Edward Perley wtli be home -f rem the University of Nebraska for th holi day the last of the week. ' i ' fU Uegln Qonpelp- daughter of Dr. and Mr. TL W. Comcll, I expected bom from Mis Qulld'r and' Mia Evan' uhool In Boston' about December 17, to apend the holldaya with her parent. Mr. and Mra. Frank Walter are ex pecting their on and daughtar horn for th holiday on Sunday, December 19. Mr. Waltman Walter (a a atudeat at Dartmouth collea and Mis Harriett Walter at Kemper Hall, Mia Nan Spalding, who I at achool at Chevy Chase In Waahlogton and who waa operated upon laat week for appen dicitis in one -of th Washington hos pitals, Is doing wall and It t expected that she wilt b abl to be horn for Chrlatmaa. If not her mother, Mr. Leonard Ppaldlng, will go to her. Judaon Squire arrivea horn from Yale Almost th first of th boy to return from achool for the holiday vacation will b Denman Kounts. who 1 expected about next Friday from Cleveland. Th following' day Mia Helen Eastman Nw Year'a at Fontenelle. Th management of tha Fontenelle hotel will follow th custom in the eaat of cele brating New Tear' eve with a supper at 11 o'clock, for which' tahlea may be en gaged. Already there are more than WO reservations, and th entlr dining room, tea room nd part f th lobby will have to b utilised to accommodate th table. Ther will be no dancing downaulr. but th ball room will be open for thoee who car to avail themselves of th music. ' It I several year, since New Year' eve ha been celebrated In thla way, ex cept at th Country club, which I not open thla winter, however, nd th Coun try club member will doubtlea patronise th hotel la large number, making It th gyest night of th aon. Betrothal Announcement. Mr. and Mr. Gilbert M. Barnes an nounce th engagement of their daughter. tiara Margaret, and Clyde Eugen Butler or Leon, la. Th wedding will be celebrated this winter. Mr. and Mr. Alfred Bloom announce th engagement of their daughter, Ann Josephine, to Mr. Bernard F-no. John son. The wedding will be In th early spring. Mlaa Bloom ha attended th Lanka nan Girl' school In Philadelphia and Downer college in Milwaukee. Mr. John aon I well known among the musical set of Omaha. .' ' Mr. and Mra A. P. Tukey have Issued wedding card for th marriage et their i r 'A . ' daughter, Ethel Maxwell Tukey, and Mr. Lout W. Korameyer of Lincoln, the ceremony to' be celebrated New Year' day In the presence of member of th family only. Following th ceremony there will be a reception to the many friend . of th young people, between the . hour of S and . .'.. ' i Mlaa Tukey is promlpent In local and national college circle becauaa of her position as editor of the national Delta Oamroa ororlty pper. . which he held until the recent annual conclave. Mis Tukey also repreaented the local Ao- Clttlon of Colleglat Alumnae at th na tional convention In California laat aum mer. Aa head worker for the Emma Hosiand Flower mission. Mis Tukey la particularly Identified. Th cngmarement 1 announced of Ml Qladya E'jaenle Cong Ion. daughter of Mr. and Mra. George E. Congdon of Rochester, N. T., to Mr- George Thum- Mr. nd Mr. George Frank Damon n- nnunc th engagement of their daughter, Wilma WhlUng, to Mr. Klrkwood Scott Nvin, on of Mr. and Mr. Jamea E. Nvln. The weddfng will be during the latter part of the holiday. Mr. Korameyer la a Phi Kappa Pal. both .young people having graduated from th Vn1vrlty of Nebraaka. They will make their home In Lincoln, mel, son of Mr. and Mr. George Thum mel of thla city. The wedding will be on February I. Mr. nd Mr. Thummel wUt resid in Omaha. Wedt NaTy Officer. ' , f Card hav reached Omaha friend and relative of Mia Mry Josephine Loner tan, daughter of Mr. and Mra Simon J. Lohargan of Broken Bow. announcing her marriage to Mr. Elmer Richard Hennlng, enalgn United State navy, on Friday. November 6. at South Bethlehem, Fa. The bride 1 well knows to Omaha ae (Contlnued on Pag Three, Column OneJ tPDOaonocaoooaoaoaoaoaoaoxaonoiaoxaoaocif Yuletide Tea Room Plant. Mra. Nathan Merriam will entertain for tea guests at luncheon In honor of Mra Charle Turner of Fremont Monday afUr-nuoa. Another Monday hoateaa at luncheon will be Mra. B. F. Crumraer, who will entertain for nln gueat. Tueaday tha men will be th host and serve at th tea room. Tht list of mar tyr to philanthropy will Include i Mussr. Messrs. rVnuloi Mlllnrd. f'liHiUr Saundera, Ki-v. k". H. Jrnka. Nathan Merriam, , r E. Yoat, W. t. Henry, JuUn C. Wharton, W. K. Mllroy. N. it. Looifite, A. D. lvtra. Arthur C'ook-y. C. N. Kulilnwo, i.hrle M WUhelnxKoUrt I 'ml ke, 11 11. HaidrlKc, Frank Waltera. Frank W. Jmlson. Harry V. burkley, iir.n( II. K-!l, Walter Preston. I- in. nt t'li. Jocih Hykra. (.'1.1,1 ics lb. Ulack. N . Ciiuha M. t". Petsra. Jlar Wagner. A. I.. Hcm'. Anionic th hoateaae Who will entrust the serving of .themselves and their irst to maaculin effk-Uncy wlU be Mcsdamea William Tracy Burn. Frank W. Judson, C. C. Roaewater. Victor Kosewater and Mlaa Margery McCord. Mr. Judaon will have eight guests to luncheon; Mrs. Burna, eight; MUa Mc Cord, four, and the Meadaroe Roaewater will entertain eight guest at luncheon, followed by card. due en Not Here for Chriitmai. r.ccauae their daughter, Mis Mariua Howe, the reigning Ak-Kar-Ben queen, Kill not be home for the holidays, Mr, and Mra. ft. C. How hav canceled th tiate for the dniic which they were planning In her houor on (lirisinuia ve et the Kvni'-nelle. Mis loe Las only I., .... m b Ci it tliA iai.s ariH im ri... It. W. Rmeraon, F. M. Cran, Mlsaea fl. Vanderford. " E. Vandeffoid. I ettle Little. Catherine Morlson, Among: the Viiitori. Ml Baldwin of Tioga, Pa., cam Fri day to b with Mr. nd Mr. Victor Cald well through the holiday. Mr. 8. J. O. Irwin, He Mia Alice Fawcett of Creiahtou. waa a srueat of Mra. Harmon V. SmliV laat week, for tha Melba concert. Mr. and Mr. Ben Wood. Jr.. expect Mr. Ben Tlllaon of Kanaaa City to arrive Wednesday, to be their gueat perhapa until after tha holiday. Mr. F. ' Ferguaon of New York arrived' this week to vlalt hi alster, Mra. Lowrl Ciillds. and Mr. Child and will probably remain for th holiday. Mir. Gorg W. Johnston and mal daughter, who hav been visiting th for mer' lter, Mra. Oliver Carpenter, In 17onan,i' Exchange Heedlecr&il Shop Tha largest atock of hand work ever exhibited In Omaha for your aelectlon. Including;: Lingerie, Baby Layetts. Luncheon Set, Pil low Cases, Centerpieces, Towela, Hand-dressed Dolls, Home-made Cakes and Candles. 318 So. 18!hCpp. Court Kosi.a Phone) O u(. 411) After January Ut 16th and Farnam Stt. D 8- o D o a. o D o D o a o D o D o a o D o n 5 fctoro RYAN Jewelry Co. - Now Located at 15th and 1 DouglaeSt. j This Is a Jewelry Xmas a o a o 0 o D We had expected to be in oar new store at 16th and 2 Farnam by this, time, but the delay in the erection of the new Rose building has delayed our occupancy of the new store until January first. " ! , 2 M The new Btock of goods we had ordered for the new 2 have been delivered HERE at our 61d location. ' So H 0 in order to move these goods and go into our new store D 9 toitVi an AntirA nan? 1Q1li BtArlr rtrn Viatra rlnertTr-n oil iliJa P desirable, new merchandise into our y- ' . REMOVAL SALE So come, here is an opportunity to secure really new and good Christmas gift jewelry at wpnderfully reduced 0 prices. ' ( u o a o U o D o THIS IS A Slft mil Jewelry ChristmasW I D o D D 9 o a o a o D o a o n Q a o a o a o a o a Cut Glass China Brass and Leather Goods . We bv the newest designs and styls and exceptional values la Diamonds, Watches, Solid Gold Jewelry and Sterling Silver Novelties. POPULAR PRICES 1 REESE !II m JEWELRY co. m I J 403Soathl6thSt. J 1 'Itlli 8 i eCCis-XV City National aP " Here Are Some General Reductions: 50' Less '1 Gold Tilled Jewelry g lOAt-T l fCrane's Stationery S a i .. r m u m j LriK w j eweiry and tottery j tvy Cnrtstmas Cards Q- o D o D o Ivory and VCnf I xJ Silver Jewelry and Sheffield Silver &oq. Aucaa Solid Gold Wristlet Watches 15 LesToUet Ware Diamonds 10 Less Watches In order to fullv armrppifttA inst. wltt th nnnvn ron- O g eral discounts mean notice the following specific reduc- tions: Solid Gold La, ValUarea, which war priced at $4.75 will D Tt11. $380 Q camso Gold Rings, regularly O priced at $4.75, hav bQ g ,r.Td $3.75 0 Solid Gold Hat Pins, which wr regular l jr prieta $1.00, ar now $1.60 o D o Watches. Q Wrtatlet Gold-filled Ryan time, regu- 41 1 Qrt lar $14.00, now. Q O Rogers' Knives and Forks, m which wer $8.00 per set. g T.?. $4.80 g Mahogany eight-day Mantel U Clock, regular price $8.00. tTr: ....$6.80 Umbrellas with silk tops and silver mountings; fS Cf worth $5.00. now. Jl Established. 1831 Ryan Jevelry Company Now at 15th and Douglas Sts. After January 1 to be at 16th and Farnam Sts. : ..if "K . t i?Jtrii ti isftt i to. Presents Its Christmas Selections At every turo--throuhout this house you will find a fairly bewildering display of selected gifts. Not the result of hurried selectionbut the cul mination of studied effort, individual planning,' special productions for this holiday-time. Un usual manufacturing facilities coupled with par ticular buying strength have insured here for the ' Christmas shopper, whether the gift sought be the most modest novelty or a gem-set crea tion, an unrivaled presentation. Jatt at the threshold of this holiday ' Reason may we urge upon you for your thought these suggestions: . X T fiVO I f Diamond Jewelry . Diamond and Gem-Set . Rings Gem-Set Brooches and 1 Pendants' Gold Jewelry with Gent Settings Xorelties In Gold Gentlemen's Watches in New Shapes Pendan Watches Wrist Watches for Ladles and Gentlemen Flat Silver Sterling Toiletware Sternng- Novelties Most Unusual Clocks with Worthy Movements Hawks New Opalescent . Glass . Gorhatn Leather Goods I During your shoppins; hours, you may avail your--self of the courtesies of O. B. Brown Cow-meet friends here".. reat a few minutes or visit the many departments.' Avoid the late shopper by selecting early and having the gift held for your order. Service has been brought to a point of perfection seldom before equaled. ( C. B. Brown Co. , Diamond Merchant JwUrs . Call or write for our new catalogue. ' 10th and Farnam Sts. in Aa ft Up Yoar Gift List Nout, Com in and Lok Around Desirable Presents of Pleasing and Appropriate CHRISTMAS GIFTS Crane's Fine Stationery ", Bill Booh and Card Cases Lawyers' Brief Cases Brass Book Racks Lap Writing Tables 1 Odds and Ends Boxes ' Christmas Cards and Art Calendars The Moyer Stationery Co. v 1616 Farnam Street . Embroidery, Beading, Braiding, Cording, Scalloping, Eyelet and Cut Work, Button Holes, Pleating, Buttons. Ideal Button and Pleating Company 107-0-11 So. 16t b St. Phone Dcug. 1036. Omaha, Nebraska. SOIVIIV1ER. BROTHERS tacroaTBB d Macxrio moosazKa. yoa say laa. astk aad Taraaja. 1114 Douclaa 8t. Phon Doug. 133 1 fonuncll HtL rvL. sovo. tm. SXKtOWUT COaVSBTS IDA C STOCKWELL ooassT uaoiAxasT Now locaUd at 17J Bt Mary's At Klatlron Kldv. Don't fail to a my $8.00 Xmas Special. CORSETS X.AST oT.anmi SBTIST XOOXI. A complat lln of laUat deslfn. A modal lor vry t ifur. D.WYEU &. CO. WUN AWAY FROM BOMS The Dee is The Paper sak fv U ra flaa abaaat aa taaa a (i Say a. ' a Tka Ba aaaUas tm r uniig (o.r hour a day to her music j Tai. D. STSS. SOS ! U. CnoacncnononoDonononononononononontfi