Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, December 8, 1915.
AT last Omaha has caught the ice skating; fever, and rather late In
the Infection, some are thinking. There is a very credited rumor
afloat that the old base ball diamond at the Field club will be
converted Into a rink.
With the windows of Omaha shops displaying such attractive skating
costumes in such fetching caprices of modes, it Is a great wonder that
some hidden influence has held back the skating impulse this long. It
has been raging In that hub of all modes and fancies, New York, long
enough, the while world knows. It has struck Chicago and struck a tell
ing blow. The last Sunday's papers were filled with it, it had invaded
the restaurants; and, where the light hearted formerly danced between the
courses of luncheons and dinners, not to speak of suppers, they re now go
ing to skate, or dance on skates. ,
The Ice Tango and Jack Frost Hesitation are the steps of the moment,
every one is learning them; but, above all, everybody is dressing for them.
At the first Chicago indoor gambol on Ice, a marked feature of the
frolic was the number of women who wore ice-dancing frocks that were
fashioned for the ballroom; silks, laces, nets. In a few more days, the
change had come the women danced, looking the part .
If there Is one thing under the sun that can make a woman more
adorably fascinating than another, It certainly must be known to that
specialist in such refinements, Mr. Florenc Ziegfeld of the Follies.
Fonr years ago it Is now since the skating girls of the Follies set New
York and the world that goes to New York Into a state of abject be
wilderment of admiration, and the girls were dressed .n far more clothing
costumes than tin ballroom demanded.
Contract Marriage Succeeds, Will
Have Old' Fashioned Wedding Now
Kelba Concert Bog Partis.
At the Ulba concert this evening at
the Auditorium, the third of the charity
concert course to be given . undnr the
auspices of the Associated Retallets, the
box holders will mke a creditable show
ing for Omaha society.
In ibe box with Mr. and Mrs. O union
Wct'les will be their guests, Mr.-and
Mrs. Charles Martin and Mrs. Oeorst
barker, sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash will have for
their guests Mr. and Mrs. E. H. West
brook and Mr. and Mrs. FTdwIn T. flwobe.
The George BranCelaee will ntortali
tlte Karl Loule end M:s Lillian Rogirs
of Chlcaso.
Dean and Mrs. James A. Tancock. with
Mr. and Mrs. George Beabury, will oc
cupy the Edgar Morsman box.
In the box of Dr. B. B. Davis hla niece,
Alina Dorothy Myers, will ' enteitaln a.
I arty of the pre-debutante t under the
cnaperonsee of Mrs. Frank II. Myers;
The cueate of Mr. and Mrs. Howard II.
KaldrlK were the John A. McHhanea,
Mrs. V. P. Klrkendall and Mrs. Edward
Crsln of Bprlncfleld, O.
Debutante' Luncheon. ,
In honor of Miss Manrery McCord, th
debutante of laat week, , Mrs. .John B.
Brady was hoateas this afternoon at the
first glven-ln-honor affair for 'the buds.
The guests of the occasion were . the
debutantes of thin year and last, who
were seated at luncheon 'at five tables
decorated with sweetheart roaes. Those
present were;
Mara cry McCord,
abt Vlnaonhaier,
Harriet Bmlth.
Mary Meaeath,
Marion Tow la,
.oulse White. ,
Jtelen Insweraen,
Gertrude Met 8,
Ulanche Ieul,
Lucilev Bacon,
Marlon Kuhn.
Frances Mochatetler,
Harriet Mela,
Kusenla V attarmon,
Chnrlotta Callahan,
Alice Jaquith, .
Kleanor Mackay,
Helen Clarke,
Anne Clifford.
Stella Thummet,
For Mist Stewart.
Mrs. Walter Roberts entertained a
tirldao-tuncheon this afternoon In honor
of Mlas Marjoria Stewart of M uncle.
Ind., the houee curat of Mlaa Elisabeth
iavla. The guests of Mrs. Roberts were:
Meadnmea ' Meadatnes
Krnnrth I'attarson, Ralph 1'etera.
J 'mi I (lallnglier.
ten Wood,
Marxaret Ilium,
Mildred RoRRia,
liulee Dlnnlntf.
l.lUat.eth l'avia.
Mnliora Davis,
John P. Wttwter.
lleabelh Rniee,
Oladya 1'elera,
Iathne 1'etera,
Kathorlne Thummel.
Mary Burkley,
The Orpheum party to be given by Mlas
Elisabeth Bruce to ten gueats In honor
of Mlaa Stewart, followed by a supper at
the Fontenella, will not be an event of
this evening, as first planned. Owing to
the Melba, concert Mlas Bruce has post
poned this entertainment . until Friday
Hews ft the School S't.
Miss Vivian Barkalow. daughter of the
Newton Barkalows, who have o me to
Omaha from Denver to reside, will arrive
December It from Sweetbriar college,
Bweeibriar. Vs., to spend the holidays
with her parents.
Mlas Gwendolyn Wolfs is expected
home from Tha east, where she ! attend
ing school, about December M to ipend
the heiiduys with her mother, Mrs, J. Mr
Baldrlge. " '
Club . Luncheon.
Mrs. J. F. Harklerode was hoateas this
afternoon to the Ladles' Social club of the
Vnlted . Commercial Travelers' society.
Twelve' gueats were entertained at lunch
eon, followed by cards. .(!.
Today's Events. - "
Mra. Edar Bcott entertained twelve
fueata thla afternoon InTormally at lunch
eon, followed by whist.
Popular Holiday Oueit..
Ulas Lillian Roger of Clilcefoi sister ef
Mrs. ilcorse Iiran4si and Mra. Karl N.
LouU, arrived In Omal a Tuoaday mornbig
to be tha houae cueat of Mr. and Mra.
George ErarvleU throughout the holiday
at-asoa. '
Mies Rogers will be one of the eut-ef-town
sueaU at the ball of the A. V. Kin,
lrra given at tha Hotel Fontenella Satur
day evening. Preceding tha ball Mr. and
Mra. George BranJel will .give .a smell
dinner In Mtas Rogers' honor at the Fon
Unelle, when they wllt.dine with, the
John L. Kenned) s, Ml Ludla Baooo,
Ir. Fltxgtbboa and Mr. Ktockton iloio.
Yuletide Tea Room.
Mr. D. A. Mathewa cave a luncheon
thia afternoon at the Tulvtide Tea Room
for her mother, Mra. Freeman. Those
Ireriit were:
Ccewell, '
l. A. idaihewa. .
Prokop Synek, jr., Finds Weapon
Which Killed Austrian and Acci
' -dentally Shooti Brother.
With the same revolver that is be
lieved to have been the one that shot
Carl A. Rudman, machinist appren
tice, at Thirteenth and William
streets yesterday morning, Prokop
Synek, Jr.; aged 14 years, shot his
brother, Edward Synek, in the fore
head. The accident occured in the Synek
home, IS 06 South Twelfth street,
when Prokop brought home a re
volver which be found near the curb
ing at Twelfth and Wlllsra streets.
He was showing the weapon, which
contained four empty and one loaded
shell, to hla brother, when the thing
went off, and the bullet struck the
elder lad directly In the center of the
X-Hav Pletara Takea.
Dr. Charles J. Nemee was called and he
made an X-ray examination. lie discov
ered the lead had lodged In the frontal
bone, and announced It probably would
result in nothing serious. The , bullet
glanced slightly upward and considering
that the two boys, were only ten feet,
or lesa apart when the accident occurred.
Dr. Nemeo asserts he is decidedly pus
sled st the result Edward wss taken to
Bt, Joaoph's hospital yesterday afternoon
and . the lead , was removed. He was
sitting up ' .In a chair fully dressed
snd reeding a book at noon, and said he.
would walk to 'tha hospital.
i',; , Finds Gaa la W eeda. .
The younger boy was on his way home
from communion service st.Pt Wencea
laua church. Fourteenth and Pine streets,
and at Twelfth and William caught the
flash of tha weapon In the weeda A trell
of blood led from the spot north on
Twelfth street for several blocks, which
leads the police to believe that Carl Rud
man's murderer may have been wounded.
The father of the two boys, Prokop By
nek, sr., who Is employed In' a South
Omaha packing houae. notified the police
of the'llnd. Detectives Dunn and Ken
nelly are Investigating..
George Clplran. 1411 South Thirteenth
street, was arrested this morning In con
nection with the shooting of Carl Rud
man, Austrian apoentlce. 17 yeara .old.
who was found nearly dead at Fifteenth
and William streets last nleht, ,
J- v A bundle of laundry found near the place
I where the shooting ooourred, with laundry
bearing Ciplran's name, wss what led
, to hi arrest.
Thus far Clplran haa remained silent
on the matter of the shooting No motive
for the killing Is known.
. Rudman died early this morning, in
a local hospital half an hour after he
was found lying In the street st Fifteenth
snd William with two bullet wounde In
his body. "
M. B. Corey. IS South Thirteenth
street, at midnight hoard thpae ahota
fired. He ruahed In the direction of the
filing. As he approached he saw a man
running. Rudman lay. without consoloua
neaa. One bullet had entered the shoulder
and ' a- second . had penetrated the
, Rudmsn boarded with Stephen Btanlalo,
la South Twelfth street. He was un
married. , . Y -
j George Oanovto and Nick Fuga have
(i W. altgrath.
ieorg Ntll;ier,
iroi,r I'eyne,
G. A. liuiucrt.
Pcnoual Mention.
Mrs. D. O. HoateUer of Kearney l
the gubat for the coming two week of
tier daughter. Mra. Anan Rarnur.d.
Dr. and Mra B. B. Davla left thla aft-
rn..on (or Kanaas City to be gone for
ilr. William H. Dox and Mr. T. J.
'ytntrs era Omahans who were registered
; t. Hotel McAlp'n la New York City
duru.g the Ut wevk.
The most
concenkntly ydualei hold
in Ncu) York
Thtrty-iJilrJ Sirtci Subway
mOTO 9 ltrrrwrurrtoNM. sC;,,
' nil vavJCE V-JS-.
Mlas Gertrude Haaaler, formerly known
as the "Velvet Slipper Olrl." la to lave
a real old-fa'h on"d wedolnf, a ter her
two years' experience' with a "contract"
wedding. t
Several years sgo Miss Hassler married
Carl a. Flatter of Im lanapolia auto
speedway fame. The manla,e turn.-d
out badly and she sued him for I .'00
and compromlaed for S.'S.OtO.
Then she met Frederick A. Carpenter.
A Chicago bualnesa msn. who p:opoaed
marrtsze to her. MUs Ha.aler thought
she loved Carpenter and thought that he
loved her, but with her disastrous ex
perience fresh in her m nd, waa a bit
wary. She wanted a legal contract, ani
she got It. This Is what Carpenter aald:
"I, Frederick Carpenter, by this' con
tract take as my lawful wlfa da
W. Hassler, and I solemnly promise snd
agree to be true, f.tlthful In and
thoughts snd de-ds, to protect and love
snd devote my Hfo to her, to bring her
the happiness and contentment she so
well deserves." .
The doc-ument was signed before a
' ' : ':V J
w - W"
i't . ""
li-t .i. ; I rSw-
, - . J.: r. r VA
regular Judge In Kenosha, Wis , snd no
other ceremony wsS performed.
Sinco then things have changed. Tiie
C6ntract. now a regular ceremony. Is to
be gone through In the old-fashion ;d
way. A marriage license has been Issued
st Llgln. III. . ' '
further Investigation, Fuga tells a ram
bling story that he and Rudman were
held up by a man and a woman at Thir
teenth and William, and he ran. He
further asserts thst this was when Rud
man was shot. Three men answering the
descriptions of the trio under arreet were
seen running up an alley near where Rud
man, was found, shortly after the shots
were heard. ,
No less thsn CQlOOO Is needed h k.
Associated Charities to carry on properly
the charity work It haa before it
cording to C. C. George, member of the
executive committee.
At a meetlnr of the commute at ,
the propoeed budget svstem of ralalnr
In one fund all the money for all the
charities of the city was further dls-
cusaea. if this plan Is finally adopted
It will probably not bo before next year.
The money Is coming In In fslrly good
anaps at present, it wss reported, but
much more s needed.
N. M. Graham, asalatsnt superintendent
of schools, will speak this evening
at the Edward Roaewater school. Nvhere
a musical program will be given under
the 'direction -of ' Eunice Ensor, super
visor of extension work In the schools.
On the program will be Henry Cox., Jr.;
string quartet. Miss Grace Poole. Miss
H lid red Churchill and Miss Grace 81a
baugh. These Thursday evening pro
grams at thla . school hkvs been success
ful. .All are Invited.
The Gift
Problem Solved
For Men
We have the largest stock
. of Christmas Slipper wa
have ever shown. One of
the most popular Is the
' Cavalier. ' We have them
in Tan Kid ' and 1 8uede.
, Price $3.60, $4.00( and
Patent press ' Shoe In
Button and Lace and
Dancing Pump make a
very acceptable gift.
For Women
A pair of Nice Carriage
Boots will please any wo
man. We have them In
several styles. Prices $ 4 '
and $6.00.
W are also showing a
complete -line of dainty
houae and party slippers.
' Parcel Pott Paid
1419 Farnam Street
" W e dge w bod"
Art Cameos s
(Not genuine unless it is marked
on the back of . each . Caineo.)
.! lrat Htrui, j
New York floh haa diafud R. F.
lA-l lu,u. 1
Photo Craft Shop
"Film ci&UaU.o
41 . Ug.
Films Developed Free
Waea iwtiul Froaa Vs.
Vriata, 9 t a. . Si-JSuur Serrlos.
The celebrated VWelgewood" good9, original trad
mark since 1790. Wedgewood Cameos come in colors of
Sage, Blue, Black and lloyal Blue, with the Cameo parts
raised. , -
What Is Wedgewood?
A fine white Terra Cotta of great beauty and delicacy which ta
Just suitable for. cameos and portrait. It is very hard, resisting the
attacks of acids, a touch atone to copper, silver and gold, and equal
in hardness to agate.
We have a very beautiful assortment of these fine "Wedgewood"
Cameo and have made arrangement to gtye you the benefit of a man- -ufacturer'
line. The Cameos are made up In
Brooches Pendants Scarf Pins
$2 to $10 $2 to $8 $2 to $7
Come early-these good are scarce, and at the above range of
price they will lead th season's sale.
Association Decides to Fire Officers
Who Fail 'to Attend the
If an officer of the Nebraska-Iowa
Hotel Clerks' association is absent
from three successive meetings In the
future, without a valid excuse, he is
That is one bit of ruling the clerks
sgreed upon at their morning session
st the Paxton hotel. It was ex
plained that the members would be
reasonable about determining whs
constitutes reasonable excuses.
The delegates took break fa t et the
Taxton hotel. At o'clock they begar
their buslnees seaalon st the Paxton.
Shortly after 12 o'clock they started 1:i
a body on their round- of vlaltlng th
various hotels In Omaha. In rapid suc
cession they were received at Hotel
Carlton, Hotel Plata, Mldweat hotel. Re
porter plant, Millard hotel, and then
they halted at the Loyal for lunch
eon. Ladies were Included at this lunch
eon party.
Following luncheon they vlalted Hote'
Edwards and- the Midland . hotel, after
which they repaired to the Loyal hotel
for the final bualneae senalon. The ladles
quit them to go to the Empress theater
at M5.
Keep Bowels Rftolar.
Nothing better thsn Dr. King's New
Life Pills for constipation, indigestion
and sour stomach, (let a bottle only Sc.
All druggists. Advertisement.
Creche Ball Prof it
Over Four Hundred
A special meeting of the Creche board,
held thla morning at the home of Mrs.
Warren Rogera, was called to determine
the profits of the charity ball Monday
evening in the ball room of the Ht
Fontcnelle. Mrs. Arthur Crittenden
Smith preatded in the absence of Mrs. T. '
L. Kimball. The reports of the hesds of
committees snd the auditing of the ac
count showed that more thsn $400 profit,
wss netted from the ball. ;
3. L. hotfield complains that ,'a
colored peron" enticed him Into a vacant
house at Eighteenth anJ Nicholas streets,
Tuesday and robbed him of 165. Riot
fleld lives st 2217 North Twenty-first
street. ,
, Liiii .niiii piiiiii'lilMwltl : . TH rulL i a .lll. n.. : rj J i . ?: . arjii TNT; ! T : . ; ? j, It . J t
S Imaorted dolls tXlBliI W cbUpOII (ivK, Thursday from U
If. .d toya-n o VsV 8nt ;clu 5
"v4-. e. .i mAa n -II rr
a r w
mm w IMI
Btovea, with rooking
Oven oixina and ahnts;
with reaervolr. Bpa
clal price
C hlldren's
Easel Black
Boards, top
lets down to
form desk; has
large roll of
animals, alpha
bet, house and
numbers for
Copying. Oak
finish, snd
very durable.
Sale price
T m l i 1 apBTiW
fiH 1
r'l V $1.49
:fj ;
flraaa Boiler Steam Knrlnea, will
or very rapidly ana
ran email tore.
Ivea Celebrated
Hoiata. will lift l
pounda Special
Thuraday , . ,
Motor and
Strong: Hard Wood
Coaster Wagons, roller
bearings, steer easily,
iron axle with brake
Strong Well
Made Doll
Trunk, large
enough to
hold all Dol
ly'a cloth.
Vp from
Ji: a
Drums, Drums,
Drums at
25c, 49c
and 98c
ft'-l-rpjjj i
A splendid attortment of canceled order, back order, odd
lot, and aample line from the beet maker and importer.
Women's Kerchiefs, Women's Kerchiefs, . Men's Kerchiefs at
each, 15o. Box, 25o. 12V&0.
Pure linen hand-embrold- Finest Quality of Sham- Pure Linen Handker
ered. Some colored lni- . chiefs. Pull size, with M
tlaled and some colored rock lawn. One corner em- gnd ,nch hemi
edgesJ Imported from Ire- broldered. Packed 3 in a quality. In holly boxes If
land. Holly boxes. box. A 39c value. desired. ,
Women's Handkerchiefs, of extra India Linon. Beautifully packed
for gift purposes in fancy holiday baxes. One corner embroid- pe
ered, worth to 65e. Special at six for xOC
Appropriate Xmas Gifts
At $1.95
At $3.69
Just 1,000 Sample Blouses
Plaid Striped Blouses
Crepe de Chine Blouses
Georgette Oepe Blouses
All new models and
At $5.00
New Dressy Lace Blouses
New Crepe de Chine Blouses
New Radium Taffeta Blouses
All new colors White,
flesh, maize, peach and navy.
Christmas Boxes Given Upon
Request. . , v
Crepe de Chine Blouses, Lace
' Striped Tub Silk and Messa
line Blouses.
Convertible collars that can be
worn high or low neck. Sizes
84 to 44.
. Popular Gifts ;
Quadruple Silver Plated Toilet Seta, romb.
brush and mirror. Like illustration. C3 CQ
Regular $5.00 values sale price.....' 3.Q7
ine trench Pearl Beads,
with solid gold clasp. $300
Nut Pick Sets la fine
Msplewood box. 6 Picks and
H VaUieres. solid gold
J2l' . Sinn
11 w"- ss vw atteeeeeeee 9 m V aT
V - '
....... $1.00
Women's Kid Gloves $1.25 & ,
These gloves are spe
cially priced, indeed.
They are made of real
French kldsklns, two
clasp style, overseam
sewn; light and me
dium weights. In white
only, with heavy em
broidered black backs.
While they t rj
last, pair . .4leaO
W. bll.T. that n. atora In
mrlca la off.rtna a eratr
vaiit)r ot fancy clovaa tot than w an. In .had
and .mbrolderlea, contraata a
wll a In aolf-colors, hav
a vart.ty almost ndlc, and
a w. apaclahs nly on th
ry beat mikii, you ar aur
to (Ind aatl(actin hers.
Prices $1.75, $2.00, $2.25
. and $2.50.
The First Pleasure That the Gift of a '
inspires is only , sur
passed by the anticipa
tion of future enjoy
ment and service it
will brinjr.
During the long win
ter evenings, after the
day '8 work is over,
what else canake the
place of a liiee piano
or player piano t
Think this over and
then come in and tee
our beautiful holiday
stock of instruments.
It may bo the stepping
tone towards making
your home happier this