Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 16-A, Image 14

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J A. High Protests
Jlomo Millor Lioonso
fttro. H. A, Hlffc. raproeaettiie; the Anti
Valooo lnM, pereaaallr filed with the
eity olerk a protest aaalrurt tha laavano.
of a liquor lloanaa to Roma Miller at fit
in South nxtaanth street.
Tha prntaet enntalna varlotfa allaera
tlona, ana feeing that Mr. Millar haa vio
lated tha liquor lawa and another la that
tha alrnaturea en tha application ara net
Tha protaat will o to tha council ntxl
Tvaadajr morning.
(Corrpondne of tha Associated Praaa.)
BERLIN. Nov. .-Tha $a),0n0.flO0, whlrh
Germany haa annual? sent abroad In
peace tlmca aa tha purchase price of raw
Ilk for tha German allk manufacturer,
will remain at homo If tha (rovcrnmrnta
experiment In breeding allk womia In
the German climate are aa successful aa
a recent circular promlaea. Former e
perimenta In allk-worm breeJinj haa
failed becauea It waa tmpoaalb). to
acollmatlM tha mulberry tree. It haa
now been discovered that allk-worme
thrlra on comfery. a herb abundant In
Germany. Moreover, the worm fed on
tha new diet produce a stouter, more
elastic and more (loar allk than thoae
ralaed on mulberry. Tha only In
tha mlnda of the government experts la
whether the worme will degenerate h"n
Imported Into Germany.
A Room for tha Jlooinar, or a P.oottt
for tha Room. Be. Want Ada To tha
A "For Fa'. ad wtll tarn aecond-hanil
furniture Into caah.
Glove Bonds and Merchandise Certificates
are a convenient way of sending a gift. "We issue them for any
amount. Call at the store, or mail instructions.
Printed with your name
Dozen 85c or 2a for 60c.
Ladies' Calling Cards 60 for 26c.
' - - I-- - . ... .. ...rT:.,.-.L , J
G if ts of Treasure in Jewelry , Leather G oodsnNo velties
Hundred of new idea with details th
Sterling Silver 7-Piece
Manicure Set, one buffer,
two cold cream jars, man
icure file, scissors, cuti-
cle knifV and button
hook. Worth $8.00. .
at touch the picture of beauty with individuality. Beautiful Christmas gift and an occasion of wonderful value giving and splendid assortments
a". '' lili ll iKUjn i i mi i ill.' '!! jajin 'J '' I'l
3-Piece Quadruple
Silver Tlated Comb,
Brush and Mirror,
et in nice lined box.
A regular $5 value,
special at the . price
3-Piece Sterling S3,
ver Toilet Set in vel
vet lined moire box;
beautiful comb,
brush and mirror.
Worth $15.00, a spe
cial value at-
ilyV gift jewelry pffi'.v
ITS r,- txt, i I Solid Oold Hat I at!r"'!1 n.' ' CQH
4triMr- I " ...... w
Pure White
Perfect Cut Dia
monds, a small
lot. averaging
carat 1 n alio,
mounted In 14-k.
Tiffany mount
ing. 70 values,
sr.... $40
, Par Whl t
Perfect Cut Dia
monds, welching
about 63.100 to
60.100-carat.1 $80
values, special
Batur- (tee
day. at.. 000
Cuff Links and Tie Clasp Sets, put up
lined boxes, solid gold, set with genuine
diamonds, not chips, very special
Solid Gold Hat
Pins, ape- r tjjf
clal, each . . s 1
Solid Gold La
Vallieree, beauti
ful solid gold
pendants, on soW
id gold chains. M
ues.. vliuU
Solid Oof d
Beauty Pins with
plated Joints and
catches; put up
In beautiful satin
and velvet lined
boxes. 1
Special .... aj A
In beautiful silk
cut dn nn
,. Baby Lockets
and Chains, high
grade gold filled,
guaranteed. - Put
up in nice f 1
.box, at.... 31
Sterling Silver
Vanity Cases,
large else. Spec!
Large . Real Seal Bags,
like cut. Also a large lot
of sample bags. A splen
did value and a beautiful
Xmas gift. Worth double.
Real Seal Bags,
silk lined. A special
attractive as a Christ
mas suggestion. The
best values we have
ever had, at
0,$5.98 $1.98
Beal Seal Bag, comes in
in seal or crepe seal, 7
nch overlapping German
silver frame, silk lined, 3
fittings, large, roomy,
shirred bag. Special,
New Arrivals in Christmas Gift Blouses
Something difftrtnt, something dainty, nsver, were blousts so exquisite, or so
appropriate for Christmas gifts. Our showing is so varied and so attractive' that
the only way to apprseiate it is to see it. But here are m few items to suggest valussi
- - - ' , , . . I ' 'Ig-S. ! ' ..i'l r-
... . , .'SS "... ...
At $5.50
New Chiffon Blouses, cm-,
broidered velvet collar and'
cuffs. Colors navy, brown,
green, black and plum.
New Georgette Crepe Blouses,
high collar niodela. White or
flesh color, . combined , with '"navy
or black georgette. '
; Dozens of other styles in
Lace ; Blouses, Georgette
Crepe, Washable Satin
Blouses, , Soiree ' Silk and
Charmeuse Blouses; also
Velvet Blouses.
$5,00 $16.50
Radium Lace Blouses, embroidered panels,' low neck
and long sleeves. Cream color, flesh lined.
Xmas Slippers
' Chrtetmaa allppera for Men. thare la aa
flft mora appreciated than a pair of
these comfortable dra honae ellppera.
mad aoft kldekla la all oelora and pet
teraa: Operaa, Bveretta, Oolonlale. Fauete,
Cavaliers or bath allppera to match bath
robea. All of them are bandeomolr ' tin-
lehed, aoft and comfortable, allppera that
St. Ererf alee, pair
Men Comfy
the regular
Felt , Slippers for
style, either high ' or
cut. Handsomely finished, padded
. wool or leather soles. All sites,
, pair '
: Slumber Slippers for Men and
worn n
Eiderdown - In
i colors, at
Gift Hosiery and Silk Underwear
Stylish hosiery and frothy, dainty silk underwear with two attractions
Beauty and Value. Done up in holly boxesthere are no gifts which would be
more gladly received.
Kayser's Venetian and Italian Silk
Vents, with reinforced underarm
shield: French and tailored band tops,
daintily embroidered in various de
signs. Pink and white, each
$1.50 to $3.50
Kayser's Venetian and Italian Silk
Bloomers, reinforced, knee length; In
pink, white and black, some are dain
tily embroidered, at
$2.50 -$3-$3.50
Kayser's Italian Silk Bloomers, In
ankle lengths. Black, taupe, navy and
other street shades. Special, Monday,
at $5.50 Dd $6.00
Kayser's Italian Silk Corset Cover
and Bloomer Combination Suits, trim
med daintily with filet In- &n f?r
sertion, pink and white, 4O.OU
' All Silk Underwear put In Christ-
V mas Boies ir Desired
Women's Fancy 811k Hosiery, in" all
colon and some with embroidered de
signs. . Full fashioned, some all silk,
others with lisle tops; reinforced
heels and toes. Specials g4 QD
pair In fancy box P AaaVO
Women's Plain and Fancy Silk Hos
iery, black, white and colors. All full
fashioned; spliced soles, heels and
toes. Monday, 1 and 2 pr. f (f
In a fancy box. tor apX.UU
Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hosiery,
black, white and colors; seamless.
Two pair In a Kfl fa
fancy box OUC
Men's Pure Thread Silk Hoe. In
black, white gray, navy and tan.
Spliced soles, heels and toes. Spe
cial Monday, two pair 4 ff
In a fancy box ...... . . . aj X .vlU
Men's Silk and Fiber Hose, seam
less. Double heels and toes. Black,
white and colors. ; Four d n
pair In a faney box, for. . . J 1 .Vlli
S - ' '
A Dainty LittleTreasure Box
Pretty Neckwear! What a Gift i
A beautiful assortment of dainty
neckwear, silk scarfs and fancy caps,
which are always appreciated by misses
and ladies.
Very dainty
Dress and
Coat Collars,
In embroid
ered voile.
organdie and
georgette crept
Collar and Cuffs for
the dress or suit, with
Quaker and standing col-
Boudoir Caps of fancy nets, rib
bon and crepe de chine, very pret
tily trimmed. A beau
tiful assortment
Ostrich ..Boas, In all tha popular
colors. A . very large assort-"
mcnt '' - , 4 - . : f
$3.98 $5.00
Crepe de Chine Scarfs In all
the dainty shades, also the new
silk sport scarfs In Roman stripes
and many other plain and fancy
$1.25 to $9.25
Vestees, beautiful embroidery
and lace trimmed voile, organdie
and crepe, also fancy trimmed
nets.' Special Monday ' ,
These Beautiful Dolls on Sale
yis w e inuv uva, 1UI ...
,''' " . . . . . I- , , 'y
Monday in Great Toyland
tl-Inrh Kid
Xadjr Doll,, flna
btaqva head,
lon( curly hair.
Halt Cork
Htuff.d Imlla,
hair parted oa
aide. Beautiful
blequa head;
hip Jointed:
ahaea- and
ataohlnga, Sals
Natural Pabr
Fare Cliaraoter
trolls, Jointed at
heuldere and
hips; with flne
wl. II Inrhee
lona. Special
ll-Ineh Fine
Character Baby
Dollo, ehowlna
two taeth. Na
taral bant
1 1 m b a; I a e
trimmed ahlrt;
flna wta. Hpa
daily priood
Natural Char
acter Face Ba
by Doll, flna
blequa h a a d,
dull flnleh body
of papier
maehe, jolnte.1
at hlpa and
ahaaldar a
Shows taeth
and haa part
ner. IT ncboa
lone. Special
ti-ltiLu au
tifal Kid Uody
Delia, aark
faffed. Keal
hair and eye
eyebrowa at
ll-inrh lien
ulne Koetner
Cork Stuffed
Delia. U a I r
parted an tha
aide, real hair,
bl( bow. Hip
and knea Joint
ed . at
Gloves Never Fail to Please
. Surely every woman will be delighted
to receive a pair of gloves as a Christmas
gift, bought at this glove store. Only the
very best makes are carried here, and
every pair is guaranteed. We specialise
on Perrin Kid Cloves. Wa are Omaha's
sol e agents t 'or these world-fa mous gloves.
We mention but few of the extraordi
nary good qualities below t
Perrln'a "La Mure" Kid
Gloves, overseam sewn;
black, white and colors.
Usually sold at $1.75.
dMayD. ....$1.50
Perrin's "Belforf Kid
Gloves, best quality, real
kid. S-clasp style, full
pique. tti nn
Perrin's "Adriano" Kid Gloves. 2
clasp style; full pique. . Black and
white, either plain or with heavy
embroidered contrast backs. Spe
cially priced for jfj
Monday, pair tPltOU
Perrin's 18-Button Length Real
Kid Gloves, usually sold at $3.60
a pair. In white 7C
only, at :. . . Vae 3
Perrin's Best Qumity "Monaco"
Kid Gloves, also Boulogne and sev
eral other beautifully embroid
ered styles. Specially priced for
Monday Jq OC
selling Pa.a0
Extra Special for Monday Only
Corona Kid Gloves, bought from
Perrin, in black, white, tan. brown
and gray. Spa- 1 a
c tally prfoed Pl.lU
"Handkerchiefs, the Beit Gifli of AH!"
the sentiment of thousands of men and women. And many children
are delighted with the Idea of getting handkerchiefs to be their very
These handkerchiefs have hand-embroidered comers and hand-,
drawn bemetltehlng. There are hundreds of denlgns In either all-white
or white with colored embroidery, In dainty two-tone effects, at 23 -and
60e each. Real Hand Made Armenian
Lace and Real Madeira with
fancy embroidered corners. Spe
cial, each 60c, 73c J 00
Women's Silk Crepe de China
Handkerchiefs. In all colors,
plain and point Venice lace
edgea. 8pecial Monday, P r
each, 25c and OUC
Women's Initial Handkerchief, all
fine eheer linen, la a variety of
decline; both colored aaa
white. Six In a fancy boa.
for sac, aoe, SI.M eaa. . .
Wen'a All-Uneo Handkerchiefs,
with hand worked
Inltlala. Boa of all
Chlldrea'a Unen and BISk Handker
ehtefa, with auraory eala an ci
I W IN. Jl
------ k yr-, -x v y K J ." : : . V
uid BISk Handker
eel.a a4 eras.
Linens for Xmas
linen Sets
This set consists of one cloth,
73-lach site, with one dosen nap
kins to m h. All very pretty
patterns; put up la a nice box.
A suggestlT Christ- J j? ff
mas present; it.,.tpOUU
ranoy TurMah Towel Bat
Put up in a nice box, Including
one large towel, one guest site
towel and one face cloth to
match ; In colorings, of qq
blue, pink or gold; set..a70C
Bed Spreadi
Superior quality cameo satin
quilts. In beautiful Marseilles
patterns copied from the foreign
spreads; scalloped and cut cor
ners; $4.00 values. n) qq
A Christmas special. ape&atVO
Extra Specials
$3X0 Lace Cloths, $3.93
Come Here to Buy Your "1892"
Pure Spun Aluminum Sauce Pan
Sauce Pans for all and in the most conrenient shopping place la
all (irt-ater Omaha ae otber artlclea of the "loH3" line alao. Alumi
num inaki-e excellent Christmas I'.fta.
im" Double LHir.ed Aluminum Sauce Fan. approximate capacity
pints, nickel plated Aluminum, rirelrd handle ibe same sauce paa
)oi aie rriUi about in this wek'a OuiaUa papers. Monday HQ
each OaC
BoaaUful laoa clatha, la tks flinch
lae; drawn work oentere. trimmed
with Seep laoa all around.
Will make aa appreciat
ive Chrtotmaa alft......
It-Inch alao 1.1
e. innnflQ
Gem Nut
Genuine solid mahogany, of
finest quality, beautifully fin
ished. Six silver plated nut
picks with cracker. Would make
a very desirable Christmas gift.
Special, Monday, JQ qq
set VatrfaaVJ
v . ,
Hair Goods
24-Inch Hair Switches
SnmlM rlecolr, feel Ita aoft tex
ture, the Jwaae for year
Mi f If these swltchoa are
not asoelloat Taluea, at...
14-Inch Triple Strand '
First Quality Oonveat
Hair Switches, .
and 1 Talusa, at......
II M Marcel Trana
formations riret Quality CcnvoBt
Hair Traaaformatlona.
Il.aa vsJuos, Saturday. .
Ail Mail Orders promptly attended U.
Shampooing, Manicur
ing, Massaging, etc., in
our sunlit sanitary par
lors, by experienced op
erators. Best workman
ship at lowest prices.
Gifts of Fancy Work
Fancy 8ilk Tapestry Seta, con
taining six pieces trimmed with
gold braids; in blue, rose and
Oleux Rose. Special, w, gQ
Fancy Leather Sofa Pillows,
made of two full skins, with
Indian heads.
Eewpie Novelties
Tha cutest and most cunning nov
elties of the season, made with the
Kewpls with allk sweaters T C
and caps. Monday )C
Fancy Doll Pin Cushions,
trimmed In the colonial rft
style dainty and neat.. OUC
Fancy Novelties A Purse, a
Mirror, a Puff, a Little Powder,
In a neat leather
Ladles' Market Basket, la
natural color, lined with rnar-
cerised sateen and
cord and tassels...
t $2.00
nasr uwaaa vw. ai.esaa eiewa, i
-V ,r I i 1 r.y -! ,
Unusual Gifts of Smart Styles for Women
Gifts that every woman would be wholly delighted to receive.
These are excellent values to attract Christmas shoppers.
Silk Sweaters, beautiful colora,
at $10-00 to $3SXX)
Wool Sweater Coats, nobby
styles, at $2.50 to $10.00
Fport Bcarfa. bright, snappy
colors, at....... $1,00 to $5.00
g il k Petticoata, new designs,
all colora, at $1.88 to $7.60
Dresa Skirts, silk or wool,
at $5.00 to $15.00
Party Drfsaea, dainty colora
and atylea.... $13.75 to $49.00
Fur Mttffa, all different fura,
at...... ...... $2.60 to $9.00
Fur Seta, many pretty fura,
at $15.00 to $98.00
Bath Itobca of blanket or
eiderdown, at... $2.88 to $7.60
Silk Kimonob, in crepe and
satins, at $3.98 to $15.00
Silk Crepe de Chine Under
wear, at $1.93 to $12.50
Silk and Lace Camisoles,
at ..$1.00 to $3.98
Dainty Boudoir Caps on aale
at 60o to2.83
Dainty Lace and Itibbon Trim
med Gowns at. . .$L00 to $5.00
Suggestions from Our Drap-
ery Department
Cretonne tor Dollies, special.
yrd 60O
Rope Portieres, nice assortment.
3.08 to $4.50
ilk Portieres, special, per pair,
JU2.50 and S15.0O
edar ChesU, special at i 10 OO
and $12 50
Cretonne Covered Shirt Waiat
Bo". $2.88 and $3.98
We arm also showing a complete assortment of
materials for making Christmas gifts, such as Cre
tonnes, Silkolines, Felt, Denim, Burlap, Nets, Voiles
and Tapestry.
MatUng Covered Shirt Waist
Boxes .." $3.50
811k Velvet Table Runners.
each $3.09
Tapestry Tahle Runners, a fecial.
each $1.59
Window Beat Cedar ChesU. 122.00
values at $17.68
Dutch Curtains. In good grad.
scrim, set $1.60