Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1915, Page 9, Image 9
- THE IiEE: OMAHA. THITKSDAY. DKCKMHKU n. ifti.v v Hie Bees Home Magazine Pae Why Should Kj Woods Hutchinson, A. M., M. I. I Moat of our Ideas about babies are al nioat aa Infantile aa their subject If It wasn't for the fart that babies know mors about themselves than ws do, half of them would never grow up. Just becauss babies are tiny and pink and fragile looking and, Indeed they break very esslly If jrou drop them we Imagine that-It Is as natural for them to alcken and die as for flowers to fade, and remark, "The Lord gave and the 1-ord hath taken away." or other Miotic drivel of that description, over every tiny coffin. iV .. Forgetting that flowers fads only ta rsus th BUI-COSe for which lh htnnmtxl as bean acaomnliahnA. while haMMmm th world leaded for fifty years, and If they fall to accomplish that destiny. It Is usually our fault, either as individuals or as a community. All they need is a fair field and no handicaps, and they will finish the course seven times out of ten. Tot ws will listen with complacency to the self-confident claim of the mother of Israel, that she knows all ab?ut babies, "mor'n" any doctor, 'cause she's had ten of them her self and burled six. New Zealand, for Instance, as has al ready been mentioned, has brought down th death rats for Its entire population of over three-quarters of a million to one-third of the general average, and Canada and some of our Pacific coast states do not fall very far behind. In fact, w have had practical demon stration of the feasibility of this life saving under our very eyes right In New Tork City Itself. Rome three years ago ths children's bureau of the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor decided to make a test of the actual In fluence of flies upon ths prevalence of children's diseases in summer. For this purpose, they selected two rielghborhoods of the same else snd pop ulation, occupied . principally by a for-'gn-bcrnl. population, 'which wer aa nearly as possible identical In housing. iniimrv conditions inn avm-a ifioama One of these was placed ia charge of a corps or nurses and physicians, and made thS SUbleCt Of a thnmurli mnA Kami..., anti-fly and anti-dirt campaign, teach ing the mothers, working with the fathers of th families, supply' tig mos quito bars for th windows of those who were too poor to psy for them,, and fur nlLhing It at cost to the others. Every baby In the district was visited by a nurs at least one every week, who en deavored to gain th confidence of the mother and teach her how to care for and protect th safety of her family in every way. Th result wss a distinct sur prise to even the enthusiasts who had Inaugurated th campaign. Not only was th disesse rsts from what are usually regarded as fly-borne diseases cut down nearly one-half," and th death rat two-thirds, but the 'gen era! death rste and disesse rat of both Infants and Children front all causes wss reduced fsr helow the level of that of th adjoining neighborhoods, and. In deed, of th average of the entire city. Including th upper residential and the suburban districts. Even mor striking and conclusive were the results pf a some whet similar cam paign, or group of neighborhood cam paigns, carried out hv the health AnM. ment at the suggestion of Dr. Qoldwater during th last summer, report of which hss just been mads. Partly to see what could be don to ward saving children's lives by a thor- Ing and follow-up campaign of nurses. Inspectors and doctors, and partly for th purpos of inaugurating the neigh borhood Idea In health, work; . that Is, a series of smsll districts, each of which should hsvs Its central health office with a msl staff of nurses and Inspectors, a number of districts wsr selected scat tered all over th city. In each district was placed a corps of nurses or sufficient sis to Insure each family containing young children a visit every week, with a supervising physician or physicians, and . a sufficient number of health Inspectors to promptly take step to remedy any sanitary nuisances discovered. , . Little or no milk or Ice or food sup plies of sny description wss given away or distributed, but th local milk deal ers and food stores wer given unusually rigorous and thorough supervision, and parents wer told where they could se cure pur milk and clean food at reason able prices. It was simply a matter of endeavoring to raise th Intelligence of mothers and fathers and awaken ths conscience and enlist all ths force of th community for the protection of th health of Its children. Th results are gratifying as they are striking. Although the general health of Tork City is good and Its average Infant mortality below that ' of most metropolitan centers, ths districts given this Intensive hygtenie cultivation were cut down tn a single season to something over a third of th general average of child mortality. Regions on the lower East Side and In th crowded new slums of th upper West Bids actually saved nearly twice aa many of their babies as did well-to-do suburban districts tn Harlem and Brooklyn and ths Bronx. Her Is a way to check race suicide which nobody can tak exception to. La. Grippe and Colds I- 'aOiippe andOolds,AnU-kamnla(A-KY gabiets ars unaxoalled, as they stop th atns, sooths ths nerves, and bring tbs rest so greatiy needed by nature to restore th system to health. Physlolan bav nsed tbes tablet for over twenty ysars, la th treatment of solds, levers and la grippe, and have found no other remedy mor useful la thes conditions. Antt-knauila Tablets ar aa tnexnenslve. sc pleasant to take, so sat Isfaotory In their results, and so useful in sit conditions wber ta.r is pain, that A-K Tabl.ts should always be kept la tbs hous to th Urn of need. Many t our ablest physicians obtala perfect resul ji in is grlpp and solds, by cleansing tbs sratsm with Kp anm salts crAototds". a ysry goodeaihar. 4fiO. putting ths pattsnt on a llnuted diet, snd administering on A-K tablet every two 99 three hours. This treatment will usually break up tn worst eas to a day o two. a kila In mlldsr oases, aa and eomfort lot low almost immediately. Thess tablets ar also anesealled for Xenraigta, Uheusaatl fains. To fains ot Women. Indls.sUosj Sji4 lammnls. Au aruggisi bst wai C-swisM A-K )Xs w tfcs At Babies Die? III trd nil must admit not merfly ths hu- .. v' - iiiiuiifi i hviki ami etrviat value of It. And the only magic used Is; simply to spend a liule more money j upon nurses and health Inspectors and j to raise the standard of the hygienic Intelligence of th community four or five notches. Fomo ten years ago the mayor of - large English manufacturing town. Hud dorBflcld. offered a bonus, or 1 terally birthday present, of SIO to every bsy born during his term of office. In order that her child be eligible for ' the f.nze. it was necessary thnt ths mother should report her condition to the i district nurs or some hospital physician i at least a month before It was born. Then ' to see tliat the money was judiciously ex- j pended, a visiting committee was organ-j Ised of prominent women snd weirare i workers snd nurses snd physicians, who ! made it a point to see that the mother I was at least shown how to provide her- ' self with every proper requirement In tho ; way of food and clothing for the new ; comer, snd to glvs It the best of care when It came. , The scheme grew upon, not merely Its ; Shrewd and kindly founder, but upon those who had volunteerd their assist- anee. as its wisdom and reasonablencsn w-m eviaem. Ana oerore it was 3 , months old It hsd developed Into sn ad mirable and smooth-working scheme for securing proper exemption from labor for the mother, both before and after the birth of the child, if she were a mill hand, and sanitary confinement In a well-managed hospital. Improvement In housing conditions If these were bsd, and a well-managed baby-savins campaign In general. The result was that the in fant mortality of Huddersfield was re duced more than one-half within the first year. A result pointing In the same direction, which provokes certain Ironlo reflection, was obtained In a large manufacturing town In southern Frsnre. Some public spirited individual, in looking Into the vital statistics, unearthed the fart that j the infant mortality among Illegitimate children was, as Is usually ths caso everywhere, exceedingly high. This pitiful fact appealed to him, and he thereupon danated a considerable sum of money to be used for the car and nutrition and protection of illegitimate children In his city, with the distinctly unexpected and almost scandalous result that within a year the mortality of illegi timate children fell below that of th legitimate and respectable babies of the town. Something of this sort of thing seems to have cropped out in the recent rather humiliating finding of th bureau of vital statistics that children of American born parents, born In New Tork, actually show a slightly higher death rat than the children of foreign born parents. ', It looks ss if -our energetic and enthusiastic children's bureau -of the health depart men was actually giving such excellent hygienic care to and improving the in telligence of foreign parents to such a de gree that they are beating the native born parents, who are left mor to follow their own unaided Intelligence and enter prise, such as it is, at the nobl and ex citing gam of baby saving. The safest place for a baby to be born Is in a well managed hospital, and It really has come to a point where those classes which resort to the hospitals and their advantages most freely and fre quently are beginning to show the lowest death rates In the community. When will the rest of the community wake up and proceed to organize for the manufacture of Infant health and the re duction of the demand for short coffins? sw WfineMiKilHWWM 1 mi I .7' Hundreds of Omahans have awaited the following two Victor Records ex quisitely rendered in string music "TheRosary," "Alohoe Oe-Hawian" Any dealer mentioned in this announcement would, be pleased to demonstrate these and other new Victor Records on the Nov. list: ScliKoilIer&IidkF PIANO COMPANY 1311-1313 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Hoar h Newest Records in Oar Newly Remodel4 Bound-Proof Demonstrating I looms on th Main Floor. SmEr1 ftjs. CvcSs C Ceo E. Mickel. Mgr. Xy' -ill : : : Anita Stewart's Talks No 3 "How to Dress Your tly JXITA STEWANT. Copyright. IMS. International en ice. Ore cf tr mrst nripor ant things In th world to a git I Is clothes. Men say that w .(.end too much time and thought on Uem, end they la-igi at u reatif w judico a woman by th way she dresais. That's wher men make a mistake. A woman gets her pjtltlci from h-r h s bsnd snd hor rellg on f r m her minister. but ber e othes snd t wy eV we r them, are he own, and th y sho v ust how much Intelll- enoe. how much Jud ment snd h"w mi ch thrift she hs. Also a woman changes her mood "sheii the chentes her clothes, For the time being she's the kl-d of woman that hsr dress calls for. and she does and says things wren fh.'s g t on a alorpy wrapper that ihe w ul n't dream of dolnr or say In 7 W en s 10 hart on a pink chiffon d nner g.wn. if t wer? a hus'snd I'd neve- tMl mv unpleasant things, thin s that call for R lecture, unless si hsd cn her be tMt made her f-l tx ladyll and refined to get into a real tu rrl. However, it's a good thing f-r vs wom-n tlst men are too dull to understand th nMlnwnhv f lnta They work us to a f nth as It is. The stag? understands ths importanr of clothes snd how ws can lay emphls on any quality by dressing It, so to speak.. It would tak a volume, for 'nstanc:, to describe to an audience the ar.lrsi 1 1 nocence of a young girl which Is beln conveyed by her teing dreaael It a ample white muslin, with a b'v ra-h j and a flower-wreathe 1 ha. I The adventuress simply shrews wrkd- nrss by her red-spangled decollate gown. and we know the victim by her bl ck dress and the poor relation ty her gr-y alpaca with turned over, collar and cuffs. Nobody would tl rill over a cowb-y who didn't have on chaps an I a' brimmed sombrero, nor ciuld you gst any college spirit in a play unless all of the men had on "rah-rah' c'othes. It Is because we are ,'u ge I by th clothes w wear that we girls sht uli give the subject mor Intelligent thought then we do. Too many women Just Mindly follow ths fashion without tiny thoug t is to whether it suits them or not. , Thst gives us the figures of fun we see all shout us ' old women with gray hair dresiei uv like their granddaughters, fst women It styles intense 1 for th sylrh Ike, rnd tags of bones public y exhtUt d tnUl they look like anatomt al displays. . I want to say over again that glr's are Judged by ths clothes they wear. If a girl Is u reused In a nice, quiet, modest manner ah can go from one snd of the country to ths other and be treated with perfect respect and-deferenoe. But if she togs herself out In an exaggerated cos turns something loud and flamboyant and an exaggeration of th fashion sh makes herself fair gam for every street (corner masher. And vou csn hardly blam him. I was in a polio court one when such a man was brought In for having spoken to a girl who. It turned nut. was eminently proper. "Tour honor," said ths man, by wsy of excusing himself, "if shs Is a good girl what did ah get her self up tn that rig forr And I have thought th same thing about many another girl. I would especially urgs on business girls the wisdom of dressing appropri ately. If two girls should go to an office applying for a Job, and on of them had on a neatly tailored suit witn a substan- Jl idea, Branch at 334 BROADWAY Council Bluffs vf "I i t . Anita Stewart, in au effective street costume, showing her belief in simplicity of dress. . . tlal shirt wslst, high In the neck and long In th sleeves, and with a trig llttlo hat and sensible shoes, and the other girl wore a befur-belowed and lace trimmed silk, with high-heeled shoes and a picture hat, we know well enough which girl would get ths Job. Don't. Just go to the motion pictures for' fun. Oct some of the lessons that ws hand out there, and one cf the most Im portant of them Is how to dress your part. When we portray a poor girl we put her In modest clothes. When we want to get It over that a business girl Is little Miss Competence ws don't dress her up aa If shs wer going to a ball. Ws put her In working clothes. Victor H for I A few f Coming of tho Year Lord DwmUs Us With Thy Classing Adost Fidel Joy to tho World (Yuio-TW Christmas Fantasia Nasareth Christmas Song ' f Ring Out, Wild Bells Christmas Light, Behold WhiU Shepherds Watched It Cam Upon th Midnight CIoaT SUbat Matr lot Star of Bothlohom Adet Fid.lM Dor Tannenbanm Still Nacht, hsUig Nacbt Hear them today at any Victor dealer s. Victrolat $15 to $400. Victors $10 to $100. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. Victrolas Sold by A. HOSPE CO., 1513-15 Douglas Street. Omaha, and 407 West Broadway, . - Council Bluffs, Ia. :Braiei tors ...... i . . Talking Machine Department in tho Pompeian Room to Girls Pn - t" 71 fs : i t And when we want to depict a woman who Is dr.vlng her husband to drink w show her In a frowsy wraDDer. with hereon Hlndenburg. means "oourt worthy." hair up In curl papers. And ths principle of the thing holds ss good In real Ufa ss It does In reel life. Of course, you love pretty clothes. 6o do I. But J try to dress iny part off ths stage as woll aa on it, and to be simply and Inconspicuously attired, esnerinllv on the street. And I have never had ft single piece of Jewelry In all my life, not even a pin. The first piece of Jewelry 1 am going to hav Is my engagement ring What do you thing ot that, girls? (The next article by Anita Rte'wart will be entitled, "Every filrls Bhould Learn a Trade." It will appear soon.) suggestions: RecoFols Number Slss 16825 io tars 16996 10 .75 1 35261 It li5 35335 12 ISS 35412 12 1X3 70037 12 1.25 74187 12 IZO i 7443S 12 1.60 i 87229 10 2.00 i 88133 12 3.00 Church Bolls Trinity Chimes Trinity Choir ' Trinity Choir Pryor". Band . frank Croxton Farcy lismus Peerless Quartet Victor Oratorio Chorus Victor Oratorio Chorws Lucy Uaboll Marsh ft 5 .4 I I Nose Most Puzzling of All Our Sense Organs Dogs Have More Wonderful Noses ihan Men.. . . ttj GAIIRKTT ! 8KUV1SS. "What about the mystery of smell? 'How does the nosi set? The ear and thi eye work with vibrations, hut how does the nose work? lo m.nute panicles o. I the odorous substance enter tli nos, ot , sro liter si'ent vibrations or Is then . another tower, on the lines of eloctil lo, which w know nothli.g about? "I hav rad that a b t of drl. d mus t will scent a room for years, anl yo the most delicate scale Is not able to show that th musk has decrcancii t:i elht one particle In all that time, "The nose seems to m the most del -; eat and wonderful of our sense organs j Then, look nt the mrvelous power f the bound, sliln to follow a so;i through a labyrinth of tracks!-M.. hl- CR'IO. Th opinion of r.hyslologlsts r thnt the nerve of smell, the olfactory nerves, are excited by extremely minute partlo'es, either solid or vaporous, riven off from odorous substances. What the s se of those particle may be Is unknown. ' Evidently they sre far below the s-nls ot ordinary measurement a. Many of them may be of molrcular dimensions. although somotlmer. ss In the cass' of flowers, a visible dust excites the senso of smell, but even then It Is prolmbln that th rsl sgents wh'eh affect tho Clfnctory nerves arc .pr.rtlelcs belww th range of the microscope. In the casvs of the sye nnd the ear mochanlcal arrangements exist whose, action ws ten understand, such as lonsfs bringing th. rays of light to a focus, and "hammer" and "anvil" bones transmitting sounds by ooncustlon, but tho nos has no machinery ot thst k nd. It his ilmply rasags aid dim er leading directly to a sem' If Si of e 1 est a filaments constituting th olfsc'ory lobes, snd the m ment t tor vlnsM 't t-eie norv filaments are toi ched l y t b 'orous emanation tho s:ns of smell Is polt cd tn the brain. Hut th most learned phys'otng'st csn rot tail why on st of n rve f sments gli-es us sUht, another h arlng and an other smell. He knows cn'y t' fat. On) of th rest proofs that t pa--tl.les whlcii make th Impress! n of smell ar of sxorsslve tenuity ha bee t ment oned by you when you refer to th sutonls'i lng persl tence of . th. od r of "rtu,kt: .. -C. ' Not cn'y will a bit of mu k of ls')lc Do You Know That No other plant gives such , a quantity of food to the acre as th banana. It yield, by weight forty times mor than ths potato and - 133 times more than wheat. In Oermany th prefix 'won," as In it M gran tea ny in sovereign, wno aion can rats a man from ths rank of a cltlsen to that of a gentleman. ' Ths male heart weighs from ten to twelve ounces, th female from tght to ten ounces. Its average slss Is about five Inches long, three and a half Inches wide, snd tw Inches In greatest depth. It Is said that th baa of th Venus of MUo, with th nams of Its sculptor upon It, was destroyed for ths purpos of deceiving a king of Franc Into the belief that It was more ancient than it really wss. tana. 71 EL Ik ' i ill VktroU XVni,'$3S0 VktroU XVIII, electric, $400 Circassian g Amsrkaa Walaut ' cnt a rj'rn for an Indef nte periol of ars with no apptrent ill til ut on. bu' rooms t' St la formerly b ei n hablled by persons c etomed to u a rmisk, and In ih ch no, tangible or v si le tr ce cf the substance en found, and which have been rjpatel'y swept anl sired, cent m to be fil ed with the reeu TSr od f.' no'h withstand nt nil att mpts to Rrt M l of it." The 'rm nations reen to cling to t wnlls snd to give forth their nv rt et i a ma of nt m Ilk rubble r.lnf from e:i sn.'.l.-srly renewed glasi of olamnaisn. It world appear that odir oim sii'.-stances shed of few pvtllrs I y a process res-mbllng evaporation. ne !s a so i reminded of ths way ii v hlch radium sets, continually shoctlnii cf: Immeasurably mlr.ute pmfclcs f-rmed lv tt disintegrate rf its (tin st ms. ' 'l s-bs'sntei vtfhitever Rive rf emi rM! hs csp.WK Br sffctlng th s nw of snvll, hut only a f w i pp ar dla In tly 0 or-ius t us. o , ni:w tMetanfllig the reel tht It arms to oj tj b the m-et w nd f ! , f 4llr ense crgsn the humai 1 of 0 Is rea ly a very Imperfect Ina'.r m..,.t I nf its kln1. In the dej the olfactory lobes sre much larger than In man. and the auper htiman power which ths hound poasessea 6f detecting and following trails of scent absolutely Ir.nenslblo to us Is du. to th keener sensltivene.'s of his nerves of smell. ,On account of his mora perfect olfac tory perceptions ths world must appear. In som ways, quits a different plae to the dog from what Ir appears to us. Ills ability to concentrate th attention I of bis nose upon some on particular scent, crossed by snd lnt.rm!norl1 with hundreds of otlwrs. Is a vary remarkable sift, like that of the musician who can fellow a single strain or. not of music through th blar of confused sounds. . Ther can hardly be th slightest doubt thst ths dog recognises human beings by their Individual odor. Even we ar awar that certain animals, such ns bears, lions, horses, cattle, etc., hav characteristic odors by which w can dlstlnTtilsh between species, although not between Individuals. But to th higher olfactory sens of ths dog Individual men snd women ar often, If not always, distinguishable from , each other. Ths dog knows th Mnell of his master a well as h knows his face, and perhaps better..' No on who has been much with an In telligent dog can avoid receiving, occa sionally, from th glances and conduct of his canine companion th Impression that th dog tblnks his master Is ex tremely stupid In not noticing th tell-' tal odors that plainly reveal . to th four-ieggd animal Interesting things and ' situation of which th two-legged on' Is uttsrly oblivious. Below th sens of smell, 'or abov It. If you prefer, ther probably exists In certain animals, such as Insects, a still finer power of perception, which may really rest upon an electrical sens. ' Watch th conduct of ants or of bees, or wasps, or beetles, and you will see many things which will b likely to lead yoju to think that those creatures know much of the surroundings by means which neither touch, sight, sound, smell' nor taste could supply. Th most absurd error of which we : can be guilty Is th assumption thst our fiv senses could glvs us complete knowledge of th world around us even . f they wer perfect In their kind. They ar at bast but fiv loop-holes In th .walls of a prison. V. - ', ,1