10 TIIF, BEE: OMS. DECEMBER: 1D1.-). 1! WANT AD RATES WANT APS for th evening Kill Ion must rrni h The Pre Office before li o'clock noon. '"WANT APS for the morning and Sunriav edition mnrt reach The Bee office before 7:45 p. m. WANT APS received after theee houre will make their first appear ance under "Too l.ata to classify." CASH RATES. One time, t cent ft word. Two or more consecutive times, m cents a word, each Insertion. Seven consecutive times, 1 cent n aonl. each Insertion CHARGE RATES. One time, 13 cents ft Vne. Three consecutive tlmea, JO centa a. line, each Inecrtlon. Seven consecutive t'.inea. S centa I1n rrh Inarrtlon. Thirty consecutive tlmea. 7 cent a. line, eacb Inecrtlon. fount el a vet age word to the line. No advertisement taken for ea than 30 cent. XOTK'KS. Card of Thanks. Death. Funeral and Lodiro Notice a. 10 centa ft line each Insertion. Minimum charge W centa. Parties advertising In theft col timna and having their answers addressed In care of The Bee will please ask for carda to enable them to ret their letters, aa none will he delivered except on pre aentatlon of carda. An advertisement Inserted to he run until discontinued must oe topped by written order. The Pee will not he responsible for more than the first Incorrect insertion of any advertisement. The Pee reserves tha right to relect or rewrite all advertlse menta. Tou can pliice your want ad In The Pee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. CARD OP" THHKI. WK wish to extend our sincere thanks 1 t? oumanj frlends T and Knights of Pythlaa lodge for their apathy ".how" ani flowera riven v . ""5. C. BRAOONiitB AND WIFE. r. iri.sl.il. DKATIIS AKD FVNBRAI. NOTICES ISARIe-O. A.. December t, d Funeral Saturday from resMence, c3 u irMn(v.rir.t street, at 8:dU a. ft 1 "la . . ti ivi.r'i church at a. m. Inter ment" Holy Sepulcher cemetery. GOLDMAN Aaron, December I. WIS. agea m "'" ... . t,mA from the I LIES V7 .re5:ihter Uri M. aged 63 years. ? JlS-V l5 it 1 P. m FTlday December lrt, ISIS et 1 p. m. Friends Invited. Interment private, at TCTBWrctv -a . . ' M . I Pleasant HU cemetery, M'OARTHT Charles Ml. aged M T'arj. lcnTA. . Knltftl DecemW at Bt. Catherines hospital, December a, 1J16, at : a. tn. ""er. .w,Lr.?Khe,.tl FrMay dence. ISIS Boutn r i"n rjj, . room m - 1 cnurvn. HIRTIII AND DBATHi. nirtha Herman and Anne ueuricn, ri.nAn.ft rip : Michael j. ana siana Cahltl, 421 Caatellar, gin; vern vr. n Iils Qlttlngs, isonn mumu, ii V R. ana Janle Miller, 101 North .J.... ... . Inlnnln and lU0letta I Merino lseO KoutK Tenth, boy; William ;. I ind I Helen Schopp. 400S Page. girl. Deaths liusaDein i'ui. r- 1 Thirteenth, rear; Dltrlcn ri,ir.nth. rear: IMtrlcn unmuioo.1, W. 41124 North Twenty-Iiftn avenue W. Johnaon. t. North Thirtieth, 1 icvvini. . mni" ' I . . . . ,Lk I License to T"d have beaa tasued to tn lol owing: I Name and ResldeMe. " nsmuDi X . il - xi ijAK Wnlf Omaha ....m.... as 1 ,,,.,,. r, TT.V rhloaa-o ... 8 TE"5ff.rn wtlaZlOoirr.::.:. " - . Robert MoCann. Banoroft........ J Lydla Ann Florea, Bancroft. ............. 1 BVILDIKQ PBIlMlTf. A. Wahlby, Jaynea. rrame oweiung. .hi ti.Uti: E. A. Wigston. 4 tjjicftgo, irame dwelling. 12,000; Amos Grant. WIJI Kpenoer, Trarne owening, ti.w; ,, , !. 7. 4701 North oruetn, iruns owwimi, TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Jlowatewa. EMPRESS. 16TH AND DODQLA8. Hearst-Sellg No. VI. Saints and Slnnera s-reel Yltacraph. The Fable of Tha Low Down. Expert on tha Subject of Bebtea, Esa Tha Home Cure. Vltagraph. PRlNCbaa, ItlMt DOUGLAS. Painty Dorothy Glsh and all-star cast In Her Mother Daughter. 4-sx-t draiiuu Making Over uranopa, a ciogr woiouy. Morta. GRAND. UTH AND BINNET. d.mIi t nr. Day. liouslit. starting of our World Film Corp. feeturee. In five parta. EOTUUOP. JTH AND LOTliROP. Paramount presenta Edward Ablea la itear Money. ' liialk. APPOLO. 1814 LEAVENWORTH. A Florida Enchantment. Vttagraph. - West. MONROE. J 5 55 FARNAM v.ri Williams and Anita Stewart In chapter II of The Goddess (Serial Beau tiful). Sheldon l-wis 111 urags s touuie, " boeta kinle. BESSK. I4TII ft N The Kidnaped Helreas, Kelem. The Papered 1-Kr. t-reol Ksxanay, The Lonedale Operator, Blograph. Love and Ijw, vnagTapn. OHPX1EUM. The Unafraid. I acta StTH ftilT IT A NXOI'NCEMICNTS Lady's Sealskin Coat For sale; slse M, full length, genuine Alaska, seal, finest Quality, excellent con dition: left from an estate; will go at bargain. Call at p r. TKHH TRUST CO.. la Farnam. "HLease For Sale on two offices . , 1 m . jm ElCely lOCateu On BeCOIia XlOOr 01 The Bee Building inquire or tha HupermteDdeiit, Hooia 103. J XiJiCBK AT Y.M.C-.A. Buaii.tse men. i v e i : o 1 1 y . 11 omel 1 1 11 aer. Red" T lUt iDr.'jA AhD'd l.uvky Mxliiuii l.ui al loin kJud, Dwuiiui sila, MOVIES 4' .' -X UMUU TODAY GRAND. 16TII AND B1NNEY. Bought, World Film corp., In five parta. LOTHP.OP. 24TII AND LOTHROP. Edward Ablra In Ready Money. MONROE. 2556 FAllNAC The Goddess. Chapter II. OKFUfc-UM. 24TU AND hi. The I'nafrald. 5 acta. FSInCESST 1317-1 DOUGLAS. Dorothy Olah In Her Mother'a Daugh ter. 4-aot orama. ANNOUNCEMENTS ClflROrRArTir. spinal adluatment. I can surccasf ullv remove the causa of rheumatism, liver, atomnch, pnralyala, nervousness and female weaknesses. Ex amination free. DR. W. II. KN0LLENBERG. Bulte 311 Bee Bldg. Tyler 13. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering selling or buying a uaed car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the uaed car column of The Bee,- Phone Tyler 110. MILKS or mileage In your old Urea (Rebuilt). Send tnern to DUO TIRB CO., I11 Chicago st Industrial Oarage Co., 20 tc Harney 3ta. FOR SALE 1912 Carterrar, good condi tion, right price. Call D Address McHhana Motor Co., 2218 Farnam. NFH1USKA Btibk Service Station. 1U Farnam Ht. Phone Dougina 7H. AUTO, clearing house. Buy, sell and ex change u: id cars. I7C "arnam. It. ua " HBWAHD for any magneto we can t repair Oolla repd Bayadorfe.-. M0 N. Uth. BRPeil runabout, cheap. Omaha Con crete Rtone Co., Mth ana Hahlar bt Telephone Colfax tta. BUSINESS CHANCES T waii. Tliiain. Pk.fiM will at ttnft rigid Investigation and Is Just what It la ,u vrriiseu, ur 11 you art iiiuniiia K ' pwi in business foe vnurself vou will be Den. fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chance column of The Bee. Whea buy Ing or selling a buaineaa Phone Tyler low. KK1.1ABLK BARGAINS. Restaurant In Iowa town of 6,00u.. HftO Downtown barber shop; snap laming and bardlngP house. "Far- n til HI w nam Ht." TW rool hall and barl f(H,Uon Uoom, , J ,t barber shop; bargain.. nd cafe, Famam Ht. 4no ltith Ht., quick sale.. 4m) Barber ahop, Iowa town. 6,000 875 rug store, a real bargain l.aw 8uh. drug store; leaving city ,M , "w,nt to t ,to j d pa business, aee ua first. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO... Room X. Baird Bldg.. 17th and Dougla. St. Phone Douglas t UHIK LUUK IJUK Bub. Grocery store at your own nrloe This store will be open from T a m. to 7 o m. for tnsnertlon and in r.r.lv. aieq nias. . aii Mcta win Da opened t-aluroay even ing, necemner um, at ? p. nr. ana goes 10 uie nignest Dinner, inis is a gool chance to get a good paying- store Bt vmie own nrlne ICnr futl In nriiia t loll phone Douglas Stiaft. Klvenlngs, Douglas fwo. V. B. U Room 3. Balrd Bldg.. 17th. .im itESTAi'RANT and hotel In live business town of 1,400: right prloe It taken at once; caan only. Don V answer u you re broke. C 692. Bee. THHATKR8 Buy, lease or sell your the- ater, machine and supplies through Theater Fxch. Co.. 140 Farnam. P. 1897. OFFICE for real eetate or Insurance; aame flon-aa Bee office; Ux21 feet; a0. tm ee Bing., orrice Boom 10a. 1 SELL or buy a business, call on Rch A Borghoff. Fren..r Blk. D. Bit. .. r-, . . . . l V"V"U,JW" - , . : - . - 1 " " ' year. Price Xl.HA and Involi e. JIM W It A 11 , HI IJUX tlTr, IA. SPLENDID HOTEL PROPOSITION ww" villi uwiiiiHM-iiumm. uixiini w 1 ui - B8htKj. pendld neighborhood, near IJn- 1 cotn rr Oood transportation: fine home. Rent, I2f0, Inoiudlng steam heat I "n Janitor service. aiontniv income, ff.40 to b60. Price, H,26ft; 2,000 cash. bal. Li monthly. J. E. Chrlstensen, 1 South La Balls Ht., t?hlcago. IL200 for half Interest in well established office buaineaa; one of partners leav ing Omaha Nets $2M) monthly. CO-OFFKATIVK HKFEKKNCB CO., ivi-io v uy in at. mag. Office For Real Estate s or Insurance Same floor as Bee Office The Bee Building Office KOom 103 ASK for my Real Estate Bulletin. It includes largest and best list of bar tains In tl states. W. U. Tetnuleton, 0S gains In Bee Wirt rig. FOR SALE Restaurant In a wide-awake town, doing good buaineaa. For lnfor- matlon write Y 1. Bee. 12.600.00 stock of dry aooda for sale chesD no iraoe; must oe casn; stock must be I moved. Write ClemeuU A Co., Lyons, 1 nmo.. owners. TO OKT In or out of business call on OANGEtrTAD, 423 Pee Bldg. loug. T. EE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for ber genia In established shows D. V3D. OsT your business with me for quick results: ouy. sen anu exenange, RELIABLE BARGAIN CO.. Room 1, Balrd Bldg. Tel. Dourlag S620. I7TH AND DOUGLAS 8T8. KDCCATIONAL The VAN BANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOO KKEEPINCe. Day School for Young Women. Evening School tor Young Man ai Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C Duffy, Owner and Manager. 14 8. IRth St. Omaha. DAY SCHOOL. BOYLE9 OOUJMB. NIGHT SCHOOL. Kverv dav Is enrolliikent day. Book- lug. Telegraphy, civil torvU-AlTcom. nwrciat sua lbuusii uraacnea. caiaiogua uee, BOYLES CULLKUIli Uth and Harney hta Tel. Douglas IMi. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS 8AVE MONEY ON COURSES. For ea. witn good reasons fur selling. a varv-ty o courses in a reuaoie uus- ness School, one of the leading uusinens colleges of Omaha. Will be euld very rKs..nblM twiT teiow regular nrtce. It you are ooiisklerlog taking a course Investigate this at ouoe. since Fall term begins suon. Call onioe. uimm Dee. FOR sale, the following scholarships in 1 a nrsi-ciase ciuaiia niamwt vunese. I One unlimited combination buslnesa 1 s.iu munnaDQ wwip. I One unlimited aienoarrapnlo eouraa. One three-nkonlhs' buslnesg or stene- Igranhla course. I Will be eold at a discount at the office oi T'ie Omaha Bea. FOH SALE 1 1 hm 1 1 MH. BAP.OAINg IN Fl-'RNITL'RB AND UAiiDWARE. U3 N. Mill. W LB. Iw7. FOR HALE Fl HNITMIE. Ar A ilAKOAI v ynting couple, moving i California., offer their fine fiirnltu, guaranteed aa food aa new, at K vent a on the dollar, "oldlng dor three rockers and fine rug, brae bed, mettrea, spring, rug and a handsome piano, a. dining; table ana six chain. A genuine bargain for aome oue. Let ua mail Hot urea of what you want. ADDRESS T 162 PEE. FOR BALK Here la a classification that la of the utmuat Importance to every reader, aa thla column offera aome excep tional opportunities every aay ana m small wnnt ed will eel I your article at Ita full value. Phone Tyler l.oiw. I)riL-a bought and eold. J. C. Keed, LCB1 lm KBrnBln m. pouglaa 314. HOHKES A. Mi VEHICLES. FARM wagon, $61; harness, $30; both new. Johnson-Danforth Co., llh and Clark Streets. LI VB STUCK. WANTED TO PIIT-Freah milker. Tel. Walnut 132. cow, rich MUSICAL- INSTRUMENTS. F"lNE, melodloiia, mahogany piano and bench, coat $475; will eacrlflce for $3 rash: leaving town; nothing like It In Omaha; aeelng la believing; in uae little over one year. If you haven't caah, don't call. Apply 1330 N. iStti Ave., or call up Colfax 3778. I'OILTHY ANU PUT STOCK. MXP grain, 109 lba. I1.7R. Wagner, "t N.1. BTKKKOTYPM matrlcee make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7.Sc a hundred at The Bee office. TV VK W HITKK9, R ELI A NCR Ribbon and Carbon Co.. car bon paper and Inked rlbbona. D. 8241. TVPEWHITKKr" tor rent ll Bee Bldg. T K FBW M1TKHS sold, reined, repaired. Central T) pewrlter Kxc. iwift Farnam. M lilt KILA LOIS, FOR BALE New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Oollendcr Co.. 4"7-409 8. 10th Bt. FOll SALR-C'oncrete mixer.- run by i H. P. engine, side loader, all on truck; nearly new: all tools go with mixer, or will li.ud iur itriu i' wi , w. ,u food condition. Address C. E. Dunberry, lYalg, Neb. Phone M. e, ONE Young Oak soft 00 al stove for sale. i&.on. Phone Red 78M. Second-hand motors, dynamos. czvv magnetos, etc., mechanical repairs. La Bron Klectrlo Works m-?0 P. 12th Bt. o Wales add. mach.; good condi. C830. Bee. FOR SALE or trade, rne Avery It-K gas or kerosene tractor and three bot tom plowa, with self-guide; all In good shape: a snap for some one. A. W. Head lee, Silver Creek, Neb. 2 electrlo motors. Room &, Ben Bldg. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-40 8. 10th SL Cheap for Cash OR WILL TRADE) FOR SHETLAND PONY OUTFIT. Having decided to move to California, I offer my fine Chlckerlng piano, made at Boaton; not a cratch on It. J. 8. ENGELKEN, Lemars, la p 16 baskets delivered. Ill Illinois I ,f)H I nut or lump, S5.S0 per ton. vvytt Doug. 6131. FORTY Hart, Hchaffner & Marx suits. small sixes; taken on a debt, aa long as they laat at Vi.W. Cackley Bros., op posite fostorrice. FOR SALE CHEAP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the best Omaha business schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but wll be sod very reasonaby. If Intereated Investigate at once, because rail term beglna aoon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. IIKLP WtYTKD FEMALE CLERICAL ANU OFFICB. LEDGER CLERK MS.OO TE'LEPHONK OPR. 86.00 CASU1KK 125 St BD. STENOGRAPHER 16UW) TMK CANO AOKNCY 000 BKE BL1G. 8TKNOGRAPHKK, W0. WATTS RKK. tX) MH-40-48 Brand. Thea. KAllulll ANU '1 KADtJS. OIRI. to learn halrdreaalng. Oppenhelm. LADIES can make good wages at horn oetore nomiays decorating sora pillows. Experience unnecessary, call forenoons. .' a. istn. DOMUSTICS. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad F1IKK until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South umana ana council murrs. tiring aa to Tiie nee orrice or teiepnone xyier luw. WANTED Middle aged lady for ge: u-al housework, I In family Itouglaa 4I2. WANTED A gooo second girl. Apply io SO. BHtn Cit. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small family : no washing good wugea; nice room with bath. Phone lamev K4ku. WANTED Girl to assist with housework nd care for small child: one attending chool half day preferred. Phone Harney 101. MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with light housework and to be comuanlon for aa elderly lady; lust one tn the family; no wsges expevieu. wro. siao. iim urana VVANTED-Glrl for'generalhousework email family. TM Mill St.. Co. Bluffs. rnone itfio. YOUNG girl to aseiat with general house work and caring Iur a 4-year-oia child. Call at 717 Park Ave. Phone Har ney 6S9S. WANTED Competent nurse girl. Phone Har. Kll. 4U N. 4tn St. WANTED An experienced girl to do aeo- ond work. lo s. at'th St. Harney ms. tXlMl'lOTKNT girl: general housework. small family, good pay, 2214 F street, Boutn Hiae; teiepnone bo. i. WANTED Girl for general housework. Har. 21(4. IQJQ H. 8.iih Ave. WANTED -Competent girl for general housework In small lanilly; CatholtO preferred. Web. 7na. GIRL for general housework: three In fam ly. Oood wages paid. 1034 d. 2Hh St. Phone Harney WOMAN wishes light houaekeeilng work Alao. to take rare 01 cniiurvu. rso washing, mt S 14th. Uk-iktkiv Exoerlenoed cook, with refer ences, onoa wages pain, iu iv. K)tn su Harney 443! WANThJk While girl for general house work. Walnut WANTED A young girl to assist with housework, no coosing. no wanting. l r. alat Ave. tiarnev iwi. WANTED Neat girl for general house work. Foreigner preferred. 8. l:nd Ave., Har. fean. . WANTED A girl for general houaework, .4 Hawthorne Ave., wal. 'iM. WANTED A good white girl for general housework. Small family. 1314 8. X.d bU Harney 4101 WANTED Girl for general housework. Oood family and good home, jtar.&ll. WANTED Good giri for ganeral house work, -n rasuuy or two. in amau botna. Good home ta light party an4 good wages: xmo tximm a Competent girl to assist with housa- work. Har. iiiH. vxm a. asta Ave. MIBCELLANEOVI. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa atrangers are invited to visit the Younst Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary'a Ave. and 17th St., where thev will be directed to suitabls board in tes or olheraiiw ablated, Loog (or our travelers guitle st 1 nlon station. WOMEN T. ,n,e ..7,T7irrirr-iTJM'l.ny. mouth. Write liuiiieulately. Fraiikllul Iusuluie. V V A iv. IvoUi ester, ix. x. HELP WANTED MA LB I LKRK AIi AND OFFIl K. 8ALF.SM AN Groceries) . OFFICII I'LKKK HJood Penman).. 70 00 HTKNO. HKKPH. Heglnn ngl. . . . W.M Tim canoaoi:nct- bkk bli jk MLfuMAN, -..Sijrman. $i). Btno. and llkkpr., . Mult. Cpr., K. WATTS ''2F):s-402 nrajid.JThea. VVANTkU Young man, clean cut, ex perienced atcnographer and bookkeeper. Addresa F Uee. . HIGH-tiKAPR coinmerlcal poaltlona. WEST. 11KFKRENCK BONO ASSN., 72 Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. AGK.NT.ft, 8AI,F.ftMK, WLltlTOH. WnntpH Salesman . . ... . THE salvation Army Inluatiial home ao- I.arge rstabliahed Neluaaka compmij, 1(.,tt vour 0, drthlng, furniture, maga preparlng to place a limited isaue of ji,,,,,. e collect. We distribute. Phone atock on the market, deairee the services I Uougi, 41:;-, and our wagon will call, of a atrlctiy high clnaa man to handle Ifnii and Inapect our new home, 1110-1112- tnia laaue, wnicn in one 01 mn moni i- ; iractivef yei conaervaiive oiiennga made In Nebraska. We will conaider only the man whoae reputation la the' beat and whoae experi ence and ability unquestionable. Answer with all partlculara possible. Address F 35, care Uee. o I COAL agents wanted In every town; get I a trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. WANTED Four high-class salesmen for lii6 -onlra-t to sell our noted line or map and specialty calendars, leather goods and signs. Big money and perma nent work for high-class men. Call Fri day, December 10, on Mr. Medarls, sales manager. Hotel Rome. The Kenyon Cora puny, 11 Molnea, la. Mist year FACTORIES ANU TRADES. LEARN TIIE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition, Including aet of tools: wages nald: elec- trio massage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue rree. 1124 Douglas Ht.. umana. WANTITD Good, all round butcher and. sausage maker. Must be strlcily sober. Permanent position and top wann t right party. Central Market, Council iiiurrs. TOT7NO MAN, be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. To-W furnished. 1 give you actual shop work. Tou have chance to work Saturdays and en half the receipts. My students in big demand. I have colleges tn all prin cipal clUea In U. 8. and Canada. Call, write or phone for partlculara. B. Molar, prea., Moler col., omana. Drug Store Snapa. Jobs. Kn-lst. Bee Bldg. HURRY, HURRY. DON'T DELAY. SEE) OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can t attend day school you can hold your Job and at tha same time get your automobile education If you enroll In tha NIGHT CLASS ' OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILH BCHOOU 08 LEAVENWORTH. RED 8110. MISCELLANEOUS. OOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work - to fill positions which are open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autoa, tractors, electrlo starting system. Free catalog at once, AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2053 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. BLACK WALNUTS for sale, 11.20 per Duanei. h. m. Meyer, cassvllie, mo. WANTED Names of ambitious men. U or over, wanting railway mail clerk positions. 176.00 month. Answer immedl- ly. x jro. uee. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming. 1 75 month. Sample Questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin In- stltute, Dept. 221 K, Rochester. N. Y, NO KENT to pay all winter if you want S-room house and will do some founda tion and plaster repairs. Address K 637, nee. SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION as housekeeper by a widow lady, In or out city. Neat, competent and experienced. References It neces sary. Mrs. J. Moore, Omaha, Gen. Del. GOOD, handy, all-round man, can take care or rumace; young, sober and re liable: good references: cltv. John Smtd. Uen. Delivery, City. WANTED By neat, refined woman of middle age, with a boy of 11, position es preferred, but do not object to good coun try uome, wun cnurcn ana s. Si privi lege; Protestant preferred. Mra. L. M Vernen. New Castle, Neb. WOMAN wishes position taking ears of eiaeriy person, vval. 709. MARRIED MAN wanta steudv work of any ama. can or write. zis Dewey. rear. POSITION as cashier, checker or care taker; rename, capable, industrious; long experience: best of references! will consider any offer. Pbone Douglas 7839. Call for Erlo. NlaAT, competent and reliable middle- agea may aeslres position In private family of 2: no laundrv work: heat of reierencea rurnisned. i'lione Red 21. WANTED position together by experi enced colored janitor and wife: in apartment house preferred. Good refer ence, vvaiiace, ikm s. Ktn St. WOMAN wishes position as housekeeper or as practical nurse. 1 oirax 3171. WANTED A set of books to keep even ings, i.-ijj a. inn. EXPERIENCED janitor or yard man wishes work, wages reasonable. V.II jonn at narney uw. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, sober, all around man with car. 7 years' exnerl. ence with private care; prefer private car. iiui win conaiuer oiner. call Webster in i. f. Mcmauen. YOUNG man wishes position as chauf reur or janitor, w eb. 147. CHILD'S nurse or companion wishes Do- sltlon; best references. Red 77S. MR. EMPLOYER. Ar TOU looking for a REAL hill elerlr and extender? Have had seven years ex pertence and CAN DELIVER the goods. first class references. Address C-679. Bee, EXPERIENCED colored girl wanta work aa cnamner mala or to do washlnv. Webster 6027. LOST AND FOUND LOST On 24th and I-ake. Dec. 1, pocket- book containing checks, money order, glasses," receipts, money. Lllieral re ward. Mrs. Butler, 2212 N. ?Kth. Web. 6:s LOST Ladles' 7-Jewel gold crown wstch. aowntown. iteturn bit Brandels Hldg. LOST Gold pin with clasp, on 19th and davenport. 11. bU37. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFF. STREET IUIliYAI lUMfANT, Parsons having lost some art 1,-1. wnnM do well to call up the office of the Cms ha A Council Bluffa Stieet Railway con pany to ascertain whether they left li In the ttreet oars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore tnem to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4S. Lost or Found acs In Omaha's I oat and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that aitcle If advertised in The l ee. the I. oat an1 Found Dao.-r. I)ST-Dark brindle Boston bull Jfog white breast and partly white hemd: lost around 33d and California- Harney 7120. LOST Auditorium Melba concert, blue enameled powder box with small gold mesh glove purse attached; suitable re ward given. Return to Bee office. MEDICA1. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. H. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal dlseaaoe without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases a 1th tesllmoitlala. DR. E. R. TARRY. 840 Bee Bldg. flTTPTTTRK Successfully treated It U XT X U JVLi thaut a surgical operation. Call or write Drs. Wray 4k 3 Bee mug., o.aana. RHt.l'MATISM treated eucceeefully IsiJu'suW. rr. loar. tit bea &14. TERSONAL $3,000 TO rEXSION" INVALIDS The Ixdlea' Home Journal The Saturday fening Post The t'ountrv CJentlemnn Jl 50 1.V) 1.0) I. PUBSCRIPTION. IN practl-allv earna the 3,00 for V'f IN VALIDS' I'KNSION ASSlK'IATIOV. Tour onler or renewal meana 50c I'lease phone Douglas 713 or mall to GORDON, TIIE MAGAZINE MAN, Oma h1NebL MRS. J. C. MII.IKK, ladiea' tailor and dreaamaker. Una moved from zt.n ieav- p"i'mvyC. Ave. will be trona. Ilnr. t;7. 1114 Dodge tt YOl'R furnare t leanrd, 1; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4.84. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women a Christian association building at 17th St. and ht. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asaisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office in Nebraska. SOS Brandels Thea. 'XT Title Guarantee and Abstract r H" I r Co., a modern abatract office. We 8. 17th St. Tel. li. B487. ACCOUJITANT8. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 433-4.17 Rnmge Bldg. Tel. Doug. T4. -DV KKTISIXi NOVEbTIBi. M. F. Shnfor A Co.. 12th-Farnam. P. 7474. AMATF.l It KlNISIIl.NO. FILMS developed free If purchased from i-noto crart snnp. 41s Bee Miag. jjepc u. ARCHITECTS. Everett a Dodd. m Paxton Blk. D. tm. ATTORNEYS. C, T. Dickinson. 811 Paxton But D. ISO. AUCTIONEERS. Dowa Auction Co.. 1115-18 W.O.W. R.S2K3. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE! CO.. Douglas L'HIV. ALTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. J02II Far. D. 1001 BATHS. BATH-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish hatha for ladles and gentlemen: ladv attendant for ladles; Swedlah massage. !9i Karnam St. Douglas 8437. HAKKHIH!. Z. H. BEFCKn. 15W N. 18th. Web. 82J7. II It As AND IKON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 23 8. 22d. Douglaa .66J0. Leciard A Son. 1906 Cap. Are. T. 1632. C. W. Hokanaon. 1508 Lvnwth. Tyl. 192-J. COFFEE BY MAIL. Coffee Save money. TJse better coffee. 16 lba. high grade bv Darcel nont. rvrennlH 13.60. W. A. Skalfe & Co.. Omaha, Neb! CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJL'MTS. DR. BURHORN, 18th and Farnam, Wead siug., u. mii; i-aimer acnool graduate. 1 r. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. S46L DR. W. H. KNOI-TjENBF.ro, Suite S1J mag. -iei. xyier isoa. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4X87. JEANETTE GREY, BO Batrd Bldg. D. W DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackie'a. Doug. C40. DE LUXB ACADEMY. Ill S. 18th St. URESSM4KINU COLLEGE. Keinters's Dressmaking Col.. 1688 City Na. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dresamak'g college, JOth A Farnam LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat eat style; reasonable price. 1911 Far- I'sm el r-none L'ouglas DYERS ANU CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 12fl N. 12th. D. B07J. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, m Neville Block. Evl- goc secureq in ail cases. Tyler IDA, DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 911 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea. 724 City Nat Cask. Taft Dental Rooms, 1E17 Douglas. D. 8184. DRUGS. DRUGS at cu prices; freight paid on tl oroera; catalogues nee. Sherman k Ms- conneii Diug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloft Allender. 824 Bee" Bldg. Red 8088. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING , N CAHILL ELECTRIC CO., Bee Bid. D.87. EVERYTHING FOH WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Dou ln 16 FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 40V6 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLoltlsI'M. x BATH'S, florists, ISA Farnam Bt D. $000. I. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 1J58. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass a. HES3 A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt A. PONAGHUE, lbt2 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. BAM KNEETER. lH.'O Farnam. Red 6S3t H. Rothhols. 2S18 Leavenworth. H. 1761 HISTORICAL lOsllalE. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben A Son, 1514 Howard. D. 411&. INSTRUCTION. English. French Instruction. $0$ Lyrte Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 818 Paxton Blk. Bed 1401. Notary public; deposition steno. C. W. BR ITT. 801 Barker Block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO. Exchange Bldg. LIUIlllMt. FIXTURES. TlTTRTrTV Thomas. Douglas 1518. U U DVliM ua Cuming 8t M SEl RS. Massage, nmen. Call D. 8287 for apptmt MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON ' MOTORCYCLEbV Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooe, "The Motorcycle Man." 27ut Leavenworth, -'1.NU PI T HV MACai.NEH. OMAHA Film Ex 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. OCl L1S1S. Eyea examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra, Mccarty. UU w. U. W. idg. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. IISTbUFATH) I'll 1 1CI.!. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 818 Pee Bldg. PAI'l-.R llA.N4il.NU. PArERHANOING Rooms papered. 11 per room. Powera. 1122 N. !Oth St. PATF..NTS. D. O. P-arnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Sturgea, 36 Branileia Theater Bldg. PILLOWS) A.NI alsiUUl.Nl.. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreaaes made over JiK like new. Ii7 Cuming. P. 14H7. 1'l.l.Mb.S i l.tlA.Nl.U. CCRLED, dyed. D. Elsele. 1136 City Nat PI A -NOB l-'olt HE. N't'. $3.M) per month. A. Hospe, 1513 Douglas. PH1VII.NU. WATERS-BA RNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 211)0. 624 S. Uth St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 3751. DOUOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 4I. MCALU HKI'AIHIXi. Om. Standard Seals Co.. R11 8. 12th. D 2911. SHOI2 HEI'.HHDIG. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R, S444 FRIEDMAN RRO8.. shoe repair. 211 S. 14. STORK A.ND OKFUll K1XTLREK. DESKS, safes, scales, ahowcaaet, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. 414-MM8 8. 17th Doug. 2724. SEWING MACHINES, We rent, repair, sell needles and parts for nil sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. ISth and Harney. Douglas lfi52 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. 18. STOVE AND FL RN ACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, -furnace cons, eic. viuir.K service. Umaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St. Tyler 20 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. C A HILL ELECTRIC CO., Bea Bid. D.W79. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Surply. 207 S. 11th. D. 623. TRUNK AND SUIT CASES. FRBLTNG A 8TE1NLE. ISO Farnam St. VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. E. B. Williams, 808 S. 18th. lyier ion. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for 83. vuver typewriter Agency, iU3 Farnam. BTTTT'S Typewriter Exchange. 316 S. 18th st. aii manes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington" not lust a type- writer. oLw rent. Call Douglas 12S4. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bit,. 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WKDUlMj RINGS. BRODEGAARD'S "lucky wedding rings" si lorn and l'ougia rus. WINKS AMD LIHLORS. ALEX JETES. 201-8 S. 13th St. Wlnea, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. X22 N. 10th. Douglaa 1S09. SWAPPERS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that ion no longer have any use for and get something you lSilly need 7 Write Hoom 104, Beo Bldg., or phone Tyler 10). AI L furniture In 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Side: will exchange for real estate; value $1,800. Ad dress S. C. (03. Bee. A 3-YEAR-OLD collie and Hulsteln cow for chickens. Address 8. C. 699, Bee. AUTOMOBILE! For other automobile bargains see tho "Automobile" classifi cation, v BUFF Orpingtons. 31 pullets, thorough bred. What have you to offer f Address s. C. 8:9. Bee. BILLIARD TABLE Home slse, 34x7. What have you? Make me an ofier. 8. C. 394. Bee. BAY mare, With foal to Jack; not broke. Will swap for anything of equal value, or Ford. 8. C. 387, Bee. .22 CALIBER AUTOMATIC RIFLE. nearly new. Will trade for Smith & Wesson revolver, 6-incli barrel, police model, or shot guns, 12-gauge. Address 8. C. 692. Bee. ELECTRIC SIGNS Will make electrlo signs for small car. Prefer a Ford. Ad- dress s. C. W7. Bee, 1-ORD touring car. In good condition, for houae and lot or good vacant tot. what have you? Address B. C. am. Bee. FI LL DRESS SUIT, size 40. worn only four times, cost $35. Will trade for what have you. Address 8. C. 693. Bee. FOR-SALE or trade. No. 3 New "iioma stead oven; used 3 months. F. C. Bea vers. Broken Bow, Neb. GAS engine, 4h. p. Falrbanks-Morso f as or kerosene engine in fine condition th Splidorf vibrator coil and 10-gal. tank and all water connections; worth $i); will take good Rep. shotgun aa part payment or what have you? S. C too. Bee. HIGH grade office furniture, oak roll top desk, four flat top desks, two type writer desks, office cliaira, fil ng cabinets, bookcases, letter dupllcitlnM machlna (not a neostyle), printing press and 1) fonts of type. 25 pounds newspaper type, make offer. Can uso lumber, carpenter werk and tailoring. Address J OiHj, Bee. FF YOU have a Luger pistol of Ai or caliber, answer this ad, aa 1 have some thing to trade for it. Addreas 8. C. 382. care Bee. I HAVE, two casings and tubes, 81x4; run about 500 miles: also two 34x3 casings and tubea. run about 1,000 mllea. To swap for 30x3 or suxsvi casings. Address s. c. CM. Bee. I will trade 6M to 1,000 of my S.OjO sharva of preterrea treasury oil stock lor motorcycle, auto truck or used car in good condition. B. c. ti,, Mee. Lvitv.. it. citar ot. iOxiix1. to trade tor Ford roadster or touring car. Tnls lot will stand actual cash ulue of $4j0. S. C. 3f.:. Bee. MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR New ; regulate your heating plant and have an even heal In your house:, save 25 per cent In your coal bills. Will trado for furniture. Address S. C. 683. Bee. RAINCOAT slue 3S: three moutl.harpa. I leather pocket cigar caaes, ona carnival torch. 8-burner; 1 pair of hip boots, siss t. What have youT Address S. C. L7I. Bee. MOTORCYCLE 1914 Twin Indian with side-car; outfit run about (WO miles; fully euuipped; lucks and runs like new; cost about $&0. Will trade for auto of equal value, any make. Address o. c. iM, Ree. ilANN liONE CUTTER Been used for sample machine, can be used by hand or power. Will trade for shot gun. Rem ington .it caliber rifle or chickens to dress at market price. Address 8. C. C91, Bee. ONE 33 hammertoes safety police, double action, break open revolver; one 82 C Inch barrel break open revolver; one Winchester repeating shotgun and case. Want Marlln shotgun in exchange for re volvers or anything I can use of equal value. Address 8. C. 695, Bee. $&0 PIANO, gasoline range. 7-draer aewing machine, large 7-hole range nearly new; will trade for good light car or merchandise. Address 8. C. 6M. Bee. QUA RTER-SIZED t-tiad violin, one rain proof rubberised suit, coat, pants snd hat. alae 3s; fco-foot seme, C feet deep, lVln mesh; C-inch fish spear, .38 bieak-opea re volver MVen-riiit eevolvsr. will saaiii tor a hat have ouT Avldres 8. C. 37 lice. . . KWAITERS' CX1LOIV 1-gT blow -ton h anrl solder iron: 1 6-ineh. 1 x in. h and 1 m-lnrh Crescent auto wrenrh: 1 S-lnrh. S-lm h and 1-Inch aerew drlvera, bracket, brace and 8 hits; 1 r, ; 4 Inc'i senie. 2 rules. 3 hanimera, V-lb, 1 Ih. an.1 2-!ha.: 1 kev-hole saw, 5 chlaela t and draw knlre: will trnde for motor- cycle or anvthing 1 can uae. Address .a. C. lre. REFLEX tmiwia. .'-x;. re ei alble back, I double plate holders, focal plane, abut ter. 1 J to 1-1. sec., Eurynar Amaatig mat lena. F 4-5. bv Ilodenatock. Munich; tn excellent condition; coat $150. What liave you of enutl vel'ie" S. C. S1 Bee. TO SELL or trado your xhotgun or rifle, fee FRIEDMAN. 12'1 Dnuglaa. - 2.W) SHARES ST. x K in Wyoming coal ' mine, par value Il.im. Will trade for autoa. or what have you? Address 8. C. f : Uee. THIRTY-EIGHT hnmmeiless safety po lice break open revolver, pair of line man's spurs, one watch, hunting rtse. 1 year guarantee, one rear motf rcycle lamp, motorcycle pump and attachment, 7x7 miner's tent, complete camping outfil, one. canvas shotgun case. Will awap for motorcycle or what have yoaf Ad- riress S. C. 8H0, Bee. L. C. SMITH Typewriter, nearly new, to trade for something I can use. What have you? S. V. SSS. Bee. UNDERWOOD typewriter No. 5; uaed three weeks; will trado toward good auto, or. what have you? S. C. IWK Bee. VIOLIN Good violin for bass viol; the viol must be In good condition. Ad dress 8. C. KA WILL trade one Gibson mandolin, cost 7h: one guitar, cost fhs: one Destln cornet, coat f: one Clarke Irish harp. cost $165, all Instruments In best of con dition; any or nil for diamonds or cash. Address S. f. 6W, Bee. WANTED to swap, full dress suit for anvthing I can uae. Sixe 37. In mod condition. Cost $0. Address 8. C. 62S, pee. WANTED TO SWAP-A good 1400 lot on 27th near Miller Park for good Ford turlng car. H. C. K26, Bee. WANT to trade Hunt, ruadster automo bile on small cottage or vacant lot. 3. C. fi!i8-Ree. WILL swap incubator for hay or grain. Adtlros s S. C. 3.S9. Bee. V'ANTED to swap, popcorn and -jandy-muklng oi-tflt, consisting of large rotary corn popper, cost $i; large randy fur nnce and copper kettle, cost $38; one ther mometer, cost $2; sixteen copyrighted candy-making lessons, coat $20. I want good uaed piano or good furniture, or what have you 7 Address 8. C. 301, Bee. WANTED TO BUT Country Shippers WE ARE AGAJN IN THE MARKET FOR COUNTRY MIXED IRON REQUIRE 300 CARS FOR DECEMBER SHIPMENT. WIRE OR WHITE FOR PRICES. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR RAGS, RUBBERS AND METALS. SONKEN GALAMBA , IEON & METAL CO., I 64-S8 N. 2d STREET, KANSAS CITY. IT. P. A. WE ARE on the market for 100 carloads of country-mixed scrap Iron. Write for prices. A. B. Alpern, 7th and Douglas Ftrlct'- hleh grade plnno. Web. 372. WANTED To buy on monthly payment small store room, with living rooms above. In Central school district . Phonn Red 7854. CFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6146. RENTALS. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee daily cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler low. 1011 N. 34th St., 7-room St. Louts flat; hot water heat; rental $32.60. Call Doug. 61 'M. 7-R. mod., 2d floor, brick, 707 80. iHlh. newly decorated and varnished. Doug. 6W7 or Rd 7'.28. BEST 4-room apartment in the city; large south front bay window; walking dis tance; you can't beat It. Also a 2-room with bath: furnished. Doug. 2&46. FlHMSilKI) APARTMENTS. FURNISHED Apt.. 2 pretty rooms and kitchenette. Call at 412 Sweetwood Ave. BOARD AnD ROOMS. Furnished Rooms that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort In private families 01 boarding bouses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler loot). BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, with or without board. Call Harney 7804, 1 LARGE room for two gentlemen board, price reasonao e; private elegantly furnished. Harney PARLOR room, suitable for two mod. home, new rum., close in, ROOM and hoard in private family H 215 N. 2td St. For rent, room and board; 3 gentlemen, a week. D. 77u2. BOARD ANU ROOM WANTED. WANTED By widow with 2-year-old son, board and room near Crelghton uni versity; widow will attend university, so wishes good home and care of child; fam ily with children preferred; reference re quired and given. Address Y 164, Bee. LARGE south front, steam heated room; elegant furniture, in moa. aome, gooa board. Har. TOM). UARNS AND UARAUES. WELL equipped private garage with light, water, zsuu unngs. call. Har. aow. FURNISHED HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter; must be first cless Address O 443 Bee. BEAUTIFUL modern home, furnished complete; newly decorated throughout; 7 rooms. 2701 Camden avenue. One block from car line. ALFRED O. KENNEDY CO., 209 First National Bank Bid g. Doug! as 728. i'L'KMbllU) boube, 7 rooms, mod. ex cepting electrlilty. 40th 81., 8 blocks south or Farnam; rent n0. Douglas 929. FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished room, close In; all modern, ftifl g. -'d St. NtlAT. modern rooms, 2M1 Pierce. Tyler 940-W. NICELY furn. south room; strictly mod.: private family. H. 3419. 120 S. 30th St. SPECIAL LOW' RATES TO PERMANENT GI E8T. HOTF'L 8ANFORD. 19th and Farnam. H' TEL HARLEY SOth and Frnam. VERY beautiful library room, on first floor, for rent; close in. '& Farnam. Tel. Douglas 475; LARGE, beautiful room: In prlvat fam ily; modern. Colfax 2187. ROOM with breakfast. $3.60 wk., strictly mod. home, new ftirnlah's. close in. H.3198 NEWLY furnished warm room, close In. K3 N. 23d. Phone Tyler 956. West Farnam Large nicely furn. front room, mod., priv.. hot water he. Instant water heater bth room, close In. Her. Coil 303 MARCY Large front room, private family; references exchanged. Har. T146. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FOR BENT Strictly modern, newly fur nlahed mis . heat furn.: private. H. 31!4 5AVENPORT 2sllS-TWO ORHRga NICELY FLRN1SHKD HOC8EKEEP ING ROOMS. REASONABLE. 8. 10TH ST.. 118-two unfurnUhed rooms ior utiiu iiouaeneeping ; mod. Tyler Wai. LIGHT housek'g ims. 604V4 8. 10th. D, 6414. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. NORTH. i 8-ROOM bouse, modern, new fumaoa neverjused; 8216 Burt. Red 523. SlX-ROOM cottitge; modernY"33 N. lid reduced to $--0. t'olfsx 8273. ' RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS N toe ) etrht-rtom houke; newly decorated; modern except heat; storm windows aai. dou.-; price reduced to 318. Web sues. 6. $Jo New 7 -room modern ho uso. newly Vs. A urtuiiim. so 11 pewarq. narney 4743. Ik FOR RENT--6-r'oni new. modem. uT to-date brick flat. 8223 Willis Ave. Rant A ifHOOM, nearly new; modem aaoect furJ .1 U, K. t'jal. nen, with ill ag""8 lAJ J